Buried Treasure, Tropical Fish and Coral Plants!- Snapshot 18w10a

Snapshot 18w10a came out with new tropical fish, buried treasure, coral plants, way points on maps. I go over all the changes and things I discovered. More 1.13 Snapshot videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-5egZTw99_6lv9myQq1l9ifzJuw2TOIf Reddit 18w10a post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/82gaif/minecraft_java_edition_snapshot_18w10a/?ref=share&ref_source=link ProtoTech Discord: https://discord.gg/kz6u9u8 ProtoTech Application: https://form.jotform.us/71345031389152 Technical Minecraft Community Discord: https://discord.gg/PEJvfAf -ProtoTech Members- 0x53ee71ebe11e: https://goo.gl/mq4aRN 1011: https://goo.gl/ym7yBF Acheron River: https://goo.gl/2dh2Xk Craft Mechanics: https://goo.gl/ujSQwq CreeperPhysics: --- DogetorHue: https://goo.gl/pbu9mN EDDxample: https://goo.gl/uMrW1Q Galia: https://goo.gl/uhk9Nu Guberti: https://goo.gl/68ovW9 Heinz Eins: https://goo.gl/M0HdsE ISean: https://goo.gl/GNkRBc kikawet: https://goo.gl/hLMYok KK: https://goo.gl/7OkmPp Lord Jon: https://goo.gl/TT9fg5 Mouse: https://goo.gl/Y5ZoQm Narcoleptic Frog: https://goo.gl/jNJ4MJ Nessie: https://goo.gl/sfA483 Noerdy: https://goo.gl/A3B3BU Nooticus: https://goo.gl/H2NKpw Nukelawe: https://goo.gl/rJNn8o Omeganx: https://goo.gl/0NzXb5 Pineapplecake: https://goo.gl/iGFNur Pingu: https://goo.gl/y4SaBz Prophezy: --- Ray: https://goo.gl/0Qtuoc Rid: https://goo.gl/47lZet Rusty: https://goo.gl/QyBgR1 Smokey: https://goo.gl/YSc4Fo Theosib: https://goo.gl/sk21eb XcelliorE: https://goo.gl/b6Fkkj Yunsung: https://goo.gl/HchA8d zefenglin : https://goo.gl/JgaERF Like if you found this interesting! Subscribe for more content like this! Comment about anything relevant to this video. https://twitter.com/RaysWorks Recorded with OBS: https://obsproject.com/ edited with SVP: http://www.vegascreativesoftware.com Replay Mod: https://replaymod.com Minecraft: https://minecraft.net/ Rays Works

Buried Treasure, Tropical Fish and Coral Plants!- Snapshot 18w10a sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 6,770 views

Snapshot 18w10a came out with new tropical fish, buried treasure, coral plants, way points on maps. I go over all the changes and things I discovered. More 1.13 Snapshot videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-5egZTw99_6lv9myQq1l9ifzJuw2TOIf Reddit 18w10a post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/82gaif/minecraft_java_edition_snapshot_18w10a/?ref=share&ref_source=link ProtoTech Discord: https://discord.gg/kz6u9u8 ProtoTech Application: https://form.jotform.us/71345031389152 Technical Minecraft Community Discord: https://discord.gg/PEJvfAf -ProtoTech Members- 0x53ee71ebe11e: https://goo.gl/mq4aRN 1011: https://goo.gl/ym7yBF Acheron River: https://goo.gl/2dh2Xk Craft Mechanics: https://goo.gl/ujSQwq CreeperPhysics: --- DogetorHue: https://goo.gl/pbu9mN EDDxample: https://goo.gl/uMrW1Q Galia: https://goo.gl/uhk9Nu Guberti: https://goo.gl/68ovW9 Heinz Eins: https://goo.gl/M0HdsE ISean: https://goo.gl/GNkRBc kikawet: https://goo.gl/hLMYok KK: https://goo.gl/7OkmPp Lord Jon: https://goo.gl/TT9fg5 Mouse: https://goo.gl/Y5ZoQm Narcoleptic Frog: https://goo.gl/jNJ4MJ Nessie: https://goo.gl/sfA483 Noerdy: https://goo.gl/A3B3BU Nooticus: https://goo.gl/H2NKpw Nukelawe: https://goo.gl/rJNn8o Omeganx: https://goo.gl/0NzXb5 Pineapplecake: https://goo.gl/iGFNur Pingu: https://goo.gl/y4SaBz Prophezy: --- Ray: https://goo.gl/0Qtuoc Rid: https://goo.gl/47lZet Rusty: https://goo.gl/QyBgR1 Smokey: https://goo.gl/YSc4Fo Theosib: https://goo.gl/sk21eb XcelliorE: https://goo.gl/b6Fkkj Yunsung: https://goo.gl/HchA8d zefenglin : https://goo.gl/JgaERF Like if you found this interesting! Subscribe for more content like this! Comment about anything relevant to this video. https://twitter.com/RaysWorks Recorded with OBS: https://obsproject.com/ edited with SVP: http://www.vegascreativesoftware.com Replay Mod: https://replaymod.com Minecraft: https://minecraft.net/ Rays Works

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Most popular comments
for Buried Treasure, Tropical Fish and Coral Plants!- Snapshot 18w10a

Clewl Tetsui
Clewl Tetsui - 7 years ago
I hope the biome water color change will one day apply to the sky (or fog) but at least under swamp waters too.
Clewl Tetsui
Clewl Tetsui - 7 years ago
Ooh, banner waypoints!
Clewl Tetsui
Clewl Tetsui - 7 years ago
Now does the icon attempt to recreate any designs on the banner?
RedViking - 7 years ago
The waypoint will be very helpful for newer players.
LB_Firelord Bollinger
LB_Firelord Bollinger - 7 years ago
I think the map thing is awesome because if you ever want your entire base labeled easily on item frames then there ya go
Dany Entertainment
Dany Entertainment - 7 years ago
Keep on updating us :D
Amy Kittycat
Amy Kittycat - 7 years ago
the new coral blocks are beautiful!
COC Freakzz!!
COC Freakzz!! - 7 years ago
hey rays works the new crafting recipies unlocked icon also changed it now contais a crafting table icon. and the video was awesome
COC Freakzz!!
COC Freakzz!! - 7 years ago
oh i just noticed it
Rays Works
Rays Works - 7 years ago
Thanks for the info!
BunnyJakeHQ - 7 years ago
Question: Does the Coral Plant, Coral Generate natural??
Rays Works
Rays Works - 7 years ago
not yet
BunnyJakeHQ - 7 years ago
The Phantom Looks Freaking Awesome

10. comment for Buried Treasure, Tropical Fish and Coral Plants!- Snapshot 18w10a

자롱이Jarongi - 7 years ago
I love your voice I can't understand your language as 100% but I always enjoy your videos
Rays Works
Rays Works - 7 years ago
Oh thanks :D
This thumbnail has an impossible Mushroom Island.
This thumbnail has an impossible Mushroom Island. - 7 years ago
Look underwater in a swamp biome.
Rays Works
Rays Works - 7 years ago
Yeah it's greenish.
BluBOo - 7 years ago
Not really worth it to search those chests tho i guess
Yisrael Pinto
Yisrael Pinto - 7 years ago
I'm late
Mr. Salt
Mr. Salt - 7 years ago
Got to catch 'em all!
CrackedJudgement - 7 years ago
one thing to note though is that the banners that appear on the map will only show the color it was dyed with so if you craft a white banner and dye it blue, the banner will appear white on the map
Falco - 7 years ago
it took them waay too long to add waypoints, but I actually found a glitched way to create one, by putting a map in an item frame
KirbyPlayz PE
KirbyPlayz PE - 7 years ago
Its a new and other way to make waypoints...
Falco - 7 years ago
if it's not a glitch then why did they add the waypoints
KirbyPlayz PE
KirbyPlayz PE - 7 years ago
That's not a glitch. Its a feature
thefrannypanny - 7 years ago
MrKroxan - 7 years ago
finally waypoints, thats pretty good.
Kevdu - 7 years ago
I love the thumbnail looks like you spent 20 minutes trying get every mob there

20. comment for Buried Treasure, Tropical Fish and Coral Plants!- Snapshot 18w10a

Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith - 7 years ago
I think the stone block is just a way to cover up the chest. Since the chest spawned on the edge, they had to put something there to hide it. I think they should put gravel there or something as well as filling in below it.
Rays Works
Rays Works - 7 years ago
Ya that is what I was trying to get at.
Василий Калинкин
Василий Калинкин - 7 years ago
i fear no man. but the lips on this skin. they scare me.
Bryson Sirus
Bryson Sirus - 7 years ago
Rays Works Well, you should make it a BIT darker so it matches with the hair AND people like this fellow don't get confused. :PPP
Rays Works
Rays Works - 7 years ago
It's a mustache
Derpy Emma ._.
Derpy Emma ._. - 7 years ago
im just imagining hoe beautiful my aquarium will be
ShadowRaptor1O1 - 7 years ago
Bruh...putting markers on maps is gonna be a huge gamechanger for faction servers
Rays Works
Rays Works - 7 years ago
There's client mods that do this already.
Jacob - 7 years ago
ShadowRaptor1O1 how so?
Acheron River
Acheron River - 7 years ago
I really like waypoints and the skeleton proto drake skin on the night mob.
One Mad Scientist
One Mad Scientist - 7 years ago
I love when they add features that leads to more diversity and life into the game, so that the environment seems more natural. I think someone has done the calculations and there are about 3000 different possible kinds of tropical fish. Anyway, that was a good informative video as usual !
Yisrael Pinto
Yisrael Pinto - 7 years ago
I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved the old phantom
KirbyPlayz PE
KirbyPlayz PE - 7 years ago
Lol. Same and to be exact there are 3072 types of tropical fish!
Tristan Popken
Tristan Popken - 7 years ago
I love ur channel!
Keep it up
Arwen Fails
Arwen Fails - 7 years ago
I like the way they did the fish, there's finally gonna be a way to get clownfish easier lol. Its good they only made 1 ai, though Idk why they would make more ai's, but again, makes it better for farming, though I wish you could cook clownfish for at least 2 hunger instead of the 1 it gives Currently
Muzik Bike
Muzik Bike - 7 years ago
It's honestly a shame all 3072 of the tropical fish don't have unique individual item forms. I can just imagine you building a farm and a sorting system for all of them on prototech.

Either way, we still have the bucket forms. Will you try collecting all of those before updating to 1.14 when it comes?
Mr. Salt
Mr. Salt - 7 years ago
Muzik Bike 3,072*
Mr. Salt
Mr. Salt - 7 years ago
Muzik Bike Wait, so you are telling me there are 3,037 different fishes?
Omar_ Cassini
Omar_ Cassini - 7 years ago
It's like pokemon, but harder XD
Muzik Bike
Muzik Bike - 7 years ago
you're on
Rays Works
Rays Works - 7 years ago
Sounds like a challenge :D
HaizenN - 7 years ago
The tropical fishes caught my eyes in this snapshot
They are look amazing and got a lot of different variations of version of clownfish
Tnx for the snapshot video

30. comment for Buried Treasure, Tropical Fish and Coral Plants!- Snapshot 18w10a

Adrian_ Zombturtle
Adrian_ Zombturtle - 7 years ago
Wowza thats crazy
morgunkorn - 7 years ago
This is one exciting snapshot, I'm really thrilled that mojang takes the time to add so much depth (huehuehue) to this version. Thanks for the thorough video!
YupGamingCCC - 7 years ago
I need this :)
Jays So Fly
Jays So Fly - 7 years ago
Really Cool :)
GBM gaming
GBM gaming - 7 years ago
Asked a few people but no definite answer. Are the end cities spawning back in the end? And are the villagers recognizing doors?
Bryson Sirus
Bryson Sirus - 7 years ago
GBM gaming Ohhhhhhhh I see. Yeah you're right then. Sorry :/
GBM gaming
GBM gaming - 7 years ago
Bryson Sirus I went in creative with /locate and none were found
Bryson Sirus
Bryson Sirus - 7 years ago
Oh, and didn't have an end ship.
Bryson Sirus
Bryson Sirus - 7 years ago
GBM gaming Well firstly, end cities are RARE. I was having the same problem, but EVENTUALLY I found one......and it was small. :P
GBM gaming
GBM gaming - 7 years ago
Bryson Sirus it was a problem with my last world I had in the snapshot. Not a single end city and villagers didn't know what to do around doors. Couldn't open them and breeders wouldn't work because of it.
tohopes - 7 years ago
villagers won't recognize doors until MC-122369 is fixed. you can look up that bug on Mojang.
Bryson Sirus
Bryson Sirus - 7 years ago
1. WTF do you mean? They've always been there.

2. Are villagers not recognizing doors? When did this happen?
Rays Works
Rays Works - 7 years ago
Small but cool aquatic changes!
rixterz - 7 years ago
"has just came out" ??
One Mad Scientist
One Mad Scientist - 7 years ago
He probably means you should say "has just come out" since the past participle of the verb "to come" is "come", which is pretty confusing when the preterit is "came", but that's just the English language being weird, just as usual, I guess.
Rays Works
Rays Works - 7 years ago
yes, this is the newest snapshot.
Jonathon Malowany
Jonathon Malowany - 7 years ago
rixterz - 7 years ago
grow up
Noah Zoller
Noah Zoller - 7 years ago

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