Second Largest Aquarium in India - My Bangalore Aquarium Tour

Government Aquarium in Bangalore has many collections of freshwater fishes that can be kept in Aquariums. It is located at the entrance of Cubbon park, Kasturba road, Bangalore. Government Aquarium is also called Bangalore Aquarium and it is India's Second Largest Aquarium house after Bagh-e-Bahu Aquariums, Jammu. It' has a three store building housing various aquariums of freshwater fishes. Watching this fishes is quite a relaxing experience and if you happen to visit Bangalore make sure you check this tourist place for sure.. Watch this video and you will feel like being visited the Government Aquarium already. Like or Share this video, if you like it and Subscribe to my channel for upcoming videos. My Youtube channel : Connect me on Social Networks too Google+ : Twitter : Socl : Like gaming and watching gaming videos, subscribe my gaming channel for game montages, let's play and much more. Gaming Channel : All music have been downloaded from YouTube Music Library. Jellyfish in Space by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source:

Second Largest Aquarium in India - My Bangalore Aquarium Tour sentiment_very_dissatisfied 155

Travel & Events 8 years ago 135,247 views

Government Aquarium in Bangalore has many collections of freshwater fishes that can be kept in Aquariums. It is located at the entrance of Cubbon park, Kasturba road, Bangalore. Government Aquarium is also called Bangalore Aquarium and it is India's Second Largest Aquarium house after Bagh-e-Bahu Aquariums, Jammu. It' has a three store building housing various aquariums of freshwater fishes. Watching this fishes is quite a relaxing experience and if you happen to visit Bangalore make sure you check this tourist place for sure.. Watch this video and you will feel like being visited the Government Aquarium already. Like or Share this video, if you like it and Subscribe to my channel for upcoming videos. My Youtube channel : Connect me on Social Networks too Google+ : Twitter : Socl : Like gaming and watching gaming videos, subscribe my gaming channel for game montages, let's play and much more. Gaming Channel : All music have been downloaded from YouTube Music Library. Jellyfish in Space by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source:

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Most popular comments
for Second Largest Aquarium in India - My Bangalore Aquarium Tour

RR Fish Keeping
RR Fish Keeping - 7 years ago
Amazing video ... However I am planning to make Bangalore government quarium Musium .plz subscribe to my channel and share ur number in my email id ... Let's be in touch
Jonathan Moore
Jonathan Moore - 7 years ago
Worst aquarium I have ever seen
Salmansaklain Baig
Salmansaklain Baig - 7 years ago
lot of fishes are die in Aquariums
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
poor maintenance ..
Mahendra Kanodiya
Mahendra Kanodiya - 7 years ago
Second largest in india?? Worst aquarium
Jyotishka Dhar
Jyotishka Dhar - 7 years ago
horrible stocks
Xi Jinping
Xi Jinping - 7 years ago
And btw according to IUCN Giant Pangasius are critically endangered, not endangered. Threats include habitat fragmentation and overfishing. China is implementing policies to protect pangasius.
Kiran And Deepika Raj
Kiran And Deepika Raj - 7 years ago
Why do u type fish at the ending of all fish names
We know they are fish
Kiran And Deepika Raj
Kiran And Deepika Raj - 7 years ago
Are u naming those fishes yourself
Carlene Pool
Carlene Pool - 7 years ago
people are so mean sometimes' i would love to visit Bangalore and your rich history

10. comment for Second Largest Aquarium in India - My Bangalore Aquarium Tour

iggy the iguana
iggy the iguana - 7 years ago
that isn't an aquarium it's a biulding full of small overstocked glass boxes with suffering fish..... like 3:26 , i don't see any filtration system and that snakehead has clamped fins... that means .. BAD WATER QUALITY !
K.J.D-Channas /Pythons Projekt Pond
K.J.D-Channas /Pythons Projekt Pond - 7 years ago
the video is good but the aquarium house is not good
Thaheer Thaheer
Thaheer Thaheer - 7 years ago
they allow inside us to see fish's is there any charges to go inside
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
Very less fees to enter inside..
tony spatafore
tony spatafore - 7 years ago
i would only suggest removing the giant fish to a big pond or something, its india the weather is perfect for it.
tony spatafore
tony spatafore - 7 years ago
the water is oxygenated by surface agitation, not by bubbles created by an air stones. water quality looks good as its clear, fish are healthy and active and pretty big which means they are well taken care of especially if they were grown out in these tanks and not bought and stocked. maybe some of a the tanks are a bit overstocked but thats more or less relative to filtration which seems to be good.
Lunatic HACKER
Lunatic HACKER - 7 years ago
Wtf!!!!! Overpopulated tanks! !!!no oxygen content . somebody save them it's dying
Sam Evans
Sam Evans - 7 years ago
Second largest aquarium in India first smallest tanks
suhaan Puranik
suhaan Puranik - 7 years ago
no correct maintenance poor oxegen content
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
No its good though not neat but the fishes are little happier too.
Piyush Dawande
Piyush Dawande - 7 years ago
Kdk mere bhai
ダウナー LA
ダウナー LA - 7 years ago

20. comment for Second Largest Aquarium in India - My Bangalore Aquarium Tour

Diogo F Lopes
Diogo F Lopes - 7 years ago
oxygennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn please
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
It's ok for fishes..
Vikas Kumar
Vikas Kumar - 7 years ago
one fish is wrongly named.
its not red tail catfish..
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
I know that now so did some edit on it.. what you think it is?
abhishek meena
abhishek meena - 7 years ago
This is not a redtail catfish it's a albino wels catfish.
DogeTube YT
DogeTube YT - 7 years ago
7:37 thats a gourami and you forget about it
DogeTube YT
DogeTube YT - 7 years ago
its like the worst aquarium ever
Gopz R G
Gopz R G - 7 years ago
hi, entrance
free or wat?
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
Not free but quite cheap..!! It is so confusing as of now why don't they renovate it?
THE CRUSHERS! #G2VUG8UY - 7 years ago
maintanence is crap!!!!
il bifu
il bifu - 7 years ago
This is really fucked up they are very overstocked and a lot of damadged fins !!
Victor RK Chirstina
Victor RK Chirstina - 7 years ago
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 7 years ago
Oh Hi there... Whats Up..
anonymous lady
anonymous lady - 7 years ago

30. comment for Second Largest Aquarium in India - My Bangalore Aquarium Tour

Corona Ken
Corona Ken - 7 years ago
appreciate the tour
PLEAK - 7 years ago
Nice video but very poor oxygen content and extremely overstocked!.
heckz cheapskate
heckz cheapskate - 8 years ago
nothing special about the fishes though..
slash boom
slash boom - 8 years ago
fuking ugly like India shit water maybe poor fish
chaitanya rajesh
chaitanya rajesh - 8 years ago
Those aquariums are OVERSTOCKED!!! Do they even check their water parameters and feed them regularly???
Mohammed Razib Shaikh
Mohammed Razib Shaikh - 8 years ago
overcrowded tanks .....
Bilal Shah
Bilal Shah - 8 years ago
Bastard Indians cant do anything right !!
Gary Chance
Gary Chance - 7 years ago
Bilal Shah .....cook a nice curry...
wichid cichlid
wichid cichlid - 8 years ago
they all look in poor health? especially those tilapia?
Ze Germanz
Ze Germanz - 8 years ago
I went to a swingers party once... now that was Bangalore.

p.s this aquarium fucking sucks, and the tanks are in horrible conditions.
Ranveer Singh
Ranveer Singh - 8 years ago
where is this place...?
Hunter Dean
Hunter Dean - 8 years ago
Terrible conditions, those poor fish. Clearly over stocked aquariums!!!
Hunter Dean
Hunter Dean - 8 years ago
I can garuntee that the gross overpopulation in those tanks- like the one with the knife fish in particular is not "good for the fishes". You can clearly see that the water has poor oxygen content, as well as inapproproate fish cohabitating together. It's just sad that, if this is true, this counts as the second largest aquarium in an entire company. The animals deserve better and correct care, and the viewers who attend the aquarium deseve a better presentation and education on the animals. Clearly those who care for those fish do not have the proper education themselves, and that also is a shame.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
It's not terrible the lighting was little bad rest all things were good for the fishes.
big white
big white - 8 years ago
nice video thankyou for sharing
auni2008 - 8 years ago
Crappy display and not a single keling fish
Ahmad Shykh
Ahmad Shykh - 8 years ago
Poor oxygenation!!
Sankha Misra
Sankha Misra - 8 years ago
Those are not Redtailed Catfish and convict cichlid. There are multiple species in some tanks which should be named.
Ashutosh Kumar
Ashutosh Kumar - 8 years ago
god ds is d 2nd best india has,, same on my country... which has a whole fuckin ocean named after it... so cheap aquarium n fishes n maintenance... its a same..
miro a
miro a - 8 years ago
Petsmart fish section looks better than this.
Eric Nguyen
Eric Nguyen - 8 years ago
mis labeled midas/red devil as Texas, convict as banded cichlid, frontosa as convict. noticeably poor oxygenation on few tanks.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
Someone else tell a different name so which one is correct. Watch this on desktop site and you can get corrected names. Happy YouTubing.
Dinesh Naidu
Dinesh Naidu - 8 years ago
They should include more varieties
sanath b
sanath b - 8 years ago
are they for selling ??!
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago

50. comment for Second Largest Aquarium in India - My Bangalore Aquarium Tour

lxc vajracharya
lxc vajracharya - 8 years ago
those strip cichids r not convic its frontosa...
pacu live much more than 15 on average
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
I have corrected the names but the corrected annotations don't appear on mobiles... So its youtube problem not mine anymore.
Irgy Saputra
Irgy Saputra - 8 years ago
Why they put the fishes just like in Petshop??
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
Its owned and run by government organizations... I was just a tourist there.
Irgy Saputra
Irgy Saputra - 8 years ago
Sinto Joseph Zoo is usually got a lot of space for the fishes
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
What you meant by that shops are usually clean its zoo where it sometime happens.
Thomas Reed
Thomas Reed - 8 years ago
Lots of gasping. A shame.
_ Syz
_ Syz - 8 years ago
suraj das
suraj das - 8 years ago
you got soo many names wrong man
Dans Games
Dans Games - 8 years ago
Named literally every single fish wrong, poor quality on all the aquariums!
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
You are literally blind ... how can you say that ?
Navjot Singh
Navjot Singh - 8 years ago
These are mostly fresh water species which we are even common in the aquarium hobby. Not very appealing. But you did a good job in capturing these.
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
El Psy Congroo
El Psy Congroo - 8 years ago
Terrible setups, poor water quality, over crowded, none of the aquariums looked nice, seems that there also too little oxygen. Do the people running this place even know how to care for fishes?
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
I don't know about it but the entry ticket to this aquarium is only 5 INR per person. So they must have done something for the fishes too but it's all underdeveloped right now.
El Psy Congroo
El Psy Congroo - 8 years ago
A lot of the fishes also looked very unhealthy. Closed/damaged fins
Rahul S
Rahul S - 8 years ago
which is the largest in india?
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
Bagh-e-Bahu Aquarium in Jammu
V.K - 8 years ago
can u send me some fish I also have 10 aquarium s
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
These fishes are from bangalore aquarium and I don't have them with me.
Unknown Baby
Unknown Baby - 8 years ago
Nice aquarium bro.
Mayur Sawarkar
Mayur Sawarkar - 8 years ago
Lack of maintenance for water, filtration, oxygen, internal setup, water chemistry, fish absolutely die in those tanks..........And they call them second largest aquarium in india.....welldone hats off
ciclidos arroyave
ciclidos arroyave - 7 years ago
Sinto Joseph the best you can do is not continue with that animal cruelty ... i dont see a bubble in all those aquariums .... pls close that shit aquarium
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
Yes I think government has no interest in its maintenance what else we can do.. hats off..
Mayank Singh
Mayank Singh - 8 years ago
it was good.....but you named some fishes wrong...its was'nt red tail was walking catfish..
twas brillig
twas brillig - 7 years ago
And the first one is not Texas cichlid, but a Red Devil.
freakin good
freakin good - 8 years ago
no proper care...I think maintaince staff no nothing about how to look after .......
Manav Kumar
Manav Kumar - 8 years ago
Mako X
Mako X - 8 years ago
Overstocked aquariums,
poor Oxygen content,
unsuitable fish mixes,
probably no check on water chemistry.
Salman Master
Salman Master - 7 years ago
Mako X lol my country is overpopulated what do you expect
Thomas - 7 years ago
And still they are breeding and living happily....
mike jj
mike jj - 7 years ago
moussaemad - 7 years ago
Doh - that's India!
Chinmay M
Chinmay M - 8 years ago
Mako X ur right
yash kaithwas
yash kaithwas - 8 years ago
Tech Inc. yea man hes right they dont know how to keep fish
Tech Incorporated
Tech Incorporated - 8 years ago
Mako X
wow! can you tell all that just by looking at the footage
Justin Stuart
Justin Stuart - 8 years ago
all fish named incorrectly. he's got Midas down as Texas and Frontosa down as convicts ? and countless others
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
Names have been corrected check if thing else is wrong.. Enjoy your video!
Goblinchief123 - 8 years ago
"Giant Gourami!" zooms in on Albino Iridescent Catfish lol
Robert Dominguez
Robert Dominguez - 8 years ago
Thats not Indian aquarium... It's Chinese.
drago sly
drago sly - 8 years ago
Robert Dominguez ka be kisak Indian hai bae
Robert Dominguez
Robert Dominguez - 8 years ago
My apologies my friend. Greetings from America
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
It's Indian Aquarium and they all are situated in Bangalore, India
Robert Dominguez
Robert Dominguez - 8 years ago
Thats not a common carp... It's a fancy goldfish.
Tristan Jubelag
Tristan Jubelag - 8 years ago
Robert Dominguez its a carp
convict 242
convict 242 - 8 years ago
its a carp
Oditio Arizal
Oditio Arizal - 8 years ago
dude pangasius catfish is not endangered species,,,
in my cauntry there are so many farm here, they sell for food and for pet
the one endangered are Mekong giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas)

and that not black pacu
they are red belly pacu,, when grown their red is gone and become black
here is black pacu :

thats not convict cichild that is frontosa cichild

and this is redtail catfish :
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
Yes you are right that was what I was telling too
Astley Dsouza
Astley Dsouza - 8 years ago
pangasius catfish are endangered type it in wikipedia you will get more info
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
Thanks for the information actually the Aquarium House named them like that. So they where putting wrong labels on different but similar fishes. It's not my fault as the information from the aquarium house was not given properly.
elvisgutierrez13 - 8 years ago
I love the lemon Oscar fish
bibhab mohapatra
bibhab mohapatra - 8 years ago
I think u don't have knowledge about the proper naming of fishes
Kiran And Deepika Raj
Kiran And Deepika Raj - 7 years ago
bibhab mohapatra u r right
ciclidos arroyave
ciclidos arroyave - 7 years ago
Sinto Joseph youre a noob adn dumb ... cuz texas cichlid (herychtis carpintis or cianogutatus is totally diff ... but is india .. what you waiting for .. thid ppl dont know american and central american cichlids ..
anonymous lady
anonymous lady - 7 years ago
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
yes man i am human..
GameZone 321GO
GameZone 321GO - 8 years ago
that is not convict cichlid. it's real name frontosa cichlid
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
Actually it looked like it that's why I used that name
paritosh Mukherjee
paritosh Mukherjee - 8 years ago
khub sundor
Vaibhav Banode
Vaibhav Banode - 8 years ago
Hey dude thats not a red tail catfish which you have mentioned in video.. for your kind information
Sinto Joseph
Sinto Joseph - 8 years ago
Any way it was looking like that only

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