Bass Fishing During a Salami!!!
Tropical fishing 6 years ago 44,631 views
Merch - MTB Promo Code: GRAYGANG MTB Link: BioSpawn Code (20% OFF)- GRAYGANG BioSpawn Link- Snap Chat- kendallgray6 Instagram- @kendallgray1 Mailbox! - Kendall Gray P.O. Box 724 Barbourville KY, 40906 Email-
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I so like comment
30. comment for Bass Fishing During a Salami!!!
(Edit) The Peanut I have is a girl though
50. comment for Bass Fishing During a Salami!!!
100. comment for Bass Fishing During a Salami!!!
His dog had a bonour
You are the best Fisher I have ever seen you might not think so but I have never seen anyone catch like 6 bass in a row!!!!!
Never give up #GrayGang #Jesus