A Guppy Having Babies
Tropical fishing 8 years ago 1,023,904 views
A detailed look at a pregnant mother guppy having babies in my tropical freshwater aquarium. The guppy fish is giving birth to 37 babies in a small tank. This high definition video takes an in depth look at the miraculous act of breeding and bringing tropical guppy fry into the world. There is also footage of the cute new born babies eating their first meal of live food. This is the best footage I have ever seen of a fish giving birth to her young. DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, we'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for your support. VIDEO CAMERA USED - Panasonic HC- V770 HD digital camera https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RBG5J02/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=thedave-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B00RBG5J02&linkId=6006c7d69ed12de84c96fbd1acd0cefe
white quartz sand....
umm.. thanks you so much ♥
Feed them the same food that the adults were eating, just in smaller bite-sized pieces ( flake food works fine). Remove uneaten food everyday, keep the water clean and keep them warm. They don't need a big home when they are very small as long as the water is kept clean. Feed them very small amounts, several times per day. Overfeeding will lead to poor water quality. Clean water will be very important . . . I hope this helps, I wish you the best. . . Congratulations!!!
10. comment for A Guppy Having Babies
Something had a baby in my tank (75) the other day. Either a guppy, Molly, or swordtail. He's just hanging out in plain site near the bottom....
20. comment for A Guppy Having Babies
If you can find raw / unprocessed vinegar, the worms will be in it. This vinegar has not been heated ( pasteurized ) or filtered. You are looking for vinegar that still contains " the Mother." Vinegar eels will also appear in a drink called " Kombucha" as long as it is unheated / filtered. Ketchup, and raw apple cider will also contain them. . . It may be easiest to find raw vinegar. I just bought mine on ebay !
30. comment for A Guppy Having Babies
( I have alot of them )
Live plants or bushy fake plants make great hiding places. These are also several breeder boxes that you can buy to put the mother guppies in that will help save the fry. If you have other tanks you could just try and catch the babies before they are eaten and give them their own home. I hope that everything works out .
50. comment for A Guppy Having Babies
I also have several more fascinating and educational videos that you may enjoy. :-D
it was h0t
100. comment for A Guppy Having Babies
There are also breeding boxes designed for expecting mother fish. It's a box / or net that hangs on the inside of the tank with holes in the bottom that lead to a separate compartment where the babies can escape.
Most people have very bare-looking tanks, and their baby guppies are eaten. I use live plants, driftwood, mosses etc. The tank looks like an underwater forest, so most of the babies survive.
The black gravid spot on guppies is caused by the eyes of the developing embryos inside the female.
Bettas do not develop a gravid spot, so it may just be part of her natural coloration.
Mosquito fish are from the genus Gambusia, while the fish in the video is from the genus Poecilia.
You are not the first person to make this mistake. :-D
How long does that take to happen?
Best of luck, The Dave.
Dirty water will lead to fungal infections. And, wash your hands after handling them. . . . I am really busy making new videos ( they take forever ! ) So, I don't do much outside of youtube, here is a link to my twitter account . . .
she felt relieved after watching this.
Have a great day!!
In the end, I just had to let nature take its course.
Pls people if he tryed to help he could have killed him anyway rip Bobby u will be missed
Poor Bobby... Being eaten by its own mother because he was stuck... what a way to go.
not just fish/es eat their babies, but cats, dogs, and many other animals do that too
RIP Bobby we will miss you :(
While eating these items, as well as your children, may be unattractive and seem cruel, it is nature's way of ensuring that the rest of your offspring will not be placed in greater danger. In the natural world, mother nature knows that it is for the greater good.
I as well own guppies and they reproduce frequently but it's sad when they die. :(
I'm sorry that Bobby died, he she would have been a beautiful guppy but the odds wasn't for Bobby.
She is very unforgiving of any weakness, but that is what makes everyone else so strong.
However, there is also another factor that comes into play . . . In a natural setting, any defective offspring will quickly become the victims of predators, so they are effectively removed from the gene pool. In the aquarium, this is the job of the aquarist. If the weak and the deformed are not removed from the gene pool, then they will breed and contribute to the degradation of the entire population.
Genetic abnormalities only persist and expand if we allow them. For the tender-hearted, this does not mean that we have to kill the weak and the deformed. We can give them a place of their own and let them do what they can.
There are people who have kept guppies for decades breeding one sibling to another without any problems.
The Dave
Here's a link (Amazon) -
In defense of mother guppies everywhere let it be known, that in a natural setting, the babies would be able to swim away and hide.
In the wild, there are countless places and ample room to swim away and seek shelter. In the aquarium, there is a lot less space and fewer places to seek refuge. A hungry mother cannot be blamed. In a properly designed aquarium, most of the babies will still survive.
1.13.17 - 1.13.17
Would it have been possible for Bobby to have lived if you have removed him from the tank properly and used a sterilized instrument that was small enough to break the sac enough for him to be put back in the tank and escape naturally on his own? Something tells me he was underdeveloped or he had not enough strength to break free and even if there was assistance, he could still possibly die given to his weakness and damage that could be inflicted trying to make it easier for him to swim out. I would try to avoid damage to the yolk sac as much as possible. Could you have saved Bobby? Not to sound stupid because like I said, I'm a beginner but I just felt helpless watching that part of the video.
I like your all video
Yea they are all female, the male died about 3 weeks ago so I’m guessing they are about to pop
I wonder if the treatment for the green water affected your water quality ? When all of the single-celled algae that makes up green water dies, it then becomes a waste product. If the filter cannot handle the waste material effectively, then the water quality declines and it can harm the fish ( increased ammonia - nitrites - nitrates ) Try and find a natural solution to the green water. ( try less light and less nutrients).
However, green water could actually help them, but it is unsightly.
On the other hand, they could have an internal parasite or be sick. It's really hard to say from here. I would start with making sure the water is clean. Don't add more fish, and feed very sparingly. If they are sick and you don't know what is causing it, you may do more harm by giving them a medication that they don't need. Is this a newly set up tank ? If so, it takes time for the filter to mature and work effectively (2-3 wks). If this is your situation, then time and frequent water changes will help a lot.
Start with a big water change . . . Clean water will work wonders usually. I hope this helps. :-) Don't get discouraged.
it is sure huge!
also could you help the baby out of the egg?
plz tell me
thank you!
If you use lots of live plants, especially java moss, in your main tank then there will be no need to remove the female at all. Ideally you want the tank to have lots of places for the babies to hide. Driftwood is great and so are lots of plants. These item will make homes for tiny creatures that the baby guppies will eat called infusoria and biofilm. They will also help to keep the water healthy and clean.
Also was wondering if theres any way to tell how long she has been pregnant?
It's time to change the water now ! It needs to be changed regularly.
I am assuming the tank has filter, if not ? It needs one . . . Please take the time to improve their situation. It will benefit you and the fish. These are wonderful creatures that will provide you with many hours of enjoyment, but you need to do your part.
Guppy mothers can delay or terminate their pregnancy / birthing if tank conditions are poor. It sounds as if your tank and the fish need help. Please help them soon. . . . The Dave :-(
The babies will probably be eaten if they are not provided with lots of places to hide. It's best to remove the female from the general population before she gives birth in order to reduce predation of the young. Give the mother time to rest, before you put her back in with the boys. She will appreciate the rest after giving birth. Babies are often born at dusk or dawn.
Nature ist beautiful but...also very scary
I watched a fish give birth..
i love this very heart-touching video..:)
We suspect being eaten by our neighbors cat :((((