surfer guy talking to fox news

this guy is on some other shit (video not owned by me just uploaded for my own pleasure)

surfer guy talking to fox news sentiment_very_dissatisfied 68

Surf 12 years ago 391,829 views

this guy is on some other shit (video not owned by me just uploaded for my own pleasure)

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Most popular comments
for surfer guy talking to fox news

Kiki Grffn
Kiki Grffn - 5 years ago
Somebody find me this man.
Enceladus Eve
Enceladus Eve - 5 years ago
Lilyiscrippled - 5 years ago
how does he have airpods when this video is from 2013 the hell
First Name
First Name - 6 years ago
Are those airpods lol
Archie Jackson
Archie Jackson - 6 years ago
Mr. F
Mr. F - 6 years ago
Pasta Mouse
Pasta Mouse - 6 years ago
This boi has an airpod.
NastyNeck - 6 years ago
This mf used airpods before that shit was cool
Jenny - 6 years ago
are those airpods i see

10. comment for surfer guy talking to fox news

Astranity - 6 years ago
This dude got airpods on
Harry Wienerlover
Harry Wienerlover - 6 years ago
Kakn - 6 years ago
First person ever with airpods This mans went back in time
Sumo Maniac
Sumo Maniac - 6 years ago
Does he have an airpod?
Steve Croteau
Steve Croteau - 6 years ago
this is the funniest fucking thing on youtube
Eliza Hahaha
Eliza Hahaha - 6 years ago
He’s wearing AirPods????? I’m in confusion
Comment Maker
Comment Maker - 6 years ago
Lol and now he is in jail for murder .
Young Cruzz
Young Cruzz - 6 years ago
I like is guy lol
hEY sToB iT •
hEY sToB iT • - 6 years ago
Gnarly dud
will otfinoski.
will otfinoski. - 6 years ago
It’s not humanly possible to give a better, more entertaining interview than that

20. comment for surfer guy talking to fox news

Zaland Zazai
Zaland Zazai - 6 years ago
Gnarly duuuuuuuudes
Mr.Avocato Sax Man Avocato
Mr.Avocato Sax Man Avocato - 6 years ago
He is very high
DeanRichard - 6 years ago
I love that he respects the sheriff but not the police
Matt McClay
Matt McClay - 6 years ago
this man = time traveller
in his ear = airpod
i’m so = gay
Krishan Bhandari
Krishan Bhandari - 6 years ago
Totally radical dude, gnarly for, let's shatter some waves together my guy your totally radical like gnarly, worsened dude, I'm drunk on retardedness bro, I see star man, radical
I know da way To pug land
I know da way To pug land - 6 years ago
Wwoooahhh thatsss narlyyy dduuddeee
dunkindan1 - 6 years ago
He inspired Tim Cook with Airpods before Airpods
Realest Savage
Realest Savage - 6 years ago
Who was also expecting him to do his laugh?
Victoria Alice
Victoria Alice - 6 years ago
wow i love u kai from dogtown
GetR3KTnub - 6 years ago

30. comment for surfer guy talking to fox news

muhd syahril syahril
muhd syahril syahril - 6 years ago
I like his style,smash,smash,smash,,hahaha
Nathan Acuna
Nathan Acuna - 6 years ago
I wanna adopt him
Roman Gold
Roman Gold - 6 years ago
“Fuck is cool. That guy ain’t. Shiiiiiiit.”
Lo Mack
Lo Mack - 6 years ago
Man I hope this dude is doing better.. live that good life Kai
TechSoldierOfficial - 6 years ago
He is now in jain for murder.
N4 0M1
N4 0M1 - 6 years ago
To be honest I the surfer accent is just the caucasian version of cholo
Mark Truong
Mark Truong - 6 years ago
This dude is wearing he first air pods
Товарищ Александр
Товарищ Александр - 6 years ago
I’m surprised how much this guy swore and nobody said anything. Nowadays reporters will flip shit if you even say heck
yilin - 6 years ago
he's a hero
Erik Backman
Erik Backman - 6 years ago
fucking gnarly duude
X - 6 years ago
Turns out he was a killer lol
Lukas Rønnov
Lukas Rønnov - 6 years ago
Fucking gnarly dude
Josh S-TV
Josh S-TV - 6 years ago
Their voices surfer dudes accent
Akshually.... - 6 years ago
Didn't this guy end up murdering someone later with his hatchet?
Banana Boi
Banana Boi - 6 years ago
God job dude real balls
Anna .g
Anna .g - 6 years ago
Smash smash s-maash
X - 6 years ago
Dude he killed an old lady and he's in jail currently
Sunny - 6 years ago
So this cool dude killed someone with a hatchet...
DJ SHrimp
DJ SHrimp - 6 years ago
Didn’t this guy kill someone like a year later
Lilee Bell05
Lilee Bell05 - 6 years ago
Aweeee the ending tho

50. comment for surfer guy talking to fox news

Dodged a Bullet
Dodged a Bullet - 6 years ago
Too much dope...east coast trying to be west coast.
Joumana Rashad
Joumana Rashad - 7 years ago
"gnarly, dude"
Thonicz - 7 years ago
Jεε¥☯ñG - 7 years ago
I hate everything he's saying . . . But I love how he says it all lmao
landon anderson
landon anderson - 7 years ago
Escape from tarkov
John H
John H - 7 years ago
Every time he asks the reporter if he knows what he's saying, and he stops for a second and then nods to himself like, he had to check to see if he knew what he was saying and then confirmed it with himself it's the best thing in the world to me.
Ageezy16 - 7 years ago
00:28 how to tell if someone did mushrooms before
A M - 7 years ago
scud69er - 7 years ago
smash smash SA-MASH!
Luv this guy never gets old
Gran Furismo
Gran Furismo - 7 years ago
Is he wearing an AirPod?
Ricardo Gutierrez
Ricardo Gutierrez - 6 years ago
Gran Furismo he was in future
Laci_n_Rocket 04
Laci_n_Rocket 04 - 7 years ago
He looks like the divination professor from Harry Potter.
Dr. Lonely
Dr. Lonely - 7 years ago
lea rodriguez
lea rodriguez - 7 years ago
This guy reminds me of antoine,you know.."so ya'll need to hide your kids,hide your wife and your husband too"
Basic_Assumption - 7 years ago
This guy seems to have experience smashing people in the head.
*Josh* - 7 years ago
WTF is a pencil stick
No Ghh
No Ghh - 7 years ago
were airpods out in 2013?
coffycup75 - 7 years ago
Omigod I love this dude, he's so rad, reminds me of my brother-in-law.
Aaron Rodriguez
Aaron Rodriguez - 7 years ago
This dude reminds me of Slater from Dazed and Confused
Noah Warwick
Noah Warwick - 7 years ago
Kooked out
Man In A Tree Productions
Man In A Tree Productions - 7 years ago
I wonder if this guy gets pitted WAPOW
*Josh* - 7 years ago
Man In A Tree Productions
Love the reference
James Keim
James Keim - 7 years ago
So how old are you? I cant call it.
Captain Dugog
Captain Dugog - 7 years ago
Take a shot every time he says "fuckin".
Rust Cohle
Rust Cohle - 7 years ago
LMAO THAT MOFO INTERVIEWER THOUGHT HE WAS A CALIFORNIAN XD made my day, talk about stereotyping lol
Matteo Tedesco
Matteo Tedesco - 7 years ago
Kai is god
Smitty Werbenjaegermanjensen
Smitty Werbenjaegermanjensen - 7 years ago
This guy reminds me of my friend Cody. His parents were addicts and couldnt take care of him so he emancipated himself and sold weed in the Chi to make enough money to travel all over the country. And people like them have alot more fun with their lives than the day to day blue collar desk jockeys.
TwistTheWrist - 7 years ago
"Could've snapped her neck like a pencil stick."
Ruben Partono
Ruben Partono - 7 years ago
4:50 is when he says "gnarly"
S Biegs
S Biegs - 7 years ago
Kai, you have family right here bro.
Shit got me right in the feels.
Wadi Iman
Wadi Iman - 7 years ago
Hes definitely johnnystein
Sir Hiffwe
Sir Hiffwe - 7 years ago
So this is where "SMASH, SMASH, SUH-MASH!" Came from.
Max C.
Max C. - 7 years ago
That hair dude, just flowin.
Katherine Beaudoin
Katherine Beaudoin - 7 years ago
suh dude
Minicat 625
Minicat 625 - 7 years ago
Smash smash S M A S H

Lawrence Edwards
Lawrence Edwards - 7 years ago
Cussing like damhe narly
RR GrApE - 7 years ago
RR GrApE - 7 years ago
TWISTEDWRLD - 7 years ago
Roland Li
Roland Li - 7 years ago
is he wearing airpods?
iyana bellamy
iyana bellamy - 6 years ago
Roland Li looks like a J
ಠ_ಠ - 8 years ago
Michael Johnson
Michael Johnson - 8 years ago
And I was like "mom, why don't you get me a Pepsi?" and she wouldn't give me one.
Corporate Agent
Corporate Agent - 8 years ago
I feel bad for that guy. Wish I could help him somehow. If I had a place of my own in Virginia I'd let him stay.
Bazooka Tooth
Bazooka Tooth - 7 years ago
Avenging Angel

He's been held without a trial for over 4 years now for a separate incident. He claims he killed a man in self-defense because he supposedly got drugged and raped by him. It's fucked up
The Kid
The Kid - 8 years ago
funny guy , so spontaneous! ...broke my heart at the end :( , bless you dude !
Prosper - 8 years ago
kooked out man
alextheromanian - 8 years ago
heard this dude went to jail for killing another guy
Bawesome Kid
Bawesome Kid - 8 years ago
damn that ending
spacekitt3n - 8 years ago
this guy is a meth head and robber in real life
Jack Lyall
Jack Lyall - 8 years ago
Snap it like a pencil stick
Steffie N.
Steffie N. - 7 years ago
Jack Lyall lmao
EPIC SAWIKI - 8 years ago
Reporter: How old are you
Dude: I can't call it (Shrugs)
WTF does that even mean?
Efi P
Efi P - 7 years ago
If you don't know wtf means you have no clue about that kind of life. He is nice dude.
Jake Zhao
Jake Zhao - 7 years ago
He might've meant it's a small enough of a number that you can't call it on a phone
BlancaVasquez15 - 8 years ago
well he was in an orphanage, his parents were probably crazy and he doesn't have any birth certificate or whatever.
LionelKG - 8 years ago
That last part. Damn..
Producer EM
Producer EM - 8 years ago
He gnar the shred !

100. comment for surfer guy talking to fox news

Anthony Jordan
Anthony Jordan - 8 years ago
I can't call it
John Davalos
John Davalos - 8 years ago
he must be fuckered
KimsFakeName - 8 years ago
He doesn't know where Dogtown is and probably doesnt know how to surf. Too many drugs, man.
Brooke - 8 years ago
Straight outta Dog Town! Xoxo!!!!
SmexyTom DRG
SmexyTom DRG - 8 years ago
its like the biggest wave ive ever ridden in my life xD
Mike Xiong
Mike Xiong - 8 years ago
my bro
Reason4Termination - 8 years ago
This guy can't even surf.
*Josh* - 7 years ago
Who said he could
Kevin Zauner
Kevin Zauner - 8 years ago
He doesn't know how old he is
Bazooka Tooth
Bazooka Tooth - 7 years ago
Kevin Zauner

That's probably because he's an orphan or something. He says he doesn't have any family
Nate Pelz
Nate Pelz - 8 years ago
I ran up to him with a hatchet an I want BANG BANG BANG
Max Miles
Max Miles - 8 years ago
Kram Newton
Kram Newton - 8 years ago
that was like the biggest wave i've ever ridden in my life lmao
Munky Bidness
Munky Bidness - 8 years ago
Did this guy die? I could have sworn I`ve seen him thumbnailed in a video titled "fallen YouTube heroes" or some such.
Coretta Hattereaux
Coretta Hattereaux - 6 years ago
I just pointed out in another comment that being a vagabond who depends on the kindness of strangers is likely to result in having to defend oneself with a hatchet on the regular. I believe the self defense version at first glance because lawyers I know don’t go around picking up homeless hitchhikers without an ulterior motive of some sort. Free kai!!!!
Jerm Muy
Jerm Muy - 7 years ago
Bazooka Tooth man, good people get caught up in bad shit
Bazooka Tooth
Bazooka Tooth - 7 years ago
Munky Bidness

He's been held without a trial for over 4 years due to a separate incident. He claims a lawyer, who let him stay at his house, drugged and raped him. So, Kia killed him in self-defense. Supposedly they might declare a mistrial
lavarela8 - 8 years ago
this whole thing is really messed up and sad
manmachine30 - 8 years ago
Now he is loveable but in jail for murder.
Notorious Ene
Notorious Ene - 8 years ago
"I'm straight out of dog town" From Virginia
Matt Catarius
Matt Catarius - 6 years ago
Notorious Ene *West Virginia*.
Grant Stevens
Grant Stevens - 8 years ago
Lol West Virginia - meanwhile, his accent is absolutely Wisconsin/Canada-esque with the long A's in "wagon" and Canadian "out."
Alex Johnson
Alex Johnson - 8 years ago
and you know what? fuck is cool. that guy ain't. shiiiiiiiiii
Rai Wolf
Rai Wolf - 8 years ago
Alex Johnson ahahhahahahah
[diamond] - 8 years ago
I love his voice xD
[diamond] - 8 years ago
HawaiianWarrior100 - 8 years ago
This guy is a Haole and Kai more than likely is not his real name
SHAMI2OCK - 8 years ago
"you have a last name?"

"ha, na. I dont have anything." lol
Officer Donut
Officer Donut - 7 years ago
"no bro i don't have anything"
SHAMI2OCK - 8 years ago
xzotic92 I wouldn't worry too much about it. He thought it was pretty funny.
xzotic92 - 8 years ago
Shamrock that kinda broke my heart a little bit
CringeyBinocularBoy - 8 years ago
ahahahahahahahahhahaahhhhaahahahahah righteous
Nicholas Papa
Nicholas Papa - 8 years ago
guy dosen't even surf
Hayley Mkeke
Hayley Mkeke - 8 years ago
He sounds and talks exactly like my buddy's , we should surf some sick waves kai!
ImnotsurewhatIwantmynameto besoImjustgonnatypethis
ImnotsurewhatIwantmynameto besoImjustgonnatypethis - 8 years ago
Hayley Mkeke he's in prison
bkl 314
bkl 314 - 8 years ago
"How old are ya?" "I can't call it!" Hahaha o man that's too funny....
Ageezy16 - 7 years ago
P Jay shroom talk lol
emilia prekaski
emilia prekaski - 8 years ago
smash smash smash
Minicat 625
Minicat 625 - 7 years ago
emilia prekaski yeh
Scott Scott
Scott Scott - 8 years ago
right on kai
John Modzelewski
John Modzelewski - 8 years ago
the policeeeesss
Nat Strawn
Nat Strawn - 8 years ago
0:13 is my motivational video.
Rabid Panda
Rabid Panda - 8 years ago
ahaha this dude is rad.
Armor Dragon
Armor Dragon - 6 years ago
Rapannell36 no, he murdered a lawyer who was letting him stay in his home.
S Biegs
S Biegs - 7 years ago
Rapannell36 Perfectly said
Rapannell36 - 8 years ago
yes he murdered a dude who drove his car into a person, raped a 14 year, and was about to kill a woman all because he thought he was Jesus Christ and could do anything he wanted. Wtf would you have done?
Ian C
Ian C - 8 years ago
+WhoDaresWins Taekwondo i guess
Pyromaniac - 8 years ago
but it was a good cause
Ian C
Ian C - 8 years ago
he murderd a guy
Cody Testerman
Cody Testerman - 8 years ago
Real life J
Jel - 8 years ago
Not all heroes wear capes.
Electrofied817 27
Electrofied817 27 - 6 years ago
Jel yep. Some even have a surfboard in there hand
Monkey Business
Monkey Business - 6 years ago
Jel regurgitator! Your an unoriginal regurgitator'
Phuc Do
Phuc Do - 7 years ago
Jel they wear oversized bags
Bazooka Tooth
Bazooka Tooth - 7 years ago

He claims he was raped
Bazooka Tooth
Bazooka Tooth - 7 years ago

He hasn't been charged yet. He's been held without trial for over 4 years. Get your facts straight. They might even declare a mistrial
LIKEABO$$ - 8 years ago
this guys was later tried for murder.
Asher The Freedom Splasher
Asher The Freedom Splasher - 8 years ago
+Jeremy David Thats a story only uneducated people would believe XD
Asher The Freedom Splasher
Asher The Freedom Splasher - 8 years ago
+Jeremy David Kai got hacked at one point, on facebook and alot of things get twisted all the time i've seen it with my own eyes lol
Asher The Freedom Splasher
Asher The Freedom Splasher - 8 years ago
+Jeremy David Thats not proof, the media lies all the time lol
Jeremy - 8 years ago
+Asher The Freedom Splasher This guy in the interview above used to meet with galfy on a regular basis for paid, gay sex. There are text messages to prove that. The lawyer would pick him up, pay him, have sex with him and then drop him off...The lawyer was murdered by this kid. Sure, they might have had some kind of gay sex paid times going on but that does not mean that the lawyer was not "innocent" ...
Asher The Freedom Splasher
Asher The Freedom Splasher - 8 years ago
+Harold Tupper If you don't know who galfy is by now you don't know anything lol
Asher The Freedom Splasher
Asher The Freedom Splasher - 8 years ago
+Harold Tupper Ahhh you're obviously a troll because you took out the specific word i was talking about out of his sentence. What Jeremy really said was " too bad he murdered some >>innocent<< guy after this interview" I'm saying no hes not innocent, and you don't seem to notice that because your behavior is too jumpy, you need to relax. Otherwise how can you listen if you let your emotions distract you?
Asher The Freedom Splasher
Asher The Freedom Splasher - 8 years ago
And yes harold if you have eyes, and read the comments you would see, Jeremey saying hes innocent. Hes not innocent. Study Galfys history, read between the lines. So before you go all crazy, try actually putting a little effort into being sensible and try reading the comments, before you comment. 
Asher The Freedom Splasher
Asher The Freedom Splasher - 8 years ago
"What the ** are you talking about?" Obviously you don't know enough
Asher The Freedom Splasher
Asher The Freedom Splasher - 8 years ago
Dude he wasn't innocent don't lie.
Jeremy - 8 years ago
+Katstica yea, too bad he murdered some innocent guy after this interview
Exo - 9 years ago
thinchrisful - 9 years ago
I just thought guys like this were only in the movies
MrCalifas88 - 9 years ago
This dude is fuckin' high as hell!
Shane Wilder
Shane Wilder - 9 years ago
Sophia West Virginia ;)
Mr Stud
Mr Stud - 9 years ago
"like a that big can snap a women's neck like a pencil stick"
Cozy BongSter
Cozy BongSter - 9 years ago
R.I.P rest in paradise KAI you'll be remember
Andrew Walski
Andrew Walski - 8 years ago
+Andrew Walski did you mean die
Andrew Walski
Andrew Walski - 8 years ago
he dies
Brenton Siddons
Brenton Siddons - 9 years ago
your basic liberal
polo freeze
polo freeze - 9 years ago
started fun ended REAL
Albert Wickman
Albert Wickman - 9 years ago
And you know like motherfuckiiiiin like
Liam Hudock
Liam Hudock - 9 years ago
After all of this the dude killed a 73 year old lawyer +colinthehuman
sad sadgrass
sad sadgrass - 9 years ago
kai i love you
Ap Selection
Ap Selection - 9 years ago
"haole" means 'no breath' in hawaiian 2:05
king kyrie
king kyrie - 8 years ago
+Logan Cabanas foreigner or no breath
Logan Cabanas
Logan Cabanas - 8 years ago
Haloe means someone who's not Hawaiian
jehkjshrfk - 9 years ago
jehkjshrfk - 9 years ago
Sorry about your autism lol
jehkjshrfk - 9 years ago
+Party Guy ...
jehkjshrfk - 9 years ago
+Party Guy that didn't answer my question
jehkjshrfk - 9 years ago
why is it used as a derogatory word for white people?
Karl - 9 years ago
Anybody else think maybe he might be a bit of a murderer himself at this point? He killed somebody else too. And talked about fucking somebody up pretty bad in an Orchard lol.
jehkjshrfk - 8 years ago
+Nathan Hayes kai gave him a blow job that's why he was so adamant about semen being at the scene despite investigators finding none. Goddamn youre stupid.
Duck - 8 years ago
+jehkjshrfk If Kai had a history of doing good why would he kill a "client". Kai was in the area looking for a couch to crash on. Wouldn't it make more sense for a older man to take advantage of a younger (baby faced) man for sex while he was staying the night and not the other way around? Immagine your looking for a place to spend the night, a older 70 something year old man lets you in, and next thing you know you wake up with cum on your face, a head ache, and you feel sick. What would you do?
jehkjshrfk - 8 years ago
+Asher The Freedom Splasher Kai sold himself for sex. Kai killed one of his "clients". Kai knew Kai fucked up. Kai made up story to cover his ass cuz Kai knew Kai would get caught. Kai got caught. Kai has followers because people are stupid. Fuck Kai.
Asher The Freedom Splasher
Asher The Freedom Splasher - 8 years ago
He didn't kill the guy in this video, he just said he did. But he didn't, and he used the blunt side of the axe and the guy is still alive its on video. And he did save those peoples lives because the witnesses stated the facts. And also hes accused of killing the galfy dude but kai claims he was drugged and raped by him and he can't prove that because the investigators are friends with galfy. They also mishandled his evidence, washed it away purposely, and told him this straight to his face, they also haven't given him a fair trial in 3 years and lost his belongings and stole his money: And the justice system is corrupt and the authoritys are friends with galfy all of them are so its difficult for Kai to beat this. Because its a rigged situation. But hes not a psychopath, psychos enjoy others suffering, he does this out of anger because he was molested and abused as a child repeatedly and nobody helped him or listened to him. Thats on video too. He also preaches justice alot and takes the law into his own hands because nobody else will. And i understand this because nobody helped me either. And also the only people he ever attacked are rapists/pedophiles. So before you label someone do some "real" research. and just because he hurt people doesn't mean he didn't have a good reason, he only responded to other peoples bad actions. Im not justifying Kais actions im just saying he has a good reason to act that way. Hes technically done us all a favour because rapists and pedophiles get set free but people with a bag of weed get a life sentence. If kai went to the authoritys about being raped by galfy, they would manipulate the situation and they wouldn't help Kai at all . It wouldn't make a difference. The only way he could of survived was if he ran away without hurting anyone or going to the authoritys. Because the authoritys don't care and they're friends with galfy. And Kai was obviously stressed in the situation. Anyone would be. everyone is capable of what Kai did, put yourself in his shoes you have no clue what it would be like because you hardly know Kai. Also when you're homeless bad things happen all the time. So its not Kai causing it, Kai's a good guy he just responds badly. If you weigh both perspectives of the situations accurately. You would see Kai as innocent. But sadly its easier to judge than to understand, understanding requires effort, judging & using your ego is effortless.
jehkjshrfk - 9 years ago
hes a manipulative psychopath. he got caught in jersey for murder but most likely killed before
Sidechaining is Important.
Sidechaining is Important. - 9 years ago
Kai, will you be my best friend???
Jon Smith
Jon Smith - 7 years ago
I'd be careful being his friend didn't he murder his friend or roommate or something?
Asher The Freedom Splasher
Asher The Freedom Splasher - 8 years ago
I said Kai can't access it, obviously i can't its not my channel.
Asher The Freedom Splasher
Asher The Freedom Splasher - 8 years ago
You can check out Kais most recent videos on my channel/Kai's new channel "Kai Smash Unofficial" Kai has an official channel too but Kai can't access it for some reason.
google must_die
google must_die - 9 years ago
Get a job hesher
Shlomo Shunn
Shlomo Shunn - 9 years ago
Jonah Bass
Jonah Bass - 9 years ago
Snap a women's neck like a pencil stick
Kumiko Kikuchi
Kumiko Kikuchi - 9 years ago
jenny Rodriguez
jenny Rodriguez - 9 years ago
smash...smash.. SMAAASH!
jeffo2448 - 9 years ago
This dude murdered someone. Look him up. Hatchetguy or something like that
Life Hacks
Life Hacks - 6 years ago
Kai was arrested on murder charges in May 2013 for the slaying of New Jersey attorney Joseph Galfy. He has been in prison since then and as of May 2016 still awaiting trial.[2] Kai maintains he fought against Galfy in self-defense. According to Kai, Galfy attempted to rape him after offering Kai a place to stay for the night. Kai stated that the police claimed the sexual encounter was consensual and the murder premeditated, however Kai said that after the viral video in California, he had no need to have sex with men like Galfy, who Kai described as unattractive, stating "Do you know how many hot chicks—never mind. Even if I was gay, do you know how many hot guys wanted to fuck me after that shit in California? I’m not even being vain. It’s just a fact, like—no offense, but he [Galfy] was not a looker".[3]
Zeno Kazuya
Zeno Kazuya - 7 years ago
Craig Muy No, after this happened he killed someone else and he's wanted for that murder
Jerm Muy
Jerm Muy - 7 years ago
UntoldLies that's what he's talking about. He killed the guy.
UntoldLies - 7 years ago
Wait rly ???
Daryl Arellano
Daryl Arellano - 9 years ago
That's old news.
dalegg66 - 9 years ago
There would have been constant bleeps. It would have been like listening to a Drake song on the radio
Gasket Jeff
Gasket Jeff - 9 years ago
its like fubar only Merican
tomaf - 9 years ago
Fox didn't air this, did they?
Asher The Freedom Splasher
Asher The Freedom Splasher - 8 years ago
Well they did alot so you're wrong lol
Carolus Rex
Carolus Rex - 9 years ago
Fox isn't that ballsy.
Arkterius K
Arkterius K - 9 years ago
Maybe he did the right thing, but this guy is fucking unstable
EveryDayaCleanSlate - 9 years ago
Spicoli:  Well, I'll tell you Stu, I did battle some humongous waves! But you know, just like I told the guy on ABC, "Danger is my business!"
Stu: people expected maybe Mark "Cutback" Davis or Bob "Jungle Death" Gerrard would take the honors this year.
Spicoli: Those guys are fags!
Stu: That's fantastic! Let me ask you a question. When you get out there, do you ever fear for your life?
Jeff Spicoli: Well Stu, It's a way of looking at that wave and saying, "Hey bud, let's party!"  [focuses on Stu's sport coat]  Where'd you get this jacket?
NS25 - 8 years ago
Lol Fast Times
Yusuf Zulfi
Yusuf Zulfi - 9 years ago
well that was easily understandable
Jefferson Lung
Jefferson Lung - 9 years ago
Slipknotking133 - 9 years ago
AHHAHA frait train riders know this
nikko baron
nikko baron - 10 years ago
Dogtown or die!
colinthehuman - 10 years ago
I'd give him a ride. Seems like a chill dude.
Max Britz
Max Britz - 6 years ago
Buried With You
Buried With You - 8 years ago
why naomi?
jtvproductions - 8 years ago
naomi costello that escalated quickly.
kurtis troy
kurtis troy - 10 years ago
Fuck is cool...that guy aint.!!!...
Mark Traganza
Mark Traganza - 10 years ago
I doubt this guy has ever paddled out
They Call Us Productions
They Call Us Productions - 6 years ago
He scored a board once after being on another news station and sucked horribly at surfing
ODrako - 7 years ago
Mark Traganza do you even lift bro
Myles - 8 years ago
He was daring enough to ask if anyone had an extra board to paddle out mavericks on..
Erin Sears
Erin Sears - 9 years ago
Erin Sears
Erin Sears - 9 years ago
JuanPabloDj88 - 10 years ago
I like his phylosophy
Monique J
Monique J - 9 years ago
Tony NotTellingYou
Tony NotTellingYou - 10 years ago
Smash, smash and SMASH xD
Ura Mescudi
Ura Mescudi - 10 years ago
Merry Christmas Kai!
Ura Mescudi
Ura Mescudi - 10 years ago
I love him
Legend - 10 years ago
This guy needs sectioning
Joseph Paciocco Jr
Joseph Paciocco Jr - 10 years ago
How old are you? "I can't call it!" Haha this dude is awesome
Agronox DT
Agronox DT - 10 years ago
WHY IN THE FUCK WAS HE LET GO!? Clearly he is just fine with killing people. He killed before this and he killed again after this..
JuanPabloDj88 - 10 years ago
I see it more as justice killing. Cops do it. Military do it. Sometimes civilians have to do it. Like he said i he wouldnt kill that guy he would probably kill more innocent people.
Ryan Merritt
Ryan Merritt - 10 years ago
Dude went an masturbated in front of a school after taking a hatchet to the dome wtf
Cheese Block
Cheese Block - 10 years ago
Hey look, it's Saul from pineapple express.
Kyrie K
Kyrie K - 10 years ago
I love him lol
Speakerofthehouse2 - 10 years ago
nooowww whaaaaaay maaaan!  (huh huh)
andreina Wilson
andreina Wilson - 10 years ago
Omg he is really cool
goatanything - 10 years ago
This crazy bastard, "Hatchetguy Kai" just got arrested for murdering a 73 year old man.   The dude is insane and dangerous!
Coretta Hattereaux
Coretta Hattereaux - 6 years ago
goatanything he’s a gypsy or whatever who depends on the kindness of strangers and his stalwart hatchet for self defenses. Another comment clarified that the older man had picked him up with intent to rape him and he took after him with the hatchet in response. It may seem unlikely that one dude would be involved in two incidents with a hatchet defending himself, but based on the type of lifestyle he’s obviously living it seems pretty probable to me. Relying on strangers for kindnesses is a great way to end up having to defend yourself with a hatchet on a regular basis.
420beastrXx - 10 years ago
That's fuckin trippy af .. "If you're jesus christ than I'll be the anti christ".
Moose trackS
Moose trackS - 10 years ago
Smashed the shit out dat window BRUH
NoOodles - 10 years ago
this guy is on somthin else
Cory Mitchell
Cory Mitchell - 10 years ago
Aghaa he probably doesnt even
Rebekah Stalheim
Rebekah Stalheim - 10 years ago
HOLY SHIT! This guy is fucking metal!
OliveOyl12590 - 10 years ago
Dude's NOT on FOX NEWS. This is as fake as a glass eye . He's also doing a lot of fucking and not getting laid.
Scotty Darko
Scotty Darko - 10 years ago
straight outta town! 
Bibi Landin
Bibi Landin - 10 years ago
smash smash SA- MASH
Bibi Landin
Bibi Landin - 10 years ago
Is this real? It can't be
Xtoriez Novel
Xtoriez Novel - 10 years ago
... like a pencil stick...
Fivehydroxy Tryptamine
Fivehydroxy Tryptamine - 10 years ago
smash smash SMAAASH
Lady Stoneheart
Lady Stoneheart - 11 years ago
Titius Mclauren
Titius Mclauren - 11 years ago
Man is on LSD
559sting - 11 years ago
Caleb Lawrence McGillvary aka Kai,  has stated that he was raised in a fundamentalist-Christian-cult, that his parents had been divorced and that he had been molested in his youth. He has also stated that he took on the name "Kai" after taking part in a "spirit walk" while living on a Native American reservation. Prior to the incident in Fresno in 2013, McGillvary had been living as a transient, which he has described as "home free".  McGillvary has said that he was from Sophia, West Virginia, and also that he was born during 1988 in Western Canada.
In February 2013 McGillvary (identifying himself in the video only as "Kai") was videotaped giving an interview where he described his part in an incident where a man drove his car into a Pacific Gas and Electric employee in Fresno, California. The man, later identified as Jett Simmons McBride, claimed that he was Jesus and that he had been sent to save the earth shortly before attacking a woman present at the site. McGillvary, who had been riding as a passenger in the car with McBride, hit him in the head with a hatchet in order to stop McBride's attack, which proved to be successful. The full version of the interview, during which McGillvary described the incident in further detail, was posted to the internet and went viral. McGillvary later testified against McBride when he was brought to court. McBride has since claimed that McGillvary was the one who had "yanked" the steering wheel to aim at the Pacific Gas and Electric employee. Eyewitness testimony at McBride's trial refuted this, but witnesses also stated that several Pacific employees had to subdue McGillvary as he was "swinging [his hatchet] at shoulder level at anybody that would try to come at him".
On May 16, 2013, an arrest warrant was issued for McGillvary for suspicion of the murder of New Jersey attorney Joseph Galfy Jr, who had been discovered dead inside of his home in Clark, New Jersey. McGillvary was arrested May 16 at a Philadelphia bus terminal by the Philadelphia Police after he was identified by a Starbucks employee. His bail was set at $3 million and since his extradition to New Jersey, he has been held in the Union County Jail in Elizabeth, New Jersey. His trial began January 6, 2014, and McGillvary has pleaded not guilty.  McGillvary stated to reporters on May 30, 2013 that he is not guilty, and on January 20, 2014 his public defender entered a not guilty plea in court.
Danny C Illumini
Danny C Illumini - 6 years ago
559sting Thats very interesting. Thank you for sharing and I appreciate the info. Cool cheers.
TeddyTheYetti - 11 years ago
This dude is priceless
TeddyTheYetti - 11 years ago
This dude is priceless
ytmachx - 11 years ago
We need more concerned citizens like this guy.
BTIsaac - 11 years ago
Dammit, stupid typos. Why u ruin my punchlines.
BTIsaac - 11 years ago
Far our dude.
Daniel Conner
Daniel Conner - 11 years ago
i love this guy, god bless you
tingz gwann
tingz gwann - 11 years ago
this guynis dope fuck the haters. real commendable dude
OpenRoads - 11 years ago
This one doped up brain fried son-bitch.... damn some people need help desperately....
Kevin Fleming
Kevin Fleming - 11 years ago
Got deep at the end
Elaine Farrington
Elaine Farrington - 11 years ago
Oscar Valdes
Oscar Valdes - 12 years ago
This guy is funny
DudeNumberTen - 12 years ago
this guy is on some other shit
Chad Johnston
Chad Johnston - 12 years ago
yee see all these teeth marks for the camera

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