Big tropical gold fish swimming in aquarium

A big gold fish swimming in a fish aquarium with other fish.
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Most popular comments
for Big tropical gold fish swimming in aquarium

TurrboModding - 6 years ago
Tropical? Goldfish are cold water
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
Wow. I love to see the large goldfish they are always so pretty swimming in tanks. They grow fast and get become large fish before you know it... I have done a handful of goldfish grow outs and it doesn't take more than about 6 months to a year for the little ones to grow out into a 40 gl or 50 gal... enough to be released in larger ponds with the jumbo goldfish in them... koi are even worse they can out grow a 40 gl. In about 6 months and keep growing for another 3 - years definitely a pond fish.
Coty Rogers
Coty Rogers - 9 years ago
hope ate people calling this fake? the average goldfish grows to 12 inches in given the space to do so. my goldfish are all bigger than his. I have three of them.
minchalop - 9 years ago
ur fucking stupid this isn't even real
Kerrie Louise
Kerrie Louise - 10 years ago
My kitten loves the video thankyou
Karen Shao
Karen Shao - 10 years ago
the tank is too small and is that silver fish a piranha?
Gabe Varns
Gabe Varns - 10 years ago
I think it's a Sliver Dollar
ALI NAWABI - 10 years ago
Tank is way too small it should be
at least 70inches
Adam Taylor
Adam Taylor - 11 years ago
Those goldfish are tiny compared to mine...
TheMangled Triangle
TheMangled Triangle - 9 years ago
I have one that's about 14 inches long and a derp-tailed fancy goldfish
Imtiaz Khan
Imtiaz Khan - 10 years ago
Lski3 - 11 years ago
Because there is no such thing as a "tropical goldfish"....

10. comment for Big tropical gold fish swimming in aquarium

John Johnson
John Johnson - 11 years ago
Ive never heard of "tropical goldfish" but nice vid :D
Tamsyn Chaffins
Tamsyn Chaffins - 11 years ago
whats fin rot? their fins look ok O.o the tank looks kinda dirty though.....
sahana safrin
sahana safrin - 11 years ago
ur fish looking nice
mrandmrsjwhitney - 11 years ago
not sure but carps, where the goldfish bred from, are naturally found in the wild, lakes, ponds, in asia even in tropical asian countries.
Kradzież sercAA
Kradzież sercAA - 11 years ago
RAFAŁ Jarosz SZTUKA PIĘKNA -Rafał Jarosz malarstwo neews-LEGEND-Rafał Jarosz Nowoczesna sztuka -*******Gwiazda MALARSTwa Rafał JArosz najjaśniejsza,najjpiękniejsza*********sztuka nowoczesna z domieszką *****100mln,za kolekcję i 223dziełeczka.Najcudowniejszy,najsliczniejszy ,najbardziej całuśny *** I lov Rafacio ***foreVel,TY,lol,neVer niezapomnimy co dla nas uczyniłeś dla swiata i dla polski ,twój płomień kolor ,barwy rozświetliły wszystko dookoła***** doceńcie i spójrzcie na piekno jakie macie!
ilovefish141 - 11 years ago
1 that fish has fin rot 2 that tanks tiny for him and that other goldfish
tava loveschocolate
tava loveschocolate - 11 years ago
Wow! Will my tiny goldfish grow that big in 4 years?
Emily Fitzgerald
Emily Fitzgerald - 11 years ago
Those are silver dollars, not pacus....
Sarah Linden
Sarah Linden - 11 years ago
gold fish are not tropical and shouldnt be with most of the fish in the tank
Netarpal Sharma
Netarpal Sharma - 7 years ago
gold fish sarch
Netarpal Sharma
Netarpal Sharma - 7 years ago
sagatbalrog - 11 years ago
why dont you shove ur xbox up ur ass nerd

20. comment for Big tropical gold fish swimming in aquarium

Alex Jones
Alex Jones - 11 years ago
Because of their wide temperature tolerance because of years of captive breeding, they can live in tanks up to 25c without change i have not seen any evidence suggesting that it isn't the case
sagatbalrog - 11 years ago
that fish looks disgusting. all tht white crap over it. very cheap looking goldfish. why dont u get a fancy goldfish. only those look good.
Harleen saran
Harleen saran - 11 years ago
That shortens the lifespan of goldfish putting it with tropical fish
adarkerlink - 11 years ago
whoa,gold fish...subtropical,without difference to their lifespans,how?
Long Lu
Long Lu - 11 years ago
i think you should buy a new tank
inc2000glw - 11 years ago
goldfish on swollen. pulled up at the trap ....whhoooshhhhh. littlefish was like dannggg yo
Abigail Blue
Abigail Blue - 11 years ago
I Love Goldfish
TJ.Geckos - 11 years ago
That is big
burgersoft777 - 11 years ago
I hate to be negative but these fish have fin rot, which needs to be sorted. A little salt and regular water changes should cure it. You can also buy treatments. It can take a few years to nail goldfish husbandry. I lost a few fish early on to fin rot.
Alex Jones
Alex Jones - 11 years ago
They can also be a subtropical fish without difference to their lifespans

30. comment for Big tropical gold fish swimming in aquarium

Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris - 12 years ago
yes it is true........but who gives a damn goldfsh can do well in 78 or even 80 degree water i had my goldfish for 2 years in 78 degree plus water...........
Jessa messa
Jessa messa - 12 years ago
I have a loud and anxious Bengal and as soon as I turned this on he just literally went into chill mode and fell asleep to the rippling water sounds and the fish swimming Thankyou so much for your help and I now know a remedy for his anxiety and loudness!!
airsoft livesey
airsoft livesey - 12 years ago
goldfish is not tropical its a coldwater fish!!!
Tanner Duve
Tanner Duve - 12 years ago
A bad case of fin rot. These guys don't know anything about fish care. Especially since the video says "tropical goldfish."
j.c. del barrio
j.c. del barrio - 12 years ago
i have one same size
Dameon Grey
Dameon Grey - 12 years ago
Do you have a discus in there?
xxINTOXIFADEDxx - 12 years ago
WHats chewing on all of your fish?
living and learning
living and learning - 12 years ago
Tem saber escolher melhor as espécies!!
Mgtow Monk Templar
Mgtow Monk Templar - 12 years ago
i wish i had a tank that large.
bunny bun
bunny bun - 12 years ago
engry !!! i love with big face and big head
Victorjose Pereira
Victorjose Pereira - 12 years ago
u put to much fish food
Agen Hardroker
Agen Hardroker - 12 years ago
are u mad??..goldfish with pacus..the pacus wil.l kill your goldfish once their mouth becone big some some research before breeding fish..
Sam Winter Cooke
Sam Winter Cooke - 12 years ago
xXSgofyyahXx - 12 years ago
what's that black fish in the beginning call?
Bashlis - 12 years ago
If you know how to take care of them its possible. Goldfish mixed with carp out in the wild can get to huge sizes that can reach over 20 pounds.
giant regrigerator
giant regrigerator - 12 years ago
yeah but fish just dont need the same space as humans do, they only need a little space that keeps them excited and allows them to stretch their muscles and be happy.
Hans Moore
Hans Moore - 12 years ago
The fish don't have much room to swim around as if they were free to swim all over. I'm sure the feeding part is great though.
giant regrigerator
giant regrigerator - 12 years ago
well are you saying you wouldnt be happy living in a place where you get food given to you every day with clean water, awesome scenery to play with and other fish to play with? sounds fishy to me...
Hans Moore
Hans Moore - 12 years ago
I would not like to live in an aquarium. I actually feel sorry for this fish, but they are not my fish..
giant regrigerator
giant regrigerator - 12 years ago

50. comment for Big tropical gold fish swimming in aquarium

Alfie Owen
Alfie Owen - 12 years ago
this is fake
Jessica Scott
Jessica Scott - 12 years ago
Emily Fagg
Emily Fagg - 12 years ago
Large Toast
Large Toast - 12 years ago
it took 2 days to make this video the first day 1/2 was spent pan in closer and closer to the fish tank
Matt Scambler
Matt Scambler - 12 years ago
Nice fish :D
leonardo chiavetta
leonardo chiavetta - 12 years ago
fritto misto...
Harry Druid
Harry Druid - 12 years ago
Your fish have Fin Rot - its because there is a messy goldfish and too many fish in general.
Raphael Fayth
Raphael Fayth - 12 years ago
what is that black fish
Servodude1 - 12 years ago
Great video :-) I've got gold fish as well (I call them 'The Goldfish Girls'). I'm pretty sure Dorothy is about the same size. I'll have to shoot a video. Thanks for sharing.
Jessica Nguyen
Jessica Nguyen - 12 years ago
just watched the video and now I need to pee
Hans Moore
Hans Moore - 12 years ago
The fish about 4 years old
Adrian Ocaña
Adrian Ocaña - 12 years ago
How old is the gold comet here?
Hans Moore
Hans Moore - 13 years ago
@swjace He is about 9 inches long from front to tip of tail..eats a lot of food..
Sam Williams
Sam Williams - 13 years ago
how big is that comet?
Hans Moore
Hans Moore - 13 years ago
@AVERYCK77 I would rather be a fish that is free and not locked in an aquarim..I don't think fish are to roam free in the rivers, lakes and oceans
Hans Moore
Hans Moore - 13 years ago
@11snakeyes1 They swin from side to side looking for somewhere to go...
AVERYCK77 - 13 years ago
would we like to live in an aquarium if we were fishes ? I know there are some, like this one, beautifull fish aquariums but it ain't the best way to look at small and big fishes. I mean was this all meant to be in the first place ? I dunno but I doubt it.
11snakeyes1 - 13 years ago
These fish want to go somewhere!

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