★-★-★ 4K Shark Tank with Manta Rays and Big Fish ★-★-★

*****SALE - 4K AQUARIUM VIDEOS VALUE BUNDLE: http://www.uscenes.com/video/uscenes-mega-deal/ ***** Download this 4K shark tank at http://www.uscenes.com/video/4k-fish-tank/ This 4K shark tank features a massive amount of fish and stunning props. It is just like being inside the ocean. Bring an underwater world into your home as a 4K TV wallpaper on large UHD TV screens. Featuring 5.1 surround sound for an immersive stereo experience. Watch as stingrays and many different types of shark swim around the large aquatic world. It is almost as if they are flying around ancient ruins. The video can be downloaded as a 4K Ultra HD 20 minute video. The idea is to press repeat on your TV's media player so that the fish tank loops continuously for as long as you like. We also have a Full HD version of this massive shark aquarium for those who do not have a 4K TV yet. The video is down-scaled from 4K; making it higher quality compared to video filmed in Full HD. There are also screensaver versions of the shark aquarium available, which self loop after 3 minutes. These are perfect for computer monitors and laptop screens. Available in both Windows and Apple Mac versions. This is simply one of the most spectacular aquariums I have ever seen! The amazing quality of the 4K UHD footage makes the video sing! There are wonderful soft roll offs to the highlights and the close up fish are incredibly detailed considering the thickness of the aquarium glass. Featuring many sharks, sting rays and lots more beautiful fish. This is one of our largest and most impressive 4K fish tank videos. It was filmed at one of the world's very best aquariums in Dubai. When previewing the video above please be sure to select the 2160 4K version. This will allow you to see the superb UHD quality, especially when you click on the Full Screen button on large TV and computer screens.

★-★-★ 4K Shark Tank with Manta Rays and Big Fish ★-★-★ sentiment_very_dissatisfied 70

Tropical fishing 9 years ago 226,493 views

*****SALE - 4K AQUARIUM VIDEOS VALUE BUNDLE: http://www.uscenes.com/video/uscenes-mega-deal/ ***** Download this 4K shark tank at http://www.uscenes.com/video/4k-fish-tank/ This 4K shark tank features a massive amount of fish and stunning props. It is just like being inside the ocean. Bring an underwater world into your home as a 4K TV wallpaper on large UHD TV screens. Featuring 5.1 surround sound for an immersive stereo experience. Watch as stingrays and many different types of shark swim around the large aquatic world. It is almost as if they are flying around ancient ruins. The video can be downloaded as a 4K Ultra HD 20 minute video. The idea is to press repeat on your TV's media player so that the fish tank loops continuously for as long as you like. We also have a Full HD version of this massive shark aquarium for those who do not have a 4K TV yet. The video is down-scaled from 4K; making it higher quality compared to video filmed in Full HD. There are also screensaver versions of the shark aquarium available, which self loop after 3 minutes. These are perfect for computer monitors and laptop screens. Available in both Windows and Apple Mac versions. This is simply one of the most spectacular aquariums I have ever seen! The amazing quality of the 4K UHD footage makes the video sing! There are wonderful soft roll offs to the highlights and the close up fish are incredibly detailed considering the thickness of the aquarium glass. Featuring many sharks, sting rays and lots more beautiful fish. This is one of our largest and most impressive 4K fish tank videos. It was filmed at one of the world's very best aquariums in Dubai. When previewing the video above please be sure to select the 2160 4K version. This will allow you to see the superb UHD quality, especially when you click on the Full Screen button on large TV and computer screens.

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Most popular comments
for ★-★-★ 4K Shark Tank with Manta Rays and Big Fish ★-★-★

steambrewer - 7 years ago
Nice video. I'll try to watch it again. The number of fish in that tank, though, is a New York City style, clostrophobial inducer. Do you have a vid of a less crowded tank? Thx. voted up.
Uscenes relaxing videos
Uscenes relaxing videos - 7 years ago
We have a new shark tank with some pretty scary species of shark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJtUOJRfef0
Ricardo Samper
Ricardo Samper - 7 years ago
I like this aquarium, but I don't see turtles and octopus. The sounds is great. Thanks
Gummi Kr.
Gummi Kr. - 8 years ago
Has in-run watermarks, avoid.
Uscenes relaxing videos
Uscenes relaxing videos - 8 years ago
You can download 6 different versions without any watermarking. This is not a free video. It is quite rare to find truly free videos Gummi, most will have ads. We are just trying to make a living whilst spreading beauty like this awesome shark tank in 4K resolution.
Rickie Dsouza
Rickie Dsouza - 8 years ago
Fish heaven..The tank is immaculate and excellent photography!
Uscenes relaxing videos
Uscenes relaxing videos - 8 years ago
Thank you Rickie. We love this shark-infested aquarium too.
Richard Eldridge
Richard Eldridge - 8 years ago
I'm getting my 1st 4K TV and was wondering if I can put this on a thumb drive and play as a screensaver for the TV instead of turning it off? It would be cool to have the fireplace video playing in one room while having a fish tank in another.
Uscenes relaxing videos
Uscenes relaxing videos - 8 years ago
Thanks for purchasing Richard. I am in the UK and it has been colder than usual recently. Fingers crossed for some snow soon, then I will certainly make some snowy videos which should be nice for Christmas. I have some nice places in mind including animals. Our other videographer is in the dessert somewhere so he can't help this year.
Richard Eldridge
Richard Eldridge - 8 years ago
Thank you. I just bought the beautiful Marina Bay Night for my garage TV. Can't wait to get some 4K videos. I hope you get some Christmas videos in the near future.
Uscenes relaxing videos
Uscenes relaxing videos - 8 years ago
Absolutely Richard. That is exactly how we intend our 4K videos to be used until 4K streaming becomes the norm. Please just make sure your TV supports playback of MP4 and HEVC (H.265). We are finding that nearly every single modern 4K SMART TV does support this, but if you want to check before buying just visit our free samples page here: http://www.uscenes.com/download-free-sample-clips/
Healthy Tea Recipes
Healthy Tea Recipes - 8 years ago
2nd best aquarium I have seen after that enormous one in Japan with the whale sharks. I thought this must be fake at first but amazingly it is real. I would of thought the sharks would of eaten the smaller fish? Or do they have to keep putting new small ones in? Anyways I recon this will be the first video I download for my 4k TV at Xmas.
axe beard
axe beard - 8 years ago
axe beard
axe beard - 8 years ago
basically 144hz refreshes the images faster than say a 60hz monitor. The result is images that flow across the screen much more smoothly. They make 2k 144hz monitors but they do not make 4k 144hz monitors. A lot of stuff comes up on google when you search 144hz vs 60hz.
Rashad Al-safar
Rashad Al-safar - 8 years ago
interesting comment, dont know enough about that but some resources or links to info would be appreciated!
ActiveDreamer1 - 8 years ago
4 K is awesome. Where can i get one of those camera's?
Uscenes relaxing videos
Uscenes relaxing videos - 8 years ago
For filming scenes like this the Sony A7s 2 is probably the best choice consumer camera, but not cheap. It excells at lowlight videos.

However for well lit scenes, which includes some aquariums, the Panasonic G7 is far cheaper (all the new Panasonics which shoot 4K are great quality and value). It just won't be great for scenes like the above where there are lots of shadows. You can buy brighter lenses for the G7 which will help.

I recomend visting your local camera store where they will be able to make recommendations based on what you will use the camera for. Then check some reviews and comparisons on here.

It is nice to hold the cameras too, especially if you will be using it for photos. I generally dislike the feel of the Sonys. I prefer the bulkier Panasonic GH4 as a walk around camera as it feels "right". But is still fairly compact and light compared to traditonal DSLRs, it is also weatherproof and has a great battery. They are bringing out the new version this year so there may be some deals on that one. The website B and H Camera is good for prices and reviews.

10. comment for ★-★-★ 4K Shark Tank with Manta Rays and Big Fish ★-★-★

creto Olsen
creto Olsen - 8 years ago
What we have here!  is failure to have acid on hand,   to watch these "auquadic forms of metabolic's,"   meandering in their space of fluidity.  it is coherent to the factors and obvious to the most casual observer,   that these units are coagulating in the oceanic environment that God gave them , rather well.   that picture of me was 1978.  "speak what you feel,  not what you ought to say"  Rev. Creto Olsen, Maynard Ma
LOL - 8 years ago
SHARK !!!! 1:28
Dwayne Bradford
Dwayne Bradford - 8 years ago
can I feed them from the top of my TV ?
Uscenes relaxing videos
Uscenes relaxing videos - 8 years ago
probably best not to do that. maybe with those foam bubble wrap things :P
Mister TIBS
Mister TIBS - 9 years ago
Could you tell me - is the $5 screensaver just the same video (resolution aside) being played, or is it a 'generated' scene or otherwise different?
Uscenes relaxing videos
Uscenes relaxing videos - 9 years ago
+TIBS de Vega The $5 screensaver is Full HD and exactly the same video as this. If you select 1080p from the cog icon above that is very similar to what you will see. This is a real aquarium. The screensaver versions are cheaper as they are only 3 minutes, then they loop automatically. We have just upgraded them for Windows- now you can set a screenshot as your desktop background, adjust the volume and use it on multiple screens.
RyanB - 9 years ago
my new windows screensaver.
rusalex11 - 9 years ago
add to favourite, but found too much commercial ... delete
Mister TIBS
Mister TIBS - 9 years ago
+rusalex11 lol
shardinio - 9 years ago
+rusalex11 there's no way you would get that quality on your 4k phone. This was shot with some serious tools!
Uscenes relaxing videos
Uscenes relaxing videos - 9 years ago
+rusalex11 Please post a link to your video. Would love to see your manta rays, various species of sharks and lots of other awesome fish. Would love to see how your phone handles the dynamic range such as in the shadows.
rusalex11 - 9 years ago
+Uscenes relaxing videos
 my phone make vids 4k and it cost me nothing. will do same quality by myself if you not enough with youtube ads
Uscenes relaxing videos
Uscenes relaxing videos - 9 years ago
+rusalex11 It costs us a lot to film this in 4K and then prepare it for downloading as a video in 2 resolutions and then 4 versions as a Mac and windows screensaver, hence the branding/ad text. If you get the download version there is no branding at all and the quality is as good as any other aquarium video in 4K. Have a happy new year :) and please check out http://www.uscenes.com/video/4k-fish-tank/ for the pure video to download
Geonik - 9 years ago
its fake right?
Uscenes relaxing videos
Uscenes relaxing videos - 9 years ago
Nope. 100% legit :)
Daniel Mayer
Daniel Mayer - 9 years ago
Wow this is simply sensational!
Rashad Al-safar
Rashad Al-safar - 9 years ago
One word! " awesome!"

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