Yoga For Surfers | Yoga With Adriene

Yoga For Surfers (32 MIN) This week’s free practice is a request for surfers but also designed to support anyone who wants to plug in to center, gently light up the core, ease pain, strengthen the back and bring the body into balance. It comes fully equipped with all encompassing metaphors for riding the wave, aligning with the flow and getting up after a hard crash. Get your FREE Yoga Calendar: More at Instagram: @adrienelouise Twitter: @yogawithadriene Facebook: Yoga With Adriene Shop:

Yoga For Surfers | Yoga With Adriene sentiment_very_dissatisfied 57

Surf 6 years ago 155,155 views

Yoga For Surfers (32 MIN) This week’s free practice is a request for surfers but also designed to support anyone who wants to plug in to center, gently light up the core, ease pain, strengthen the back and bring the body into balance. It comes fully equipped with all encompassing metaphors for riding the wave, aligning with the flow and getting up after a hard crash. Get your FREE Yoga Calendar: More at Instagram: @adrienelouise Twitter: @yogawithadriene Facebook: Yoga With Adriene Shop:

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Most popular comments
for Yoga For Surfers | Yoga With Adriene

Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Strike while the iron is hot.

If you are feeling any ounce of a desire to show up on your mat to connect, stretch and breathe - listen to my whisper…


Meet yourself on the mat.

Thank you for being here my friends! Comment and let us know how you are feeling down below! Hang loose!
Charlotte North-Coombes
Charlotte North-Coombes - 6 years ago
Yoga With Adriene I'd love to see a yoga for rowers video!!
Donya Dandelion
Donya Dandelion - 6 years ago
Thank you and namaste Adriene.
Ali Liranzo
Ali Liranzo - 6 years ago
Yoga has been helping me with my depression. I'm finally out of the house and able to feel more comfortable going outside. I started taking boxing classes (super empowering). How about yoga for boxers (or martial arts)?
Puppie Damone
Puppie Damone - 6 years ago
Yoga With Adriene
Thank you sooooo much, you are a lifesaver;)
Pun intended.
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
I got you, Puppie. Check out my Yoga Quickies! playlist :)
Puppie Damone
Puppie Damone - 6 years ago
Yoga With Adriene
I can never find enough time.
I like school but it gets in the way of other things, like yoga.
Could you do a quick video next time for people who don't have a lot of time :-)
Hope you see this:)
paula arreche
paula arreche - 6 years ago
Yoga With Adriene great to connect again, hang loose!
Nanci Boutet
Nanci Boutet - 6 years ago
Sorry, I'm moving on to less talk more movement.
Nanci Boutet
Nanci Boutet - 6 years ago
Okay, read the comment below, gave it another go. Great. Sometimes I just wanna get groovin. Can't rush good groovin.
Melinda Pedersen
Melinda Pedersen - 6 years ago
This was wonderful today and Benji gave you lots of love!! I immensely enjoyed the IT band stretch AND the encouragement to "ride the wave" of life!!!
Robin Frey
Robin Frey - 6 years ago
Love this series. Thank you.
ShaJreen shaikh
ShaJreen shaikh - 6 years ago
Thank You ♥️
Macarena - 6 years ago
This is AWESOME ! Thank you infinitely ❤️
john mightymole
john mightymole - 6 years ago
For me this was a different experience to other exercises. Boh gentle and ye demanding at times. Probably help with all sports. Definitely one to repeat. love and peace.
Andre Dupont
Andre Dupont - 6 years ago
It made me feel close to the beach! Great yoga session!
Lia Coch
Lia Coch - 6 years ago
Beautiful workout. Thank you Adriene. Lots of love. :) :-*NAMASTE

10. comment for Yoga For Surfers | Yoga With Adriene

Liz Beardmore
Liz Beardmore - 6 years ago
This practice offered a great stretch - which my body needed! Thank you Adriene xx Namaste
Julia Leonetti
Julia Leonetti - 6 years ago
Thank you <3 Namaste <3
Sara Bihaouline
Sara Bihaouline - 6 years ago
This practice is so refreshing, i am not a surfer but i enjoyed it a lot.
Thank you Adriene it was really fun
iNs Ane
iNs Ane - 6 years ago
Loove this!!! Thanks x x
Daphne Troost
Daphne Troost - 6 years ago
Your yoga lessons are... life! Really starting to notice how the things that I practice on the mat are transferred into my day-to-day life. This week's mantra: catch a wave :-)
So happy to see you every day on the mat, Adriene!
Namasté <3
Frances Corbett
Frances Corbett - 6 years ago
I’m working through the November calendar and this felt amazing! My body feels so awake yet so relaxed. Thankyou so much :) xxx
Jorge Torres Ramos
Jorge Torres Ramos - 6 years ago
The thingie around min 23, super imposible. Fun trying it anyway C:. Thanks Adriene <3
xyzct - 6 years ago
Adriene, surfers who do yoga should add instability to the moves. Check out
(Note: I have no relationship to Si-Boards. I've just been a happy user for years :-)
Pearl The Deaf Dog
Pearl The Deaf Dog - 6 years ago
I am a surfer, these yoga sessions are helping me a lot, I too have a blue cattle dog who likes to get involved, thumbs up to Benji.
KMF W - 6 years ago
I'm not a surfer, but I plan to be one day! So this is perfect preparation

20. comment for Yoga For Surfers | Yoga With Adriene

David Engquist
David Engquist - 6 years ago
This ended up being "Yoga for Kaizen" for me since I have day long meetings every day this week. You came to my rescue since I wasn't able to attend my regular yoga class because of these meetings and I really needed the practice to counter their sedentary nature.
Sam Walton
Sam Walton - 6 years ago
Hi Adrienne would it be possible for a video on dinghy sailing? The video was really good by the way!!
Chris - 6 years ago
Benji ❤
malak baguthian
malak baguthian - 6 years ago
I enjoyed thank Ad
Johanna Lisa
Johanna Lisa - 6 years ago
I love this sessoion so much!°! Thanks so much Adriene, Yoga with you is so beutiful, also thanks for taking the time to do a shavasana with us <3
Al Ciucci
Al Ciucci - 6 years ago
you get more beautiful each year, incredible
great lesson, thanks
Mandy Wall
Mandy Wall - 6 years ago
One of my new go-tos!
claudie caro
claudie caro - 6 years ago
Lynn Brown
Lynn Brown - 6 years ago
Loved this A!
Lizzy Mad Hatter
Lizzy Mad Hatter - 6 years ago
the only place where i surf is the internet, but anyway that was a nice practice!

30. comment for Yoga For Surfers | Yoga With Adriene

Stephanie Saverino
Stephanie Saverino - 6 years ago
I've done dozens and dozens of your videos and this experience will be memorable. The wave was beautiful. It even started to rain towards to end. I couldn't tell if it was my breath or the wind and the rain. I felt so connected to my body, the breath, and nature. Truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing.
gingerandpippin - 6 years ago
Had my first ever surfing lesson the other day, and really struggled with my upper body strength and complete lack of core muscles.... 'i should really get back into doing yoga and check in with Adriene so I can do better next time' I thought. So I'm back from my holiday, I check in with your channel and what do I see? yoga for surfers. It's fate! Fate I tell you! Much love from the UK x
Jodie Austen's The Peachy Studio
Jodie Austen's The Peachy Studio - 6 years ago
Love this one! I felt and learnt so much. Thank you always x
Neara - 6 years ago
Love your videos. Thanks for bringing us these amazing flows!
svnzevs - 6 years ago
I wonder how many people were like, "well I'm a web surfer, does that count?"
Nicola Maxwell
Nicola Maxwell - 6 years ago
I've been doing yoga with Adriene for a while now and I absolutely love you and benji! I'm from Scotland so not much surfing here but gave it a go. I must admit I struggled to keep up at times it was quick and maybe I'll need to try again and keep up this time lol. Awesome practise, learned a lot just need to repeat to keep up with the movement lol. Benji is just lovely!!!! Lots of love Namaste!!! Xxxxx
univrs1remonster - 6 years ago
Adriene! I've found so many uses for your videos that theyve become a go-to for many scenarios! I'd love to see a Yoga for Hikers video for the day after a taxing long distance day hike!
ruchi sehgal
ruchi sehgal - 6 years ago
Hey dear Adriene.. The voice quality of this video wasn't great.. Although the asanas were awesome
Uliana Efros
Uliana Efros - 6 years ago
Thank you so much for your fantastic classes!!!
Pam Brettell
Pam Brettell - 6 years ago
You are fantastic dear are keeping me afloat in challenging times...thank you so much x
Roxane Bsn
Roxane Bsn - 6 years ago
Hey, could you do yoga for roller skaters? I need to strengthen my ankles and back to avoid ankle and back pain, and I'd love for yoga to help me with that! Thank you so much in advance
Sally Holmes
Sally Holmes - 6 years ago
Thank you so much for your videos! I would love to see a 'Yoga for Rugby Players' some day.
Karine 'Ruby' White
Karine 'Ruby' White - 6 years ago
I really liked that one :) Challenging juuust enough, nice strength, nice stretch and a lil different. Thank you Adriene. I’m never tired of you :)
Ieva Ozola
Ieva Ozola - 6 years ago
YEEs!! Thank, thank you so much! I send the request couple months ago and now I can add new movements to my routine! This is perfect, as well between the surf sessions. As I had 5 days in row, this is blast! Stoked and following the rest videos, they are amazinfl! Thank you for sharing <3
Bree Daigneault
Bree Daigneault - 6 years ago
Yay!! I feel like I’ve been waiting for a video like this forever haha! What a great yoga flow, thanks Adriene!
Diane Evans
Diane Evans - 6 years ago
loved this practice! thank you.
Lara Kimberly
Lara Kimberly - 6 years ago
This was one of my favorite videos of all time, for reals. I feel like we're in sync, cuz it was exactly what I needed, when I needed it. I love you! <3
Drew Christian
Drew Christian - 6 years ago
Thanks! A very nice versatile practice.
suitcasecalling - 6 years ago
I LOVE THIS! If you could make a Yoga for Snowboarders when winter comes, it would be the best thing ever!
Alice Parsons
Alice Parsons - 6 years ago
Ahh love this! I've been hoping you'd make a surfing practice for a while Adriene, thank you! Something to build me up before my next surf trip :)

50. comment for Yoga For Surfers | Yoga With Adriene

Brendan Fox
Brendan Fox - 6 years ago
I really enjoyed that session , Adriene . Thank you !
Ruby Boyce
Ruby Boyce - 6 years ago
That was yummy. Didn't realise I needed it so much. That's why we gotta show up!
hello there
hello there - 6 years ago
I enjoyed (and needed) the "ride the wave" reminder so much!
aLr boosh
aLr boosh - 6 years ago
Good practice as always! Never surfed before but maybe one day...
Jane - 6 years ago
OMG this is the best workout. I actually did pigeon for the first time!
Alice Rose Elliott
Alice Rose Elliott - 6 years ago
I love this practice. Has everything everyone needs. Spot on.
Andrea Nicholls
Andrea Nicholls - 6 years ago
I struggled with this...bad around half way
Will try again ☺
Mariah Duffley
Mariah Duffley - 6 years ago
great flow, nice tools
Paige - 6 years ago
beautiful, sweet practice Adriene. Thank you.
Ting W
Ting W - 6 years ago
Great practice, thanks!
Board Games
Board Games - 6 years ago
Is it only me who can see her flying?
陳柏岳 - 6 years ago
thanks a lot :)
Luke Waite
Luke Waite - 6 years ago
please can you do yoga for parkour
Rhiannon Thornton
Rhiannon Thornton - 6 years ago
Hi Adriene! Me and my girlfriend loved this wavey sesh! We found that making the "Hang loose" sign with our hands during our vinyasa really elevated our practice! Could you please do a yoga for bestfriends next? So much love, thank you so much for your amazing videos and continued good energy x
Summer French
Summer French - 6 years ago
This was a wonderful practice! Thank you for sharing and reminding us to be LOVING to ourselves!!
ScentedCandle - 6 years ago
I'm so far away from being a surfer as I think is possible, but WOW this practice was absolutely amazing! I loved every second of it. Highly recommend anyone to give it a go.
Rebecca Lidster
Rebecca Lidster - 6 years ago
Thank you so much for helping me feel good! I truly love your videos. Could you do a yoga for when you're on your period video?
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
I got you, Rebecca! Search Yoga With Adriene - Yoga For Cramps and PMS. x
Akansha Kaushik
Akansha Kaushik - 6 years ago
Hello Adriene from India. I am huge fan of your videos. I like the way how you make a hard yoga pose to look so easy . And you don't ask to be perfect with the pose in the first attempt, we gradually reach there. So thanks for sharing your art with us. I just wanted to know what yoga routine to follow to get a tight flat stomach and toned thighs. I used to be fat once , not anymore but my stomach and thighs still aren't tight. Kindly guide. Thanks & R egards

Much love :)
Christi Andersson
Christi Andersson - 6 years ago
Hi friend! I see that your mat is a Manduka Pro or Pro Lite. I was trying to figure out which color....? Sometimes it looks blue, sometimes purple (but not the Black Magic purple....). :-). Thanks!!
Joseph Carnes
Joseph Carnes - 6 years ago
Best title yet to date.
Miranda Sun
Miranda Sun - 6 years ago
One of my absolute favourite practices! Everything I need to feel strong lengthened and opened :)
Susan Gregg
Susan Gregg - 6 years ago
Adrienne I so love your videos. It would be great if you could do one on rounded shoulders:)
kannibalkook - 6 years ago
No offense to the other Youtube yogis, but you're the best. Thank you.
Fanfan MentalistFictions
Fanfan MentalistFictions - 6 years ago
I don't surf but out curiosity, i wanted to di this practice. I found it was easy, comfortable and relaxing. It's useful for the balance and especially on a surfboard. I liked it.
TheOutlawfam - 6 years ago
I think this is my absolute favorite of yours so far...I don't surf but live with a house full of surfers, so tried this kind of on a whim. It's perfect! A little bit strenuous but also soothing and I adore the stretching; felt so great at the end. THANK YOU :)
Sumo Films
Sumo Films - 6 years ago
Loved this. And Love you.
Buse Gultekin
Buse Gultekin - 6 years ago
i read it as "Yoga For Suffers", i think we need also that one
Sarah Guldenbrein
Sarah Guldenbrein - 6 years ago
After I finished I had to go back and locate that Benji sneeze around 6:30. :)
Danielle B
Danielle B - 6 years ago
Wonderful! I feel like the hovering table is becoming a stronger pose for me more now!
Devan rpillai
Devan rpillai - 6 years ago
Hi Adriene,
Could you please do a Yoga vedio or suggest me a vedio which I can do every single day to get my day started with lots of energy.

Devan rpillai
Devan rpillai - 6 years ago
Thank you adriene.
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Hi Devan! Check out my Movement Medicine - Energy Practice and my Energizing Morning Sequence videos :)
Nydia - 6 years ago
i surf almost everyday and i've been waiting for a video like this! thank you so much!
Damara Gray
Damara Gray - 6 years ago
You beautiful human! Can you do a prenatal video or series?! Thank you for your videos
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Hi Damara! I have a 5 Poses for All Trimesters video here. I also have a Prenatal Series in the FWFG Membership and a downloadable version in the FWFG shop! x
Renegade Spirits Tarot
Renegade Spirits Tarot - 6 years ago
This is my first video with you. I'm trying to start a regular yoga practice to help with my breathing issues from long term anxiety. I love your chill and relaxing vibe so much, thank you for sharing with us! <3
Maria Margolies
Maria Margolies - 6 years ago
are you a surfer?
Danelyz Baltodano
Danelyz Baltodano - 6 years ago
i loved this i feel so amazing now
Rachel Hacking
Rachel Hacking - 6 years ago
Love love loved this practice! It IS what feels good! Thank you so much for what you share with the world, it makes my world feel all the more lovely!
James Adam
James Adam - 6 years ago
I need some help here actully im 14 and my pain started last month im male but my mid and low back pain very hurts i dont know whats wrong please help me someone :( im to young for back pain
jo Blackwood spice
jo Blackwood spice - 6 years ago
Like the creativity of design tee.shirt
And workout as well
Ahsan Raza
Ahsan Raza - 6 years ago
Hello adriene!
Plz let me know which yoga poses i can do ?
Laat month my c section had done ..kindly give some guidance .
Amanda Nieves
Amanda Nieves - 6 years ago
I had been in Ireland for about a week so it's very very hilly and I was walking like 4-6 miles daily. Before my trip, I was doing yoga about 3-4 times a week, but I was so busy during my week abroad, I wasn't doing much yoga. My feet were so tired and achy and I just realized how stiff and tense my body was doing my first practice back in the States. My feet feel so happy now and I feel so cozy. I love these videos!
Alexander Nielsen
Alexander Nielsen - 6 years ago
Thank you for this!!!
Leo Jean
Leo Jean - 6 years ago
ok this is random but i was wondering if Adriene is a vegan?
Charline S.
Charline S. - 6 years ago
Just when I get into surfing :) perfect timing!
Courtney Tesh
Courtney Tesh - 6 years ago
Love this. My yoga practice has been lacking recently. I started to go looking for a good get-back-into-it practice but decided to just do the most recent vid from you, and it felt great. On a side note, next month I’m buying a house and an extra bedroom will be my yoga room - I am thrilled at the concept of having a peaceful space dedicated specifically to my practice!!! Until then, living room elbowing my coffee table, it is. ☺️
Nicole Mostofa
Nicole Mostofa - 6 years ago
i had to take a 3 week break for many reasons. it feels so good to be back the first chance I got. your mexico trip looks like something of a dream
Kristen R
Kristen R - 6 years ago
There are no words to express how grateful I am for all of this....Namaste
Yulia Efremova
Yulia Efremova - 6 years ago
Hey, Adriene! I'm new to your channel, I've just watched a couple of videos (but I'm already in love with you) and I have some questions! I've never practiced yoga, although I really want to give it a shot. I have no idea how to smoothly include yoga in my everyday life but I guess I have to go step by step.
Should I eat before or after practice? What is the best food for that? Is it better to practice in the morning or after a long day at work? What do you usually eat? (Sorry if you've already answered those questions in videos or on social media but I would appreciate any help)
Thank you for everything you do. You are truly inspiring!
Huang Yizhou
Huang Yizhou - 6 years ago
Thank you Adriene. I love you and this practice. It is very gentle and comfy. Namaste. :)
ayaw ko na sa iyo
ayaw ko na sa iyo - 6 years ago
Very helpful THANKS
A K - 6 years ago
Thank you. I want you to teach me to surf! Heyo! Namaste

100. comment for Yoga For Surfers | Yoga With Adriene

A K - 6 years ago
I loved catching a wave together on the mat. I visualized beaches in paradise.
sarah bridgman
sarah bridgman - 6 years ago
You got a recommendation from the minimalists on their newest youtube video podcast :)
sarah bridgman
sarah bridgman - 6 years ago
podcast video 136 near the end in the "added value" section
Susi Supertramp
Susi Supertramp - 6 years ago
Loved it! Currently fighting my way out of depression and I feel so good after this session. Made me believe again...
Thank you so much, Adiene!
Lots of Love from Germany.
Prashanth B
Prashanth B - 6 years ago
Hi Adriene... I have started to practice your 30 days of yoga...and I feel great on day the yoga class l attended recently the teacher said that you shouldn't talk while holding the he had another person demonstrating the pose and him explaining it...he said it will affect your prana I observe you are continuously talking...l am concerned that it may have some negative effect on you...l feel that you can just voice it over the instructions...sending love and care from India
Christine Danielson
Christine Danielson - 6 years ago
Is it just me or as soon as Adriene says, "Hop into something comfy" immediately strips all clothing off. Ahh! The pleasures of at home yoga. Hope everyone is having an amazing flow today. Namaste!
Natalie McCluskey
Natalie McCluskey - 6 years ago
Can you do a guest yoga nidra video for the membership site??
Heather - 6 years ago
So neat! Putting in my request for Yoga for Equestrians <3
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Hi Heather! It's on the list!
Richard Copping
Richard Copping - 6 years ago
OMG I've been dreaming of this and been making do with the swimmer video. Can't wait to do this, got a trip to Biarittz soon.
Giulia Vale
Giulia Vale - 6 years ago
I'm waiting for a video for weightlifter ;P
Thank you for your videos.. I really appreciate them!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Yes we are!
Jenny Bell
Jenny Bell - 6 years ago
This is amazing and my toddler loves when Benji arrives so that entrance was a big hit.
Carlos Ferreira
Carlos Ferreira - 6 years ago
Am I the only male here? I really enjoy your practices Adriene. Thanks a lot. I always get up with a smile by the end of each vid.
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
There are a lot of men here! Whats UPPP!
Peter Wynn
Peter Wynn - 6 years ago
No you're not on your own Carlos, I'm here too!
Amy Gillette
Amy Gillette - 6 years ago
Would you be willing to do an interview video? Like how you decided to be a yoga teacher, the struggles you have had, how you come up with your own sequences. That sort of thing!! I'm thinking about becoming a teacher/personal trainer/nutritionist and I really like your style and your demeanor and would love to know more about you.
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
I do a monthly vlog on the membership and other non yoga videos there too! Check em out? LOVE YOU! I support you on your journey!
Maria Broussard
Maria Broussard - 6 years ago
Yay yoga!
ADONTE ISCOOL - 6 years ago
CAN YOU PLEASE DO YOGA FOR SKATEBOARDING !! I love your videos!! Keep being awesome and stay blessed.
Adrean Clark
Adrean Clark - 6 years ago
When you ask people to listen to stuff it would be nice to have a visual — like a video of ocean waves crashing up in a box in the corner. It’ll benefit us visual people. (I’m Deaf and more images/video/subtitles help very much!)
Aparna Kadam
Aparna Kadam - 6 years ago
Hello Adriene...Love your yogas, can you also make some yoga vedios for kids?
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
On the way! Yes! xx
desch.t - 6 years ago
Omg .. I've been waiting for this video for more than a year ... and now you published it when I got my dream job in a surf camp and I can surf almost every day <3 I can't believe how the stars are aligned for me at the time being :D thank you! you're amazing! :)
Eliza Morrison
Eliza Morrison - 6 years ago
did this monday morning @ 8 am. splendid way to start the day :)
Justin Rufa
Justin Rufa - 6 years ago
Fun flow even though its hard to imagine surfing in Colorado ;-)
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
I know, I am a TEXAN! :D
Logan Selkirk
Logan Selkirk - 6 years ago
I always wanted to try surfing but I always thought I would never be strong enough but now thanks to yoga with Adriene my body is getting stronger than it ever was! One day Im really going surfing! Thank you Adriene!
Maya lee
Maya lee - 6 years ago
Please do a new video for colds and flus
Maya lee
Maya lee - 6 years ago
Yoga With Adriene thanks
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Hi Maya, I have a good video for when you are sick. Check it out and feel better soon!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Happy Birthday, Olive! x
Julia Leonetti
Julia Leonetti - 6 years ago
As I sit outside underneath the moonlight, I thank you for this practice. As I take the time to bring myself to the mat, in a new setting, outside, at night (!!!) with some (citronella) candles and love in my heart I thank you for this practice. As I give gratitude to the things that I wish, I thank you for this practice. This morning I really needed your love letter, and I got it! As I read it, I felt it and really took the "strike while the iron is hot" quote to the heart. I needed that get up and go mentality very badly. Thank you again Adriene for this amazing practice each and every day. <3 Namaste<3
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Beautiful Julia! Namaste xooo
staunch pelican
staunch pelican - 6 years ago
Can you do a yoga for skateboarders
Sarah Denison
Sarah Denison - 6 years ago
Hi, Adriene, could you make a Yoga for Kayakers video? Everytime I go kayaking, I come back with sore arms, wrists, hands, and shoulders. A great warm-up or cool-down routine would be much appreciated!
Dayne Lawless
Dayne Lawless - 6 years ago
Up next... Yoga For Drummers! :)
Sara Bihaouline
Sara Bihaouline - 6 years ago
Thumbs up for the texan lady ;)))
Man!! this practice is charming yeah! that's what comes to my mind :))) , i feel so refreshed like i'm back on the track, definitely loved it.
Adriene you are the best
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Thanks Sara! Namaste xx
AlliAsAlways - 6 years ago
As always, exactly what I needed. <3
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Glad to hear it doll.
Joseph Croguennec
Joseph Croguennec - 6 years ago
I've been longing for this!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
YAY! Enjoy!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Namaste darling!
Inês Manata
Inês Manata - 6 years ago
yeeeey finally yoga for surfers :D you're the best adriene <3
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
I got you!
Rhiannon Nia
Rhiannon Nia - 6 years ago
Adriene the Angel. Adriene the true, true Angel. I didn’t think I’d have the strength for this today: I have felt rough and anxious and angsty and tired all at once. However during one of those vinyasas, I felt this rush of energy through me, and felt so much better. And I surprised myself!!! Those standing splits, I thought ‘no way will I balance with both hands on my calves’ and then I threw caution to the wind and tried and... lo and behold, I did it! With ease!! On both sides!!! I felt so proud of myself. This has been an incredibly cathartic practice, after a stressful few days with lots of uncertainty, so your words about trusting that everything will sort itself out was perfectly timed. In fact, this opened the floodgates of emotion and healing so much that my cat just rolled over for her belly to be rubbed and I cried in joy!!! Lovely healing yoga. You truly are my guardian angel. Thank you for teaching me this new, wonderful way to tap into what feels good and tackle whatever comes my way. You are a saviour. I’ll see you tomorrow for sure!!!! Namaste xxx
Kristin Landry
Kristin Landry - 6 years ago
Liked that one a LOT!!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Christina Long
Christina Long - 6 years ago
I love that knee hover move so much.
beforeourveryeyes - 6 years ago
Thank you and my not often stretched parts thank you.
Tanya Francis
Tanya Francis - 6 years ago
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Namaste Tanya, my friend!
Pretty Thoughtful
Pretty Thoughtful - 6 years ago
Oooh that one lit a fire in me!!! Really enjoyed the slow movements and good hip stretches!!!!
Madelyn Brouillard
Madelyn Brouillard - 6 years ago
I was trapped in toxic thoughts this morning and by the end of this practice that fetal position brought me to tears with self love. I can never thank you enough for all you've done to help me grow and love both myself and others <3
Risa Oram
Risa Oram - 6 years ago
Perfect timing on this one. Surf is pumping here in Hawaii and I soooo needed this practice. Uggh those lunge twists though - killer after a few days of getting worked in the waves. Mahalo for sharing your practice.
gypsy rose
gypsy rose - 6 years ago
This is definitely one of my favourite practices, Adriene! Very calming and at the same time strengthening. I'm digging this month's catch a wave - theme and I'm implementing it in my everyday life more than ever. As recently many things turn out to be different from how i wanted them to be - all I can do is surrender. Thank you so much for supporting me in this, your practices are making it a lot easier. Namaste and lots of love to everyone!
Anna Wise
Anna Wise - 6 years ago
When I tried to spread my toes wide my pinkie toes actually moved outwards! I was so excited! I didn't know I could do that! This was wonderful!
Thomas Hedlund
Thomas Hedlund - 6 years ago
Just what I needed. Thanks!
Sam Jones
Sam Jones - 6 years ago
Thank you Asriene.
Arkeis07 - 6 years ago
FINALLY! My lifeʻs complete, thanks
Be Chi
Be Chi - 6 years ago
I'm gonna try to get on it today. I have been consistent everyday for the last three months but today I didn't start the day with my normal routine and I feel kind of bleh now. ;-) we'll see
Be Chi
Be Chi - 6 years ago
I did it! I did my practice even though I didn't want to and u felt sooooo good after. Amazing!
seorsa10 - 6 years ago
Thank you for all of your work, and for sharing it with us. I thought this might be amusing since this session has surfers in mind- This is a screen capture from a Delaware River cruise last year of a paddle board yoga class.
ilgidelisi - 6 years ago
this felt so good!!!
Armelle Kubie
Armelle Kubie - 6 years ago
I just came from surfing and I found your video. Perfect timimg :) I will share it to all my surfer friends. Thanks so much for all the work you put in to your videos, they are really great. Lots of love xxx
Vivian V
Vivian V - 6 years ago
161 days of YWA and counting. Thanks so much Adriene ♡ this year's already a total game changer and still another 6 months to go.. lots of love from Rotterdam!! Namaste beautiful people ♡
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Namaste Vivian!
Jami L
Jami L - 6 years ago
I love you channel. Can you make a yoga for sledders video??
Mich Stratford
Mich Stratford - 6 years ago
How did you know? x
Victoria Roberthsdatter
Victoria Roberthsdatter - 6 years ago
I loved this video!
medioguiri - 6 years ago
thank u so very much .... love out to you xx
Ilze Gaismā
Ilze Gaismā - 6 years ago
Best ♡♡♡
Nicole Folkert
Nicole Folkert - 6 years ago
Love, love, LOVED this one today! This was the perfect mix of flow and chill. Thank you for putting this amazing video together, Adriene! ❤️
Pam Graves
Pam Graves - 6 years ago
This was a wonderful practice today. I've been battling the periformis/sciatica for several days now but I believe that this really helped me. I'm going to try it again tonight and pray that I can sleep. Thank you Adriene
Shweta Pandey
Shweta Pandey - 6 years ago
What a wonderful women you are Adriene...thank you for making me feel alive,thank you for giving me a new life...thank you for making me unfold my arms and teaching me to embrace the world around...thank you for I am writing this tears are rolling down my eyes for every single change you have brought in my life...I always trust you and your videos which made me trust myself...thank you for changing my black and white world with tornado of colours...simply thank you...hugs and hugs from India ♥♥
Terence - 6 years ago
Was feeling fatigued until I did this and feel energetically balance. A good mix of strength, balance and stretch,
Silverwolf 2309
Silverwolf 2309 - 6 years ago
Can you also do this when you have anterior pelvic tilt? I feel likeeven yoga makes my low back pain worse..
Marie Mahé
Marie Mahé - 6 years ago
Thank you Adriene, exactly what I needed to relax this Sunday evening (not surfing but yogying is nearly better ! )
Callie Hughes
Callie Hughes - 6 years ago
I need help in pigeon pose.. so the front leg that's forward in the pose always turns in and my back leg rotates in and I don't have a clue what to do and it's so frustrating. Tips anyone?!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Hey Callie! Check out the Foundations Of Pigeon video! It's in my Foundations Of Yoga Playlist or you can just search it. xoo!
Cameron Stroud
Cameron Stroud - 6 years ago
Thank you for consistently providing loving, powerful, enlightening practices. I always feel like I'm flowing with a friend when I go on your channel.
Allison Hanks
Allison Hanks - 6 years ago
Oh, Adriene! You truly are my favorite! Thank you for bringing balance back into my life! Awesome practice!:)
Weeknd - 6 years ago
I love yaaa gall. Great practice beautiful!
enseete - 6 years ago
Thank you! :) I've never even touched a surfboard, but this practice was SOO good!! Mucho love!
Micki - 6 years ago
Thank you for the motivation in today's love letter. I do have a request. I would absolutely love it if you did more meditation videos...or just incorporate more meditation in your yoga videos. Thank you for all you do! xxoo
Natalia Ulloa
Natalia Ulloa - 6 years ago
Hey Adriene! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a "Yoga for dentists" video!!! <3 love your sequences btw!
Lenka J.
Lenka J. - 6 years ago
Oh, I would love it, too!
Delany B
Delany B - 6 years ago
Exactly what I needed today, Adriene! Have a beautiful Sunday FWFG community! <3
Janet Schafnitt
Janet Schafnitt - 6 years ago
As always, love the Sunday practices! You are the best! Benji loves his mama! Namaste!
ALizza Bliss
ALizza Bliss - 6 years ago
This practice kicked my ass! lol I'm sweaty and my body is shaking all over - and I'm loving it. My ego kicked and screamed like a tantruming toddler the whole time but I didnt latch on, I simply observed it. I've decided that when my ego whines or tantrums that it means I'm doing the right thing for myself. Whats that, ego? You dont like balancing on one leg for 30 seconds? I guess I better do it for 60 ;)
Crystal Rose
Crystal Rose - 6 years ago
Prepping for my week ahead, I woke much earlier than the fam and was able to ride the wave uninterrupted (no one licking my face!) wowza- I feel GREAT! Saving for later as I really liked some of the stretches incorporated and the flow (might slow down playback for a bit more of a hatha experience)... thank you! Kisses for Benji too!!
Becki Tankson
Becki Tankson - 6 years ago
As always, this is exactly what I needed. I moved out of Jacksonville, Florida for the summer for an internship and I have been missing the ocean so much. This made me feel a little connected to it again. Thank you!!
James Strawn
James Strawn - 6 years ago
Ooh, do one for disc golf, pretty please.
And thanks, you're the best. :D
Cassi - 6 years ago
This one is so yummy for a Sunday morning! Love from San Antonio, TX!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Namaste Cassi!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Thank you my friend, thank you for connecting with me.
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
YES! He really is such a light. :D
Life of Aimée
Life of Aimée - 6 years ago
Amazing - I went to a yogafest on a beach last week and the class I got to was yoga for surfers! Really good fun - love this Adriene
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
rockforlight - 6 years ago
What about the Butthole Surfers? Can they also see benefits in this practice?
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
For sure.
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Beautiful Deb. This is yoga. Beautiful!
Tru Jenkins
Tru Jenkins - 6 years ago
I love you so much Adriene
Tru Jenkins
Tru Jenkins - 6 years ago
Yoga With Adriene Thank you so much your amazing
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
I love you too!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
It is my sincere pleasure Johnny!
Celeste Wells
Celeste Wells - 6 years ago
I really enjoyed this practice today and needed the core work! Thank you Adriene!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
I'm glad to hear it Celeste! Core work doesn't have to hurt! In fact, it should empower and balance to help you feel gooood. xooo!
Ellen Thorne
Ellen Thorne - 6 years ago
Thank you for the perfect Sunday morning practice!
Jillian Gratz
Jillian Gratz - 6 years ago
I’m so thankful for you <3
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
And I for you. Truly!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Bless you Anne. Thank you from my heart! To the unknown! It helps to have a practice that supports and connects us. For that I am grateful. Thank you for sharing it with me. Namaste!
Gus D
Gus D - 6 years ago
Right on surfing time!!! Absolutely love it ;))))) This goes to my favorite list.
Jany Blanchard
Jany Blanchard - 6 years ago
Perfect timing, I'm going surfing in an hour. Thank you Adrienne!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
spsgirl - 6 years ago
Yay!! I was among the ones that requested this video!! thank you, thank you, thank you Adriene! You're great :D. Namasté
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Heard!!! XOOO!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Beautiful Claire! Yes. It is about the navigation not thing doing. Love you.
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Bless you Misia and thank you for this comment! Namaste. xx
MuhfugginMike - 6 years ago
kristin amanda thimas
kristin amanda thimas - 6 years ago
The highest in me bows to the highest. In u and Ben-Ben. Namaste
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Jai Namaste
kristin amanda thimas
kristin amanda thimas - 6 years ago
nice practice. Ur always so awesome always relaxing u always do such a great job
kristin amanda thimas
kristin amanda thimas - 6 years ago
Benji said Good morning Mommy hey loo I'm on YouTube
Catrina Bunting
Catrina Bunting - 6 years ago
Hey Adrienne love your videos! Can you do a yoga session designed for massage therapists? Thx u rock!
Rockabilly In China
Rockabilly In China - 6 years ago
this was a great video!! Could you do one for martial arts? I always find i'm sore after my training but don't know how to counter it :/
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
VikkiBurton - 6 years ago
thank you very much for yoga, it was great)
Jason Webster
Jason Webster - 6 years ago
You had to talk about Anthony Bourdain. Shocking! Another lost friend. Nowell, Cobain, Cornell, Bennington and many others. We are in this together! Keep writing those weekly letters Adriene! Namaste
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Namaste Jason!
tuberoses1 - 6 years ago
Benji was extra active and loving today
Nicola Maxwell
Nicola Maxwell - 6 years ago
Yoga With Adriene He's beautiful!!!! He always makes my kids smile when I'm doing yoga and he pops in to say hiya lol
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
He was! Haha He is such an angel.
A Different Joy: Living Better with Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD and more ...
A Different Joy: Living Better with Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD and more ... - 6 years ago
Hi Adrienne. Thanks for the lovely practice. What should you do if your feet get cramp in some postures?
Tarun Singh
Tarun Singh - 6 years ago
Hi , great hatha yoga practices ... love your videos. I want to say something to everyone ... Namaste is a yoga in itself.. when u say it to someone or something (yes you can say it to things as well) .. put ur palms together .. in front of ur chest ... touching ur chest ..gently close your eyes ..and feel you r in harmony to that person or body.. this is the most simplest form of yoga .. try it everyday hopefully it will help you in your journey.
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Safe journey my friend!!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Namaste Karolina!
Marta Kobusińska
Marta Kobusińska - 6 years ago
Just finished the practice. It was Awesome! the best feeling was moving from savasana to seated position. Sooo good <3 Thank u Adriene!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Thank you Marta! Love to you!
julie - 6 years ago
this reminds me, i wanted to ask if you'd consider a yoga for skateboarders...?
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
On my list! :-)
Lisl Marisl
Lisl Marisl - 6 years ago
Your email really hit home today! So glad I hopped into something comfy and got on the mat! I feel so much better now and I loved catching a wave with you and all the people around the world even though I‘ve never tried surfing before. Namaste and lots of love from Germany!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Namaste Lisl darling!
Jennifer Petkovic
Jennifer Petkovic - 6 years ago
Perfect Sunday morning practice! Hugs from Barcelona! Loved the love letter <3 Sending you lots of love, Adriene! Thank you!
Laura - 6 years ago
A brilliant practice! I loved the puppy to sphinx transition :)
Oh, my cat recognises your voice now and watches the videos!
kristin amanda thimas
kristin amanda thimas - 6 years ago
Too cute my puppy recognizes her voice and will go into traveling upward dog around the mat. When it's meditation he will shut his little eyes and breathe along beside me I practice that in bed so we can do it together like that
Danniessa - 6 years ago
I always look forward to Sunday’s to do yoga with you ❤️
Marion McCabe
Marion McCabe - 6 years ago
I'm not a surfer but.... really loved this practice. It was so restorative. Thank you so much Adriene. Keep up the fantastic work.
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
I am glad to hear it Marion! Much love!
von craig hughes
von craig hughes - 6 years ago
Yess love it (namaste)
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Ma Margarida Capitão
Ma Margarida Capitão - 6 years ago
It's always so good practice yoga with you and the world :-) thank you so much!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
We are oneeee. xooo
Jane Fairbairn
Jane Fairbairn - 6 years ago
Benji enjoyed his stretch but would like a walk
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
No kidding! Haha
B-ridge 15
B-ridge 15 - 6 years ago
Ooh yay excited for this!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Namaste Brigitte!
theFitty - 6 years ago
I didn't see you on my Dash last week and missed you! Namaste, Adrienne. :-)
Shadan Zahrooni
Shadan Zahrooni - 6 years ago
Going to the beach by tomorrow for a swim in the sea and a little bit of sunbathing. Gonna try that by that site once i'm on the shore. Perfect timing Adriene. Thanks for the magical practice
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
I'm glad you enjoyed it Gill! Hope you are doing great!
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Namaste Sue!
Annette Heebink
Annette Heebink - 6 years ago
Okeey again ♡♡♡
Aoife Kenny
Aoife Kenny - 6 years ago
Congratulations Adriene on the top 100 people in health & fitness, well done! This video is awesome, in definitely going to favourite it & come back to it! Namaste Sunday
Kyla Euston-Stewart
Kyla Euston-Stewart - 6 years ago
I love these longer videos! Loving this month's calendar, I feel like it has really made me start to see yoga as a treat rather than a task. I'm even finding myself doing two videos a day - one in the morning and one before bed
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Shaoni Mukherjee
Shaoni Mukherjee - 6 years ago
Awesome Adriene can u plss make a video on weightloss food
Shaoni Mukherjee
Shaoni Mukherjee - 6 years ago
Yoga With Adriene namastey xoxox
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
I have a what I eat in a day and other non instructional videos on the membership! You can check it out for free too! xooxo Namaste!
kristin amanda thimas
kristin amanda thimas - 6 years ago
kristin amanda thimas
kristin amanda thimas - 6 years ago
Yoga With Adriene I was just thinking coming across ur comment " Omg it's Adrienne" ik u respond to many. Is just Ii love u so much and wish wholeheartedly I could meet u r my biggest role model like ever
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Ricky, everyone is invited. Always. You know that. xoo
kristin amanda thimas
kristin amanda thimas - 6 years ago
It's for everyone honey it's ok if u don't feel ready that's different but she open warm and friendly person and always welcomes and acknowledges everyone to join her in a lot of videos set ur mind and your heart right and think opening yourself up to a new chapter in ur life ly hon and Namaste
Prathyusha ,
Prathyusha , - 6 years ago
Love u adriene
Joanna Jude
Joanna Jude - 6 years ago
Adriene, I've been following along eagerly with your June calendar and it's helped put me in such a good mindset after a tumultuous few months. Thank you.
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Awesome Joanna! So glad to hear it! <3
Militant Pacifist
Militant Pacifist - 6 years ago
I thought planking was dead.
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Olga Malysheva
Olga Malysheva - 6 years ago
awesome! Adrien you’ve chosen the perfect timing to post your videos! it’s 10 am in europe and i’m going to start my sunday morning with you! yahoooooooo
Olga Malysheva
Olga Malysheva - 6 years ago
Yoga With Adriene soooo kind of you. Love your videos.
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
Namaste Olga! Yes, I upload them with your time zone in mind too! xo
Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene - 6 years ago
(same for me ;-)
Shivam - 6 years ago
1st one!!!
Your videos are so amazing and beautiful!!

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