133,591 likes 34,453,432 views 15 years ago
"Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride" Aloha e aloha e 'Ano 'ai ke aloha e Aloha ae aloha e A nu ay ki aloha e There's no...
6,197 likes 3,646,438 views 11 years ago
Photos of shark-wrangler Elliot Sudal pulling shark onto a Nantucket beach, and the wrestling the shark, have gone...
8,074 likes 1,650,619 views 7 years ago
Jojo Siwa Doll Travel Morning Routine in the American Girl grand hotel playset. Jojo is on vacation. she uses her...
6,405 likes 974,781 views 7 years ago
Jojo Siwa Doll Christmas Morning Routine! She wakes up from her doll bedroom to see all her Christmas surprise...
1,449 likes 389,383 views 13 years ago
Setting Up a Discus Fish Aquarium - Presented by WetPets & AmericanReef.com where you can view over 200 educational...
133,591 likes 34,453,432 views 15 years ago
"Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride" Aloha e aloha e 'Ano 'ai ke aloha e Aloha ae aloha e A nu ay ki aloha e There's no...
287 likes 75,279 views 16 years ago
a video i made for a great song that doesn't have one. please rate, and leave awful kind messages.
11 likes 6,481 views 8 years ago
Surf in playa de las Americas, teneriffa
The "Weezer- Surf Wax America (w/ Lyrics)" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Weezer- Surf Wax America (w/ Lyrics)
I got caught in the under tow in the wave pool my first time going to a water park. that was scary af. would've been worse if I had no life jacket.
20. comment for Weezer- Surf Wax America (w/ Lyrics)
30. comment for Weezer- Surf Wax America (w/ Lyrics)