Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish (Tropical Island Part 7 of 14)
Tropical fishing 7 years ago 99,526 views
In this video I catch a tropical fish with hook and line. It was actually pretty easy on this tropical island where there are a lot of fish. A fishing kit belongs in every survival kit. WARNING Always be careful when eating fish from the tropics. Sometimes this fish can come with ciguatera poisoning. Please enquire at the locals if the fish can be eaten or not. On my island this fish was safe to eat. After I saw some locals catching and eating even smaller fish I caught one myself. Want to know what gear I am using? Check out my amazon store: Want a Survival Lilly T-Shirt? Lilly`s new cameras: Sony Olympus ► More Videos To Watch – Lilly’s Favorites ◄ Helicopter Drop Off On Vancouver Island Survival Bow Top 5 Wild Edibles How To Make A Fire Without Matches Or Lighter --------------------------------------------------------------- ► SOCIAL MEDIA ◄ Facebook ► Website ► Twitter ► Instagram ► ♥ Feel free to subscribe to my channel. Please share my videos on Facebook and Reddit. Thanks ♥ Hi, my name is Lilly and I like spending time in nature to practice my survival and bushcraft skills. This channel documents my learning process of all wilderness and urban survival skills.This is not a purely primitive survival channel. Sometimes I use modern tools which people might have at hand in a real survival situation. Thanks for watching ~ Survival Lilly Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish survival
WARNING Always be careful when eating fish from the tropics. Sometimes this fish can come with ciguatera poisoning. Please enquire at the locals if the fish can be eaten or not. On my island this fish was safe to eat. After I saw some locals catching and eating even smaller fish I caught one myself.
You owe me a new keyboard Lily, for all the coffee that shot out my nose and landed on it when I nearly choked laughing :/
10. comment for Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish (Tropical Island Part 7 of 14)
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20. comment for Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish (Tropical Island Part 7 of 14)
30. comment for Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish (Tropical Island Part 7 of 14)
So, the order is a bit sorted, or so it seems.
50. comment for Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish (Tropical Island Part 7 of 14)
Also, I guess many others would have edited out more - if not all - of their mistakes, thus giving an impression of them being better and/or the job being easier than it is. Showing learning by doing is good teaching in my opinion.
Who is perfect? Not me. Will nature sting back now and then regardless of what we do? I think so.
She used a small bit of whatever was in the can to catch a fish. With some luck, the bait in that can could provide several more fishes, so it seems like a good investment.
at these video's
Have a good one!
I know some cut of the fins of sharks and actually throw back their alive catch into the sea (not saying you do it) as they want the fin only, I guess I may have associated with that even it is a different context.
Kost du wieda a Jogdvideo auf Rehwühd mochn?
When cooking island style we'll clean and gut the fish but wrap it up with the tea leafs and stick it in the wall of your fire. The sand will get hot enough for your fish to cook. You can do this with fish,chicken,beef or potatoes. Cooking island style maybe bland to some people but it's clean.
hab ich schon bei deinem ersten video erkannt ;D
Yes, it feels very good to walk bare footed in the sand, but on some tropical beaches, I think there may be reasons not doing it more than needed, at least not if you rely a lot on not being hurt in your feet.
When I walked the same beach as my friend, I saw many tiny signs in the sand where sea creatures hid waiting for the tide. As I remembers it now, some looked like small crabs with hard shells.
Locals setting off and working with their small fishing boats had something on their feet as I remembers it, could have been sandals.
100. comment for Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish (Tropical Island Part 7 of 14)
A: please mom, 5 more minutes.
These tropical videos make me happy, its like going on a 5 minute holiday lol
In the video description she wrote "WARNING Always be careful when eating fish from the tropics. Sometimes this fish can come with ciguatera poisoning. Please enquire at the locals if the fish can be eaten or not. On my island this fish was safe to eat. After I saw some locals catching and eating even smaller fish I caught one myself. ".
The Real Joey B Dallas/Fort Worth
Am I getting this right? People scaling this particular fish says it is harder to scale than other types, but you, NOT having scaled this particular fish says it is in fact easy to scale it?
I have not tried descaling or cleaning it, but I suspect it would be way slower for me than other fish, especially so the first few times :)
Was hat eigentlich deine Kameraperson gegessen?
you should to go here.. there is much beaches and forest here.. so awesomeee
My point was that children are raised with a completely different mindset. They are taught to be self-reliant.
Education is mandatory. You don't get GED's. You work your ass off until you make it. Kids aren't allowed to
have their phones in class. I could go on and on... The USA is in a state of total collapse, Look who's running
the joint right now! There is a reason you don't find Lilly's here. I am not slamming this country, I think it is
the greatest country on earth... but something broke and it needs to be fixed. I am retired now, but I spent my whole life trying to do my part. Maybe it would be a good idea to stop talking shit about all the stupid
people and reach out and help them to NOT BE STUPID. You learn to be stupid, you can unlearn it also.
Education, both practical and book learned is the key to the universe. That's what broke here, education
no longer exists in the USA.
That accent ain't from Kansas. I know. I'm German. Dead giveaway. I will put one of OUR girls up against
any girl, or MAN. Any place, anytime, any situation. Lilly rocks!!!! I'm a man and my life partner can kick my
ass at least 60% of the time ( I give myself 40% LOL) You see it's not that they're Women, it's the way they
are raised, educated, and RESPECTED. Women are born the equal and (sometimes stronger) than Men. It's what happens to them along the way (by Men) in many, many parts of the world that sucks! And by some of the moron, social media trolls and sexist losers that have commented in this thread.
( just a note;) How many of those "female friends" in northern Cali, speak fluent Germanic. It's my guess that fluent English isn't the only foreign language that Lilly can speak. Just an example of the point I'm
trying to make, not to bust anybody's ass you know.
P.S. check out the Darbin orvar channel. Another mind boggler superwomen.
jane iso masak po ra to?
Ciguatera is a foodborne illness caused by eating certain reef fish whose flesh is contaminated with a toxin made by dinoflagellates such as Gambierdiscus toxicus which live in tropical and subtropical waters. These dinoflagellates adhere to coral, algae and seaweed, where they are eaten by herbivorous fish which in turn are eaten by larger carnivorous fish like barracudas, and even omnivorous fish like basses and other fish like mullet. This is called biomagnification. It is not known why the fish are not affected.
Gambierdiscus toxicus is the primary dinoflagellate responsible for the production of a number of similar polyether toxins, including ciguatoxin, maitotoxin, gambieric acid and scaritoxin, as well as the long-chain alcohol palytoxin.[1][2] Other dinoflagellates that may cause ciguatera include Prorocentrum spp., Ostreopsis spp., Coolia monotis, Thecadinium spp. and Amphidinium carterae.[3] Predator species near the top of the food chain in tropical and subtropical waters are most likely to cause ciguatera poisoning, although many other species cause occasional outbreaks of toxicity.[4]
Ciguatoxin is odourless, tasteless and cannot be removed by conventional cooking.[5][6]
Researchers suggest that ciguatera outbreaks caused by warm climatic conditions propelled the migratory voyages of Polynesians between 1000 and 1400.[7][8]
Contents [hide]
1 Signs and symptoms
2 Detection methods
2.1 Folk methods
3 Treatment
3.1 Folk remedies
4 Epidemiology
5 History
6 See also
7 Footnotes
8 References
Signs and symptoms[edit]
Hallmark symptoms of ciguatera in humans include gastrointestinal and neurological effects.[9][10] Gastrointestinal symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, usually followed by neurological symptoms such as headaches, muscle aches, paresthesia, numbness, ataxia, vertigo, and hallucinations.[5][10] Severe cases of ciguatera can also result in cold allodynia, which is a burning sensation on contact with cold.[9] Neurological symptoms can persist and ciguatera poisoning is occasionally misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis.[11] Death from the condition can occur, but is extremely rare.[12]
Dyspareunia and other ciguatera symptoms have developed in otherwise healthy males and females following sexual intercourse with partners suffering ciguatera poisoning, signifying that the toxin may be sexually transmitted.[13] Diarrhea and facial rashes have been reported in breastfed infants of poisoned mothers, suggesting that ciguatera toxins migrate into breast milk.[14]
The symptoms can last from weeks to years, and in extreme cases as long as 20 years, often leading to long-term disability.[15] Most people do recover slowly over time.[16] Often patients recover, but symptoms then reappear. Such relapses can be triggered by consumption of nuts, seeds, alcoholic beverages, fish or fish-containing products, chicken or eggs, or by exposure to fumes such as those of bleach and other chemicals[citation needed]. Exercise is also a possible trigger.[5]
Detection methods[edit]
Folk methods[edit]
Greetings from Switzerland!
That username lol