As Seen On TV Fishing LURES PART 2!! Fishing Challenge!!

Finally! It's the HIGHLY requested HILARIOUS sequel to AS SEEN ON TV Lure challenge. Featuring all three remaining Lures! The Flying Lure, The Helicopter Lure, and Doug Hannons Fishing Snake! Join Me as I Order, Unbox, Review and then Put Them To The Test, the way I know best! Absolutely Hilarious and heads up! One of these Lures catches an absolute GIANT BASS! Want to Know How I Did This? Want to try for Yourself? Check out ALL the Gear That Made This Video Possible Fishing Equipment Carrot Stix Wild Black Casting Rod KastKing Stealth Baitcast Reel KastKing Royale Legend Spinning Rod KastKing Sharky 3 Spinning Reel Carrot Stix Wild Orange Heavy Casting KastKing Speed Demon Casting Reel Carrot Stix Wild Pro Casting Rod KastKing Spartacus Plus Casting Reel KastKing KastPro Braided Fishing Line Filming and editing equipment GoPro Hero 5 Canon Rebel SL2 Apple Mac Book Pro Final Cut Pro Apparel Shirts Shorts Hats Sunglasses Feeling Lucky? Check out My Other Sponsors!! Lucky Tackle Box Use my promo code and save $5 when you JOIN WEB: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: KastKing Reels Trapper Tackle Roundabout Watercrafts And Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM! @captmikeymoser - be sure to check in for monthly IG Giveaways!

As Seen On TV Fishing LURES PART 2!! Fishing Challenge!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 7,692 views

Finally! It's the HIGHLY requested HILARIOUS sequel to AS SEEN ON TV Lure challenge. Featuring all three remaining Lures! The Flying Lure, The Helicopter Lure, and Doug Hannons Fishing Snake! Join Me as I Order, Unbox, Review and then Put Them To The Test, the way I know best! Absolutely Hilarious and heads up! One of these Lures catches an absolute GIANT BASS! Want to Know How I Did This? Want to try for Yourself? Check out ALL the Gear That Made This Video Possible Fishing Equipment Carrot Stix Wild Black Casting Rod KastKing Stealth Baitcast Reel KastKing Royale Legend Spinning Rod KastKing Sharky 3 Spinning Reel Carrot Stix Wild Orange Heavy Casting KastKing Speed Demon Casting Reel Carrot Stix Wild Pro Casting Rod KastKing Spartacus Plus Casting Reel KastKing KastPro Braided Fishing Line Filming and editing equipment GoPro Hero 5 Canon Rebel SL2 Apple Mac Book Pro Final Cut Pro Apparel Shirts Shorts Hats Sunglasses Feeling Lucky? Check out My Other Sponsors!! Lucky Tackle Box Use my promo code and save $5 when you JOIN WEB: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: KastKing Reels Trapper Tackle Roundabout Watercrafts And Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM! @captmikeymoser - be sure to check in for monthly IG Giveaways!

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Most popular comments
for As Seen On TV Fishing LURES PART 2!! Fishing Challenge!!

Austin Kliethermes
Austin Kliethermes - 7 years ago
Ok. So I don’t know about you but I absolutely love the flying lure. It catches so many fish for me
johnathan krause
johnathan krause - 7 years ago
Have you ever tried the banjo minnow? i remember as a kid seeing the commercials for it but was too young to get them
johnathan krause
johnathan krause - 7 years ago
Ahh ok. Ill have to check it our.. im somewhat of a new subscriber. Only since jan. I love the channel
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Yes, I did the banjo minnow in part 1
Jamie Brown
Jamie Brown - 7 years ago
I actually had good luck with the flying lure lol
Jamie Brown
Jamie Brown - 7 years ago
SawGrassBassin I'll let it slide then if you are ever in Georgia send me a email I have a few good spots
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Thank you, and that would definitely get me shot around here. Seeing as I live 15 minutes from UF
Jamie Brown
Jamie Brown - 7 years ago
SawGrassBassin I just found your channel it's a nice change I'll be watching more you just need to get a UGA mail box
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
yeah so did I, not to shabby
Mantaris Cheap Loser
Mantaris Cheap Loser - 7 years ago
can you try Bogbaits realistic frogs? I bought one pack off their website and tbh they did come out as pretty as in the pictures never got to test them and I'd really like to see what you think. also they have a weird chemical reaction to my plastic bobbers, I have no idea what that is about.
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Never heard of them, i will have to check them out
j fishslayer
j fishslayer - 7 years ago
That was not a 7lber but nice fish tho
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
it wasnt huh, her measurements were 22 1/4" length and 16" girth, it's not an exact science but pretty much every weight calculator you will be able to find is going to dispute you, but heck you may be right too. Thanks for watching!
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
thanks for the tip buddy
Thurminator Fishing
Thurminator Fishing - 7 years ago
Man you make awesome vids bro!!!!!
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Thank you!
,Roy O'Neill
,Roy O'Neill - 7 years ago
mikey i like your channel and enjoy bass fishing my a young kid thi my friends uncle bought us a kit called the banjo minno kit and withought knowing how to proper fish the luers we were still able to slam some hogs.the one day we were out and i used the middle size minno and we were about 50-60 feet off a point right between to bouies i got into a fish that was well over 2 feet. the line broke as we tried to net it into the cannoe so we never got to see just what it was or the real size of that hog. this was in a lake up here in ontario canada. anyways im not sure if you have ever used or herd of the banjo minno kit but i would love to see an episode of you useing the kit and challange you to land a bigger hog then i had on that day 21 years agoif you can get your hands on it
,Roy O'Neill
,Roy O'Neill - 7 years ago
cool i didnt know you were from up here ...the lake we were on that day was little canning lake off oe kashagawigamog (or hor ever its spelt) between mindon ond going to go chech out that video not tho ....anyways i a fan brother and it would be cool to slam some hogs one day with ya. and if you find out where to get more of thoes snakes let me know i would love to have a set in my tackle
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Right on man. Sounds like you had a Northern or maybe even a Muskie I am from Windsor Ontario. I actually did use the banjo minnow in the first as Seen on tv lure video. Check it out
,Roy O'Neill
,Roy O'Neill - 7 years ago
and dude i would love to fish with you one day ...not to sure if you do any river fly fishing or not but is so or would like to come up to ontario and hit some great holes on some of our rivers or even some lakes hit me up my 2 best friends are river guids and pro fly tyers ....they fly fish for muskey and tye and make all sorts of luers for all types of fish do say tho thet have mastered out ontrio brown trought
James Schultz
James Schultz - 7 years ago
Funny I just found a flying lure at the flea market still in package for $2
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
nice, good score

10. comment for As Seen On TV Fishing LURES PART 2!! Fishing Challenge!!

Fishing Daily
Fishing Daily - 7 years ago
The as seen on T.V videos you do are my favourite
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Thank you, hopefully more to come
WickedDealer - 7 years ago
Having used those Flying Lures as a kid and an Adult I can tell you first hand they work.
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
yes indeed thats why I ranked them so high
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
thank you
Mark Welch
Mark Welch - 7 years ago
Great video as always. The helicopter lure was a serious bass catcher. I may need to order a kit
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Thank you
HoosierbackOD - 7 years ago
Great stuff man! New sub! New tuber here. Check us out. Peace!
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Thank you
David Helme
David Helme - 7 years ago
Have you ever use mighty bites? They can catch big trout in Florida.
David Helme
David Helme - 7 years ago
Oh okay
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
I used them in the first asotv lures video
Big Bass Bites
Big Bass Bites - 7 years ago
Go gators
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
chomp chomp
big ron
big ron - 7 years ago
I would like to see you catch a bass on a fly rod with some popper flies
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
stay tuned its in the works
Thomas Legault
Thomas Legault - 7 years ago
Love the video brother. Where can i get these lures? I would love to give them a try or atleast scare my wife with the snake lure lol. By the way if u think of any charters for the panama beach area let me know thanks for everything you do for us. Later brother
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Thank you! I found all mine on either ebay or amazon, just type them into google search and you should find them. I will let you know if I run into any guides out there
Richard Tilley
Richard Tilley - 7 years ago
Great video as always GO GATORS
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Thank you, chomp

20. comment for As Seen On TV Fishing LURES PART 2!! Fishing Challenge!!

SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Thank you my friend
The_rod_ Father_bassin
The_rod_ Father_bassin - 7 years ago
did u really already open the box then protend to open on camera and cut your finger off….. smh
The_rod_ Father_bassin
The_rod_ Father_bassin - 7 years ago
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
hahaha Thats one of the benefits of having a wife, like blaming a fart on the dog. But in this case that was the truth, she thought I bought her a gift so she peeked
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
haha not quite, my wife opened the tape on top and peeked in it. It was still taped on the ends, which is where i slipped
Catfish_ cody785
Catfish_ cody785 - 7 years ago
Heck yea the snake lure
Catfish_ cody785
Catfish_ cody785 - 7 years ago
SawGrassBassin I was lookin for them on ebay i couldn't find them
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
yeah buddy
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
chomp chomp
220 Swift
220 Swift - 7 years ago
One dislike? Looks like Roland Martin found your
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
haha i wouldn't doubt it
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Thanks man
505OutdoorAdventures - 7 years ago
What about "the walking worm" I have an old one I want to do a video on.
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Do it up! I ca't say I have heard of it and never saw it in my searches
Gavin Smisek
Gavin Smisek - 7 years ago
He cut himself when the box was already opened
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
seriously? smh whats wrong with you kids...i cut myself opening the end that was still taped. It was a sharp ass knife, why would you look for conspiracy in that??? I don't get it
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Thank you, much appreciated
Charles Thorp
Charles Thorp - 7 years ago
Capt Mikey.... you have to get a tv lure that was invented by Chuck Woolery. It had a string on the front that pulled when it was casted and made the lure vibrate. They came in 2 or 3 colors and made of plastic. The originals were frogs. They have some newer looking popper style on Ebay.
Frankie B
Frankie B - 7 years ago
moto chug
Frankie B
Frankie B - 7 years ago
Charles Thorp moto bug
Charles Thorp
Charles Thorp - 7 years ago
I think its called the Moto Chug
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
That sounds interesting, I will try and find it

30. comment for As Seen On TV Fishing LURES PART 2!! Fishing Challenge!!

Dan Liz
Dan Liz - 7 years ago
Keep up the videos, you will have 50k subs this year. Love it buddy!
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
let's hope! Thank you
Christopher Thurman
Christopher Thurman - 7 years ago
Yay! Bout time! Helicopter Lure!!
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
haha thanks brother
Jeff Mabry
Jeff Mabry - 7 years ago
I can't take it anymore
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
ok then
Jeff Mabry
Jeff Mabry - 7 years ago
That's why you supposed to use the swivel for the line twist
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Uhh obviously I did. Hell I even showed you exactly how I rigged it
Randy Wideman
Randy Wideman - 7 years ago
wrong color for the helicopter lure on top water. green,yellow,brown. black. on top in weeds and pads. frog, duckling,mouse, muskrat. etc. the fish can relate to. white is a good jigging color
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
ohhh,.... yea I disagree. I can see bass smashing small baitfish everywhere in the weeds, schools of shad, shiners, and minnows. But what do I know, it's only my home lake
Jeff Mabry
Jeff Mabry - 7 years ago
Really a gag video in the middle of the spawn you sure you a bass fisherman????
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
yup, and yet I still caught giants. Sounds good to me
Joe Barnes
Joe Barnes - 7 years ago
you should try the one shoot lure as sewn on TV
Joe Barnes
Joe Barnes - 7 years ago
SawGrassBassin I just realized it sorry I only remembered the twitching lures
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
I did in the first video
Frankie B
Frankie B - 7 years ago
try the "walking worm"
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
I will have to check that out, thanks man
Jennifer Lewis
Jennifer Lewis - 7 years ago
U should do another random lure challenge but with a twist
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
I have a few ideas in the works, stay tuned
Jer-z Grown
Jer-z Grown - 7 years ago
Well the FishingSnake did it's job which didn't surprise me too much. That helicopter lure however looks like something I would leave in the trash.
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Love that snake
Infantry Outdoors
Infantry Outdoors - 7 years ago
Great video bro. I am going to order the snake. Looks like it will work down here for sure.
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
I got them on ebay. I just ordered the $35 pack too but the same company has the pack i originally ordered for $20
Infantry Outdoors
Infantry Outdoors - 7 years ago
SawGrassBassin were did you order them from? I only found them on ebay for $35.
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
oh definitely, they will crush it in soflo
The Inept Fisherman
The Inept Fisherman - 7 years ago
Your mail gets there early, mine never comes before 6pm, and I live within 10 miles of the distribution center.
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
yeah usually no later than 12, it's not that big of an accomplishment when you live in a town as small as mine lol
jeff sebastian
jeff sebastian - 7 years ago
You should do a top 3 or top 5 out of all as seen on TV lures
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
I have a few ideas yet, you havent seen the last of the asotv videos
Jer-z Grown
Jer-z Grown - 7 years ago
I am never disappointed man. Great video as usual!!
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
thank you!
esequiel chavez
esequiel chavez - 7 years ago
Hey buddy send me one piece for I can try it out The helicopter
steve unversaw
steve unversaw - 7 years ago
Hey, Love your videos and have been learning a lot! I have fish the flying lure! They use to have a buzz bait type that I loved and have caught a ton of fish but sadly I lost it At a private Reservoir.. and they use to have bigger ones that caught many different types of fish! And I had the same problem with the helicopter lure! Twisted my line and didn't catch hardly any fish! The snake lure looks like fun! Anyway please keep making the fun and educational video! Much thanks SixshotSteve !
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Thank you buddy
Ryan Anderson
Ryan Anderson - 7 years ago
Great part 2! You gonna do some sight fishing on bedding bass this year?
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
for sure, it's almost that time
Fishing GrubbZ
Fishing GrubbZ - 7 years ago
hahahaha what the hell were you doing waiting for the mail!?? that just killed me
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
dude, there is nothing better, nothing! better than a pig crushing topwater in the thick stuff. You couldn't see it on video but she cleared water and divebombed it, my heart just fell into my foot
Fishing GrubbZ
Fishing GrubbZ - 7 years ago
SawGrassBassin that freakin tank on the snake dude!! So epic
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Hahaha got to keep it fun! butterflies are hard af to catch
Fishing GrubbZ
Fishing GrubbZ - 7 years ago
not a bad one on the helicopter!!!
Clifford burchfield
Clifford burchfield - 7 years ago
I thought disney fishing trip was great one but great video here
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
thanks brother
Alan Mc Crum
Alan Mc Crum - 7 years ago
Great to see u doing a part 2.... I still have the flying lures myself and still are catching..... VIDEO WAS CLASS!
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Thank you for watching!

50. comment for As Seen On TV Fishing LURES PART 2!! Fishing Challenge!!

Jonathan Rojas
Jonathan Rojas - 7 years ago
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Thank you
egomaniac247 - 7 years ago
I remember my dad getting suckered into the Flying Lure informercial......but I'll give them credit they actually worked. And if you did it right, they WOULD swim away from you. I always wondered about the Doug Hannon snake though, that thing looked awesome lol
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
I fell for the flying lure back in the day too. They do have a really neat swim forward. The snake is money
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Haha thank you my friend
Lucky Luciano
Lucky Luciano - 7 years ago
nice man, getting better every time, Great Video!!!
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Thanks Lucky
Richard Sturdivant
Richard Sturdivant - 7 years ago
The flying lure is weed less just take the center tail of the skirt attach it to the bait keeper on the bottom of the bate and into the hook it will perform wheedles
Richard Sturdivant
Richard Sturdivant - 7 years ago
I have found that it is a timing bate great for fishing beads during the spoon becouse you can work it and have it never leave the bead
Richard Sturdivant
Richard Sturdivant - 7 years ago
No worries great video
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
oh, prob should have read the instruction huh
Xrysovalantis Arvanitakhs
Xrysovalantis Arvanitakhs - 7 years ago
the man who dont have dislikes man you make my day every time i see you content
Xrysovalantis Arvanitakhs
Xrysovalantis Arvanitakhs - 7 years ago
you walcome brother
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
thank you friend
Fun fishing with Mason
Fun fishing with Mason - 7 years ago
Go gators
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
yes sir!
02roushstang02 - 7 years ago
The first time you did this was the video i subscribed to you. Never miss a video keep up the good wotk .
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Thank you!
King Patrick
King Patrick - 7 years ago
I love your videos, truly inspiring
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
haha thanks man
Cole the pokemon Master
Cole the pokemon Master - 7 years ago
Oh yeah baby! Been waiting for this!
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
yeah buddy
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
thanks dude
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Orlando Alabarces
Orlando Alabarces - 7 years ago
Captain Mike wassup from Massachusetts ND team bangfield fishing
Orlando Alabarces
Orlando Alabarces - 7 years ago
SawGrassBassin love the show ND the awesome gear u show us ND bring back
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
wassup dude, thanks!
Orlando Alabarces
Orlando Alabarces - 7 years ago
U r cool as hell bro
Outdoor Passion
Outdoor Passion - 7 years ago
Awesome video. Love your cannel
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
thank you
Collin Conner Tacticool
Collin Conner Tacticool - 7 years ago
Collin Conner Tacticool
Collin Conner Tacticool - 7 years ago
Nothin much but awesome video I subscribed
SawGrassBassin - 7 years ago
Yo whats up

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