Surf 8 years ago 602,116 views
Two 14 year old Sloths battle it out to see who run da rap game. ____________________________ ABOUT THIS GAME: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) will expand upon the team-based action gameplay that it pioneered when it was launched 14 years ago. CS: GO features new maps, characters, and weapons and delivers updated versions of the classic CS content (de_dust, etc.). In addition, CS: GO will introduce new gameplay modes, matchmaking, leader boards, and more. ____________________________ LIKE & SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/Sub2facelessGAMING Twitch - http://www.twitch.tv/faceless Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/facelessYT Merchandise - https://merchyy.com/faceless Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/faceless Discord - https://discord.gg/faceless Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/gram_less Snap Chat - Chat_Less Steam Group - https://steamcommunity.com/groups/f2DAaceless Business Email: officialfaceless@hotmail.com About faceless GAMING: faceless GAMING is a channel focused on video games, but definitely not taking them too seriously - you can expect to see games such as ARK, Fortnite, Conan Exiles, Rust, Scum, CSGO and more! WORST RAP BATTLE EVER - CS:GO Surf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp2HQzQo4jY faceless GAMING https://www.youtube.com/faceless
Nothing changes.
10. comment for WORST RAP BATTLE EVER - CS:GO Surf
Edit: I knew it was gonna be cancer, but I didn't know it was gonna be that bad.
*Roblox ad plays*
20. comment for WORST RAP BATTLE EVER - CS:GO Surf
30. comment for WORST RAP BATTLE EVER - CS:GO Surf
50. comment for WORST RAP BATTLE EVER - CS:GO Surf
Im schleep
Login then click on "Account"-then "Rewards",and you are done ,Enjoy the free 1 euro.Have a great day!
100. comment for WORST RAP BATTLE EVER - CS:GO Surf
steam name:''mr.Foxy''
Plays jihadi music
Thees two little kids are fucking cancer
Even fucking worse than Hillary Clinton
Yeah, i'm a trump supporter
If you wanna kill me
Please don't even bother..
nah dude you're a bluff, now get out of my face,
you absolute disgrace.
no matter what server i'm on
"yeah... it's when you're really skinny"
Guy: How many lines have ya got so far..?
Kid: Like .. one..?
I wonder if he realises that he didn't rhyme once.
But I'm 13, I've listened to my voice and... Jesus it's never been that high.
Kokain og ketchogan, ecstasy det ved du mayn...
Flyver ligsom Peter Pan, du kan bliv ligsådan.
Men fuck nu af før jeg stikker dig flade,
jeg er fucking skudt i hovedet, og jeg er pisse ligeglad...
NBOMe, Cocain, Heroin og jeg ser mig selv som gud og ikke et komplet fuck'd op svin, har du indvendinger kan du få en på dit skrin, jeg får dig til at hvine, som når børnene bliver skræmt til Halloween! - Dommerkomiteen kan ikke følge med, for alt det lort jeg har lavet bliver fandendme bare ved & ved og jeg er ikke ked, jeg tager det som det kommer... Og vil de noget, så tvinger jeg dem til at lave en ommer...For jeg er helt tom indeni, og betvivler du mig, så tjek min kul kælder for eventuelle lig, jeg er fucked up på Ecstacy, og jeg kan li, at folk går i den tro at jeg er normal indvendig. De får mig til at smile, for det minder mig om den tid hvor stofferne ikke havde gjordt mig Infan-fucking-til. Eller paranoid, eller generelt bare til et gennemsnitligt Individ. Men når jeg tænker tilbage, tænker jeg kun på gru og nederlag, så måske er det meningen at jeg skal have denne beskidte smag, for skæbnen er hård, led og kold, men med årenes forløb har jeg glemt alt det pis som det har forvoldt. Jeg husker kun nu hvordan jeg selv var, for alt det pis der har gjordt mig til den jeg er har jeg drukket væk som en alkoholisk forjættende nar.
BPM: 148.
I love you Dad... Don't you ever forget that... You have always been there for me and I really respect that, even thou your ways of doing so was perhaps a bit crazy... You taught me how to fight for myself, you always helps, and even thou our time together has of not been that long you remain strong...And I couldn't wish for anymore.
Aye okay... In my eyes you will always be a legend, a Man that beckoned at everything that could of have been seen as scary and unpleasant. You showed me what I could do, and by that you really helped me to break through, as well as NEVER to stop reaching for the higher things in life. And that is probably why, I still step by, your place once in a while, because you always make me smile. You truly are a legend to me, and I know that you will always be, you even wrote my Initials into your arm to last for eternity... I love you undoubtedly and I am so lucky and proud to be capable of calling you my Daddy... Your my number 1...Even when the Sun is at its dawn, you make me laugh you make me cry, you make me question myself of why, but I love it...I truly do, and I hope you know that it is the pure truth. Even thou I might of not always show my appreciation, I do love you with a bigger heart than throughout several of nations.
- Freestyled and then being used in several of love quoting rap songs, so before you start using pathetic time on writing back to me, make sure you can actually compete on a higher level. BPM for the lyric: 162.
Rap battle without cussing
He's so pissed off you posted this.