Incredible Fish Store Aquarium Shop in Asia

Keeping fish as a hobby is great. Tropical fish, cold water fish, every kind of fish galore packed into fish tanks here in Asia. ---------------------------------------­----------- About Me: I'm Kyle Le and I live, travel, and eat in Vietnam and many Asian countries. I'm passionate about making videos and sharing modern Asia to the world. I've traveled everywhere in Vietnam, from Hanoi to Saigon - Far North, Central Highlands, Islands, and Deep Mekong Delta - I've visited there. In addition to 10+ countries in Asia from Indonesia to Thailand to Singapore, you'll find all of my food, tourist attractions, and daily life experiences discovering my roots in the motherland on this amazing journey right on this channel. So be sure to subscribe- there's new videos all the time and connect with me below so you don't miss any adventures. Subscribe Now: More Info: Like: Facebook: Follow: Instagram and Snapchat @KyleLeDotNet Support for more videos. Patreon Buy a T shirt: Paypal Donation: Original Music by Antti Luode. I produce, film, and edit all videos myself, so I welcome any help Visit: to see how you can ensure more videos to come.

Incredible Fish Store Aquarium Shop in Asia sentiment_very_dissatisfied 171

Travel & Events 10 years ago 599,963 views

Keeping fish as a hobby is great. Tropical fish, cold water fish, every kind of fish galore packed into fish tanks here in Asia. ---------------------------------------­----------- About Me: I'm Kyle Le and I live, travel, and eat in Vietnam and many Asian countries. I'm passionate about making videos and sharing modern Asia to the world. I've traveled everywhere in Vietnam, from Hanoi to Saigon - Far North, Central Highlands, Islands, and Deep Mekong Delta - I've visited there. In addition to 10+ countries in Asia from Indonesia to Thailand to Singapore, you'll find all of my food, tourist attractions, and daily life experiences discovering my roots in the motherland on this amazing journey right on this channel. So be sure to subscribe- there's new videos all the time and connect with me below so you don't miss any adventures. Subscribe Now: More Info: Like: Facebook: Follow: Instagram and Snapchat @KyleLeDotNet Support for more videos. Patreon Buy a T shirt: Paypal Donation: Original Music by Antti Luode. I produce, film, and edit all videos myself, so I welcome any help Visit: to see how you can ensure more videos to come.

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Most popular comments
for Incredible Fish Store Aquarium Shop in Asia

Teni Teni
Teni Teni - 7 years ago
Please find some place that have Vietnamese telescopes butterfly! They're rare but they're a thing!!!!!
Christine 123456
Christine 123456 - 7 years ago
They are cramped into tanks full off fish. Don't u think they need little more space especially the massive one at start the video it's nearly size the tank. Get better tanks or less fish this isn't nice when they swim into each other.........

Fish have feelings to.
la vĩnh Luan
la vĩnh Luan - 7 years ago
The bigger fish is more expansive like arowana and orca and koi
Marcin Siwek
Marcin Siwek - 7 years ago
Best video i keep coming back to!
Jim Emmanuel
Jim Emmanuel - 7 years ago
In the philipines a angel fish is worth 50 cents us
rustea - 7 years ago
Jim Emmanuel yes very cheap i even bought a betta fish for 90 pesos or a dollar and a half. And it looks cool
wilkinson lee
wilkinson lee - 7 years ago
awesome, is that in Hochiminh city?
Lydia Hegge
Lydia Hegge - 7 years ago
snakeheads - like garter snakes - and - mosquito larvae - are quite free here lol. And minnows. Idk where the part of China that betas, kois and goldfish come from :) Probably we should have just a few species at a time to learn their environment :)
clarence siason
clarence siason - 7 years ago
over populated?
hứa Hy Nam
hứa Hy Nam - 7 years ago
vietnam :)))

10. comment for Incredible Fish Store Aquarium Shop in Asia

Jiyong Kwon
Jiyong Kwon - 7 years ago
I love arowana
Sidaarth Ramabhotla
Sidaarth Ramabhotla - 7 years ago
So much choice I am dying
CEHN SHENGDA - 7 years ago
Is this shop in the United States? Does he have a website for sale?
Tanner Moore
Tanner Moore - 7 years ago
cheap for us in their country not for them in theirs
James Wang
James Wang - 8 years ago
u guys shopping to USA too???
James Wang
James Wang - 8 years ago
if u guys do shopping to USA then I would like to buy some guppies fr9m u guys!!!
WesleyAPEX - 8 years ago
The tanks in America aren't stocked as much BUT the tanks in Asia are far better aerated and circulated.
Maaz Khalfe
Maaz Khalfe - 8 years ago
it's a commen blue betta
Ruther Llanera
Ruther Llanera - 8 years ago
what camera are you using ,nice
MS CM - 8 years ago
Yes they are pack in a small aquarium. That is how most Asian petshop sell their fish pet. But here they change the water frequently.
ZombieGamerDan - 8 years ago
Wow! $1 for an Angel??
Noor Alam
Noor Alam - 7 years ago
ZombieGamerDan i our country they are like (0.50$)for a pair of that size

20. comment for Incredible Fish Store Aquarium Shop in Asia

Steven Pierce
Steven Pierce - 8 years ago
Can they pack the fish in tight like that because of the location of vietnam? I mean all of those fish look really healthy for fish shop fish. Probably a lot of filtration and water changes.
anna buivis
anna buivis - 8 years ago
if only they had that in America and the same prises
عقيل عبد
عقيل عبد - 8 years ago
احب هذا
Ketchup Man
Ketchup Man - 8 years ago
Imma start using this store as my fish store vendor lol $20 a discus dam son
Arkadiy Antonenko
Arkadiy Antonenko - 8 years ago
you are selling the fish
thaiden03 - 8 years ago
kyle u should docu the video game culture in vietnam. how much are game systems compared to usa. that would be interesting.
Arvin Vijge
Arvin Vijge - 8 years ago
I hope you keep your fish in normal tanks...
Amy Stahl
Amy Stahl - 8 years ago
Holy crap is that a Doroto! Or is it a awwanna
Some dude
Some dude - 8 years ago
cramped but still healthier looking then most fish I see here
Hector Rodriguez
Hector Rodriguez - 8 years ago
Wow I bought some angelfish for 6 bucks each and there a dollar over there

30. comment for Incredible Fish Store Aquarium Shop in Asia

NPSH - 8 years ago
good tour and guide thanks for share bro
GingerGamer - 8 years ago
I am a kid, yet I would choose a local fish store over a candy store.
DutchReptiles - 8 years ago
same lol
Mr 4K GaMeR
Mr 4K GaMeR - 8 years ago
$20.00 for a discus? Holy shit them things reach over 200 and up here in america
Inti Amaterasu
Inti Amaterasu - 8 years ago
Do you live there? If not, how do you bring them back to North America? Possible?
GingerGamer - 8 years ago
They are possible to bring fish from there to the USA. But the fish must be over 1.5 inches to be shipped.
logan deady
logan deady - 8 years ago
what fish is in the tank with the quo boi vang
hector alvarez
hector alvarez - 8 years ago
Polypterus endlicheri
Haniya Jawaid
Haniya Jawaid - 8 years ago
my fish died
Customer - 8 years ago
so you can kill that one too?
Spanu marina
Spanu marina - 8 years ago
Il en a deux fois trop de poisson dans l aquarium
hanfsoph 1
hanfsoph 1 - 8 years ago
+Spanu marina It's a fish store they usually do that to save money and space
rob - 8 years ago
this is how they tread every animal , damn why america didn't trow a nuck on those sick animal abuse country's , we must tread them like they tread animals and kill them for fun
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
rob America dose it all the time
Vineleak - 8 years ago
+rob Why doesn't america treat itself how it treats animals? Oh it does, that's why they are all fat, psycho and full of meds and chemicals
Art Hunter
Art Hunter - 8 years ago
If you think that US prices are high you want to see the prices in the UK. I saw an arowana yesterday nowhere near as big as the one at the beginning of this idea that was priced at £8,000. (About $11,000)...
dubstep cat
dubstep cat - 8 years ago
+Art Hunter k
Art Hunter
Art Hunter - 8 years ago
+dubstep cat It's ok, there's certainly far worse places to be...
dubstep cat
dubstep cat - 8 years ago
+Art Hunter oh ok. also how is it in the UK
Art Hunter
Art Hunter - 8 years ago
+dubstep cat It's very rare to see them here, I've only ever seen two and only one was for sale. We also get ripped off in the UK...
dubstep cat
dubstep cat - 8 years ago
strange my pet store sells their arowana for only 100$
Huy Nguyen Ho
Huy Nguyen Ho - 8 years ago
Is this in Saigon
Batool Almutairy
Batool Almutairy - 8 years ago
wow the ballon one is 15000 dollars at pet smart it is 5
Scarredninja - 8 years ago
No. Veietnam money goes as follows. 20,000 dong(thats their currency) is equal to 1 US dollar
enelym1978 - 8 years ago
I went to that street but I guess the wrong end.... only saw a shop or two....
Crazy Lps
Crazy Lps - 8 years ago
Luke Lariviere
Luke Lariviere - 8 years ago
Thta angelfish tank is crap all theyre top fins are drooping which means theres something in the water
PoPeople21 - 8 years ago
Name him superman
King Huynh
King Huynh - 9 years ago
same store i went to get my fish
Chet Machen
Chet Machen - 9 years ago
Honestly, we pack them about the same here in Houston fish stores.  I've spent time in HCMC & Ba Ria- Vung Tau and, yes, that is the norm.  We would just die for some of those beautiful Red Arrowanas but they are CITES protected and Vietnam doesn't allow live goods out anyway...
Asif Ifas
Asif Ifas - 9 years ago
probably food to them. they'll fry up anything.
MagicalSquid - 9 years ago
Oh mai gus 20 bucks for a betta fish woh
MagicalSquid - 9 years ago
Can anyone tell my sarcasm lel
Muslim United
Muslim United - 9 years ago

50. comment for Incredible Fish Store Aquarium Shop in Asia

Luke and gaming moments
Luke and gaming moments - 9 years ago
Now I wish I lived in Asia
Enso LLC
Enso LLC - 9 years ago
Are you interested in Nature Aquarium? Work by Mr. Takashi Amano? I think in Vietnam it is trending.
Arif Khan
Arif Khan - 9 years ago
wtf they fish are much better in color and size yet UK price are rip offs! and you pay for shitty contaminated fucked up fish lol I want to see more of the guppies man
Pizza Cat
Pizza Cat - 9 years ago
THEBLOOP channel
THEBLOOP channel - 9 years ago
bettas don't need oxygen
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
THEBLOOP channel every living animal need oxygen
THEBLOOP channel
THEBLOOP channel - 9 years ago
+THEBLOOP channel search it
THEBLOOP channel
THEBLOOP channel - 9 years ago
trust me they can survive without oxygen
Mozart282 - 9 years ago
wow it's so inexpensive compared to US im so jealous
samuricexful - 7 years ago
Forget the prices, I just wish their were fish streets like this.
David Firefly
David Firefly - 8 years ago
Mozart282 my jardini is 1 feet long,if it sell in planet arowana it could be sold for 150 USD,but in Vietnam it only cost 33,(3) USD for that fish
Joel Jaipersaud
Joel Jaipersaud - 8 years ago
+Kyle Le Dot Net double the price of everything u mentioned in NYC
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Mozart282 Dont be. im sure the US is great too.
u wot m8
u wot m8 - 9 years ago
My cousins who live in Vietnam her fish eats cockroaches.
pastel aura
pastel aura - 9 years ago
pet and gamer
pet and gamer - 9 years ago
if you make more I'll like
pet and gamer
pet and gamer - 9 years ago
you da best you tuber
pet and gamer
pet and gamer - 9 years ago
more plz
pet and gamer
pet and gamer - 9 years ago
What street are u in
pet and gamer
pet and gamer - 9 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet what is Da nearest citie
pet and gamer
pet and gamer - 9 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet OK thanks
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+pet and gamer Nguyen Thong
mesvissen Aquarium
mesvissen Aquarium - 9 years ago
at 0.12 and 0.26 most aro's with dropeyes. Wortless, poor fish!
danniel perez
danniel perez - 9 years ago
Very nice so cheap
Republic Reptiles
Republic Reptiles - 9 years ago
America has such expensive fish. The arowanas are at least a hundred dollars and the Angels are twenty and the discus are forty. Everything is so cool there.
ceecee chen
ceecee chen - 9 years ago
Great video, thanks for shooting it. I wanted to mention, overcrowded tanks like this are common in asian stores and even in the US (I worked for an LFS) because the livestock or just held here temporarily and there is a quick turnover up stock when the store stays busy. They are not meant to be overcrowded in home aquariums. People in Asia who have prized fish spend a lot of time and money on their hobby just like we do here. The cost of living is lower, but the average person makes a lot less, too.The reason the fish are so cheap there is because Vietnamese and Southeast Asian breeders have really perfected their aquaculture and husbandry techniques.
Eduardo Gomez
Eduardo Gomez - 9 years ago
this is great video
Dorito Fish
Dorito Fish - 9 years ago
The Berta's a amazing
Jan M
Jan M - 9 years ago
Oscars are very tough
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Jan M they are very hardy.
Floral Socks
Floral Socks - 9 years ago
Please send me all the fish XD
Adam Taylor
Adam Taylor - 9 years ago
The weird thing is, even though they pack so many fish together, they are much more lively and have much better color than ones here in America where i live.
that man kev
that man kev - 8 years ago
yea u got a point.. a lot of people think it is not right too keep fish in such small proximity..but fish are adaptive as hell.. they need water ofcourse an just a few cubic spaces to swim an they will be straight.. i got a 3 foot black an white koi fish an hes 3 feet long in a 300 gallon tank.. hes doing just fine..
Khaled Q8
Khaled Q8 - 9 years ago
Animallover0236 - 9 years ago
this makes me sick poor fish there suffering
David Matsunaga
David Matsunaga - 8 years ago
you are just over acting. im sick of people like you aswell
Pac - 9 years ago
No their not.
king srp
king srp - 9 years ago
i know it's bangkok but i want to know name of the city can anyone help me..
Nhựt Long Nguyễn
Nhựt Long Nguyễn - 9 years ago
+dorje sherpa This place is Ho Chi Minh city , Viet Nam
Coligex Gaming
Coligex Gaming - 9 years ago
angelfish for 1 dollar! that's cheaper than a goldfish in ireland!
gezme mana
gezme mana - 9 years ago
are u serious snakeheads as feeders i cant believe
gezme mana
gezme mana - 9 years ago
in sri lanka i bought snakehead for more than 20$
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+gezme mana yeah, me either. But that's how it is in Vietnam. be sure to subscribe. thanks
Vũ Ong
Vũ Ong - 9 years ago
địa chỉ này là ở đâu vậy anh?
Tien Doan
Tien Doan - 9 years ago
+Vũ Ong p7 q3
pet and gamer
pet and gamer - 9 years ago
I wanna live in vietnam because all the fish
LeonardO james
LeonardO james - 9 years ago
In iraq its for 5 dolllars each beeta plants you cant find in there fuck
Slytherin The DM'S
Slytherin The DM'S - 9 years ago
Why the hell would they do that to those fish. The homes they where in where pathetic. Think of it, they where in China wich makes basicly everthing in the world amd they cant bother giving those beatiful fish. If i could i would buy every single one there and put themmin the biggest homes i can, because to me for 1 goldfish i need at least 15 gallons personaly. The main worries where the fact they didnt even have god damn filters or even heaters please tell me if you agree.
Rannex DeathKil
Rannex DeathKil - 9 years ago
This one was Vietnam
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+The Pixelgun Noob it's a store, man, everywhere in the world it's like that. that's just how fish get sold in Asia and many places in the west.
Debra Arizona
Debra Arizona - 9 years ago
Thanks Kyle for this video, and the tour of the fish store. I always wanted to see what Vietnam looked like, and how they ran their businesses over there. It bothered me to know how much they charge over there for fish, and to have to pay the high prices over here for our fish.  We are getting over charged for our fish. Wow!!
Angel Li
Angel Li - 9 years ago
What place is this? And what is the store called?
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Angel Li dont know the name. just go on Nguyen Thong St. in Saigon.
Carlos Santos
Carlos Santos - 9 years ago
what is the name of the other fish next to the big fish at the beginning
YKLB Fish - 9 years ago
Bichirs they have lungs and can walk
Phat _Nguyen
Phat _Nguyen - 9 years ago
My country
vqfive - 9 years ago
Packed tanks is typical in all fish stores even stores here in the US. This is not something unusual to see...
thekonexperiment - 9 years ago
kyle, do they have any cool tropehus species in vietnam? btw, my brother hoang from GGHS said whats up!
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+thekonexperiment no. ive only seen duboisi at one store. african cichlids are not popular here.
Gregory Jones
Gregory Jones - 9 years ago
how can buy fish from this place 305-417-2747
KGotschall - 9 years ago
The quality of fish in that store is amazing.  But I would say most busy fish stores are stocked like that if they can  stay on top of the maintenance.
J Nc
J Nc - 9 years ago
Look at that dirty water :-(
J Nc
J Nc - 9 years ago
They should be ashamed. I am infuriated right now!
Melissa Toh
Melissa Toh - 9 years ago
Itz possible to ship fish and plant to america.? Sometime I see certain thing are cheap but is hard to buy.
Tyler Potter
Tyler Potter - 9 years ago
Are you sure your not at walmart
king arthur
king arthur - 9 years ago
+Tyler Potter There is no walmart in vietnam
BETTA LOVE - 9 years ago
beautiful, thank you!
Max Lor
Max Lor - 9 years ago
I wish I can come and buy betta then ship them to Denver so I can raise them
Max Lor
Max Lor - 9 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet ok I will
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Max Lor try
Little Miss Goldfish
Little Miss Goldfish - 9 years ago
I'm surprise how you know all the English names of the fish when it's written in Viet
You must have been a fish lover!! :)
tien nghi
tien nghi - 9 years ago
tien nghi
tien nghi - 9 years ago
'.''m. ,' p
i - 9 years ago
no salt water
Byron Street
Byron Street - 9 years ago

Marrissa Kackley
Marrissa Kackley - 9 years ago
Bettas here in usa are 5$ and up

100. comment for Incredible Fish Store Aquarium Shop in Asia

Miranda - 9 years ago
How's the beta currently?
(just curious)
Slawek Kowalczyk
Slawek Kowalczyk - 9 years ago
Poor little fishies, so sad and so emotional:(
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
Slawek Kowalczyk yha its really sad and emotional
happytroll 247
happytroll 247 - 9 years ago
Poor fish not healthy can't swim I hate animal cruilty
Paul Atkinson
Paul Atkinson - 9 years ago
Soooooo CRUELo
BIG Rammy
BIG Rammy - 9 years ago
yata choy o kapi se ince
Nicolas Saphay
Nicolas Saphay - 9 years ago
15,000 is so cheap
Trần Cường
Trần Cường - 9 years ago
+Nicolas Saphay lol , in this video If you buy some gold fish, it's is about 1750 $ / a fish,
Shasta Kelsey
Shasta Kelsey - 9 years ago
good morning
Nguyen Minh Ta
Nguyen Minh Ta - 9 years ago
Hi Kyle. Amazing clip! I even can't realize there where i visited some times in early mins.
Please visit to know about the best guppies in Vietnam. Cheers!
Redbull357 - 9 years ago
keep these videos coming, It's always been a dream of mine to travel in asia just to see the pet markets :) 
NoPain NoGain
NoPain NoGain - 7 years ago
I went to pet st in HK.
Its awesome af.
Rùa dakn Huy
Rùa dakn Huy - 7 years ago
Kyle Le Dot Net fish dragon size ???
Norma Gumba
Norma Gumba - 9 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet well were can I meet you so I can go were u do to get that bubble eyed gold fish from bangkok I mean I'm 9 so were going to the phillipenes and can u come there!?
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Redbull357 word. sucks though that u cant buy and bring them back. thats the worst part.
Jamie Holloway
Jamie Holloway - 9 years ago
Really horrible keeping animals in cramped conditions
There's no need they have no respect for life in some parts of Asia
Justin Stuart
Justin Stuart - 7 years ago
kaito kid bollox
kaito kid
kaito kid - 9 years ago
What can you do Vietnam isn't like America they don't have as much space and can't afford huge places
MSteveYang - 9 years ago
Really now? But guess what?!? They're 100x more healthier than any pet store in America or wherever you come from. Trust me, i know
A tsang
A tsang - 9 years ago
Same for some parts of Europe and America. 
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Jamie Holloway Welcome to the rest of the world.
Ide Kai
Ide Kai - 10 years ago
Hildegard Chachki
Hildegard Chachki - 10 years ago
That's a common sight here in our city. The fishes are overcrowded!
Mr66Yellow - 10 years ago
How do you find places like this and Chatuchak (JJ) market in Bangkok? I was looking around for such places when I was in BKK and no luck. Anyway, keep it up. I want to see more so I know where to go when in Asia.
Mr66Yellow - 10 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet I like Thailand better than other asian countries anyway. Grrr..I cant believe I was right at Chatuchak Market at night and the inner shops were closed.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Mr66Yellow Problem is, a lot of shops don't like you for you to film, but in Thailand most shops didn't care
Mr66Yellow - 10 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet Duh!!  I should of done that. Next time when I am back in Asia.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Mr66Yellow i just googled fish market and a city and it came up
Neill Jansen van Vuuren
Neill Jansen van Vuuren - 10 years ago
How is it going with your betta would like to see a video of it settled in
Erwin Lim
Erwin Lim - 10 years ago
Did you happen to see any betta fish fight tournaments when you were in Vietnam?
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Erwin Lim i didn't. either way youtube doesnt allow that kind of stuff
Austin Wiley
Austin Wiley - 10 years ago
Discus are only $20 there.there like $80 in America
SURESH BANDA - 10 years ago
Kevin Thu
Kevin Thu - 10 years ago
Love your videos bro
Kevin Thu
Kevin Thu - 10 years ago
Yes i did great fishes. i wish i can visit there one day
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Kevin Thu did u see  my hong kong fish video yet?
Aquarium Fish
Aquarium Fish - 10 years ago
Pls subscribe my chanell
laurie hamilton
laurie hamilton - 10 years ago
Hi I hope you can help me. I saw a fish video & on it. It had a fish that look a little like a Z. Do you know what it is call? Thanks 
Norma Gumba
Norma Gumba - 9 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet how much
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+laurie hamilton those were bent snakeheads. i dont know how they were bent like that
the fish master
the fish master - 10 years ago
If you think about Walmart fish suck then you go here all the tanks or full to the max but still in better condition then the Walmart fish
Veggamattic - 10 years ago
Some people shouldn't be allowed to operate camera equipment.
emilynorman72 - 9 years ago
Buuurrrnn!!!! Good comeback +Kyle LeDotNet
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Veggamattic some people shouldn't be allowed to comment on YouTube videos. 
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
So they don't sell feeder fish but mosquito larva? If yes then I'm happy.
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet
Well, because they have been taught to eat live fish since they were little fry.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+AnimalKingdom some fish won't take pellets. 
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet
Well, I'm mad. Why do people need to feed them live fish if they can feed them stinking pellets?
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+AnimalKingdom they do. feeder fish are mostly baby snakeheads.
Autistic Giraffe
Autistic Giraffe - 10 years ago
I went to this exact shop when i visited vietnam!
Sphen Davey
Sphen Davey - 10 years ago
does anyone know what the other fish in the st tank shown is not the qua boi vang but the other smaller one ?
Aminurashid Friday
Aminurashid Friday - 10 years ago
What were the procedures to get em fish back to your home country from where u bought em?
Nici Poppleton
Nici Poppleton - 10 years ago
That's sad :( they have such small tanks I hate that!!!
Roberto Tovar
Roberto Tovar - 10 years ago
Sincerely, I am looking for a gold arowana, see one in your video, as is the cost and if you can send to Colombia?
Nomadic Vegetable
Nomadic Vegetable - 10 years ago
I've seen shops keep fish like that in the states unfortunately. 
pleure retroish
pleure retroish - 10 years ago
im curious of how their filtration works, they might be cheap but to ship them here is expensive
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+pleure retroish box filters, sponge filters, and over the top hanging box filters. 
Vinesh Chauhan
Vinesh Chauhan - 10 years ago
I love fish
Antonius vd Klis
Antonius vd Klis - 10 years ago
I live in Vietnam many years, forget the fish stores. They dirty, bad quality water, and most off the fish are smuggled in from China. Some are good, they really care about the quality, but you have to find out first. That's only working when you have a guy or women, who you can trust here.
Zone07 - 10 years ago
This is how they keep them in shops or homes? I don't understand; I've seen "shops" here (US) stock their tanks in a similar way specially when new stock arrives; they don't stay that full for long though. You sound like a kid in a candy store! Wish I was there.  
UDONTNEED 2KNOW! - 10 years ago
Snakeheads as feeder fish )-:
Max Payne
Max Payne - 10 years ago
there they keep the mermaids
zepri manalu
zepri manalu - 10 years ago
If you need some betta fish from Indonesia, we can supply to you.. please contact to us..Thank you
whiskyofbloodclan - 10 years ago
Wow, I'd love to live there! It's like at least $3.50 per guppy I get where I live.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
hmm live in the ghetto is fun!
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
....... Love your adventures !! Tanks Bro...................
Shane Roehrig
Shane Roehrig - 10 years ago
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
ill have a new betta shop video soon!
Shane Roehrig
Shane Roehrig - 10 years ago
robert karas
robert karas - 10 years ago
"different from the states" ya the floor and ceiling is nicer but I guarantee you mote fish die here in the states then at that store
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
yeah. silly rabbit. trix are for kids.
Nhu-Phuong Tran
Nhu-Phuong Tran - 10 years ago
Is Nguyen Thong street in Saigon or in Nha Trang?
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
Doctorchris100 - 10 years ago
Plants are expensive in America - Opposite in Vietnam
Fish are expensive in Vietnam - Fish are pretty cheap in America
4exgold - 10 years ago
this is probably more a buffet restaurant than an exotic fish shop to Vietnamese :P
Wang Allen
Wang Allen - 10 years ago
Blue Treasure Can Keep Your Aquarium Coral And Fish More Health...
CartoonsZ Channel
CartoonsZ Channel - 10 years ago
anyone knows trusted fish store where i can order fish?
Zone07 - 10 years ago
Response might be too late by I've had great success with 
DOITMAN - 10 years ago
DOITMAN - 10 years ago
Oh my pets art where I live have tropical fish
CartoonsZ Channel
CartoonsZ Channel - 10 years ago
+DOITMAN  thanks :), but they have only freshwater fish 
DOITMAN - 10 years ago
Ethan Cooper
Ethan Cooper - 10 years ago
I wish you could easily travel with fish cuz I would buy so many fish from that store at those prices
Leandro nuñez
Leandro nuñez - 10 years ago
quiero el teléfono del acuario para hacer unos pedidos de peces para santo domingo 
dimas0302 - 10 years ago
Is almost the same as Indonesia. Here's my Vids about it Aquarium Diary 11: Kartini and Sumenep Fish Market And love your vids.
AwesomenessD - 10 years ago
wow this is really interesting please do more (subscribed)
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
just released a brand new video tour. check out my channel
Justin Stuart
Justin Stuart - 10 years ago
Typical Asian store beautiful Asian arowana stick it in golfish bowel sized tank, and all those south American Arowanas in 1 tank. Cruel fuckers!
stevenreyes005 - 10 years ago
there is daphnia beside the mosquito larvae, that's also a very good food for fingerlings 
JAZMINE NGUYEN - 10 years ago
lol I speak Ur language lol I understand
MA FishGuy
MA FishGuy - 10 years ago
That is a awesome fish.
Ananda K Busi
Ananda K Busi - 10 years ago
Pink fish
Exotic Cichlids
Exotic Cichlids - 10 years ago
i live in hong kong and we have stores that look identical, in these stores i can easily get fish for cheap , i used to buy fishes from stores like this when i first got into the hobby 
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
jason nguyen
jason nguyen - 10 years ago
Can they ship it to the us?
HUYG79 - 10 years ago
Việt Kiều Mỹ hả chú :D 
TheOnlyGHOST1015 - 10 years ago
Very nice fish
BANTA77 - 10 years ago
Wow,, the fish are amizing,
LAna St.ColumB
LAna St.ColumB - 10 years ago
Wow!, i wish i lived there, i would be in heaven. :) Especially with guppies and bettas.
Danielle Oliveira
Danielle Oliveira - 10 years ago
very cool to see this! i wish i could get discus like that for 20 dollars 
Elton Nguyen
Elton Nguyen - 10 years ago
I wish i discovered this street while I was in vietnam ugh
Ryan Anuar Adam
Ryan Anuar Adam - 10 years ago
Ryan Anuar Adam
Ryan Anuar Adam - 10 years ago
Wo great video !!
Holly Marie
Holly Marie - 10 years ago
Wow those bettas are gorgeous!
Alex Ayala
Alex Ayala - 10 years ago
when i get older i know where I'm gonna be living!
Alex Ayala
Alex Ayala - 10 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet really man u killed my excitement :( I'm gonna live there cuz such an amazing cheap pet store!
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
pain nagato
pain nagato - 10 years ago
make shipments to Mexico
I'm interested 1 in red tiger oscar cichlid, 1 rubi oscar, 1oscar tiger roko and 1 albino oscar and 1 ruby ​​red veil tigere veil albino oscar
Polo Gr
Polo Gr - 10 years ago
They look alot like Mexico City´s fish markets, Morelos and Mixhuca, same quality and style
BUGBOSS - 10 years ago
big fan of your channel. would be happy if u subscribed to mine. and of course I've subscribed to your channel.
Matthew Jade Parnala
Matthew Jade Parnala - 10 years ago
Snake Heads are legal there?!?!?!
GuineaPig_Cute - 10 years ago
I am from vientnam
mazhar shah
mazhar shah - 10 years ago
good helped...thanks
danturbo316 - 10 years ago
Aleos Oricos
Aleos Oricos - 10 years ago
More of these types of vids please. Thanks.
Channfree - 10 years ago
What fish is that 5 seconds in, thats not the arrowana
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
Tony Ngo
Tony Ngo - 10 years ago
Many thanks, and already a subscriber :)
Tony Ngo
Tony Ngo - 10 years ago
Could you do more aquatic shops videos please
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
I will try. be sure to subscribe for more. 
Tony Ngo
Tony Ngo - 10 years ago
Possible to see a video of your fish tank?
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
check my channel and search. i dont have any tanks now. 
jameel osmany
jameel osmany - 10 years ago
Anywere I can get nice stock
jameel osmany
jameel osmany - 10 years ago
Do u export to south Africa
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
Kingz Pantheon
Kingz Pantheon - 10 years ago
dang i need to come visit one day and get me some discus lol
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
yes you should
UK Voiceovers (PimpedPistols)
UK Voiceovers (PimpedPistols) - 10 years ago
Never buy fish from these types of aquarium shops as it encourages them
Tdot girl Sammy girl come up
Tdot girl Sammy girl come up - 10 years ago
Can you buy them down there and bring them to canada
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
lucariothepyro - 10 years ago
Angle fish 1$ omg
Evan B
Evan B - 10 years ago
$1 betas and $1 angels! OMG I wish
MK - 10 years ago
The girl or woman said it cheap are something
MK - 10 years ago
They are Vietnam because I am
Heather FX
Heather FX - 10 years ago
What kind of fish are at 0:05 (not the big one, the smaller ones)? I've never seen them before. I can't believe the price difference from fish in the U.S. compared to the fish there. Great video by the way!
Heather FX
Heather FX - 10 years ago
Thank you.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
Hi Heather. Those are bichirs. 
RaelenThePedobear666 - 10 years ago
fucking asian people want more money . 
Ticker858 - 10 years ago
I been back to Vn 5 times and never seen any damn fish except goldfish.
TheRick2325 - 10 years ago
Love all those arowanas, super packed though
Adrian Alob
Adrian Alob - 10 years ago
I see you everywhere in fish-related videos.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
Keeping fish as a hobby is great. Tropical fish, cold water fish, every kind of fish galore packed into fish tanks here in Asia.
Enjoy and please share with your friends if you liked what you saw.
Hemant Shivdikar
Hemant Shivdikar - 8 years ago
area a chily red
Marianne Toftdal
Marianne Toftdal - 8 years ago
YKLB Fish - 8 years ago
+Marianne Toftdal veitnam
Marianne Toftdal
Marianne Toftdal - 9 years ago
+Kyle Le Dot Net where in asia
YKLB Fish - 9 years ago
+Phát Nguyễn twenty
Phat _Nguyen
Phat _Nguyen - 9 years ago
Omg you can talk vietnamese :hai chục
Wang Allen
Wang Allen - 9 years ago
Hi Are you interested in aquarium sea salt ?
Wang Allen
Wang Allen - 10 years ago
I am Allen, I saw you video, It's very nice, But, I think have a little problem. When your client want to purchase aquarium sea salt for keep the fish PH CA KH..What do you do..Please let me know if you want to know about aquarium sea salt Please contact us
KampKarl - 10 years ago
damn those discus are cheap  
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
caitlin gonzalez
caitlin gonzalez - 10 years ago
They don't pack the up like that in America because people are too sensitive and think the fish will die.
KampKarl - 10 years ago
True but the price would stay the same in the us so why bother packing the aquariums to the brim. 
Nathan Mauricio
Nathan Mauricio - 10 years ago
Really enjoyed your video thank you
fknali - 10 years ago
zhubox03 - 10 years ago
if you're in Hanoi again ,check out Hàng Đậu st , there's plenty of aquarium store there 
noojin09 - 10 years ago
we need a bettas farm visit 
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
im working on it. be share this video on any fish related forum or message board htat you know. thanks

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