Waimea River Standing Wave Surf Session

Surfers dig a channel thru the sand, releasing the Waimea river water trapped behind the beach. They surf the resulting standing waves for several hours.

Waimea River Standing Wave Surf Session sentiment_very_dissatisfied 129

Surf 17 years ago 2,135,528 views

Surfers dig a channel thru the sand, releasing the Waimea river water trapped behind the beach. They surf the resulting standing waves for several hours.

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Most popular comments
for Waimea River Standing Wave Surf Session

Derick Hill
Derick Hill - 6 years ago
I thumb down because of the garbage music!!!!
Martini - 6 years ago
it is actually dug by some people
jeff balough
jeff balough - 7 years ago
where exactly is this?
Lbsthapink - 7 years ago
jeff balough Oahu. North shore Waimea
Gary Hicks
Gary Hicks - 7 years ago
Shame about the audio track, this was awesome when I first saw it, maybe copywriters rethink ?
Kayleb Moore
Kayleb Moore - 8 years ago
This,wave look so smooth
South east Spearing
South east Spearing - 8 years ago
Fun is illegal
Taylor Moser
Taylor Moser - 8 years ago
Fuck You it's not illegal. It's a tradition. Locals create this to take water that overflows from the river to the ocean so flooding doesn't destroy the land.
kyle smith
kyle smith - 8 years ago
nice songs
Brigitte Ocana
Brigitte Ocana - 8 years ago
What and the no of music
abletontemplates.net - 8 years ago
crazy bass keep it up.

10. comment for Waimea River Standing Wave Surf Session

mike hunt
mike hunt - 8 years ago
locals doing what they do best...destroying the land
Blaze_razgriz1 - 6 years ago
Actually, nature do this by it's own. When the river reaches it's full capacity, water breaks into the ocean, so this happens from time to time (it happens on a lot of beaches, not only on this one). They just speeded up that natural process a little bit.
There's a beach like that near where i live, and i lost count on how many times me and friends broke the sand barrier just to surf.
P.s.: the beach is still there, the same way over all those years ;)
4hoofd - 8 years ago
It naturally recovers after a month or 2, there's no problem...
ActionTv808 - 8 years ago
Surf up !
Keegan Tinnes
Keegan Tinnes - 8 years ago
i think its funny little kid dug a canal and made thjs river
Neto Mesquita
Neto Mesquita - 8 years ago
boomy 81
boomy 81 - 8 years ago
ohhhh yeah!!!! nice guys!!!!
Scott Sanders
Scott Sanders - 9 years ago
something like this happens on the amazon river. millions of liters of seawater flows up stream(river) and makes waves like this. maybe water flows inland and at some point it all drains out.think before you type something dumb
kevinace89 - 9 years ago
collie buddz- herbz come around
kevinace89 - 9 years ago
collie buddz herbz come around
Crazy700-PT - 9 years ago
Music ?
Paulus de Kenezy
Paulus de Kenezy - 9 years ago
engin sanli
engin sanli - 9 years ago
Doğa katliamı yaptı ya laaa orosbuuuu çocklarııııı

20. comment for Waimea River Standing Wave Surf Session

Muito radical !
christian duarte
christian duarte - 9 years ago
que demass!!
zane kretchman
zane kretchman - 9 years ago
where is this
zane kretchman
zane kretchman - 9 years ago
here is this
MisterPeetBull - 9 years ago
Way to erode the beach and fuck things up. You're in Hawaii, find regular waves.
knoodelhed - 8 years ago
+MisterPeetBull All the "sand" on the North Shore comes from parrotfishes chewing up the coral. A pretty much infinite supply.
charles sataraka
charles sataraka - 9 years ago
hahahaha if you dont know shit, its best you shut it
Josiah G
Josiah G - 9 years ago
The water will overflow the river at some point even if they don't trench it first. This only happens during the winter, Then the sand is washed back into a dam before heavy rain the next year overflows again. How about you educate yourself before making a stupid comment.
Matty Quack
Matty Quack - 10 years ago
What's the song called
Shoal Nervo
Shoal Nervo - 10 years ago
soo is there a line you have to stand in for this? or is it just a free for all... gotta respect each other to do this..
Emerson Lee
Emerson Lee - 10 years ago
forest or river water high probably can be used as drinking water that we ate for daily!
and u guys having fun with this and destroy eco system good good !!!!
world number 1 dumbest 
Noizman 55
Noizman 55 - 7 years ago
Drinking water? That river water is salty from the ocean
Maxon Wolf
Maxon Wolf - 7 years ago
you realize that the most if not all the rivers drain into the ocean?
nikolai sochan
nikolai sochan - 7 years ago
Emerson Lee silly Willy troll, education so prime
Chris Yeager
Chris Yeager - 9 years ago
+Emerson Lee The Island is only so big. Where the fuck you expect them to keep all the floodwater???
Imabeatyouman - 9 years ago
+ahmet bilgin
"world number 1 dumbest" lmao that got me
Imabeatyouman - 10 years ago
dude its used as flood protection.
ahmet bilgin
ahmet bilgin - 10 years ago
it goes to the ocean 15 meters further from where they are surfing...Thanks for lowering my expectations of human intelligence once again....
NorthShoreJoe - 10 years ago
Locals Rule!
dan m
dan m - 10 years ago
Such a waste of water
Louie Vito
Louie Vito - 6 years ago
happens naturally anyway..
Noizman 55
Noizman 55 - 7 years ago
It’s in hawaii
Rene Strezenicky
Rene Strezenicky - 10 years ago
It's not the river eventually spills its water in the ocean but it's further from that spot
Isaac Argesmith
Isaac Argesmith - 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure the river the water comes from goes into the ocean 15 or so meters away from there.

30. comment for Waimea River Standing Wave Surf Session

Tayo Cohen
Tayo Cohen - 10 years ago
waiting for the commnet who says its wasting water :P
Nemo D333
Nemo D333 - 6 years ago
It is sewer, but who cares about smell.
Ew Eww
Ew Eww - 10 years ago
That is wasting water
Walter King
Walter King - 10 years ago
yep cool
Bud Watson
Bud Watson - 10 years ago
Water looks dirty like sewage water
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius - 10 years ago
Its been standing in this area by the ocean, its just stagnate rainwater
The42ndWoot - 10 years ago
I guess it's from the reflection of the sand at the sides and also when that volume of water moves through sand I imagine that it gets all mixed and "cloudy"
Bud Watson
Bud Watson - 10 years ago
Nope from USA!
mathew oliver
mathew oliver - 10 years ago
you must be from africa
James Edmonds
James Edmonds - 10 years ago
so, they is a place i could do this at a lake near me, but im sure i would be draining a lake which is meant to hold fresh water for the community.
Tiwers - 6 years ago
they do this because the lake holds too much water.
Nicolas Carvalho
Nicolas Carvalho - 7 years ago
James Edmonds vai dar teu
Isaac Argesmith
Isaac Argesmith - 9 years ago
+MisterPeetBull Apparently you give some. Also if I didn't have a life i would be dead, meaning I couldn't comment.
MisterPeetBull - 9 years ago
+Isaac Argesmith Typos. Who gives a fuck? A life, you need one.
Isaac Argesmith
Isaac Argesmith - 10 years ago
Grammar, you need it.
Oliver Epstein Bray
Oliver Epstein Bray - 11 years ago
so how the fuck do u get out after your swept away?
DelzieC - 10 years ago
you swim away from the current as you would with a rip tide.
tough5hit - 10 years ago
+Oliver Bray what do you mean get out? you swim brah! lol
Oliver Epstein Bray
Oliver Epstein Bray - 11 years ago
Sean MacDonald
Sean MacDonald - 11 years ago
you dont
PHOENIX LOVE - 11 years ago
I want to try that, look amazingly fun Waimea Bay HI
Jesse Casey
Jesse Casey - 11 years ago
How long to make this it would be so fun
Jose Luis Quiroga Beltran
Jose Luis Quiroga Beltran - 11 years ago
Ups sorry wrong video... ignore my comments.
Tommy Anderson
Tommy Anderson - 11 years ago
Kid ate crap at 3:20
wakhidatik nurfaida
wakhidatik nurfaida - 11 years ago
awesome wave..!! where is it?
Omen_Curse - 11 years ago
The Spongers are strong in this video. o.o
Colorado River Surfer
Colorado River Surfer - 11 years ago
its only around for a few hours. bummer.
Альбина Гриньо
Альбина Гриньо - 11 years ago
wow ))
NzG - 11 years ago
redneckvideogamer - 11 years ago
Holy Cow! They did dig it out with their hands! watch?v=75MMzKs8MWE
redneckvideogamer - 11 years ago
They dug it out? With what? Their hands?
MeLaNie - 11 years ago
where's the longer video? it shows them actually digging the sand to release the floodwater... miss that one when you all start out by walking down to the shore :(
roddy poo
roddy poo - 11 years ago
right here. I surf 100 footers. look me up. my names anasty beth.
ana delgado
ana delgado - 11 years ago
freerideballer - 11 years ago
please die

50. comment for Waimea River Standing Wave Surf Session

Oscar Roman
Oscar Roman - 11 years ago
What song is that?
IrishMalloy - 11 years ago
Making sandwiches for the dude surfers.
Bluue Cowan
Bluue Cowan - 11 years ago
Mahalo dude! :)
Sinigang Sarap
Sinigang Sarap - 11 years ago
making sandwiches
Lucas Baker
Lucas Baker - 11 years ago
Where it is
Hectic Groms
Hectic Groms - 11 years ago
tell me how to do this. thats awesome!!
sama flame
sama flame - 11 years ago
dudes only allowed.
Casper Nederhand
Casper Nederhand - 11 years ago
collie buddz - come around ;)
Colorado River Surfer
Colorado River Surfer - 11 years ago
It looks natural. Check out the fake, man made one in June on The Colorado River. River Surfing is Real Surfing. Kelly Slater made it true.
Young Boii
Young Boii - 12 years ago
sucking the male surfers dicks
vlaydros - 12 years ago
They're with all of the chick gamers, making posts about it on facebook...
Bluue Cowan
Bluue Cowan - 12 years ago
whats that music?
Boto Boyz
Boto Boyz - 12 years ago
haha chee
derek woods
derek woods - 12 years ago
is that buttons at the end with the fro
surya ownly
surya ownly - 12 years ago
oh goddamn what a nice.. where is it ?
coolestusername1234 - 12 years ago
0:29 look at the guy in the background fail
hunter s
hunter s - 12 years ago
whatever kook.... 1:58
croquis24 - 12 years ago
in hawaii
Carmelo Rodriguez
Carmelo Rodriguez - 12 years ago
And then a floating tree comes.......
Austin Lenahan
Austin Lenahan - 12 years ago
That's really sick but how can you edit a collie buddz song? That's not right
Motormouthmachine - 12 years ago
English please?
VIsubby - 12 years ago
You is ah ass big mahn..check
VIsubby - 12 years ago
wha alyo know bout dem tunes ehh lol
HILLS/HLS - 12 years ago
This Is SOLID!
Lakefanatik11 - 12 years ago
i was thinkin the same thing that would be so sick @Singaporetom96
staticPR704 - 12 years ago
Waimea Hawaii
ana arredondo
ana arredondo - 12 years ago
where is that please anwser
itscharlieb - 12 years ago
fitting music
Motormouthmachine - 12 years ago
You can tell that some of them kids are out there 24/7 by their tans! Damn they're dark!
Thomas - 12 years ago
I would love to try that with my wake skate
Dan Benjamin
Dan Benjamin - 12 years ago
Collie buddz
politicaeesporte .com.br
politicaeesporte .com.br - 12 years ago
SURF NA FOZ DE UM RIO #1 -- Pouca gente conhece
l ortiz
l ortiz - 12 years ago
No Oahu..
PHILLY STEEZ - 12 years ago
SO sick.
kate trest
kate trest - 12 years ago
dude i as i said in my last comment...IM MY OPINON....thank u XD
Tankerbuzz - 12 years ago
They arnt standing waves ffs
WellWhatever1 - 12 years ago
really? they suck
kate trest
kate trest - 12 years ago
yep dats how we hawaiians do it here ^^ lol the hoale was trying to show off 2:27 XD lol surfas da best ^^ in my opinon
антон сидоров
антон сидоров - 12 years ago
throw off the track name pliz
TheWhitePowr - 12 years ago
makin sammiches
imh11621 - 12 years ago
Marcin Golik
Marcin Golik - 12 years ago
Bruno Noda
Bruno Noda - 12 years ago
Jon Bennallick
Jon Bennallick - 12 years ago
reevan101 - 12 years ago
Someone from jamica made this vid? junior reid collie buddz
Captainkirk - 12 years ago
I want to go do that now!
manumanuel10 - 12 years ago
guapisimo, donde hacen esto?
Rosie Viduka
Rosie Viduka - 12 years ago
where are the chick surfers?
Irwyn Matheus
Irwyn Matheus - 12 years ago
0:06 Beautiful *_*
san barba
san barba - 12 years ago
anyone wonder if they finish with all the living animals in that river

100. comment for Waimea River Standing Wave Surf Session

BF Hernández
BF Hernández - 12 years ago
I wonder if anyone could pump their way upstream
Arnaud Mattoso
Arnaud Mattoso - 12 years ago
massa é que depois que vc pega a sua, ninguem mais entra, show,queria
JoKeRCT841 - 12 years ago
aha thank u bro
ArkyMosuke - 12 years ago
Fuck this song.
Alec Linden
Alec Linden - 12 years ago
don't listen to that guy. its on hawaii on oahu island
Alec Linden
Alec Linden - 12 years ago
r u kidding me? its in hawaii on oahu
Sione Hefa
Sione Hefa - 12 years ago
No coconut trees in NZ.
macDiesiel - 12 years ago
where's the guy on the cat D10
MeLaNie - 12 years ago
love this song & video
HighOF Melody
HighOF Melody - 12 years ago
the paradise
JoKeRCT841 - 12 years ago
i mean auckland north shore
JoKeRCT841 - 12 years ago
omg u know iam liveing in NZ in north shoer but i didn't know this place iam in NZ for studying ,, thank u bro ,, i will be go there in the summer
JoKeRCT841 - 12 years ago
waimea this is country ?? iam sorry but i dom't know :(
JoKeRCT841 - 12 years ago
ok thank you but in any country??
JoKeRCT841 - 12 years ago
where's this place ???
Wisconny Johnny
Wisconny Johnny - 12 years ago
the lil dude at 4:00 and his drop in is sick
bravodeltakilo360 - 12 years ago
DAYM thanx man, wish i could go there.
bansheebanski - 12 years ago
it happens every now and then but mostly when there are floods up in the mountains and it comes down for everyone to enjoy:D its amazing man
bravodeltakilo360 - 12 years ago
was it a one off thing or dose it stay like that?
pyroarchy - 12 years ago
maybe you cant read, it only says it happens for several hours....MWUAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahaahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
rompemaanos - 12 years ago
Kauai - 12 years ago
it depends how strong the water is from the river
sky North
sky North - 12 years ago
How do you know what you're putting in the comment section if you can't read? It's plainly and simply stated in the description.
sky North
sky North - 12 years ago
this video took me back to 2008 with the music lol
PipiJetzt - 12 years ago
does this happen all year or just at certain moments?
RC Hunter
RC Hunter - 12 years ago
i could spend all day there hahahah esp with my rc jet boat
Corey W
Corey W - 12 years ago
hahahah yup
ZeRo Cyanide
ZeRo Cyanide - 12 years ago
I want to do this so bad well this and sky diving who's with me
Spencer Likins
Spencer Likins - 12 years ago
Did anyone else notice the guy eat crap at 1:59
LureThosePixels - 12 years ago
That sand collapsing on the banks looks dangerous
Ultimate360slim - 12 years ago
yes but there are lifeguards in the water
Vinicius Augusto
Vinicius Augusto - 12 years ago
Aonde se Localiza esse lugar queria conhecer muito.
punkrock465 - 12 years ago
esta en hawai amigo
theGNARLYbros - 12 years ago
could the river pull you out into the ocean?
william hawkins
william hawkins - 12 years ago
45 people didnt get a go!
InPurplePlaid - 12 years ago
That is amazing!
bluefirex24 - 12 years ago
That is awesome!!
Bruno Elias
Bruno Elias - 12 years ago
qual é a musica?
Brian Barratt
Brian Barratt - 12 years ago
Brian Barratt
Brian Barratt - 12 years ago
this is why we at >>> this is why ......
Brian Barratt
Brian Barratt - 12 years ago
paradise i have found :) and the second tune is godly >>> peace to all txs uploader
lochie donovan
lochie donovan - 12 years ago
that look so fun
Shane Bowman
Shane Bowman - 12 years ago
so many snakes..
עידן רחמים
עידן רחמים - 12 years ago
סרטון קטלני
George williams
George williams - 13 years ago
i know
paul rogers
paul rogers - 13 years ago
ANYONE remember the Mountain Dew commercial from the 80's that had guys doing this out west near the grand canyon??? been trying to find that commercial on youtube....
Omen_Curse - 13 years ago
The 44 dislikes are Enviromentalists!
Jon Dizzle
Jon Dizzle - 13 years ago
awesome song man! Love Collie Buddz
Jon Dizzle
Jon Dizzle - 13 years ago
@MrDeano1er looks like a fun-fish or something like it
aylonfm - 13 years ago
the guy in 2:25 thinks that he is cool
sam dean
sam dean - 13 years ago
what type of board is the guy riding at 1:56 ???
Islandhoppers - 13 years ago
Such a unique spot
aylonfm - 13 years ago
1:58 LOL
SLMusic - 13 years ago
Name of song please:D
rorytobory - 13 years ago
Ok so who says to themselves "I'm on the legendary north shore, let's surf a river!"
Brian - 13 years ago
Where is this?
Trella Collena
Trella Collena - 13 years ago
@kamuelapaka yups ba jus let the haole be, no need fo act with this guy. waste time! cheeeeee !
Stratus Sasaki
Stratus Sasaki - 13 years ago
kamuelapaka - 13 years ago
@carebeargreen shootz
kamuelapaka - 13 years ago
@Chookaburra YOU REALLY ARE AN IDIOT! because I don't know if you noticed, but you sent this comment at yourself. FUCKING RETARD. I would like to go on but like carebeargreen says... ALOHA spirit.
Trella Collena
Trella Collena - 13 years ago
@kamuelapaka back off dude what people cant ask question now a days? yah he missed the caption but WHO CARES let it go let it flow.. ALOHA spirit
kamuelapaka - 13 years ago
@Chookaburra Your a fucking retard who cant read, but first i rather go have a "batt" with your mom
Boris Carney
Boris Carney - 13 years ago
@kamuelapaka Your a fuck wit. go have a batt with ya mates you fukin homo
kamuelapaka - 13 years ago
@Chookaburra it says waimea you idiot that is in the north shore of oahu hawaii.
MAD Reptiles
MAD Reptiles - 13 years ago
Boris Carney
Boris Carney - 13 years ago
Where abouts is this?
Mounter93 - 13 years ago
At 1:13 that dude surfing on hid Boogy Board is pretty amazing!!!
Mike Rice
Mike Rice - 13 years ago
nice way to take a board up the ass. cool though.
Tomas Jocys
Tomas Jocys - 13 years ago
Collie Buddz - ..Come Around
verityandstu - 13 years ago
@SuperTyler808 Why don't u?
Goonza Barria
Goonza Barria - 13 years ago
what is the name of the song?
Ty Albuquerque
Ty Albuquerque - 13 years ago
qual o nome dessa música?
mknahchong - 13 years ago
Waimea? are you sure. doesn't look like it...
TheSpy312 - 13 years ago
i wanna try this one day
Nicholas pink
Nicholas pink - 13 years ago
what the crap? that looks frickin legit
jason nick
jason nick - 13 years ago
where is that?
bubblygranolachick - 13 years ago
So want to surf there!!
katanamyach - 13 years ago
@SuperTyler808 All these guys surf in the ocean too. And this is basically the ocean.
MrFlow - 13 years ago
that's such nice waves man
Natalie Sotomayor
Natalie Sotomayor - 13 years ago
satonaka halu
satonaka halu - 13 years ago
wow thats cool wheres the water come from? is it river?
lawgarabis - 13 years ago
thats pretty cool. i didnt know waimea did that. never got to see that when i lived there. does this happen right after heavy rain or something?
mCsKiMMeR - 13 years ago
@battygirl31 wow. thank you!
Renzo Salcedo
Renzo Salcedo - 13 years ago
whats the name of the song?
Amanda Clancy
Amanda Clancy - 13 years ago
Great work on this video 4:20 approved
Ajack2594 - 13 years ago
whats the song??? the only thing about this is that, the sand was brought to hawaii, just take sand from places in the northern hemisphere were no one plays on the beach and bring it there
amp3cx10000a7jp - 13 years ago
It is Hawaiian truly! River but a level -- it is high. It is wonderful ability wholly.
wlsjoh013 - 13 years ago
Fun...several hours of standing waves, years of ecological damage...seems fair
Edmonton Videographer & Video Production | Third Born Entertainment
Edmonton Videographer & Video Production | Third Born Entertainment - 13 years ago
@SpencerLikins the boogie boarder?
Guilherme Silva Jarske
Guilherme Silva Jarske - 13 years ago
da onde vc tiraram a agua?
aaron diaz
aaron diaz - 13 years ago
is this like this everyday?
chaos8of9heaven - 13 years ago
Where is this place
fondoftheduh - 13 years ago
@blackwaterboy2 I have no idea.I haven't been there in 20 years. We don't get much news about Hawaii on the mainland.
Matthew Cook
Matthew Cook - 13 years ago
what is the song?
fondoftheduh - 13 years ago
@blackwaterboy2 When I lived there 20 years ago I saw many local news and documentaries about beach erosion.They showed photos of the shrinking beach thru time. I noticed how much sand washed into the ocean on this video and cringed a little. I would like to return someday and still see the beach there.
adecker119 - 13 years ago
This is why this is why this is why I ..Mute
fondoftheduh - 13 years ago
This can't be good for the environment.
worldbeatguitar - 13 years ago
I did something similar on guitar, created a 12-string guitar video that captured weird string wave using the rolling shutter effect on a canon 7d hight speed shutter video, with similar effect... check it out by searching "magic guitar strings video high speed shutter"
Chilango808 - 13 years ago
BillyKidJoe1 - 13 years ago
@SpencerLikins it's cause he cant stand
Diogo Millan
Diogo Millan - 13 years ago
Ai sim vi vantagem :D
Dan Sweeney
Dan Sweeney - 13 years ago
songs are collie buddz - come around, and mims - this is why im hot, sick video!
matthew fx
matthew fx - 13 years ago
this or that place
Bryce Barnes
Bryce Barnes - 13 years ago
Lolz guy at 1:08 in the back..
Fabio Junior
Fabio Junior - 13 years ago
muito legal...
Casi L
Casi L - 13 years ago
@0Arturo0 Collie Buddz - ..Come Around
Stromp1906 - 13 years ago
Loool at 1:58
JMEbangingtunes - 13 years ago
@SpencerLikins what cause he did a 360 ? wow hardly showing off
Casi L
Casi L - 13 years ago
jejejej very fucking nice the name of the song... what is it?
binho matheus
binho matheus - 13 years ago
massa em
Filipe Brito
Filipe Brito - 13 years ago
Quincy Abrams
Quincy Abrams - 13 years ago
how often does this occur?
borgescp - 13 years ago
Maior viagem! Show de bola!!! Forte do abço do Brasil!!!
Michael S
Michael S - 13 years ago
@SpencerLikins how?
matt schuiteman
matt schuiteman - 13 years ago
watch his board at 1:52
Gaspar Oliveira
Gaspar Oliveira - 13 years ago
!!!!!!!!!!!!!ilario surf de varias maneiras..........mas sempre com o respeito a natureza....porqua sem sla nada disso seria possivel...surf ao extremo do prazer........uhu............
Nick Figueras-Dotti
Nick Figueras-Dotti - 13 years ago
@SpencerLikins just because you can't do a 360 with a bodyboard on a wave like that doesn't mean you have to hate on him.
Will Nystrom
Will Nystrom - 13 years ago
Bodyboarding is stupid.
Guilherme CMT
Guilherme CMT - 13 years ago
this is perfect.
mCsKiMMeR - 13 years ago
how is something like that even possible? and how deep is that water?
greg j310
greg j310 - 13 years ago
@khybercourchesne wave riding is wave riding dumbass. You like watching kids? sick fuck
YZRic - 13 years ago
@PassoMago aaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha it's true man!
PassoMago - 13 years ago
Gay style detected at 2:24
Junior Santos
Junior Santos - 13 years ago
hey what is the name of this song?
Baden Moore
Baden Moore - 13 years ago
I like the music and its a cool vidio
Young Boii
Young Boii - 13 years ago
everytime i watch surfing videos i always end up watching this
Kevin Shields
Kevin Shields - 13 years ago
quicksilver fail 1:10 billabong fail 1:14 boogiebard fail
gustavo henrique ferreira
gustavo henrique ferreira - 13 years ago
where is the place?
Eduardo Marques
Eduardo Marques - 13 years ago
What the name of this music??
coko1243 - 13 years ago
im digging the reggae "this is why im hot"
Brendan Sidaway
Brendan Sidaway - 13 years ago
COLLIE BUDDZ!!!!!!!! nice vid!
Samuel - 13 years ago
i would rather surf a smaller real wave than a "standing wave" id i was in Hawaii
Spencer Likins
Spencer Likins - 13 years ago
Thumbs up if you think the guy at 2:22 is a show off
Goku in Jorts
Goku in Jorts - 13 years ago
C Wade
C Wade - 13 years ago
@2121pooper you have to dig it out when the river is close to the ocean you take a shovel and dig it out and then the rushing water creates little like dunes and the water runs over them and you can ride the waves and it goes away aver a little bit it only last like one day but you cant do it just any day
C Wade
C Wade - 13 years ago
@MrLooklooklook when you dig it out lol
Matt Nelson
Matt Nelson - 13 years ago
is that even legal to do? do trucks bring in more sand?
Nate Kersh
Nate Kersh - 13 years ago
press 1 over and over, 'i queefin' lol
AcidicGamers2 - 13 years ago
They make it. They clear out sand at river and the current makes it like that. I need to go visit my uncle and do this!!!!
will93100 - 13 years ago
alguém sabe o nome dessa banda? e qual o nome dessa música?
GirrontheDirr - 13 years ago
Would be cool if you turned around with the board and jumped on the next "wave"
Kevin Spencer
Kevin Spencer - 13 years ago
cool except for the spoongers
Marc Twerenbold
Marc Twerenbold - 13 years ago
that girl at the beginning is stupid sexy
rumpleshortsshins - 13 years ago
i wish i had that when i first started surfing --almost the same consistent face....damn that looks like a blast when its flat.
pipesmokerable - 13 years ago
apparently this river is extremely polluted and has caused cases of E coli
Turd Fergeson
Turd Fergeson - 13 years ago
what is the name of the first song on here???
kain cannon
kain cannon - 13 years ago
hawaii already has perfect waves and now they get a perfect standing wave. seems unfair to me :P
Jairo Teixeira
Jairo Teixeira - 13 years ago
@titinaso1 waimea havai tonto...
brodie9909 - 13 years ago
@MrAnatol1977 Learn to spell, get a good education, and there are no limit's, you can go anywhere in the world.
mvallin - 13 years ago
looks like a head injury waiting h=to happen
John Edge
John Edge - 13 years ago
lol those who fail, sharks will be waiting at the end xD
Stuart Callander
Stuart Callander - 13 years ago
@agustinaejairo02 to faceplant.......
Thomas Paranhos
Thomas Paranhos - 13 years ago
iradoo de mais !
Jairo Teixeira
Jairo Teixeira - 13 years ago
3:21 perfect drop
Ričards Račs
Ričards Račs - 13 years ago
@sailingdude912 he didn't fall, he took a dive to avoid the guy coming at him ;)
ScreamingInTheCalle - 13 years ago
On a side note, I have never actually seen fresh water coming into contact with the ocean. Pretty cool.
Will Mendenhall
Will Mendenhall - 13 years ago
@Galc012 its not
Will Nystrom
Will Nystrom - 13 years ago
i hate bodyboarders, but at 3:46 , this guy gains my respect
Rellepog - 13 years ago
I see that often at a river near-ish me, maybe to surf it would be fun!
dneb0 - 13 years ago
@Crazylocopr1 righto, hero.
Adolfo Socorro
Adolfo Socorro - 13 years ago
@954surfinggg if that is true, how about you stand up on a boogie board. and btw, it is not a trick, smartass. its a way of riding called DROP...KNEE. in caps and separated well for your udestanding. You welcome
Will Mendenhall
Will Mendenhall - 13 years ago
boogy borders stand up to pretend like they can surf. they think its a "trick" to stand up
Nini Lin
Nini Lin - 13 years ago
hilmsss - 13 years ago
@djjeffff Collie Buddz - Come around
andrenegwer - 13 years ago
I'd like to see someone on a skimboard
Igor Casagrande
Igor Casagrande - 13 years ago
KhammettJpageAsmith - 13 years ago
Best beach in the world!
sailorz7 - 13 years ago
@wheelrunner25 look at me carve.... you like that, ladies?
Pedro Sandins
Pedro Sandins - 13 years ago
muito foda
Nick L
Nick L - 13 years ago
but where is all the water coming from, i know from a river but like that must be one hell of a river to be flowing for that long
James Ryan
James Ryan - 13 years ago
do you need to go at a certain time of the year or is it like that all year ( im going to looks sick)
ultimatebandnerd7 - 13 years ago
@Faceshot103 Waimea River, it flows into Waimea Bay
James Buckner
James Buckner - 13 years ago
Where is this?
rwtfallenjf25132 - 13 years ago
i would hate to bail on a skimboard lol
rotensnatchmuffdiver - 13 years ago
1:08 look at the fuckstick that took a spill top center
ultimatebandnerd7 - 13 years ago
i would love to surf at a place like this.
Maryson Robert
Maryson Robert - 13 years ago
ai brother muito irado..........
LeCoq Grande
LeCoq Grande - 13 years ago
1:29 thumbs up if you thought it was going to break on him
Hina Bebeh
Hina Bebeh - 13 years ago
@MrLooklooklook don't be jays of my swag ! lol jk. its choke fun living here.
Winston Gentry
Winston Gentry - 13 years ago
@MrAnatol1977 wouldnt it be the liked button they missed?
ruxblue - 13 years ago
@Thespotrocksthehouse On my planet the rivers flow into the Ocean. What planet do you live on?
ihopthsuzrnmeisfree - 13 years ago
@MrAnatol1977 fail
Joey Banihani
Joey Banihani - 13 years ago
i wish i had this
Guigo Kruger
Guigo Kruger - 13 years ago
how does it flow in form of waves??? use sand to do that?
Rellepog - 13 years ago
I bet this is fun to skimboard too!
Rellepog - 13 years ago
0:25 look at the water in the background, why don't they surf that!?
hamoan66boi - 13 years ago
@XTopSniperX keeps going.
Neto Martins
Neto Martins - 13 years ago
whats the name of this song?
john postrano
john postrano - 13 years ago
how long does this last?
strangersound - 14 years ago
The dude at the end has some mad skills. :)
Jah Rastafari
Jah Rastafari - 14 years ago
HIudown808 - 14 years ago
chehoooo cuz!
Paulo Rocha
Paulo Rocha - 14 years ago
I've always wanted to do this, since I saw Endless Summer II hehe
ilesmaye - 14 years ago
to bad if u wanted to walk along the beach....
Jenna Loschiavo
Jenna Loschiavo - 14 years ago
Its collie buddz, come around
C Brown
C Brown - 14 years ago
how deep is it?
thepilotboy - 14 years ago
lol @ 30 seconds the guy on the left eats shit XD
oliver kirch
oliver kirch - 14 years ago
Christopher Gomez
Christopher Gomez - 14 years ago
that river is goin to swallow the world!!!! better go buy a board now, be prepared
ballerness86 - 14 years ago
@corlas24 but its also a remix, not sure who did it
ballerness86 - 14 years ago
@corlas24 Collie Buddz - Come Around
robertelary - 14 years ago
This is actually a stationary wave. The wave form stays in one place. In a standing wave, the surface goes up and down at the crest/peak position and stays the same at the nodes.
FreedomAtRisk - 14 years ago
@TheWTFers where?
Michael Scott
Michael Scott - 14 years ago
Looks great for beginners learning to surf.
colinag6 - 14 years ago
@Thespotrocksthehouse This actually happens all the time, its a natural process because sometimes the river leaks into the ocean by itself and the tide fixes it by itself, this time the surfers just did it by themselves
colinag6 - 14 years ago
@truecrime80 This actually happens all the time, its a natural process because sometimes the river leaks into the ocean by itself and the tide fixes it by itself, this time the surfers just did it by themselves
ke6gwf - 14 years ago
Science Lesson: River builds up behind sand berm at High-Tide level (at many rivers around the world), you wait until low-tide and breach that sand berm and allow the river to resume flowing and then surf! Next high-tide rebuilds the sand berm/beach, and river backs up again. No environmental damage, no ruining of beaches, no wasting of fresh water or diluting salt water. Just letting the stagnant river flow again. chill dudes... :)
Thespotrocksthehouse - 14 years ago
@yamflak thank you for refreshing my primary school science lessons man. However you cannot deny the fact that this afternoon of fun absolutely ruined the beach, and that the process of evaporation will not compensate the amount of lost fresh water before a long time.
yamflak - 14 years ago
@Thespotrocksthehouse actually, water is evaporated from the ocean leaving the salt behind, therefore creating freshwater. what, you think it rained saltwater in the ocean?
Thespotrocksthehouse - 14 years ago
@chbarrett22 what about the wasted water?
Xocezert - 14 years ago
super cool.
BY THE LIGHT OF THE MOON - 14 years ago
The only thing they did to the the beach was super erosion.
chbarrett22 - 14 years ago
@kingoftwat that sand will be back in no time!!
basketball230230 - 14 years ago
@kingoftwat dude the beach wouldnt be ruined..... when the tide goes out it would take all the shit with it...
wheelrunner25 - 14 years ago
bet that guy at 2:22 thinks hes cool shit.
WRI2012 - 14 years ago
thumbs what?
rshweky9 - 14 years ago
thumbs up if thats why he's hot
Marcos Rojas
Marcos Rojas - 14 years ago
Necesitamos algo así por aca...
Green Lane
Green Lane - 14 years ago
@kingoftwat this is a natural river flowing into the ocean.
C Wade
C Wade - 14 years ago
@mathieuvp1 wtf are yo riding looks like a beater board and you shoulds moved wehen you seen that dude coming
C Wade
C Wade - 14 years ago
1:27 weak snap
Rowell Ganancial
Rowell Ganancial - 14 years ago
Does it look like it's getting wider or it's just me? O.o lol Now I know where to go when I surf (I still suck at it). Hmm...I gotta find a bus route there from Aliamanu here. DX
toligadow - 14 years ago
@RAQUELandCRYSTAL There is a place called Massagua's River (laguinho) in Caragua, Brazil. Exactly like Waimea River. But, a lot of localism. It's a secret point of Brazil.
DYLAN CRASH - 14 years ago
madd cunt 1:05 :)
Bathsalts Booy
Bathsalts Booy - 14 years ago
so how was this possible ?lol
the superman
the superman - 14 years ago
lol 1:27 NOOO
Raquel Iguchi
Raquel Iguchi - 14 years ago
Only happens in Hawaii<3 ;D Cheee !
Bagel of the Future
Bagel of the Future - 14 years ago
thumbs up if you'd ride with the current
Hina Bebeh
Hina Bebeh - 14 years ago
@MrThijs1997 Your Vacation, MY LOCATION
Colleen Conklin
Colleen Conklin - 14 years ago
ya i would ride a bodyboard to if i couldnt surf to
Jai Mousofer ewgev e
Jai Mousofer ewgev e - 14 years ago
@realword27 your jewish.
Ajaruldoss - 14 years ago
Dat lil man at 4:12 wuz beestin
Real Videos
Real Videos - 14 years ago
mto irado
Ney Couto
Ney Couto - 14 years ago
Jai Mousofer ewgev e
Jai Mousofer ewgev e - 14 years ago
31 people are friends with the guy at 2:25
Artemis equino
Artemis equino - 14 years ago
@zxPRking69xz Come around - Collie buddz I think thats it!
gustavo cruz
gustavo cruz - 14 years ago
name of the SONG ???
Kohsukeff - 14 years ago
If boogie boarders can do this then skimboarders can do this!
Richard Johnson
Richard Johnson - 14 years ago
look at the little guy rip! 4:13
pikiwiki - 14 years ago
@d19sunking you would be right
Dana Sundell
Dana Sundell - 14 years ago
@ZbubbleZRSCA idk im guessing waimea river but thats just me
Amy Olier
Amy Olier - 14 years ago
i do wanna go so....
WookieeStomper808 - 14 years ago
@negative12002 I'm from Hawaii and idk about kicking you out but people will be mean and cut you off and what not...no one over here likes outsiders sadly.
Aaron Liebman
Aaron Liebman - 14 years ago
...is that not man made?
Haden Janak
Haden Janak - 14 years ago
i wish i could go
Conor S
Conor S - 14 years ago
Looks Like soo Much Fun :D
BigPerm5000 - 14 years ago
Terrible music.
MrSarma92 - 14 years ago
name of the first song?? nombre de la primera canción??
Ricky Younger
Ricky Younger - 14 years ago
thats killer
dylan.fabree - 14 years ago
2:25. this guy is the biggest try hard
stefokid10 - 14 years ago
@Zaper692 there is one in 2:45 in yellow board
ElChapo TunnelDigger
ElChapo TunnelDigger - 14 years ago
looks like a real good time don't worry about sharks their chill
Z K - 14 years ago
@Mrbeshies dumbass theres a "reef"... sharks only swim were its like 20ft.+ and we wouldnt be bodyboarding or surfing if theres sharks at the mouth of the bay
EL EXODO MCB - 14 years ago
ehy ehy desde mexico donde es ese lugar jajaja diganem para visitarlo yehha se mira pro
ecollins92 - 14 years ago
@skimmerbum ooohhhh, so you dig a channel and when the water rises it flows into it
skimmerbum - 14 years ago
@ecollins92 the river has to be a certain height and you have to actually dig a channel from the river to the ocean for it to form
old12school3 - 14 years ago
@rajjikuar hawaii
ecollins92 - 14 years ago
is it like this all the time or do you need certain conditions
scottscott23 - 14 years ago
Big tune Big video. respect
liteumup69 - 14 years ago
how often does this happen?
Pedro Gonçalves
Pedro Gonçalves - 14 years ago
whats the name of this song?
MutilateYOU - 14 years ago
I think it's funny how people try to get on and fail... naw just kidding, thats pretty cool
piercelareau - 14 years ago
@oceansurfers haha dude dats so funny
CheckThisSaw - 14 years ago
does it get erosioned?
sombreroarriba - 14 years ago
Clay Burkhalter
Clay Burkhalter - 14 years ago
@dnoel23 its called basic physics
lukaepeluca - 14 years ago
check the drop in at 4:03 !!
brodie9909 - 14 years ago
where exactly is this? when is it good? all summer long?
Lex Cheers
Lex Cheers - 14 years ago
@oceansurfers He is tho!
Damien Noel
Damien Noel - 14 years ago
i dont understand how they dont just get carried down? they just stay in one spot lol...someone explain?
Coleman Vurbeff
Coleman Vurbeff - 14 years ago
That is perfect for skimboarding
TheJapanChannelDcom - 14 years ago
endless waves! way cool!
Victor Agelviz
Victor Agelviz - 14 years ago
o.O very good
Lord Trafalgar
Lord Trafalgar - 14 years ago
Kid on Blue Booger getting spat out 3:20 haha...
Moanalani Roquette
Moanalani Roquette - 14 years ago
Awesome! This is sic! Aloha :)
stuntman7643 - 14 years ago
This is beastly where is this?
mathew manaois
mathew manaois - 14 years ago
@erictuan1 negs
mathew manaois
mathew manaois - 14 years ago
@branby1994 waimea bay northshore OAHU the only place to grow up
Brandon Richardson
Brandon Richardson - 14 years ago
where is this located i want to go there badly
Sean McNeill
Sean McNeill - 14 years ago
3:20 funny shit
William - 14 years ago
aw man that looks like a hell of a time!
f50fan - 14 years ago
@Gabereal3 this is only opened up once a year, every winter. All other 364 days out of the year the ocean is seperated from the river by sand.
Luis Pedro
Luis Pedro - 14 years ago
what a shit song
tylerjptv - 14 years ago
@Zaper692 yea i was waiting for a skimboarder to go in there and own with some shuvits
Kohsukeff - 14 years ago
no skimboarders eh?
Zakudown Yamauchi
Zakudown Yamauchi - 14 years ago
@Zaper692 waimea bay oahu, hawaii
Kohsukeff - 14 years ago
where is this???!!!!
Dankfest - 14 years ago
Why hasn't anyone tried droppin in and goin in the direction of the ocean ?
Wes Martin
Wes Martin - 14 years ago
@25dirtbikeboy dude. like. yeah.
PineRidgeKids - 14 years ago
that would be sick if it barreled
Shedz Channel
Shedz Channel - 14 years ago
that 1st guy looked like ''larry bertleman'' ...my all time fave surfer from the 80's that guy was a freak!
Tuto Ferraz
Tuto Ferraz - 14 years ago
q delicia!
straightupent - 14 years ago
is that naturally made or human made! like for the river to do those waves?????
Lulzim Bucolli
Lulzim Bucolli - 14 years ago
men..waimea was my favorite spot when i was there..for two years..never got to see these baby waves and ride 'em....damnn!
Brazsten Boyce
Brazsten Boyce - 14 years ago
dat water is grosssssssss
Sharkie Holland
Sharkie Holland - 14 years ago
Really cool !
C Wade
C Wade - 14 years ago
ahhh good ol' homeland
Antony Paolo Falconí Orellana
Antony Paolo Falconí Orellana - 14 years ago
Peter Donato Roan Heitmann
Peter Donato Roan Heitmann - 14 years ago
Looks like alot of fun
blaze everyday
blaze everyday - 14 years ago
@OM3N1R wheres that ? at
blaze everyday
blaze everyday - 14 years ago
i wana go there
Nathan Rice
Nathan Rice - 14 years ago
dude if you like fall you go in ocean
Mike McKenzie
Mike McKenzie - 14 years ago
This is way cool.
Very Rare Antiques & Collectables
Very Rare Antiques & Collectables - 14 years ago
how deep is it there?
brad garner
brad garner - 14 years ago
Whts the big deal i surf waves like this all the time in my kayak all u need to do is go to a decent river and u can surf waves better thn tht all day long
Leif Howes
Leif Howes - 14 years ago
@Taino656 no when the water level gets high all u gotta to is make a like foot wide little path then the water builds like a 30 foot wide one on its own ahhaa but this wave only lasts like 2 hours or so
Leif Howes
Leif Howes - 14 years ago
@nerdykid136 this actually brings the sharks into the bay hahaha cause the talapia fish and crappy water attracts them so FAIL
Talkenia - 14 years ago
we've got this in the netherlands as well... only not natural XD i loove it..
jericho k
jericho k - 14 years ago
@Taino656 don't need to, u just have to dig a small one to start it up then the rushing water will do the rest
Kyle Mays
Kyle Mays - 14 years ago
chaos66 - 14 years ago
how did they dig that big of a channel?!
Kyle Simmons
Kyle Simmons - 14 years ago
@herolll22 just added that to my long list of dumbest things ever said
herolll22 - 14 years ago
what a great way to spend earths fresh water..
Loki Doki
Loki Doki - 14 years ago
What do they do after they are done and the waves are good again?
StripesHipHop - 14 years ago
That shit is maaad illy!! SICK! Its normally not like that...... that river most of the time is just a trickle.. and the song name is in the description my friends!
Gob Nobbler
Gob Nobbler - 14 years ago
can this happen at other beaches?
solidsnake808 - 14 years ago
ya instead of sharks u gotta worry about leptospyrosis haha
Roger Reinertsen
Roger Reinertsen - 14 years ago
how in the hell did they makes this
mcrv19 - 14 years ago
Where is this place?????????????????
granpa cow
granpa cow - 14 years ago
this is crazy lookin its like a fast flowing river into da ocean?
Patrick Astorga
Patrick Astorga - 14 years ago
Donde es esto?
Tracy Kim Fawcett
Tracy Kim Fawcett - 14 years ago
I feel a SUP river surf session comin on!
joey053187 - 14 years ago
@paisawaans ;) <333333
Baronio A.
Baronio A. - 14 years ago
nice girl at 0:7 on the right
joey053187 - 14 years ago
to the people asking what song this is... Its --- TAYLOR SWIFT - LOVE STORY
themadscientest - 14 years ago
@yellow4231 come on if you did it would be almost infinant and you would probably set a record for longes time a standing wave was ever ridden
themadscientest - 14 years ago
damn good idea for a flat day, id take a body board and just try to maintain it for as long as i cud
Jesse Rockwell
Jesse Rockwell - 14 years ago
I find it unfair that this exists in the most famous big-wave surfspot ever. Share the wealth will you!?
Mr.Anomaly - 14 years ago
avatarcollides2day - 15 years ago
finally d herbs come around!!!!!!!!!
Brad Wolaver
Brad Wolaver - 15 years ago
yea awsome vid and sick beats bro
Gavin Sichenzia
Gavin Sichenzia - 15 years ago
@DumbVideosRUs it only happens when rains alot and over flows the river in the back
djhappyyyyy - 15 years ago
amazing waves man
Ynon Hagag
Ynon Hagag - 15 years ago
what is the song's name ???
lanze dom
lanze dom - 15 years ago
fuck, I'd love to try this, but the locals would probably kick my ass for tryin to squeeze in on there action..
Jack Jones
Jack Jones - 15 years ago
that kid at 4:07 rips!
crazyjapz101 - 15 years ago
haha by by kid at 0:46
Mark Weston
Mark Weston - 15 years ago
How does this happen?
SUPER_TaJ - 15 years ago
3:10 i love how that kid tries to duck dive. one problems there is sand there stupid
cjellwood - 15 years ago
who dig that lol
l luque
l luque - 15 years ago
jajajaja Demaziado bueno!
Adam Maddox
Adam Maddox - 15 years ago
i wanna do that!
Do F
Do F - 15 years ago
muito maneiro !
metalmaster76 - 15 years ago
Oscar Martinez
Oscar Martinez - 15 years ago
finally you dont have to worry about sharks while surfing :P
Jahkreggae - 15 years ago
Q iradoo man... Jeito diferente de surfar... Jah Bless...
Ray Bock
Ray Bock - 15 years ago
where is this exactly
MutilateYOU - 15 years ago
@youarenotsean It's Called Come Around From Collie Buddz :) (Budz?). And it's awesome!
Will Sc
Will Sc - 15 years ago
haha nah... as far as i know at least...
Pascal Hiltbrand
Pascal Hiltbrand - 15 years ago
good choice of music :D
Will Sc
Will Sc - 15 years ago
i did something similar at the river mouth in santa cruz, it was ent as good though, and it smelled like shit...
Will Sc
Will Sc - 15 years ago
yep, its on the north shore near pipeline and sunset...
mikey - 15 years ago
yeah yeah after the rain season they dig out the sand and its a natural wave pool
ChsSami - 15 years ago
Harrison Bauer
Harrison Bauer - 15 years ago
good video, that is i cool place but the music SUCKS
Jarrett Furlong
Jarrett Furlong - 15 years ago
I've heard about that before I wish thy had that in California all of the"rivers" are sewage drains but they do make a sationary wave
seadoggiedog - 15 years ago
i am so sorry that half a tree did not come down and take all you little fuckers out..thats how you pissy bitches learn to surf? keep looking for that tree.
Zane Vandevort
Zane Vandevort - 15 years ago
cool beans
OGamerO7 - 15 years ago
1:58 xDDD
Device DnB
Device DnB - 15 years ago
Name of the music? Please...
João paulo madeira de carvalho
João paulo madeira de carvalho - 15 years ago
Muito Bacana...lembra o Diluvio...RShahahaha
Wolvereyne - 15 years ago
thats really cool
MartinsPF - 15 years ago
Muito bacana!
Raie - 15 years ago
i hate boogie boarders, the best way to ride that is to skim it dawg.
mikey - 15 years ago
shred this thing the day after a hard rain! that river would be raggggin
rawababyoku - 15 years ago
na u make a dam so you dig it out
Kati Nemseff Villagran
Kati Nemseff Villagran - 15 years ago
just say hawaii
Kati Nemseff Villagran
Kati Nemseff Villagran - 15 years ago
fuck you :)
Kati Nemseff Villagran
Kati Nemseff Villagran - 15 years ago
where is this..?
davisoad18 - 15 years ago
Douglas Roth
Douglas Roth - 15 years ago
Collie buddz - (come around)
bryantkona - 15 years ago
Yeah a couple times a year. The waves wash up a new sandbar that blocks the river. The water builds up behind it, then you dig a channel through the sandbar again.
bryantkona - 15 years ago
No, it only lasts an hour or two before the water that's been building up behind the sandbar flows out
Davo G Reid
Davo G Reid - 15 years ago
Keyboard warriors.... surfing ownz all
xXx420xDicKx69xXx - 15 years ago
i hope you know that you really suck at threatening people
mafu_ry - 15 years ago
collie buddz.. come around.. so sick
xXx420xDicKx69xXx - 15 years ago
Yo, douchefag chill the fuck out
Brian D'Antoni
Brian D'Antoni - 15 years ago
both gay go surf
xbbderx - 15 years ago
agentxyv - 15 years ago
hi everybody
Danny Smith
Danny Smith - 15 years ago
sponging is cool and stuff but really, skiming is better and it pisses me off when spongers and tourist get in my way
sASG sADFGADH - 15 years ago
sASG sADFGADH - 15 years ago
lol its like the opposite for me. i guess cunts are cunts whatever theyre on.
alexmartin51 - 15 years ago
i live in australia, only started surfing last summer and all the body-boarders just drop in on me all the time and wont even give me a chance at a wave...so sometimes i paddle out and sit in front of them lol
sASG sADFGADH - 15 years ago
yeah, well most of the guys that made the tension movies grew up around my area so i guess people around here are more into it
xXx420xDicKx69xXx - 15 years ago
Alright bro, i guess things are different then, because majority of bodyboarders here are kids who just cant do anything and just come to the beach on vacation and get in the way.
sASG sADFGADH - 15 years ago
kooks are kooks man. as long as everyone respects each other in the surf and dosnt drop in on each other everythings fine. i just hate cocky surfewrs that think they own the ocean, and drop in on bbers making us dive out the way. the majority of bbers over here are serious about it and dont fuck around.
xXx420xDicKx69xXx - 15 years ago
Dude, fine, i guess the pros are equal, but in my experience the bodyboarders at the beaches i go to just get in the way and annoy the shit out of everyone. maybe its different in Australia, but here they suck
sASG sADFGADH - 15 years ago
pro surfers and pro bodyboarders are equal. its like comparing oranges and apples. im not even going to waste anymore time with you, its obvious you dont have the mental capacity to make any decent points as to why you hate us.
xXx420xDicKx69xXx - 15 years ago
Pro surfers rip on "pro" body boarders. I'm not close minded at all and i don't think that what i do it better than what everyone does i just hate body boarders, you're ignorant for judging.
sASG sADFGADH - 15 years ago
mate, bodyboarders take on heavier waves than surfers have the balls to go up against. and how about you try and bust out any thing close to what the pro bodyboarders do. I respect surfers, but i dont respect ignorant close minded half-wits that think what they do is so much better than what everyone else does. pull your head out of your fucking ass.
xXx420xDicKx69xXx - 15 years ago
take up room that real surfers could have used and waste everybody's time looking like a douche. Boogie boarders should learn to actually surf or get lost
sASG sADFGADH - 15 years ago
what did he do douchebag
John Grasse
John Grasse - 15 years ago
who cares man, this only comes once or twice a year.. this is surfing paradise.
Dick Butkus
Dick Butkus - 15 years ago
were is it at?
Zach Kay
Zach Kay - 15 years ago
this is amazing. i have never seen anything like this
nickoskim - 15 years ago
name of song??
xXx420xDicKx69xXx - 15 years ago
2:30 the reason why i hate boogie boarders
Hemi Maka Tekobum
Hemi Maka Tekobum - 15 years ago
how do you make one of these. our local council had to make a channel because our river was blocked off from the sea and this is all I could think of was making one of these. It's swift as but everyone uses it for fishing and stuff so I might go down one night with a shovel and try.
Preston Rabacal
Preston Rabacal - 15 years ago
it opens when it rains duh?
kungfufighter18 - 15 years ago
when can you do this at waimea?

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