Aquarium Fish Market in Bangkok Thailand. WOW!!!

Tropical Fish, Monster Fish, Goldfish, Planted Tanks, Betta Fighting Fish, Koi, Flower Horns, Asian Arowanas, Arapaimas, Stingrays, Oldballs, Cichlids, EVERYTHING. THIS PLACE HAS IT ALL. Bangkok's largest concentration of fish and aquarium related products. This is the Chatuchak Market! This is a must watch for aquarium hobbyists. I was so amazed by the variety and species that I have never ever seen before. The quality and price were top notch. It was unforgettable. This video only shows a tiny glimpse because I didn't have much time there. If you guys enjoyed this video, please share with your friends. ---------------------------------------­----------- About Me: I'm Kyle Le and I live, travel, and eat in Vietnam and many Asian countries. I'm passionate about making videos and sharing modern Asia to the world. I've traveled everywhere in Vietnam, from Hanoi to Saigon - Far North, Central Highlands, Islands, and Deep Mekong Delta - I've visited there. In addition to 10+ countries in Asia from Indonesia to Thailand to Singapore, you'll find all of my food, tourist attractions, and daily life experiences discovering my roots in the motherland on this amazing journey right on this channel. So be sure to subscribe- there's new videos all the time and connect with me below so you don't miss any adventures. Subscribe Now: More Info: Like: Facebook: Follow: Instagram and Snapchat @KyleLeDotNet Support for more videos. Patreon Buy a T shirt: Paypal Donation: Original Music by Antti Luode. I produce, film, and edit all videos myself, so I welcome any help Visit: to see how you can ensure more videos to come.

Aquarium Fish Market in Bangkok Thailand. WOW!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 482

Tropical fishing 10 years ago 1,293,138 views

Tropical Fish, Monster Fish, Goldfish, Planted Tanks, Betta Fighting Fish, Koi, Flower Horns, Asian Arowanas, Arapaimas, Stingrays, Oldballs, Cichlids, EVERYTHING. THIS PLACE HAS IT ALL. Bangkok's largest concentration of fish and aquarium related products. This is the Chatuchak Market! This is a must watch for aquarium hobbyists. I was so amazed by the variety and species that I have never ever seen before. The quality and price were top notch. It was unforgettable. This video only shows a tiny glimpse because I didn't have much time there. If you guys enjoyed this video, please share with your friends. ---------------------------------------­----------- About Me: I'm Kyle Le and I live, travel, and eat in Vietnam and many Asian countries. I'm passionate about making videos and sharing modern Asia to the world. I've traveled everywhere in Vietnam, from Hanoi to Saigon - Far North, Central Highlands, Islands, and Deep Mekong Delta - I've visited there. In addition to 10+ countries in Asia from Indonesia to Thailand to Singapore, you'll find all of my food, tourist attractions, and daily life experiences discovering my roots in the motherland on this amazing journey right on this channel. So be sure to subscribe- there's new videos all the time and connect with me below so you don't miss any adventures. Subscribe Now: More Info: Like: Facebook: Follow: Instagram and Snapchat @KyleLeDotNet Support for more videos. Patreon Buy a T shirt: Paypal Donation: Original Music by Antti Luode. I produce, film, and edit all videos myself, so I welcome any help Visit: to see how you can ensure more videos to come.

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Most popular comments
for Aquarium Fish Market in Bangkok Thailand. WOW!!!

Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 7 years ago
Check out my latest fish video about a betta farm!
Nhia Thao
Nhia Thao - 7 years ago
love the videos. would be great if u list their prices.
Gerhard Wiechmann
Gerhard Wiechmann - 6 years ago
Fisch sind Lebewesen und sollten geachtet werden
Gerhard Wiechmann
Gerhard Wiechmann - 6 years ago
Peter The Human
Peter The Human - 6 years ago
How do they feed the ones in the bags?
Chemical Ali
Chemical Ali - 6 years ago
Not as good as in China
Arif Abdul
Arif Abdul - 6 years ago
Franco M
Franco M - 6 years ago
I never knew there are fresh water sting rays.. Amazing that they set up just for a couple days.. Cool.
Podge McLeod
Podge McLeod - 6 years ago
I have been there too.
One thing no heaters are used because of the climate. So there blows the cold water gold fish theory.
Just saying.
Chay 98883
Chay 98883 - 6 years ago
Oh , wow!!,what amazing fish market. Kyle. .

10. comment for Aquarium Fish Market in Bangkok Thailand. WOW!!!

Van Luong
Van Luong - 6 years ago
What song is this? Amazing!
Sheeba Babu Babu
Sheeba Babu Babu - 6 years ago
Will gold fish eat its eggs..plz rply..your viedio is awesome
tuvalu - 6 years ago
5:00 those arapaimas WTF
Aqua rium
Aqua rium - 6 years ago
4:40 Do somebody know the Names of these fish in background
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 6 years ago
Check out my new goldfish documentary:
Fairoz Khan
Fairoz Khan - 6 years ago
Michael Bughao
Michael Bughao - 6 years ago
What kind of fish is on 4:54? Anyone pls. Thanks
Davis J
Davis J - 6 years ago
Man I was there two years ago. I wish I loved fish back then as much as I do know so I could've looked at them longer
Tomasz Mrzygłód
Tomasz Mrzygłód - 6 years ago
Co to za rybki w 7:17 ??
Erwin Shu
Erwin Shu - 6 years ago
Even a lot of type fish there.
I,m interesting about how they sell goldfish in each plastic bag..
We can select n see their quality one by one..

20. comment for Aquarium Fish Market in Bangkok Thailand. WOW!!!

news boy
news boy - 6 years ago
Udjat 80
Udjat 80 - 6 years ago
Hi!The pet section is open every day?
Tunnelrat6666 - 6 years ago
WOW Chaca chaca catfish 5:46 I have not seen them for sale in Austraila for years easy 35yrs. I think I was about 10yrs old when I got my first Chaca had to catch live down the swamp for him every weekend as he would not eat dead food.
Tropicalfishcraze Channel
Tropicalfishcraze Channel - 6 years ago
Amazing pet shop
Kentrick Carswell Alexanderson
Kentrick Carswell Alexanderson - 6 years ago
Satisfying asf
Teddy Bonkers
Teddy Bonkers - 7 years ago
Vastly Superior quality to our fish offerings in the United States.
P4NP4N - 7 years ago
I am Thai and I have got an Asian arowana just for $10 LMAO
Ketan Machhi
Ketan Machhi - 7 years ago
Bro plz give me your what app number I require some information about fish
Ketan Machhi
Ketan Machhi - 7 years ago
Sir plz give me whatapp number I can buy fish
rageesh pravisha
rageesh pravisha - 7 years ago
Fish delivery to do you india

30. comment for Aquarium Fish Market in Bangkok Thailand. WOW!!!

Rosemary O'Donnell
Rosemary O'Donnell - 7 years ago
I could live there
Rosemary O'Donnell
Rosemary O'Donnell - 7 years ago
I love it!!!!!!!!!
alavi pk
alavi pk - 7 years ago
alavi pk
alavi pk - 7 years ago
alavi pk
alavi pk - 7 years ago
Avdhut Ambolkar
Avdhut Ambolkar - 7 years ago
Very nice
tuvalu - 7 years ago
paradise for me
LEO DaWInner
LEO DaWInner - 7 years ago
Oscar Fish
Oscar Fish - 7 years ago
so over crowded poor fish :(
IamGuardian - 7 years ago
I used to go there, there were salamanders, birds, dogs, cats and so on and it was called Chatuchak park
Andy Le
Andy Le - 7 years ago
OMG! Those are the most beautiful betta in the world and I wish America let’s people own Asian arrowannas
phongnight now
phongnight now - 7 years ago
So amazing
VORTEX GRIMGOWW - 7 years ago
Chet Narayan pandey
Chet Narayan pandey - 7 years ago
nice place a have 40 gallon tank . ten shark,20 gold and 5 oskar
Kevin Sarim
Kevin Sarim - 7 years ago
Hello I'm from Cambodia, i want export your product to Cambodia, how can i contact you?
Sukoi Toh
Sukoi Toh - 6 years ago
Kevin Sarim Come to Chatuchak Park,a lot if shop do an export.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 7 years ago
i am not a fish store
Jason - 7 years ago
couldn't finish the video with that sound track
Dream Catcher
Dream Catcher - 7 years ago
very nice
Maki Atiu
Maki Atiu - 7 years ago
Your camera is very low quality.. i cant tell what fish they are
Megan Proffitt
Megan Proffitt - 6 years ago
Maki Atiu
The farmers is high quality. You just don't know your fish!
Bryan Gelo Velasco
Bryan Gelo Velasco - 7 years ago
what are the price range of betta fish there?
Kyle Man
Kyle Man - 7 years ago
I want that one and that one and those and that one and that one and that one and those and that one and that and that....

50. comment for Aquarium Fish Market in Bangkok Thailand. WOW!!!

rageesh pravisha
rageesh pravisha - 7 years ago
I want a 2 green arowna I am from India pls replay
Maria Blanco
Maria Blanco - 7 years ago
I have to say, these fish are kept in better condition than in my local PetSmart. Even the tanks in that video that are over stocked there were barely any dead or sick fish O_o.
flickr - 7 years ago
How do people buy the arapaimas? They look way too big for a plastic bag
Sophana Sub
Sophana Sub - 7 years ago
Nice...but me from to cambodia....
Giobel Koi Center
Giobel Koi Center - 7 years ago
I love the thai ranchus
phumiphat juengsiwapornpong
phumiphat juengsiwapornpong - 7 years ago
I’m in Thailand lol
Deek206 - 7 years ago
nice video. thanks for sharing.
Manojkumar K B
Manojkumar K B - 7 years ago
Ut Ngothi
Ut Ngothi - 7 years ago
I like fish because it beautiful
John Jones
John Jones - 7 years ago
Would have been great to see a few prices...
aquarium channel
aquarium channel - 7 years ago plz tell me which breed of flowerhorn is it?
ML Tech
ML Tech - 7 years ago
WC To My Channel
Intereferences PS
Intereferences PS - 7 years ago
I would buy like 10 flowerhorns lol
Vieh Bohay
Vieh Bohay - 7 years ago
Oscar Virgilio
Oscar Virgilio - 7 years ago
Very nice video, please change the music
ciclidos arroyave
ciclidos arroyave - 7 years ago
whats wrong with the body of the snake heads .. is that normal????
Vincent Dao
Vincent Dao - 7 years ago
I am very upset that there is not a store like that in America
mesmerize e
mesmerize e - 7 years ago
Why do all the snakeheads have a bent body?
Zayn Crockett
Zayn Crockett - 7 years ago
i want a red tail catfish so bad
Kieyioop GT
Kieyioop GT - 7 years ago
Am are thai people I go here for buy fish A+
Tracy S
Tracy S - 7 years ago
Anyone know what species the fish with bent body at 9:12 is?
Megan Proffitt
Megan Proffitt - 6 years ago
Tracy S
bao long
bao long - 7 years ago
Quá hay
Rose Robert
Rose Robert - 7 years ago
Alaf Athallah
Alaf Athallah - 7 years ago
The fish isnt healthy
ตาต้า สายเบิน
ตาต้า สายเบิน - 7 years ago
Silver Fawn
Silver Fawn - 7 years ago
This is an incredible store
If only the stores where I live would care for them as well as what they do there. Just look at how pristine those tanks are

Quite a culture shock though to see them all pre bagged like that
Bárbara R
Bárbara R - 7 years ago
even if there were thousand of bagged fish there i saw none dead and the water looks quite clean, i am impresed
Phu Nguyen
Phu Nguyen - 7 years ago
the bag has enough water and air. but there is not any filtration. they poop and they live in their own toilet bag. and i can only imagine they are fed only 1 time a day. anyone who doesn't think this is abuse, there's something wrong with u.
Carlie B
Carlie B - 7 years ago
Deeyymm... they lookin good.
idenity n
idenity n - 7 years ago
kyle please make a doc on asian arowana in vietnam
Jaymie Ann Aclan
Jaymie Ann Aclan - 7 years ago
I want them all!!!!
My poor babies
Brian - 7 years ago
@5:18 anyone know what strain that is?
GB İs awesome
GB İs awesome - 7 years ago
I whish my city had a market like this
Sam I Am
Sam I Am - 7 years ago
I could legit spend an entire day in there.
Legend Dairy
Legend Dairy - 7 years ago
I would spend my weekends here
watje janssen
watje janssen - 6 years ago
it opens once a week on wednesday
Rosemary O'Donnell
Rosemary O'Donnell - 7 years ago
Legend Dairy same
Leon's Tanks
Leon's Tanks - 7 years ago
Wtf is wrong with those Channa Micropeltes all of them have really bent spines
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 7 years ago
1:25 what fish is that?
Jason Reynolds
Jason Reynolds - 7 years ago
smorc655 - 7 years ago
I can't believe they're selling arapaima. They get ten feet long! I know monster fish keeping is a whole pandora's box, but hucking /literally/ one of the biggest freshwater fish to keepers seems really slimy.
Joey Aung
Joey Aung - 7 years ago
cats''s paradise !!!
Nhut Le
Nhut Le - 7 years ago
Oh my childhood, flower horns, arowanas, bettas fights...
Salvador Absalon
Salvador Absalon - 7 years ago
How can I buy a bettas and shipping to us??
Mickr4 - 7 years ago
1:11 How sordid... All these snakeheads have broken spines because they rammed the glasses. I had one before, and the same thing happened. You need immensely big tanks to keep these. -.-
Ng Andrew
Ng Andrew - 7 years ago
Hello, where is that market location?

I come from HK,
Look for visit there in Bangkok next time.
Evan Ottervanger
Evan Ottervanger - 7 years ago
Those are some healthy looking fish
Voravut Phewhoom
Voravut Phewhoom - 7 years ago
In Thailand
kepo tube
kepo tube - 7 years ago
the cat fish is look delicious
Kimmer Kimy
Kimmer Kimy - 7 years ago
I wanna go visit that market and get some home but I still don't know how to bring it through plane, does anyone have any ideas or experience ?? Thanks <3
Nadi Nat
Nadi Nat - 7 years ago
Damn it looks like they take pretty good care of the fish I didn't see too any unhealthy. That's awesome!
Mixal tselek
Mixal tselek - 7 years ago
There is a site from this store;
Speedaddict Joseph
Speedaddict Joseph - 7 years ago
Mixal tselek Bytyyy

100. comment for Aquarium Fish Market in Bangkok Thailand. WOW!!!

Edie Darlene Edgmon
Edie Darlene Edgmon - 7 years ago
Can I as an American buy fish at this market & bring them through customs? Are they confiscated at the airport? Does anyone know?
Megan Proffitt
Megan Proffitt - 6 years ago
Edie Edgmon
You'd have to contact this store and have them import the fish. You can NOT bring fish on airplanes - they will get confiscated.
Alex Lopez
Alex Lopez - 7 years ago
They don't last very long in those bags it's crazy they have so many like that I'm pretty sure most of them die!
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 7 years ago
Me: alright so I'm just gonna go to get some supplies and watch the fish for a while.
ends up with a 50 gallon with tons of plants with tetras, discus, guppies, some bettas and Cory cats
Me: well I think I went a little bit further....
Amazing Jenny
Amazing Jenny - 7 years ago
Omg imagine how much money I would spend
Mj Bv
Mj Bv - 7 years ago
Venket Mundhe
Venket Mundhe - 7 years ago
Arpon Islam
Arpon Islam - 7 years ago
why thai fishes arre bright in colour?is there any secret?
Megan Proffitt
Megan Proffitt - 6 years ago
Arpon Islam
The fish are bred that way
Emma The Creeper
Emma The Creeper - 7 years ago
The Betta fish are kept in better condition over there than in the USA. USA go take notes.
Kawser Latif
Kawser Latif - 7 years ago
thats bad
i mean its obviously overstocked packets damn thats so sad
SINEX - 7 years ago
fishlaw1 - 7 years ago
Wow ! ! ! What more can I say ? ? ?
Goldfish The supreme spiceas
Goldfish The supreme spiceas - 7 years ago
it's ausomee I love fishes
Joshua Liang
Joshua Liang - 7 years ago
in Singapore male Betta cost $3 female $1 one tiger barb $0.50 and twenty fantails in a bag cost $2.they are feeder goldfish but they are still thriving in my tank till now lol
Amazing world
Amazing world - 7 years ago
Wow...!!! It's Amazing....♥♥♥ Nice to watch...♥♥♥
wowwww beatiful
Ed Sanchez
Ed Sanchez - 7 years ago
wow!! wish I saw more cichlids!! I would love to visit that shop!! everyday !!
Govindan K
Govindan K - 7 years ago
Nguyen Ngo
Nguyen Ngo - 7 years ago
Damn the Thai are showing everyone off at game
Schmitt Nicolas
Schmitt Nicolas - 7 years ago
oder wo gibt es so was den noch
Schmitt Nicolas
Schmitt Nicolas - 7 years ago
wo gibt es so etwas
DIY Biotopes
DIY Biotopes - 7 years ago
Boring only Goldfishes
Aaron O Callaghan
Aaron O Callaghan - 7 years ago
id steal so many fish lol
Pedro Martinelli
Pedro Martinelli - 7 years ago
The fishes It should be packed in plástic bags when be sold, only.
Chris Ongoing
Chris Ongoing - 7 years ago
30% of the video are focused on gold fish and betta. You should have checked other fishes and their prices so everyone who watches this video could have an idea on how much the fishes are.
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
What kind of fish is that in 5:50? Wolf fish?
sanjay verma
sanjay verma - 7 years ago
excellent work
Jose Rodriguez
Jose Rodriguez - 7 years ago
those poor, poor fish.Some are in tanks/bags that barely have space in them.For example, i saw a goldfish that was kept in a small spaced bag.I hope they go into bigger spaced tanks.
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
jose rodriguez Those will sold out as soon as possible. The buyer will release them into a bigger places.
Hockey BOSS
Hockey BOSS - 7 years ago
at 04:57 all thhoughs arapaima in that small tank id kind of mean and tourcir
Mr Smith
Mr Smith - 7 years ago
4:53 what are those called
Lisa T
Lisa T - 7 years ago
Smith Gaming It's a Ghost Knife fish and the grow fairly huge.
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
Smith Gaming no idea. But it tail like spike
gowri r
gowri r - 7 years ago
where it. was.
Taylor - 7 years ago
It's next door to your house! Omgz. Drop by and you will get a million dollars for free! Omg. Omg. Omgz. Omg. =o
zenryu zhao
zenryu zhao - 7 years ago
i.want to go there amazing fish market
viji prakash
viji prakash - 7 years ago
I need a fighter fish
marie élisé
marie élisé - 8 years ago
comment faire pour acheter tous ces beaux poissons?
Billy saiko
Billy saiko - 8 years ago
Amazing but wat is d price of Arowana fish
marie élisé
marie élisé - 8 years ago
hi, do you sale online to French Guiana ?
marie élisé
marie élisé - 8 years ago
where is thé ondine marketing?
Funny Cece
Funny Cece - 8 years ago
poor bettas
TIMOTEO MORALES - 8 years ago
can this export fish in the philippines? theres a lot of beautiful guppies, i want some of them.
Ari Fadli
Ari Fadli - 8 years ago
Ron Mc'sean
Ron Mc'sean - 8 years ago
they even have arapaima ina
vikas dixit
vikas dixit - 8 years ago
tell me the name of that blue fish in 8:14
Lisa T
Lisa T - 7 years ago
vikas dixit Those fish would be a type of African Mbuna from Lake Malawi. Can't be sure but I would guess Pseudotropheus Socolofi or somthing very similar to it.
vikas dixit
vikas dixit - 8 years ago
can u plzz tell me the name of the fish in 2 : 50
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 8 years ago
They are frontosa they are African cichlids and can grow up to 1-3 ft
Joricano - 8 years ago
i wonder how much discus cost over there
crazy gamer
crazy gamer - 8 years ago
i want to go to this market
Kelly Ferren
Kelly Ferren - 8 years ago
over crowed tanks and so many fish in bags alot will die no not cool
Lisa T
Lisa T - 7 years ago
Kelly Ferren believe it or not they sell so many fish so fast that it's only feesable to prepay them. Keep in mind that these are largely the growers and this is where they sell to wholesalers for shipping around the world so the turnover rate for the fish makes bagging them like this necessary.
PRIYANSHU BANIK - 8 years ago
M. A. Kader Jibon
M. A. Kader Jibon - 8 years ago
Sparraw - 8 years ago
G Aquatics said that at night they put the fishes in the bags back into the tanks so chill
dela vago
dela vago - 8 years ago
why the fish at 1:06 has a broken back. sorry for my ignorance.
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
dela vago I think it's to stop them aggressive and grown
Jas D
Jas D - 8 years ago
Rays and Asian Arowanas are so expensive in the States and they treat it like garbage there. Jesus.
Megan Proffitt
Megan Proffitt - 6 years ago
Asian Arowanas are illegal in the states
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
Jason D Jesus, you can catch them at river. +Malaysia got arowana farm.
Ruben Barragan
Ruben Barragan - 8 years ago
anyone live here and can send me fish I'll pay a us dollar extra
Taylor - 7 years ago
Sure, the total will be 50 million dollars.
Kyle Lee
Kyle Lee - 8 years ago
well now.hehe i have an extra "e" tho..
yomus master
yomus master - 8 years ago
this is not WOW it BOOOO
Gerald ene
Gerald ene - 8 years ago
Nice clean quality place there. They fill the bags with oxygen for transport and it lasts quite a while.
Tech Garden HD
Tech Garden HD - 8 years ago
I have one of those
DANF - 8 years ago
sorry for my ignorance but how do fish can live without a air pump in a bag?
DANF - 8 years ago
It is possible to make the process you name like in my house? Without having a pure oxygen tank? How much they stay alive in the bags? Sorry for these amount of questions xd
DANF - 8 years ago
Ohh thanks i really apreciate your help sorry if i have errors in my grammar im from Central America CostaRica and the main language is spanish but i learn english in my highschool
sioSIN SIN - 8 years ago
DANF typically the bags are filled with pure oxegen, and only enough water to cover the fish. This allows the fish to stay alive for a long time in a bag. Sometimes a light sedative is added as well, calming the fishes respiration and waste production. that's why you will sometimes see blue or other colors tinted in the water
bra bra
bra bra - 8 years ago
I come from Thailand ,nice to meet you
synaluvia - 8 years ago
My kind of paradise lol
Irsyaad Rmdn
Irsyaad Rmdn - 8 years ago
what is the name of the fish at 1:06
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
Nagato Sans Snakehead u mean?
Om Pawar
Om Pawar - 8 years ago
which place is this
Malachi _ Footballboss
Malachi _ Footballboss - 8 years ago
Kevin - 8 years ago
why are all the snake heads i see in your videos have broken backs?
TheBSideDJ - 8 years ago
you move your camera too fast. I put this video off after few minutes (same with your previous video)... just a tip to improve your camera skills.
Chef Adam
Chef Adam - 8 years ago
No salt water fish?
Chef Adam
Chef Adam - 7 years ago
I was there yesterday, plenty of saltwater fish.
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
Chef Adam Jeez, this ain't a high-classes fish mart. So there are no saltwater fish.
liberrosas - 8 years ago
whats the price on the glass for the asian arowanas??? im not familiar with the Thai currency
Fishlover Hi
Fishlover Hi - 8 years ago
most of the tank holds just to much fish....
D. S.
D. S. - 8 years ago
This is like a candyland for fish tank keepers.
Danish Nadeem
Danish Nadeem - 8 years ago
8:19 witch fish are those?
Lisa T
Lisa T - 7 years ago
Danish Nadeem either blackmail mollies or I don't know or possibly Danios maybe not too sure which bag of orange fish that you are referring to
Amr Nasser
Amr Nasser - 8 years ago
كيس لوسمحت
Nadeem Slater
Nadeem Slater - 8 years ago
Good video shit music
FunctionBuilt-Aquatics - 8 years ago
I would go nuts! I'm fascinated with the Asian fish culture. Keep posting these videos.
Tim - 8 years ago
Horrible! Only idiots think they put them back in a tank.
Niick Nicholas
Niick Nicholas - 8 years ago
Do they sell shrimps ? eg. caridina shrimps
Inj3ctor K
Inj3ctor K - 8 years ago
I am from thailand
Julio Blasco Garcia
Julio Blasco Garcia - 8 years ago
poor snakeheads they look really bad
Jaylen Greer
Jaylen Greer - 8 years ago
we're are the Oscar's
Rohan Joseph
Rohan Joseph - 8 years ago
This video is made by a person who is not a Aquarist! all the cool fish are overlooked and all you see are betas, goldfish and monster fish that shouldn't be kept by the average hobbyist! A complete waste of time!
박준영 - 8 years ago
In there have original cat fish,right?
박준영 - 7 years ago
Deez Nuts thank you
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
박준영 Asia's fish shop 100% got a catfish.
Erik Martinez
Erik Martinez - 8 years ago
What was that bent fish
Speedily GT
Speedily GT - 8 years ago
Liliana Sandberg absolutely
Speedily GT
Speedily GT - 8 years ago
Erik Martinez RIP the fish lol
Liliana Sandberg
Liliana Sandberg - 8 years ago
That was a snakehead, I believe.
IINemz - 8 years ago
did they really break the giant snakeheads back to stop them growing and being aggressive? wow
Speedily GT
Speedily GT - 8 years ago
IINemz no people will buy the snakehead :/
HYP3B00ST - 8 years ago
holy shit a snow white gar? they cost 50,000 USD
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
HYP3B00ST Snow/Albino is not that cheap. Is very less to see a fish with white colors on whole body.
Iced T
Iced T - 8 years ago
7:15 what fish?
Lisa T
Lisa T - 7 years ago
Shooting Wizard I think it's a type of saltwater fish. I think I may have seen it on the show tanked. not 100 percent sure
Iced T
Iced T - 7 years ago
Deez Nuts the angelfish look alike
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
Shooting Wizard there are a lot of fish in the tank. Which one? Dragon goby? Arowana?
s r
s r - 8 years ago
it got from nice fish setups to 60 goldfish in bag
wichid cichlid
wichid cichlid - 8 years ago
I do believe this is a huge eBay seller I think....I have bought alot of fish from Bangkok i wonder if this is where they are shipping from
Jordan Henrique
Jordan Henrique - 8 years ago
Give back te pirarucus from Brazil!
Paulo Amador
Paulo Amador - 8 years ago
Amin Wassef
Amin Wassef - 8 years ago
adress piease
shanae hutton
shanae hutton - 8 years ago
What type of fish is that one with the bend in its body???
jeana cooke
jeana cooke - 8 years ago
okay even though they are just fish what happens when they are in the bag how do they feed BTW awesome video
Nabstaton - 8 years ago
Does anyone know how to keep a arowana
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
Nabstaton How hard to keep an arowana? Just put in tank and feed it.
Jigs saw27
Jigs saw27 - 8 years ago
nice video
Cxy GamerX
Cxy GamerX - 8 years ago
it my contry
abdullah mohammed
abdullah mohammed - 8 years ago
What's wrong with the snake head at 1:13
AZI3623 - 8 years ago
Fishes are the best pet to keep..
BlueDragon Music Promotions
BlueDragon Music Promotions - 7 years ago
AZI3623 nah
Token Ship
Token Ship - 7 years ago
AZI3623 I have a turtle, she makes no noise or mess but she acts like a dog ^3^
Arcmist - 7 years ago
supalerk pairojboriboon Also they dont shit nor pee on your floormat haha
supalerk pairojboriboon
supalerk pairojboriboon - 7 years ago
they don't make any noise
Allie Fettig
Allie Fettig - 8 years ago
1:04 Why so crooked? It looks like my bf's cock.
TheNewEraHasBegun - 8 years ago
Allie Fettig wanna see mine?
Allie Fettig
Allie Fettig - 8 years ago
+MARIA TAVAREZ the sad part is, it's not a joke.
MARIA TAVAREZ - 8 years ago
lmao :)
Gene Pang
Gene Pang - 8 years ago
Simo Savustaja
Simo Savustaja - 8 years ago
They are broken. The key is to not abuse them.
AZI3623 - 8 years ago
Mine one is not crooked.. You can leave your bf and come to me.
headz88 - 8 years ago
animal cruelty!!!!
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 8 years ago
wow incredible hope to go here one day!!
SLAPCHOPshamwow - 8 years ago
StarSpirits - 8 years ago
+Sweaty cling-ons Piles Muhammad that is true, I mean +Lethal Backstabs​ have you seen a full grown Arowana?? The 3 will be ginormous and the tank too small, they might start territory fights and get hurt/die. When they get bigger you should really rethink on re-homing 2, a 55 gal for 3 is very small (or make a pond like the other guy suggested, there are some good tutorials).

They are classed as "monster fish" for a reason, they are beautiful & I love them but I can't have one (not enough space) so good luck.
Lethal Backstabs
Lethal Backstabs - 8 years ago
dude if u want to get more than one arowana u need at least six to spread out aggression in the tank and if u want to keep several get a shark size tank, just check out TheKingofDIY
D1namite - 8 years ago
Get like a 500 gallon aquarium
StarSpirits - 8 years ago
Why did you get 3?? They will be HUGE. Get the 30g tank for now but save up for a way bigger one if you're gonna keep the 3
Chad Schuster
Chad Schuster - 8 years ago
You need to rehome them. Full sized, one arowanna needs a minimum of a 180 gallon tank.
Jonathan Flores
Jonathan Flores - 8 years ago
i want them all
Lanceivan Quijano
Lanceivan Quijano - 8 years ago
i want to go in that place so bad!!
Khashvir Persad
Khashvir Persad - 8 years ago
how much were those arapaimas?
National Waters
National Waters - 8 years ago
Is there a website??
Hubs88 - 8 years ago
Where are all the customers? It would not take long for this to go very bad.
Thong Yang
Thong Yang - 8 years ago
JungleJimAB9AB - 8 years ago
Amazing! Thanks for posting.
Dion Bhara
Dion Bhara - 8 years ago
r those snake head??? are they supposed to have an arch in their backs like that???
A Fordy
A Fordy - 8 years ago
definitely not
octo cat
octo cat - 8 years ago
I wish American pet stores we're like this
shiney justin
shiney justin - 7 years ago
because they sell the fish in a small bag they get adapted in the small bag since they get adapted in the small bag they will be able to live in a small bowl or tank this is what they do in India. please forgive me if my English is wrong because I live in India and I am sixth grade I know English but sometimes I make mistakes so sorry
MS CM - 8 years ago
Sweaty cling-ons Piles Muhammad Yes but at night they put the fish back into the tank. It's quite a culture/habit here in Asia to pack them in a bag before you open up your shop in the morning. If you compare, the fish here are healthier compare to US or Europe even being packed in tiny tanks.
SpitnGames - 8 years ago
this fish stote wouldn't pass the inspection test over here let alone a license to own one. Americans are way to sensitive when it comes to their pets.
Fish Tropic
Fish Tropic - 8 years ago
Cool channel.. Do you ship fish ?
Bella - 8 years ago
tbh I found you via Andrew Zimmern and your videos are very enjoyable! Thanks for your fishie videos!!
Dua Khaleeq
Dua Khaleeq - 8 years ago
this is very big market . amazing
Sankar Narayanan
Sankar Narayanan - 8 years ago
What r the fish at 5:14 ????
Lisa T
Lisa T - 7 years ago
Sankar Narayanan my only guess is a type of armoured catfish, that's one of the few in the video that stumped me too!
احمد بن راشد الكعبي
احمد بن راشد الكعبي - 8 years ago
If i live in Dubai how can I bring the fish I bought from Thailand
Lelandtjj - 8 years ago
about the fishes in bags. Once they're inside, do they ever feed them?
Akash Das
Akash Das - 7 years ago
Lelandtjj stop acting like a fool
g's farm
g's farm - 8 years ago
Lelandtjj at night they put them back in tanks
LuckyArizona LuckyArizona
LuckyArizona LuckyArizona - 8 years ago
+Justin Buice what dude
Justin Buice
Justin Buice - 8 years ago
LuckyArizona LuckyArizon
LuckyArizona LuckyArizona
LuckyArizona LuckyArizona - 8 years ago
+Kyle Le Dot Net idk also can people order fish from there?
LuckyArizona LuckyArizona
LuckyArizona LuckyArizona - 8 years ago
+Kyle Le Dot Net um dude where r u? asia?
Thai Fh
Thai Fh - 8 years ago
NO. NO. NO. Nobody opens the bag to feed the fish unless they go to a customer's home or go back into the tank. We stop feeding our fish 1 day before they go into any bag.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 8 years ago
Habib Ajid
Habib Ajid - 8 years ago
very amazing
stillborn - 8 years ago
I loved the animal section of chatuchak market. The cobra, scorpion ,rays, sugar gliders, monkeys, fish, tortoise, turtles, dogs, everything imaginable they had!
LOLWUT? - 8 years ago
Think snake heads fought a fish that knew mama...
Ram Niwas
Ram Niwas - 8 years ago
I have 17 fish
ayymazingphil - 8 years ago
me:lets go to the local fish store just to see the fishies
comes home with a fully aquascaped 30 gallon tank, 10 guppies, 10 red cherry shrimp, and a betta (story of my life)
Vash Stampede
Vash Stampede - 6 years ago
They are not supposed to be in the same tank. And I hope you also bought a filter and heater
Carolyn Shumway
Carolyn Shumway - 7 years ago
i understand
Jesper Hudson
Jesper Hudson - 7 years ago
Allaya Shinta I just like you
Ron Mc'sean
Ron Mc'sean - 8 years ago
BoI boi haha i feel you..
BOI boi
BOI boi - 8 years ago
your lucky if i go to places like this i might accidentally bought the whole store
Mony Sa Em
Mony Sa Em - 8 years ago
i know went to buy! you have A FB Acc orr some thing
U wot m8?
U wot m8? - 8 years ago
why did the snake heads have bent backs?!
clifft - 8 years ago
U wot m8? they sometimes modify them to look "cooler" somehow
Aquarismo 94
Aquarismo 94 - 8 years ago
Um sonho para qualquer aquarista estar nessa exposição/feira! Um verdadeiro paraíso para os apaixonados por aquários!
Greetings from Brazil! Great video!
YKLB Fish - 8 years ago
What are those fish at 7:22? I want one
Lethal Backstabs
Lethal Backstabs - 8 years ago
they are high fin loaches and can get huge
RoadKillFrog - 8 years ago
I believe that was a Chinese high fin shark
Imran Khan
Imran Khan - 8 years ago
does the shop owner sends his fishes to other countries ??? i need his number
saptarshi mondal
saptarshi mondal - 8 years ago
can u tell me the name of that giant fish u showed just after the feather
Rainbow Mustachio
Rainbow Mustachio - 8 years ago
Why Are The Betta Fishing Fish Isolated?
jordi lizaola
jordi lizaola - 8 years ago
can you go to thailand and buy these and import them back to the us
Lisa T
Lisa T - 7 years ago
jordi lizaola I am pretty sure you can quite easily. Declare them as ornamental fish but check state laws on restrictions for keeping certain types of fish in some states is illegal. I know Stingrays in California are a definite no no without a nearly impossible to get permit. Carry on luggage us the best place for them and look into breathing bags for space. usually a live fish in the water negates the restriction on liquids as no fish can live in anything dangerous.
shivanebangkok2008 - 8 years ago
I really hate how they just put them in bags ready to go
shivanebangkok2008 - 8 years ago
I need to get more fish......
Aman Vlogs
Aman Vlogs - 8 years ago
Please watch my Oscar Fish channel and please like and subscribe
Azurda Azurda
Azurda Azurda - 8 years ago
Do more fish street vendor
Aaron Woller
Aaron Woller - 8 years ago
1:38 what fish was that?
Mon Ster
Mon Ster - 8 years ago
+giftiger fisch i think its dumbo.
nico - 8 years ago
betta splendens
nico - 8 years ago
betta splendens
Lulu Lis
Lulu Lis - 8 years ago
Kinda feel bad for all the ones in bags.. isnt the air in there only good for like 2 hrs max?? :/
Jowenbra - 8 years ago
24 hours at least, 5 days at most for some fish.
Dillon Chauhan
Dillon Chauhan - 8 years ago
either in england
Usman Khan
Usman Khan - 8 years ago
i cant find this koi quality here :( 8:41
Makoy Unggoy
Makoy Unggoy - 8 years ago
I just wish the Philippines had this kind of market where I was, I wouldn't have bought Pigs then instead!
Lux Starguardian
Lux Starguardian - 6 years ago
I live in iloilo. I also wish they have these shops
Jonix Vinco Villanueva
Jonix Vinco Villanueva - 6 years ago
Sana meron nga dito sa bacolod ang konti ng petstores at ang mamahal ng isda
Elvira Gonzales
Elvira Gonzales - 6 years ago
Majoy i see same i live in angeles in luzon well here fish are better here especially in provinces if provinces have fish stores they would get a lot of orders
Johnlester Sarmiento
Johnlester Sarmiento - 7 years ago
check cartirmar bro
Johnlester Sarmiento
Johnlester Sarmiento - 7 years ago
Dick Gordon
Dick Gordon - 7 years ago
Makoy Unggoy oo nga sana nga
Tak Insect Boy
Tak Insect Boy - 7 years ago
Makoy Unggoy i
Nicole Leah
Nicole Leah - 7 years ago
Cartimar pasay. At arranque sa recto. Dun kami ng kuya ko bumibili. Kpg nasa maasin leyte nmn kmi. sa dagat madami dinadala tito ko. Patay na nga lang. hehe
TIMOTEO MORALES - 8 years ago
san area mo Harone Harder? gsto q ng guppy
Ramon Maligaya
Ramon Maligaya - 8 years ago
taga capiz poh ako ehh
Harone Harder
Harone Harder - 8 years ago
Ramon Maligaya pwede po loc nyo Lang po
Ramon Maligaya
Ramon Maligaya - 8 years ago
pwede pang bumili harone harder
Harone Harder
Harone Harder - 8 years ago
Makoy Unggoy hi po pwede ka buli sakin koi fish gold fish guppy fish any
francis F
francis F - 8 years ago
Makoy Unggoy ang dumi tignan ng cartimar partida dito sa video maayos
clifft - 8 years ago
if you go sa manila sa cartimar. many fish there any kind ang dami
Sam Smither
Sam Smither - 8 years ago
tama ka dyan tol ta3 d2 sa pinas wlang ganyan... mahal pa masyado basta sa pet store
Makoy Unggoy
Makoy Unggoy - 8 years ago
+Andrian Jutba Thanks, but that is in Manila isn't it?...I am in southern Leyte so it's a bit too far, thanks anyway.
Andrian Jutba
Andrian Jutba - 8 years ago
go to Cartimar it's like heaven there
Concepcion Zedrick
Concepcion Zedrick - 8 years ago
+Floro Boniogvyp magkano? goldfish
Seanny The Gamer!
Seanny The Gamer! - 8 years ago
kuys meron po sa cartimar pasay ang mura
Makoy Unggoy
Makoy Unggoy - 8 years ago
+Kyle Le Dot Net No mate, I was living in a remote Province but even in the nearest City they only seemed to have a small amount of aquariums in the store with just a few average looking fish. I really wanted some top quality Ranchu again like i had in England!
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 8 years ago
Im sure they might?
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 8 years ago
no clue
Mokko - 8 years ago
For me, it is very strange to see so many fish pre-bagged. Do they get fed at all? Is the water changed every day? Or do they just sell that quickly that it is not a problem?
Chinmay a
Chinmay a - 8 years ago
want u r contact number
Mokko - 8 years ago
Thank you for clearing that up.

I do understand the fish are all shipped that way but that is generally done in a very short time frame. I had no idea how long the fish in the video were in the bags for.

I am really impressed with the variety and quality of the plants, though. Wish I had those options here.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 8 years ago
+Mokko if they arent sold within the day they are placed back in tanks fed and then bagged later on. fish are shipped all over the world in crammed bags.
Zahid Ghafoor
Zahid Ghafoor - 8 years ago
would you please send me your contact details so that I may contact you for further...

also would you please confirm me the details of any shop keeper for details???
Teneshia Gillard
Teneshia Gillard - 8 years ago
I like the tour but it sucks freshwater fish like Guppies mollies an swordtails an other small fish anyway it sucked your tour sucked
BOI boi
BOI boi - 8 years ago
the vid only showed tiny glimpse of the market ( read the description). If u want to see guppies or stuff why not watch other vid of this place or better just go there yourself.
Liêm Phước
Liêm Phước - 8 years ago
This is a must watch for aquarium hobbyists.
Liêm Phước
Liêm Phước - 8 years ago
This is a must watch for aquarium hobbyists.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 8 years ago
+Liêm Phước thank u
minecraft Evreni
minecraft Evreni - 8 years ago
Çok beğendim bende sizin gibi akvaryumcu açığa
minecraft Evreni
minecraft Evreni - 8 years ago
Çok beğendim bende sizin gibi akvaryumcu açığa
베타 youtube하프문
베타 youtube하프문 - 8 years ago
that fish look fathetic
Anna Kang
Anna Kang - 8 years ago
i don't trust my willpower enough to visit thai fish market tbh. I will be bankrupt! thanks for.the video tho
Bohdi Tree
Bohdi Tree - 8 years ago
It's the Walmart of fish shops, lol.
Splintered Company
Splintered Company - 8 years ago
How do they feed all of the fish in the bags? there's so many of them.
Andrian Jutba
Andrian Jutba - 8 years ago
you dont feed fish if they are transported, fish in the wild don't eat every hour, everyday. Some of them eat once a week, same goes to the ones in captivity, a lot of fish die with overfeeding than underfeeding.
Mario Roz
Mario Roz - 8 years ago
If they are being shipped, they are not fed prior to being packed, in order to not pollute water too much. Unsold fish are usually returned to aquariums or tubs at the end of the day.
nabeel baloch
nabeel baloch - 8 years ago
guppies were amzing
Rizky Bagaskara
Rizky Bagaskara - 8 years ago
motherfucking midi
Rob G
Rob G - 8 years ago
That song goes hard.
Sunil Malla
Sunil Malla - 8 years ago
Oscar fish channel
Foxiszt - 8 years ago
05:43 Laughing at the corner
Jaderaid - 8 years ago
Holy crap they had a alligator gar!
bader almajed
bader almajed - 8 years ago
what is this fish in 7:16 ??
bader almajed
bader almajed - 8 years ago
+Foxy the pirate fox Thank you
Foxiszt - 8 years ago
+bader almajed It's Silver moonfish.
kaipo - 8 years ago
do you know why there are snakeheads with bent bodies?
kaipo - 8 years ago
thought that was cool
James Tinsley
James Tinsley - 8 years ago
can you buy this fish in the US.....
Aquarium Fish Market in Bangkok Thailand.New 2016
Aquarium Fish Market in Bangkok Thailand.New 2016 - 8 years ago
Bangkok's largest concentration of fish and aquarium related products.
Kody Gabay
Kody Gabay - 8 years ago
What song is that
gamze birden
gamze birden - 8 years ago
o dükkan keşke lüleburgazda olsa
devingibson4 - 9 years ago
whats up with the broke back mountain fish
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
devingibson4 Snakehead. Mountain fish lol?
devingibson4 - 9 years ago
I just want a piece of that driftwood with the leave on it
devingibson4 - 9 years ago
I swear fish are the most abused animal in the world
Mike 777
Mike 777 - 8 years ago
jup :(
Marshall Eriksen
Marshall Eriksen - 9 years ago
Why would they have them prepackaged in bags? The fish only have like 20 minutes worth of oxygen when they're in a closed bag like that. After that they slowly start to suffocate.
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
Marshall Eriksen those ship have to transfer asf as they can LOL!
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Marshall Eriksen 20 minutes? You realize that fish are shipped all over the world in bags just like these right?
Gustav - 9 years ago
what was wrong with the snake heads backs
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 8 years ago
+Mario Roz (mroz) :)
Mario Roz
Mario Roz - 8 years ago
+Victor Techakaisri Oh ok, I believe you, I live in Thailand too, but I am not native Thai, I just believe what my family told me (just a quick explanation to get away, I guess).
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 8 years ago
+Mario Roz (mroz) emm... Your getting it wrong Mario , I'm from Thailand and the reason people keep them is they think if they help human or animal they will gain merit and go to the heaven in the after life
Gustav - 8 years ago
Mario Roz
Mario Roz - 8 years ago
In Thailand there is the belief that animals with unusual characteristics bring good fortune, crippled or deformed fish are sometimes kept because they are considered a good omen and can get quite pricey.
Bohdi Tree
Bohdi Tree - 8 years ago
They are Buddhist vegetarians maybe?? Lol
Gustav - 8 years ago
ok thx
Warren Chan
Warren Chan - 8 years ago
+Gustav probably crippled but were not culled. no idea why they would keep them.
Josh Brillantes
Josh Brillantes - 9 years ago
All the fish!
Tintifax - 9 years ago
wow the fish are cheap 35 baht = 1 dollar
Scotish nightmare
Scotish nightmare - 9 years ago
At 513 whats that red fish that looks sick i want one
RoadKillFrog - 9 years ago
+Scotish nightmare 5:13 were peacock bass, and 5:14 I believe was a ripsaw catfish
Scotish nightmare
Scotish nightmare - 9 years ago
Looks like it has scales
Matthew Brown
Matthew Brown - 9 years ago
whats the deal with the bent snakehead fish?
wcslim760 - 9 years ago
Probley not enough room to swim around. They didn't look healthy
hery boy
hery boy - 9 years ago
that is good
Julian McKay
Julian McKay - 9 years ago
not even a 1:11 into the video and I already feel bad for the cramped up large fish
Jovaughn Deforrest
Jovaughn Deforrest - 9 years ago
what happened to the snakeheads
Dan1988 uk
Dan1988 uk - 6 years ago
Thats the breed of snake head
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 8 years ago
They are deform
rishabh sharma
rishabh sharma - 9 years ago
Disappointed! Was expecting cichlids too...........
Bassmaster23 - 9 years ago
I first watched this when I was like 12 comes back to it realized how cool it was watches like 10 more times
petrosp777 - 9 years ago
There is such an amazing range in Asian fish stores, and such a terrible one here in Greece. Does anyone know if they ship to Europe? I would love to go there and choose them myself (if they could handle transporting them here for me).
Ethan Manzano
Ethan Manzano - 9 years ago
its a fish lovers paradise
Iceman4244 - 9 years ago
JJ's Market was there last year. Cool place.
Cjx0r - 9 years ago
You're doing god's work..
InfectiousFX - 9 years ago
To all the slacktivists. One; the fish are only in those bags for two days, as markets like these all around Asia are only open for two days. the store keepers bag the fish and get them ready to sell for the weekends. Once the weekend is over and the market is closed, they put the fish that didn't sell back in their tanks.
Two; You're not saving any precious fish lives by posting comments in youtube videos, if you really care about these fish why not actually do something about it?
Manshil Misra
Manshil Misra - 7 years ago
They're too busy complaining about all the other things online to do anything about anything
Matt Sathrohan
Matt Sathrohan - 9 years ago
Thank youuuuu!
Richard Kyle
Richard Kyle - 9 years ago
This is incredible!!!
Jet Lee
Jet Lee - 9 years ago
all those bettas that are in bags or fishes most likely are being ready for shipping..
Michael Trujillo
Michael Trujillo - 9 years ago
That leucistic gar is amazing
valerie storm
valerie storm - 9 years ago
Why are fish so much cheaper in Asian countries ?
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
In Asia, river everywhere. You can catch some cool fish at there
David Crinion
David Crinion - 8 years ago
+valerie storm you can have bluegill and Sun fish. just gotta catch them. I had large mouth and small mouth bass a couple years ago with my stingray. anything native like that you just gotta catch. I asked the dnr already so I don't want to hear crap about that being illegal lol
Danny Fenty
Danny Fenty - 9 years ago
probably because their so much mass produced and they are popular! and also could be the availability of the species
valerie storm
valerie storm - 9 years ago
+John Hickey what's strange is that it is illegal for us to sell our own native species here in USA. I wouldn't mind having sunfish but not allowed.
John Hickey
John Hickey - 9 years ago
+valerie storm many of the "tropical" species come from SE asia
Tikimohn - 9 years ago
Those snakeheads... they're backs were broken at 90 degree angles... wtf????
Tangyowl - 8 years ago
that doesn't explain why they're on display.
that's a terrible thing to happen to the poor fish.
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 8 years ago
That tank they combine the deform fish with the normal ones
Tangyowl - 9 years ago
+Tikimohn I'm really worried about this too, poor fish :/
valerie storm
valerie storm - 9 years ago
I saw that too :(
sirderpsalot - 9 years ago
+Tikimohn Yeah, that really shocked me too.
lolutkhimtodabarl - 9 years ago
Man those snakeheads have some fucked up backs from being in those tiny aquariums.
Zerobot - 9 years ago
Kyle, can you send me some bettas? Ill pay for them, just need your email. Thanks and awesome video!
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+zerobot002 i cant, but try
wxt64 - 9 years ago
They keep koi fishes in bags how cruel
pentuplemintgum666 - 9 years ago
1:04 WTF is that! I was just thinking about how strange it is that people aren't satisfied with all the awesome fish in nature, that they gravitate toward man made freaks like orandas, flowerhorns with insane nuchal humps, dyed glow-in-the-dark fish, and so on. But this takes the cake! If it isn't a normal fish, and I suspect it isn't. Are those fucking snake heads that have had their backs broken? I feel disgrace as a human and a hobbyist.
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 8 years ago
i though that must have been a tank for fish born with deformity, but then i realised they where for sale
Moto Gaming
Moto Gaming - 9 years ago
Daniel stop it
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Olio3 and danix videos yeah DANIEL!! STOP IT!!
Moto Gaming
Moto Gaming - 9 years ago
Jeannette Oatley
Jeannette Oatley - 9 years ago
I wonder how many of those bags are thrown away because the fish have died. Disgusting that are kept like that
ZoneisHYPE - 7 years ago
Jeannette Oatley I agree
boomboompow - 7 years ago
Jay Lee yeah.. they change the water in bags everyday after business closes.. we dont even see any damaged fish in the video lol
Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 7 years ago
Those fish all look great in the bags and tanks. Much better than the USA. Here in the USA, Petco and Petsmart I have seen many dead fish in the tanks. They just leave them there rotting away. You think they doing a good job in keeping them in a healthy environment? Some people are just uneducated here thinking the business owners will let fish die. ROFL
boomboompow - 7 years ago
Jeannette Oatley this is actually one the better shops ive seen believe it or not lol. ive seen disgusting ones in the philippines and people report em to the government but they dont do shit. thats 3rd world countries for ya.
Kenny James A. Cubero
Kenny James A. Cubero - 7 years ago
Jeannette Oatley I think it's an animal abuse
Nguyen Ngo
Nguyen Ngo - 7 years ago
All of the fish in that store is in much better condition than those living in petsmart or pet co.
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
Jeannette Oatley Most of them will sold out as soon as possible. If some of them not sold out, they will put back into the tanks. If died they throw.
Awesome Achillobator
Awesome Achillobator - 7 years ago
But why are they selling flowerhorns those things aren't right in the head. Half of the ones I've seen have tried to maul everything in sight.
Cars1999 - 7 years ago
I agree. Asians say they are a spiritual lot. I highly doubt that since they are the most materialistic group out of everyone.
Ramsy Hai
Ramsy Hai - 7 years ago
this store keepers know what they are doing! if they dont those fishs would been dead anyone agree with me?
Edi Antonnes
Edi Antonnes - 8 years ago
i am too a hobbyists. i took care of fish since age 8 and i can make sure that those fishes are in the very great condition. living in america doesnt mean u always take good care of ur pets.
Sarah Holding
Sarah Holding - 8 years ago
Josh H disgusting
Andrian Jutba
Andrian Jutba - 8 years ago
oxygen in plastic bags last up to 12 hours, refill again vice versa
Mahira Shahid
Mahira Shahid - 8 years ago
+Usman Khan fish are good i love fishes
Mario Roz
Mario Roz - 8 years ago
I live used to live in Bangkok and our family has a fish shop, I have to tell you that fish can survive quite long in the bag as long as there is enough air. Not too many fish die, but some of them become weak after shipping and might die in the following days if no proper care is taken. Also Fish in the bag sell quite fast and by 5 pm when the market closes there are only a few bags left. Unsold fish are usually taken back to aquariums or tubs, usually to be re-packed later. I hope this answer your question.
Usman Khan
Usman Khan - 8 years ago
i think its the same way they reach us all around the world , most of the good quality fishes are exported from these places and remain in bags for many hours in cargo same way . i do think its cruel even in aquarium if there are so many fishes at any store but its need , i have a stream in my garden to keep them natural
Josh H
Josh H - 8 years ago
Every fish store out there has experienced fish loss, show me one that has not. You need to be more educated about commercial aquarium stores if your going to challenge me about it. From what I have seen in kyle's videos is the Asian market has better fish than the American market!!! Again for all the lazy people and stupid people, they are placed in bags, filled with oxygen and sold. Some do die, just like everywhere else in the world, but what I see is much better looking fish, cheaper fish and a full selection of fish. Show me a store in America that is better!!! If you can't then shut your face.
Jaqueline Levaro
Jaqueline Levaro - 8 years ago
+Josh H she just said they would have been thrown away because they died. Obviously not all fish live JUST to be bought. Shit appends and they die. It's so sad they're kept this way. They're meant to live and swim in open bodies of water, not small ass bags or aquariums.
Aidan R
Aidan R - 8 years ago
They take them out after a day. Those fish look extremely healthy, more healthy than any pet store I've ever seen. And those pet stores kept them in huge tanks.
KawaiiDemonGamer - 8 years ago
+Luke Galloway So you're saying that I know everything about it because I'm Thai.? You're not even in Thailand how would you know.... You know nothing about it too. Well I'm not an ass like you. I am PROUD that I'm Thai.!!!
Kebby Lee
Kebby Lee - 8 years ago
+Luke Galloway The water is yellow because of the medication they put in. Duh you know nothing about fish. Smart ass
Luke - CSGO & More.
Luke - CSGO & More. - 9 years ago
+Josh H But I Understand That They Are Well Cared For Because My Grampa Used To Run A Fish Shop And He Taught Me A Lot About Fish And Stuff Before He Passed Away.
Josh H
Josh H - 9 years ago
Only arrogant people think they understand, when they don't.
Luke - CSGO & More.
Luke - CSGO & More. - 9 years ago
+Josh H my name is luke and i understand :D xD
Josh H
Josh H - 9 years ago
Some people will never understand, just like this guy Luke. These fish look great and healthy. I can't explain what happened to the fish with a broken looking back, but other than that they still look healthy. The Asian fish market consistently has great looking fish, they even look better than what I have seen at the Georgia aquarium in Atlanta. Luke show me an aquarium store that has better, healthier, cheaper fish than what you saw in this video!!!!!!
Smoke My Pipe
Smoke My Pipe - 9 years ago
+DemonOtaku you know exactly how they're cared because you're Thai? That means NOTHING! They are bagged and sat there for a long time with no fresh oxygen or food. The water is yellow so it's clearly not healthy from no filtration. The fish are not cares for, it's just thought of as money for these people. Look at the snakeheads, it looked like someone snapped it in half. Explain that! Then they allow people to frighten the fish by aggressively tapping the tanks?! Yeah great care, amazing.
TheBuinessZ - 9 years ago
+Josh H That's just what I was told buddy.
Josh H
Josh H - 9 years ago
I worked in retail aquarium stores for 5 years and never lost that much in livestock. I understand breeders sometimes/often lose a lot of live stock, but this should not be the case for a retail store unless they dont know what there are doing.

Usually this time of year the fish are bagged up with oxygen. Then placed in a large bag with other bagged fish. Placed in a styrofoam box, with heat pads. Sometimes packed with newspaper. Placed in a cardboard box, then taped up. Most of the time they are not in shipping or transit more than 24 hrs. Summer or winter i never really lost much due to shipping.
TheBuinessZ - 9 years ago
+Josh H It's just a part of breeding. In order to supply demand you often don't have enough tank space. That and living in Canada the temperatures get quite cold so maintaining the temperature of the water while transporting is difficult.
Josh H
Josh H - 9 years ago
If they are losing about 80% of their live stock of fish, then they are not doing something right. Maybe they need to be better educated.
TheBuinessZ - 9 years ago
+Jeannette Oatley Unfortunately the story is not much different in first world countries. I for one live in Canada and while visiting a local chain pet store for Angel fish I was told that nearly 80% of all their stock ends up dying (of angel fish as they cannot handle stress). It was such a shame
KawaiiDemonGamer - 9 years ago
The fish don't just die even if they in the bags because the market only open on Sunday and Saturday. When the market are close they take the fish out and replace them in a tank on the weekdays. They took care of animals very well and not like Petsmart, Petco and other animal store. They took care of animals with care. I know this because I'm Thai and it made me feel sad when other people think of Thai people in a bad way. I agree that it look like they take care of animal in a bag but it's not true that they leave the fish in a bag or a container everyday like other pet store.
Frank - 9 years ago
+Alan Surgeoner No, but I am a hobbyist. I care for my babies more than anything else, they get fed before I do when I'm sick, for petes sake! XD. But I agree with Josh, Business is business and the pet shop is NOT the permanent home of these fish. I do feel it's wrong to overstock fish, but the fish in the video have their own (seemingly clean) area to exist in. While it's true that they would appreciate more territory, you can only hope that the person who purchases them does so with good intention, and will privde them with such. I also have an issue with people who buy fish without knowing the requirements. I.e. you can't keep a redtail catfish in a 55 gallon tank, I don't care how cute it is now that fish will eventually be almost the dimensions of that 55gal tank.
Alan Surgeoner
Alan Surgeoner - 9 years ago
+Josh H No worries Josh. I do understand your points and I'm not having a go at you. Some countries are just more lenient shall we say when it comes to looking out for any animals. I am mainly talking of Asia as so many videos keep coming out not only fish care but the way dogs and cats are rounded up beaten with a club and skinned (lots of times while still alive) I understand people have to make a living and it is not always easy to do it up to a standard when there is no money for facilities etc. I just find it strikes a nerve with me ,even a nerve emotionally. Don't know if it is because I am older now and a pet owner or if it is to do with how I see the state the whole world is in nowadays,where all life seems to be cheap. Anyway a Happy New Year to you and all the best>
Josh H
Josh H - 9 years ago
I do not work in this industry any more, I got tired of the customers more than anything. You may see it as inhumane and cruel. But to me a fish that is farmed raised or captive breed, does not know they aren't in the wild. Everything they see and do in an aquarium is natural to them. For me it is neither Inhumane or cruel for fish to be feed and have clean water everyday. People thinks it ls cruel to not have a large aquarium for fish. Not every person lives in a mansion, most people live in a 2000 sqft home, some in trailers, apts and now even tiny houses. All you need is enough space to be happy. Again, the fish are in a temperary place in a fish store.
Alan Surgeoner
Alan Surgeoner - 9 years ago
+MrWatchesUsleep Do you work in a fish shop or supplier? You seem a bit peeved with myself and possibly others on this comment section and most likely others similar who think this a cruel and inhumane way to keep these fish. I put the comment in because I think it is wrong and there must be a better way to keep all fish for aquariums or displays. You may think "they're only fish", but surely that is maybe a starting place to look at the whole hobby and transporting all pets be it fish to mice and kittens any and all pets that are bred for human enjoyment and pleasure of looking after. Some of the fish in these stores are actually injected with coloureds dye or grown genetically to have big eyes or longer fins etc. A rather cruel way to have something that pleases a person to look at.  
Frank - 9 years ago
+Alan Surgeoner Considering most appear to be in breather bags... They'd live for quite some time, 5+ days depending when they were fed last. and that's on the assumption they aren't returned to a community aquarium when the store closes.
Josh H
Josh H - 9 years ago
I suppose about 24 hours, if packed with oxygen. Remember fish breath oxygen not water. If they dont sell that day, feed them, change the water and pack with new oxygen. This is just a temperary thing for them. I have many hundreds of fish orders from cali and florida, some even direct from fiji. This is how they are shipped.
Alan Surgeoner
Alan Surgeoner - 9 years ago
+Josh H how long do you suppose they survive? 
Josh H
Josh H - 9 years ago
Why would they throw them away. They are a business, they pay for those fish. Why would they leave them in there to die. They put them in there to sell them. You really dont know much about the aquarium industry. Do some research. If i opened an aquarium store in the states, i would model it after these asian stores.
Alan Surgeoner
Alan Surgeoner - 9 years ago
+Jeannette Oatley - I agree with you whole-heartedly. Such a shame these poor fish are kept like that. As you say most probably die. They cant be fed when tied and why would they open the bag when they just go to their fish farm for another few thousand. Life means so little to so many people!
Chaotic Aquariums
Chaotic Aquariums - 9 years ago
Some times I wish I could go all over asia and collect fish from every single amazing fish store
peegee15 - 9 years ago
fish at 7:26. what are those?
Φοίβος - 9 years ago
what is the fish at 5:14 ?
wanderer - 9 years ago
Danny Hoogenboom
Danny Hoogenboom - 9 years ago
this makes me sick seeing fish in plastic bags... its torture...
Nicole Calderón
Nicole Calderón - 8 years ago
MOST OF THE TIME they are only there for a temporary time until they are purchased by a customer. Then they are put into a fish tank, but unfortunately that's not the case for all fish.
Loc Vuong
Loc Vuong - 9 years ago
need more vids like this !!
Loc Vuong
Loc Vuong - 9 years ago
what happen to fish vids??? more please !!!
Loc Vuong
Loc Vuong - 9 years ago
what happen to fish vids??? more please !!!
Kunal Singh
Kunal Singh - 9 years ago
what's the name of fish with broken back??
Token Ship
Token Ship - 7 years ago
Kunal Singh I think it's a snake head, I don't know what's up with it's its back though
Srib - 9 years ago
+Corey Graham its called deformation, its pretty common but i guess they kept them alive for novelty reasons they seem very healthy though.
Marsu Wedding
Marsu Wedding - 9 years ago
i like betta fish
Kunal Singh
Kunal Singh - 9 years ago
+Corey Graham ty
lolutkhimtodabarl - 9 years ago
Lack of space.
The healthy fish keeper
The healthy fish keeper - 9 years ago
snake head, Idk why they would break their backs though... kinda sad..
HermannTheGreat - 9 years ago
Alot of those bags are being prepped for shipment or to go to local fish shops tanks. So many clueless posters here. When the fish are put in bags they are filled with oxygen and stress coat, fish can live for a few days in the bags.
Zaagvis - 6 years ago
Ok so we put u in a bag of a square meter with nuff oxygen for days, very legit comment. FKIN SHEEP
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
Just because they can live in these conditions doesn't mean they should. How do they feed the fish in the bags? They probably don't! The tanks are over populated. Some can't move around! I don't care if it's for business. It's abuse.
James Merryman
James Merryman - 6 years ago
Josie McDonell Have you ever visited an aquarium fish wholesaler in ANY Western country? If you have, you wouldn't be posting this ignorant crap, because their occupied holding tanks are at least as crowded, they almost always have lots of dead or dying fishes in these tanks (because the fishes were delayed, mishandled, or otherwise badly stressed while in transit), AND the fishes, whether they are raised locally (either by private hobbyist breeders, or by Florida fish farms), or by Southeast Asian tropical fish farms, ALWAYS arrive crowded together in plastic bags containing more oxygen dispensed from pressurized canisters than water, because this has proven to be the safest and most reliable method of packing aquarium animals (not just fishes) for air transport. The only exceptions are air breathing fishes such as Bettas and other anabantoids, Corydoras catfishes, some loaches, etc., because these are often permanently injured or ultimately killed by breathing pure oxygen; they are packed with air supplemented with O2. Fishes that are likely to fight and injure each other (male Bettas, pirahnas, etc.) are packed INDIVIDUALLY in small bags. The cost of transporting live fishes in more than minimal amounts of water would be so high that you would be charged $US50 to $US100 for small community aquarium fishes! Additionally, fishes packed in large volumes of water are MUCH more likely to be injured when they are sloshed around, whether they are in air transit when an airplane encounters turbulence, or when they are being carried/driven from the store to their new home.

The fishes in these bags, whether they be in air transit from a hobbyist breeder, a Florida fish farm, or an Asian fish hatchery, to a wholesaler, or displayed in Asian aquarium stores, are routinely fasted for a day before they are transferred to these bags. This prevents them from rapidly contaminating the small volume of water in the bag with their feces, and reduces the amount of very toxic ammonia that they release through their gills (unlike humans and other mammals, fishes generally don't convert their nitrogenous waste [which is produced mainly from the protein in their food] into urea, then into urine, and unlike birds and most reptiles, they don't convert their nitrogenous waste into uric acid and urates. They excrete nitrogenous waste as unconverted ammonia directly into their water through their gills; this ammonia is much more toxic to all animals than urine or urates).

If you know ANYTHING about aquarium or pond fishkeeping, you know that until the biological filter in your aquarium(s) or pond is fully established, you MUST feed your fishes minimal amounts of food to prevent them from poisoning themselves with their own waste products. Because full establishment of a bio filter generally takes 2 to 3 weeks, (some of the new bacteria additives do actually start the biofilter right after they are added to a tank, BUT even using these products still requires 2 to 3 weeks for the seeded biofilter to reach full efficiency) the fishes DO require feeding during this time. When live fishes are shipped or displayed in small volumes of water in plastic bags, ammonia neutralizers are by necessity added to their water. If a fish will only spend 1 or 2 days in a bag, there is NO need to feed it, and there are MANY good reasons to not feed it! The metabolism of tropical fishes in their preferred temperature range is much slower than that of humans, and far slower than that of birds. Don't equate the nutritional needs of a fish with those of a human, or those of a human with most birds!

I've been an aquarist for well over 60 years (I'm a biologist by training and profession), and I worked in the aquarium fish business for much of the 1970s. Although I was born and (mostly) raised in the NE US, I've also spent a good part of my life visiting and travelling around the world, particularly Southeast and East Asia and Western and Central Europe. If you want to see REAL cruelty to fishes, take a look at our US live baitfish industry (our feeder Goldfish and Fathead Minnow industry is a part of this multibillion dollar business), which is also responsible for spreading diseases and parasites to our native fishes, and check out the disease ridden, dying, stressed out fishes at any Petco, Petsmart or other large chain 'petstore'.

I tire of the hordes of science illiterate, emotion driven, racist, xenophobic, fundamentalist Social Justice Warriors and 'animal rights' meddlers who unwittingly flaunt their ignorance about animals, pets, and people and cultures who differ from their own self deluded and self inflated view of their own (often very different from reality) culture and society.

I almost invariably find that the pet fishes offered for sale in Southeast and East Asian stores are healthier and of FAR better quality than those that I buy from retailers and wholesalers here in the US. (For that matter, I generally find the pet fishes in German and Austrian stores to be better than those offered here, but most of their fishes now come from Southeast Asia!) And the selection is generally MUCH better in Asia, as well.
Tae’s Got Beauty
Tae’s Got Beauty - 7 years ago
Josie McDonell lol ur dumb
Tae’s Got Beauty
Tae’s Got Beauty - 7 years ago
Jesper Hudson lol ur dumb
Jesper Hudson
Jesper Hudson - 7 years ago
Josie McDonell I also think about Fishes in the bag . how do they feed them ?? open it up one by one ?? Oo... that's nonsense .. they will be die and just trow it away .. by the way for me this store is awesome and very clean .. actually aquarium store just sell their fish in huge population to make sure customers can see it and pick which one they like .. so the best display is the trick to have customer for your shop
Ed Sanchez
Ed Sanchez - 7 years ago
nice read!! your dumb!! lmfao
정성환 - 7 years ago
Josie McDonell Breh those fish are there for temporary... they sont survive a day in a bag like dat
Reece and lauren
Reece and lauren - 9 years ago
+Srib They're not going to live their whole lives there? What if they're never sold? Or what if the person who purchases them keeps them in the same terrible conditions?
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
Srib - 9 years ago
+Josie McDonell gg
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
Lol, you're dumb.
Srib - 9 years ago
+Josie McDonell Clearly you've ran out of anything to say for your stupidity haha 
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
Lol, you're dumb. They can't even move.
Srib - 9 years ago
+Josie McDonell Whole life? are you perhaps somewhat riddled with extra chromosomes? These are temporary fish bags that are sold to customers who then will put them in a pond or tanks, They're not going to live there their whole lives you moron. 
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
You could live in a clean closet your whole live, but wouldn't be happy.
Srib - 9 years ago
+Josie McDonell nawwww someones got their hand stuck and can't reply with an educated response. 
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
Srib - 9 years ago
+Josie McDonell Ahaha you have nothing to reply because you've just got put in your place. 
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
You as well.
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
You're dumb.
Srib - 9 years ago
+Josie McDonell Perhaps you should fucking observe the water quality within that bag, Nice and clear also to add you should believe someone who actually lives here and know these stores very well and who has spent thousands of dollars here buying fish for my own collection, yes there will be a few dead ones but when do we ever not see 1-2 dead fish in a western aquarium store...,Oh just to add heres what to look at, the water is clear and fresh, Not polluted with fish poop as you can see well within those bags, also perhaps you're ignorant for the fact you know fuckall about how those stores work, These fish are mainly for wholesale purposes where local fish stores will come and collect these and resell. 

Before you talk shit you should understand some basic things first. 
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
Lol, you should be saying that to yourself.
markjohn taming
markjohn taming - 9 years ago
Sir that fish store is not petco...
markjohn taming
markjohn taming - 9 years ago
How ironic..there are people here who doesn't know...let simplefy it they put it the bag for display and if you observe probably not (which is not because your dumb) there is a small quatity of water put into a bag than air(oxygen)...they will put the fish into a tank when the store is closed.
Josie McDonell
Josie McDonell - 9 years ago
God, you're dumb.
LOLWUT? - 9 years ago
It's only for 2 days each week
noah stump
noah stump - 9 years ago
fish at 11:28??
Simply_A.R. - 9 years ago
I'm guessing you mean the arapaima these fish although the beautiful are also the largest freshwater fish in the world, and get to 10 feet long.
noah stump
noah stump - 9 years ago
too bad I live in the us
Anna Stotler
Anna Stotler - 9 years ago
i love and am jealous of how many fish there are but in my opinion keeping the fish in bags is just wrong
Safwan Haseeb
Safwan Haseeb - 9 years ago
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 9 years ago
i live in Norway where one anubias With 5 leaves cost in dollars 15. a betta Fish thats not really good colored cost 40bucks i soo wish i lived in asia because it seems cheaper is it? soo having aquariums here are expensive and well :(
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
Ethan Manzano Not that less. Depends on species and colors
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
Olav Øverland Betta fish in Asia is cheap
Manfred Jung
Manfred Jung - 8 years ago
Please notice that
70% of all Thais have an hourly wage of about 1 Euro, or less. These fish are almost exclusively for local sales.
How is the hourly wage in Norway?
For Thais are many fish here, very expensive ...

Tourist buy no living fish.
The price is a local price,
With EXPORT, one must consider. A large part of the "commodity"
Does not survive.
In addition, the high AIR-MAIL costs, Taxes ectr.
Also the profit for wholesale and retail ..
No wonder the price has to be considerably higher ...
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 8 years ago
+Live Bruserud Reiss well not where i live :p you might get a female that look bad(i live away from any petshops soo its a few people that sell private) but im sure i could get a sic one for 7 but i mean the really nice looking :)
Live Bruserud Reiss
Live Bruserud Reiss - 9 years ago
+Olav Øverland (I'm writing this in english and not norwegian) I wonder where you buy your bettas, cause here in Vestfold, Norway they cost about 7 US dollars.
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 9 years ago
+olav blikra acutally in Thailand the flowerhorn cost only 20-30 dollars , oscar cost 100-150 dollar
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 9 years ago
well and in norway the price is 10 times that :p
Ethan Manzano
Ethan Manzano - 9 years ago
dude Asia's fish aren't cheep 1oscar cost 300$ and 1arowana cost 2500$ and 1 flowerhorn cost 1200$
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 9 years ago
Balaji Gs
Balaji Gs - 9 years ago
+olav blikra A damn nice looking BETTA would hardly cost you $5 - 10 max in India
Wei Lun Loke
Wei Lun Loke - 9 years ago
Here in Malaysia, Bettas can be as cheap as $0.35 and you can get a good coloured one for about $4.
JElo Ingusan
JElo Ingusan - 9 years ago
+Bacon Pancakes hahaha
Bacon Pancakes
Bacon Pancakes - 9 years ago
+JElo Ingusan Yes, That's why I Love it Here, Lol. In Cartimar It's about 20-60 pesos per Piece depending on Its Breed and Style.
JElo Ingusan
JElo Ingusan - 9 years ago
in philippines the betta fish is around 40-100 pesos (just convert it :))
Olav Øverland
Olav Øverland - 9 years ago
Bacon Pancakes
Bacon Pancakes - 9 years ago
+Otto Carius II Here in Philippines, A Majestic Veil Betta costs less than a Dollar.
USS Calamity
USS Calamity - 9 years ago
Here in America, a excellent crown tail Betta goes for 4 bucks
riskbusin3ss - 9 years ago
How long can those fish survive in the bag?
wanderer - 9 years ago
+Amanda Martin no..they probably pack these bags everyday..cause look the water is fairly good
Amanda Martin
Amanda Martin - 9 years ago
Ya and there's hundreds of bags how would u feed them evory day. And I feel sad for them all being cramped up in there
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+riskbusin3ss at least 12 hours
k - 9 years ago
The way they keep the fish in the bags should be illegal...
Frederik - 9 years ago
these arapaimas can grow up to 3m
Frederik - 9 years ago
i think these fish shops are just terrible how they keep them and stuff and seeing these deformed channa micropeltes was just terrible
Frederik - 9 years ago
+Kayla Clayton and the arent able to swim proporly or to breath because they breath oxygen
Kayla Clayton
Kayla Clayton - 9 years ago
Thailand was the first to keep and breed the vast majority of these fish. Nothing cruel about it. These fish are in better care there than in some people's homes. They're not permanent homes so it's okay. Most of the fish live in groups so multiple fish is necessary
stopfollowingme - 9 years ago
heheeh bang cock
Will Mercier
Will Mercier - 9 years ago
Good thing I don't live anywhere near Thailand... I would spend SO much time and money in there!
Hattie Pettit
Hattie Pettit - 6 years ago
Lol same
Brenda Miñano
Brenda Miñano - 7 years ago
Will Mercier paña
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
Will Mercier I'll take a chair and see them whole days
Ramya Yogesh
Ramya Yogesh - 7 years ago
Victor Techakaisri
Victor Techakaisri - 9 years ago
+polen “PURE pazifist” pazifist true i buy discus from seperate tanks and there like 2 that is very teritorial and agressive to others , even though discus is a fish that live peacefully and are not agressive
Mae Trohak-Rekve
Mae Trohak-Rekve - 9 years ago
+Will Mercier although there was a nano tank there for 550 baht, that only equals $21 canadian, lol. Still, it's an amazing sight to see, the scale seems immense!
Frederik - 9 years ago
These fish are living alone they Territories and are very aggressiv even against their own species
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Will Mercier me too. i was so happy there
boussaid ahmed
boussaid ahmed - 9 years ago
that is very good
DILLINGER ROBBS - 9 years ago
Do they ship fish to the USA?
Jerry Xun Lew
Jerry Xun Lew - 9 years ago
I like the alligator gar the most
Nirvana Magnolia
Nirvana Magnolia - 9 years ago
Jatujak Market is the best pet shop in the world.
Killerkings 1111
Killerkings 1111 - 9 years ago
that tank full of rams looked so sick!
Vagelis Zacharias
Vagelis Zacharias - 9 years ago
OMG here in Greece we don't have so many fish shops I wish they had these fishes here :/
Republic Reptiles
Republic Reptiles - 9 years ago
The catfish at 4:11 is awesome. I gotta get one.
Baran Ovacıklı
Baran Ovacıklı - 9 years ago
What happened to the snakehead ?
plymouth spin
plymouth spin - 9 years ago
+holaMattias its spinal curviture, most likely due to the lack of space, and stress at birth
holaMattias - 9 years ago
+Baran Ovacıklı i was thinking the same. must be man made maby to make them look better?.
KingKongGaming - 9 years ago
Will the fish in the bag's run out of air?
holaMattias - 9 years ago
+KingKongGaming not befor it dies of amoniak posion.
Ravi Brown
Ravi Brown - 9 years ago
verrrrrrrrrry nice
Ramesh Haripriya
Ramesh Haripriya - 9 years ago
i have been to that fish market once when i visiting bankok. omg it was soo cool. i spent almost 7h hours in that market
Republic Reptiles
Republic Reptiles - 9 years ago
Why did the snakeheads have bent backs? That should be illegal for animal abuse.
Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso - 9 years ago
Am I the only one who saw the fly river turtle @ 5:01
Ismael Vargas
Ismael Vargas - 9 years ago
if i were there i would go nuts
Kaion Shiu
Kaion Shiu - 9 years ago
Thx a lot
Kaion Shiu
Kaion Shiu - 9 years ago
excuse me, could you please tell me where you took this video ??
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Kaion Shiu chatujak market
Kaion Shiu
Kaion Shiu - 9 years ago
Which part of Bangkok?
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Kaion Shiu bangkok
Minh Nguyen
Minh Nguyen - 9 years ago
I wonder what was wrong with the snackheads
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Minh Nguyen probably some deformed patch that were kept and raised up
gary brathovd
gary brathovd - 9 years ago
do they speak English there
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+gary brathovd some people do. most dont
Robbie Caruso
Robbie Caruso - 9 years ago
They had like 15 giant arapaima in that little ass tank.
vqfive - 9 years ago
3 big snake heads with bent backs. What's the deal with that?
Alan Surgeoner
Alan Surgeoner - 9 years ago
+vqfive  - It must be a genetic deformity. Probably bread like that for someone who liked it so they kept on doing it, wrong in many ways
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+vqfive i have no clue.
Shayan Ali
Shayan Ali - 9 years ago
Thumbs Up For You
Shadowdenn - 9 years ago
Man that was amazing even though i'm a year late lol.
WANDA'S SECRET LOVER - 9 years ago
Ian R
Ian R - 9 years ago
Awesome video, thanks!  I was rocking out to the music
Gregory Jones
Gregory Jones - 9 years ago
how much red arrowa please call 3054172747
killafocker - 9 years ago
i wonder how long before those fishes in the bags die
DNA45080 - 9 years ago
DO me a BIG FAVOR, WHAT KIND OF FISH CYCLID IS THAT showing ON 10:42 time ?? Thanks..
gromann - 9 years ago
+DNA45080 Just a Flowerhorn.
The mighty Kipras
The mighty Kipras - 9 years ago
Was there any ropefishes
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
The mighty Kipras nope. I think that is dragon goby.
ilikeguppies - 9 years ago
nice guppy 5:20
aditya dixit
aditya dixit - 9 years ago
Very nice video you should make more like these.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+aditya dixit yes. i hope to too
sam shah
sam shah - 9 years ago
awesome fish market i have ever seen
Cade Horn
Cade Horn - 9 years ago
That's what I call a fish store
hondakiku25 - 9 years ago
I noticed those were snakeheads but what is wrong with their backs
Logan Ody
Logan Ody - 7 years ago
Deez Nuts their backs were brokem
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
Jordathon I think it's to stop them aggressive?
Fransn0w - 9 years ago
hi Kyle! your videos are excellent! im viewing this and another of yours, but i have a question, in the minute 8:14 which cichild is? i saw it here in Venezuela, 1 time in a aquarium but the vendor doesn't know their name! thanks!!!
Fransn0w - 9 years ago
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Fransn0w kenyi
al jones
al jones - 9 years ago
those poor poor fish
crazy7997 - 9 years ago
I wish my local pet stores was even start to be like this.  I didn't even see one dead fish.  I can always find dead fish at all the pet stores here in N. CA
Stamatina Vel
Stamatina Vel - 9 years ago
This is so sad to watch. I usually like your videos but i would have expected that you wouldn't promote such horrible living conditions for animals.
edmunek - 9 years ago
Totally agree. Fish in a bag with 50ml of water.
Stamatina Vel
Stamatina Vel - 9 years ago
if you agree with me and you think that the conditions in there are unacceptable you should probably say it in your videos
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+WhiteMrs 84 im not promoting. im showing you where your aquarium fish came from. it's a part of the fish industry. it'll never change.
Tareck Fahmi
Tareck Fahmi - 9 years ago
I just hate how the Asians play God and manipulate nature. Stop mutating creatures for money! Besides... having enormous tumors on the head of Flowerhorns or Fancy Goldfish to me is not even attractive.
hondakiku25 - 9 years ago
I never got tumors either but the main issue is the fact that they are painting the fish painfully and physically
Tareck Fahmi
Tareck Fahmi - 9 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet lol i aint hatin on em. if it were anyone else id crap on them. i do love the asian women :-P
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Tareck Fahmi Yeah, those Asians!!!
Jake Norris
Jake Norris - 9 years ago
I wish we had these in texas!
Luke and gaming moments
Luke and gaming moments - 9 years ago
I want to open a store like this when I am older
i - 9 years ago
they most lose a lot of fish in those bags
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+i they don't. if they did, they wouldn't keep doing it. its a business.
ndrooz - 9 years ago
M8 why are the snakeheads shaped like boomerangs?
Meme Machine
Meme Machine - 9 years ago
+bakeddddddd Probably been living in a tank too small for them so their backs grew that way.
They'll live, just uncomfortably.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
i tried to ask but i didn't speak Thai
ndrooz - 9 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet They are definitely baked. Must of been thinking about another special tree
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+bakeddddddd somebody thought fish are like bonsai trees?
samuricexful - 9 years ago
Holy shit that long fin balloon ram at 7 seconds.
ray mcknight
ray mcknight - 9 years ago
For some reason fish market in bangkok is better than in jakarta, it looks the water maintenance very well its awesome, and have much variety of fish, i want fish from bangkok"-"
Atsadawut Phuengsat
Atsadawut Phuengsat - 9 years ago
+ray mcknight that is the reason why i went jj fish market every sat/sun since last 3 months :)
Ashish Gupta
Ashish Gupta - 9 years ago
My lobs are very big than theirs
Ella Bella
Ella Bella - 9 years ago
that girl tapping on the glass though
ughno no n o stoP
cihan yurt
cihan yurt - 9 years ago
0:13 wow
wahyu widiyanto
wahyu widiyanto - 9 years ago
wow.amazing fish
Eli Krux
Eli Krux - 9 years ago
Hey man , your bids are pretty awesome . I have an over stocked tank at the moment , do think my black Moore's can live in a 15 gallon big bin without the lid ?
Eli Krux
Eli Krux - 9 years ago
Thanks for replying so quickly , and I sure will upgrade soon , just waiting for the $1 per gallon sale at petco
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Nilton Krux sure. but ull need to upgrade soon
vivek jaiswal
vivek jaiswal - 9 years ago
can anyone guide me how to import these fishes from bangkok to india ???
Music World
Music World - 9 years ago
+vivek jaiswal You cant better to buy in india
Walter R.
Walter R. - 9 years ago
I couldn't see the video because of the crap music
UncIe Bete
UncIe Bete - 9 years ago
+Walter R.
lol... but yea, I'd rather just hear the natural sounds of the Market.
Walter R.
Walter R. - 9 years ago
Crap music. Instead of playing my own music I prefer to let them know that the music sucks and move on to the next one. If you don't like my comment then mute the comment and read another one that might satisfy your desires.
holaMattias - 9 years ago
+Koen Benus did you even read my massage? or you dont understand english? 
k - 9 years ago
+holaMattias Mute the sound on the vid right next to the "play" and "next" button... put your own music on with Spotify, SoundCloud or whatever you have to listen music with.. it's that fucking simple
holaMattias - 9 years ago
+Walter R. well thats the thing with youtube videos, you can mute them and play your own music xD
Jai Speaks
Jai Speaks - 9 years ago
This is one of the better looking large fish stores I've seen honestly, the fish look healthy and well cared for, much better than even pet stores that carry 1/10th of the fish the do here. People can complain about the tanks or whatever but considering these tanks are temporary homes to these fish, they're pretty great. As far as fish markets go, this is so much more humane than the others I've seen.
Pam Langstein
Pam Langstein - 9 years ago
WOW is right! Kyle do you export some of these beauties???
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Pam Langstein no.... i just went as a tourist
Daniel Mayorga
Daniel Mayorga - 9 years ago
Hi Kyle i enjoy a lot this video, im a new subscriber of your YouTube channel, also im a fish lover and im in search for a Black Oranda about 5" or 6", did you know somebody who can export Oranda Goldfish?... by the way i live in Mexico. Hope you can help me, have a nice one and i'll wait for your reply
mayle2010 - 9 years ago
What is the name of those fish that kind-of look like boomerangs?
mayle2010 - 9 years ago
+Vincent Chi thanks
Vincent Chi
Vincent Chi - 9 years ago
+mayle2010 i think they are snakeheads, and they aren't supposed to look like boomerangs...
mayle2010 - 9 years ago
Just have to say. . .the bags are cleaner than any petstore tank I've seen over here in Florida!!
Chino 0701
Chino 0701 - 9 years ago
The fish look heathy but why put them in BAGS????
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
Chino 0701 To sell. And no waste time.
SuperZandersmom - 9 years ago
this video is interesting,, but those poor fish !!! Why would they keep them in all those plastic bags and not just a tank??
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+SuperZandersmom whole sale fish need to be kept in big bags. its exactly how ur fish got to your local fish store
SuperZandersmom - 9 years ago
shouldn't they keep it in the tank and then put it in the plastic bags when people buy them, like other pet stores do. or did I just miss something in the video, this did not look like one of those road side stands or one of those people who sell fish on the back of their bikes like I have seen in other videos..?
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+SuperZandersmom it would be very difficult to transport a tank full of fish.
Norma Gumba
Norma Gumba - 9 years ago
:) this is how much I love the video:):):)=)=)<)§§Δ§§®©™][][][[][[][[][][[[[[[[[~§]°π^©|€•√√•®°¢¥^®^•€¢•¢℅°¢™®¢|°•™€•¥^•€®™®®• xvrgdxcrfgdrfdcrgdcrgdfvcrxcrd means super happy I know that's not a word
Norma Gumba
Norma Gumba - 9 years ago
How much are the scales the full scale fish
judy hobday
judy hobday - 9 years ago
tanks are lovely, fish in bags, not so much
Iyana Vee
Iyana Vee - 9 years ago
Omg you guys with dumb comments about the plastic bags! The air pocket in the bag is keeping them alive and at the day the fish are obviously returned to their tanks . Water absorbs gases like oygen. It's simple science.
Why would business people kill like hundreds of their livestock and loose profit? Don't be dumb. The fish look healthy and well fed so shut up.
Laüs Vandewynckele
Laüs Vandewynckele - 7 years ago
Its still better than Wal-Mart
Rad Mads
Rad Mads - 7 years ago
Iyana Vee they actually put a high concentration of oxygen in the air at the top of the bag so yeah you're right
Bárbara R
Bárbara R - 7 years ago
there were thousand fishes in baggs and not a single one was dead (that we saw) obviously the T° there must be enough to get them warm and they probably don't stay forever in the bags, or they would all be dead
Kevin Xu
Kevin Xu - 7 years ago
Its called close-minded people living in their rabbit holes thinking that the entire world is what they see above their rabbit holes. Also, these fish look healthier than the ones they keep in US and Canadian fish stores.
Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 7 years ago
Iyana Vee Only dumb will say "OMG THEY WILL DIE!"
Loripop - 8 years ago
Iyana Vee ya when ever I watch a fish store and they show Bettas I go to the comments and look for pissed off people
Norma Gumba
Norma Gumba - 9 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet how much are the bubble eyed goldfish cost and I know how you know what it is so that's all how much are the alligator gar can you go to the Philippines in do you do there because we're going there after my school because I'm in third grade and you in online I'm 9 I mean online so if you can actually how to order whatever how much are the actual AM axolotl E oh lol TL survival run cover the wrong words I really want to you can you please talk to me you really gotta put my new sponsor this being as you don't tell me how much I go fish.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Iyana Vee people in the western world dont know where their food comes from and where their aquarium fish come from either
Norma Gumba
Norma Gumba - 9 years ago
I love fish and I wish to be there I don't to get off. This site so instead I'll write it down.
Himanshu Saxena
Himanshu Saxena - 9 years ago
So beautiful fishes i loving it.........:)  
Tigger - 9 years ago
Typical petas everywhere but the one place it's needed lol. On a serious note beautiful store would love to live there however not sure it's feasible for them to keep me their
Elli Case
Elli Case - 9 years ago
How many fish they put in a bag is ridiculous! Making a fish "live" in a bag is ridiculous in the first place... I wish I could make the people who run that shop be put in a bag with ten other people so they can barely move, breathe, and eat. Then sit in their waste for days... See how they like it!
Norma Gumba
Norma Gumba - 9 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet Well its hard to believe those fish are fake but I wish you had a billion likes and no unlikes well do they have crawfish
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Elli Case welcome to how all fish are kept and transported. it's just how things are. deal with it.
WILD4149 - 9 years ago
Goliath tiger fish @4:43
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+WILD4149 cool
JarMaticHD - 9 years ago
In the US all of those fish gotta be worth over a million dollars
JarMaticHD - 9 years ago
You are very lucky my friend
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+JarHeadProductions here in thailand they're probably worth like a thousand
Reptile Lover
Reptile Lover - 9 years ago
Truly amazed. If only they could have an awesome place like that in the U.S I would be in heaven and go there every day!
Reptile Lover
Reptile Lover - 9 years ago
welcome :)
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Reptile Lover thanks for the sub!
Amber Lee
Amber Lee - 9 years ago
It's so crowded...
TimelessEndless - 9 years ago
Hello, do you have Channa Argus / Northern Snakehead available in your local LFS? I am from Malaysia and looking for someone who can ship for me. Can you help me or do you know any LFS or online fish store that ships overseas? Thank you for your time.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+TimelessEndless Maybe someone else can help you, but i have no idea
Joaquim Markus
Joaquim Markus - 9 years ago
Vary nice.How much does that albino gar cost?
Joaquim Markus
Joaquim Markus - 9 years ago
+Norma Gumba It's quite easy to guess...

He must be very very expensive..
Norma Gumba
Norma Gumba - 9 years ago
How you know what it is
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+Joaquim Markus no clue
MulliganGambler - 9 years ago
Anyone know the song? Very cool melody!
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+MulliganGambler check out Antti Luode's music!
TimmyME - 9 years ago
Why are those big fishes all bent 9:08 ?
Norma Gumba
Norma Gumba - 9 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet Nice if you could dyrect me there I would give you my birthday money which is like near or 100dollars and how much do those bubble eyed goldfish cost and that bent thing so I know how much gallons they need.
Joaquim Markus
Joaquim Markus - 9 years ago
those are mutated,deformed or mutilated snakeheads :(
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 9 years ago
+TimmyME not sure. i dont speak Thai, so I couldnt ask.
Betta Time
Betta Time - 9 years ago
You should have got the male blue plakat betta
nozii06 - 10 years ago
i really wish to live there in a second life :D
scrapironfish - 10 years ago
Holy shit!
Mr Me
Mr Me - 10 years ago
1:04 ish are those fish that shape because of tank size? if so wil they correct when put in tank big enough? just interested i dont like it but thats the fish industry
Mr Me
Mr Me - 10 years ago
thank iv never saw anything like that cant think of anyone wanting that in their tank but each to their own i guess
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Mr Me No. i believe it was either genetically like that - such as a birth defect or purpose manipulation. I couldn't gt an answer out of the owner. and they wont correct themeslves.
MOHAN Kanagasabai
MOHAN Kanagasabai - 10 years ago
abuse not wow you muppet some asians are always cruel to animals you fricking idiot
gesman5000 - 9 years ago
+Norma Gumba bubble eyed needs at least 20 litres per fish no fish bowl
Norma Gumba
Norma Gumba - 9 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet I'm 9im donte and I love fish and I want to go there since I like bubble eyed goldfish which is the one that had bubley cheeks I want to also meet you too
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+MOHAN Kanagasabai i've never been called a muppet before. thank you
Redbull357 - 10 years ago
show the exotic animal markets too, like owls, turtles etc. 
Fishboy107 Pond
Fishboy107 Pond - 10 years ago
What kind of guppys are those at 5:21
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 10 years ago
This is PURE ABUSE. Keeping fish that can get up to A FOOT LONG in a bag with A TEASPOON OF WATER. This worse that Walmart's fish. JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN LIVE IN THIS CONDITION DOESN'T MEAN THEY SHOULD.
Zaagvis - 6 years ago
Lmao.. All these freaks on internet.. The ones sayin this is just the way it goes are fkin sheep. U guys say the fish will be put back when they didnt get to sell. So its possible for them to get in and out of the bag for days without selling. I dont get why u just catch the fish when someone wants to buy. YE ITS JUST HOW IT GOES THIS AND THAT BULLCRAP. Everyone entitled to their own opinion and im with Donna for sure. Just because you guys talk alot doesnt mean ur more right. Its just that u have alot of sheep who think the same. If u love animals u dont stand behind this, even tho "its the way it goes". And sayin like: DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT INSTEAD OF TALK TALK TALk is also a bullshit comment. I would like to see you not mentioning terrorism because u have to fight it urself before u can have a opinion or a vieuw. Fact is that 80% of ppl cant think for themselves so u get these retarded discussions.. now fk u all, im gonna eat some fish
Skitzo Frania
Skitzo Frania - 7 years ago
Aaron Wagner

Aaron Wagner
Aaron Wagner - 7 years ago
Since she doesn't answer anymore I willd o it for her:
Tae’s Got Beauty
Tae’s Got Beauty - 7 years ago
You are just jealous that OhhHades is smarter than you
Skitzo Frania
Skitzo Frania - 7 years ago
Dude, you're taking it a little too far
Teolulz - 7 years ago
Donna try losing some weight first before taking on some greater cause. i bet you are FAT.

Shreyas Acharya
Shreyas Acharya - 8 years ago
but again, i like how you care about the fish. petco and petsmart usually do this bag thing but never remove them and don't care if they die. but these guys are way different from your regular American stores.
Shreyas Acharya
Shreyas Acharya - 8 years ago
name one fish in the video that was a footlong in a teaspoon of water.
I'm waiting.
Shreyas Acharya
Shreyas Acharya - 8 years ago
i bet she's one of those people who have just gupoies in their tank and probably other easy to keep fishes that aren't dying only because they're a little hardy.
trust us people who know a thing or two about this, they release them after the day is done.
stupid vegans
Loripop - 8 years ago
Donna McDonell its more than a tea spoon and they don't live in there their who lives dip shit
Loripop - 8 years ago
Donna McDonell then why the hell did you click on this video and it's not what it looks like you probably never kept any fish in your life
Shreyas Acharya
Shreyas Acharya - 8 years ago
Donna McDonell they put them back before they close down.
Malachi _ Footballboss
Malachi _ Footballboss - 8 years ago
Donna McDonell you exaggerated
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 9 years ago
zFantasiez - 9 years ago
+Donna McDonell You poor old lonely fish lady
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 9 years ago
I keep them in plenty of room.
OhhHades | Brings Agony.
OhhHades | Brings Agony. - 9 years ago
thats good to hear. so you keep fishes right. if you're so against the process of selling fishes, why are you keeping them in the first place, why not let it be free. Oh yeah, i also own a black diamond stingray. :)
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 9 years ago
Well, I own happy fish that happen to be able to move and swim and have way more than a teaspoon of water.
OhhHades | Brings Agony.
OhhHades | Brings Agony. - 9 years ago
+Donna McDonell Heh, from all your replies, i can tell that you are a stubborn, ignorant little fucker you are. Please educate yourself first before getting into any fish keeping. Cheers.
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 9 years ago
OhhHades | Brings Agony.
OhhHades | Brings Agony. - 9 years ago
Personally i know my place's LFS do that. tedious/time consuming job is better than having more dead fishes. :) my 2 cents.
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 9 years ago
OhhHades | Brings Agony.
OhhHades | Brings Agony. - 9 years ago
clearly you loss your point in this 'discussion'
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 9 years ago
OhhHades | Brings Agony.
OhhHades | Brings Agony. - 9 years ago
+Donna McDonell again, enlighten me on how is it not true. what i gave you is all facts. and after i wrote all of that and you gave me 3 words reply? shows what?
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 9 years ago
Nope, not true.
OhhHades | Brings Agony.
OhhHades | Brings Agony. - 9 years ago
1. they live in tiny bags because they are displayed to sell. and once the day is done they take them out of the bag and put it in a tank. 

2. Don't exaggerate on the tank is over crowded and they can't move. they can. 

3. The tank is clean enough imo. Can you manage to clean a whole shop? 

If little things and issues like this stress you out, then i suggest you quit this hobby. 
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 9 years ago
1. They live in tiny bags which ammonia builds up fast in.
2. They live in over crowed tanks where they can't move.
3.The tanks never get cleaned out.
That enough for you???
OhhHades | Brings Agony.
OhhHades | Brings Agony. - 9 years ago
+Donna McDonell enlighten me on how is it abuse? Since i have stated why it isn't. 
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 9 years ago
Nope, it's abuse.
OhhHades | Brings Agony.
OhhHades | Brings Agony. - 9 years ago
+Donna McDonell abuse? kinda ironic don't you think? How do you get your fish to your place? by BIG PAILS? In a bag as well right? be a little open minded for once. Not everything is abuse. Cheers.
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 10 years ago
Don't you mean most go to live in bowls. Even if it's " Just for sale" It's still abuse.
nozii06 - 10 years ago
they don't live in bags, this is only for sale, when the shop is closed they go to regular tank
Donna McDonell
Donna McDonell - 10 years ago
How do they feed them? How do they clean their water? I buy fish from GOOD breeders whom don't abuse their fish.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Donna McDonell Donna, get over it, this is how your fish and all fish store fish are bought and sold all over the world. these fish are kept in bags because they are on sale.
River Iris
River Iris - 10 years ago
sooooooooo many lol XD D X
River Iris
River Iris - 10 years ago
seems a little cruel to keep a fish in a bag 
River Iris
River Iris - 10 years ago
cool fish though 
River Iris
River Iris - 10 years ago
do the fish in the bage get food???????????
Lisa T
Lisa T - 7 years ago
Danielle Cunniff I hope not! you don't want to kill them!
William Dawkins
William Dawkins - 10 years ago
Shouldn't those bags have more water in'em? Seems like the fish would die kinda fast?
OhhHades | Brings Agony.
OhhHades | Brings Agony. - 9 years ago
It's not that the water is not enough, it's for the oxygen in the bags. If the water is 3 quarter full, there will be less oxygen resulting to less time for the fish to survive, so less water = more oxygen is better. :)
MyFishCare - 10 years ago
No they don't, I know it sounds cruel but it's true, because the water is there for the fish to survive but fish also breathe oxygen so that is why the ISNT as much water in the bags because the fish need air more than the water :)
River Iris
River Iris - 10 years ago
your right they barely have any water well not enough it looks like at least  
mantidgirl - 10 years ago
This is... WOW
Mixture Aquatics
Mixture Aquatics - 10 years ago
The snakeheads have the spine broken/deformed so there not as violent and won't eat all the other tankmates
ellan roubeno
ellan roubeno - 10 years ago
250 what ?? Bangkok currency ?? And in $ how much
cynthia cooper
cynthia cooper - 10 years ago
you have to get me one of them fish with the big gigantic bumps on their head and the one with the big cheeks there SO CUTE!!!!!!
cynthia cooper
cynthia cooper - 10 years ago
i have a betta fish at home his name is arpeggio and he has blue on one side of him and green on the other
Hubs88 - 10 years ago
Talk about over kill
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Hubs88 people are fanatics about fish!
Mr66Yellow - 10 years ago
Wow!!  I was at Chatuchak Market for the night market, and all shops in the middle were closed. Didn't even know its a tropical fish market. I guess I missed out. : (
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
You want to do bring home a fish
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Benny Moreno what ?
TheDcgj45 - 10 years ago
I have never seen fish like these in the states. WOW!
webcyber1984 - 10 years ago
thks for sharing the tanks look so clean 
webcyber1984 - 10 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet
what do you meen the werent . i see no dead fish the water sparkling clear
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+webcyber1984 yeah. they weren't alright. 
VicariousReality7 - 10 years ago
Interesting, but disturbing
Thousands of primitive lives imprisoned forever
VicariousReality7 - 10 years ago
+Kevin Navarro
That is literally right.
Turbo TA
Turbo TA - 10 years ago
Omg please stop. Those fish are gonna be spoiled rotten in someone's fish tank.
Paulo Pimentel
Paulo Pimentel - 10 years ago
pena que ainda no Brasil o aquarismo é um hobby caro e temos poucos profissionais no ramo. O peixe é de pouca qualidade e caro.
Sammy - 10 years ago
So many beautiful fishes to choose from at bargain prices Kyle.
You should get some :)
ENR Outdoors
ENR Outdoors - 10 years ago
why are the snake heads backs arched?
terry palmore
terry palmore - 10 years ago
How difficult is it to ship/have delivered these specimens of beauty?
terry palmore
terry palmore - 9 years ago
At an exchange rate of $1 to 37 you can buy expensive fish for much less...but if the shipping and regulations are expensive the point in mut.
PotatoMasher81 - 9 years ago
+Alex Ayala you can get these in the USA as well right? So why ship them?
Alex Ayala
Alex Ayala - 10 years ago
this place is amazing on my stop over to bangkok i managed to pick up so many bags of guppies and shrimps and shipped em to usa. but it was easy for me because i hav a license from the us wild life and fishery to be able to bring em back home.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+terry palmore I have no idea. but it's possible. dudes on aquabid get them straight from here
terry palmore
terry palmore - 10 years ago
i KNOW THE sIAMESE FIGHTING FISH (IN THE SQUARE LITTLE TANKS) have lungs and can survive with no air pump...but what about all the bagged fish? They don't even have cambria plants to co-live with! Do they sell that many an hour or do they just kill alot of fish?
River Iris
River Iris - 10 years ago
+Alex Ayala oh 
Alex Ayala
Alex Ayala - 10 years ago
at the end of the day they put them back in their tanks and switch them with new fish the next day. bags hav been filled with oxygen tanks for extra longitivity.
mubarak zahari
mubarak zahari - 10 years ago
they put oxygen already...that fish can last long there
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+terry palmore they sell them by the end of the day. few fish actually die. 
Seaver Lilly
Seaver Lilly - 10 years ago
amazing how clear the water is and how healthy the fish are! great video thanks for sharing
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Seaver Lilly did you see my Hong Kong street market fish video? yet? its even better!
Fish Fanatic
Fish Fanatic - 10 years ago
I want a freshwater stingray so badly /:
Fish Fanatic
Fish Fanatic - 9 years ago
+Pablo Picasso oh \:
Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso - 9 years ago
+Fish Fanatic I have had several before, believe me…they are a hell of a lot of work. Some even refuse to eat after being purchased.
Suneal Chauhan
Suneal Chauhan - 10 years ago
hey what is the name of fish  at 7:23,,,,,,, 
Michael Brameyer
Michael Brameyer - 10 years ago
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Michael Brameyer sad part is you can't take paradise home
cristales templados Y mas
cristales templados Y mas - 10 years ago
xcellent video, from dominican republic!
Que Tips
Que Tips - 10 years ago
The gold fish are so fat its like their struggling to swim its so funny
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Jayman gaming stay tuned for an awesome video from Hong Kong
laurie hamilton
laurie hamilton - 10 years ago
A better picture of them is at 9:10.
laurie hamilton
laurie hamilton - 10 years ago
Hi at 1:06 on your video What is the fish with a twisted back called? Thanks
laurie hamilton
laurie hamilton - 9 years ago
Your right they really look deformed mutant Fish. But I kind of like them.
pusc1f3r - 9 years ago
+Scolopendra Subspinpes They really don't look healthy....
Sky's Fishroom
Sky's Fishroom - 10 years ago
giant snakehead
TheRandomChannel - 10 years ago
I would go CRAZY in a place like that. I wouldn't even know where to start! So many amazing fish!
Alisa - 10 years ago
My dream
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
it doesn't matter. you can still go. i don't speak thai
Alisa - 10 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet My dream is to go to there, but I can't speak Thai .
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Alisa Li what is it?
rodney faust
rodney faust - 10 years ago
Love it
rodney faust
rodney faust - 10 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet Thanks 4the you live there
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+rodney faust subsrube rodney, fo ra lot more
Freddy Delgado
Freddy Delgado - 10 years ago
I was hopping to see saltwater fish and coral !!
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Freddy Delgado i might do some more in the future. no worries. 
debopam banerjee
debopam banerjee - 10 years ago
Thanks Please keep me sending such Information about various ornamental fishes.
Patrick O
Patrick O - 10 years ago
This is horrible! All these fish are miserable and those poor goldfish in plastic bags? That is no way to live. 
Forever SG
Forever SG - 10 years ago
Robert Werner
Robert Werner - 10 years ago
Das ist pure Tierquälerei! Zu viele Fische müssen auf viel zu kleinem Raum leben! Die Becken sind total überfüllt! Viele müssen in Plastikbeuteln sein, die viel zu klein sind und teilweise zu wenig Wasser beinhalten, wer weis wie lang!
WhoDatFishtanks - 10 years ago
Great video, that place looks like awesome.  Any idea how much those flowerhorns are in U.S $, I am just curious.
Jessen Tanks
Jessen Tanks - 10 years ago
Well I saw 430 Baht, which is about $13 :)
Bassmaster23 - 10 years ago
What's up with the snake heads?
TheDaniel301196 - 10 years ago
Broken back disease possibly but that usually occurs in Carp mainly, it may be a sort of genetic modification done by breeders.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Bassmaster23 its a mystery. i think they were bent on purpose, but who knows
Bassmaster23 - 10 years ago
8:59 airapima? Really
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Bassmaster23 yes
Alex Hutchinson
Alex Hutchinson - 10 years ago
Poor fish, being kept in water that isn't filtered and without food for how long?
bubbles n booze
bubbles n booze - 10 years ago
+Avinash Ganapa shot bro set them right 
Avinash Ganapa
Avinash Ganapa - 10 years ago
dude that water u see is an extract of almond leaf, which keeps the fish healthy....
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Alex Hutchinson until they are sold or dead.
NOLI LARIDA - 10 years ago
wow.....what a nice pet....
nipurna singh Tharu
nipurna singh Tharu - 10 years ago
i like your video more when you tell about the things we see in video.
Jamie Holloway
Jamie Holloway - 10 years ago
The issue is with a lot of places like this the tanks are often two small or other stocked personally this one didn't look to bad apart from the fish in the bags there should be some restrictions like you carnt sell a fish if the store can not look after it it's entire life
hallyuniverse - 10 years ago
The fish in the bags are probably popular fish that they know they'll sell out of that day.
James Joshua Usi
James Joshua Usi - 10 years ago
can you breed bettas
James Joshua Usi
James Joshua Usi - 10 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet why

Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+James Joshua Usi i can not. 
catklyst - 10 years ago
You see any people with bee shrimp, or cherry shrimp?
ZebraJCH - 10 years ago
Many of those fish are in extremely tiny pockets of water. That can't be good for them for any period of time, let alone waiting to be sold.

I doubt in a place like that there is anything anyone can do about it though, which is sad.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+ZebraJCH these places have existed for hundreds of years before filtration and that crap. 
Ivin Setnomarim
Ivin Setnomarim - 10 years ago
The flowerhorns -
I would have so many species tanks if I had a local fish market like this.
Palm Siritip
Palm Siritip - 10 years ago
Oh how I missed my Bangkok and Chatuchak market, I'm in Norway for my study at the moment, used to always go to the fish market every week. I've been watching some of your videos for a while and was going to suggest this fish market for you to visit, glad you liked it there.
Mario Rodriguez San Pedro
Mario Rodriguez San Pedro - 10 years ago
Precioso video
Alexander Alexayev
Alexander Alexayev - 10 years ago
Holy Cannoli! NYC has been officially put to shame!
If America had more shops that truly catered to fish people the hobby would be a lot more popular. Having a tropical climate where these animals could survive outdoors would probably help too :)
btw- what are those white wriggly things in the plastic bag at 11:04 - 11:06 ?
Zachary Silva
Zachary Silva - 10 years ago
I think they are baby Coolie Loaches.
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Alexander Alexayev some kinda catfish. Thanks for watching. Please share with your  friends
emazingjodaan - 10 years ago
Why cant people do these in America!! Best aquarium shops ever!! I'd be there alll day buying lol
danturbo316 - 10 years ago
I saw some crooked fish,but at the same time some of the bags had plants in them.
GordTheLocke - 10 years ago
nice vids! finally somebody posts great video footage of the fish markets.

1:05 What is up with those deformed snakeheads ? I think they're snakeheads? I wanna grab them at each end and pull them straight! lol

5:00 and again at 9:00 was that a tank filled with Arapaima gigas ? wow!

great job!
David Lallement
David Lallement - 10 years ago
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+gordthegeek not sure if they're deformed or they were purposely made to be like that
I Pleedafif
I Pleedafif - 10 years ago
Amazing! First time I've seen a silver alligator gar. Asian arowana, flowerhorns and arapaimas are freakin' gorgeous! The "Broke Back" snakeheads were weird tho. 
myjdms - 10 years ago
how much did the betta cost there?
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+myjdms as little as 0.155 cents upwards to 25 dollars
Gold MasterLy
Gold MasterLy - 10 years ago
how much were the bettas there? Very nice bettas!
Peter Xyooj
Peter Xyooj - 10 years ago
I want that white Gar and all of the betta 
sekirei9823 - 10 years ago
i'm so jelly! looks like so much fun
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Hieu Nguyen No idea
tarun kumar Sikarwar
tarun kumar Sikarwar - 10 years ago
is so beautiful
Oli  Parsons
Oli Parsons - 10 years ago
fucking idiots breeding channa so that there are bent only in that fucked up country uld see this shit retards
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Oli Parsons you okay?
Oli  Parsons
Oli Parsons - 10 years ago
fucking idiots breeding channa so that there are bent only in that fucked up country uld see this shit retards
King Cong
King Cong - 10 years ago
That's what I'm talking about son!!!
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More - 10 years ago
Just beautiful...what kind of camera did you use?
Ludo De Groote
Ludo De Groote - 10 years ago
Probably one he can't hold still :-(
The Reeper
The Reeper - 10 years ago
+Yameen Yamoday
Yameen Yamoday
Yameen Yamoday - 10 years ago
The Reeper
The Reeper - 10 years ago
+Yameen Yamoday
 i dont have the room sorry. i would love them thoe. thanks for the offfer
Yameen Yamoday
Yameen Yamoday - 10 years ago
i can give a bucket full of them for free
The Reeper
The Reeper - 10 years ago
+Yameen Yamoday
 I LOVE THEM! but there dam pricey here
Yameen Yamoday
Yameen Yamoday - 10 years ago
+kkirschkk sailfins? man i have a bout a million of them in a well! i hate them i lot tho
The Reeper
The Reeper - 10 years ago
+James Joshua Usi
 i know, a large plato cost here 200$ over there it is 5$
James Joshua Usi
James Joshua Usi - 10 years ago
+kkirschkk your right 
The Reeper
The Reeper - 10 years ago
+Kyle LeDotNet
 i hate how much fish cost he in the states, my 2 sail fin molys cost 20$!
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More - 10 years ago
Yeah...Sony makes a good camera...I find my Canons are always too grainy :(
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
Sony RX100, raw footage
Danny Nguyen
Danny Nguyen - 10 years ago
I would be broke if a place like this existed near my house. Would you happen to know the names of some of the stranger fishes? I've never seen anything like them like the bent snake like fish or the long one with the Oscar like red scales.
TheOwlyCat - 10 years ago
I think the longer one is an arapaima? And I would be so broke as well
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
those are snakeheads, though they arent supposed to be bent. the oscar like red scales are either arowanas or some kind of african bass, which ones are you talking about?
yalman32 - 10 years ago
So dam beautiful if only they let me import some of those fish
zcarenow - 10 years ago
nice fish shop! keep that techno going too!! haha
JR Patilan Gaming
JR Patilan Gaming - 10 years ago
come here in the Philippines =)
Steve Dang
Steve Dang - 10 years ago
Very empresive fish shop so much fish I would go insane in there
Kyle Le Dot Net
Kyle Le Dot Net - 10 years ago
+Steve Dang I went insane for sure. Couldn't stop saying WOW. good stuff. wish I had time to keep them all
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping
Natural Aquatics Eco-Aquascaping - 10 years ago
WOW ! ... indeed ...... Amazing ..... Thanks for sharing, cool.... 

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