♥♥ Relaxing 3 Hour Video of Ocean Fish
Tropical fishing 11 years ago 2,365,712 views
Project this onto your TV using Google Chromecast which is the newest way to enjoy online video and music on your TV. Plug it into any HDTV and control it with your existing smartphone, tablet, or laptop: http://www.google.com/chromecast Why 3 hours? Tranquil nature soundscapes are excellent for relaxing, meditation, insomnia, studying, tinnitus sufferers, or just play the background scenery on your big screen TV when you are not watching shows. The genre is called "slow television" or "slow TV". Please SUBSCRIBE by clicking here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MoneySavingVideos To see my entire playlist click here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI3kQhLH6NvDGxgc0RBzZG3P2OOUVTWqT Relaxing 3 Hour video of California coastal marine fish. The coastal waters off California provide a habitat for brown algae, giant kelp, and fish such as leopard shark, horn shark, ocean whitefish, garibaldi, blacksmith, round stingray, yellowfin croaker, .halfmoon, sheephead, opaleye, spotfin croaker, treefish, rock wrasse,sargo, and salema. The relaxing music is from "Sunday Morning Peace" used with permission from Jonn Serrie available at http://www.amazon.com/Sunday-Morning-Peace-Jonn-Serrie/dp/B005HUY8N8
10. comment for ♥♥ Relaxing 3 Hour Video of Ocean Fish
now my phone is all scratched
again... FOR HOURS !!! lol
20. comment for ♥♥ Relaxing 3 Hour Video of Ocean Fish
30. comment for ♥♥ Relaxing 3 Hour Video of Ocean Fish
not me i put t for my baby brother that is 2 years old, he loves it
50. comment for ♥♥ Relaxing 3 Hour Video of Ocean Fish
better than marijuana
fish of lake?
After looking through your profile, I find the fact that we are even talking hilarious. The videos you watch are wildly unimportant, and almost merit as much contempt as the kind you expressed for the viewers of this video. Finally, your very first YouTube comment admonished the general masses for not believing in Jesus, yet you stand here, doing something I am sure Jesus would never approve of.
I don't know why I am talking to someone who thinks the world is going to end. Or, let's assume, for the sake of discussion, that it is, you thought the best place to talk about it would be on an "Epic DIY Fails" video??
I may not have watched the video for 3 hours--I have more interesting things to do--but at least I choose to respect the conscious choices of those who do. They are not the crazy ones. You are.
watch fish goooooood,
100. comment for ♥♥ Relaxing 3 Hour Video of Ocean Fish
Yet it puzzles me who would dislike this. What is there to hate about this.y
this video should be removed necessarily dropping the camera into the water and not through glass. thanks beautiful
Its a lot of fun to see them reacting so mutch on the fishes
and i have no idea why
i can watching them all day