Worlds Top Surfers compete Jbay on Retro Twinnies

When you put some of the Worlds greatest surfers in a heat, one of the worlds best waves, on retro twin fins.. Jordy Smith​, Matt Wilkinson​, Sebastian Zietz​, & Conner Coffin​ Song: The Plastics Band - Walking The Cow Corona​ | Parley for the Oceans​ | Dirty Habits​ #CoronaOpenJbay #100islandsprotected Watch the Corona Open Jbay Live on The Dirty Habits Crew is a group of professional athletes from around the world, who chase the sun to Cape Town and other parts of the world to push each other to the extreme limits in performance, stunts, and taking day-to-day activities to the next level. We also feature friends and other professional athletes.. surfers, kiteboarders, stuntmen, skateboarders, wakeboarders, motocross riders, freedivers, and big wave surfers. ✩ Get your Dirty Habits Swag Follow our social pages to see it 1st ✩ Instagram: ✩ Snapchat: DirtyhabitsTV ✩ Facebook: ✩ Twitter:

Worlds Top Surfers compete Jbay on Retro Twinnies sentiment_very_dissatisfied 26

Surf 7 years ago 172,250 views

When you put some of the Worlds greatest surfers in a heat, one of the worlds best waves, on retro twin fins.. Jordy Smith​, Matt Wilkinson​, Sebastian Zietz​, & Conner Coffin​ Song: The Plastics Band - Walking The Cow Corona​ | Parley for the Oceans​ | Dirty Habits​ #CoronaOpenJbay #100islandsprotected Watch the Corona Open Jbay Live on The Dirty Habits Crew is a group of professional athletes from around the world, who chase the sun to Cape Town and other parts of the world to push each other to the extreme limits in performance, stunts, and taking day-to-day activities to the next level. We also feature friends and other professional athletes.. surfers, kiteboarders, stuntmen, skateboarders, wakeboarders, motocross riders, freedivers, and big wave surfers. ✩ Get your Dirty Habits Swag Follow our social pages to see it 1st ✩ Instagram: ✩ Snapchat: DirtyhabitsTV ✩ Facebook: ✩ Twitter:

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Most popular comments
for Worlds Top Surfers compete Jbay on Retro Twinnies

Roscoe Do little
Roscoe Do little - 6 years ago
Trash day is Tuesday around my house if you all need help.
Roscoe Do little
Roscoe Do little - 6 years ago
This is a perfect example of how twin fin fish boards dig rail on turns. You can see these good surfers fighting the old fashioned rails many times per wave. Cute but Mabe time to not miss the next trash day.
chris stephen
chris stephen - 6 years ago
what song is this?
Arthur LP
Arthur LP - 6 years ago
Outside TV
Outside TV - 6 years ago
That’s a great video Dirty Habits team! We want you to share it on Campfire so you can have a chance to win a surfboard, wetsuit, and some free publicity in our video of the month contest! Upload it here!
modman60 - 6 years ago
One of my first boards, a 6'2 WRV wave riding vehicle was a classic swallow tail twin fin that looks so similar... good times. take offs felt like practicing jumping up on the kitchen floor. smiles!
V G - 7 years ago
Jordy looks best.. as natural as a surfer can be. Would love to see Florance on one of those
Amit Naamani
Amit Naamani - 7 years ago
3:05 beautiful wave... what a kickass video!!
Carlos_ sk8s
Carlos_ sk8s - 7 years ago
Wilko has no style how tf is he still on tour

10. comment for Worlds Top Surfers compete Jbay on Retro Twinnies

Chad Carlberg
Chad Carlberg - 7 years ago
I love watching all of these guys. All of them. They're each dominant in their own way and their styles are all their own. But seeing Jordy turning and carving (and yeah, noseriding) a twin fin at jbay helps clarify why he stays at the top of the leader board. It's not that he's so much better than these other guys but the retro style board "explains" his style really well--it magnifies/complements his strengths.
BangTaoBeach - 7 years ago
It's so nice to see that these surfers can really surf with style. I am so bored of airs. Surf the fricking wave. I remember skating in pools in the 70's, 80's and doing airs. I did them for awhile surfing and I thought to myself...why am I doing these stupid things in the ocean? I want to carve and feel my tail deep into the wave. I still want that same feeling. I'm still happy with a floater to get through a section. I just want the feel of the wave under my feet and board.
Kay Sutton
Kay Sutton - 7 years ago
How stylish is Connor Coffin's rail grab cutty? Amazing in this day and age, still got soul.
Jonny Anderson
Jonny Anderson - 7 years ago
So steez
Nihil est in intellectu quid non fuerit prius in sensu.
Nihil est in intellectu quid non fuerit prius in sensu. - 7 years ago
Would be nice to see them on brand New Geoff McCoy Astron Zot single fin designs out there. they would have had more fun than being on those dysfunctional twin fins and at the same time they would've surfed much better than they had been on their "hp" contest "thrusters".
Eric Meech Global Network
Eric Meech Global Network - 7 years ago
gotta say this is pleasant to see...
brenda foster
brenda foster - 7 years ago
My boyfriend dennis rode one in 1983,and he saw this video,and told me this is how surfing should look.TRUE!
Scot Fenn
Scot Fenn - 7 years ago
where's Derek?
Scot Fenn
Scot Fenn - 7 years ago
I'd give my teeth to have been born on Jeffries Bay.
rottenbob91 - 7 years ago
they should do all the wsl on twinnies, it would be a much better show

20. comment for Worlds Top Surfers compete Jbay on Retro Twinnies

22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 7 years ago
Watch. 22adaynoway
John Wharton
John Wharton - 7 years ago
I wait for the day the pro surfer are sponsored by Ganja companies not alcohol . Imagine them coming in from a surf and sharing a joint , alcohol wrecks lives and should not be associated with sports , neither should weed . But hey lets not be hypocrites about this.
Fernando Maron
Fernando Maron - 7 years ago
Weedmaps is already sponsoring Bruce Irons, Nathan Flecther and few others
Rodrigo Osorio
Rodrigo Osorio - 7 years ago
Wilco surfing sucks
Nic Bren
Nic Bren - 7 years ago
Rodrigo Osorio you would have to be a brazo right
The dude abides
The dude abides - 7 years ago
Wilco is embarrassing himself he surfs like s*** on the twin fin it's like he's never rode one in his life I feel embarrassed for him
Rodrigo Osorio
Rodrigo Osorio - 7 years ago
Jetty Local the wilco surfing sucks every time
Chris Reynolds
Chris Reynolds - 7 years ago
Shit that looks fun
jig7saw - 7 years ago
Pure Flow, looked easy, it's not. Twins work so good when mind and body are connected, those little fish look like so much fun!
Scot Fenn
Scot Fenn - 7 years ago
If I came back to earth. I think Jefferies Bay would be my home. Dream dream
Scot Fenn
Scot Fenn - 7 years ago
Looks like they all learned form from J-Bays Master of the bay. Derek
Jabroney - 7 years ago
So fucking sick. Not one spinnerdoddle air.
Brendan Penny
Brendan Penny - 7 years ago
anyone know who shaped those boards?
Max D
Max D - 7 years ago
Brendan Penny they were shaped by Hugh Tompson from Natural Curve Surfboards

30. comment for Worlds Top Surfers compete Jbay on Retro Twinnies

P Dc
P Dc - 7 years ago
That was a pleasure to watch, almost like eating pizza
The Surfing Connoisseur
The Surfing Connoisseur - 7 years ago
Sick vid mate!!
nicolas palacios
nicolas palacios - 7 years ago
Jordy vs Conner dream twin fin heat.
Rad-Dad - 7 years ago
Unreal! Sea bass looked flawless. Love surfing my mini Simmons twin.
Realistik Video
Realistik Video - 7 years ago
Wow! It actually didn't hurt my eyes to watch Wilco surf. He should stick with that board.
Thomas V.
Thomas V. - 7 years ago
Surfing with love instead of aggression. Awesome.
We need a change of mentality in the line-up; too many serious faces out there. Crack a smile and have a chat.
Zach Patterson
Zach Patterson - 6 years ago
oh no the Hegelian phenomenology of the spirit of 'we just need love then the world would be a better place' ie tolerance, It not that I dont want that to be the case I guess I see the essence of individualism to be predominate
troy davey
troy davey - 6 years ago
I agree with your view on attitudes in the lineup but dont start telling me how to surf because if your style of surfing makes you happy then why cant i enjoy mine?
Bruno Perazio
Bruno Perazio - 7 years ago
surfing is all about that! cheers man!
Pablo Dc
Pablo Dc - 7 years ago
Thomas V. Wannabe pros ruining the vibe
AJ J - 7 years ago
Truest words I've heard in a while..So true be happy share the love :)
Fvkc-R-E_2_d_9th-PWR - 7 years ago
00:44 Pure poetry. Nobody does that anymore, it's a shame.
Johan P
Johan P - 7 years ago
Beautiful waves and very soulful rides. Reminds me of seeing Shaun Tomson and Mark Richards riding from 'back then'.
The current crop of surfers who "rage" and "take no prisoners" on the wave should watch this.
Surfing, IMHO, is coordinating intuition and motion with speed and strength in the situation of water moving in a pattern.
All these guys do this and it is a joy to watch. 5 STARS and thanks for the posting - MORE, please.
Lou G
Lou G - 7 years ago
Johan P o
Josh Barrett
Josh Barrett - 7 years ago
Wilko by far looked the most stylish, had that old school flair!
Grant - 6 years ago
Jordy by far
Paul R.
Paul R. - 7 years ago
Josh Barrett +1 jordeeee
jeff noviello
jeff noviello - 7 years ago
Takin it old school... I agree with this comment. LOVE how they slowed down and used the power of the wave with the glide of the twins....!!!!!!
Surf Da Bu
Surf Da Bu - 7 years ago
nah. jordy looked best by a mile
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 7 years ago
watch      22adaynoway
Paul Barrett - Alexander Technique
Paul Barrett - Alexander Technique - 7 years ago
CINICCHIO - 7 years ago
chulieho - 7 years ago
DJ Anthony
DJ Anthony - 7 years ago
always love twinnies
Satoshi N
Satoshi N - 7 years ago
what kind of fish is wilko on?
Walter Ocon
Walter Ocon - 7 years ago
Who are the bands?
daniel vb
daniel vb - 7 years ago
its on the video description
Walter Ocon
Walter Ocon - 7 years ago
mounproject - 7 years ago
Jordy and his natural "aesthetic-power" make him the best at this game.
Jabroney - 7 years ago
His clip was so sooooo good!!
Daniel Marcoulis
Daniel Marcoulis - 7 years ago
Maybe Conner should stick to twin fins for his heats
Jonathan Bouic
Jonathan Bouic - 7 years ago
Yeah man, that's when the "sport" becomes truly an art form.
Tony Degroot
Tony Degroot - 7 years ago
I love watching great surfers slow it down a little bit and get a bit glidey and drivey and flowy. As soon as I see it I go, "Yeah." that's the shi&%# right there."
Daniel Marcoulis
Daniel Marcoulis - 7 years ago
Tony Degroot it would tone down his surfing. Hopefully also those arrogant claims as well
Tony Degroot
Tony Degroot - 7 years ago
Jordy too!  They both looked great on them.
Scott Imbrie
Scott Imbrie - 7 years ago
I'm in. Now if only the flights to SA would drop.
Craig Howes
Craig Howes - 7 years ago
So sick!!!

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The "Worlds Top Surfers compete Jbay on Retro Twinnies" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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