tow in surfing

tow in extremo en Jaws
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Most popular comments
for tow in surfing

swats57 - 8 years ago
who is the surfer?
juancagc1 - 8 years ago
two new planets were born that day, and they came from those fucking big balls man
Sean Coleman
Sean Coleman - 9 years ago
This is Cortez Banks not Jaws
Lynette Wilson
Lynette Wilson - 9 years ago
Oh my God, that looks so scary, as if I was there on surfing instead of someone else. It is so amazing. Humongous waves coming right at him and no matter hot fast and far he had gotten it grew much bigger in side. I didn't want the video to stop until I saw that he had made it safe out of the water, but it had cut short of that. I am sure he made it safe out of the water.
moahdriven - 10 years ago
This is ridiculous. It's one of the opening scenes in the documentary Billabong Odyssey. Highly recommend it.
J. F. B. S.
J. F. B. S. - 10 years ago
    Absolutely so very much insane ... fuckest !      

          \\\ ///
....o00o.(_).o00o...       BU ... UUUUUUUUUUU
Av Mian
Av Mian - 10 years ago
Absolutely fucking insaneeeeeeeeeee I surf myself and this is what a boss
Grant O'Leary
Grant O'Leary - 11 years ago
Thanks im doing a science report on surfing big waves this helped
Monkey D. Luffy
Monkey D. Luffy - 11 years ago
He doed

10. comment for tow in surfing

G. Aguilera
G. Aguilera - 11 years ago
Damn that's a huge ass wave!!!
Byfernandomendes - 12 years ago
nao é fake, é o garret mc namara, ele pegou a maior onda do mundo 30 metros de onda ou pés nao sei
undeadpresident - 13 years ago
that's what I'm like if I eat mushrooms, just start laughing for no reason
undeadpresident - 13 years ago
either jealous people or they misclicked their mouse
crashhpt - 13 years ago
The more than 30 meters high waves in Nazare, Portugal, are much bigger. Mc Namara surfed one bigger than 30 some days ago here. One of the 10 world surf reservations is in Portugal also, called Santa Cruz.
Dasiane Briana
Dasiane Briana - 13 years ago
Oh.... Is he still alive today?
jguss45 - 13 years ago
that was insane i thought it was animated for a short time
kee oonda eh essaa....
T'gruun Leve
T'gruun Leve - 14 years ago
wtf man this wave just doesn't stop growing, it's like a 70 ft face! Man I wish I was that guy !!!
Ruuji - 14 years ago
for some reason this makes me laugh hysterically!

20. comment for tow in surfing

Civil Disobedient
Civil Disobedient - 14 years ago
I'd really like to see the next minute of this video.
Buttfukk Bill
Buttfukk Bill - 14 years ago
Sometimes, after I would take a dump, I couldn't get my culo clean. I'd wipe and wipe, but I still couldn't pass the white glove test. But then I finally found a solution! I went to the drugstore and bought one of those blue rubber ear syringes. I fill it up with warm water and then fire it up my chute after my movement. I hold it for a few seconds and then blast the water out of my arse and into the toilet. Bam! Instant clean bunghole! And I always feel like a million bucks afterward!
humanrightslawyer - 14 years ago
@pigslaughter1988 : you assume so or you happen to know the guy? Am seriously wondering
humanrightslawyer - 14 years ago
It is real, it is called tow-in surfing, some guys also use helicopters instead of jet skis. The job of the guy on the jetski does not end here, often they will have to pull the surfer out again. to get a head start on the waves and to be able to catch waves which are too big and/or too fast to be caught normally. Injuries are fairly common, even among the best. As much as I like to surf, this is not the most clever thing I have seen today, even though it looks impressive (if you make it).
Beach Safety Centre
Beach Safety Centre - 14 years ago
Big time shotz!
JR M - 14 years ago
this can't be real. cgi?
jamesmac29 - 14 years ago
holy shit that's a huge wave!!
tvfilm - 14 years ago
is this real or SFX?
Canal Canal
Canal Canal - 15 years ago
Caraleo.... demais esse vídeo! @ricardoscariot
Juliana Frare
Juliana Frare - 15 years ago
Uma das melhores filmagens !!!

30. comment for tow in surfing

Lucas Kemp
Lucas Kemp - 15 years ago
i wouldnt do that fuk that
addz91 - 15 years ago
This guys going to fucking die! die very fast infast..
kirbiskop - 16 years ago
ro0t9 - 17 years ago
riding giants. sick film. 100% real!
upperdeck1 - 17 years ago
it looks fake when the ski leaves. But still a sick video.
Juan Ortiz
Juan Ortiz - 17 years ago
my balls are the size of watermelons!!!!!!!!
Emerson - 18 years ago
These guys have balls the size of watermelons! If they go over the falls, they have to be ready to hold their breath for about two minutes (and about 20' down, usually in shark infested open ocean waters!). I surfed for many years and the biggest I ever surfed was about 15' and that was hairy! These guys are some of the least appreciated athletes in the world.
schafer509 - 18 years ago
Its on North shore in maui, its called jaws, somethin like 50-65 foot faces. You need to be able to hold your breath for at lease 2 minutes if you attempt to surf there, never attempted it myself but have seen it, its also a tiger shark breeding ground.
Peter de Vere
Peter de Vere - 18 years ago
How long can you hold your breath?
xavixx - 18 years ago
Pa habernos matao!! sus cojones deberian estar en un museo!!! ke kabron...
Joe Lee
Joe Lee - 18 years ago
would you die if you wiped out?
Gavin Folgert
Gavin Folgert - 18 years ago
really good (muy bien) search sytrix (miran sytrix)

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