Worst Wipeout! Keala Kennelly at Teahupoo

http://www.TheSurfChannel.com Big wave surfer Keala Kennelly remembers her wipeout heard around the world like it was yesterday. During the Andy Irons memorial paddle out at the Billabong Pro Tahiti 2011, Kennelly paddled out on a 'normal' size day at Teahupoo. After being smacked in the head by the lip when she was in the barrel, the Kauai native drove face first into the reef. Listen as Keala Kennelly recounts her traumatizing experience, provides visuals of her wipeout and injury, and talks about her return to the famous big wave spot. ___ The Surf Channel is an original, free, ad supported television network delivered on cable, satellite and IPTV services, web and wireless. The Video On Demand television network will be found on cable, satellite, telco and digital. Distribution partners include: Comcast, Cox Communications, DirecTV, Dish Network, Filmon.com. For industry news around the clock and to find out about the upcoming television launch, check out: http://www.TheSurfChannel.com http://www.Facebook.com/TheSurfChannel http://www.Twitter.com/TheSurfChannel http://www.Instagram.com/TheSurfChannel * Twitter/Instagram your best barrel face to win prizes every month to #TheSurfChannel #BarrelFace, and 'Like' us on Facebook to join history's first network dedicated to the great sport of surfing.

Worst Wipeout! Keala Kennelly at Teahupoo sentiment_very_dissatisfied 29

Surf 10 years ago 227,374 views

http://www.TheSurfChannel.com Big wave surfer Keala Kennelly remembers her wipeout heard around the world like it was yesterday. During the Andy Irons memorial paddle out at the Billabong Pro Tahiti 2011, Kennelly paddled out on a 'normal' size day at Teahupoo. After being smacked in the head by the lip when she was in the barrel, the Kauai native drove face first into the reef. Listen as Keala Kennelly recounts her traumatizing experience, provides visuals of her wipeout and injury, and talks about her return to the famous big wave spot. ___ The Surf Channel is an original, free, ad supported television network delivered on cable, satellite and IPTV services, web and wireless. The Video On Demand television network will be found on cable, satellite, telco and digital. Distribution partners include: Comcast, Cox Communications, DirecTV, Dish Network, Filmon.com. For industry news around the clock and to find out about the upcoming television launch, check out: http://www.TheSurfChannel.com http://www.Facebook.com/TheSurfChannel http://www.Twitter.com/TheSurfChannel http://www.Instagram.com/TheSurfChannel * Twitter/Instagram your best barrel face to win prizes every month to #TheSurfChannel #BarrelFace, and 'Like' us on Facebook to join history's first network dedicated to the great sport of surfing.

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Most popular comments
for Worst Wipeout! Keala Kennelly at Teahupoo

Eva B.
Eva B. - 6 years ago
Her surgeous did an awesome job. I though at the beginning of the video that it was just a wrinkle or something.. It really healed nicely
Eva B.
Eva B. - 6 years ago
It didn't even look that serious (the wipeout itself).. but god.. if she got so botched on a not even a huge wave.. That gives me the perspective of what it must feel like when surfers get wiped out on those huuuuge waves like Mavericks or Shipsterns..
A.N. - 6 years ago
Ufff...hardcore..glad you are fine though..
Stephen Jones
Stephen Jones - 6 years ago
Yeah....tough one. What's kinda weird about this is that the wave wasn't even that big. Super scary.
ry jo
ry jo - 6 years ago
Ya respect to the surgeons. They saved your beauty! Impressed that u returned and owned it
O G - 6 years ago
She would have made a great Nebula for the Avengers!!!
Matthew Azpilicueta
Matthew Azpilicueta - 6 years ago
Richard Conner
Richard Conner - 6 years ago
Ryan Swanson
Ryan Swanson - 6 years ago
Dear god, had she had her head turned slightly further to her right that impact would have crushed and popped her right eye out of the socket! She's lucky and tough. They should invent full head gear for surfers at the reefs, something less imposing than a motorcycle helmet but effective. Perhaps they have already. =)

10. comment for Worst Wipeout! Keala Kennelly at Teahupoo

badfshn - 6 years ago
im glad they let trans ppl surf nowadays
Lex Boogie
Lex Boogie - 6 years ago
That's a gnarly scar, what a badass.
Ke Ke
Ke Ke - 6 years ago
My name is keala
milkmandan77 - 6 years ago
Legend has it she got that scar munching carpet.
humberto wilkins
humberto wilkins - 6 years ago
She's a bad ass
Taras Koffman
Taras Koffman - 7 years ago
Meow C
Meow C - 7 years ago
Oh wow, I never knew this happened! So glad she is okay.
Tom White
Tom White - 7 years ago
Good thing she's still beautiful.
bipola telly
bipola telly - 7 years ago
i might give the steak a miss tonight.
Appalling68 - 7 years ago
Freakin awesome! You rock, Keala!

20. comment for Worst Wipeout! Keala Kennelly at Teahupoo

kid gloves
kid gloves - 7 years ago
Matthew Hassett
Matthew Hassett - 7 years ago
So brave
John Coontas
John Coontas - 7 years ago
This is so empowering.  All women should watch this video and then take back all that men have taken away from them.
Be Kind
Be Kind - 7 years ago
My hero ❤️
A P - 7 years ago
I once saw a Brazilian guy come out of the water at Padang Padang with a cut right over the top of his head, from his eyebrows to the back of his neck. Blood was absolutely everywhere, you could see his skull, he'd headbutted the reef doubt. He barely spoke any English and was in the middle of Bali, I felt so sorry for him, he was surrounded by people then some locals quickly put him in a taxi and sent him to the hospital. Even to this day I think about it and hope to god he was ok because I don't know what level of health care he would've got in Bali. Surfing over reef is no joke. This woman is a warrior, much respect and glad to see shes all good and well. Had this been rural Indo somewhere it could've been a different story
David Rennolds
David Rennolds - 7 years ago
I'l remember this resiliency and be inspired by it. Get back in the saddle.
Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch - 7 years ago
Not a big wave...still gnarly that she hit the reef, but a small wave in the grand scheme of surfing. Bigger than I can surf, but is this really the worst wipeout? Fuck though....that is gnarly. Respect to this chick.
Adam Mullins
Adam Mullins - 7 years ago
dan allevato
dan allevato - 7 years ago
I actually Never Liked Keala. I thought she was an Arrogant little Bitch! But! I think she had the best form of all the women surfers past and present! I really do miss her on the Tour and wish that she was still competing. From this interview I do believe that this accident most assuredly humbled her in a big way. Respect to you Keala! Little did I know that you will always be the best of any women surfer out in the water! Daniel..... :)
Wyatt Jeffers
Wyatt Jeffers - 7 years ago
Chick is tough and I got mad respect, but I gta keep it real and call her out when she makes the claim that the wave was funky blah blah, that is nonsense, in actuality wave was perfect she just had a super weak bottom turn couldn't pull in and set a line so she awkwardly pumped around the lip, arms flailing not in control then did pull in but due to her poor start of the wave she set herself up for a poor tube ride which resulted in her getting lit up by that grinder.., once again I respect the hell outta this chick she tougher then me but I can't stand when chicks in particular blame things like in this case the alleged funkiness of the wave instead of being honest and putting the only blame where blame exists which is 100% on her poor below average bottom turn, body positioning and ability to set a proper line on this particular wave :-)

30. comment for Worst Wipeout! Keala Kennelly at Teahupoo

MAT T - 7 years ago
The scar is so subtle it actually nearly suits her.
Izabela Marsh
Izabela Marsh - 7 years ago
she was lucky she didn't loose her eye! It healed great! Still pretty:)
Ledger88 - 7 years ago
Loved her since she was in John from Cincinnati
D Underwood
D Underwood - 7 years ago
That's gangster, old school surfer's are hard as nails, she has allot of heart, true surfing legend
Josias Rivera
Josias Rivera - 8 years ago
What actually hit her head?
Luke George
Luke George - 8 years ago
Courage right there, kudos.
fla playa
fla playa - 8 years ago
She is lucky. Could be a vegetable in a wheelchair these breaks are no joke.
the_rugged - 8 years ago
small teahupoo is the most dangerous condition. I mean, code red days are dangerous, but if you want to get close and personal with the reef, this is it
clarkewi - 8 years ago
Hell woman extraordinaire.
Danii Niila
Danii Niila - 8 years ago
what a great job the doctors did! her face is almost perfect!
fla playa
fla playa - 8 years ago
That's what I was thinking. I went through a windshield and my surgeon was nothing like that.
Luis Alfredo Serrano
Luis Alfredo Serrano - 8 years ago
Kaela you are a great sport women, be careful out there.
dubb - 8 years ago
thats not even on the biggest days. you see ppl wipeout on the largest days i wonder what happens to them
legendary - 8 years ago
When you charge hollow waves, this shit happens.
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 8 years ago
She's one gnarly chick !!
Keith Manning
Keith Manning - 8 years ago
I think those safety helmets that you see some guys wearing should be mandatory at those shallow reef breaks. Terrible injury. She seems to have recovered well.
Lewstein - 8 years ago
Garth helmets good sir. I concur
Qsi Consulting
Qsi Consulting - 8 years ago
I talk about you with my 13 yo daughter and show her that girls can do what the boys do.....you are a inspiration to young girls regardless if they surf or not bc you show girls like my daughter that you can compete against the boys and represent yourself with skill, determination and respect.Mahalo Nui Loa!!!
bipola telly
bipola telly - 7 years ago
Qsi Consulting
not true tho', is it.
what is the point of girls competing with boys? Or vise versa?
it's mental illness.
AntiPopLTD - 8 years ago
People have legit died at this place, so how could this be the worst wipeout???
Wandering_larry - 8 years ago
Worst for her ? One of the top wipeouts where someone survived ? Who really cares it's a gnarly wipeout
glenn sarconi
glenn sarconi - 8 years ago
i have always liked her she charges anything ..i have a huge amount of respect for any one who takes a beating like that and comes back to face their demons ..p.s. your still a very pretty a cool girl ,not that you need to hear that from me ..
Storm Hodgson
Storm Hodgson - 9 years ago
the real heroes are the first responders, surgeons and medical staff; without their immediate intervention, this interview quite possibly would never have taken place.. the ocean is the respecter of no one
Mary's Catholics
Mary's Catholics - 6 years ago
Staph infection is the big issue with those types of injuries. If it takes hold, it shuts down your internal organs.
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 8 years ago
That didn't look like a fatal would. Just torn flesh.

50. comment for Worst Wipeout! Keala Kennelly at Teahupoo

Joe Johnston
Joe Johnston - 9 years ago
stay strong,you were very lucky to not lose your eye or even die God bless you
Toby Gibson
Toby Gibson - 9 years ago
Such an amazing human being! That must have taken a lot of heart just to charge Teahupoo, but to go back after that insane injury is just a huge thing!
Eight Ball Talkin'
Eight Ball Talkin' - 9 years ago
You are still a stunningly beautiful woman. Respect.
martin theobald
martin theobald - 9 years ago
I want to see it, not to see people talking about it.
Paul Kent
Paul Kent - 9 years ago
I love it
A G - 9 years ago
I wonder how Keala would feel about surfing Nazare, Portugal.  Awesome courage from someone who has a form of PTSD from surfing.  Way to go Keala!  Inspiring courage-- fearless!
DarkSagan - 9 years ago
Call me a bitch but i stick to sand beaches.
That Girl That Girl
That Girl That Girl - 7 years ago
That's the first thing I said Haaaaa!
MACBEATZ - 7 years ago
I agree with you bro, I don't like reefs too, I had one time a bad experience since that time I only ride on sand beaches
MONSTERSURFER019 - 9 years ago
its amazing. reef breaks are sooo scary. i hit.a samd bank the other day on a wedge break head first and it messed me up a lil. cant imagine a reef to.the face
sam spin
sam spin - 9 years ago
Damn, I don't have the balls to paddle into even one of those. The fact that she went back after hitting her head is inspiring. Cool video
Raoul Duke
Raoul Duke - 7 years ago
Whats scary is the reef itself, not the wave. when you get wipepout that reef turns into a meat grinder
Julio Perez
Julio Perez - 9 years ago
Gnarly as fuck!
Jared Hogie
Jared Hogie - 9 years ago
Pretty small but soooo powerful!
Captain Mediocre
Captain Mediocre - 9 years ago
She not a tough nut she a fricking tough juggernaut
Boxhawk - 9 years ago
Docs did a helluva job stitching her up, that thing was gruesome.
Markus1967 - 6 years ago
That was a major hole in her face, can hardly see it now after surgery, amazing skills.
jeff leppo
jeff leppo - 6 years ago
Zetunez - 8 years ago
Yes with a lot of these stories I'm more impressed by the work of the surgeons.
Vlaid65 - 9 years ago
Good on her.
Red Nova
Red Nova - 9 years ago
What an amazing and real woman...
Amel Mathlouthi
Amel Mathlouthi - 9 years ago
oh wow
JulietsMan - 9 years ago
the wave she wiped on doesn't look like teahupoo...weird
Petepan - 9 years ago
+That Trippy Dude you're an idiot for calling him an idiot simply because he made an observation.
shiftingpeaks - 9 years ago
massive respect
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
Well done woman:) That damn near took her head off, lucky it was a glancing blow by the lip and not the full deal!! It was horrendous enough..SLAM!!!  To come bacck and get that barrel shows guts and fortitude, very brave lady:)
Elliot Huh?
Elliot Huh? - 7 years ago
I believe that's the worst thing that could happen is a glancing blow. The full deal, fills the trough back to seal level. Fairly quickly I believe. But I don't know for sure no expert.
gavin tifler
gavin tifler - 9 years ago
What an amazing woman
GC - 9 years ago
The fact that she handled that wipeout like a boss is fn sexy!! Tough chicks rule!!
Black - 9 years ago
Dylan Clarke
Dylan Clarke - 9 years ago
Man of Water
Man of Water - 9 years ago
dam thats rough, hats off !
Jymmy Jams
Jymmy Jams - 9 years ago
pug biter
g mrigo
g mrigo - 9 years ago
fred rit
fred rit - 9 years ago
lucky it happened in France run Tahiti with professional medic care and state of the art facilities , had it been in some of the other surf locations in 3rd world countries it would have been a different story . A friend of mine did the same at padang padang and had to fly to Singapore the very same day in order to save his eye...
Mary's Catholics
Mary's Catholics - 7 years ago
Still 3rd World.
cosmo K
cosmo K - 9 years ago
+fred rit What you retrograde name "3rd world" was most of it subjugated by imperialist forces such as France.
juan fo
juan fo - 9 years ago
terminator man
utuberine - 9 years ago
First Im thinking, no place for a chick, learn ya lesson, then after watching...You brought the emotions to the surface girl. I am in awe.
 You just changed a part of me. For good. Thank you.
 Beyond stoked indeed.
Allison Steinhauer
Allison Steinhauer - 9 years ago
That's good, but it didn't come across that way. But glad to hear :)
Kerry Emmerson
Kerry Emmerson - 9 years ago
+Allison Steinhauer Be assured , I always thought women were awesome. No worries there.
Allison Steinhauer
Allison Steinhauer - 9 years ago
+utuberine Glad you have a different perspective on women now, keep it up.
Dave Schleifer
Dave Schleifer - 9 years ago
Head high days always the worse..
shane brady
shane brady - 9 years ago
+OkinawaWild AS it hits that coral out of deep water, the difference in depth is not that great. The fact that much larger waves have a huge volume of water in them makes the white water unnaturally deep as the wave passes over the reef , hence getting ragdolled intensly in this whitewater with less chance of hitting bottom! UNLESS you get the full lip and it drives you straight in to it!! This does not bear thinking about, and is no doubt why it was named "skullcrusher":/
OkinawaWild - 9 years ago
+dema mdq Shallower.

Head high, hollow surf will drive you to the bottom almost every time. Even if you don't hit on the first go-around in the lip, it picks you up, and tosses you again, only you've moved into shallower water, and will almost always bounce.

When it's double, even though it's still powerful, and will rag doll you, your chances of getting bounced are less, as the wave is breaking in deeper water.
dema mdq
dema mdq - 9 years ago
+Dave Schleifer can you explain ?why ?
Zycho - 10 years ago
I don't get it... the water did this? Did she slam into the reef?? What happened exactly
A G - 9 years ago
+avtic1 touch indeed!  The fact that she regarded herself as "humpty-dumpty" is funny in an incredibly inspiring way!  If I had my egghead permanently scrambled from being traumatized with such an injury, I'd be permanently done with it!  Keala, you're one tough cookie!  You must REALLY love doing what you do!  My hat's off to you-- bravery beyond the fears and lunacy of it all-- a motive for self-endangerment most will never understand or fully comprehend, myself included!
avtic1 - 9 years ago
When the wave starts peeling and tubing you are left with just inches of water, the reef is very jagged and sharp, and even on a relative small wave like that, it can cause a lot of damage. The ocean is very deep up until the point where the wave stands up and all of a sudden there's only inches of water left, and you can see on bigger days how the lip of the wave is uncharacteristically thick, just an insane amount of force. Keala even though got pounded hard and has a permanent scar as result of this wipeout, is lucky to have walked away with her life, she's one tough surfer. 
SUP richie
SUP richie - 10 years ago
cool Tahitian tattoo!
Patrick Niles
Patrick Niles - 10 years ago
J. Scaffnetti
J. Scaffnetti - 10 years ago
WTF! One insane injury and one hell of a kick ass woman.
kolaz hunter
kolaz hunter - 10 years ago
Marcelo Marinho
Marcelo Marinho - 10 years ago
Sea Side Locals
Sea Side Locals - 10 years ago
My god
Tony Tattoo
Tony Tattoo - 10 years ago
Amazing Place Tahiti...Amazing also That You Survived A Blow like that Ms.Kennelly...STRONG+ "SoulSurfer" Indeed. WOW!. Tahiti IS A BadASS!.... But You Beat The "God Neptune". 

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The "Worst Wipeout! Keala Kennelly at Teahupoo" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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