Yoga For Surfers | Yoga With Adriene
Surf 6 years ago 155,155 views
Yoga For Surfers (32 MIN) This week’s free practice is a request for surfers but also designed to support anyone who wants to plug in to center, gently light up the core, ease pain, strengthen the back and bring the body into balance. It comes fully equipped with all encompassing metaphors for riding the wave, aligning with the flow and getting up after a hard crash. Get your FREE Yoga Calendar: More at Instagram: @adrienelouise Twitter: @yogawithadriene Facebook: Yoga With Adriene Shop:
If you are feeling any ounce of a desire to show up on your mat to connect, stretch and breathe - listen to my whisper…
Meet yourself on the mat.
Thank you for being here my friends! Comment and let us know how you are feeling down below! Hang loose!
Thank you sooooo much, you are a lifesaver;)
Pun intended.
I can never find enough time.
I like school but it gets in the way of other things, like yoga.
Could you do a quick video next time for people who don't have a lot of time :-)
Hope you see this:)
10. comment for Yoga For Surfers | Yoga With Adriene
Thank you Adriene it was really fun
Your yoga lessons are... life! Really starting to notice how the things that I practice on the mat are transferred into my day-to-day life. This week's mantra: catch a wave :-)
So happy to see you every day on the mat, Adriene!
Namasté <3
(Note: I have no relationship to Si-Boards. I've just been a happy user for years :-)
20. comment for Yoga For Surfers | Yoga With Adriene
great lesson, thanks
30. comment for Yoga For Surfers | Yoga With Adriene
50. comment for Yoga For Surfers | Yoga With Adriene
Will try again ☺
Much love :)
Could you please do a Yoga vedio or suggest me a vedio which I can do every single day to get my day started with lots of energy.
And workout as well
Plz let me know which yoga poses i can do ?
Laat month my c section had done ..kindly give some guidance .
Should I eat before or after practice? What is the best food for that? Is it better to practice in the morning or after a long day at work? What do you usually eat? (Sorry if you've already answered those questions in videos or on social media but I would appreciate any help)
Thank you for everything you do. You are truly inspiring!
100. comment for Yoga For Surfers | Yoga With Adriene
Thank you so much, Adiene!
Lots of Love from Germany.
Thank you for your videos.. I really appreciate them!
Man!! this practice is charming yeah! that's what comes to my mind :))) , i feel so refreshed like i'm back on the track, definitely loved it.
Adriene you are the best
And thanks, you're the best. :D
Oh, my cat recognises your voice now and watches the videos!
Your videos are so amazing and beautiful!!