code red [ Tahiti biggest swell ]

This edit is an excerpt from our surf movie entitled IMMERSION the movie, which has been awarded best movie at the Maui Film festival 'BEST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN" Barry Rivers [ Maui Film Festival director]. Code Red, was to date one of the biggest recorded swell in history. One surfer, Nathan Fletcher caught the biggest wave that day. An amazing ride in the darkness of Teahupo'o tube. Will he come out safe and sound? This ride made all people on boats wondering, wondering, eyes fixed on the bold surfer...until the wave caught up with all on boats and created chaos! Teahupoo is the most dangerous wave in the world. Many gets hurt. A show of unbelievable wipeouts from daredevils.

code red [ Tahiti biggest swell ] sentiment_very_dissatisfied 769

Surf 7 years ago 1,938,667 views

This edit is an excerpt from our surf movie entitled IMMERSION the movie, which has been awarded best movie at the Maui Film festival 'BEST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN" Barry Rivers [ Maui Film Festival director]. Code Red, was to date one of the biggest recorded swell in history. One surfer, Nathan Fletcher caught the biggest wave that day. An amazing ride in the darkness of Teahupo'o tube. Will he come out safe and sound? This ride made all people on boats wondering, wondering, eyes fixed on the bold surfer...until the wave caught up with all on boats and created chaos! Teahupoo is the most dangerous wave in the world. Many gets hurt. A show of unbelievable wipeouts from daredevils.

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Most popular comments
for code red [ Tahiti biggest swell ]

mlae monteiro
mlae monteiro - 6 years ago
Not as big as Nazare, Portugal on a regular day.
Alberto Rynda
Alberto Rynda - 6 years ago
3:14 r.i.p
the android boy
the android boy - 6 years ago
Best video I have seen today
ryanbappy - 6 years ago
asshole dutch wanted to be in this shithole
vengefulvegan - 6 years ago
Self inflating life jacket if they have been under to long?
Brian Stokes
Brian Stokes - 6 years ago
And the Gods would be pleased. U only live once!!
Nick Robinson
Nick Robinson - 6 years ago
500 Tons of water falling on top of you, is Nutz!~ Wow! Great Video!~ Be Safe!~
Derrick Flyr
Derrick Flyr - 6 years ago
What was the name of the production?
Sam Mcallister
Sam Mcallister - 6 years ago
that was so cool

10. comment for code red [ Tahiti biggest swell ]

Nah nope
Nah nope - 6 years ago
How I feel in 10 foot swell at my home break
Aaron Hawley
Aaron Hawley - 6 years ago
the pipeline eh? have fun.
wyatt. - 6 years ago
Keep in mind this water at teahupoo’s water is like 8 ft deep
Amadis Demitrius
Amadis Demitrius - 6 years ago
14:45 that pic is insane. you look at it and are just like "how did you get there?" just being near it sunk a fucking boat. holy shit.
Ronald Lima
Ronald Lima - 6 years ago
TONY Cervantes
TONY Cervantes - 6 years ago
Irons is insane top surfer
Clary Carrier
Clary Carrier - 6 years ago
That is pure insanity.
Clary Carrier
Clary Carrier - 6 years ago
And I've surfed big waves.
Jeff Utigard
Jeff Utigard - 6 years ago
take your frickin ad off the video... sheesh
George MacDonald
George MacDonald - 6 years ago
I think I saw the one guy actually had his foot up his own arse tumbling around inside that giant dishwasher...
ir4kk - 6 years ago
6:57 he got so boned holy shit

20. comment for code red [ Tahiti biggest swell ]

Rick Pappas
Rick Pappas - 6 years ago
Mr M
Mr M - 6 years ago
So being surrounded by tonnage of water in motion and keeping up on the board then BAM have a jet wash up the arse....
Michael - 6 years ago
2:01 What exactly does dying "for real" consist of? Do you sometimes die not for real? Is that commentary for real? How much weed has that guy smoked?
John M Jones
John M Jones - 6 years ago
Massive respect but why would you
BEARDEDYAKER - 6 years ago
The volume of that lip alone will knock you out!
Kenneth Jones
Kenneth Jones - 6 years ago
My balls cringe at those waves
julian lane
julian lane - 6 years ago
"It's like a war"
Someone smack that cunt in the mouth
Caleb Stewart
Caleb Stewart - 6 years ago
Those waves were Thiccckque
MA S - 6 years ago
if andy irons was alive and charging this :(
Frans van Beek
Frans van Beek - 6 years ago
Nice footage, but too much repetition.

30. comment for code red [ Tahiti biggest swell ]

Quran Now
Quran Now - 6 years ago
A.L.R . These are the Verses of the wise Book (the Qur'ân). (1) Is it wonder for mankind that We(God) have sent Our Revelation to a man from among themselves (i.e. Prophet Muhammad) (saying): "Warn mankind (of the coming torment in Hell), and give good news to those who believe (in the Oneness of God and in His Prophet Muhammad) that they shall have with their Lord the rewards of their good deeds?" (But) the disbelievers say: "This is indeed an evident sorcerer (i.e. Prophet Muhammad and the Qur'ân)! (2) ( I ,God, inform you that) Surely, your Lord is Allâh/Yhweh Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days/periods and then established himself over the Throne , managing the affair of all things. No intercessor (can plead with Him) except after His Leave. That is Allâh/God, your Lord; so worship Him (Alone). Then, will you not remember? (3) To Him is the return of all of you. The Promise of Allâh is true. It is He Who begins the creation and then will repeat it, that He may reward with justice those who believed and did deeds of righteousness. But those who disbelieved will have a drink of boiling fluids and painful torment because they used to disbelieve. (4) It is He Who made the sun a shining lamp and the moon as a light and measured out for it stages, that you might know the number of years and the reckoning. Allâh did not create this but in truth. He explains the Ayâts (proofs, verses, signs, etc.) in detail for people who have knowledge. (5) Verily, in the alternation of the night and the day and in all that Allâh has created in the heavens and the earth are Ayâts (proofs, verses, lessons, signs,...) for those people who keep their duty to Allâh, and fear Him much. (6) Verily, those who hope not for their meeting with Us(God), but are pleased and satisfied with the life of the present world, and those who are heedless of Our Ayâts (proofs, verses, signs, revelations, etc.), (7) Those, their abode will be the Fire, because of what they used to earn. (8) Verily, those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, their Lord will guide them through their Faith; under them will flow rivers in the Gardens of Delight (Paradise). (9) Their way of request therein will be Glory to You, O Allâh! and Salâm (peace) will be their greetings therein (Paradise)! and the close of their request will be: All the praises and thanks are to Allâh, the Lord of the worlds (10) And were Allâh to hasten for mankind the evil in the way they hasten (Him) for the good (they invoke) then would their respite be settled at once. So We(God) leave those who expect not their meeting with Us , in their trespasses, wandering blindly in distraction. (11) And when harm touches man, he invokes Us(God), lying down on his side, or sitting or standing. But when We have removed his harm from him, he passes on as if he had never invoked Us for a harm that touched him! Thus it is made fair-seeming to the evil doers that which they used to do. (12) And indeed, We destroyed generations before you , when they did wrong while their Messengers came to them with clear proofs, but they were not such as to believe! Thus do We requite the people who are Mujrimûn (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, criminals). (13) Then We(God) made you successors after them, generations after generations in the land, that We might see how you would act. (14) And when Our Clear Verses are recited unto them, those who hope not for their meeting with Us, say: Bring us a Qur'ân other than this, or change it."Say (O Muhammad): "It is not for me to change it on my own accord; I only follow that which is revealed unto me. Verily, I fear the torment of the Great Day (of Resurrection). if I were to disobey my Lord." (15) Say (O Muhammad ): "If Allâh had so willed, I should not have recited it to you nor would He have made it known to you. Verily, I have stayed amongst you (as an illeterate) a life time before this. Have you then no sense?" (16) So who does more wrong than he who forges a lie against Allâh/God or denies His Ayât (proofs, verses, signs, revelations, etc.)? Surely, the Mujrimûn (criminals, sinners, disbelievers and polytheists) will never be successful! (17) And they worship besides Allâh/God what hurt them not, nor profit them, and they say: "These are our intercessors with Allâh/God." Say: "Do you inform Allâh of that which He knows not in the heavens and on the earth?" Glorified and Exalted is He above all that which they associate as partners (with Him)! (18) Mankind were but one community , then they differed (later). And had not it been for a Word that went forth before from your Lord, it would have been settled between them regarding what they differed(19) And they say: "How is it that not a sign is sent down on him from his Lord?" Say: "The unseen belongs to Allâh Alone, so wait you, verily I am with you among those who wait (for Allâh's Judgement)." (20) And when We let mankind taste mercy after some adversity has afflicted them, behold! they take to plotting against Our Ayât (proofs, verses, signs, revelations, lessons etc.)! Say: "Allâh is more Swift in planning!" Certainly, Our Messengers (angels) record all of that which you plot. (21) He it is Who enables you to travel through land and sea, till when you are in the ships and they sail with them with a favourable wind, and they are glad therein, then comes a stormy wind and the waves come to them from all sides, and they think that they are encircled therein, Then they invoke Allâh/God, making their Faith pure for Him Alone, (saying): "If You (God) deliver us from this, we shall truly be of the grateful." (22) But when He deliveres them, behold! they rebel (disobey Allâh) in the earth wrongfully. O mankind! Your rebellion (disobedience to Allâh) is only against your ownselves, - a brief enjoyment of this worldly life, then (in the end) unto Us is your return, and We shall inform you that which you used to do. (23) Verily, the likeness of (this) worldly life is as the water which We sent down from the sky, so by it arises the intermingled produce of the earth of which men and cattle eat until when the earth is clad in its adornments and is beautified, and its people think that they have all the powers of disposal over it, Our Command (storm/heat/insects..etc) visits it by night or by day and We make it like a clean-mown harvest, as if it had not flourished yesterday! Thus do We explain the Ayât (verses, signs,lessons revelations, etc) in detail for the people who reflect. (24) (I) Allâh calls to the Home of peace and guides whom He wills to a Straight Path. (25) For those who have done good is the best (reward, i.e. Paradise) and even more . Neither darkness nor dust nor any humiliating disgrace shall cover their faces. They are the dwellers of Paradise, they will abide therein forever. (26) And those who have earned evil deeds, the recompense of an evil deed is the like thereof, and humiliating disgrace will cover them. No defender will they have from Allâh. Their faces will be covered, as it were with pieces from the darkness of night. They are dwellers of the Fire, they will abide therein forever. (27) And the Day whereon We shall gather them all together, then We shall say to those who did set partners (idols,saints, jesus..etc) in worship with Us: "Stop at your place! You and your partners (whom you had worshipped in the worldly life)." then We shall separate them, and their (Allâh's so-called) partners shall say: "It was not us that you used to worship." (28) "So sufficient is Allâh for a witness between us and you, that we indeed knew nothing of your worship of us!" (29) There! Every person will know (exactly) what he had earned before, and they will be brought back to Allâh, their rightful Lord, and their invented false deities will vanish from them. (30) Say (O Muhammad): "Who provides for you from the sky and the earth? Or who owns hearing and sight? And who brings out the living from the dead and brings out the dead from the living? And who disposes the affairs?" They will say: "Allâh/God" Say: "Will you not then be afraid of Allâh's Punishment ?" (31) Such is Allâh, your true Lord. So after the truth, what else can there be, save error/misguiding ? How then are you turned away? (32) Thus is the Word of your Lord justified against those who rebel (disobey Allâh) that they will not believe (33) Say: "Is there of your partners one that originates the creation and then repeats it?" Say: "Allâh originates the creation and then He repeats it. Then how are you deluded away ?" (34) Say: "Is there of your partners one that guides to the truth?" Say: "It is Allâh Who guides to the truth. Is then He, Who guides to the truth, more worthy to be followed, or he who finds not guidance (himself) unless he is guided? Then, what is the matter with you? How judge you?" (35) And most of them follow nothing but conjecture. Certainly, conjecture can be of no avail against the truth. Surely, Allâh is All-Aware of what they do. (36) And this Qur'ân is not such as could ever be produced by other than Allâh, but it is a confirmation of (the revelation) which was before it [the Torah], and a full explanation of the Book (divine laws) - wherein there is no doubt from the the Lord of the worlds/mankind. (37) Or do they say: "He (Muhammad) has invented it?" Say: "Bring then a chapter like unto it, and call upon whomsoever you can, besides Allâh, if you are truthful!" (38) Nay, they have belied; the knowledge whereof they could not comprehend and what has not yet been fulfilled (i.e. their punishment). Thus those before them did belie. Then see what was the end of the wrong-doers! (39) And of them there are some who believe therein, and of them there are some who believe not therein, and (I) your Lord is All-Aware of the evil-doers/corruptors/spoilers. (40)

(To be continued ...)
ItzSnowy - 6 years ago
11:41 shit that’s not good
James Mason
James Mason - 6 years ago
I tuned in her to watch video of the waves, not listen to a bunch of guys talk about it.
89 Bristooll
89 Bristooll - 6 years ago
These guys are absolute warriors
Ice Man
Ice Man - 6 years ago
20 foot meat grinder
2012truth1776 - 6 years ago
Even a 4 or 5 foot wave can pummel you, I can’t even imagine getting pitched over the falls after falling on one of these monsters. Much respect !
HAPPY FAITH - 6 years ago
Excuse me, who produced this ???
Jose Filipe Santos Lopes
Jose Filipe Santos Lopes - 6 years ago
savis1234 - 6 years ago
Pretty gay
Juliana Estrada
Juliana Estrada - 6 years ago
This is what happens when Poseidon is on a good one...
subbie_ subway
subbie_ subway - 6 years ago
Gareth - 6 years ago
That wave is like a big scary rapist.
Crypto Maidy
Crypto Maidy - 6 years ago
ProfitableLifestyles - 6 years ago
That looks like straight death
Dave Pawson
Dave Pawson - 6 years ago
Put a GoPro on your head.Why has no one done this?
Dave Pawson
Dave Pawson - 6 years ago
So the lips are at least 10 feet thick. Dive deep my friends, dive very deep.
Jin Matwha
Jin Matwha - 6 years ago
Game of death!
Jin Matwha
Jin Matwha - 6 years ago
Peter Clark
Peter Clark - 6 years ago
Hey Dude!! Let's go to Nagasaki to sunbake. Never ever listen to the mob.
neptune - 6 years ago
Those waves do bad things to people. REALLY BAD THINGS!!

50. comment for code red [ Tahiti biggest swell ]

Frederico Pereira
Frederico Pereira - 6 years ago
"These guys are in a whole different stratosphere!"
This is the type of shit you say when you skipped school too much to go surfing.
Eccentrix Law
Eccentrix Law - 6 years ago
They need to play Pains theme song
Sam Colomer
Sam Colomer - 6 years ago
The same fotage kept repeting
samdon815 - 6 years ago
I would be prefer to watch those waves while sitting in my car, smoking a cigarette.
Tyg Rahof
Tyg Rahof - 6 years ago
I've surfed big pipeline but watching these waves I'm like "I'll stay on the beach thank you very much".
Liv _bot
Liv _bot - 6 years ago
Poseidon has left the chat
Liv _bot
Liv _bot - 6 years ago
No thank you
Shannon Taylor
Shannon Taylor - 6 years ago
I don’t think think these surfers know, if you ride a wave but fall before half of that wave, your probably sleeping with the fishies if you know what I mean.
lucysluckyday - 6 years ago
that footage is amazing, when you can see how heavy that volume of water rolling over top is. Incredible.
Eddy - 6 years ago
Rad, man.
Gear Zen
Gear Zen - 6 years ago
I surfed sone East Coast hurricanes in my day, but this looks way, way scarier.
Richard Conner
Richard Conner - 6 years ago
Elliot Lambert
Elliot Lambert - 6 years ago
Sick as fuck !!!’ Good lads
Zero Hearts
Zero Hearts - 6 years ago
I surf and boog small game... nothing bigger than the 6-10 zone so like....
Imagining even catching one of these it's like "oh fuck, if i fuck up, im fucking dead yo."
FlossyHD - 6 years ago
480p gang
Manfred Scrivener
Manfred Scrivener - 6 years ago
Does anyone know who produced this by any chance?
Two-Veez Green
Two-Veez Green - 6 years ago
My good god that was an intence watch, glad no body died !:/
Cory Smith
Cory Smith - 6 years ago
Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython production Tim Bonython 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Andrey Agiy
Andrey Agiy - 6 years ago
Great film. The whole time I'm thinking: exciting if you wake it and terrifying if you don't.
Mi NX - 6 years ago
The waves that day were e x t r a t h i c c .
A LG - 6 years ago
"It's like going to war." No, it's not. Trust me on that. Still a great video!
DADANG juanda
DADANG juanda - 6 years ago
The beautiful waves, my Allah SWT blessing us... Aamiin
Mark Smith
Mark Smith - 6 years ago
Huge Balls of Steel
death painful
death painful - 6 years ago
What No Turns?? You fuckin pussy!! I would have ate the Wave for Breakfast!! Especially at 3:25 ,, 2 or 3 turns plus a 360 Air to finish.
Limor Shakar
Limor Shakar - 6 years ago
Matt From Duluth
Matt From Duluth - 6 years ago
Hicham Jirari
Hicham Jirari - 6 years ago
Rafinha Latvezzi
Rafinha Latvezzi - 6 years ago
3:26 I’m already eating popcorn in Heaven watching my body get wiped out
Hal Shwimer
Hal Shwimer - 6 years ago
Perilous rides.....pumps adrenaline just watching.
Kevin M
Kevin M - 6 years ago
Was that Johnny Utha?
weirdlife_8 _
weirdlife_8 _ - 6 years ago
Nope not happening i wouldnt even swim it
Lor00D - 6 years ago
wonder who produced this?
jonathan wright
jonathan wright - 6 years ago

nope. Nope. NOPE!!!!!!

bbs540 - 6 years ago
its weird how all the massive ones are exactly identical
mumblerocks77 - 6 years ago
Sid Smith
Sid Smith - 6 years ago
balls of fucking steel
Anderson Correa
Anderson Correa - 6 years ago
Se louco man o mar muito grande
Joel Gatto
Joel Gatto - 6 years ago
looks like the scene from point break
M & M
M & M - 6 years ago
Amazing, simply amazing!!!!!!!!!
Maju Makmur
Maju Makmur - 6 years ago
fakhro delpano
fakhro delpano - 6 years ago
03:28 omg
Micah Johns
Micah Johns - 6 years ago
friggin huge
Antipodean33 - 6 years ago
Has anyone got any idea how fast those fellas were going on that wave? They looked to be doing some serious knots
Mike Nagle
Mike Nagle - 6 years ago
1:37 What language is he speaking?
Pppaulina sssoto
Pppaulina sssoto - 6 years ago
David Carruthers
David Carruthers - 6 years ago
Nathan Fletcher was in there.
riddley39 - 6 years ago
Fuck a duck that’s insane! How do they hold their breath for so long and not get knocked out?
I went on one of those rubber things where the boat pulls you at speed and I’m telling you maaan when you hit a small wave and topple over it’s so fucking scary! You catch air and then you are rolling upside down and all around for what seems like an age swallowing bucket loads! And that ain’t even a snippet of what these guys endure man. Fucking crazy. Respect Mother Nature coz she will spank your arse son.
kcanded - 6 years ago
OH. My. God. Huge thundering roaring mountains of water. What on earth can you do if you're caught up in one of these? Besides holding your breath and praying for mercy?
rick neal
rick neal - 6 years ago
Death on stick mate.....anybody?
kurtrussell tamatea
kurtrussell tamatea - 6 years ago
Mad skills grat too see

100. comment for code red [ Tahiti biggest swell ]

kurtrussell tamatea
kurtrussell tamatea - 6 years ago
The Kids Nice
The Kids Nice - 6 years ago
I’ve always wondered if the boats ever get caught in the swell, especially in Teahupoo where the waves look so huge and unforgiving
Drone Wild
Drone Wild - 6 years ago
10:03 - “It’s like going to war”... Fuck off idiot, it’s nothing like water... When was the last time your were on your guts, facing out in Afghan, putting your life on the line so other people can live free and enjoy peace? Fucking off surfing is like war....
Florian Wolf
Florian Wolf - 6 years ago
Oh boy, absolutely know what these guys are talking about. I nearly got killed by an unexpected 6 m freak wave in Seychelles, felt as if I had been knocked over by a steam train. Drew the air out of my lungs, then submersed me & smashed me on the rocks. Lucky to survive; my late wife nearly got killed as well. Locals pulled both of us out of the surf - eternally grateful to them.
polifatts - 6 years ago
CoderShare - 6 years ago
Those waves are terrifying.
Vincent Quayle
Vincent Quayle - 6 years ago
They ride one of the thickest waves in the world, twirl their pinkies, and go again.

BeastMode - 6 years ago
I surf on a bigger wave last year...
TzUp - 6 years ago
Dam no other sport can compete with this. When youre at the mercy of mother earth, no other compares
Lost&Found - 6 years ago
I pop my head into the washing machine on spin cycle on a daily basis. I’m ready to take on waves like that. Woohoo!
TBear300 - 6 years ago
You realize how their all men.
Henry Faulkner
Henry Faulkner - 6 years ago
Lmao the person ho lost their pants
Connie Dobbs
Connie Dobbs - 6 years ago
Those slow mo shots really accentuate the power of the waves. Why does this remind of dune?
Pro Painter
Pro Painter - 6 years ago
Talk about fkn narly dude!
smokster0604 - 6 years ago
You have to have a large pair .....but awesome
Thug Doge
Thug Doge - 6 years ago
search nazaré waves
Tom Fisher
Tom Fisher - 6 years ago
How about showing respect by not doing it dumbass?
Tomogit - 6 years ago
Easy waves
Jack Whitcher
Jack Whitcher - 6 years ago
Those waves aren’t wide, they aren’t tall, they aren’t skinny, THEY ARE JUST INSANELY GIGANTIC
Giacomo Ferrario
Giacomo Ferrario - 6 years ago
There goes my old story of almost drowning in Malibu, California, at age 14, one day when I ditched school SAMOHI to Surf some incredible 8 FOOT WAVES!!! lol ha! Oh well. They were gnarly to was intense. Thank God for the Life Guard that day. However, Blessings to all these Pro Surfers who tried 20 to 25 foot waves and LIVED to talk about it. It is the manner in which they Pound the Ocean Bottom too and the Set up and Curling action which is dangerous. That is what Breaks necks. Backs. Causes death. You goitta know know when to say NOT TODAY.
halfpipefreak - 6 years ago
douglas jardine
douglas jardine - 6 years ago
itz insane man absolootlee insane
Arnold Stollar
Arnold Stollar - 6 years ago
Arnold Stollar
Arnold Stollar - 6 years ago
Arthur Ricardo
Arthur Ricardo - 6 years ago
Tim you stuck ass !!!
Arthur Ricardo
Arthur Ricardo - 6 years ago
Sound sucks, can hear them talking!!
Tane Nicholas
Tane Nicholas - 6 years ago
That was fucking gangster
Rob H
Rob H - 6 years ago
Dean sounds like he smokes 10,000 ciggs a day
A. Sonne Di'Ermoci
A. Sonne Di'Ermoci - 6 years ago
Speechless! but doesn't it reveal what a man can do!
James Taylor
James Taylor - 6 years ago
Pipeline and jaws are bigger
Shut up Karl
Shut up Karl - 6 years ago
Well that looks swell
Al Walthers
Al Walthers - 6 years ago
Is this a good place to learn how to surf?
Hydro_Vortex - 6 years ago
Eman Sol
Eman Sol - 6 years ago
Incredible video and production! You earned a like 100%!
dwell - 6 years ago
Had to stop watching this the fucken watermark is too distracting
saxonsteve - 6 years ago
saxonsteve - 6 years ago
There's Bragging Rights And Dead Rights!!!
Papa Bless
Papa Bless - 6 years ago
“Controlled suicide” piss of I know it’s dangerous but the best in the world obviously know what they are doing and that guy was being such a pansy.
Oh Revy
Oh Revy - 6 years ago
rip x
R Yeckley
R Yeckley - 6 years ago
That tunnel closes in on you fast at the last few hundred feet. Got to have an exit plan—very skilled wave riders.
Dikembe Otouloulou
Dikembe Otouloulou - 6 years ago
One of my favorite YouTube videos ever. Tim did a fantastic job on this!
Simonex2001 - 6 years ago
"This is real shiet, u no"
Jose Benitez
Jose Benitez - 6 years ago
Anything bigger than 15ft. is work!
Any mistakes will leave a mark and be permanent.
Funerals are almost a given, so tell your friends and family what flowers you like.
John Cluphf
John Cluphf - 6 years ago
This is the heaviest I've ever seen
Joselchino - 6 years ago
amazing.. what a wave
Bruno Rivademar
Bruno Rivademar - 6 years ago
13:35 That's a fucking tsunami wave wtf
Falk M
Falk M - 6 years ago
Rumane is that fat guy?
Fuck You
Fuck You - 6 years ago
How do the boats know where to stay, like they be getting close asf
David Loto
David Loto - 6 years ago
I got a swimwear add before this!
Luke - 6 years ago
Tim Bonython, who produced this video? Was is Mit Nohtynob Productions?
Paul Delahunty
Paul Delahunty - 6 years ago
hugo_ de_zordo
hugo_ de_zordo - 6 years ago
Pulse2AM - 6 years ago
Insanity! When I was a teen we would body surf the Wedge in Newport CA, that's like a swimming pool compared to this!
conspiracies are just great stories
conspiracies are just great stories - 6 years ago
Pretty shitty how rothman told everyone that wave was theirs even though they weren't next. Try doing that to him in Hawaii
Will K Shilling
Will K Shilling - 6 years ago
what's the leash/no leash protocol at huge teahupoo? I didn't see many if any leashes in this film, did I?
Roger Blackwell
Roger Blackwell - 6 years ago
Darwin Awards
OBAMA HATER - 6 years ago


David  Loewen
David Loewen - 6 years ago
Were they wearing PFDs?
Funk Masta
Funk Masta - 6 years ago
Absolutely alive and firing on all cylinders.
Gnostic Mom
Gnostic Mom - 6 years ago
Teahupoo is the sea witch.
ncsam 000000
ncsam 000000 - 6 years ago
Look at what these fucks have turned this beautiful place into!
Donald Nicolson
Donald Nicolson - 6 years ago
I’ve only surfed once or twice and to see that people do this stuff is absolutely incredible
Nancy Junes
Nancy Junes - 6 years ago
Very awesome---loved it here at the cove (seaside oregon) Pure coving it. come see it
Blue Goose
Blue Goose - 6 years ago
Big ginormous balls.
Vitor Sousa
Vitor Sousa - 6 years ago
nitro ninja
nitro ninja - 6 years ago
Holy crap
luis marques
luis marques - 6 years ago
Impressive but no way near Nazare waves...
Nina Koch
Nina Koch - 6 years ago
i always wonder who the guys on te jetskies are... they are skilled as well, and the surfers couldnt do it without them. but why put yourself in such danger if you aren‘t gonna surf?
i admire them so much
and the surfers... omg... epic.... but unbelievably dangerous...
Jackson Nunziante
Jackson Nunziante - 6 years ago
the jet skiers aren’t at risk they sit to the side of the break and get off the wave long before the wave starts to form and break properly
Dayquan Mac
Dayquan Mac - 6 years ago
Nina Koch money talks
Goober tuber
Goober tuber - 6 years ago
As awesome as that is you do have to question their sanity when not being killed is more down to luck than anything else.
7.62 full metal
7.62 full metal - 6 years ago
mmmm... As scarey as it is I think id still paddle out for a couple of barrells
Ben H13
Ben H13 - 6 years ago
I don’t think even Jamie O’Brien can surf that wave
Celine Tix
Celine Tix - 6 years ago
A beast
Max Kallio
Max Kallio - 6 years ago
it is CRAZY!!!
Joshua Acason
Joshua Acason - 6 years ago
That was just uncomfortable to watch in parts. Wow.
M Wynar
M Wynar - 6 years ago
Amazing just amazing
Dexter Jettster
Dexter Jettster - 6 years ago
Not everyone gets sent to Tahiti.
It's a magical place
Shady Slim MC5
Shady Slim MC5 - 6 years ago
Its a wonderful place
Veridicus Maximus
Veridicus Maximus - 6 years ago
'Dude I'm on it, someone grab this roach.'
Bob Dills
Bob Dills - 6 years ago
Devastating beauty
Balker - 6 years ago
The video overstates the danger of these waves. Obviously these guys need to take precautions and be PC about it because of sponsors but any intermediate surfer that has been surfing for at least 3 years could paddle into it no problems.
Dude, smell my helmet
Dude, smell my helmet - 6 years ago
Balker okay
moo moo
moo moo - 6 years ago
I feel for their MOMS!
fluffysloth67345 678
fluffysloth67345 678 - 6 years ago
I have trouble surfing 8 foot waves yet
Chris Blake
Chris Blake - 6 years ago
call that big , you ain't been to bognor
RomanRandom7 - 6 years ago
Got Balls!?
David Osborne
David Osborne - 6 years ago
Yeah I used to surf 6-10ft. waves in Hatteras, NC. whenever a storm came through. There is no way I would attempt that. Can you say death wish?
John Sabatini
John Sabatini - 6 years ago
Those guys have some big Nads.
Diane Bays
Diane Bays - 6 years ago
I don’t understand. They surf way bigger in Portugal, don’t they?
Jackson Nunziante
Jackson Nunziante - 6 years ago
Diane Bays yes in nazare but they aren’t as dangerous as this wave usually
Charlie X
Charlie X - 6 years ago
If you're really worried about leaving your wife a widow and your kid without a dad, you wouldn't do this: it's selfish for one's thrills to come first over your family... All balls and no brains
Lost&Found - 6 years ago
DJ BXRRY Yeah they can’t stop because they’re like addicts - adrenaline junkies.
1 Alsaidi
1 Alsaidi - 6 years ago
White people are crazy
KingVDT519 - 6 years ago
Surfing will always be an exciting sport.
Lostkiwi123 - 6 years ago
How do these guys stay afloat with balls that big?
Douglas Arcanjo
Douglas Arcanjo - 6 years ago
Very Crazy !!!
jar nuggs
jar nuggs - 6 years ago
America don't give ashyt you grow up without a dad. Most nations give a Fuck about dads.
Grace Lerch
Grace Lerch - 6 years ago
I was a fish in the oceans
donald peters
donald peters - 6 years ago
This is so fuckin' chilly! Peace
Patrick EH
Patrick EH - 6 years ago
Too thick, too fast. Not I
arttime timeart
arttime timeart - 6 years ago
you can surf that wave, here hold my surf board.
A&A Show
A&A Show - 6 years ago
I went to Tahiti last year and we r going again
Shawn P
Shawn P - 6 years ago
Elbert Yaw
Elbert Yaw - 6 years ago
I am 78 years young... But my old forty pound board and I would have found the bottom fort sure... Thanks for sharting! Bert
Mano - 6 years ago
What a acid drop AGG
Nkululeko Zungu
Nkululeko Zungu - 6 years ago
These waves terrify me behind a computer screen!
TheLandex - 6 years ago
My brother is a surfer and once he said “let’s go shred the nar nar dude” all I did was laugh
J Doe
J Doe - 6 years ago
Why is this so hairy and soothing at the same time?
Vipala - 6 years ago
i like how no one on the boats is wearing a lifejacket whos the "irresponsible" ones lol
Dehydration 27
Dehydration 27 - 6 years ago
A biw wall of death
prahlada Stanley
prahlada Stanley - 6 years ago
0/10 not one cutty
HDaviator - 6 years ago
That wave is a whole lot of nope.
Philip Bahia
Philip Bahia - 6 years ago
that is the most scary looking wave,surfers are crazy to ride the waves.
jill springthorpe
jill springthorpe - 6 years ago
Errrr no thanks
Benjamin Weser
Benjamin Weser - 6 years ago
such epic footage
nige99 - 6 years ago
I’m not a surfer but totally understand this
Austin Pisani
Austin Pisani - 6 years ago
I could've surfed here, but I just didn't have my board with me.
brakel8r - 6 years ago
Horizontal whirlpool......!
bong breaker
bong breaker - 6 years ago
MICKS - 6 years ago
susan brown
susan brown - 6 years ago
Waves do scare a child I was on a beach in Cornwall in the UK...standing a couple feet from another girl who was about my age which was about 11..but this wave seemed to come from no where she caught it,I didn’t.
She was literally swung off her feet completely ,did a somersault and stood back up on her feet..her whole front of her body was grazed by the sea bed,her face was scratched to bits as was her chest and legs...she spluttered choking and screaming.
It didn’t get me though,I was a couple feet back from her..since then,I know the power of the l only paddle very close to shore.
Thoses waves look horrendous..
TheShreking - 6 years ago
Happened to me too, there were waves of 1.5 metres high (4-5 feet) and I didn’t know the power of the sea. So I went playing in it. Then a wave hit me. That was horrible. And I lost my swimming pants in it (NO JOKE) and the whole beach was laughing (200 people and that beach)
BADD Wolf - 6 years ago
susan brown shut
Nabilio - 6 years ago
susan brown you were both young, you could easily learn how to navigate through waves and go farther out, not much of a reason to if youre not surfing or something similar. But the big waves like these? Theres no groing through those
susan brown
susan brown - 6 years ago,lol
Dee Cohen
Dee Cohen - 6 years ago
I dont surf. Im too scared. But I am obsessed w the breaks, the history, and the legendsz it literally makes my cray. And imo ALL breaks are BEAUTIFUL, bt T has captured something inmy heart since I 1st learned about her. HIS SESSION?! OMGOMGOMG! I cant even breathe! Its terrifying. TERRIFYING! But THAT is ehy its SO BEAUTIFUL. T has been my “screen saver@ for over 11 years. Ive never surfed n I never will. Im absolutely terrified (& respectful) of open ocean waters. Had many scary experiences in dangerous surf in Nh as a child. Safery didnt seem to be much of an issue then, or at least w my family. So I have some ptsd w open water scary scenarios. Oddly tho, I have swam in open water n complete 2 Ironman triathons n many spring tri’s. But, the point is. This made me CRY! Bc T is imo the MOST BEAUTIFUL WAVE I HAVE EVER SEEN PICS OR VID OF. I wud go JUST TO WARCH her beauty and lovely ferociousness if i ever could. Props to all of you warriors and lovely souls who have gotten to meet an dance w her. Im envious. But thats okay...
chevy29 - 6 years ago
Dee Cohen You could try surfing whitewater it doesn’t have to be this big
Brankica Molnar
Brankica Molnar - 6 years ago
Jim Carlile
Jim Carlile - 7 years ago
It shows at the bottom of the video!
DuckyBea - 7 years ago
Bruh these are like tsunamis
beth 9891
beth 9891 - 7 years ago
Holy cr%p!
Jake Bakker
Jake Bakker - 7 years ago
I'm so surprised Mick made an appearance. Those guys are insane
mwj5368 - 7 years ago
I've never been on a surf board but wow! Also very hard to work so close to such waves and get good angles and juxtaposed with experienced surfers interviews, very well done! To me though we only have one spine and to risk such extremes and spinal injuries. I can see though how some live for the amazing sport of surfing. For me, small waves easy to catch just for fun.
shreddaddy1 - 7 years ago
I grew up on the beaches from san fran to morro, and ive seen some angry surf but not like this.
Gilles Huioutu
Gilles Huioutu - 7 years ago
Scot Fenn
Scot Fenn - 7 years ago
OH, gee; how did this happen. YOU ---- you, me--- made it happen. I would of had a blast. Stop puffing your chests out. so far. not my forte but just saying.
Scot Fenn
Scot Fenn - 7 years ago
And do you think I care!!
Stacy M
Stacy M - 7 years ago
Gosh , I’ll never even witness nature in all this glory-or ever live to see , smell , experience and feel these waves in real life -much less skillfully humbly and gracefully be one with them. I’m in awe lol!
Stacy M
Stacy M - 7 years ago
Gosh , I’ll never even witness nature in all this glory-or ever live to see , smell , experience and feel these waves in real life -much less skillfully humbly and gracefully be one with them. I’m in awe lol!
Stacy M
Stacy M - 7 years ago
Gosh , I’ll never even witness nature in all this glory-or ever live to see , smell , experience and feel these waves in real life -much less skillfully humbly and gracefully be one with them. I’m in awe lol!
Stacy M
Stacy M - 7 years ago
Gosh I’ll never even witness nature in all this glory-or ever live to see , smell , experience and feel these waves in real life -much less skillfully humbly and gracefully be one with them. I’m in awe lol
Cláudio Clovis
Cláudio Clovis - 7 years ago
with so many people starving in Tahiti, and so many "assholes" in there, how the fuck can i stay silent? with all that equipment, tAHITI for sure could pay its debts and its children wouldl have better life!!! fuckin contradiction!
zak martin
zak martin - 7 years ago
6:37 bloody oath aussie
Samuel Zuchetti
Samuel Zuchetti - 7 years ago
Mad respect for the guys that surfed that I thought the waves here in Australia were big
Samuel Zuchetti
Samuel Zuchetti - 7 years ago
Fuck that’s insane from seeing my dad surf jaws j thought that was insane and seeing my dad surf Mavericks that like nothing like that
Joe Nader
Joe Nader - 7 years ago
Geez and I was holding on for life in my boat over a swell in the river caused by a passing boat
mrsbannister41 - 7 years ago
can anyone tell me why this wave appears to be a lot thicker than most large waves?
Mr Mr
Mr Mr - 7 years ago
It would help if rich-kid Tim Bonython surfed. He doesn't. He can't. He's from a rich family and he doesn't work, but hangs around men and films. Always has. I'd be hanging around women myself.
Jill Smith
Jill Smith - 7 years ago
Mr.Nick is one of those “GUYS” who disgraces the art of extreme boarders
William Domb
William Domb - 7 years ago
Great camera-work and editing. Speech audio leaves much to be desired, and it doesn't help that half of the interview speakers had marbles in their mouths.
David Walker
David Walker - 7 years ago
I can surf that wave hold my crack pipe !!
Gnosis7 - 7 years ago
How long do those waves hold a surfer under for? Why do you have to cut the footage so soon to never show us the struggle after a wipeout? It would be great to see the entire ride from the start until the surfer surfaces.
Derek Franks
Derek Franks - 7 years ago
This wave is lightwork, I surf those all the time in my pool
jeff dimirra
jeff dimirra - 7 years ago
it breaks both ways
Zen WildKitty
Zen WildKitty - 7 years ago
6:09 wave leaps up larger, faster & sharper than any wave I have ever seen. The volume & force of nature captured in this footage is outstanding. I watch A LOT of media, & I place this capture in the top 3 most impressive I have seen on any subject. The 18 mins is great & necesary for contextual framing, but check what happens @ 6:09-6:15
Hollywood Sunset
Hollywood Sunset - 7 years ago
I’d love to go to Tahiti and lie on the beach, watching the waves. I’m curious why that location gets these kind of waves.
SURFINGVISIONS [swell chasers]
SURFINGVISIONS [swell chasers] - 7 years ago
It's Teahupo'o
deadboy600 - 7 years ago
Teahupooed my ants.
Jemima Jost
Jemima Jost - 7 years ago
Mate... that's bloody gnarly
MsSusiePan - 7 years ago
simplygiii 16
simplygiii 16 - 7 years ago
this was scary just to watch
Stefan Balint
Stefan Balint - 7 years ago
i'm 17.. i did surf when i lived in hawaii....but this looks just .. mad.. my biggest wave was about 3 meters in hight.. thise are just monsters
eyeoftherose09 - 7 years ago
Amazing shots! wow.
Alex Garner
Alex Garner - 7 years ago
Oh I can do that easy

Said no one ever
Infandous Ktenology
Infandous Ktenology - 7 years ago
“They die for real”

Really. Really? What the absolute fuck is wrong with the idiots in this “film”?!
Infandous Ktenology
Infandous Ktenology - 7 years ago
First person to appear on film is a dense no neck.

Well... this outta be a good one.
I love Animals
I love Animals - 7 years ago
Nah mate
That Surfer Dude
That Surfer Dude - 7 years ago
When im older im going to shred that Knarr
hastycontemplation - 7 years ago
I really liked this one
go go shelby
go go shelby - 7 years ago
that wave is THICC
The best Hashem gamer Yea
The best Hashem gamer Yea - 7 years ago
Why are those waves so really what made those waves
Tim Anderson
Tim Anderson - 6 years ago
The best Hashem gamer Yea gooder Englishes on more sense good
Alex Ivanovs
Alex Ivanovs - 7 years ago
my beer can do this, hold me
Noah Charles
Noah Charles - 6 years ago
Tooo funny mate!
greg.i - 6 years ago
Sociat - 6 years ago
Andrew B.
Andrew B. - 7 years ago
I've surfed all my life, but that was WAY out of my league! Respect. It had my pulse racing!
Jonah Fowler-Daley
Jonah Fowler-Daley - 7 years ago
John McEnroe
John McEnroe - 7 years ago
Rather going to a war zone than riding that
John McEnroe
John McEnroe - 7 years ago
0:16 lol what?!
David Broughall
David Broughall - 7 years ago
These guys ARE speaking English, right?
Gottenhimfella - 6 years ago
You mean, rather than American?
T&M's Backyard Creations
T&M's Backyard Creations - 7 years ago
That looks like death.
NotUrAverageJoe - 7 years ago
Disappointed though that there weren't any FRONT views man! it was good though but I wanted to see guys come OUT! only saw a couple,, oh well, I'm happy with what I got! big ups to the boys that were brave enough to try! hats off fellaws!
Azo-Dye Vernichtung
Azo-Dye Vernichtung - 6 years ago
fuck off poofter
NotUrAverageJoe - 7 years ago
WOULD Eddie go?? on that day?? nobody knows..(probably yes though!)
The funnest Channel
The funnest Channel - 7 years ago
Hi fucking care
HardWay Movies
HardWay Movies - 7 years ago
Never surfed in my life, cause I live in Ukraine. But those waves are so gorgeous
Quincy M-e
Quincy M-e - 7 years ago
Can anyone tell me who made this?
Joseph r
Joseph r - 7 years ago
That was an awesome video the only problem with it was the large font "Tim Bonython Productions". It really took away from the video and the pure beauty of the waves. In fact it was a nearly ridiculous. I still gave the video a thumbs up because it was a great video and edited very well. Plus the personal interviews were a really nice touch. Keep up the good work but perhaps shorten your font and put it in the bottom corner so it doesn't block out the images or take away from the video.
SURFINGVISIONS [swell chasers]
SURFINGVISIONS [swell chasers] - 7 years ago
you can watch the whole movie here - thanks for watching
Styhl - 7 years ago
Funny how some people commenting couldn't handle 4ft surf but still voice their opinion.
Likedbymany - 7 years ago
Styhl duh that's what the comment section is for
7news Delta air
7news Delta air - 7 years ago
Spongbob. The big one?

Patrick. Oh that's what they used to call me
Micheal Wilson
Micheal Wilson - 7 years ago
When that islander said calk it off those white boys said yes yes yes
Atkinss Gaming
Atkinss Gaming - 7 years ago
how do the boats know where to sit so they don't get hit by the wave??
Gottenhimfella - 6 years ago
There's a channel (a pass into the lagoon) much deeper than the reef. Only a tsunami would have enough volume to break in the channel.
And to your question: every wave which comes by shows exactly where the edge of the pass must be.
Tosa Rahady
Tosa Rahady - 7 years ago
Bali boy Surfers get used to of it
Steve Graham
Steve Graham - 7 years ago
A tsunami going to hit Hawaii soon
Wadu Hek
Wadu Hek - 7 years ago
oh hell yea im out there..... watching
john Tuttle
john Tuttle - 7 years ago
Charlie don't surf.
Adam Hurst
Adam Hurst - 7 years ago
Sorry not like war. It would actually be nice if everyone not fighting actual war to stop comparing whatever they are doing to it. It is not the same. 904 people on our side died in Iraq in the last year that I was there. What year did 904 people die surfing anywhere?
Elizabeth Hillman
Elizabeth Hillman - 7 years ago
João Horta
João Horta - 7 years ago
baby waves compared with Nazaré-PT
Hiker Marapese
Hiker Marapese - 7 years ago
The "Tim Bonython Productions" was really distracting, couldn't watch the vid after a few minutes.
Patrick Butler
Patrick Butler - 7 years ago
Looks like a nice little left.
Kaylee G
Kaylee G - 7 years ago
Armando Anderson
Armando Anderson - 7 years ago
How thick and monstrous is that??! Sick!
Mountain Man3
Mountain Man3 - 7 years ago
Willem - 7 years ago
When i moved close to the sea, like a 5 minute walk, i bought a longboard and a wetsuit and went on trying to learn to surf because i've always loved to be in the water. After about 15 times i just had to quit. The wall of murky water coming towards you, getting up and then falling off the board, being pulled under, feeling the power of the sea/current was just too overwhelming and scary after a while. And this was only the North Sea hahaha Much respect for these guys, brilliant movie.
Willem - 7 years ago
I didn't gave up because of the actual surfing, i quit because of Thalassophobia.
"From Wikipedia
Thalassophobia (Greek: θάλασσα, thalassa, "sea" and φόβος, phobos, "fear")[1] is an intense and persistent fear of the sea or of sea travel. Thalassophobia can include fear of being in large bodies of water, fear of the vast emptiness of the sea, and fear of distance from land. It can also include fear of the unknown, of what lurks beneath."
Knuffelbeer - 7 years ago
Willem you could’ve taken at least a couple of lessons before you gave up like that.
Global Wind Photography
Global Wind Photography - 7 years ago
Dan Dark
Dan Dark - 7 years ago
I’ve surfed waves in a paddling pool. Basically the same thing sign me up
Mi NX - 6 years ago
I watched a wave at the beach once. Nazare, hit me up.
Just a guy
Just a guy - 7 years ago
These guys are aussie like if your australian
Music Maven Publishing
Music Maven Publishing - 7 years ago
Wow! Footage is as incredible as the waves!
Borderlands808 - 7 years ago
i body surf waves bigger than these
El Dailon
El Dailon - 7 years ago
Is getting slammed by the wave considered a success? If not none of them were successful in riding the wave fully, right?
SickKnowledge82 - 7 years ago
FUCK Ive fallen off 5-8 footers body boarding here in So Cal and the forces involved are so intense. I CANT EVEN IMAGINE WIPING OUT ON THESE MONSTER WAVES 2:44 You look inside that beast and you might as well be looking through a black hole and alternate dimension. Everything seems so peaceful outside looking in, but when you're in that tunnel you are facing impending doom and looking out to the peace and tranquility.
Doƃƃo - 7 years ago
The wave is so satisfying
Carlos Ramirez
Carlos Ramirez - 7 years ago
Fucking crazy sick. If I was a better swimmer I know I could surf and always wanted to. Much respect for these surf homies
TheLennard23 - 7 years ago
I have never surfed nor experienced such big waves so I have a question: How do you get killed ? Is it because of the impect of those loads of water or the waves pulling you under water and drowning you ?
JelloJoonie - 6 years ago
To my small body, I would have died.
Yas M
Yas M - 6 years ago
I'm not a surfer either, but experienced waves though not as big as these. The first commenter pretty much nailed the bigger picture, but there can be so many complications involved when facing waves such as water going into your nose or mouth and panicking you which could contribute to actually drowning in the water. They are also immensely powerful and can toss you extremely violently and you could break bones (backs, necks, etc.) while in the water even if you don't hit the ground. Recently experienced a rough wave of around 8 foot and it threw me about 5 yards away and felt like brick wall. I can only imagine what waves like these would do to a human.
JM VD - 6 years ago
TheQuantumCreeper so how fuck surfers dont die in wipe outs particularly in teahupoo. I dont understand if there is so hollow... Because y can understand the part of being train about respiration but no way about the fall
Margaret - 7 years ago
TheQuantumCreeper erverything you said, plus the fact that if you get hit with your board in that kind of surf your pretty much dead
Daniel Serra
Daniel Serra - 7 years ago
1 m3 water weighs 1000 Kg
Vonique - 7 years ago
TheLennard23 drowning and the force breaking your legs in half
Pj Cusack
Pj Cusack - 7 years ago
TheLennard23 both
TheQuantumCreeper - 7 years ago
TheLennard23 first you have the impact, which can knock your breath out of you or knock you unconscious. Secondly, there’s so much water moving around that you can be held down for minutes at a time. Thirdly this wave is breaking on a shallow reef, less than a metre in some spots. You hit that with all those thousands of tonnes of water moving ridiculously fast on top of you, you die.
Theprofessional68 - 7 years ago
Dont care how legit crazy you are , that takes stones the size of a mountain! I dont surf but know enough to say thats damn epic!
gordon quigg
gordon quigg - 7 years ago
Inhumane acts, just to somehow try to get more famous. Good luck with all that guys. It's hard for me to watch this video and not hurl.
Clary Carrier
Clary Carrier - 6 years ago
We also don't all surf those waves. That's insanity.
Gazza the Gazz
Gazza the Gazz - 6 years ago
Ok, so I'm a beginner surfer and I've wiped out on 7 footers before and that is NOT fun at all, you get ragdolled. Even at that size waves you need to curl into a ball and cover your head incase the board hits you. Those guys tho have emergency life vests to pull them up, plus the can hold their breath for over a minute under stress, at the end they get picked up by a jetski on that size waves.
John J
John J - 6 years ago
Coming from NZ, where we have some awesome waves and Aussie also, even bigger, getting whacked by a big wave is about HOLDING on and waiting for it to move over from killing you. If you can hang on, then the wave moves past and you hit the sand, rock or pop out into air. Rapid reaction and forget about breathing, its a mental thing, its trying to kill you, and you aint gonna let it. Breathing, Oxygen and all that "Earthling" thing is irrelevant. You won't have breath, oxygen, nor lungs, you only have the Ox in your brain to hold onto.... But these big massive Hawaii waves...tough dudes, they are fine.
Tom Fisher
Tom Fisher - 6 years ago
SmugglasRun Wow I'm so impressed by their stupidity.
Tom Fisher
Tom Fisher - 6 years ago
sensi please They skipped all of the mentality classes obviously.
Tom Fisher
Tom Fisher - 6 years ago
RacinGIRL911 Not everyone survives. That's why they are dumbasses for even trying it. What does it prove? Nothing except that they don't respect their own lives. Not impressed by any dare devil buffoons. You get what you deserve.
Dominic Cruz
Dominic Cruz - 6 years ago
RacinGIRL911 you hold your breath for just about as long as you can.
Matthew Kohmann
Matthew Kohmann - 6 years ago
The impact would crush you before drowning
Matthew Kohmann
Matthew Kohmann - 6 years ago
RacinGIRL911 it’s a wet suit life vest, it helps a little bit
808bboarder - 6 years ago
RacinGIRL911 It takes A LOT of practice just like everything else. Training your mind not to panic, conditioning your body, and getting familiar with the ocean is a good start. But Loving what you do also helps no matter what it is!!
Burning Flame
Burning Flame - 6 years ago
Vangeline Johnson you mean buoyancy aid they where wearing buoyancy aids
KX5Kat - 6 years ago
In general, it's not the impact that's going to kill you, it's drowning. The impact blasts all the oxygen out your lungs, and your adrenaline doesn't help oxygen conservation either. However, you can conserve oxygen if you don't panic and simply "roll with it" while you're being thrown around underwater like a rag doll inside a washing machine. This takes insane conditioning and confidence.

Waves break in sets of usually 3-8. The final waves in the set are usually the biggest
Drowning happens when you surface after a heavy wipeout, out of breath and disorientated and another wave hammers you on the head, then another and another etc. (like a gauntlet) you don't have a chance to get any oxygen and your lungs give out. So, if you wipeout on the first wave and 7 more are behind it.... You're fucked, unless you're extremely well conditioned and trained.

Their saving grace here is that they have guys on jetskis to immediately get them out of trouble after a huge wipeout. In a situation where you're on your own... you're literally on your own. You have to endure the punishment and/or get out of the impact zone ASAP.

The other factor is of course the reef. The water here is VERY shallow, like 2m deep and that reef is sharp, it can cut you to shreds. Thankfully, this wave is so big that all the turbulence after a wipeout actually throws you forward and around instead of straight down into the reef. The smaller waves with less turbulence can actually be more dangerous.

These waves have such tremendous impact that they actually CAN kill you just with impact. In general, if you bail, you make your body as small as possible (adopt a fetal position and cover your head, to protect it from the reef). Hold your breath, DON'T PANIC, and wait for it to let you go.
SmugglasRun - 6 years ago
Don’t forget to take in the fact that the razor sharp reef is literally only 3-4 ft below the surface when they go over.....
hugo_ de_zordo
hugo_ de_zordo - 6 years ago
Flight Sim Joe
Flight Sim Joe - 6 years ago
RacinGIRL911 there’s surfing and there’s insanity. This is the latter.
Vangeline Johnson
Vangeline Johnson - 6 years ago
RacinGIRL911 a life vest doesn’t always save you
Nick Jovanovic
Nick Jovanovic - 6 years ago
The life jacket may have a risk of rapping around your neck and strangling you to death as-well.
sensi please
sensi please - 7 years ago
spot on, i would also add that mentality and experience factors in a lot, especially mentality!!You can do all the breath and pressure training you like, but if your head aint in it... :/ Not that i can relate, I only surf waves like this and bigger in my day dreams (and i still shit myself haha) Peace :)
Hugh Mongous
Hugh Mongous - 7 years ago
Racingirl911 they do insane breathing training regimens, an ye they wear specialized inflatable vests.
Johnson Robins
Johnson Robins - 7 years ago
those are some amazing shots
TheUltimateLama - 7 years ago
How Can those boats get just fast enough over the waves??
ccddle - 7 years ago
Big wave surfers are fucking nuts. I love it.
Marit - 7 years ago
03:28 - 04:00 does anyone know this song.. it's powerful! What a monster wave!!!
sensi please
sensi please - 7 years ago
Props to Laurie man, he fucking owned it! the surfing world needs him back...some serious ballage thrown at that swell though
tiffsaver - 7 years ago
These wipeouts look like getting hit by a falling building, or being eaten alive by some monster of nightmares. I've never seen waves this steep, tubular, and dangerous. These are the most terrifying waves I've ever seen...
Zbriu - 7 years ago
i was hit by a wave of just my size, i went through like a washing machine and i ended up 20 meters away with sand in my mouth This video is like watching science fiction, you gotta be nuts.
Inky Dinx
Inky Dinx - 7 years ago
that is the heaviest wave i have ever seen
James Booth
James Booth - 7 years ago
One of the best surf films ever
william shafer
william shafer - 7 years ago
amazing the boats don't get flipped
Nathan Griffith
Nathan Griffith - 7 years ago
That’s the thiccest break I’ve literally ever seen
Shadow Uchiha
Shadow Uchiha - 7 years ago
Any person that does that probably gives zero fucks about a bigass wave
Noh - 7 years ago
That takes balls
Dr Sr
Dr Sr - 7 years ago
that wave closes it's loop and sucks you in like a whirlpool so good luck getting out of it. hold your breath cuz you ain't comin out of this shit
Dr Sr
Dr Sr - 7 years ago
that's bigger than 20 feet. more like 35 ft
El Astronaute
El Astronaute - 7 years ago
what I don't get is I thought Teahupoo was a reef break, on a shallow reef. So how do so many of these guys survive these wipeouts relatively unscathed? You'd think they'd be shreded to pieces on the reef, it can't be as bad as people make out
TheQuantumCreeper - 7 years ago
El Astronaute oh it’s bad. There’s deaths and a lot of serious injuries quite regularly.
MC Bigler
MC Bigler - 7 years ago
it makes me feel sick to my stomach!
Arthur G
Arthur G - 7 years ago
I wish folks wouldn't butcher the name of Teahupoo lol
Et Beard
Et Beard - 7 years ago
After I got sucked out by 6 footer I quit but this I mean shit
DANNO - 7 years ago
Gnarly fuckin waves
Jjhoop C
Jjhoop C - 7 years ago
Why is it that when I think of something that can get me a few likes on a comment and someone already did it

widelings - 7 years ago
I love being Aussie, we really don't care about dangerous stuff
Milan - 7 years ago
So no one lost their lives that day?
Talent Tale
Talent Tale - 7 years ago
Good morning to all of you iam zaid alit don't forget see my new video leave a like Comments and share and i have iphone x give away
ZorniTank Tank
ZorniTank Tank - 7 years ago
Niklas Olsson
Niklas Olsson - 7 years ago
Bounced Crew
Bounced Crew - 7 years ago
shatterjack - 7 years ago
that wave thick as eff
Matt Konig
Matt Konig - 7 years ago
Stuart B
Stuart B - 7 years ago
LoL at Mick Fanning "that was fucking stupid".
PuffihnOW - 7 years ago
Just imagine being out there and just actually being in your right mind for one second and think, if I lose my footing for a second, I could die.
Fishin n Stuff
Fishin n Stuff - 7 years ago
skates haha
JackVoodoo - 7 years ago
are you serious ????
because if you are may god have mercy on your souls LMFAO
CANYON KILLER - 7 years ago
I was out at strands by salt creek SO CAL and the beach was closed 30footers and I get out I said fuck it after one drop in and I look back and see this guy doing a floater over the falls on the biggest wave of the day riding it like it was a 5ft wave and it was Nathan Fletcher lol
Rakeem Walker
Rakeem Walker - 7 years ago
they tryna ride the wave
dixie dragon
dixie dragon - 7 years ago
This is like the jaws of a giant monster - folding, rolling, big white teeth coming down and they roll on its tongue then get chewed up and spit out ... takes more, much more, than a tad bit crazy.
alittlestrength - 7 years ago
They talk a lot about how dangerous it is, but how many actually get badly hurt or killed. I'm guessing not many.
Bruce Courtney
Bruce Courtney - 7 years ago
The stuff of nightmares.
DINOSO :Channel
DINOSO :Channel - 7 years ago
wow wow wow
Den Boe
Den Boe - 7 years ago
Out here to see the waves and crazy dudes.
Darrell Waters
Darrell Waters - 7 years ago
Was it a tsunomi/tidal wave? A tsunami and a tidal wave is the same thing, right?
phapnui - 7 years ago
tsunami has no face.  can't ride it.
Kaan T
Kaan T - 7 years ago
what can go wrong? i mean youre in the water..juat hold ur breath and wait? im i wrong?

ok so these are the hazards:

canr u jusr wear life jacket?
THE BIGKUSH - 7 years ago
As Mick said "STUPID"
coleen ramadan
coleen ramadan - 7 years ago
So it's this kind of wave that gave Point Break writers/producers the idea for that outrageous scene LOL that is absolutely insane maybe a death wish?
hoarbaby - 7 years ago
coleen ramadan so let me get this straight, the fbi is gonna pay me to surf?
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch - 7 years ago
0:28 epic neck beard.
Pete Gascoigne
Pete Gascoigne - 7 years ago
where are the tahitians?
place is filled with Aussies!
KristaL Mac  LeoD
KristaL Mac LeoD - 7 years ago
I am Scared .
kaosaz27 - 7 years ago
pvp g0d
pvp g0d - 7 years ago
legend has it that Bruce still is naked in the ocean to this day
FT_NiGght Fortnite
FT_NiGght Fortnite - 7 years ago
Shit that guy got raped at 12:08
Beth Roesch
Beth Roesch - 7 years ago
I hope no real surfers were hurt making this
Carson Hale
Carson Hale - 6 years ago
Beth Roesch no only the fake surfers got hurt
Atomic geese
Atomic geese - 7 years ago
Omg his surname was actually longbottom
Azo-Dye Vernichtung
Azo-Dye Vernichtung - 6 years ago
Fairly common name in england.
The Last Rebel Show
The Last Rebel Show - 7 years ago
You can thank You Tube for the crowds, I don't know it's really hard to say if YT is a good or bad thing. Being out there alone would be scary as it gets on the other hand. I'm not sure the wipe out would be as bad as having to swim while more waves are coming and your caught on the inside hoping that jet ski comes, how do you swim through waves like that?
Mathew Dos Santos
Mathew Dos Santos - 7 years ago
riding a 16 foot wave showed me how much power those waves can have.... especially ones like teahupoo. unrelenting force behind those waves.
Tazz Urain
Tazz Urain - 6 years ago
I’ve been crushed by a 16 foot wave right on the rail too and felt the turbulence on my body. I can’t fucking imagine what it’s like for thick ass waves as these, Jesus Christ.
SKULL_FACTOR 808 - 7 years ago
Its was 20 feet they said it in they beginning
CoolBreeze - 7 years ago
It's too bad they never said who produced this
CoolBreeze - 7 years ago
SURFINGVISIONS [swell chasers] It really is a sick wave
SURFINGVISIONS [swell chasers]
SURFINGVISIONS [swell chasers] - 7 years ago
Tim Bonython Productions
Dan Gaming
Dan Gaming - 7 years ago
My friend: I bet you one hundred pounds you can't surf that wave
Me: here hold my beer....
Crazy Buttboarding Guy
Crazy Buttboarding Guy - 7 years ago
and they say Im crazy ; /
Andrew Hawkes
Andrew Hawkes - 7 years ago
Auzzie auzzie auzzie........
Brian Trend
Brian Trend - 7 years ago
all these muzzie faggot terrorists they don't shoot shove them down that pipe! the fact they cant swim will be extra payback
pvp g0d
pvp g0d - 7 years ago
Brian Trend the fuck are you on about? lol
Dt0x75 - 7 years ago
When I first clicked on the video not even watching it to far in... I took one look at those waves and said... "Thats a big bag of, NOPE"
Dt0x75 - 7 years ago
Looking at those waves, and living near the ocean my entire life. I see this as the Ocean being very angry, and you got in her way and those waves were really big, angry fists and she was trying to punch these guys in the face! Those waves, the insane, insane volume of water, even at the top of the break is astounding!!!!!
huliogtt - 7 years ago
Richard Conner
Richard Conner - 7 years ago
The guy doing most of the talking is Tom Carroll,s big brother,an expert waterman in his own right.
Ger - 7 years ago
how do they retrieve the boards? Do they strap them to their ankles? I think not bc the force of the water is too much
Ger - 7 years ago
David Hatch
David Hatch - 7 years ago
Bitchin Film Tim!
John Perrott
John Perrott - 7 years ago
Inky Dinx
Inky Dinx - 7 years ago
i am an aussie and my opinion is that that swell is average and #aussieyolo
New Earth
New Earth - 7 years ago
no brain no pain
Scott Johnson
Scott Johnson - 7 years ago
Maximum Respect for these world class athletes. Amazing.
Wynand Grobler
Wynand Grobler - 7 years ago
total insanity, well done to the brave
ILL ORBIT - 7 years ago
Unreal.. Incredible video!! Mother nature is no joke. I respect these warriors for dancing with her.
89 Bristooll
89 Bristooll - 6 years ago
ILL ORBIT real talk...
14erGuy - 7 years ago
Maybe next time you can leave the branding text for the start and credits rather than the ENTIRE F'N VIDEO!
John Jones
John Jones - 7 years ago
Sick wave
WhatAlex plays
WhatAlex plays - 7 years ago
This video gave me goosebumps
Sundee.skater - 7 years ago
holy shit those are some thick and wide waves!
Shoozy - 7 years ago
Wow its a magical place
FlyeR - 7 years ago
Did that last guy died
jetski Dex
jetski Dex - 7 years ago
Hold my redbull
Ed Lomonaco
Ed Lomonaco - 7 years ago
WOW! Just crazy.
Cool Dalton99 d
Cool Dalton99 d - 7 years ago
I can do that
David Price
David Price - 7 years ago
Amazing video to watch.
Sean Jordan
Sean Jordan - 7 years ago
Do you think my Boogie Board can handle this?
Marshmelloww - 6 years ago
Just body surf it
Alex J
Alex J - 6 years ago
Sean Jordan fuck yea dude!!!!! Just do it remember
creed - 6 years ago
boogie boards are too slow for a wave this big
TheQuantumCreeper - 7 years ago
Sean Jordan they pioneered this wave actually! Probably not at this size though. Boogie boarders always go much gnarlier waves than surfers.
Man - 7 years ago
Yes but only on smaller waves
Fenni - 7 years ago
Nunyo Biswax That's still a bit overkill, just one should do it.
Nunyo Biswax
Nunyo Biswax - 7 years ago
Sean Jordan nah just take your floaties
M.J.F.S From Sydney
M.J.F.S From Sydney - 7 years ago
Who produced this..??
paul waller
paul waller - 7 years ago
Lou Cypher
Lou Cypher - 7 years ago
How much of a rush does one need???
Republic strong
Republic strong - 7 years ago
I'm not a surfer. I know nothing about it, but damn that was an awesome video.
Stephen Von Beck
Stephen Von Beck - 6 years ago
Republic strong deadpool2
Billy Brophy
Billy Brophy - 6 years ago
Good stuff big waves cool man
someblokecalleddave1 - 6 years ago
I am a surfer and I know nothing about this. This is on a different planet, in a different galaxy in a different plane of existence.
Ezme xx
Ezme xx - 6 years ago
Republic strong ye
Oscar Nello
Oscar Nello - 7 years ago
Republic strong same
Ken Kelley
Ken Kelley - 7 years ago
drawing a 3D M
Vlad Țepeș
Vlad Țepeș - 7 years ago
I could surf that drunk on an ironing board while holding a beer. These guys are pansies.
Yung cash register A.K.A Lil Broomstick
Yung cash register A.K.A Lil Broomstick - 6 years ago
+Kleinequietboy Kleinequietboy It's a joke you fucking dumbass.
Kenneth Jones
Kenneth Jones - 6 years ago
It's survivable so if you got the guts go for it
Bjorn Kruger
Bjorn Kruger - 6 years ago
Yeah right
Reece Harbottle
Reece Harbottle - 6 years ago
Vlad Țepeș if you can do it here then go to nazare
Maty Peachy
Maty Peachy - 6 years ago
Sure thing bro ! Good One !
Kleinequietboy Kleinequietboy
Kleinequietboy Kleinequietboy - 6 years ago
have a beer, take a big shit. relax and laugh you cock dreaming cunty little man
abarronboy - 6 years ago
Always like to see how many dummies are oblivious to sarcasm.
dylly weed
dylly weed - 6 years ago
this is my favorite comment ever
Sr. Torres Carmona
Sr. Torres Carmona - 6 years ago
The 1 up guy lmao
Paul Brown
Paul Brown - 6 years ago
I did it riding a two by four on acid.
Vlad Țepeș
Vlad Țepeș - 7 years ago
Haha, of course. Some people just don't get sarcasm :D
Carlos Ramirez
Carlos Ramirez - 7 years ago
This is obviously a joke. He's pretty much saying he has massive respect for these dudes. Right man ?
Vlad Țepeș
Vlad Țepeș - 7 years ago
The 14' tiger shark I had to fight off while duckdiving a set of 7 25 footers ate it.
Al Hixon
Al Hixon - 7 years ago
I've surfed 25' plus & these waves r a new definition of gnarly!
Al Hixon
Al Hixon - 7 years ago
Where's your vid?
James Scott
James Scott - 7 years ago
Vlad Țepeș go blow yourself
Zay Chamberlain
Zay Chamberlain - 7 years ago
Vlad Țepeș hold this W
KShred - 7 years ago
Some of those lips had to be 10ft thick
Janet Loerkens
Janet Loerkens - 7 years ago
Mother Nature is not happy....
aloma st julian
aloma st julian - 7 years ago
I surfed that wave really well over and over again, it was easy . . . and then I woke up and was glad to go to my little funky job!!
Jane Gilmore
Jane Gilmore - 6 years ago
aloma st julian LOL
Ingrid Gillette
Ingrid Gillette - 7 years ago
Were these waves as big as the Eddy of 2016? Those were some sick waves too.
Galaxis - 7 years ago
I wonder how long they have to hold their breath if they don't make it.
farvista - 7 years ago
Just watching this makes me sea-sick....
Malibu LongBoards Surf School
Malibu LongBoards Surf School - 7 years ago
when I see this wave, death comes to mind
Callie Puryear
Callie Puryear - 7 years ago
What is the song? 8:15
Nitro YT
Nitro YT - 6 years ago
Callie Puryear darude sand storm
Daryl L. Hunter
Daryl L. Hunter - 7 years ago
Liam Hobkirk
Liam Hobkirk - 7 years ago
Point break was filmed here XD
TVDL - 7 years ago
i failed on a 2 foot wave :D
Nevermind - 7 years ago
Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. Like maybe a toe tag and a nice body bag.
Francis Ramp
Francis Ramp - 7 years ago
Well, Martin Potter is an ex-world champ. I have personally surfed Backdoor Pipe while he was out and it was a solid 8'..... basically it was scary as shit. Listening to him on this clip saying he wants no part of it and also didn't want his friends on it too makes this unimaginable.
R&A - 7 years ago
Utter carnage... they all have huge beans in there bags
John ny
John ny - 7 years ago
Crazy Cool!!!!
Jelle Meijer
Jelle Meijer - 7 years ago
I'd take my hat off for anyone willing to surf that wave. The wave decides to take their pants
granlarson - 7 years ago
Ocean-shmocean. Have you ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight? j/k
mac ss
mac ss - 7 years ago
Amazing.......sum the biggest balls on the planet right there!!
Gent Bar
Gent Bar - 7 years ago
SportCloud - 7 years ago
Insane!! Such a beast of a wave. #beastmode
Aidan Walch
Aidan Walch - 7 years ago
Fuck this shit
Dave Simmons
Dave Simmons - 7 years ago
All this is what I have always hoped the simple, and relaxing art of riding a surfboard would never become.
swollen4ever - 7 years ago
Hawaiiguy Kailua
Hawaiiguy Kailua - 7 years ago
It would level an entire three story housing community with just one wave.
Ronny Sterling
Ronny Sterling - 7 years ago
Better men than me
Quint Bromley
Quint Bromley - 7 years ago
I'm not sure which is worse, surfing through that barrel at Teahupo'o or getting in a barrel and going over Niagara Falls.
Anna Nowak
Anna Nowak - 7 years ago
Wow amazing! Mother Nature is so powerful. Guys Its look pretty awesome and really scary .
Georgewella - 7 years ago
What are the odds you surf that wave. Ok 321...4,4 oh shit
Idk - 7 years ago
who else hates big waves?
Neqzei Zeta
Neqzei Zeta - 6 years ago
I d k
JelloJoonie - 6 years ago
I love big waves but I wouldnt be able to survived on this one.
Idk - 7 years ago
Junkyard Dogs ?
Junkyard Dawgs
Junkyard Dawgs - 7 years ago
We will get him when he comes in. He's not coming back!!!!!
Douglas E Knapp
Douglas E Knapp - 7 years ago
When you look through a wave they are not almost black. These are! I can't even begin to say how scary those waves are. Pictures just don't cut it. People who ride them are insanely good and really crazy to boot.
Mel Suarez
Mel Suarez - 7 years ago
Beautiful, terrifying, bewildering...the size of them thar waves! And the balls of these guys -- or is it craziness -- or maybe part of the brain is missing having to do with survival. Man! That is some awesome shit! Would give a million bucks to watch that up close.
Matthew Meek
Matthew Meek - 7 years ago
These guys chill harder than a polar bear
PeterRossiter Rossiter
PeterRossiter Rossiter - 7 years ago
Heather Ashley
Heather Ashley - 7 years ago
The trailer for suicide squad 2 looks interesting
Noah Huck
Noah Huck - 7 years ago
This is so boring
Lauren Armstrong
Lauren Armstrong - 7 years ago
That's the kind of wave that my dad would wait to send me on while I'm on my boogie board scared shitless!

Ok sweetie kick.... now

Me: gets pelted with water

Like if u can realate
ČØMBĀT WOMBAT - 6 years ago
Relate* and I liked. That’s how I feel
Daniel Holt
Daniel Holt - 6 years ago
Lauren Armstrong 1
Jordan - 7 years ago
that's how it felt when I was a kid....evey 2' wave looked like this!
Chubbywubz - 7 years ago
Lauren Armstrong I am a surfer and I can relate like heck
djcyborg - 7 years ago
but did you die?
Brad smith
Brad smith - 7 years ago
I think i just pooped my
phu cue
phu cue - 7 years ago
That sh#t is VODOO enhanced !!! pure evil !!!! only the very best need apply !!!!
Kiwifix - 7 years ago
it poses no danger at all unless you choose to stick yourself in it. so much drama over nothing really.
antonio is moist
antonio is moist - 7 years ago
Kiwifix bro stfu u wouldn't even get in the water
Gregg Smith
Gregg Smith - 7 years ago
Proning out but you still getting tubed, sick
Pottz you are still as ugly as you were as a kid
_ Broody
_ Broody - 7 years ago
Friggin' Majestic!!!
TheOfficialSynnex - 7 years ago
Looks like Jimmy Tatro
T R - 7 years ago
3:25 that shot is fucking epic
SeanC Yep
SeanC Yep - 7 years ago
That's like a decent sized pool getting dropped on you. WTF
Tom Fisher
Tom Fisher - 7 years ago
Yes...A Hole in One
Jeff Lee
Jeff Lee - 7 years ago
what in the fuck? how long are those fuckers underwater sometimes? they go around the wave like a washing machine. don't they hit the bottom or something? yer fuckin #9 man
max s
max s - 7 years ago
wear a fvcking life jacket
SpaghettiToaster - 7 years ago
You all fail to mention that the water after the break is so shallow, you can actually stand there. Life jacket not helping at all.
carlos machado
carlos machado - 7 years ago
Indeed some use jackets with air canister but to be able to try to breath underwater not to be inflated as it would be worse, it would put you in the turbulent water right in the middle of the bouncing water of the wave.
DANKMEMES101 hi - 7 years ago
max s that will be worse because it bring you up to the dangerous part of the wave and harder to surf
Carlos Ramirez
Carlos Ramirez - 7 years ago
The waves will rip it right off ya, plus there's risk of it getting tangles on your neck, plus visibility
Liam Bo
Liam Bo - 7 years ago
max s a Helmet would be good
Sean Duffy
Sean Duffy - 7 years ago
They wear jackets with air canisters in them. When they are getting pounded they pull a cord and the air canister inflates the jacket and they shoot up.
Vibezz /
Vibezz / - 7 years ago
max s It's scary, you can't get back up, the life jacket won't help, you're being pushed to the ocean floor with a building on your back, you have to hold your breath for minutes on end.
max s
max s - 7 years ago
Nunyo Biswax damn that's some gnarly shit
Nunyo Biswax
Nunyo Biswax - 7 years ago
max s that won't help. If anything it'll make it worse. Life jackets are for when you can't swim or float, these surfers are some of the best swimmers out there. The issue when falling on one of these waves isn't ability to swim it's being pounded into the ocean floor by that ginormous force of water. A life jacket won't help you float out of that
123TauruZ321 - 7 years ago
I wish they could just film the fucking waves and cut out the ridiculous meaningless little interviews. And holding the camera still wouldbe great too!
123TauruZ321 - 7 years ago
You are a swell.
Aqua Darauma
Aqua Darauma - 7 years ago
It's watchable, and given the extremely tense situation I'm pretty sure that holding the camera was the least of their concerns. I mean, look at those swells!
123TauruZ321 - 7 years ago
Unless they are total amateurs, it is possible to film steadier than that. Even with a smartphone.
Aqua Darauma
Aqua Darauma - 7 years ago
How the hell do you expect people to hold the camera still when the waves are like that
Fen - 7 years ago
I get goosebumps watching Towner and Longbottom ride that monster! Holy SHIT!
William Griffin
William Griffin - 7 years ago
seems to me that the camera position could have been another 200 yards
to the left ??? anyone ??
William Griffin
William Griffin - 7 years ago
Nowhere do I see any indication of what day this was ?? !! im guessing in last
3 weeks ???
Munchkin FB
Munchkin FB - 7 years ago
William Griffin 2013.
jose luis Garcia
jose luis Garcia - 7 years ago
sick wave !
Mario Altilio
Mario Altilio - 7 years ago
Ian Mangham
Ian Mangham - 7 years ago
Just when you think you're having a great time you go and survive
Candy Banks
Candy Banks - 7 years ago
Awesome insanity!
Jordan Strauss
Jordan Strauss - 7 years ago
Not that big pussys
Diane E
Diane E - 7 years ago
George Sawiris
George Sawiris - 7 years ago
It's OK to say NO...
Andrew Felcey
Andrew Felcey - 7 years ago
this is what Australia is do when neighbour's is cancelled !!!!!!
Jason Powell
Jason Powell - 7 years ago
Why is a 2017 upload 480p???? Dislike bro's...
Jason Powell
Jason Powell - 7 years ago
What lol? Video is 480P max, nothing gigabit Internet can fix about that lol!
Milk 2 Percent
Milk 2 Percent - 7 years ago
Jason Powell maybe get better internet, mine looks good
Cody Deforest
Cody Deforest - 7 years ago
I don't surf or watch anything about surfing but that was fucking insane
Scum Puppy
Scum Puppy - 6 years ago
I'll stick with my 3-5 ft waves. Ty
Joshua Flanagan
Joshua Flanagan - 7 years ago
Exactly.. and the camera always minimizes the height and overall intensity of waves.

Tahiti is next next level. Bailing on that would be like jumping out of a moving truck into a spinning washing machine. You really just wouldnt wanna do it.
Vibezz /
Vibezz / - 7 years ago
Cody Deforest I surf but only in like 5 foot waves at the biggest, waves like this make me piss my pants. Even 5 foot waves wipe you out and hold you under.
ostreds - 7 years ago
dude how do you survive that forces?? freakish.
Scooter Jack
Scooter Jack - 7 years ago
sonny rico
sonny rico - 7 years ago
then a guy on a dirt bike pulls in....braaaaap!
oscar delgado
oscar delgado - 7 years ago
These waves would fuck you up
Chunky Father
Chunky Father - 7 years ago
How can anyone hold their breath under immense pressure
ibetatestedyourmother - 7 years ago
That last swell though......... dayum
Shoegum - 7 years ago
Damn raped him and left him with no pants.
Matt Laviolette
Matt Laviolette - 7 years ago
Amazing! Speechless.
Hansy - 7 years ago
How shallow is it where the waves get so high?
TheQuantumCreeper - 7 years ago
Often less. Straight into a jagged sharp reef too.
Mihiarii Tehaai
Mihiarii Tehaai - 7 years ago
MOH-Hansy About 6ft
Fire Ant
Fire Ant - 7 years ago
Sounds like a PGA Golf Tournament.
Oliver Stevenson
Oliver Stevenson - 7 years ago
i have got no dad i'm so sad because i really like motorbike
Trevor Nelson
Trevor Nelson - 7 years ago
Oliver Stevenson mee to
kitesurfusa - 7 years ago
best big surf movie on the net
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 7 years ago
Watch. 22adaynoway
Brian B
Brian B - 7 years ago
He said riding a wave is like going to war...yeah, ok idiot.
hoody hoo
hoody hoo - 6 years ago
You’re totally missing the comparison buddy
Nabilio - 6 years ago
JackVoodoo primal instict to survive, not kill you idiot.
Will K Shilling
Will K Shilling - 6 years ago
exactly, to survive you have to trust in your preparation and trust in your comrades. and you may not even like them, but your life depends on each other. and the guy said it's LIKE going to war, not that it is going to war. so broaden your mind, it's only a simile, it's not like he did something unforgivable, like kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality. Jeez, Brian B, lighten up.
Colleen O'Connor
Colleen O'Connor - 6 years ago
not the primal instinct to kill-the primal instinct to survive
JackVoodoo - 6 years ago
if everyone had the primal instict to kill we would all be serial killers in our spare time
Colleen O'Connor
Colleen O'Connor - 6 years ago
Brian B I think he means the primal instincts that kick
JelloJoonie - 6 years ago
Those waves are big as hell. What in the fucking world do you mean? I bet you would get crushed by it.
JackVoodoo - 6 years ago
oh look kids a grammar nazi in a surfing comment section "oh shiny"
LOLwhateva - 6 years ago
Have you heard of a fucking comma you loser?
Garry Iglesias
Garry Iglesias - 6 years ago
Both of you, send us your CV, mine is public, I'm not a weak behind a false name.
Show us your CVs to see how "smart" you are... Simple, basic, facts
JackVoodoo - 6 years ago
if only he would see that
MONA LISA - 6 years ago
Garry Iglesias
You’re retarded...
Garry Iglesias
Garry Iglesias - 7 years ago
+JackVoodoo - Hope you feel better... But «i cant speak anything else than english because i have not been raised as a member of a foreign culture like you», is utterly stupid nonsense... I've been raised, as you in my respective native country, it's just I LEARNED about other cultures. Unlike you, "Your house centered". BTW. no wave in Geneva, moron.
JackVoodoo - 7 years ago
incorrect spelling is NOT a style of writing it is wrong you moron i cant speak anything else than english because i have not been raised as a member of a foreign culture like you have you keep talking about simple logic yet your not displaying any yourself in your replys it is true what they say about the french though they are a pompous arrogant ignorant self loving people and i have proved that right here you may reply to this if you wish but i will not reply because it is simply fact that your a moron and that i have WON this argument and you will reply to this saying otherwise even though you know i have and that i am the correct one out of the two of us, so good day you arrogant ignorant french common minded surfer i pray to the gods you get drowned while surfing just so the world may be rid of people like you who think because they are of a certain skin colour or background that they are better then their fellow human your a sad pathetic little grub of a man and i hope you will one day notice yourself as that because that is just the type of person you are and when you do notice that i hope you dive head first off a cliff into the waves you love so much to surf goodbye forever you loser .
Garry Iglesias
Garry Iglesias - 7 years ago
+JackVoodoo - No, you are a dumber one because you don't understand simple stuff. You criticized writing style of foreigners while you are totally unable to speak anything else that you Moma tongue, as a narrow minded guy...
You can't even comprehend simple logic.
JackVoodoo - 7 years ago
so your smarter than a person because your french and you speak your native tongue and the person you dont know does not ....yes your right your clearly the smarter man between us LMFAO
Garry Iglesias
Garry Iglesias - 7 years ago
+JackVoodoo - Obviously, it's a fact that you are an idiot... You don't even know how to properly speak in French, yet you mock when, an obviously superior french intellect, speaks in English to you. You have just proven how uneducated you are.
JackVoodoo - 7 years ago
it would also help if you spoke english LMFAO i dont even know why you bother writing in a language other than what i speak to make yourself look smart- now you look like an idiot
Garry Iglesias
Garry Iglesias - 7 years ago
+JackVoodoo - Where do you read ANY insult ? Moreover, tu sais parler français comme il faut espèce de brèle ? Alors ne me fais pas chier avec mon anglais.
JackVoodoo - 7 years ago
dude learn to spell before you throw insults
Garry Iglesias
Garry Iglesias - 7 years ago
+Brian B - The idiot here is the one who don't know ocean and wave and believe it's safe...
If you had at least the start of a clue, you'd know that when you play with ocean, you meet death many times.
JackVoodoo - 7 years ago
he is wrong taking a life is nothing like surfing
Penny Nelson
Penny Nelson - 7 years ago
either rich,or bums,
Jjhoop C
Jjhoop C - 7 years ago
how to survive a deadly wipeout dont go out in the first place
Nabilio - 6 years ago
Youll never feel more alive than you will when you're that close to death
Yung Witch
Yung Witch - 7 years ago
Jjhoop C nah then it's no fun
SP A - 7 years ago
Does Bruce Irons always sound like he's on drugs?
The Kids Nice
The Kids Nice - 6 years ago
SP A Because he always is
Jay Athey
Jay Athey - 7 years ago
that was an Emotional Experience...
Jay Athey
Jay Athey - 7 years ago
that wasWOW...
Evan Herrera
Evan Herrera - 7 years ago
so a joint is not pot now? child
YUNGBOYS - 7 years ago
Wes Anderson and life
Corz Illa
Corz Illa - 7 years ago
this is just pure lunacy. and only The ozzies, Hawaiians and a hand full of yanks could or would ever attempt do it.
Leeroy C
Leeroy C - 6 years ago
No its not. Its Aussie. Don't tell me about my own culture.
swingeasy987 - 6 years ago
+Leeroy C indeed... Although, it's Oz, not 'Aus', which is probably the origin of that mispelling comes from...
Ben Rosen
Ben Rosen - 6 years ago
Or the Russians when they have a bottle of vodka in their hands
Leeroy C
Leeroy C - 6 years ago
Its Aussie, not Ozzies.
mercury bullet
mercury bullet - 6 years ago
Daryl Wilson nazare isn't in 2 inches of water with coral at your feet that rips you into a million fucking pieces if you burn. Only legends take on this break.
Not 4 groms
Evan - 6 years ago
Milsim Tac yeaa...that’s what you think but come to Hawaii see how American Hawaiians are...
Squogman - 6 years ago
Jane Gilmore it's not about the height of these waves that made them so sketch it's the sheer speed and force they had. You saw how thick the wall was and how fast it was curling. Nazare waves are nothing compared to that.
Juan Flores
Juan Flores - 6 years ago
Milsim Tac hawaiians are badass surf Americans
Jane Gilmore
Jane Gilmore - 6 years ago
Daryl Wilson I dunno if the record still holds but Nazare holds the record of the highest wave surfed. It’s on here in Utube.
Daryl Wilson
Daryl Wilson - 6 years ago
Nazare is fat shit compared to this . Lol
Hampus Stenlund
Hampus Stenlund - 6 years ago
Corz Illa lol
luis marques
luis marques - 6 years ago
Falk M I know i live right next to it, kkkkkkkkk
Falk M
Falk M - 6 years ago
luis marques well Nazare is in Portugal.
luis marques
luis marques - 6 years ago
...also the Brazilians...Now imagine Nazare waves witch got the double of the size...
Tom - 6 years ago
Ludwig Wittgenduck no they don’t have you seen your beaches?
Ludwig Wittgenduck
Ludwig Wittgenduck - 7 years ago
you've obviously never heard of the cribber idiot
Oh Lol
Oh Lol - 7 years ago
Ludwig Wittgenduck the British are piece of shit in surfing
Ludwig Wittgenduck
Ludwig Wittgenduck - 7 years ago
do you want pepper with it as well?
Jett Lee
Jett Lee - 7 years ago
Ludwig Wittgenduck salt
Ludwig Wittgenduck
Ludwig Wittgenduck - 7 years ago
the brits dominate the surfing scene... do your research
Man - 7 years ago
infloslinger sorry but Tahitian created surfing ...
infloslinger - 7 years ago
In the surf world, a lot of people separate Hawaii and America as an homage to the Hawaiian people who created surfing. Aloha, respect.
Gent Bar
Gent Bar - 7 years ago
Corz Illa south africans ? spot on
Milsim Tac
Milsim Tac - 7 years ago
Corz Illa Hawaiians are Americans too...
clarkewi - 7 years ago
A masterpiece.
Kanahele styles
Kanahele styles - 7 years ago
Josh Shaw
Josh Shaw - 7 years ago
that was sick !
I wish I could see something like this !!
I'm fearless in the water, but that looked RUGGED !
co8539 - 7 years ago
Josh Shaw yah you're fearless in 6 foot surf. So am I. This ain't the kiddy pool no mo
Viet Nguyen
Viet Nguyen - 7 years ago
yeah....I'm going to stick to building sand castles
Leo B
Leo B - 7 years ago
no men... no...
Donald Goethe
Donald Goethe - 7 years ago
get a job 5 to 6 ft and Im happy why dont you all big respective wave riders join the military and become real men GROW UP.
co8539 - 7 years ago
Donald Goethe what... lmfao this is dumbest comment I've seen
jaxbeach09 - 7 years ago
Ohhhh boo hoo. That is their job. Dont be jealous just because they get to surf whenever and wherever they want. Go wash the sand out of your vagina.

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