Big Plans! Not So Big Results - Adder Rock Fishing Comp 2018
Tropical fishing 7 years ago 8,048 views
Grab a T-Shirt at the new site! - Time again for the biggest and best offshore kayak fishing competition of the year! The Adder Rock Kayak Fishing Tournament is one I always look forward to, a chance to catch up with all the guys and fish North Stradbroke Island! As usual it proved to be my kryptonite every year for the last 6 comps I have struggled to catch and this year was no different. Was tough fishing over the comp days.. luckily I brought the skiff as a back up plan and got a last minute trip in that produced a small but quality fish that saved the day. The whole weekend was a blast though and a rare chance to go fishing for a few days so I can't beat about that! Support the channel and the family on Patreon: Every bit of support really helps grow the channel so please Subscribe + Like + Share if you're into it. Like and follow RoKKiT KiT here too: Music: Samplified - Future Sessions Some of the gear I use: Stealth Profisha 475 Kayak GoPro Hero 5 Black GoPro Hero 3+ Silver Waterwolf 1.0 Troll camera NRS Zen PFD Ultra Trek 2 PFD Lowrance Elite 5Ti Sounder / Combo Penn Spinfisher V 4500, Mulit-Colour 30lbs braid, Uglystik 4-8kg Platinum rod. Penn Slammer III 5500, 30lbs Spiderwire Blue Camo braid, 40lbs fluro leader and an Ocean Assassin Archipelago rod. Penn Fathom 30 2 speed Lever Drag, 50lbs Spiderwire Code Red braid, Uglystik Gx2 10-15kg rod. Penn Torque 30 Stardrag, 50lbs Spiderwire Code Red braid, Penn Powercurve Reload 15-20kg rod. Big thanks to my sponsors: Australian Kayak Specialists - Stealth Kayaks - Penn Australia - Berkley - Lowrance - Ugly Stik - Pulsator Lures - Lockrack Australia -
What lures are you using on yellow tuna? Thanks for your time..
10. comment for Big Plans! Not So Big Results - Adder Rock Fishing Comp 2018
Looks like a nice little unit
Can you post some links to the skiff supplier?
20. comment for Big Plans! Not So Big Results - Adder Rock Fishing Comp 2018
keep them up
30. comment for Big Plans! Not So Big Results - Adder Rock Fishing Comp 2018
You know you getting old when you complain about paddling only 50kms...
Whaaaaahahaha im just kidding mate!
Good stuff and enjoy!
Im dieing to get out again!!
Wind here is always a problem... #CapeTownProblems
Schweet as cuz!
Can imagine bud!
Those skiffs look rad!!
Enjoy bud and the whole game changes now with this skiff!
Keep the good vids bud
Good luck getting out soon!