Big Plans! Not So Big Results - Adder Rock Fishing Comp 2018

Grab a T-Shirt at the new site! - Time again for the biggest and best offshore kayak fishing competition of the year! The Adder Rock Kayak Fishing Tournament is one I always look forward to, a chance to catch up with all the guys and fish North Stradbroke Island! As usual it proved to be my kryptonite every year for the last 6 comps I have struggled to catch and this year was no different. Was tough fishing over the comp days.. luckily I brought the skiff as a back up plan and got a last minute trip in that produced a small but quality fish that saved the day. The whole weekend was a blast though and a rare chance to go fishing for a few days so I can't beat about that! Support the channel and the family on Patreon: Every bit of support really helps grow the channel so please Subscribe + Like + Share if you're into it. Like and follow RoKKiT KiT here too: Music: Samplified - Future Sessions Some of the gear I use: Stealth Profisha 475 Kayak GoPro Hero 5 Black GoPro Hero 3+ Silver Waterwolf 1.0 Troll camera NRS Zen PFD Ultra Trek 2 PFD Lowrance Elite 5Ti Sounder / Combo Penn Spinfisher V 4500, Mulit-Colour 30lbs braid, Uglystik 4-8kg Platinum rod. Penn Slammer III 5500, 30lbs Spiderwire Blue Camo braid, 40lbs fluro leader and an Ocean Assassin Archipelago rod. Penn Fathom 30 2 speed Lever Drag, 50lbs Spiderwire Code Red braid, Uglystik Gx2 10-15kg rod. Penn Torque 30 Stardrag, 50lbs Spiderwire Code Red braid, Penn Powercurve Reload 15-20kg rod. Big thanks to my sponsors: Australian Kayak Specialists - Stealth Kayaks - Penn Australia - Berkley - Lowrance - Ugly Stik - Pulsator Lures - Lockrack Australia -

Big Plans! Not So Big Results - Adder Rock Fishing Comp 2018 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 8,011 views

Grab a T-Shirt at the new site! - Time again for the biggest and best offshore kayak fishing competition of the year! The Adder Rock Kayak Fishing Tournament is one I always look forward to, a chance to catch up with all the guys and fish North Stradbroke Island! As usual it proved to be my kryptonite every year for the last 6 comps I have struggled to catch and this year was no different. Was tough fishing over the comp days.. luckily I brought the skiff as a back up plan and got a last minute trip in that produced a small but quality fish that saved the day. The whole weekend was a blast though and a rare chance to go fishing for a few days so I can't beat about that! Support the channel and the family on Patreon: Every bit of support really helps grow the channel so please Subscribe + Like + Share if you're into it. Like and follow RoKKiT KiT here too: Music: Samplified - Future Sessions Some of the gear I use: Stealth Profisha 475 Kayak GoPro Hero 5 Black GoPro Hero 3+ Silver Waterwolf 1.0 Troll camera NRS Zen PFD Ultra Trek 2 PFD Lowrance Elite 5Ti Sounder / Combo Penn Spinfisher V 4500, Mulit-Colour 30lbs braid, Uglystik 4-8kg Platinum rod. Penn Slammer III 5500, 30lbs Spiderwire Blue Camo braid, 40lbs fluro leader and an Ocean Assassin Archipelago rod. Penn Fathom 30 2 speed Lever Drag, 50lbs Spiderwire Code Red braid, Uglystik Gx2 10-15kg rod. Penn Torque 30 Stardrag, 50lbs Spiderwire Code Red braid, Penn Powercurve Reload 15-20kg rod. Big thanks to my sponsors: Australian Kayak Specialists - Stealth Kayaks - Penn Australia - Berkley - Lowrance - Ugly Stik - Pulsator Lures - Lockrack Australia -

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Most popular comments
for Big Plans! Not So Big Results - Adder Rock Fishing Comp 2018

hardstepps - 6 years ago
Loving that skiff man. Another great video. Hye man could you tell me who makes that bait bucket? I really need one exactly like that. Thanks man! Keep up the good work.
vsonic86 - 6 years ago
holy shit, look at how many rods does he have.
Spectrum Fishing
Spectrum Fishing - 6 years ago
what editing platform do you use for your vids am going to be a fishing youtuber soon
Anh Tran
Anh Tran - 6 years ago
262750 - DANG
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
whats the 262750
Hamid Baaoui
Hamid Baaoui - 6 years ago
I'm disappointed Australia. 24,683,471people and only 11K subscribers?!
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Ha, yep Im a slow burning channel :) we will get there hopefully
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Yep I was thinking the new Hook2 should be ideal. will look into it when I get my skiff. This ones a demo.
Pedal Pirate TV
Pedal Pirate TV - 6 years ago
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Thanks Fred!
Stewart Coote
Stewart Coote - 6 years ago
What lures are you using on yellow tuna? Thanks for your time..
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
I caught these tuna on a shallow diving Rapala Xrap in Pilchard
Dusty Schofield
Dusty Schofield - 6 years ago
cool video Rod better luck next time :)

10. comment for Big Plans! Not So Big Results - Adder Rock Fishing Comp 2018

michael vito paa
michael vito paa - 6 years ago
How do you like the HS?
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Yea Im likening it a lot. I need to put it though its pacers more casting wise but it performed well even on a big king from the rocks on the New Zealand trip no problems.
Ahmed A
Ahmed A - 6 years ago
Rod, you're killing me man with those sabiki rigs on a regular rod. Get yourself a rovex "sabiki rod" from Anglers Warehouse. I got one ages ago and put an older baitcaster I had on it. That was one of the best things I've ever bought! No more hooks in hands and feet! Love your channel, and that skiff is bloody awesome too!
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Haha, You know I actually have a sabiki rod in the garage! I just got sick of replacing the bait caster as it would get so much saltwater on it in the kayak, so stoped using it :) You would have loved day one of the comp, I got 2 hooks all the way though on my leg :) Love it!
Mark Smith
Mark Smith - 6 years ago
What's your nationality? Japanese mix? When i started watching your videos a month ago or so i thought you were like 20 years old until i actually saw your face in one of your vlog videos. I love your vlogs
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Haha yep not so young these days! even getting grey sideburns now... My Mother is Chinese and my Father is Italian so i'm all over the shop :)
Retz - 6 years ago
12:00 That's a 'Butterfish (Pentapodus vitta)', great eating if you catch enough big ones.
jezza79 - 6 years ago
great vid, been looking forward to this one and you put it together beautifully as always. it was good to meet you on the barge and beach. unreal!
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Thanks mate, good to meet you to.. hope your getting out on that beast of a boat!
Kesniel Galvan
Kesniel Galvan - 6 years ago
What boat is that at 9 mins in?
Looks like a nice little unit
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Yep Stealth Powerfisha
mungbean84 - 6 years ago
Kesniel Galvan Stealth skiff
B.Roberts - 6 years ago
that first bait you threw back would be as good as any other!…its probably would have won the comp!.
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Ha, I consent catch anything no matter what baits I tried :)
Peter57808 - 6 years ago
Excellent stuff!
Can you post some links to the skiff supplier?
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
on top lures
on top lures - 6 years ago
Mean vid once again!
Connor Navarro
Connor Navarro - 6 years ago
Hey mate just wondering what offshore rod and reel setups are you running?
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Yep as Hazza said check out the arsenal vid if your keen. I also have some info in the descriptions too.
Hazza Turk
Hazza Turk - 6 years ago
There is a arsenal video that he posted not that long ago that shows what he uses.

20. comment for Big Plans! Not So Big Results - Adder Rock Fishing Comp 2018

AdoboFishing - 6 years ago
Nice little setup you got there!
James Spiteri
James Spiteri - 6 years ago
love the videos
keep them up
Supaflie Kayak Fishing
Supaflie Kayak Fishing - 6 years ago
Good seeing you over there Rod. Great comp, thanks for all your work!
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Cheers mate, yep I will have to look into it... its pretty classy at the drive thru like this though :)
MrCods - 6 years ago
Always a pleasure watching your videos Rod.
The Carnster
The Carnster - 6 years ago
Always good to blood the new craft.
The Carnster
The Carnster - 6 years ago
Yep that thing def has the speed required. 12 to 14 knots halco 190's, 2m bib and a skirt in close up the guts will do the damage I reckon.
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Bring on the hi speed trolled wahoo!!!
Owen Gray- Kayak Fishing
Owen Gray- Kayak Fishing - 6 years ago
No Sprocket collab?! disappointed!!!
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
haha, it will happen :) big colab!!!
Gerard Macorvick
Gerard Macorvick - 6 years ago
Woke up and straight away dive into your video mate. Pretty big turnouts this year eh mate? Who won this time around? What the biggest catch? Pretty awesome skiff buddy. I be getting a t shirt soon and you always have my support buddy all the way. Cheers.
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Thank mate, Ido from the sunny coast team won the top spot this year. He caught 2 Spanish mackerel and a few reef fish. There was a top snapper caught this year which was probably the best fish of the comp it went 89cm!
jonnywaselectric - 6 years ago
Can of whiskers gets the yakkas boatside
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Bait for the bait hea :)
steve thorne
steve thorne - 6 years ago
Thanks for the video, awesome

30. comment for Big Plans! Not So Big Results - Adder Rock Fishing Comp 2018

BurninatorTheTrogdor - 6 years ago
Nice one! Love the skiff.
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Thanks for watch the vids mate! cool to know theres people enjoying them. Good luck with the saving, i'm sure you'll get that Stealth soon enough
Pej Jam
Pej Jam - 6 years ago
Great work enjoyed it. Time for another hair cut now :)
Pej Jam
Pej Jam - 6 years ago
RoKKiT KiT lol, why?
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Ha, im never cutting it ever again!
Sin City Outdoors
Sin City Outdoors - 6 years ago
lee male
lee male - 6 years ago
I need to buy me a sealth yak
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
No better offshore yak if your dealing with surf!
Firstdue Outdoors
Firstdue Outdoors - 6 years ago
Very cool stuff, cool skiff too? Be cool to see how you rig a sounder in the skiff. Good stuff always and yeah a perfect size yellowfin!
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Yep will put a sounder on soon
Umair Ahmed
Umair Ahmed - 6 years ago
Awesome bro. Some nice catches right there
Scott Brownson
Scott Brownson - 6 years ago
really liking your videos. I think your in a niche. I hope hobie sends you a yak soon.
Alisha - 6 years ago
They can go through the surf. I have been to this comp for 6 years, for the 5 years I took a Hobie Revo 13 and it had issues going through the surf but you can do it. Heck, I did it the first year in 40 knot winds, 2.9m swell. Now I got a stealth which is better but hey.. the person who came second in this comp was on a Hobie and prob the hardest one to get out through the surf "Hobie AI with 1 outrigger". So they do suit surf launches just not as well as a stealth.
Scott Brownson
Scott Brownson - 6 years ago
I'm not a kayaker. I just know the name and have heard lots of kayak youtubers rave over them. Figured they were the best.
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Thanks mate!
Cpt. Gingerbeard Kayak Fishing
Cpt. Gingerbeard Kayak Fishing - 6 years ago

You know you getting old when you complain about paddling only 50kms...

Whaaaaahahaha im just kidding mate!

Good stuff and enjoy!

Im dieing to get out again!!
Wind here is always a problem... #CapeTownProblems

Schweet as cuz!
Cpt. Gingerbeard Kayak Fishing
Cpt. Gingerbeard Kayak Fishing - 6 years ago
Can imagine bud!

Those skiffs look rad!!
Enjoy bud and the whole game changes now with this skiff!

Keep the good vids bud

RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Haha, cheers mate... yea back i my hayday id smash 50km out in an hour or so :)
Good luck getting out soon!
OzWoz - 6 years ago
bro your not wearing you motor band if you fall off you are dead it will keep driving
Mike Follmer
Mike Follmer - 6 years ago
I had my motor drop into gear while starting the motor and it took off. Luckily the kill cord cut the motor. Just sharing my shame to help others hopefully. Cheers bro!
mungbean84 - 6 years ago
No motor band on a kayak so reckon he would be right on the launch.
OzWoz - 6 years ago
lee male its not if your dead
lee male
lee male - 6 years ago
RoKKiT KiT it's ok to live a little dangerous adds more excitement
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Im wearing it, I just got a little distracted during launch... will be sure to use it a bit better in the future
Small Amounts
Small Amounts - 6 years ago
I'm here
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
OzWoz - 6 years ago
Love your videos man
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Thanks mate!
Harry Blizz
Harry Blizz - 6 years ago
First like
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago
Thanks Hazza!
Paddy O’donnell
Paddy O’donnell - 6 years ago
RoKKiT KiT - 6 years ago

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