WHOEVER WINS, WE LOSE - Surfers VS Skaters Gameplay

I was gonna make up a bunch of stupid Inline Skating trick names for this description but then I stumbled across an actual list of them on a website from 1997 and realized that I could never do better than ACID DROP, FAKIO BIO 540, X-GRIND, AND TOPSIDE MISZOU ROYALE. Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/adamkovic http://twitter.com/brucegreene http://twitter.com/jameswillems http://twitter.com/sirlarr http://twitter.com/elysewillems Tshirts n stuff: https://store.roosterteeth.com/

WHOEVER WINS, WE LOSE - Surfers VS Skaters Gameplay sentiment_very_dissatisfied 419

Surf 7 years ago 504,555 views

I was gonna make up a bunch of stupid Inline Skating trick names for this description but then I stumbled across an actual list of them on a website from 1997 and realized that I could never do better than ACID DROP, FAKIO BIO 540, X-GRIND, AND TOPSIDE MISZOU ROYALE. Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/adamkovic http://twitter.com/brucegreene http://twitter.com/jameswillems http://twitter.com/sirlarr http://twitter.com/elysewillems Tshirts n stuff: https://store.roosterteeth.com/

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Most popular comments
for WHOEVER WINS, WE LOSE - Surfers VS Skaters Gameplay

VenomKpp - 7 years ago
I swear Goth Elyse was sex as hell.
Rageous Maximus
Rageous Maximus - 7 years ago
LunchBox Hero
LunchBox Hero - 7 years ago
“Surge is dope” -Chad
M.A.C.H MEDIA - 7 years ago
joshua2585 - 7 years ago
Elyse MVP carl sagan reference.
Steena - 7 years ago
Never realized how tall Adam is. And law-dog looks like a character from lords of dog town
Dante DiGeronimo
Dante DiGeronimo - 7 years ago
LazyStatic - 7 years ago
I have always said the best aspect of any extreme sport is duckdive.
Ryan Gudka
Ryan Gudka - 7 years ago
By far one of my favorite episodes omg!

10. comment for WHOEVER WINS, WE LOSE - Surfers VS Skaters Gameplay

Mr Mister
Mr Mister - 7 years ago
I wish i had friends like this...
koolaidkidohhyeah - 7 years ago
So are u .....disabeled surfers and skaters hehehe
DZrache - 7 years ago
How am I 3 months late to this masterpiece??
Crimbles Jimberly Jr
Crimbles Jimberly Jr - 7 years ago
It's about being the most... duck dive
Black Son
Black Son - 7 years ago
Bruce said she was planning the gameplay for weeks. And james said she suggested the video months ago
Black Son
Black Son - 7 years ago
Cause adam asked her in the video if the skit was going the way she thought it would
Blind-Squirrel - 7 years ago
Ive gotta work with wet balls.
Templaric Legion
Templaric Legion - 7 years ago
This should be your flagship video.
Kieran Smith
Kieran Smith - 7 years ago
'These bros think its about being the most extreme but its actually about being the most... fft.... duck dive'
Mike Varosky
Mike Varosky - 7 years ago
I fucking lost it there. Partly because of the joke, but mostly because of Adam's reaction to it. Lol
Harrison - 7 years ago
Adam looked high as fuck in this video

20. comment for WHOEVER WINS, WE LOSE - Surfers VS Skaters Gameplay

arthur vermeulen
arthur vermeulen - 7 years ago
Choice cave leading cnnnzgo project organization disease always plant others basement bag.
Kris Settle
Kris Settle - 7 years ago
duck dive!

spit take
Testimentsnow - 7 years ago
Is that hashtag love Lansing sticker mean Lansing Michigan?
Dovahgee - 7 years ago
The cringe in these little plays...painful..
johnny123 - 7 years ago
Lawrence farted btw see his face
Saleena2014 - 7 years ago
I'm only disappointed that they didn't play aggressive inline instead lol
Isaiah - 7 years ago
Bruce’s reaction to the water being poured on him gets me every single time
Cody - 7 years ago
Best one yet.
BadAssMutha006 - 7 years ago
Man, anyone remember Rocket Power? They were surfers and skaters! Weren't they the coolest?
Read in surfer/skater voice
Fernando  De Lima
Fernando De Lima - 7 years ago
The greatest showdown since Pumpers vs Tumblers

30. comment for WHOEVER WINS, WE LOSE - Surfers VS Skaters Gameplay

Daeg - 7 years ago
Benjamin Courtney
Benjamin Courtney - 7 years ago
Adams face when he laughs is hilareous XD
CaptainUsopp -Sama
CaptainUsopp -Sama - 7 years ago
Bob Clemens
Bob Clemens - 7 years ago
This is a video I'm going to keep coming back to forever
Cole Clark
Cole Clark - 7 years ago
1:39 funniest moment in Funhaus history
Pacific_Roots - 7 years ago
Ugh, why does this bring back so many dumb memories of my childhood? Lol
Alexey Saranchev
Alexey Saranchev - 7 years ago
Make sure you smack the lip... and lick the nip.
Oliver Hearn
Oliver Hearn - 7 years ago
“These bros think it’s about being the most extreme, but it’s actually about being the most duck dive” Love it
Lukee Poo
Lukee Poo - 7 years ago
How and why does this not have a million views?
Mr.Valevictorian - 7 years ago
Ska came before ting
BurntFaceMan - 7 years ago
The fuk was this?!
Awesome is what it was. :)
DJPrince2032 - 7 years ago
so cringe it's funny.
Layne W
Layne W - 7 years ago
I like how the intros circumstances had nothing to do with the format of the video. I love this show
Daniel Greenwood
Daniel Greenwood - 7 years ago
dafuk was that and why was it great
kiidampuller97 - 7 years ago
6:26 Bruce broke kayfabe
Greedsin - 7 years ago
God I just fucking love this video, no matter how much of a shitty day i'm having this is the one that always cheers me up.
John Doe
John Doe - 7 years ago
“We rolling?”
Noah Halaoui
Noah Halaoui - 7 years ago
anyone feel like it was abot to turn into a 4 on 1 train when elyse went nerdy?
Lily Frappier
Lily Frappier - 7 years ago
Adam spitting that Surge out nearly made me piss. Everything in this video was gold.
Nichaelas - 7 years ago
"Is that a women or a man?" "Yeah"

50. comment for WHOEVER WINS, WE LOSE - Surfers VS Skaters Gameplay

Stretch29 - 7 years ago
Elyse’s goth impression was on point
BTWelling - 7 years ago
I'm still really hoping for a Part Two of this..
Andrew Santagata
Andrew Santagata - 7 years ago
Elyse is a fucking genius
Chesus Jrist
Chesus Jrist - 7 years ago
Jasmina Coggins
Jasmina Coggins - 7 years ago
I never noticed the spit take at 1:42 until this moment lol
Grape Kun
Grape Kun - 7 years ago
Adam has that out of place look on him at 8:15
Sami Jones
Sami Jones - 7 years ago
when elise came out I fuckingn died
Derplox - 7 years ago
2000th comment
Matt r
Matt r - 7 years ago
this is a beautiful video
Nathan Rhodes
Nathan Rhodes - 7 years ago
I love when Funhaus puts a lot of effort into being insane. These random videos are always great.
proningtiger - 7 years ago
I’m sorry I didn’t watch this what it came out. This is great.
L'Jacques' Gaming
L'Jacques' Gaming - 7 years ago
Half Pete didn't have too many lines :-D
T Stormer
T Stormer - 7 years ago
what the fresh fuck lol
Jibrail Laksmono
Jibrail Laksmono - 7 years ago
plad plad
plad plad - 7 years ago
So funny, so so sooo funny
Centrifuze - 7 years ago
Holy fuck, Video of the Year material content right here. Somehow I missed it when it was posted, too. Glad I caught it. I'm still crying from laughing.
Courtney - 7 years ago
Jogs Martinez
Jogs Martinez - 7 years ago
Izzy.exe - 7 years ago
Please.. never again..
retr0_ redo
retr0_ redo - 7 years ago
Cameron Patterson
Cameron Patterson - 7 years ago
Man I couldn't keep my eyes off of Bruce's nipples yummy
Kelly M
Kelly M - 7 years ago
I was first comment now last :')
Trey Ark
Trey Ark - 7 years ago
I made a new playlist to haus legendary videos. This reminds me of the shizzle me and the homeslices used to do back on the Quack Quack.
advocatefish d
advocatefish d - 7 years ago
Holy fuck I couldn't stop laughing. This was just the dumbest thing.
Rien Rodriguez
Rien Rodriguez - 7 years ago
And here I was beginning to think all the good content on YouTube was gone
Guile G.
Guile G. - 7 years ago
I think I've rewatched this like 35+ times already. I love it.
Justin Parry
Justin Parry - 7 years ago
That great opening
barfarina - 7 years ago
That goth/nerd "Carl Sagan" thing was far, far sexier than it had any right to be... That accent & demeanour suits you Elyse - i'd be calling for it in the....bedroom.... if I was James haha
Ryan - 7 years ago
I genuinely didn't watch the gameplay for most of that. Found myself just watching FH, even if it was in the corner. Good job! :)
gudebro2000 - 7 years ago
These people get paid to be cringey as all mother fucking goddamn wet hell
JC - 7 years ago
Rocket Power
Jeremy Walker
Jeremy Walker - 7 years ago
Fukin kooks had to read the lingo from a script. Real Xtremers are born knowing what a phat swell is.
IBadGrammar - 7 years ago
jamas have hot body tho full homo
Ben Stricker
Ben Stricker - 7 years ago
0:01 "are we rolling"
orion cooke
orion cooke - 7 years ago
Do surfers vs snowboarders and play surfs up and ssx tricky
thetruecish - 7 years ago
Bruce needs to do a DrDisrespekt (or however it's spelled) cosplay. He'd be great at it.
thetruecish - 7 years ago
Yo. I had a Surge the other day! I didn't know they brought them back! I hadn't had one since I was a kid.
john Zaragoza
john Zaragoza - 7 years ago
Wtf is up with the view count?!?! This is an amazing video!!
Mr.Ghostkeeper - 7 years ago
i had a feeling these shows were always scripted. now i know, so much thought put into these shows
James Ulke
James Ulke - 7 years ago
Really enjoyed this guys, loved the bit.
PurpleStorm8 - 7 years ago
Wow, Bruce has a hot bod.
Charles Quiambao
Charles Quiambao - 7 years ago
Funhaus is at their best when they're just dicking around
Winter Claire
Winter Claire - 7 years ago
I feel so bad for elyse always hahaha
KingBlue - 7 years ago
These people are adults who own houses.
saca punta
saca punta - 7 years ago
love it
Dungrave - 7 years ago
Volkor would be proud.
Cloud Strife
Cloud Strife - 7 years ago
pitted, so pitted
Matthew Cupelli
Matthew Cupelli - 7 years ago
what ythe fuck
Propaganda Gerbil
Propaganda Gerbil - 7 years ago
Elyse needs a good dicking
Curtis Brock
Curtis Brock - 7 years ago
Best video to date

100. comment for WHOEVER WINS, WE LOSE - Surfers VS Skaters Gameplay

JgamingB - 7 years ago
apoxapex - 7 years ago
First video back in months, what the fuck hahahaha
MPLoura - 7 years ago
One of the best videos in a while.
malyfsborin - 7 years ago
I didn't think they could top that Graffiti one but they just might have!
Abradolf Lincler
Abradolf Lincler - 7 years ago
Now can we get Elyse shirtless?
Dakotta Heacock
Dakotta Heacock - 7 years ago
James looks like Barnacle Boy.
Dylan Cadogan
Dylan Cadogan - 7 years ago
I'm fairly sure that this will look like trash to anyone who doesn't know Funhaus material. That being said, smack the lip and hit the lip, bros, i'm decking on this shit. relevant emoji
Carlos Rodriguez
Carlos Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Editing gold
IAP 2.0
IAP 2.0 - 7 years ago
Awesome video!! Too bad the games are so crappy
smirkingdevil - 7 years ago
This video made 90s cable access shows look professionally produced in comparison.
guyyouseewhenyoudie - 7 years ago
Only on this second play through I noticed the Jack Johnson reference
TheCrazedLorry98 - 7 years ago
Haven't watched funhaus for a while but holy shit! The editing has gotten even better it's amazing :0
Shaun M
Shaun M - 7 years ago
over/under on the tabs of acid taken before video?
akFireDawg - 7 years ago
Those legs tho...
Anthony Delorme
Anthony Delorme - 7 years ago
We rolling?...
Superumouyun - 7 years ago
Aaaand Elise channels Spoole.
Sami Yanes
Sami Yanes - 7 years ago
Don't watch fh when you have a messed up neck lol
Ian Wallis
Ian Wallis - 7 years ago
I liked that Switchfoot shoutout in the beginning. Good shit
On A Roll
On A Roll - 7 years ago
Nice, glad you guys had fun playing the game, and we had fun watching this video :-) Cheers! On a Roll (http://store.steampowered.com/app/377060/On_a_Roll/)
Fantasma de la B
Fantasma de la B - 7 years ago
Somebody please tell me the track at 5:50
Iván Rivera
Iván Rivera - 7 years ago
Why did I take so long to watch this master piece?
flipfloplogic - 7 years ago
Thanks for giving us a nearly unobstructed shot of Elyse and her fantastic legs.
Joltimus22 - 7 years ago
Wow, this was one of the funniest in a long time; James, what an authentic surfer you are.
KreamyKreamsta - 7 years ago
Wicked Xander
Wicked Xander - 7 years ago
This video deserves a like just for the effort they've gone through to make this video
Viewer - 7 years ago
Legendary video
Isbrahim Vin Tuna
Isbrahim Vin Tuna - 7 years ago
You guys really went all-in this time lul.
Cristo Redentor
Cristo Redentor - 7 years ago
Best gameplay ever hahaha this is so great
Beto Guevara
Beto Guevara - 7 years ago
If this was Elyse's idea, somebody give her a cookie!
ChaosxProphet - 7 years ago
this was so dumb but i love got to do part two of this lol adam laughing at Bruce is amazing
Try hard Gameplay
Try hard Gameplay - 7 years ago
That intro was great
Sean Moynihan
Sean Moynihan - 7 years ago
Stewart... wwwwhhhAAAAT eru doin here?
jooseman91 - 7 years ago
Ive never found anything more obnoxious than this video. but i loved every second of it.
Alec Houston
Alec Houston - 7 years ago
Sometimes I struggle to take you guys seriously, but this time I'm baffled how you kept the level of straight face.
Queer Gene
Queer Gene - 7 years ago
mike s
mike s - 7 years ago
Absolutely hilarious. I love you guys!! :D
Sam Smith
Sam Smith - 7 years ago
So fucking goood
WarpStarKirby - 7 years ago
Real talk, we need more of James pouring cold water on people in general. That shit was hilarious.
WarpStarKirby - 7 years ago
Fuck you guys switchfoot is awesome
joshua kealiher
joshua kealiher - 7 years ago
half Pete is baked...same bro
AdmiralLink - 7 years ago
we haven't started the gameplay and already Adam is doing the spit take!
Thomas Wadsworth
Thomas Wadsworth - 7 years ago
Was wondering when James would take that shirt of to reveal that bod

Jesse McGuire
Jesse McGuire - 7 years ago
This is the funniest goddamn trainwreck I've seen in ages.

20 points for wet balls.
Tiago - 7 years ago
The subtle surge shit talk, the out of touch perception of surfing perpetuated by idiots in California that stand up paddle once a week, the nerd turned goth that all too accurately quotes Carl Sagan-

Heck, that’s pretty good.

Have nice day.

Hope I get picked for comments show thanks a lot bye oh hi doggy you’re my favorite customer.
Jack Stenson
Jack Stenson - 7 years ago
Elyse, this is my favourite video Funhaus has ever made. Ya done gud, kid!
Henry Calhoun
Henry Calhoun - 7 years ago
what the fuck was that :)
Abbey - 7 years ago
That's exactly how I remember my NerdGoth teen years. People knocking over my Star Wars novels.
Charlie O
Charlie O - 7 years ago
holy shit what a great video
DarkHearts78 - 7 years ago
Up in Valhalla, Volkor looks down and smiles. Or hes looking up coz of all the puss he crushes. You know what I mean
john chapman
john chapman - 7 years ago
What the hell have I walked into.... dear god
SilentKnight284 - 7 years ago
I am in awe of Elyse's goth impression
Sam thistlewood
Sam thistlewood - 7 years ago
“Is this over yet?” Lmao Bruce
Estefania - 7 years ago
They all sound like they have cerebral palsy
Billy Mcneil
Billy Mcneil - 7 years ago
This was one of the funniest videos i've seen in awhile. Thanks funhaus for the quality content!
shroom muncher
shroom muncher - 7 years ago
Metal Head Gamer
Metal Head Gamer - 7 years ago
"I just.. wear a hat"
Leonardo Castro
Leonardo Castro - 7 years ago
I love all of you
J M-yareska
J M-yareska - 7 years ago
You think I'd know better than to be drinking something while watching your guys' videos... Spit hot chocolate all over myself...
Kaka KarrotCake
Kaka KarrotCake - 7 years ago
a disasterpiece
strong independent maykol
strong independent maykol - 7 years ago
wtf is this porn im watching \(@_@ )/
Jamaal Breezy
Jamaal Breezy - 7 years ago
Deadass b
Emma Hughes
Emma Hughes - 7 years ago
had a major deja vu moment watching this, was absolutely sure they'd put out a video like this before and searched for a part 1 to this... until I realised that I'd caught the livestream when I was drunk and was remembering parts of the video
Aaron Borgstrom
Aaron Borgstrom - 7 years ago
this video was a perfect trainwreck lol loved every second of it
elie - 7 years ago
literally crying the whole time... not even sure what I just watched but it was amazing
Oliver Kershaw
Oliver Kershaw - 7 years ago
Yea fuck you NERD!
Error 404
Error 404 - 7 years ago
"Do you remember when Robocop shot that guy in the dick"

no seriously though do you?
La Maze
La Maze - 7 years ago
i couldnt stop laughing lol
Shroomunist - 7 years ago
As a surfer I️ must say we are accurately portrayed in this video 100%
BloodySJohnson - 7 years ago
Guys, this totally worth all the extra effort, it was hilarious.
bridgesquid - 7 years ago
hey elyse, i thought this video was really funny. keep up the good work girlie.
Studio Jam
Studio Jam - 7 years ago
00:26 3:54 6:44 and 7:43 Thank me later ;)
The Senator
The Senator - 7 years ago
Went in for an emergency appendectomy last Monday, so I’ve had a week’s worth of content to catch up on. Holy shit I almost missed this video. Sat here with a smile on my face for ten straight minutes at six in the morning during recovery. Thanks!
Crowgore - 7 years ago
Sweet buttery fuck, this video was all over the place. I love it!
JoeGeee - 7 years ago
This was a religious experience.
FumpMumbler - 7 years ago
smells like asshole rofl
Zachary Gibson
Zachary Gibson - 7 years ago
I got tears coming outta my eyes! lololol
Taylor Games
Taylor Games - 7 years ago
8:55 When Elyse gets too caught up in the roleplay and almost mounts James :'D
Cloud Tamashii
Cloud Tamashii - 7 years ago
wait was this shot clear back in the 80s is Michael J Fox going to make a special appearance
Ben Parilis
Ben Parilis - 7 years ago
this is the best video in like 4 months
Lobsters - 7 years ago
That blue paint didn't know what life had in store when it was bottled in argentina.
Jamieprov - 7 years ago
I love these gameplays that just turn into costume parties.
gracie momo
gracie momo - 7 years ago
Make more of Elyse's suggestions, they're AMAZING
Matt J
Matt J - 7 years ago
This never need to exist, but it does and I love it.
Max Payne
Max Payne - 7 years ago
man elyse should pick up acting
RnB NerdyGeek
RnB NerdyGeek - 7 years ago
never go full retard
AffieKnows - 7 years ago
This is fucking GOLD
Sixthbeest - 7 years ago
This was amazing
Rowdy Utley
Rowdy Utley - 7 years ago
Why is this my new favorite Funhaus video?!?
Jason McNally
Jason McNally - 7 years ago
Best ever
skott skott
skott skott - 7 years ago
I actually want Adams vest and James shirt
ZenZory Overload
ZenZory Overload - 7 years ago
Wait! What?
* YoshiFan91 *
* YoshiFan91 * - 7 years ago
I like adam's vest. Almost everyone in my town has a jacket or vest like that.
luke reid
luke reid - 7 years ago
I haven't laughed like that in too long ... what a fantastic video.
Pomfink - 7 years ago
Fucking laughed so much
Tuesday's Gaming Channel
Tuesday's Gaming Channel - 7 years ago
This was hilarious
Batmans Protege
Batmans Protege - 7 years ago
Autumn must love Chewbacca
TheVesme - 7 years ago
What a fucking excellent video.
Nate Curley
Nate Curley - 7 years ago
I like how whenever Lawrence does an impersonation he pretends like he is a cool, silent, edgy kid.
Orbital Rain
Orbital Rain - 7 years ago
this is my favorite openning to any funhaus video
Sam Shneyvays
Sam Shneyvays - 7 years ago
Elyse is fucking brilliant lmfaoo
zdru - 7 years ago
This video is why I love this channel...
ɟɟo ʞɔnɟ
ɟɟo ʞɔnɟ - 7 years ago
Fuck, this is so cringe. I LOVE IT
Bossco&Associates - 7 years ago
This was my first experience with funhaus, and I genuinely hated Elise. But she's ok I guess.
BobF VaksoGames
BobF VaksoGames - 7 years ago
Dumbest video ever lol.
eyecontactleadsto - 7 years ago
This is it!!!
I've finally found the perfect funhaus video to show to people who aren't into their content (yet). Hell to show to people who aren't into video games in general, it's just amazing comedy and a great example of why I love this channel!
ssskywalk3rrr - 7 years ago
Lol. I loved that special Olympics comment!
Fuzzy Dunlop
Fuzzy Dunlop - 7 years ago
Affluent in chromosomes.
Justin Jones
Justin Jones - 7 years ago
Holy shit that's the funniest video they've made in a long time
TenTonNuke - 7 years ago
8:16 I was checking out Elyse's boobs until I realized those belonged to Lawrence. Then I kept checking them out.
Daniel Proano
Daniel Proano - 7 years ago
Man that skating game looked potentially hilarious. If only we could have seen more than 45 seconds of gameplay!
Ironbreaker - 7 years ago
"She doesn't love anything, expect her precious Satan"
I'm almost vomiting from laughing!
gordon gray
gordon gray - 7 years ago
I'm glad funhaus is back to their original glory
hu jae pa
hu jae pa - 7 years ago
this video is so 90s haha
Ad D
Ad D - 7 years ago
We need a lot more eleese videos like this
Jessie Kelly
Jessie Kelly - 7 years ago
7:55 was the best moment ever.
daredevilnb - 7 years ago
Cool. They got Chad from Screw Attack to ref. #RTsynergy
Joshua Pease
Joshua Pease - 7 years ago
Jasmina Coggins
Jasmina Coggins - 7 years ago
I feel like this video was made just so the guys could show off their bods. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Looking good!
Ray Donovan
Ray Donovan - 7 years ago
Trying to hard, it's kind of sad.
Cole.Finnegan - 7 years ago
I'm DEAD this was amazing
i'm taking you to flavor town
i'm taking you to flavor town - 7 years ago
Those voices are really offensive to deaf people
Goldylocks307 - 7 years ago
The water was the star of the show
[ Rõnnïe † CHäRLës_InKed ]
[ Rõnnïe † CHäRLës_InKed ] - 7 years ago
I do surf paddle and longboard skate so its board sport
Attila LS Gero
Attila LS Gero - 7 years ago
i love when you guys dress up
Chase Thompson
Chase Thompson - 7 years ago
Who is from Michigan, or who owns that lovelansing sticker??
camille ann
camille ann - 7 years ago
is that the sonic glam glow? lolol
reubenbf - 7 years ago
more Nerdy Goth just for that voice acting
Scharlie Scheen
Scharlie Scheen - 7 years ago
i don't like autism elyse
Monroe Z.
Monroe Z. - 7 years ago
was that a simpsons deck?! I MUST obtain this!!!
Pkay120 - 7 years ago
Lmao, it’s so bad that I love it. Please stop letting Elyse pitch ideas.
Emilio guevara
Emilio guevara - 7 years ago
I wish Bruce was my dad
Tyler Bass
Tyler Bass - 7 years ago
thefirstdayof - 7 years ago
This is one of my new favorite
IUsesToBe Fat
IUsesToBe Fat - 7 years ago
does anybody else think elyse is really hot as Satanist/nerd/goth?
Eric Meyer
Eric Meyer - 7 years ago
A video with a legit spit take from Adam 1:34, sign me up.
Manticat - 7 years ago
Got an ad for Hilton hotels. Not much to add just thought I should mention it
tertrih - 7 years ago
What is Funhaus?
Andrew A.U.
Andrew A.U. - 7 years ago
This video descended into insanity as fast as Aunty Donna content
BigidyBam - 7 years ago
where the hell did you guys find surge soda
Jaxon Hazeem's
Jaxon Hazeem's - 7 years ago
Anytime they dress up it's a fucking riot. this shit is amazing!
Michael Bernardo
Michael Bernardo - 7 years ago
Straight up love this! You guys are killing it. Your videos always make my day a bit better. You’re all amazing, keep up the great work!
xreerain - 7 years ago
Elyse as a goth sounds like April Ludgate
Phataku - 7 years ago
I think I speak for everybody when I say I am praying for Elise in her battle against Cerebral Palsy.
Stinky Stink
Stinky Stink - 7 years ago
Best video in a long ass time, fucking incredible
MCMJOfficial - 7 years ago
FINALLY! An FH series about making fun of the developmentally challenged! Party on, grom bros! Shaka!

More importantly, James and Bruce have got some rockin' bods. Great cuts and good mass.
Can't wait for the bodybuilding blogs from the whole FH team.

One of my favorite Funhaus videos in the recent past! Thanks, all!
OhManItsCaiti - 7 years ago
Elyse.. I appreciated your husband's chest and I'm ashamed and sorry. But my dog is cute, so I hope that it's okay.
Mitch L
Mitch L - 7 years ago
Adam's laugh is becoming more and more like Robert Di Niro's
Kaia Kidd
Kaia Kidd - 7 years ago
god, i love you guys
Flawless8216 - 7 years ago
This isn't just another funhaus video, this is an absolute masterpiece sculpted by an artist... A dumb, stupid artist who has the mental capacity of a 2nd grader who eats the glue sticks when no one is looking.
TheSooperGrover - 7 years ago
Everyone who thinks Elyse was pretending to be deaf needs to watch The Californians skits on Saturday Night Live. Not deaf, just Californian.
SHADEZOWNZ - 7 years ago
Okay that was one of the funniest videos I’ve ever seen. Every time Bruce was surprised by the cold water had me cackling. You guys are the tits. And elyse was amazing in this video, 15/10 favorite member of funhaus
TheThirish - 7 years ago
Elyse has an excellent cinematic eye
cinemage1 - 7 years ago
Why do Bruce and James sound like Sonic the Hedgehog?
Shnibberbbits - 7 years ago
Funhaus could single handedly bring back G4 AND MAKE IT BETTER
cinemage1 - 7 years ago
The intro is worth a watch for everything you all do for the rest of the year!

Bonus points to Adam, for his acting job when he asks: “What are we going to do?” (I’m pretty sure that’s what he said)
EbonHavoc - 7 years ago
My mom occasionally watches Funhaus over my shoulder, and this had us in stitches. One of the best episodes to date, imho
ERICA GALVEZ - 7 years ago
Shout out to Papa Bruce and his hairy chest I love it
Tom Poole
Tom Poole - 7 years ago
One of the better videos you guys have done imo
Jarred Cardinale
Jarred Cardinale - 7 years ago
This video is well....a masterpiece
Charles Narciso
Charles Narciso - 7 years ago
Nerd goth Elyse is kinda hot
Vape God
Vape God - 7 years ago
more videos like these you filthy content whores
Rambo123627the2nd - 7 years ago
But...why wasn't Bruce on the skater's team? We all saw his sweet moves on Open Haus.
Jacob Cleveland
Jacob Cleveland - 7 years ago
Someone please make a gif of Adam from 8:14 to 8:23
Jacob Cleveland
Jacob Cleveland - 7 years ago
God I love these retards.
Duncan Rossi
Duncan Rossi - 7 years ago
Adam be nicer pls
Alec Repasy
Alec Repasy - 7 years ago
"you rolling"-first two seconds of the video
SpaceCowboy - 7 years ago
James looks like Franky from One Piece when he has that shit on his nose
F4 - 7 years ago
Great collab with Cow Chop, guys!
Djay Woske
Djay Woske - 7 years ago
LMFAO I Absolutely LIVE for these, Elise!!!
Chorus, Isolate, Confirm
Chorus, Isolate, Confirm - 7 years ago
C Badilla
C Badilla - 7 years ago
that was one cringe-y shit
madjean99 - 7 years ago
please this was wonderful
Sleadheadmen - 7 years ago
That 8-pack and v-line? There you go baby.
nmgh marquis
nmgh marquis - 7 years ago
Lookosone - 7 years ago
Man, I picked the right video to return to Funhaus with.
JoeJoeMikeMike - 7 years ago
I desperately wanted a volkor joke to be in here
Yoeri Kurvers
Yoeri Kurvers - 7 years ago
Wait what. I bought On A Roll on kickstarter 2 years ago
BionicOven28 - 7 years ago
Every single time I watch these gameplays they get better and better. Videos like these are my absolute favorite.
SpookyJunk - 7 years ago
I love these freestyle gameplays with props, Elyse and of course; buggy/wonky games. The amount of work put into this really shows. Many laughs, friends
Joe Roberts
Joe Roberts - 7 years ago
I love you people.
JackPott554 - 7 years ago
This is now my favourite FH video
hotb0xd - 7 years ago
I was really hoping they would play Aggressive Inline
TjDolHaus86 - 7 years ago
I hope Elyse is ok after her stroke
HooTeeny - 7 years ago
Bruce and James should 100% go as Bill and Ted for next Halloween, they were totally righteous dude
Bryan Woodard
Bryan Woodard - 7 years ago
james looks like pre-timeskip Franky from One Piece
MrDjBigZ - 7 years ago
LMAFO XD well made and fun
Bryan Watts
Bryan Watts - 7 years ago
People walking in the hallway by my dorm can hear this video right now... they're going to think I'm watching retards say random surfing and skating terms
Gooserino Kripperino
Gooserino Kripperino - 7 years ago
I have watched the first 10 seconds over 1,000 times now.
Brandon B
Brandon B - 7 years ago
I feel like Bruce should have been a skater and Lawrence a surfer
MrNeostatic - 7 years ago
This is pure chaos. Awesome vid, bros! :O
MeatShield - 7 years ago
Is that sunscreen just the sonic face paint from earlier?
MeatShield - 7 years ago
Were these games both made by the same people?
MeatShield - 7 years ago
I was drinking milk at 1:35 . Pretty much had the same reaction as Adam.
Michaela Melendez
Michaela Melendez - 7 years ago
Being super baked really makes this video even funnier. I almost pissed myself. nice
metalgamer 817
metalgamer 817 - 7 years ago
It’s a skurfer.
All_Cam - 7 years ago
When james pours ice cold water on himself and show jo signs of coldness and bruce goes « put it on me too » and then « OH SHIT! »
JAMES SCAHILL - 7 years ago
This was the best Funhaus video in a long time. Good stuff.
Moe Rahman
Moe Rahman - 7 years ago
frontsideboy - 7 years ago
funniest fh vid ive ever seen
Chris Adams
Chris Adams - 7 years ago
Wait...is James balding or not?
frontsideboy - 7 years ago
elise is amazing
Rogue Star
Rogue Star - 7 years ago
Adam: "I'm jock now"
iamcrazyico - 7 years ago
goddamn this made me spill my coffee at work. gnarly bros
ApatheticKing - 7 years ago
Thomas Lien
Thomas Lien - 7 years ago
Darksorrow - 7 years ago
Fucking comedy gold.
MikeBones - 7 years ago
How about next time we get Surfers VS Skaters VS Street Breakdancers!
Jake H.
Jake H. - 7 years ago
HOLD ON A SECOND! Why isn't Bruce on team skate? I mean the first game was about rollerblading (the most rad kind of skates)
0 zombee
0 zombee - 7 years ago
I lost it at the Switchfoot joke.. hahaha. So much surfing and switchfoot history in my life to mention
im_livegolf - 7 years ago
I lol’d
Dave Bryant
Dave Bryant - 7 years ago
Weeber The Geeber
Weeber The Geeber - 7 years ago
that video scared me
Federico Leveque
Federico Leveque - 7 years ago
you fucking idiots are at it again
McLaren MP4/8
McLaren MP4/8 - 7 years ago
Somebody should make a 10 hour video of the intro.
Daniel Bencic
Daniel Bencic - 7 years ago
Did everyone turn into Sylvester Stallone?
casan08 - 7 years ago
Thought I'd find at least one comment of Adam looking like the special kid in class throughout the whole video.
BAESD ART - 7 years ago
8:25 .. Elyse Nips must be cold ............
nonbc nogndgb
nonbc nogndgb - 7 years ago
What Is this video hahahahahaha
Ranbir Dhillon
Ranbir Dhillon - 7 years ago
Where’s Matt Peake?
Rafael Larena
Rafael Larena - 7 years ago
nice video, bro!
noel acevedo
noel acevedo - 7 years ago
Only Funhaus could entertain me while playing games of two things I hate to watch
Aiden Kel
Aiden Kel - 7 years ago
This is going to be the best porno ever.
James Donnarumma
James Donnarumma - 7 years ago
Elyse sounds like my bro Volkor from the Jersey Shore (RIP, may he be banging babes in Valhalla)
Mandoon - 7 years ago
This is the funniest thing you guys have made! Make more please!
Cosme Fulanito
Cosme Fulanito - 7 years ago
This was fucking hilarious. The v-ball concussion killed me.
bournvilleaddict - 7 years ago
Sometimes I feel ashamed of the time I spend watching this nonsense. But fuck me if it isn't funny.
Polo Surf
Polo Surf - 7 years ago
This shit was painfully funny
Joe Duke
Joe Duke - 7 years ago
Why is this the greatest video of all time
Da Cookeh
Da Cookeh - 7 years ago
Fuck yes. Videos like this and the pot shop one are fucking gold. When is Lawrence going to make them watch another great anime game.
fufufuaru - 7 years ago
waitwaitwaitwait WHY isn't Bruce a skater dude?
Major Metcalf
Major Metcalf - 7 years ago
Best opening ever
Klondark The Desert Man
Klondark The Desert Man - 7 years ago
Props to papa Bruce for poppin off that chest vest and showin his concave nipples and barrel chest. I popped a nut ridin my boys dick to this. Make America gay again.
Klondark The Desert Man
Klondark The Desert Man - 7 years ago
Just what I’d expect from a bunch of high school dropouts that quit there fast food jobs to play video games for a living. Oh wait this isn’t cowchop.
Jack McGarry
Jack McGarry - 7 years ago
If i saw a dude non-ironically dressed like James in my home town, i wouldn't even bat an eye. Jesus i need to move.
Kandace Weeks
Kandace Weeks - 7 years ago
The episodes are always better when Adam laughs. Thank you for being my entertainment nearly everyday for three plus years.
Steven Universe
Steven Universe - 7 years ago
Elyse foot shot at @0:27 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
AplusGam3r - 7 years ago
I love that elyse's referee voice is ellen chris's down syndrome girlfriend from family guy
nicholas wasniewski
nicholas wasniewski - 7 years ago
this was bad ass BRAH
Roberto Cortez
Roberto Cortez - 7 years ago
Shouldn't Bruce be on the skaters side???? ... have he lie to us all this time??
Tony Moya
Tony Moya - 7 years ago
It's like watching a 90s MTV
Free Will
Free Will - 7 years ago
Now this is real klassic haus times guys
Andre Howard
Andre Howard - 7 years ago
My buddy invited me to this channel. I want those minutes of my life back.
ForgivenMonster Gaming
ForgivenMonster Gaming - 7 years ago
Haha! More like this
SFM_Bryan - 7 years ago
I love how amused Adam was the whole time
SwellFella - 7 years ago
Law-Dawg sounds like a member of Electric Mayhem.
NekoVeil - 7 years ago
Anyone notice that they "had" the skater game "on disc" but in the bottom right it says "Steam Early Access".
Nick Jordan
Nick Jordan - 7 years ago
This is one of the best videos funhaus has made and it's a tragedy that it doesn't have more views.
Jessica Sick
Jessica Sick - 7 years ago
This is the best thing that's ever happened to me
Matt Lee
Matt Lee - 7 years ago
Thumbs up for total bullshittery
A Sly Potato
A Sly Potato - 7 years ago
I wish James would Jack my Johnson
DarkRaziel - 7 years ago
I've no idea what the fuck I just watched.... but I LOVE IT! DO MORE, NOW!
Sartious - 7 years ago
very well executed skit
johnny blaze
johnny blaze - 7 years ago
best video
AmnesiaOnAPoney - 7 years ago
This was gold. Another Funhaus classic was uploaded this day.
The Saucy Dandy
The Saucy Dandy - 7 years ago
As someone in a counseling and thanatology master's program, a goth nerd, I can 100% confirm the stereotypes cast against us.
J Heckler
J Heckler - 7 years ago
10 out of 10. More please
RareDeafCookies - 7 years ago
Content created by robots???
Shaya - 7 years ago
Nerd goth Elyse was hot, ngl
Shaya - 7 years ago
This is the epitome of Funhaus
Scot Thore
Scot Thore - 7 years ago
Peak Funhaus :)
MainGoldDragon - 7 years ago
That was pretty awesome !
Kevin Weaver
Kevin Weaver - 7 years ago
Holy shit Elyse nailed the Camp Woodward Councilor voice
Mistertbones - 7 years ago
I love how Adam stays the same the entire time, doesn't go into character.
RyuujinLetum - 7 years ago
Also side note I'm also working and doing my best not to laugh so hard and have everyone around me wondering what the hell is wrong with me. Especially my wife who is also my literal boss. lol
wingding - 7 years ago
Now bruce knows what Dr disrespect sees when he plays.
RyuujinLetum - 7 years ago
Man how drunk were you guys? Doesn't matter you guys are awesome! lol
ENSeventea - 7 years ago
I really want to know how much of the noise their neighbours hear
Eric Eric
Eric Eric - 7 years ago
Holy shit, James! Dat chestache!
TMSP - 7 years ago
Bloody hilarious.
Eric Eric
Eric Eric - 7 years ago
Holy shit, Elyse! Dat bulge!
Romney JASTONE - 7 years ago
I’ve watched that intro so many times now it’s ridiculous.
Yngvi Birgisson
Yngvi Birgisson - 7 years ago
Speppy - 7 years ago
This is the best youtube dot com has to offer
Jamal Kherry
Jamal Kherry - 7 years ago
Elyse is wearing sandals
Gabriel Andreassen
Gabriel Andreassen - 7 years ago
What a beautiful mess
methernimes gallus
methernimes gallus - 7 years ago
Guys don't take this the wrong way but you guys look like the ultimate retards of the universe in this video
Gong - 7 years ago
This gameplay was so fucking good! Those physics haha
Joseph Parmenter
Joseph Parmenter - 7 years ago
This shit was fuckin LIT!!!
Freedman - 7 years ago
at 4:40 I actually farted then when bruce said someone farted I immediately ran away to make a totem of bruce as my new lord and saviour... fartzilla
Sam Yoder
Sam Yoder - 7 years ago
This is best. Just the best.
Daniel Dan
Daniel Dan - 7 years ago
James needs to shut the fuck up for half of the video, if the audience wanted James to take over we would go to your channel James. But no ones goes there sooo bro relax, let everyone make jokes.
evilpanda15 - 7 years ago
this was the funniest vid of theirs ive ever seen. Elyse is so good at doing characters too!
Cameron Painter
Cameron Painter - 7 years ago
Funhaus wins! This was hilarious.
Pedro Serapio
Pedro Serapio - 7 years ago
No Keanu, Bro????!!!
SFM_Bryan - 7 years ago
why do they put elyse's ideas on hold for so long, this was freaking amazing!
Roronoa Zoro
Roronoa Zoro - 7 years ago
When did Elyse turn into Sylvester Stallone
Lerad - 7 years ago
This gameplay brought to you Surge. Surge: it makes your heart hurt!
Lerad - 7 years ago
I love reese's peanut butter cup.
Sean V
Sean V - 7 years ago
What. The. Fuck.
David O'Connell
David O'Connell - 7 years ago
Bruce’s scream was great
instanthorror - 7 years ago
Is this the third bill and ted movie?
William Cowan
William Cowan - 7 years ago
Very funny!!!
Enter the noid
Enter the noid - 7 years ago
You guys got any ranch?
Reverand Logic
Reverand Logic - 7 years ago
Probably the most epic scripted bullshit gameplay I've seen all year on YouTube. Thank you for the laughs.
Conner Adam
Conner Adam - 7 years ago
Jesus, this gameplay had so much potential. What happened to the end of the video.
GlaringLamb - 7 years ago
This video needs to win an Emmy.
Miner of Moria
Miner of Moria - 7 years ago
That was amazing
killercaos123 - 7 years ago
I swear to god they're high. lol
Jarrad Littleford
Jarrad Littleford - 7 years ago
This kind of reminds of Rocket Power. Loved that show when I was kid
jake morrison
jake morrison - 7 years ago
Honestly I think this might be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen on YouTube
Zippy Gnome
Zippy Gnome - 7 years ago
Best episode yet
MuffinPirateX - 7 years ago
I laughed so hard I cried. Like... HARD.
Nathaniel Ornelia
Nathaniel Ornelia - 7 years ago
Never thought I’d see the gay trailer trash version of Bruce
MrTabamon - 7 years ago
This was ah-mah-zing
Runar Hedin
Runar Hedin - 7 years ago
the intro was the dumbest thing I've ever seen. I love it!
Travis Tsuda
Travis Tsuda - 7 years ago
Deaf/ref elyse is amazing. Bruce & James make for passable beachgoers in california/florida. Maybe Hawaii not so much
JCBTTV - Sev - 7 years ago
What the fuck did I just watch and why do i want more
views fromtheR6
views fromtheR6 - 7 years ago
What in the actual hell is going on
Dustin Ford
Dustin Ford - 7 years ago
This is a nice mess of a video.
Rohrkrepierer - 7 years ago
Man, I love Funhaus.
Josh Rh
Josh Rh - 7 years ago
HRlh-U718I0 / roEPMJAkR2Fxp7QYViewport1600x900Current / Optimal Res1920x1080@60 / 1920x1080@60Volume / Normalized100% / 95% (content loudness 0.4dB)Codecsavc1.64002a (299) / opus (251)Hostr7---sn-uxa0n-t8gzConnection Speed58935 KbpsNetwork Activity0 KBBuffer Health3.78 sDropped Frames0/18105LET'S SPRAY - Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure Gameplay10:3210:21 / 10:25
Zergrushmyanus - 7 years ago
I don't understand what I just watched.
Kirik The Orc
Kirik The Orc - 7 years ago
Where did you get surge from? That was my favorite drink growing up.
Hegemon69 - 7 years ago
This was beautiful
CaptinClunge123 - 7 years ago
not all surfers and skaters sound like they've had a stroke guys!!
cannedcream - 7 years ago
I have that same jacket.
Pantless Ninja
Pantless Ninja - 7 years ago
Almost had a fuckin Asthma attack when James poured that water on Bruce
LudaChez - 7 years ago
They should be so proud of this video.
My favorite Christian band is switchfoot!
Iain Davidson
Iain Davidson - 7 years ago
Referee Elyse sounded like Walt Jnr from Breaking Bad...
RedShieldGamer - 7 years ago
They're so gnarly It's like they are channeling their past lives! #dudebros #bruh
CondescendedWow - 7 years ago
Xx Pipezilla xX
Xx Pipezilla xX - 7 years ago
The amount of time spent rewinding (because I was laughing) is absurd.
Sam van der Vaart
Sam van der Vaart - 7 years ago
When bruce asked who farted, i actually just farted, this scared me
LeFleur42 - 7 years ago
Bruce reacting to the cold water, Gold.
Anibal Palma
Anibal Palma - 7 years ago
Elyse is like a poor man's Eddie Murphy

I love it
Smug Pokemon Face
Smug Pokemon Face - 7 years ago
How many women got wet in the first two minutes of the video?
IRatchetI - 7 years ago
I wonder of Laurence was feeling a bit awkward around Elise since that spy VR game they did XD
Justin Abernethy
Justin Abernethy - 7 years ago
This is certifiably stupid.
TheBeriney - 7 years ago
More of this plz
frank bivona
frank bivona - 7 years ago
can i just call the middle guy "nipples"?
Morgan Meme Machine
Morgan Meme Machine - 7 years ago
Not gonna lie all of the shit Elyse suggests result in quality videos.
DurvalDavi - 7 years ago
how do you know she came up with the ideia?
Black Son
Black Son - 7 years ago
then your a very sad boring person who actually watches for the gameplay
Black Son
Black Son - 7 years ago
Love this video. Some real Funny shit
Morgan Meme Machine
Morgan Meme Machine - 7 years ago
That's like your opinion
Black Son
Black Son - 7 years ago
Morgan Meme Machine shes like yoko ono but funny
Chris - 7 years ago
She speaks the tru tru
Cosquiant - 7 years ago
Sorry this one sucks
polo freeze
polo freeze - 7 years ago
Elyse for prince
NogardNinja - 7 years ago
This was fantastic.
SE7ENSIX - 7 years ago
Glad to see Elyse still isn't funny
Đok - 7 years ago
Elyse is and always has been the best part of Funhaus, even before she joined the team. She's just that great.
Shane - 7 years ago
VenrezvonVyntari - 7 years ago
"Shut the fuck up Elyse" every time she damn speaks
Shine __
Shine __ - 7 years ago
Elyse sounds like mashup of Wayne from Wayne's world and ted from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
VenrezvonVyntari - 7 years ago
Elyse needs a sledgehammer to the face with all that whistle bollocks
Sonic - 7 years ago
First Talkin’ Stalkings pt 3, then Patreon.avi and now this? Man I wish I could like videos more than once.
Andy James
Andy James - 7 years ago
So they're drunk right?
jasonjasonization - 7 years ago
Thought they were just gonna put their dicks in each other when they combined and elyse would just jerk off on the side, what a disappointment
EP - 7 years ago
I never take time to comment, but as I've watched this video more than 5 times I have to say this style of chaotic, improv and just all around silliness is content gold! Please do more videos like this... you're at your best when doing these 'scripted idea - but all hell breaks loose' skits! Such a joy to watch!
myky - 7 years ago
Whoever's idea it was to dress up in shitty costumes every so often and make a video about them trying to embody the looks/personalities of a shitty game was a fucking genius
L Pharmer
L Pharmer - 7 years ago
Michael Olivares
Michael Olivares - 7 years ago
Elyse went full retard...and that's A OK!
C_WillyT - 7 years ago
James had a pretty good Franky cosplay going on.
Chris Tube
Chris Tube - 7 years ago
This is an awkward masterpiece. So cringey yet so hilarious.
Emilio Pena
Emilio Pena - 7 years ago
There's those fabled Elyse feet we always hear so much about
Russell Martin
Russell Martin - 7 years ago
Elyse's portrayal of Junior from Breaking Bad was excellent.
Khonsu Bast
Khonsu Bast - 7 years ago
Don’t let them get you down ref; that shit was funny.
Barny5ive - 7 years ago
1:52. Valhalla? The club Volkor hangs at?
The Dapper Crawdad
The Dapper Crawdad - 7 years ago
XD they just keep using progressively more and more props until one day they’l realize they have become a Hollywood movie studio
Jcdman100 - 7 years ago
This the perfect thing to listen to while I can hear my room mate fucking someone in the next room
defenem73 - 7 years ago
After watching this, I wanna kill myself in the most tubular way
Gooserino Kripperino
Gooserino Kripperino - 7 years ago
Ok pause it on James after the front of his hair is down because it's wet with water. He literally looks like Jaime Lannister.

(Game of Thrones comment of the week)
Papa Pred
Papa Pred - 7 years ago
its not important
its not important - 7 years ago
I'm Not to sure what actually happened in this video. But I enjoyed every minute of it. Please do more passion projects.
Beemer - 7 years ago
Was this written by Elyse?
Whoever keeps writing these kinds of episodes needs to keep doing it. I couldn't stop laughing.
I love all Funhaus' content, but these are by far the best.
SabreLilly - 7 years ago
I was hoping the Guest brothers would make an appearance
Christian Luczejko
Christian Luczejko - 7 years ago
Alyce? More like Millie in 10 years.
Santa1936 - 7 years ago
6:26 That instant regret was the funniest thing I saw all day
Raging_Brawl - 7 years ago
Well that was dumb

But in a good way, much love
Stickcraft /Eli
Stickcraft /Eli - 7 years ago
comrade - 7 years ago
Wow this actually became a video
Jon B
Jon B - 7 years ago
Oh yea, im sticking to what i said from the last video, def wannna smash james... Sorry elyse
Druid From The West
Druid From The West - 7 years ago
That was.............

Ron Mann
Ron Mann - 7 years ago
Fun stuff!!!!
Josh Boost
Josh Boost - 7 years ago
Woah dude! This was totally tubular, shout out to Elyse for allowing me to ride that curl all the way until I hit the tube. Gnarly!
Christian Brandt
Christian Brandt - 7 years ago
This video screams Bill and Ted
Chris Young
Chris Young - 7 years ago
new character: deaf ref
Slim NATION - 7 years ago
Are they still doing blind and deaf impressions?
Xenocide117 - 7 years ago
The wheels came off this video in a spectacular way. Whether the whole thing devolved into madness intentionally or organically I can't tell but I loved every bit of it. Great work!
Jasmine L
Jasmine L - 7 years ago
this was so great thank you elyse
Norspark - 7 years ago
This is no weed shop, but BOY was it an entertaining mess.
Daddy Matty
Daddy Matty - 7 years ago
Hands down, best Funhaus video. Thank you
pjNFAMOUS - 7 years ago
I thoroughly enjoyed this video. Keep content like this coming.
Wirewolf616 - 7 years ago
Fuck that was good.
Yousuf Mohammed
Yousuf Mohammed - 7 years ago
Walter - 7 years ago
Loved it!!
jmcnish - 7 years ago
Elyse's special needs impression was really good 10/10
kcsoup3 - 7 years ago
This was fucking glorious
Jesse Lindahl
Jesse Lindahl - 7 years ago
I loved the Switchfoot shoutout Haha
actionfan1926 - 7 years ago
This was great! I laughed more at this video than I have in a long time.
Danendra Singh
Danendra Singh - 7 years ago
This entire video went over my head but I still watched till the end. I even had a add for a Floor Mop in amazon in the right side add and bought it. Worth it.
Ryan Duffy
Ryan Duffy - 7 years ago
This might be their best video for real
Devon Rogers
Devon Rogers - 7 years ago
Its like a mid life crisis in video form.
Ted Karkass
Ted Karkass - 7 years ago
What the fuck is this?
NeonFlareify - 7 years ago
My face hurts from laughing. Turns out its skin cancer.
LockwoodE3 - 7 years ago
The opening killed me XD
Jarod Rosales
Jarod Rosales - 7 years ago
This video is so weird but dammit I love it
Rinus Smith
Rinus Smith - 7 years ago
Sweet weeping Christ, I love this channel!
drakesucks - 7 years ago
This was way too forced... but still enjoyed it, I appreciate these sorts of videos and im sure they take a lot of patience to make
Tayler Williamson
Tayler Williamson - 7 years ago
Elise was pretty quick denying that fart just sayin..
Casey R
Casey R - 7 years ago
This was insane and I'm all for it.
ObeyTheSins - 7 years ago
Elyse looked like a crazy old homeless lady at the end!!
joe trigger
joe trigger - 7 years ago
Shredded it bruh
croc - 7 years ago
.... I love you guys. thanks for giving me content I don't even KNOW that I need.
HACKER MAN - 7 years ago
James and Bruce sound like they're in South park
HACKER MAN - 7 years ago
I'm honestly okay with middle aged cow chop
Marco Alonso
Marco Alonso - 7 years ago
Oh man!! This is why I love these guys!! Lol
Josh Davis
Josh Davis - 7 years ago
It's so wonderful to see Funhaus reaching out to the mentally handicapped community and letting them participate in their videos. However, I hope the next referee has a few less "special needs"!
Grunderingagain —
Grunderingagain — - 7 years ago
Wait... is this Bill & Ted 3??

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Ledger Nano Wallets: https://www.ledgerwallet.com/r/d7c0 Grow your Channel like I did with:...


Subway Surfers The Animated Series - Funny...

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Subway Surfers Funny Cartoons For Kids ►Help Me Reach 100000 Subscribers! ► http://bit.ly/2qxk6F9 l New Subway...

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About WHOEVER WINS, WE LOSE - Surfers VS Skaters Gameplay

The "WHOEVER WINS, WE LOSE - Surfers VS Skaters Gameplay" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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