Vans' First Surf Film, Get-N Classic, Volume 1

Years in the making and filmed at the world's most coveted surf spots, the Get-N Classic Series chronicles Vans' eclectic surf crew Volume 1 is the first in a series of films depicting the exploits of Vans' diversely talented surf family. Vans' Get-N Classic, Volume 1 is several years in the making. But then again, so was building a team that intersects the lives of the most interesting and talented individuals in surfing: Joel Tudor, Nathan Fletcher, Pat, Tanner and Dane Gudauskas, John, Ivan and Nathan Florence, Dylan Graves, Alex Knost Andrew Doheny, Kalani Chapman and Jason "Ratboy" Collins. Filmed and edited by Graham Nash and Reagan Ritchie, Get-N Classic, Volume 1 captures this unique juncture in surf history and chronicles the travels of the Vans Surf Team as they have crossed the globe in search of surf and adventure. Getting even more classic, Vans will offer three segments of Get-N Classic, From the Cutting Room Floor with behind-the-scenes and a more surf footage available weekly beginning August 15 at and In addition to supporting the talented group of surfers on the Vans team, Vans promotes surfing and surfers through a full line of footwear and apparel, events such as the Vans Triple Crown of Surfing™, the ASP 4-Stars Vans Pier Classic at Huntington Beach and Vans Pro at the East Coast Surfing Championships as well as the Joel Tudor Duct Tape Invitational longboard contests.

Vans' First Surf Film, Get-N Classic, Volume 1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 53

Surf 13 years ago 499,723 views

Years in the making and filmed at the world's most coveted surf spots, the Get-N Classic Series chronicles Vans' eclectic surf crew Volume 1 is the first in a series of films depicting the exploits of Vans' diversely talented surf family. Vans' Get-N Classic, Volume 1 is several years in the making. But then again, so was building a team that intersects the lives of the most interesting and talented individuals in surfing: Joel Tudor, Nathan Fletcher, Pat, Tanner and Dane Gudauskas, John, Ivan and Nathan Florence, Dylan Graves, Alex Knost Andrew Doheny, Kalani Chapman and Jason "Ratboy" Collins. Filmed and edited by Graham Nash and Reagan Ritchie, Get-N Classic, Volume 1 captures this unique juncture in surf history and chronicles the travels of the Vans Surf Team as they have crossed the globe in search of surf and adventure. Getting even more classic, Vans will offer three segments of Get-N Classic, From the Cutting Room Floor with behind-the-scenes and a more surf footage available weekly beginning August 15 at and In addition to supporting the talented group of surfers on the Vans team, Vans promotes surfing and surfers through a full line of footwear and apparel, events such as the Vans Triple Crown of Surfing™, the ASP 4-Stars Vans Pier Classic at Huntington Beach and Vans Pro at the East Coast Surfing Championships as well as the Joel Tudor Duct Tape Invitational longboard contests.

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Most popular comments
for Vans' First Surf Film, Get-N Classic, Volume 1

omar saavedra
omar saavedra - 8 years ago
omar saavedra
omar saavedra - 8 years ago
JSBC - 8 years ago
Get-N Classsssssic!!
Leonardo Americo
Leonardo Americo - 8 years ago
black fucking lipssssssssss
Gary King
Gary King - 8 years ago
The video is awesome don't stop
Steven Geis
Steven Geis - 8 years ago
damm daniel
George Gould
George Gould - 9 years ago
Cool movie
Jono Edwards
Jono Edwards - 9 years ago
All time best ever and Motorhead to rev it up!
Great post STV, "Beauty Mate."
Guilherme Ahid
Guilherme Ahid - 9 years ago
sympanada - 9 years ago

10. comment for Vans' First Surf Film, Get-N Classic, Volume 1

Garrett Caufield
Garrett Caufield - 9 years ago
The Wiz' in a Vans video? The world is truly a beautiful place.
fuknsk8 now
fuknsk8 now - 10 years ago
Classic......................................freakin great
Dario Esteinou
Dario Esteinou - 10 years ago
putos derechos de autor
Danny Dingo
Danny Dingo - 10 years ago
Baptiste Périn
Baptiste Périn - 10 years ago
Droits d'auteurs de merde
Connor Finn
Connor Finn - 10 years ago
just for everyone asking, the song that starts at 3:00 is hippie hippie hoorah by the Black Lips
Jono Cruz
Jono Cruz - 10 years ago
To me Surf films died when the Surf Theater in Huntington Beach closed.  In the mid '70's my favorite surf film was "A Winters Tale" because the soundtrack was The Dark Side of the Moon album.  The media of conveyance has changed so radically, but the nature of life is to adapt.  So, keep up the good work Vans ( the classic footwear of So. Cal. surfers.)
fuknsk8 now
fuknsk8 now - 10 years ago
Yeah I worked there back in the seventies my mom's friend larry thomas owned it. That place was awesome. 
Matteo Farci
Matteo Farci - 11 years ago
sick noseriding
Harry Paul Garcia
Harry Paul Garcia - 11 years ago
Fantastic surfing! Years in the making? I'm not too sure, most of these surfers don't even shave yet! A couple are bearly out of diapers. lol. Beautiful mother nature blossoming across the oceans! Surf on
Amanda B. Sanchez
Amanda B. Sanchez - 11 years ago
Lovedd that intro!!

20. comment for Vans' First Surf Film, Get-N Classic, Volume 1

Ripped Dave
Ripped Dave - 11 years ago
whats with all the goofys!
kineticsurf - 11 years ago
Great vid. Kudos on the soundtrack. Nothin' worse than images of these daredevil athletes charging sphincter shredding surf to Jack Johnson or god forbid homosexual EDM. Long live rock & roll. Gonna go buy some Vans now.
SoCalSurf - 11 years ago
Favorite surf film ever the vans team is so sick
xXfahriaXx - 11 years ago
how can they be his elders when they are younger than him??
Robbie Lanigan
Robbie Lanigan - 11 years ago
If any girls fancy learning to surf with pro surfer Tassy Swallow who is sponsored by Vans head over to starsurfcampsfuerteventura
Bandit - 11 years ago
minute 3:02...excellent example of the "right way" to take your wave back!
Tony MacSwayne
Tony MacSwayne - 11 years ago
Mavericks smoked them dudes. Damn
soopa mann
soopa mann - 11 years ago
Are you sure you were watching..?!?
金Roger - 12 years ago
Davila 666 fuck yeah!
cillavis - 12 years ago
marvellous pictures and greats surfeurs !

30. comment for Vans' First Surf Film, Get-N Classic, Volume 1

Magikorpse - 12 years ago
What part of Mexico is that? Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo, Puerto Escondido?
Ballileos - 12 years ago
5:47 Ooooh Shit!
enelcamino111 - 12 years ago
nice pic...
Bruno magalhães
Bruno magalhães - 12 years ago
28:47 John John Florence Troll hauhsaushau
muzak001 - 12 years ago
youtube: raytom / surfer's paradise... the tune is off the hook... the visual are a bonerus!
Carlos Leonardo
Carlos Leonardo - 12 years ago
Esse filme é muito da hora galera...Vale apena baixar para acistir e curtir as manobras alucinantes desse video....Surf sempre....
reubencm - 12 years ago
Dhiya Muhammad
Dhiya Muhammad - 12 years ago
Anyone knows what board is that at 03:38 and who is the rider anyway, is it Alex Knost with black hair?
Jojo Lee
Jojo Lee - 12 years ago
oh, Surf Punks!
Jojo Lee
Jojo Lee - 12 years ago
is there anybody who let me know the name of soundtracks of this video?
muzak001 - 12 years ago
haaaaa... N I Z E N E S S... for more chill youtube: "raytom / we o we a"
mason white
mason white - 12 years ago
notrylan um... no
notrylan - 12 years ago
joel tudor seems like a dick
igloo productions
igloo productions - 12 years ago
@Lane Williams I have all of their albums. They are funny as hell and great musicians.
lane - 12 years ago
Surf Punks are sick! Check out: 'Water Sports' 'Locals Only' and 'My Wave'
lane - 12 years ago
Surf Punks - My Beach Black Lips - Hippie, Hippie Hoorah Davila 666 - Callejon Pentagram - Forever My Queen Black Lips - Short Fuse Electric Wizard - Stone Magnet Motorhead - Keep Us On The Road Can't wait for Volume 2!
jackshephard42 - 12 years ago
Davilla 666 - Callejon
Miguel Gomes
Miguel Gomes - 12 years ago
what´s the name of the music in 7 minutes?
stuy sea lords
stuy sea lords - 12 years ago
now watch real surfers with rael nite life girls in biarritz, by the surfin sea lords, this is the life we all want, cheers
Kendall Garrett
Kendall Garrett - 12 years ago
my mom's birthday is august 11 :) haha that's so weird!

50. comment for Vans' First Surf Film, Get-N Classic, Volume 1

Ana Mateus
Ana Mateus - 12 years ago
actually is Pentagram - Forever my queen...
igloo productions
igloo productions - 12 years ago
Love the Surf Punks "My Beach" track at the start, that's funny as hell and goes perfect.
Josh Stafford
Josh Stafford - 12 years ago
Vic Ventura
Vic Ventura - 12 years ago
Miriam Pe
Miriam Pe - 12 years ago
Surf Punks - My Beach
Cameron Stratton
Cameron Stratton - 12 years ago
27:46 fuck my ballssss
Lizzie Hernandez
Lizzie Hernandez - 12 years ago
I enjoy this film a lot .!!!!!!
Manuel Siles
Manuel Siles - 12 years ago
22:40 epic ride!!!!!!!!!1
Michael Morris
Michael Morris - 12 years ago
Does anyone know the name of the song that says "go home!? At begginiging of vid
R Hoekman
R Hoekman - 13 years ago
what was the second song called
estremoX1 - 13 years ago
soundtracks please ..? :-)
Mr Nice
Mr Nice - 13 years ago
@zivadinovic shazam
Gary Maxwell
Gary Maxwell - 13 years ago
now i feel like getting so gnarly you have to pronounce the G
Bratzo Zivadinovic
Bratzo Zivadinovic - 13 years ago
does anyone know the name of the song/band? starts at 3.00
Cody Garner
Cody Garner - 13 years ago
Highlight of my night, Thank God!
Anubis Plays
Anubis Plays - 13 years ago
13:22 = epic win!
Liaaam199 - 13 years ago
fucking sick surfing
thegeraldsd - 13 years ago
this is my wave baby, get off!
Kevin Orca
Kevin Orca - 13 years ago
does anyone know what country 18:12 is (Get-N Heavy)?.... thats so cool seeing how pumped the pros are after a mint day
Bond, James Bond
Bond, James Bond - 13 years ago
incredible surf,,,, dreadful music…sounds like spinnal tap....
edoo - 13 years ago
central america comprehends Belize, Guatemala all the way down to Panana...
Anthony James
Anthony James - 13 years ago
Christopher DeSanctis
Christopher DeSanctis - 13 years ago
anyone know the name of second song?
Maxim Goethijn
Maxim Goethijn - 13 years ago
does anyone know the song starting at 19:00 or where to find a soundtrack list.. I can't find anything! tnx
ad10am - 13 years ago
this definitely made me want to go surf.
Alex Stadnytskyi
Alex Stadnytskyi - 13 years ago
awesome !!!
Edmundo J. Cid
Edmundo J. Cid - 13 years ago
wao...and I was sayin "im not lasting the whole cut"
Nai Rez
Nai Rez - 13 years ago
I was like, noo im not gonna watch the whole thing, but then, i saw the credits..

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About Vans' First Surf Film, Get-N Classic, Volume 1

The "Vans' First Surf Film, Get-N Classic, Volume 1" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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