What 5000+ hours of surfing looks like (CS:GO)

Drop a like and leave a comment if you enjoyed! Help my reach 80,000 subscribers! https://goo.gl/jjYvyC Giveaway rules: 1) Subscribe (https://goo.gl/jjYvyC) 2) Turn notifications ON! 3) Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChronoYinger Note: You don't need to like or comment to enter the giveaway. Giveaway ends in a week. I'll pick a random new twitter follower and DM them to see if they're subscribed. You have my word that its a legit giveaway. Next time, I'll add a requirement of retweeting a tweet to enter the giveaway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The first few clips are from a surf tournament, actually the first ever surf tournament, called "Surf's Up!". In this tournament, numerous world record breakers and holders competed against one another for a prize pool of $1000. One notable clip was when green void clutched when he was behind on the course. If you search up the players attending, you can see many record runs from players like kusche, niyhM, and many others. And also, shroud unboxed two knives today xd. And sorry about the short video. Longer video will be up tomorrow I promise. Let me know which clip was your favorite in the comments below :D Also, if you were a surfer featured in this video and would like to be credited in the description, DM me on Twitter and I'll happily add your twitch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ credits (check them out!) https://www.twitch.tv/greenvoid1 https://twitch.tv/truktruk https://twitch.tv/eflcsgo https://twitch.tv/officialandypyro https://twitch.tv/kwwg8 https://twitch.tv/NeonCS_ https://twitch.tv/styro_ff https://twitch.tv/Anomaly https://twitch.tv/shroud https://twitch.tv/fuslie https://twitch.tv/shiphys https://twitch.tv/Aleeksi https://twitch.tv/OfficialAndyPyro https://twitch.tv/no_onee https://twitch.tv/theroflm0nster https://twitch.tv/mahone_tv https://twitch.tv/kxnstudio Information About Surf Tournament: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JU7gHGAadX8qHyOwK2FQLeppjNOSX8NB9IyZ7aVH1z4/edit https://challonge.com/SurfsUp2019 I upload these videos to feature and promote upcoming Twitch Streamers. No copyright infringement intended. If you're the owner of any of the clips in this video and would prefer if it wasn't featured, then feel free to contact me via email. I'll response quickly and get the video removed asap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ twitter: https://twitter.com/ChronoYinger email: yingerbusiness@gmail.com subscribe: https://goo.gl/jjYvyC discord: https://discord.gg/rjZJKzA I'm open to all business inquires. Just shoot me an email, or DM me on Twitter. Hopefully we can work together in the future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What 5000+ hours of surfing looks like (CS:GO)

What 5000+ hours of surfing looks like (CS:GO) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Surf 6 years ago 2,542 views

Drop a like and leave a comment if you enjoyed! Help my reach 80,000 subscribers! https://goo.gl/jjYvyC Giveaway rules: 1) Subscribe (https://goo.gl/jjYvyC) 2) Turn notifications ON! 3) Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChronoYinger Note: You don't need to like or comment to enter the giveaway. Giveaway ends in a week. I'll pick a random new twitter follower and DM them to see if they're subscribed. You have my word that its a legit giveaway. Next time, I'll add a requirement of retweeting a tweet to enter the giveaway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The first few clips are from a surf tournament, actually the first ever surf tournament, called "Surf's Up!". In this tournament, numerous world record breakers and holders competed against one another for a prize pool of $1000. One notable clip was when green void clutched when he was behind on the course. If you search up the players attending, you can see many record runs from players like kusche, niyhM, and many others. And also, shroud unboxed two knives today xd. And sorry about the short video. Longer video will be up tomorrow I promise. Let me know which clip was your favorite in the comments below :D Also, if you were a surfer featured in this video and would like to be credited in the description, DM me on Twitter and I'll happily add your twitch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ credits (check them out!) https://www.twitch.tv/greenvoid1 https://twitch.tv/truktruk https://twitch.tv/eflcsgo https://twitch.tv/officialandypyro https://twitch.tv/kwwg8 https://twitch.tv/NeonCS_ https://twitch.tv/styro_ff https://twitch.tv/Anomaly https://twitch.tv/shroud https://twitch.tv/fuslie https://twitch.tv/shiphys https://twitch.tv/Aleeksi https://twitch.tv/OfficialAndyPyro https://twitch.tv/no_onee https://twitch.tv/theroflm0nster https://twitch.tv/mahone_tv https://twitch.tv/kxnstudio Information About Surf Tournament: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JU7gHGAadX8qHyOwK2FQLeppjNOSX8NB9IyZ7aVH1z4/edit https://challonge.com/SurfsUp2019 I upload these videos to feature and promote upcoming Twitch Streamers. No copyright infringement intended. If you're the owner of any of the clips in this video and would prefer if it wasn't featured, then feel free to contact me via email. I'll response quickly and get the video removed asap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ twitter: https://twitter.com/ChronoYinger email: yingerbusiness@gmail.com subscribe: https://goo.gl/jjYvyC discord: https://discord.gg/rjZJKzA I'm open to all business inquires. Just shoot me an email, or DM me on Twitter. Hopefully we can work together in the future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What 5000+ hours of surfing looks like (CS:GO)

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Most popular comments
for What 5000+ hours of surfing looks like (CS:GO)

Tristian Harrar
Tristian Harrar - 6 years ago
6:07 that was super sus… Great video keep it up <3
Abhinav Jaiswal
Abhinav Jaiswal - 6 years ago
Who got a knife han I did X 2 - Shroud 2019
blunted jAaz
blunted jAaz - 6 years ago
What map is that???
blunted jAaz
blunted jAaz - 6 years ago
blunted jAaz
blunted jAaz - 6 years ago
ChronoYinger hmm ok
ChronoYinger - 6 years ago
For surf? The players surfed on many different maps
skaun - 6 years ago
ez 4 AGO 9:25
sam - 6 years ago
shroud is sooo lucky wtf 2 knives 1 red
ViNK - 6 years ago
aleksib streams?? :DD @ 7:55
ChronoYinger - 6 years ago
Zensaiy - 6 years ago
what are the sensivitys for surfing like that?
DREAMZY - 6 years ago
+lordy no, when there are big turns, people use turn binds, which basically you bind a button to +left or +right and it turns by itself, you dont need to move mouse
Aart van Werven
Aart van Werven - 6 years ago
Most are around 800 0.9, however some like saxton go down as low as 800 0.45. I personally use 400 1 for surf. For the big turns we use turnbinds so we can turn a bit quicker.
DREAMZY - 6 years ago
depends on players. i know saxton plays on 800 dpi 0.45 sens. redc plays 800 dpi 1sens. not sure about the others but probably around that range
lordy - 6 years ago
steven van der Velde
steven van der Velde - 6 years ago
Don't have twitter but i still wanna join uwu
steven van der Velde
steven van der Velde - 6 years ago
+ChronoYinger ❤❤❤❤
ChronoYinger - 6 years ago
I'll change the giveaway requirement next giveaway since I've noticed that some ppl dont use twitter
ChronoYinger - 6 years ago
All of the surfers in the Surf's Up (the surf tournament) are legit veteran surfers. If you look up their names, they're going to have WR (world record) times from the past. I thought it was pretty cool so to see them compete against each other, as this is a relatively new idea of competing. Let me know which clip is your favorite :D
ChronoYinger - 6 years ago
Yeah super entertaining. I'd love to see more of these tournaments in the future. Their skill wows me
Aart van Werven
Aart van Werven - 6 years ago
I believe the lowest ranked player was rank 22, it was such a great tournament. Glad to see that you watched it :)

10. comment for What 5000+ hours of surfing looks like (CS:GO)

Flexo - 6 years ago
Ballerunivers - 6 years ago
The best part was 5:45
ChronoYinger - 6 years ago
when shroud and anomaly unbox the same knife on the same day
tocczt CS
tocczt CS - 6 years ago
is this tf2 or csgo?
ChronoYinger - 6 years ago
yeah its css. i just looked at greenvoid's VOD and he was playing on cs:s
DREAMZY - 6 years ago
+tocczt CS its css
tocczt CS
tocczt CS - 6 years ago
+Mynis also marketplace.tf is like opskins of tf2
tocczt CS
tocczt CS - 6 years ago
+Mynis i used to play tf2 and the chat looked a bit same
Mynis - 6 years ago
it's actually CS:S cause of the chat (0:49)
Steven Li
Steven Li - 6 years ago
At like 1:35 ish
ChronoYinger - 6 years ago
their twitch game says cs:go and the hud looks like the csgo hud (top score and timer looks the same)

EDIT: its cs:s
Skiles - 6 years ago
Surfing is hard eh
Skiles - 6 years ago
+blunted jAaz i have never played it. But i think u will find it in steam workshops. Idk :) maybe
blunted jAaz
blunted jAaz - 6 years ago
How i get this map?
ChronoYinger - 6 years ago
These guys have years of experience making it look easy
Sarvesh Laddha
Sarvesh Laddha - 6 years ago
The best part of video 11:45
ChronoYinger - 6 years ago
tocczt CS
tocczt CS - 6 years ago
hopefully i win the giveaeay
ChronoYinger - 6 years ago
good luck man!
ReduxTR Gaming
ReduxTR Gaming - 6 years ago
ChronoYinger - 6 years ago

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