World's best surfing 2017

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World's best surfing 2017 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 719

Surf 7 years ago 1,925,999 views

World's best surfing 2017 — Enjoy the video. Rate, Comment, Share... Thanx Subscribe for new compilations: If your Video is in this Compilation please contact me to be credited for it or have your part removed, thank you.

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Most popular comments
for World's best surfing 2017

Skeptical Gamer
Skeptical Gamer - 7 years ago
What beach is that near the city
Makayla Monaco
Makayla Monaco - 7 years ago
Can I surf with a fully torn ACL??
Ann Neville
Ann Neville - 7 years ago
Why is it that male surfers are photographed doing tricks and females surfer's just get their asses photographed?  We could either start showing females actually surfing or show more male asses?  Either way, I'm satisfied.
Ann Neville
Ann Neville - 7 years ago
actually I need to be fair;  I google searched female surfers and male surfers.  For the females about 40% of the shots are actually women seriously surfing.  0% of the male images that popped up had men actually surfing (and I'm counting the first 10 images because I'm not going to count them all.  I'm not that interested.) .  More of the male images were sexualized than women.
Katie Larsen
Katie Larsen - 7 years ago
This comment should have more likes!(unless everyone is here for the thumbnail which wouldn’t surprise me)
Malik Sadam
Malik Sadam - 7 years ago

Ethan Hermon
Ethan Hermon - 7 years ago
Perfect barrels
せるせるせるりあーん - 7 years ago
I came in here hung in the ass
I'm Japanese
Jaan Hurditch
Jaan Hurditch - 7 years ago
a couple of good clips, mainly ordinary surfing though. Clickbait
Peace Love
Peace Love - 7 years ago
Definetly total goals , oh baby!

10. comment for World's best surfing 2017

Innovativecams Innovativecams
Innovativecams Innovativecams - 7 years ago
Some great HD action footage! Also, excellent surfing!
Kinlan Boys
Kinlan Boys - 7 years ago
Bet he got all of the views from the thumbnail
Sport ForAction
Sport ForAction - 7 years ago
Awesome video. I would improve the music. Good Job guys!
Eki Kaelani
Eki Kaelani - 7 years ago
Thank you for the bonuses
Luciana Moraes
Luciana Moraes - 7 years ago
Fuck nice...Loved it
mynameISdooma - 7 years ago
Lame af!
Trixter808 - 7 years ago
SUC's ( stand up clowns ) should be banned lol theres no need for them just another way to snake a wave
Esteve G.T
Esteve G.T - 7 years ago
Just only one word : WOW ! ^_^
Cristina Lee
Cristina Lee - 7 years ago
Derik Falkman
Derik Falkman - 7 years ago
5:07 .....

20. comment for World's best surfing 2017

Archie O'Brien
Archie O'Brien - 7 years ago
Hi, I'm a final year Product design student, looking into controlled mobility underwater. I need some insight, so would love it if you could fill out this questionnaire
Rose Rey
Rose Rey - 7 years ago
The guy on fire is probably the outright STUPIDEST surf thing ive ever seen
brositos 1y2
brositos 1y2 - 7 years ago
brositos 1y2
brositos 1y2 - 7 years ago
Were is that?
UndERSTANDAble have a nice daY
UndERSTANDAble have a nice daY - 7 years ago
Thumbnail got me here
fpsBRASIL gM - 7 years ago
GamingCYT - 7 years ago
Dem booty
J. Collins
J. Collins - 7 years ago
Sounds like Nintendo 64 reject music. Great thumbnail and the opening drone shot of pipe was insane, beyond that this is what you get when a non surfer tries to make a surf video.
mountainfolks - 7 years ago
A surfer told me this one time years ago. "The better a person is at surfing the less they actually work at a job."
Casey Pflipsen
Casey Pflipsen - 7 years ago
bet all y'all mf just clicked on here to fap

30. comment for World's best surfing 2017

Cano Arroyo
Cano Arroyo - 7 years ago
Nada se compara en la Vida,si no sabes la quimica,del surfing,es otra dimension,somo parte de Ella una vez lo prastiques,love surf
BUFFHOWARD - 7 years ago
I'm only here because of the thumbnail
City Of Angels
City Of Angels - 7 years ago
Ari Immonen
Ari Immonen - 7 years ago
Shazam is great application for unknown music :)
Ari Immonen
Ari Immonen - 7 years ago
Kasger - Reflections
Scot Fennell
Scot Fennell - 7 years ago
Get your Single fin ON!!
肖逍 - 7 years ago
Philippe Virgili
Philippe Virgili - 7 years ago
FreaksofFashion Hamburg
FreaksofFashion Hamburg - 7 years ago
Exit Paradise
Exit Paradise - 7 years ago
Where is the location at 1:19
Jack Farley
Jack Farley - 7 years ago
Exit Paradise pretty sure that’s waikiki beach in Hawaii with diamond head in the background
Polandball - 7 years ago
Exit Paradise Darude - Sanstorm
siestam44 - 7 years ago
I'm like "Sick! JOB in the barrel, on fire!" the wife replies, "eh, he's getting barreled, that should be enough"
Connor McCreesh
Connor McCreesh - 7 years ago
Anyone else just come because of the thumbnail
renata Novaes
renata Novaes - 7 years ago
A garota é pra caí
Kristijan S
Kristijan S - 7 years ago
Who is girl on the end
Patrick Conners
Patrick Conners - 7 years ago
terrible music but great footage!
the dude
the dude - 7 years ago
That shot at 5:08 makes this a banned video ! that ass has to be the finest ass that walks the earth
David Garcia Jr.
David Garcia Jr. - 7 years ago
Y on fire
Danilo luz
Danilo luz - 7 years ago
Quem veio aqui só pra ver a gostosa ? Igual eu !
lynn henkel
lynn henkel - 7 years ago
Surfer's never get big air .
VR D - 7 years ago
Where is the ass ?
Enrique Espinosa
Enrique Espinosa - 7 years ago
The end of video lol
jack 03
jack 03 - 7 years ago
on alana blanchards channel ;)

50. comment for World's best surfing 2017

Brian Mulligan
Brian Mulligan - 7 years ago
hillary's economist who where the exact same a Venzuela' tell you all you need to know.
- Fugi -
- Fugi - - 7 years ago
ptdrrr le gros cul sur la miniature x)
Сергей Гаврилов
Сергей Гаврилов - 7 years ago
02:06, мужики
Ольга Живалова
Ольга Живалова - 7 years ago
Сто мурашек!!!
Ольга Живалова
Ольга Живалова - 7 years ago
КЛАСССС!!!!!!!Сто раз!!!!!
TheTruth Spy
TheTruth Spy - 7 years ago
Govern = gubernare = latin = TO CONTROL, ment = mens = latin = MIND. Media, money, politics, history, education, religion, pharmaceuticals, 6 billion population, ATOM etc., nuclear bombs, galaxies, planets, space, space travel, ball earth, evolution, gravity monkey man, dinosaurs, forests, mountains, volcanos = LIES. YOUTUBE - FLAT EARTH ADDICT 05 (first video), YOUTUBE - THE FLAT EARTH THE FIRMAMENT THE DOME ABOVE US (first video).
Fady Amir
Fady Amir - 7 years ago
How did you take this video !
Marcela Lobo
Marcela Lobo - 7 years ago
Lo maximo...
George 743
George 743 - 7 years ago
Florent Heuse
Florent Heuse - 7 years ago
pute a click avec tes 2 photos de merde à la fin .. Merci beaucoup !
lazybone1985 Bone
lazybone1985 Bone - 7 years ago
iam setting up a new sport in african serengeti. all have to wear antelope costumes and than we play hide and seek.
can any surfer explain me how they can enjoy this sport
some people just deserve to get eaten
hazel dove
hazel dove - 7 years ago
These surfers are very disrespectful of the waves.

-Surf God
チャッキー - 7 years ago

Elangovan Elango
Elangovan Elango - 7 years ago
vdub bob
vdub bob - 7 years ago
wat is this tune ?
Erasmo Pedroza
Erasmo Pedroza - 7 years ago
RangerOfAlcyone - 7 years ago
Nobody is going into EVERY Black country and ONLY Black countries and telling the population there, "we're bringing in millions of non-Blacks to replace our aging Black population - by the way, we need the eggs of your Black women to create a new man! Complain about our genocidal designs, and it's jail time for you!" This mayhem is ONLY inflicted on White People living in White countries and ONLY White children are harmed by this! It's GENOCIDE.
old mate
old mate - 7 years ago
Yeah I live in Australia and none of this bullshit you're talking about happens. Just shut up you fucking retard.
RangerOfAlcyone - 7 years ago
Well, ultimately it would be the moneyed elite. It's popular to just label all of these elements as jewish, but many of them can easily pass for gentile (with many being self-described as "Protestant" or "Catholic"), and this confuses a lot of people. The UK's "House of Windsor" is a good example. The people who have it in for us go all the way to the top echelons of power. This rootless cosmopolitan clique is imperialistic, and yet they are also universalist leaning. Their endgame seems to be to reduce all nations to a blended humanity of nothing specific, to tear communities apart by gradually implementing conditions that turn everyone into an atomized consumer that has no loyalty, no hospitality, and no class. We are already halfway there now with modern society's "Rat Race" Materialism. Much of the art and entertainment in the west now is crass, decadent, ugly and trashy. In America, I'll just offer the examples of shows like "My Name Is Earl" and "Family Guy." While Family Guy still has some funny parts to it, I find its content to be way too hateful and disgusting...enough so that I would even go as far as to say that it's social messages are malicious in nature - I'm serious, I feel like I'm being attacked and shot at. Television has been weaponized as a form of mind control. They deliberately insert their toxic tripe into shows and advertisements to make their sick visions manifest into the real world after being introduced into the collective psyche of society. I know that this sounds like the far-fetched plot of some bad movie, but the Powers That Be are truly up to that kind of evil. I'm only reporting what is known so far, if that makes me a "tinfoil head," then so be it.
8KILLSTEP - 7 years ago
RangerOfAlcyone Who You think is The real enemy today? ???
8KILLSTEP - 7 years ago
RangerOfAlcyone i think They was locking your account...... your Point of view is interessing i wanna hear more !
RangerOfAlcyone - 7 years ago
I'm confused...are you actually expressing sympathy for the veiled Anti-White Communists with the red & black banners?? Some of the same people who want to murder everyone and replace their countries with some crazy Babylon of races? Don't get me wrong, I DO see Law Enforcement Personnel as the bigger threat, but contrary to what their name may suggest, the Antifa are actually just Anti-White thugs. There's nothing noble about them. They define a "Fascist" as just anybody who is normal and doesn't want their people replaced with some nondescript, mocha colored blended humanity.

"They takeout youraccount"

You're referring to their censorship campaigns, or as they like to call it, "no platforming?"
8KILLSTEP - 7 years ago
RangerOfAlcyone They takeout youraccount
8KILLSTEP - 7 years ago
RangerOfAlcyone But antifa partisan are Not bad.....I Mean The worst thing of The Last century wasFASCISMMM
8KILLSTEP - 7 years ago
8KILLSTEP - 7 years ago
RangerOfAlcyone Yo, basically we share The same view... But i was unaware that many criminal Can Pass Clean here! I always think that in ITALY we dont have terrorist attack becose we are actualy STOCKING TERRORIST !!!! ITALY is The base To ATTACK EUROPE....AND IT HAS TO BE OPEN !!!!!!!NOW IN EVERY CITY HERE U SEE POOR BLACKS WHO SELLIN ALL DRUGS AND MOROCCHIAN AT THE CORNER....MANY GET BENEFIT AND POOR ITALIANS ARE KICKED OUT FROM THEYRE HOME! !!
RangerOfAlcyone - 7 years ago
You know that you're on the defensive when you have to begin every true statement with, "I'm not a racist, but..." for fear of being persecuted. Yeah, I would say that the situation over there is pretty dire. To say that it's only now getting crazy is the understatement of the century. This is the thing that you MUST realize, okay "racist" is a derogatory hate slur against White People. This is a completely reasonable observation when you consider that there is no universal standard being enforced. The authorities are allowing non-Whites to get away with crimes that would get anyone White put away for a long time - it's not just an accident that this is happening, it's highly organized TREASON from the top-down. What makes it genocide? Nobody's allowed the right to refuse participation in this destructive social contract. What to do about it? For starters, we need to stop viewing the police and the court systems as the solution to everything - our costumed authority figures are completely compromised. It is NEVER a good idea to ask the state (your govt.) to protect you from Antifa Partisans and marauding rapefugees, that goes especially after they have shown no allegiance to their citizenry (of native stock of course). They keep legislating against you. The only thing those European "Hate Speech" codes have done, is to shut down all dissent from this program of genocide that is the Kalergi Plan. They don't care about the feelings of non-Whites. Every new "terror attack" is being used as a precedent to expand the police state and clamp down on your freedom to speak out. You need to take this as a hint that this fight is up to the people alone. There is no cavalry coming, no "God Emperors." It's just you against your criminal Anti-White government. Total anarchy would be preferable to what our mis-leaders have planned for us. Your government does not represent you at all. Beyond having essential knowledge that you are being occupied, find creative ways to spread the truth about White Genocide. Get a stick of chalk and write down, "diversity is a code word for White Genocide" on the sidewalks. Above all else, just ACT! Time is of the essence! Don't concern yourself too much with whatever the headlines are saying. It's all an elaborate puppet show with smoke & mirrors that's designed to keep you distracted and stall you. You just need to get the word out there that this is a soft-kill genocide being maliciously orchestrated from the top-down and that it's not going to get better. Our enemy is waging war by deception, and they KNOW that it's evil and wrong. Anyone wearing a square & compass on their clothing is not to be trusted.
8KILLSTEP - 7 years ago
RangerOfAlcyone im Not racist But The situation in italy is gettin crazy
RangerOfAlcyone - 7 years ago
....and the United States, Russia, Canada, Argentina, New Zealand and Australia.
8KILLSTEP - 7 years ago
Hey AlCione Your talking about whats going on in Europe? !!?
ליאה הכהן
ליאה הכהן - 7 years ago
Xristos Jeliliai
๒ครє๔ و๏๔๔єรร
๒ครє๔ و๏๔๔єรร - 7 years ago
RangerOfAlcyone Absolutely!
Xristos Jeliliai
Xristos Jeliliai - 7 years ago
RangerOfAlcyone and wtf has all that bolocks to do with the surfing video???? Nothing.... Go play your tutu dumass
RangerOfAlcyone - 7 years ago
"Dick eater?" You must think the only people who oppose White Genocide are the Alt Right! lol
Meat Head
Meat Head - 7 years ago
RangerOfAlcyone what the FUCK are you on about dick eater..?
RangerOfAlcyone - 7 years ago
Pedro Hintze Ribeiro
Pedro Hintze Ribeiro - 7 years ago
RangerOfAlcyone hmmmm nice surf observation
MrRdbrig - 7 years ago
some call it surfing...some call it shark-bait
MagicVova - 7 years ago
Looks awesome
Rodney Armstrong
Rodney Armstrong - 7 years ago
I'm glad that I don't live bye the ocean. because if it's like it is in the movies and a group of people came up to me and said you can't surf here the first person to tell me I can't surf because their gang didn't want me to surf there I would just shoot that person in the face.
Ryan Morgan
Ryan Morgan - 7 years ago
WES Town' S
WES Town' S - 7 years ago
saudade de uma praia,,,,.faz.tempo......
Markus Broyles
Markus Broyles - 7 years ago
World's most mediocre surfing Plus ~ World's most annoying music !
Roberto Charron
Roberto Charron - 7 years ago
this couldn't be more true
joseph kopeczy
joseph kopeczy - 7 years ago
fish will smell like that for ever
D French
D French - 7 years ago
at least it was genuine click bait and not the usual bollocks. great ass and good video too. Thanks
Cplo Wu
Cplo Wu - 7 years ago
i saw mamy porn covers less explicit than this thumb lol
Baxter Scully
Baxter Scully - 7 years ago
Brooooooo, that was sick!!!! Pop a wheelie next time!!!
Ariane Gabriele Ribeiro Macedo
Ariane Gabriele Ribeiro Macedo - 7 years ago
euskaldoude - 7 years ago
musique nulle quel mauvais gout sur des images et un sujet qui ne méritent pas cette médiocrité
Anders Omø Carlsen
Anders Omø Carlsen - 7 years ago
came for thumb..
1bottlefed - 7 years ago
Worlds best surfing...worlds worst music
Paolo Flores
Paolo Flores - 7 years ago
more nalgas please!!!
Gibbet Hoskins
Gibbet Hoskins - 7 years ago
That thumbnail deserves some kind of trophy.
Anthony Murphy
Anthony Murphy - 7 years ago
Fuckn click bait shit
Anthony Murphy
Anthony Murphy - 7 years ago
I came for the title...unfortunately it was far from the world's best forms of surfing for 2017..
Emile Rios
Emile Rios - 7 years ago
Yeah well if you came because of the title but not the Thumbnail, then you wouldn't be so angry
Cozzy Internet
Cozzy Internet - 7 years ago
finally! .....a hang-ten !!

@ 2:14
THL23 - 7 years ago
GamingCYT - 7 years ago
Them booty
bulbangs - 7 years ago
da real mvp
MASTERFORALLS - 7 years ago
you are a big hero men ;) fapfap time lml rockandroll
Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride
Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride - 7 years ago
Didn't even play the video. It was time for my daily fap.
Kpaloa USA
Kpaloa USA - 7 years ago
Yes. White, brown, black, yellow and red people do that
TylernZack - 7 years ago
so this is what white people do
LeCaissie - 7 years ago
HAHA myyyy man!
Aaaal !
Aaaal ! - 7 years ago
Thanks, because we all know 99% of us clicked just for that.
Erika Hayes
Erika Hayes - 7 years ago
I Love you Corbin
Gunnar Moeller
Gunnar Moeller - 7 years ago
best surfing but worst music !
Bexy Evans
Bexy Evans - 7 years ago
How on Earth was that dude on fire?!
Vipxr - 7 years ago
David Garcia Jr. It's Jamie o Brian, it was for entertainment purposes on his YouTube series
Connor McCreesh
Connor McCreesh - 7 years ago
The water was cold so they lit him on fire to keep him warm
David Garcia Jr.
David Garcia Jr. - 7 years ago
I thought it was unnecessary
Josiah Colvin
Josiah Colvin - 7 years ago
Skills... mad skills.
Abdiel Arauz
Abdiel Arauz - 7 years ago
Bexy Evahl
Cozzy Internet
Cozzy Internet - 7 years ago
vc - very cold
jack 03
jack 03 - 7 years ago
what do u mean by vc
Monica Monica
Monica Monica - 7 years ago
jack 03. vc
jack 03
jack 03 - 7 years ago
they lit him on fire then he jumped off a jetski onto the wave its on red bull tv
VJ MACC - 7 years ago
Why the hell is there a guy on flames?
Rob Hofer
Rob Hofer - 7 years ago
VJ MACC was obviously a “Stunt”!
Ignasgaming - 7 years ago
You are making very good video clips :) WHO AGREE?
jack 03
jack 03 - 7 years ago
he does not make the clips
UPW IR - 7 years ago
Puppy Stomper
Puppy Stomper - 7 years ago
Flash Of Gaming
Flash Of Gaming - 7 years ago
Please help me to 200 subs
Sad Hours
Sad Hours - 7 years ago
Travis Cromartie
Travis Cromartie - 7 years ago
Archangel 2077
Archangel 2077 - 7 years ago
That butt tho
José Augusto dos Santos
José Augusto dos Santos - 7 years ago
GOSTOSO , MUITO BOM ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Cartoon Zueiro
Cartoon Zueiro - 7 years ago
like 6
Rhenioun - 7 years ago
Emile Rios
Emile Rios - 7 years ago
RWS - 7 years ago
And that's why you don't have a girlfriend.
Rhenioun - 7 years ago
omg I was actually first

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The "World's best surfing 2017" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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