Best Fishing Method Ever? Tropical Island
Tropical fishing 6 years ago 111,022 views
Warning: On rare occassions certain tropical fish can come with ciguatera poisoning. Please enquire at the locals if the fish can be eaten or not. On my island this fish was safe to eat! Gloves used in this video: Want to know what gear I am using? Check out my amazon store: Want a Survival Lilly T-Shirt? Lilly`s new cameras: Sony Olympus ► More Videos To Watch – Lilly’s Favorite ◄ Helicopter Drop Off On Vancouver Island --------------------------------------------------------------- ► SOCIAL MEDIA ◄ Facebook ► Website ► Twitter ► Instagram ► ♥ Feel free to subscribe to my channel. Please share my videos on Facebook and Reddit. Thanks ♥ Hi, my name is Lilly and I like spending time in nature to practice my survival and bushcraft skills. This channel documents my learning process of all wilderness and urban survival skills. This is not a purely primitive survival channel. Sometimes I use modern tools which people might have at hand in a real survival situation. Thanks for watching ~ Survival Lilly Fishing While Snorkeling?! Tropical Island
Yes certain fish can be deadly to us humans.
Case in pt: my lil cousin died from eating pufferfish served here in the states.
Lilly thank you for every tip you share with us.
I'm a good old country boy with an unbelievable skill set . I wish I could find a female life partner like you.
I remember watching one of your videos a long time ago about the use of a bow and your archery skills would be fun to watch you do a bow fishing video somewhere down there in the Bahamas or wherever you're at
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LG Sebastian
However I will say my worst experiences fishing were still pretty nice days.
100. comment for Best Fishing Method Ever? Tropical Island
Good video.
If you are hungry, look at my Channel,....
Currywurst, Frecnch Fries, Sandwiches...
All Cooked in the forrest woods. Yummi.
Awesome!!! I bet you thought I was gonna say beautiful huh??? Got ya!!! Lol keep it up!!!
Come to Dubai
In my personal experience, shitting small bricks is far better than creating something that is ... not solid and feels like it is just passing by the system. I have been in situations where I have plenty of calories and water but felt very weak due to the digestive system not being in good order (and dehydration because of this is no joke).
But yes, I guess the common rule of thumb (non-situational) is that we can starve for about three weeks before we die. As I understands it, many die before that and out other reasons than lack of calories.
Those with more body fat will probably do better as that fat is a spare pool of energy anyways when there are no external sources of energy in calories, but fat from animals like fish seems like a big benefit in the long term and any catch will probably have a significant (positive) psycological impact. For survival in terms of living it may not be an issue, but for survival in terms of staying alive to get out it may be a big issue: some people can not stand being all alone and "doing nothing" for just a few days (seen it myself).
How much calories you actually consume depends very much on what situation you are in (season, what you do etc. As I have learned, and been trained vitamin C is very beneficial in the winter for example compared to the summer and the energy need in calories may vary with a factor of ten depending on what you do.
Given there are many different methods, some methods may fit less to the situation at hand some will fit better. Knowing several methods is a good thing as survival is situational. You may found yourself in situations with very different outer parameters.
Also, I think it is a well proven fact that people have thought food that may not be the most cost effective may still be a moral boost and moral contributes to the will to live and the will to live is a main foundation of survival.
Some people have had plenty of clothes, gear and food, but still perished due physiological reasons
Being active to some extent will stimulate the mind. You may live for quite some time without food and feeling hungry is not dangerous per se, but if your mind is failing you may risk yours and others live sooner.
Also, what if she had been more lucky and got a bigger fish for the same effort? Fishing has a degree of luck does it not? Bottom line: IF the situation at hand makes the level of chance, risks and effort affordable, I think it could be a good thing to spend time with.
As for training, I think it is just right to use and try out different methods as this will create a general understanding and build self confidence.
an Elephant
And your skill too.
BTW: Will you ever introduce us to your camera-person? Use a tripod and you can double-team on projects.
If you are snorkeling and in an area with a lot of fish, flip over a large rock under water. Make sure you are wearing gloves! This will expose what is under the rock but also create a small cloud of dust in the water. Fish (small and large) will flock to it and start eating the small organisms that you just exposed. I found fish often will ignore your presence while they are eating. It would be a perfect time to fish or spear fish.
I found this out in Hawaii. I have seen spear fisherman purposely use their gloved hand to do the same thing to attach fish.
Love the videos, keep them up!
i also liked the music in the video, the way you catched the fish, the way you cooked it etc ...
it really reminds me some loveble warm lazy environment which i want to stay forever :)
With ten-tickles! XD
How long was your visit to the island?
contains rich quantity of DHA and EPA which are very rare unsaturated fatty acid
(from google not mine...)
Maybe she’s just slightly nearsighted. Underwater that might not matter much.
Mail a lucky winner the next fish she catches.... Should arrive properly decomposed ;)
love your vids