Aquatic Update - NEW 1.13 Tropical Fish Are Being Added! (Minecraft Ocean Update)

HELP ME REACH 1 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: ► ECKOSOLDIER Store: ► Instagram: ► Follow me on Twitter: ► ECKOSOLDIER Discord: ► Snapchat: eckoxsoldier Hello everyone and welcome to the latest Minecraft Aquatic Update news. Today I bring you news about ALOT of new fish that are going to be added, this was confirmed by a Bedrock developer and you can find out more from the links above. If you enjoy the update videos remember to HIT that LIKE button it helps alot! MY PO BOX BELOW ALL ITEMS SENT WILL BE OPENED IN VIDEOS! - ECKOSOLDIER - PO Box 268 - LIVERPOOL - L23 0XQ ► Roccat Gear: ► GT Omega Racing: 5% OFF W/ CODE "ecko5" ► Powered by Chillblast:

Aquatic Update - NEW 1.13 Tropical Fish Are Being Added! (Minecraft Ocean Update) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 29

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 28,824 views

HELP ME REACH 1 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: ► ECKOSOLDIER Store: ► Instagram: ► Follow me on Twitter: ► ECKOSOLDIER Discord: ► Snapchat: eckoxsoldier Hello everyone and welcome to the latest Minecraft Aquatic Update news. Today I bring you news about ALOT of new fish that are going to be added, this was confirmed by a Bedrock developer and you can find out more from the links above. If you enjoy the update videos remember to HIT that LIKE button it helps alot! MY PO BOX BELOW ALL ITEMS SENT WILL BE OPENED IN VIDEOS! - ECKOSOLDIER - PO Box 268 - LIVERPOOL - L23 0XQ ► Roccat Gear: ► GT Omega Racing: 5% OFF W/ CODE "ecko5" ► Powered by Chillblast:

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Most popular comments
for Aquatic Update - NEW 1.13 Tropical Fish Are Being Added! (Minecraft Ocean Update)

ECKOSOLDIER - 6 years ago
More likes than views gg youtube, you can read more here:! What would you call that creeper fish ?
Gameplay Vilchis
Gameplay Vilchis - 6 years ago
ECKOSOLDIER is it for switch to
the russian maniac
the russian maniac - 6 years ago
i would call it a creeperopod
the russian maniac
the russian maniac - 6 years ago
stingray or mantaray or both will be cool
Dustbin01 -visit mixer
Dustbin01 -visit mixer - 6 years ago

Finding memo: ello Bruce
FreshStartYT - 6 years ago
I didn't name it this, it us called an aqua creeper
run s
run s - 6 years ago
IClickBait GT
IClickBait GT - 6 years ago
ECKOSOLDIER the creeper fish one is actually just an addon for bedrock version...
someone guy
someone guy - 6 years ago
ECKOSOLDIER Hey name an fish Dinnerbone so there is an dead fish but living because the fish is upside down.
Αλέξης Κασκάνης
Αλέξης Κασκάνης - 6 years ago
ECKOSOLDIER This gorgeous little cutie you have on the end (excepr for giving me nightmares) is going to be retextured, at least its head, is going to be called "dogfish"
BURNMONSTER 5122 - 6 years ago
Name the creeper fish ´¨Mr.creeperino¨
XxEnRaGeDxGaMeRxX - 6 years ago
Gta Master I think that was a beta limitation if you joined the beta a message popped up saying you won't be able to join friends
XxEnRaGeDxGaMeRxX - 6 years ago
The creator of the fish must have been playing a lot of subnautica so Crashfish
NoEzeke 7
NoEzeke 7 - 6 years ago
ECKO can you add me on pixel gun 3D please my name is NoEzeke7 on it
FS studio
FS studio - 6 years ago
ECKOSOLDIER i found à name for the créature the creeep2+2
Ilay Amiel
Ilay Amiel - 6 years ago
I'll call it "Hydro Creeper"
MoMo MC - 6 years ago
ECKOSOLDIER That’s the creeper u showed us on Twitter
SquishySnowman - 6 years ago
I reeeeaaaly hope they add the creeper fish thing but it shouldn't explode.
TBAMC YT - 6 years ago
ECKOSOLDIER I found a bug but I can't tell mojang or 4jstudios who are working on mc bedrock because I don't have Twitter or twitch so can you tell them this bug the bug is I can't invite any of my friends or anyone to my worlds so can you tell them plz thx
Christopher Montalvo
Christopher Montalvo - 6 years ago
ECKOSOLDIER are you going to play Faction today??????
Kenneth Bernal
Kenneth Bernal - 6 years ago
Brindle the Skinny Pig
Brindle the Skinny Pig - 6 years ago
I would call it the demon of horror and death aka the creeper who follows you underwater
Hawk Plays
Hawk Plays - 6 years ago
I want to see sailing ships with villagers designed like pirates
Hawk Plays
Hawk Plays - 6 years ago
The crarck
The foxy Scout's
The foxy Scout's - 6 years ago
What about seahorses
Paul Marsh
Paul Marsh - 6 years ago
Aqua creeper
Destroyer 54700
Destroyer 54700 - 6 years ago
I don't know the name for the fish but I saw it
Bryce and Mimikyu
Bryce and Mimikyu - 6 years ago
I’d call the creeper crepeadoh
Bryce and Mimikyu
Bryce and Mimikyu - 6 years ago
They should add smalll mahe mahe

10. comment for Aquatic Update - NEW 1.13 Tropical Fish Are Being Added! (Minecraft Ocean Update)

Chris Lee
Chris Lee - 6 years ago
antonio sevilla
antonio sevilla - 6 years ago
Add goldfish
The Gaming Trex/jpfan
The Gaming Trex/jpfan - 6 years ago
Creeper tuna
Kusy - 6 years ago
0:50 song name?
Kid Nicholson
Kid Nicholson - 6 years ago
You are so so a. Pppprrrroooo and you da best
Nathan Garrett87
Nathan Garrett87 - 6 years ago
I would like shields to be added
dylan zosimo
dylan zosimo - 6 years ago
How about bedrock?
Nathan Garrett87
Nathan Garrett87 - 6 years ago
To Xbox etc
[[ Starlineart ]]
[[ Starlineart ]] - 6 years ago
Klinton Levi
Klinton Levi - 6 years ago
I would like to have shields in the bedrock version
WolfCraft Playz
WolfCraft Playz - 6 years ago
How about ......creeprawn
Which is a creeper+prawn
springtrap1987 - 6 years ago
the rage quit creeper XD

20. comment for Aquatic Update - NEW 1.13 Tropical Fish Are Being Added! (Minecraft Ocean Update)

Michael Hooper
Michael Hooper - 6 years ago
KEANEPLAYS YT - 6 years ago
Eploading fish
lea petrovic
lea petrovic - 6 years ago
That crecher is named in the mod
Thegaming walker
Thegaming walker - 6 years ago
sheild should be added to bedrock
Thegaming walker
Thegaming walker - 6 years ago
You are the best content creator.Loved your videos
ZtheemeraldMiner - 6 years ago
I can't wait to play this on my survival world!
Onniivarifilms - 6 years ago
I call it Swimmer
WqfL - 6 years ago
Charged Water Creeper
Lenny Face
Lenny Face - 6 years ago
Thekingslad - 6 years ago
i would call the sea monster an accident of birth

30. comment for Aquatic Update - NEW 1.13 Tropical Fish Are Being Added! (Minecraft Ocean Update)

Alexander Van Braekel
Alexander Van Braekel - 6 years ago
dory= blue tang
yellow fish at 6:18= racoon butterfly fish
TheBeachlover12 - 6 years ago
the Atlantis creeper 6:24
Elza Jurēviča
Elza Jurēviča - 6 years ago
charged fish
Sandra Skender
Sandra Skender - 6 years ago
I woud name the creatur demon of the ocean cuz creeper duh
TheLazyPanda - 6 years ago
Another bug is not being able to get slime easily in survival. I went to a swamp for 6 Minecraft nights and didn’t get a single slime ball.
eye am necyrb45
eye am necyrb45 - 6 years ago
errrr som thin idk
eye am necyrb45
eye am necyrb45 - 6 years ago
dory is an god fish ahhhhhhhhhhh
Alexis Grunden
Alexis Grunden - 6 years ago
Dori was a royal blue tang. Ideas for hostile fish could include Moray Eels (poisonous to eat raw, as eel blood is actually toxic to mammals) or piranhas (which would school; not much of a threat individually), and a neutral mob could be Barracudas (they tend to leave you alone unless really hungry or if you tick them off). Ideas for tropical fish could include Angelfish, Snakeheads (might eat other fish), Betta Splendens (shallow tropical water), Tigerfish (possibly hostile to fish for? they aggressively attack shiny objects irl), and any number or Wrasse (cleaner fish). Temperate species could range from mackerel, bass, trout, pike (which are basically freshwater barracudas that love deep, cold lakes), minnows, perch, sunnies...the list goes on and on. There's really almost no limit for potential fish species, and that's without getting into mollusks and crustaceans.
Thomas rios plays
Thomas rios plays - 6 years ago
I would call it a Fisher
xXNOBODYLIKESUXx or Prokiller - 6 years ago
The hostile mobs called the crefish
Nessa Smith
Nessa Smith - 6 years ago
creepy fish
Wolfie's Hacks
Wolfie's Hacks - 6 years ago
What if the pic you found on google with the creeper fish is the new hostile mob? Also what do you think? Should seahorses be added aswell?
Satan sama
Satan sama - 6 years ago
Cowfish and anglers would be nice
lonley soldier 363
lonley soldier 363 - 6 years ago
He is my friend in pixelgun
TheRedstoneEngine - 6 years ago
Creeperfish :P
Moon Fox
Moon Fox - 6 years ago
I'd like to see a lionfish, blue tang, butterfly fish, jellyfishh. Angelfish,pl piranha, tigerfish, yellow lab. Sorry i watch a lot of fish/ocean life tv shows lol
Moon Fox
Moon Fox - 6 years ago
Seriously, dory (blue tang) angle fish, lol
Riley Blackford
Riley Blackford - 6 years ago
Tell them to add it so that Polar Bears can realisticly catch salmon out of the water! Because Bears do that in real life, and polar bears spawn in colder areas, and salmon spawns in colder waters, also we need a realistic fishing animation.
Henry Muller
Henry Muller - 6 years ago
Custom flat worlds
Emerald Gaming
Emerald Gaming - 6 years ago
Or creeper of twisting waters

50. comment for Aquatic Update - NEW 1.13 Tropical Fish Are Being Added! (Minecraft Ocean Update)

Emerald Gaming
Emerald Gaming - 6 years ago
Creeper of the deep waters
Breakminer Boy
Breakminer Boy - 6 years ago
The Creep Fish that's what I would call it Ecko and instead of exploring in your FACE I think it sould like spit out exploring spit that's what I think of my evil fish name Ecko
Crazy Gaming
Crazy Gaming - 6 years ago
Aqua creeper!
AssassinGamer303 - 6 years ago
What about the PS3/PS4/XBOX360?
ZiggyZagga Zagga
ZiggyZagga Zagga - 6 years ago
Heather Saam
Heather Saam - 6 years ago
Claw - 6 years ago
this is a deep sea fish i would want, the Angler Fish
agentc00787 - 6 years ago
noooooooooo dont let it in
Damian Pels
Damian Pels - 6 years ago
The must adding a shark

Cyan fish
PandorasLynx - 6 years ago
n ziom
n ziom - 6 years ago
Hope you see my secret Map when I release it
Giedrius Kavaliauskas
Giedrius Kavaliauskas - 6 years ago
Dustbin01 -visit mixer
Dustbin01 -visit mixer - 6 years ago
I wish bedrock had modding villagers using command blocks and iron golem spawn eggs
Dustbin01 -visit mixer
Dustbin01 -visit mixer - 6 years ago
I still don’t understand why you don’t have like 5mil you are such a good YouTuber
Ginger Cricket
Ginger Cricket - 6 years ago
Creeper shark
JAMES SEFTON - 6 years ago
Memo isn't a tropical fish? Its a salt water fish?
WitheredGaming - 6 years ago
Sharks, giant squids and spider crabs
Rabia Anwar
Rabia Anwar - 6 years ago
Ecko when is the giveaway going to start? And end?
Stu Art
Stu Art - 6 years ago
Creeper guardian
Teen Savage
Teen Savage - 6 years ago
Thats good sinice i live in the carribean
Avenger9595 - 6 years ago
I liked and subscribed!!!
SharkBoy 101
SharkBoy 101 - 6 years ago
Creeper fish
Oksi Cakes
Oksi Cakes - 6 years ago
Dory's a blue tang
The unknown rex
The unknown rex - 6 years ago
The thumbnail looks like a swimming nuke
ExplodingCreeper/ Tassosman
ExplodingCreeper/ Tassosman - 6 years ago
Creeper Fisher
Hackmaster12 Key
Hackmaster12 Key - 6 years ago
You Are Shit Echo Just Quit Youtube You think you are so cool But your not your a pussy
Ethelson Yola
Ethelson Yola - 6 years ago
Edna Casim
Edna Casim - 6 years ago
Shark creeper is the best
Nk_ K4Z1M
Nk_ K4Z1M - 6 years ago
I hope they add a shark mob too.
Team Team7
Team Team7 - 6 years ago
eko pls send me an realm invite my name is Qika7
Pumpetphoenixhunter 2
Pumpetphoenixhunter 2 - 6 years ago
Hey does somebody know a website for Minecraft pocket edition mods ?
Pagamer 804
Pagamer 804 - 6 years ago
CoderPixels - 6 years ago
Call it the Creeper Tantrum fish
Enchanted Ruby
Enchanted Ruby - 6 years ago
It is crafish
Redfury545 - 6 years ago
we need these commands /scoreboard which is coming /worldboarder /partical /bossbar etc.
Nakhat Aslam
Nakhat Aslam - 6 years ago
Cosmjc Burger
Cosmjc Burger - 6 years ago
The creepedo
SirSteelix - 6 years ago
At this point, the only useful thing about java is the mods. I hate how all the other versions are starting to become more than the core version, java.
unstoppable  _gaming
unstoppable _gaming - 6 years ago
When is this coming out its taking sooo long.
unstoppable  _gaming
unstoppable _gaming - 6 years ago
Malakai The Gamer.ok thanks for the info.
Malakai The Gamer
Malakai The Gamer - 6 years ago
gaming_ jesse it takes patience for an update to be good. If they rushed through the whole update it would be terrible. Also they're trying to combine 1.13 and 1.14 to a huge update how about you just sit down and just watch some videos for the time being I bet you just wait till the end of March
Becca Lynn
Becca Lynn - 6 years ago
A sword fish would be cool
mythical rainbow
mythical rainbow - 6 years ago
That thumbnail looks like a sideways creeper
JAKSON KILL SAIOT - 6 years ago
Creeper fish
bobygamer171 - 6 years ago
I would like to see a Sword Fish!
NUCLEAR GAMING 2022 - 6 years ago
Dory is a blue tang
GameselotYT - 6 years ago
Its an AquaCreeper,its an addon XD
JoltBlitzer - 6 years ago
swordfish, or jellyfish
Sammy - 6 years ago
They should add manta rays
Plexnium Gaming
Plexnium Gaming - 6 years ago
I think they should add fish egg, yep!
TDDARMSJ Big Siblings
TDDARMSJ Big Siblings - 6 years ago
TDDARMSJ Big Siblings
TDDARMSJ Big Siblings - 6 years ago
And they need sea anemone!! Nemo's house

100. comment for Aquatic Update - NEW 1.13 Tropical Fish Are Being Added! (Minecraft Ocean Update)

World Gamer A
World Gamer A - 6 years ago
I really want shields in bedrock
Gaming Hamster90
Gaming Hamster90 - 6 years ago
That creeper fish should be called the sea creeper.
Marowak Maniac
Marowak Maniac - 6 years ago
Dory is a blue tang and the fish I want to see is yellow tang, blue tang, octopus, sting rays, lion fish, angelfish, and of course sharks
Zenon Troy Aznar
Zenon Troy Aznar - 6 years ago
And shield
Zenon Troy Aznar
Zenon Troy Aznar - 6 years ago
Dory and nemo
Timberwolf 707
Timberwolf 707 - 6 years ago
It's a Creeper fish
EssenceCreeper 101
EssenceCreeper 101 - 6 years ago
i would love to see a Discus fish. Eckosoldier if you are reading this look this fish up on the internet.
CraiZen Creations
CraiZen Creations - 6 years ago
CraiZen Creations
CraiZen Creations - 6 years ago
Like a creep and a pedo morphed together.
Beorn - 6 years ago
Hey Ecko, about the, It will not allow me to register because the verification picture is a 1x1 picture, so it is impossible to see. Please fix this.
INSANE LAG - 6 years ago
Simple. A Creepfish.
TheZero CrafterVG
TheZero CrafterVG - 6 years ago
One more beta? Woah... 1.2.11 is the last one.
RayBlaxe - 6 years ago
Cruz Phillips
Cruz Phillips - 6 years ago
I know that mod pack
Daniel Llamas
Daniel Llamas - 6 years ago
will tropical fish come to all consoles or just bedrock?
CooperCan - 6 years ago
The creepers should be called Lurkers or Bursters
CooperCan - 6 years ago
IClickBait GT also I think I've seen a mod like this WAY before ocean monuments came out
CooperCan - 6 years ago
IClickBait GT yep, I did XD
IClickBait GT
IClickBait GT - 6 years ago
CooperCan but the thumbnails tells the idea so, you might think it did.
CooperCan - 6 years ago
IClickBait GT I never said it was real
IClickBait GT
IClickBait GT - 6 years ago
CooperCan its called aqua creepers THE MOD, and you're right its not coming to MC cause its already A MOD.
Fortnite GAMER
Fortnite GAMER - 6 years ago
The creep fish
Fortnite GAMER
Fortnite GAMER - 6 years ago
It’s not memo it’s nemo
Riley Cross
Riley Cross - 6 years ago
Aren't pufferfish technically tropical fish as well?
IClickBait GT
IClickBait GT - 6 years ago
Riley Cross *papa fish
Mike the dragon slayer
Mike the dragon slayer - 6 years ago
is the update coming to mobile
ZxonekZ - 6 years ago
Torcreedo? Or Pireeper? Or Creepha? Or Creepiranha? Or else... pls l3t me know
Edit : thank you IClickbait GT forr letting me know that it is a aqua creeper
ZxonekZ - 6 years ago
IClickBait GT cool...
IClickBait GT
IClickBait GT - 6 years ago
ZxonekZ actually its called aqua creeper, how did i know? Try to search aqua creeper MOD, yeah that means its not going to be on the update cause its just a stolen picture from the mod. And if ecko mean this that means he clickbaited us!
thee WOLFY
thee WOLFY - 6 years ago
think the last fish you shw were angel fish ? ..i might be rong ...but the creepish ? .. wierd lol
IClickBait GT
IClickBait GT - 6 years ago
thee WOLFY the aqua creeper is actually a stolen picture from a mod so dont expect its gonna be in MC vanilla. Its called fake news.
LathPokemon - 6 years ago
Explodus liquidus
AKA: liquicreeper
Ryan Liang
Ryan Liang - 6 years ago
I have Cancer
I have Cancer - 6 years ago
Ur live-streaming
Benty-Boris Animates
Benty-Boris Animates - 6 years ago
Uhm pc or pe?
Ya Boi Khalil Green
Ya Boi Khalil Green - 6 years ago
Pe soon
Ya Boi Khalil Green
Ya Boi Khalil Green - 6 years ago
Maria Villa85 both
NJL56 - 6 years ago
I want them to add shields and they should connect banners to beds like they connected banners to shields to bedrock
Demons - 6 years ago
i would call it a crish
DarahTheMemeExplorer - 6 years ago
jellyfish would be awesomwe
Jasmine Johnson
Jasmine Johnson - 6 years ago
DarahTheMemeExplorer Those would be hostile?
Darlene Williams
Darlene Williams - 6 years ago
blue ray creeper fish
Watcher Gamer
Watcher Gamer - 6 years ago
Turpeto creeper
BURNMONSTER 5122 - 6 years ago
Can wait honestly !!!
CooperCan - 6 years ago
Lionfish and tangs should be added
Zakimals - 6 years ago
CooperCan ooh yes, lionfish
Michael Bogdan
Michael Bogdan - 6 years ago
IClickBait GT
IClickBait GT - 6 years ago
Michael Bogdan its real name is aqua creeper
VoreTok - 6 years ago
Triple T.E.N
Triple T.E.N - 6 years ago
Billy bob
JoeyJoe CD5000
JoeyJoe CD5000 - 6 years ago
The should call it Aqua Explosive Monster
LoZyBRo king
LoZyBRo king - 6 years ago
If I was a bedrock developer I'd add wrecked village that holds an orb that gives you 3 diamonds and some would be added in the chest like
-diamond shovel
-iron sword
Best of all
-trident you have a 5% chance of getting one rather then a 1% chance
Edit: maybe aqua villagers?? Or just bones
I'd also add a bone ore to bedrock when you put it in a crafting table it gives you 9 bones
Those are good ideas
Edit:2 maybe not diamonds the orb gives you endereye or a ender pearl
LoZyBRo king
LoZyBRo king - 6 years ago
And I'd add shark that roams the place
mr mc crunchy McDonald
mr mc crunchy McDonald - 6 years ago
I feel like the thumbnail is fake
KILL3RMONK3Y520 - 6 years ago
I think there should add barrier blocks
FawnBuzzard3136 - 6 years ago
Kamikaze Shark
IClickBait GT
IClickBait GT - 6 years ago
FawnBuzzard3136 its called aqua creeper mod and dont expect itll be coming to minecraft
Renee Sisko
Renee Sisko - 6 years ago
That creeper is an aqua creeper from the aqua creeper mod that dantdm and thnxcya showcased once
Angel Of Death
Angel Of Death - 6 years ago
Aqua creeper
FawnBuzzard3136 - 6 years ago
Of course clownfish, but also angelfish, blue tang (dory), lion fish, and maybe even a guppy? Also, it'd be nice to have sea horses. ALSO, I hope that MAYBE another reason that clownfish have been delayed COULD be them creating anemones. That would be awesome for clownfish to live in and it could damage you like cactus or magma.
lol - 6 years ago
FawnBuzzard3136 I heard somewhere that the reason why they didn’t add clownfish was because they are going to be included with the coral biomes.
FawnBuzzard3136 - 6 years ago
Sorry, not anemones. I meant an-anew-anemeh-anemones!
Thomas Devlin
Thomas Devlin - 6 years ago
I was thinking lion fish would be neat, but we already have something that poisons you, so it would probably just end up being a re-skin of the pufferfish if they did add it
Oyun Kovası
Oyun Kovası - 6 years ago
6:49 fish is fake or mod
THE Chesburgerzr fzz
THE Chesburgerzr fzz - 6 years ago
you deserved more respect
anibalalarcon969 //Alarcon
anibalalarcon969 //Alarcon - 6 years ago
That looks like gold fish in the water maybe?
Gobble Turkey's Magikarp
Gobble Turkey's Magikarp - 6 years ago
We need to have giant hostile catfish
Oyun Kovası
Oyun Kovası - 6 years ago
Where is the Clownfish?
Harden YT
Harden YT - 6 years ago
Watch the video
Kensbabe Blackshaw
Kensbabe Blackshaw - 6 years ago
I don't have that update in Wii u :(
Jesse Solorio
Jesse Solorio - 6 years ago
I wish that barrier blocks were a thing, because I’ve always wanted to have a large chamber with and invisible staircase to a secret room. It would be a really great way to hide your stuff on a server. If it does get added, I know it will probably only be a creative option for mapmakers, but they should consider it for survival as well.
Jared Williams
Jared Williams - 6 years ago
QnA: what version is the ps4 on?
landon boatwright
landon boatwright - 6 years ago
Water tnt
Zara gamer saleh
Zara gamer saleh - 6 years ago
we're getting dore and. nemo sooo coool
Zara gamer saleh
Zara gamer saleh - 6 years ago
ecko i love your videos and u give so mutch info and it's the best
dynamic gamingpro
dynamic gamingpro - 6 years ago
6:42 I swear, that is from StacyPlay's Mod Pack?
dynamic gamingpro
dynamic gamingpro - 6 years ago
F.Henrique Mendanha
F.Henrique Mendanha - 6 years ago
I want the spectator mode and cursed enchants
AlphaCentauriA1 - 6 years ago
Stop calling it Nemo this is how you cause dumb shit like “animal cruelty” this kinda thing will make it so we can’t eat them>:(
ryu hagane
ryu hagane - 6 years ago
some java Features that I Think it's missing on bedrock Minecraft
magma block hold light just like Java version Pick block on Tablet and phones
1st person 3rd person changing quick button in game Zombies able to pick up Item from the ground and wear armor
Missing mob such as killer rabbit and Green villager
combat and Shield and Complete dual wielding
More graphic and sound option for low end and high end devices
Water colors like other Minecraft it's easy to see the water flow
All Update Aquatic features without missing anything
4D skin and HD skin
More command
More polished and stable server or consul Mini game quality
Custom super flat
World generating setting such as dungeon biome size
Amplified world
Spectator mode
Hardcore mode
Missing item such as spectral arrow
F3 full Features looking frame rate Direction block name and id
More note block sound and new Minecraft sound from 1.9
Mob animation from 1.9 Skeletons side walking and zombies raising arm
New back walking animation From java
Skin setting like show or Hide each different body parts ( I mean 2nd layer 3D skin)
The_ Hyruler
The_ Hyruler - 6 years ago
Pfft, the Phantom can’t pass through blocks, that’s just wrong.
Mr. Salt
Mr. Salt - 6 years ago
HFHJ_XD i You havent achieved all the saltiness yet
MagbluJP AJ
MagbluJP AJ - 6 years ago
I hope they add sharks since they are also tropical fishes
(P. S.: YES I ALREADY KNOW THAT THEY WILL NEVER ADD SHARKS. But it would be cool if they will add sharks in the game as a hostile/neutral mob. But still, why they won't add sharks because they are endangered because they are misunderstood as "monsters" even though we still have some endangered aninals like polar bears or turtles?)
Ilay Amiel
Ilay Amiel - 6 years ago
Thank you so much!!! You made me like minecraft again! I don't like the Phantoms that much too... But I like the idea, so I hope they will change the Phantom's design.
Nico 15
Nico 15 - 6 years ago
The aqua creeper is an addon in bedrock
lea petrovic
lea petrovic - 6 years ago
Nico 15 serch on YouTube aqua creper mod dantdm the video is aploud on 2013
lea petrovic
lea petrovic - 6 years ago
That is a mod you noob
Nico 15
Nico 15 - 6 years ago
lea petrovic its gonna be an addon not a mod
Nico 15
Nico 15 - 6 years ago
lea petrovic look it up then
lea petrovic
lea petrovic - 6 years ago
lea petrovic
lea petrovic - 6 years ago
I have mcpe in apua creper don’t exist
Nico 15
Nico 15 - 6 years ago
lea petrovic go to mcpe aqau creeper addon then tell me who the real noob is, ill give u time to get the facts straight
Nico 15
Nico 15 - 6 years ago
lea petrovic and it had the aqua creeper
Nico 15
Nico 15 - 6 years ago
lea petrovic I know it is but im just saying that there was an "ADDON" for bedrock
lea petrovic
lea petrovic - 6 years ago
Because the apua creeper is from a mod
Nico 15
Nico 15 - 6 years ago
lea petrovic no why
lea petrovic
lea petrovic - 6 years ago
Nico 15 you are the biggest noob in Minecraft
Stivan Emilov
Stivan Emilov - 6 years ago
I will called it THE CREEPER FISH!! it's like a underwater creeper.
FS studio
FS studio - 6 years ago
The creeep2+2
Cʜʀɪs - 6 years ago
PE neeeeedss NBT-Tags and the fishes are from the Just a few fish mod
egle begle
egle begle - 6 years ago
Can u please do a series of u and ur frends. What series about is all u do different jobs from each other eg mob killer bilder. ore getter . Thanks if u do
master gamers
master gamers - 6 years ago
Is the update also for better together?
IClickBait GT
IClickBait GT - 6 years ago
pro gamers yea, but better together is often called bedrock edition so get used to the bedrock edition name cause its the name they often use.
Marcos Cruz
Marcos Cruz - 6 years ago
Bedrock is about to get a beta soon
Overwatch São Paulo
Overwatch São Paulo - 6 years ago
please if anyone knows this intro intro music please tell me
Alex Bosh
Alex Bosh - 6 years ago
Jessy York
Jessy York - 6 years ago
Will sponges spawn in the world naturally
1 AmazinGameR 1
1 AmazinGameR 1 - 6 years ago
Aqua Creeper or Sweeper
lea petrovic
lea petrovic - 6 years ago
It’s just a mob from a mod you are lying
IClickBait GT
IClickBait GT - 6 years ago
《 AmazinGameR 》 its actually called aqua creeper and its not coming to minecraft cause its just a mod
AgentDR X -Xlabs
AgentDR X -Xlabs - 6 years ago
The creeper fish could be Dive bomber?
adrian bon the gamer
adrian bon the gamer - 6 years ago
79th comemnt awosmemmmem
CouldbeTrento - 6 years ago
Doffbarr the dwarf Austin we should have angel fishes
Ace of Rogues
Ace of Rogues - 6 years ago
Sea creeper sea creature puns
Lucaru XYZ
Lucaru XYZ - 6 years ago
Sea anemone mob?
JPGex {ProfessionalFortnite,Minecraft,Ros,FreeFire}
JPGex {ProfessionalFortnite,Minecraft,Ros,FreeFire} - 6 years ago
######UPDATEAQUATICISTHABEST! ComebackOfMinecraft!
Costel Paul
Costel Paul - 6 years ago
NiNShadowPuGy - 6 years ago
My wish for mc is more blocks and more mobs cause i like building and i like that theres alot of mobs....And i really hope they add crockodiles at swamps, and actual bird flying around the sky cause the sky in mc is currently super empty cause it onlyvhas one mob which is the phantom
CouldbeTrento - 6 years ago
Who knows maybe the next update after the cave one will be the sky update
CouldbeTrento - 6 years ago
NiNShadowPuGy the block cap has been updated so yes. More blocks in the future. Mobs im not entirely sure but I’m hoping 99% that we have new mobs every major update
Paul Prender
Paul Prender - 6 years ago
I would call it a crash fish
turtledooflesnoof - 6 years ago
that yellow one is a butterfly fish
Fizz Fizzy
Fizz Fizzy - 6 years ago
Why is the new update no on ps4
MARIO SONIC - 6 years ago
powerjack Donut
powerjack Donut - 6 years ago
take me by the hand, lead me to the land that you understand
Ocean man, the voyage to the corner of the globe is a real trip
Ocean man, the crust of a tan man imbibed by the sand
Soaking up the thirst of the land
ShadowGamer2314 - 6 years ago
199th Like!!!!!!! Keep up the AMAZING work!!!!!! :)
09 Beast Boii
09 Beast Boii - 6 years ago
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition
Acituanbus:GLaDOS eddition - 6 years ago
I would call it the Seaker....get it?
McBossBrine - 6 years ago
I would really like to see the same or near same seed generation on bedrock, let’s be real most bedrock seeds suck(not ss at all good as java editions)
Jack Eastwood
Jack Eastwood - 6 years ago
the rickrack creep fish
TBAMC YT - 6 years ago
Ecko solider I found a bug but I can't tell mojang or 4jstudios who are working on mc bedrock because I don't have Twitter or twitch so can you tell them this bug the bug is I can't invite any of my friends or anyone to my worlds so can you tell them plz thx
CouldbeTrento - 6 years ago
dinosaur lord777
dinosaur lord777 - 6 years ago
R.A.M is me
R.A.M is me - 6 years ago
Will this update be in minecraft pe too?
Gobble Turkey's Magikarp
Gobble Turkey's Magikarp - 6 years ago
R.A.M is me eventually
Ninoz1 - 6 years ago
Yes it will, Minecraft PE Has swithed name too Minecraft BE (Bedrock edition)
Nathan Scofield
Nathan Scofield - 6 years ago
IGPGaming Com
IGPGaming Com - 6 years ago
Ecko maybe they'll add Sea Monster that protect the ship wreck
Diuglas Dose
Diuglas Dose - 6 years ago
I hope we get a beta soon
jen elizabeth
jen elizabeth - 6 years ago
Excluded creeper
jen elizabeth
jen elizabeth - 6 years ago
It ok
SuplexGaming - 6 years ago
If bedrock gets Barrier Blocks, console should get them too.
CouldbeTrento - 6 years ago
SuplexGamingTM well. Anything bedrock will get console will get
Dragon D
Dragon D - 6 years ago
I think thats enough fish the ocean now is messed
Goyd The Gamer
Goyd The Gamer - 6 years ago
It's a boom fish
Luciano Guerra
Luciano Guerra - 6 years ago
Thanks for the news ecko
Hoot Owl
Hoot Owl - 6 years ago
Thank you so much for the update. I often forget to check mcbedrock for any updates. Keep up the great videos. Take care.
Gurkirat singh
Gurkirat singh - 6 years ago
@ECKOSOLDIER Dory is Palette surgeonfish
Jeroen Suurmond
Jeroen Suurmond - 6 years ago
I would like to see crabs crawling over the ocean floor.
TheMutant Husk/MCPE Factions
TheMutant Husk/MCPE Factions - 6 years ago
Omg that is epic #more fish
James Hubbard
James Hubbard - 6 years ago
I would love to see an angler fish
ButterBallGames - 6 years ago
Creeper fish I played with it before it was a Addon from long ago before the update aquatic was announced I being serious but it was glitchy
iRobert96 - 6 years ago
Ecko is my favorite youtubers american ! I'm from romania !
mmm7761 - 6 years ago
I hope they add 3d drop items on mcbe
IClickBait GT
IClickBait GT - 6 years ago
mmm7761 the drops are already 3D although its just always face the direction of the camera of the player which makes you think its 2D. The good example of 2D texture in minecraft is the fishing rod bobbin of MCPC, cause it just doesnt face the direction buy it always align to the X and Y alignment of the screen.
mmm7761 - 6 years ago
NeonSnowy np
mmm7761 - 6 years ago
NeonSnowy I subscribed to you
mmm7761 - 6 years ago
NeonSnowy lol
mmm7761 - 6 years ago
Mcbe = Minecraft bedrook edition
Mythix Channel
Mythix Channel - 6 years ago
NeonSnowy oh i heard that version it works on my banana perfectly without lag, the server is good too
Gobble Turkey's Magikarp
Gobble Turkey's Magikarp - 6 years ago
mcbe? Are u sure about that?
Kenneth Bernal
Kenneth Bernal - 6 years ago
JURI 100 GAMING - 6 years ago
That looks like CREEPFISH
(when i was thinking creepers don’t swim,now this appears out of nowhere)
Rhys Noble
Rhys Noble - 6 years ago
Hey do you think the hostile mob could be a mermaid that protects underwater structures also love your channel.
PrimVlad Plays
PrimVlad Plays - 6 years ago
endercraft59 LV
endercraft59 LV - 6 years ago
legacy _of _legend
legacy _of _legend - 6 years ago
Hi..what about the beta for Android
¡!Etheral Ashes!¡
¡!Etheral Ashes!¡ - 6 years ago
More than a handful...that makes me think...would a handful be related to fingers? A hand has 5 fingers so 5+ new tropical fish...Dory MUST be one of them
Bendy Gamer
Bendy Gamer - 6 years ago
Creepsee fish name
the real Gaming 232
the real Gaming 232 - 6 years ago
Love ur videos and keep up the good work
Roger Starwolf
Roger Starwolf - 6 years ago
Good thing are coming also aquariums
CouldbeTrento - 6 years ago
Roger Starwolf so many fish is like to see added

Angel Fish
Sun Fish
Whatever the fish gill was in FN
Sea Stars
Roger Starwolf
Roger Starwolf - 6 years ago
I would like to see the Lionfish
The Miner and crafter channel
The Miner and crafter channel - 6 years ago
Schoolkid328gamer - 6 years ago
Sup ecko I love your videos
fakhri ismail
fakhri ismail - 6 years ago
Plasma Playz Games
Plasma Playz Games - 6 years ago
The thumbnail is the Creeper fish that you found on google
ECKOSOLDIER - 6 years ago
keep watching ;)
Edgar Onofre
Edgar Onofre - 6 years ago
I wanted to add sea otters, seagulls, starfish, any type of penguins, crabs, and lobsters
Leapingrecord 70Something
Leapingrecord 70Something - 6 years ago
*F3L1X* *TH3 G4M3R*
*F3L1X* *TH3 G4M3R* - 6 years ago
They Should Add a Armour_stand In The Minecart That Would Be Cool!!
King Kiwi
King Kiwi - 6 years ago
The Known Survivor
The Known Survivor - 6 years ago
Ecko your so amazing and the best Minecraft youtubers. You are amazing at doing everything and picked the right future. Keep it up :D
Wibu Seeker
Wibu Seeker - 6 years ago
Look at the other videos
The Known Survivor
The Known Survivor - 6 years ago
Wibu Seeker I don't really think 16 dislikes is a lot
Wibu Seeker
Wibu Seeker - 6 years ago
I Dont understand why do so many people are disliking ecko's video
Random Tuber
Random Tuber - 6 years ago
a glass of milk HE DON'T EVEN DO CLICK BAIT
a glass of milk
a glass of milk - 6 years ago
The Known Survivor more like amazing at clickbait
minecraft123 x
minecraft123 x - 6 years ago
I am so glad this is happening!! I wanted this to be a thing since i heard of the aquatic update

Edit: OMG thanks ecko!! And since you hearted me...
I have a question as well!! Ok, do you think there will be biome specific tropical fish? Like in a jungle river, you could have like a pharana
IClickBait GT
IClickBait GT - 6 years ago
Gobble Turkey's Magikarp itll die or it might develop to the environment like the texture of the fishes changes depends on the biome.
Gobble Turkey's Magikarp
Gobble Turkey's Magikarp - 6 years ago
And what happens if you put tropical fish in cold water?
Ilay Amiel
Ilay Amiel - 6 years ago
Cool idea
Gamer 6592
Gamer 6592 - 6 years ago
50th yay
the legendary legend
the legendary legend - 6 years ago
Not possible there is only 38views
R u s s i a b a l l I n d o n e s i a b a l l
R u s s i a b a l l I n d o n e s i a b a l l - 6 years ago
Well, probably not all of them
SharkySkillZ !
SharkySkillZ ! - 6 years ago
Bonez MC No the update is not out yet. Maybe end of march.
Bonez MC
Bonez MC - 6 years ago
Is this update out?
CouldbeTrento - 6 years ago
Well let’s see. We are getting the dolphins, fish. A hostile mob will also be added. Maybe that’s the croc or the octopus
Dark Diamond2116
Dark Diamond2116 - 6 years ago
Love your videos I have been here sense 300k
Dark Diamond2116
Dark Diamond2116 - 6 years ago
Agent Venom
Agent Venom - 6 years ago
Alican  TEKE
Alican TEKE - 6 years ago
Agent Venom
Agent Venom - 6 years ago
TheCheeseEye Jr
TheCheeseEye Jr - 6 years ago

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