Tropical fishing 7 years ago 319,389 views
Best aquarium exotic fish your can catch and buy in stores! Joey slay em and I visited an amazing place where I get some amazing fish! MY SECOND CHANNEL IS CATCH_EM_ALL_LIVE: Check out my Instagram @Catch_em_all_fishing: SAVE $10.00 Off MYSTERY TACKLE BOX PRO using this link Promo Code: CATCHEM
10. comment for Best AQUARIUM EXOTIC FISH you can CATCH!
20. comment for Best AQUARIUM EXOTIC FISH you can CATCH!
This guy is such an intolerable douchebag it's not even funny.
30. comment for Best AQUARIUM EXOTIC FISH you can CATCH!
Recommend some temms for pet, awesome and smart fish
50. comment for Best AQUARIUM EXOTIC FISH you can CATCH!
Maximum number of fish you can keep in that is one even 6 neon tetras is too much 1/2 inch shrimp and that too only 5 is perfectly stocked!
So beautiful
What could be a good name for youur arowana
100. comment for Best AQUARIUM EXOTIC FISH you can CATCH!
"Thank you sweetheart"
"You´re welcome Bro"
Denied... even though you got a girl.
Zac got a new fish..
Time for me to get one
So you need to spend money on it??
I have had one since he was 5 in to about 3 feet they are so worth it
You should go fishing at the golf coarse behind Miller Square Mall in Kendall Lakes . There's giant kois there that makes yours look like a guppy. I once caught a two foot long female albino channel cat fish worth over $2k in those canals/lake.
If this is old footage, why are we making requests?!
but u dont lov me
catch em all catch em all catch em all!!!
So clean
Can I get a like for getting you to click read more
catch_em_all fishing is a legend