Can a Dead Fish Make Paper "Fly"? Weird Experiment That Actually Works!
Tropical fishing 6 years ago 86,949 views
This video shows you a weird experiment where a fish gallbladder makes paper zoom around on the top of water! I experiment to make my best hypothesis about why this is happening and end up showing you an easier way to make this happen than using a fish! Link to original video: WARNING: This video is for entertainment purposes only. If you use the information from this video for your own projects then you assume complete responsibility for the results. My Other Channel: My Facebook Page: For more awesome videos checkout: Stacking Pringles in a Complete Circle—The Amazing Physics of Stacking Mixing the World's Blackest Paint With the World's Brightest Paint (Black 2.0 vs LIT) Is it Possible to Unboil an Egg? The Amazing Uncooking Experiment! What if You Try To Lift a Negative Mass? Mind-Blowing Physical Impossibility! What Does a Giant Monster Neodymium Magnet do to a Mouse? The Worlds Blackest Black vs The Worlds Brightest Flashlight (32,000 lumen)—Which Will Win? How Much Weight Can a Fly Actually Lift? Experiment—I Lassoed a Fly! If You Fly a Drone in a Car, Does it Move With It? (Dangerous In-Car Flight Challenge) Can Flies Actually Fly in a Vacuum Chamber? I Let a Venus Flytrap Digest My Finger For a Day–Little Shop of Horrors Challenge! Drawing On Water-It is So Surreal! Can Magic Sand Get Wet in a Vacuum Chamber? So Satisfying! Stretch Armstrong Crushed In A Hydraulic Press
I can assure you your ideas/posts etc will be reviewed in the regular comment section accordingly. thank you.
I'm not aware Hawking studied the marangoni effect. Do black-holes exhibit surface-tension?
Now who will take physics to next level? I feel it will take a very very very long time.. maybe next 1000 years...
10. comment for Can a Dead Fish Make Paper "Fly"? Weird Experiment That Actually Works!
can u also do that candle in a glass on water in plate too, in a vacuum chamber
And check how many pieces you could get ughh i mean chunks
20. comment for Can a Dead Fish Make Paper "Fly"? Weird Experiment That Actually Works!
30. comment for Can a Dead Fish Make Paper "Fly"? Weird Experiment That Actually Works!
One explaination I read about it was, it is all about thermodynamics. There is pressure in the bottle which wants to escape. And when you open the lid, the gas is pushed out. But the only energy that the soda can use its thermal energy. So it loses heat during the release of pressure. Then the closer molecules to bottle hole suddenly drops to freezing point and gets crystallized. Just like the deodorants gets cold in our hand when we use them?!
Sorry for my English. I hope I interpret it correctly but is this true?
Can you recreate the conditions and repeat the experiment, please? I am really wondering about your explaination.
I'm wondering is the hot metal (steel at 1000 C) weight more than the cold one ??!!!
I got click baited
Wat? You mean, fly in the air? How does that work?
"Saw the video"
Bile? OK... tha't called "Surfactant". As the molecules are released into the surface of the water, the surface tension makes it move... It's just like -
"Saw the soap"
yeah this...
50. comment for Can a Dead Fish Make Paper "Fly"? Weird Experiment That Actually Works!
Edit: Oh, yeah. RIP Stephen Hawking.
Thanks for sharing another great video! I would love to see some experiments with high powered lasers!
See /watch?v=DJGVZNth68k .
Is it fake? (don't think so)
What is going on there?
Did you do it and I just missed it?
Sorry if I miss-speld a few words.
I love your videos and keep up the good work.
100. comment for Can a Dead Fish Make Paper "Fly"? Weird Experiment That Actually Works!
R.i.p. Stephen Hawking.
I swear I will use soap with a lot of precautions...
It's called Diffusion.
I'd be rich, only if I could swim.
Anybody who wants to steal my awesome idea, you welcome.
Why did it move like that??
Side note, the electromagnetic properties of covalent bonding is an awesome effect, thanks for doing a video on it!
Guess I'll join in leave my thumb up and wait. ;)
I'd love to see a video on how to actually make the sodium acetate in first place.
VANTA BLACK VS 32,000 luminent light
I'm sure you'll figure something out.
I remember in my childhood we use to play with tiny tin boats which had a small slot at the back. In these slot a small square piece of camphor is put such that it is facing downward. And when we put this miniscule boat on water in a tub it quickly move in circles across the surface of water and once the camphor is fully dissolved , it stops.
What is the reason behind this? Is it due to some gas released as a result of water reacting with camphor.. or due to the hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface like you have shown in this video?
And why the spin direction reverses only when spun in one specific direction and in the other direction it spins just normally pleasee
Thats the reason everytime u require fresh water for experiment.
Tell me if i am correct or wrong!
Btw great work man!
Good video, good channel :)
How do you know??
And did you do the video with the - weight lifting (idk)
But nice vid man! Love u
Cool Video!
I was just thinking something for Science Exibition I can tell my teachers that I discovered it! THANKS!
Keep up the good work
Dude don't take this so seriously
And be PAOK not Παναθηναϊκό
That's dangerous for me because I may not be early anymore
No one cares
That's better
Every country says that to themselves
You can easily hit a million!
*EDIT*: Thanks for noticing!