《熱帶魚》Tropical Fish |數位修復預告 Trailer|中影,中影數位電影頻道,經典影片,數位修復
Tropical fishing 9 years ago 13,374 views
《熱帶魚》Tropical Fish 中英字預告 即將參加聯考的國三學生阿強,因為功課不好常被父母責罵,學校的同學也常欺侮他,生活處處充滿壓力。嗜打快打旋風的阿強總是把自己想像成電玩裡的超人,力大無窮,是所有壞蛋的剋星,藉此聊以排遣生活的壓力。 有一天,阿強發現小男孩道南被大人放進小發財車載走,好奇的阿強尾隨其行蹤,才知道原來道南被綁架了。頓生俠義之心的阿強想搭救道南,不料卻反被歹徒一併綁走。 綁走兩個小孩的阿慶與老大,正籌想怎樣處理肉票,老大卻意外的出車禍死掉,憨直的阿慶在老大死後更不知道如何處治兩個小鬼,只得找上他的親朋好友商量,最後大家決定將小鬼帶回東石老家再說。 回到東石以後,阿慶和親友經過反覆商量,決定打電話給小鬼的父母,約定在淡水碰面贖人。結果雙方因為台灣北部有個淡水,南部嘉義也有一個地方叫淡水而大擺烏龍。於是阿慶又把小鬼帶回嘉義等機會再約清楚的地點贖人。 阿慶因小時候窮沒錢念書,對即將參加聯考的阿強頗為同情。不僅拿他妹妹的課本給阿強敦促他要用功念出才能出人頭地。 阿慶的綁票事跡,因為日子一拖久,管區的警察似乎已經察覺,阿慶和親朋好友大家決定將孩子用漁船送到海上避風頭。然而聯考日子已經逼近。阿慶有點反悔,想把孩子送回台北,警察上在這個時候追捕他和親友,所幸,阿強和道南辯稱他們是落水後,經阿慶救起才免去阿慶被捕的命運。警察也連夜將阿強和道南送往台北參加聯考。 Ah Jiang, a graduating junior high school student, is facing the tough high school entrance examination. Because of his low grades, he frequently blamed by his parents and humiliated by his classmates. To escape from this overwhelming pressure, he spends a lot of time in the arcades playing video games. He imagines himself as the super hero in his favourite game “Street fighter” and he can defeat all evil characters. One day, Ah Jiang sees that a little boy, Dao Nan, is kidnapped by two men. Out curiosity, Ah Jiang follows them and intends to rescue the boy. But he ends up being kidnapped also. While the kidnappers, Ah Ching and the Boss, are still trying to figure out how to ask for the ransom, the Boss dies in a car accident. Ah ching, a rather kindhearted fellow, decides to take the kids back to his hometown. In his hometown, Ah Ching discusses with his relatives and they decide to call the kids’ parents. Both sides agree to meet in Dan Sui. The meeting falls apart because each side goes to a different Dan Sui. Since Ah Ching was too poor to have much education, he encourages Ah Jiang to study hard. While waiting to arrange another meeting, Ah Ching provides books for Ah Jiang to prepare for the entrance examination. Because the hometown police men become suspicious of Ah Ching’s activities, he brings the kids onto a fishing boat. He establishes a friendly relationship with the kids. When the police catch up with them, the kids say that Ah Ching is their rescuer instead of kidnapper. Police immediately rush Ah Jiang back to Taipei to take the entrance examination.
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