Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish (Tropical Island Part 7 of 14)

In this video I catch a tropical fish with hook and line. It was actually pretty easy on this tropical island where there are a lot of fish. A fishing kit belongs in every survival kit. WARNING Always be careful when eating fish from the tropics. Sometimes this fish can come with ciguatera poisoning. Please enquire at the locals if the fish can be eaten or not. On my island this fish was safe to eat. After I saw some locals catching and eating even smaller fish I caught one myself. Want to know what gear I am using? Check out my amazon store: Want a Survival Lilly T-Shirt? Lilly`s new cameras: Sony Olympus ► More Videos To Watch – Lilly’s Favorites ◄ Helicopter Drop Off On Vancouver Island Survival Bow Top 5 Wild Edibles How To Make A Fire Without Matches Or Lighter --------------------------------------------------------------- ► SOCIAL MEDIA ◄ Facebook ► Website ► Twitter ► Instagram ► ♥ Feel free to subscribe to my channel. Please share my videos on Facebook and Reddit. Thanks ♥ Hi, my name is Lilly and I like spending time in nature to practice my survival and bushcraft skills. This channel documents my learning process of all wilderness and urban survival skills.This is not a purely primitive survival channel. Sometimes I use modern tools which people might have at hand in a real survival situation. Thanks for watching ~ Survival Lilly Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish survival

Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish (Tropical Island Part 7 of 14) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 181

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 99,526 views

In this video I catch a tropical fish with hook and line. It was actually pretty easy on this tropical island where there are a lot of fish. A fishing kit belongs in every survival kit. WARNING Always be careful when eating fish from the tropics. Sometimes this fish can come with ciguatera poisoning. Please enquire at the locals if the fish can be eaten or not. On my island this fish was safe to eat. After I saw some locals catching and eating even smaller fish I caught one myself. Want to know what gear I am using? Check out my amazon store: Want a Survival Lilly T-Shirt? Lilly`s new cameras: Sony Olympus ► More Videos To Watch – Lilly’s Favorites ◄ Helicopter Drop Off On Vancouver Island Survival Bow Top 5 Wild Edibles How To Make A Fire Without Matches Or Lighter --------------------------------------------------------------- ► SOCIAL MEDIA ◄ Facebook ► Website ► Twitter ► Instagram ► ♥ Feel free to subscribe to my channel. Please share my videos on Facebook and Reddit. Thanks ♥ Hi, my name is Lilly and I like spending time in nature to practice my survival and bushcraft skills. This channel documents my learning process of all wilderness and urban survival skills.This is not a purely primitive survival channel. Sometimes I use modern tools which people might have at hand in a real survival situation. Thanks for watching ~ Survival Lilly Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish survival

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Most popular comments
for Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish (Tropical Island Part 7 of 14)

Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
Stove used in this video:
WARNING Always be careful when eating fish from the tropics. Sometimes this fish can come with ciguatera poisoning. Please enquire at the locals if the fish can be eaten or not. On my island this fish was safe to eat. After I saw some locals catching and eating even smaller fish I caught one myself.
David Jeffrey Spetch
David Jeffrey Spetch - 7 years ago
Just a suggestion Lilly. I notice you switch back and forth between two tracks that I have noticed when it comes to the music in the back ground. Ya know I did a video recently while using Beethoven in the back ground, it still makes me smile that people watch it called "How to shave a few years off your appearance with Beethoven" lol but the thing about old classical music like Beethoven is, that they are royalty free ;) and there is some really good music in there. If you find something you like type the artist and title in a search engine while adding royalty free with the search and find out if what you like is royalty free (I would verify that with more than one source on your search fyi)
drew broomfield
drew broomfield - 7 years ago
you are soooooo cute! i love your 1 week on Vancouver island video! keep it up ur amazing
Charlie Hutch
Charlie Hutch - 7 years ago
good job but of all the 'tropical' ones that a really ugly fish lol keep up the good work Lilly :{P
Real Deal
Real Deal - 7 years ago
Where can I find the rest of this series? 8-14?
treeefrogUK - 7 years ago
Sorry but the first shot of this video took me completely by surprise! To catch tropical fish - open a tin of fish! :D
You owe me a new keyboard Lily, for all the coffee that shot out my nose and landed on it when I nearly choked laughing :/
Danny Dawes
Danny Dawes - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly why are you kidding the fish it mea
데미안 - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly. 한글자막좀ᆢ
writerconsidered - 7 years ago
You should have used that fish for bait fish to catch a real fish.
lasbiche 35
lasbiche 35 - 7 years ago
Konnst aber ned mid unserne Bochforellen vergleicha ;)
Scrooge - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly beautiful place you have visited
Paradigm2012Shift - 7 years ago
Hey Survival Lilly, awesome fishing video. That fish was a very nice size for a meal. Besides the lime, I wonder if you can use seawater to season the fish too. The island looks amazing. Can I come and live there? You're the best. Thanks for sharing. ;)
Brad Griffin
Brad Griffin - 7 years ago
Reminds me of where I used to live...
Katan Akuma
Katan Akuma - 7 years ago
It shows how far your skills have come in such a short time by going back and seeing earlier videos.
tatiana arteaga
tatiana arteaga - 7 years ago
Yeah, I can see myself in a survival situation with a pan, a stove, coconut oil, canned food, fuel tablets, fishing line, and a knife!
Viraj Urkudey
Viraj Urkudey - 7 years ago
where is that? it’s so beautiful!!
Vid Bob.
Vid Bob. - 7 years ago
Tell me whats is the bait
Midwest Outdoors
Midwest Outdoors - 7 years ago
Should have salt buildup on the can use that to season the fish.
Hafiz IskandAR
Hafiz IskandAR - 7 years ago
awesome but to much tool
Di Liu
Di Liu - 7 years ago
absolutely my favorite video series on tropical island. Love it!!Please make more videos like this :)
Hipolito Rivas#5
Hipolito Rivas#5 - 7 years ago
You need to get better at scaling looks like you were trying to fillet the scales off lol
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
knife was dull like a butterknife ^^

10. comment for Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish (Tropical Island Part 7 of 14)

arunbm123 - 7 years ago
I hope you cleaned the fish ?
Addy Joe
Addy Joe - 7 years ago
O europeans! U dont know how to survive in islands
Mike Fitch
Mike Fitch - 7 years ago
After you catch a pan-fish... Gut it, & cut off the head. Wipe inside with oil or butter. Hang over an open fire on a thin green stick. Pick at the inside w/a toothpick size piece of wood. When meat flakes, remove from fire on a plate. Pinch fish @ backbone (where U cut off head). Skin n scales should come off clean leaving you w/just the meat. (AND BONES DEPENDING ON FISH!)
Rest Galaxy
Rest Galaxy - 7 years ago
That water is so blue.
이기연 - 7 years ago
일부러 많이 자는거
4시간동안 축구한다는데
중간에 급졸리면 초면에 존나 실례임
Kenneth Shoemaker
Kenneth Shoemaker - 7 years ago
Love the island. Just one question though. I've watched these island videos but am curious where/how you are getting fresh water?
Nick Gaming
Nick Gaming - 7 years ago
It looks soooo good
XxDaniella 129xX
XxDaniella 129xX - 7 years ago
No fishes were harmed in the making of this video
ColdDead Hands
ColdDead Hands - 7 years ago
Great Job Lilly!!
Nualah Story
Nualah Story - 7 years ago
I HATE fishing it makes me so sad! ;( this is not hate :)

20. comment for Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish (Tropical Island Part 7 of 14)

Jim dela Cruz Vera
Jim dela Cruz Vera - 7 years ago
hello lilly. im inviting you to come to The Philippines
Colin  Nguyen
Colin Nguyen - 7 years ago
That's pretty awesome, I could never catch a good fish like that... well not as good as you, but that lime was expert level...
Leenus Hansan
Leenus Hansan - 7 years ago
catch up one Phirana
Leenus Hansan
Leenus Hansan - 7 years ago
worms in dog
Wolf Cave
Wolf Cave - 7 years ago
Trick I learnt when I was fishing as a kid was that if you encounter a fish with spikes on the spine, you firmly grab and apply a lot of pressure on the spikes when they are relaxed, so that if the fish does try to extend them, they don't actually extend. Grab the spines as if you'd stroke a backslick haircut, starting from the front and then sliding up over the spine and clamping very firmly with your hand!
extreadhead55 - 7 years ago
ahhh, come on Lilly, you're on an island.....where's the bikini?
Mhamza98 - 7 years ago
can you find the bait as well in the next video
Viraj Urkudey
Viraj Urkudey - 7 years ago
what island is this? it's so beautiful
Ronald McReynolds
Ronald McReynolds - 7 years ago
Lily, were in the tropics were you on this island?
Brian Andrews
Brian Andrews - 7 years ago
Cool video, are there any survival uses for fish bones?

30. comment for Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish (Tropical Island Part 7 of 14)

#8Trending - 7 years ago
I find these videos very strange... you have oil and cooking tools but no fishing rod!!
Chris Vanderhoof
Chris Vanderhoof - 7 years ago
So cute, I would watch you watching television.
MasterMatt Gamer
MasterMatt Gamer - 7 years ago
But don't the fish got size limits
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
this fish is matured. it does not get any bigger
Nimrodgizmo - 7 years ago
You are very cute and I love watching you and learning from you. love, Nimrod
Christian Payne
Christian Payne - 7 years ago
Or you could just be careful around the damn spikes the fish
Elton McRegor
Elton McRegor - 7 years ago
i love u lilly cause ur pretty amazing gurl and i think u love nature and i also love nature... keep it up lilly
Denzel Langaigne
Denzel Langaigne - 7 years ago
Keeping It Dutch
Keeping It Dutch - 7 years ago
Next time cut the head and fins off bf you cook.
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Gratz on 500.000 subs!
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
Survival Skills Primitive
Survival Skills Primitive - 7 years ago
Very nice. It's a great fishing spot. I want to go there
One Pan Fan
One Pan Fan - 7 years ago
is Lilly married? just curious.
SKoutdoors - 7 years ago
Hun. I thought you were surfing on your thumbnail. Lol. Have to ask what was it that you use for your fire? What was the little box and what was inside of the box to make flames?
Янислав Журавлёв
Янислав Журавлёв - 7 years ago
Ктож так рыбу чистит? Приезжай в Россию - научим :-)
Jan Pitscheider
Jan Pitscheider - 7 years ago
Are you from Austria
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Yes, she is from Austria.
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
Hallo Benjamin, nach einigen Drohungen die ich von Fans erhalten habe werde ich jetzt und auch zukünftig kein Fantreffen veranstalten.
mark trezza
mark trezza - 7 years ago
looks yummy
Marita aulia
Marita aulia - 7 years ago
This is the video I was looking for
gabriel Teron
gabriel Teron - 7 years ago
you are the best!
Betty Ferguson
Betty Ferguson - 7 years ago
what happend to the bear grill knive
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Hi, I believe this is older and she is still using/evalutating her Fällkniven here. The other knife came later in the first impression video of it. As I understood it, she is probably using it now and a full review will come later.
So, the order is a bit sorted, or so it seems.
Ability Videos
Ability Videos - 7 years ago
Is that crab met you're using as bait? Thanks.

50. comment for Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish (Tropical Island Part 7 of 14)

Joe Schmuckatelli
Joe Schmuckatelli - 7 years ago
Where is that island, Caribbean somewhere?
Twisted Neck Jeep Co.
Twisted Neck Jeep Co. - 7 years ago
You have to push the fish fin down. Ok
Michael O.
Michael O. - 7 years ago
schönes video.... :-) Daumen hoch
Ismet Dagtekin
Ismet Dagtekin - 7 years ago
you have to practice handling fish
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Seems to me that practice and learning is part of what she does here.
Also, I guess many others would have edited out more - if not all - of their mistakes, thus giving an impression of them being better and/or the job being easier than it is. Showing learning by doing is good teaching in my opinion.
Who is perfect? Not me. Will nature sting back now and then regardless of what we do? I think so.
SONGNHU / Cô Gái Miền Tây
SONGNHU / Cô Gái Miền Tây - 7 years ago
I like your video, i make video about vietnamese country, you can refer to my youtube channel, thanks Survival Lilly
Santa Sir Glenn Dr Heald
Santa Sir Glenn Dr Heald - 7 years ago
loved it. I was wondering when we'd hear from you again. Bless you my dear, you bring joy to all of us.
bd78377 - 7 years ago
Was that a endangered species?
bd78377 - 7 years ago
Just kidding I love your videos.
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
Luiz Augusto Prado
Luiz Augusto Prado - 7 years ago
Wonder woman! She can survive in any condition. the life is not hard like almost everybody says. Go aread Lilly!
Ian James
Ian James - 7 years ago
Lilly, one last thing you should never forget on a tropical island, is to wear your blue bikini top. !!
The Rookie
The Rookie - 7 years ago
who else would like to see her take on the naked and afraid challenge
TIMSN - 7 years ago
Which camera do you use? Thanks :)
TIMSN - 7 years ago
Could be...
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Could be the "Lilly`s new cameras:" in the video description.
Charles Spitler
Charles Spitler - 7 years ago
fish kinda looks like a sheepshead
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
yes, true.
avo - 7 years ago
Why do you need to catch a fish if you can order a pizza? Easy and tasty
wood1155 - 7 years ago
avo shhush fatty
David Jollie
David Jollie - 7 years ago
Wait.....Are you using a can of fish to catch a fish?
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Are not sure if you are serious or not.
She used a small bit of whatever was in the can to catch a fish. With some luck, the bait in that can could provide several more fishes, so it seems like a good investment.
Merkel123456 DAC
Merkel123456 DAC - 7 years ago
Lilly, love your vids. can please tell what company is the hat your wherein in this video? I know its the USMC camo but don't know the brand. Thanks! David
mo 3m
mo 3m - 7 years ago
لي لي صيادة و طباخة ماهرة
ross roger
ross roger - 7 years ago
y did you not just cut that fin off lmao somethings you do you should know by now you are slacking an it is sad you use to be okay
at these video's
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
No problems. I totally agree it would be good if more people learn to feed themselves from nature, including hunting and fishing..
Have a good one!
ross roger
ross roger - 7 years ago
respect to you than . i have followed Lilly for about 1.5 years she has some good stuff on her video's .if i seems a little rough in my answer i am sorry every 1 has their own way an if it works than i am happy that person can feed them self an survive. i have seen that as well and i would like to cut their hands off. i only hunt an fish what i need ,i wish their were alot more people that would learn to do this
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Yes, you do have more years and more experience on fishing. As it happens, I just don't cut of fins before killing the fish. My choice. Actually, it has always felt perfectly natural for me to kill the kept fish first, so the choice for me may not have included much thinking when starting.
I know some cut of the fins of sharks and actually throw back their alive catch into the sea (not saying you do it) as they want the fin only, I guess I may have associated with that even it is a different context.
ross roger
ross roger - 7 years ago
i can tell you really never been fishing . i have been on this earth 51yrs lived in the country life gone fishing and hunting since i was 11yrs old. fresh water and salt water so spare me this comment lmao
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Cutting the fin off before killing the fish? Sounds a bit cruel. Also, IF the fish somehow would get into the water again after the fin got taking away but before getting killed, I just imagine it will be a slow cruel fate for the fish.
fani widayanto
fani widayanto - 7 years ago
I love every video you make, and I think I want to have a chance to be your cameraman, hihi
Nathaniel Cruz
Nathaniel Cruz - 7 years ago
lilly I will marry you...
Johannes Baier
Johannes Baier - 7 years ago
Hey Lily
Kost du wieda a Jogdvideo auf Rehwühd mochn?
Ares Ares
Ares Ares - 7 years ago
you should make videos more often like 2 a week
ShadeSlayer1911 - 7 years ago
That is a really nicely sized catch there.
Terry Lee
Terry Lee - 7 years ago
everytime I watch one of your videos, I always think "I want one".
Jacob Burkes
Jacob Burkes - 7 years ago
You can also buy the stove at Walmart for $4
A - bee
A - bee - 7 years ago
no matter what kind of fish, all fresh and crispy fry is súper delicious! =D~ (and a beer)
Derek Bernal
Derek Bernal - 7 years ago
Next time ask for some tea leafs.
When cooking island style we'll clean and gut the fish but wrap it up with the tea leafs and stick it in the wall of your fire. The sand will get hot enough for your fish to cook. You can do this with fish,chicken,beef or potatoes. Cooking island style maybe bland to some people but it's clean.
Beached Bum
Beached Bum - 7 years ago
The music ruins the video.
Atlantic Woodsman
Atlantic Woodsman - 7 years ago
So if you had a choice would you say being stuck on an tropical location be easier to survive then others? Great vid as always Lily I m starting to think it is but there are always variables.
runkorko - 7 years ago
Next time just skin it like a perch. Good video :)
Frostey - 7 years ago
You are a german
hab ich schon bei deinem ersten video erkannt ;D
Frostey - 7 years ago
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Well, I believe she can speak german. Not sure though.
Frostey - 7 years ago
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
"You are a german"...? No. Lilly is from Austria.
SouthPaw Bushcraft
SouthPaw Bushcraft - 7 years ago
Nothing better then fresh fish like that! Thanks for sharing!
Lukas Tobias
Lukas Tobias - 7 years ago
I hily recomend to you (lilly) the Leatherman Signal. It's worth to take a look.
Brian Spencer
Brian Spencer - 7 years ago
Thanks Lilly Very interesting trip. Brian 77
Brackstone Fynn
Brackstone Fynn - 7 years ago
collect some sea water and leave it in a pan in the sun. the sun will evaporate the water and leave the salt behind. then you can season all your food. i m really enjoying your vids and is Mora of Sweden a good knife brand??
Zulu Centurion
Zulu Centurion - 7 years ago
Looks similar to a really big freshwater sunfish. We catch them here all the time accidentally, they're more of a nuisance than anything.
CplSki USMC - 7 years ago
I think I would have filleted that fish to fry it and... Why are you wearing shoes on the beach??? Doesn't look right on a tropical beach.
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
As for shoes, well, I have a friend getting hurt in his foot by a sharp thing while walking on sand like that. As I understood it, there were animals hiding in the sand and he got stung by one. Even if not being bit, I believe some had been unpleasant to step on bare footed.

Yes, it feels very good to walk bare footed in the sand, but on some tropical beaches, I think there may be reasons not doing it more than needed, at least not if you rely a lot on not being hurt in your feet.

When I walked the same beach as my friend, I saw many tiny signs in the sand where sea creatures hid waiting for the tide. As I remembers it now, some looked like small crabs with hard shells.
Locals setting off and working with their small fishing boats had something on their feet as I remembers it, could have been sandals.
jrjrj lee
jrjrj lee - 7 years ago
I am a survival lover and I am I'm American prepress organization please check my videos survival lily
Pascal Eichberger
Pascal Eichberger - 7 years ago
hey Lilly wo finde ich deine email Adresse wegen dem Artikel im Tonic über dich
Pascal Eichberger
Pascal Eichberger - 7 years ago
Bitte email ist schon verschickt
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
Francis Lanugan
Francis Lanugan - 7 years ago
oh no! you kill a fish.
Eyt Milez High
Eyt Milez High - 7 years ago
Some damn lemon!!!
keith moore
keith moore - 7 years ago
i'd find something other than monofilament line for salt water!!saltwater eats mono!! you lose 2lbs. of test strength per hour!!
John Matthias
John Matthias - 7 years ago
You get stranded on islands quite a lot. ;-) Is it important to know what kind of fish you're catching, or are they all edible?
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
yes extremely important. there are a lot of poisonous fish in the tropics.
WarGrrl3 - 7 years ago
I was wondering if you were going to try the NEW SRK please do a review on it. a bunch of us want to see how much better the NEW steel is. if you did already I might have missed it cuz I had a med emergency and am behind on my vids. really LOVE your vids and value your opinion on the equip you use or just try out. peace.
WarGrrl3 - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly oh i didnt know that. il check them out. thank you.
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
there are 5 different steels now that the srk comes with. i dont have the time to test all of them. sorry
forgetyourlife - 7 years ago
Is that the AUS steel SRK still or a different knife?
ersan erşan
ersan erşan - 7 years ago
Your fishing rods are too big. They must be smaller
MattC0621 - 7 years ago
Please wear some sunblock Lily. You look like you could burn standing next to a table lamp.
Biagio Cozza
Biagio Cozza - 7 years ago
You are awesome. How did you become such a great survivalist?
mister smith
mister smith - 7 years ago
Lunch looks pretty good sister!
Joe Blow
Joe Blow - 7 years ago
all i need to survive on a desert island is survival lilly :)
Rusty Reddish
Rusty Reddish - 7 years ago
what do you use for sun screen? your milk white skin must burn fast in the sun at the tropics. Love your courage to clean a fish that way.

100. comment for Catch And Cook - Tropical Fish (Tropical Island Part 7 of 14)

traprmike - 7 years ago
fillet that bad boy out faster, easier cooking. your coming along pretty good, keep practicing little lady
Flo Suciu
Flo Suciu - 7 years ago
Q: what say the fish when was captured?
A: please mom, 5 more minutes.
David Lawrence
David Lawrence - 7 years ago
You made me hungry !! Great video. :)
mookie714 - 7 years ago
wow, look at that sand! it's so fine.
Ulkely Félix
Ulkely Félix - 7 years ago
Have you ever been to the Dominican Republic? If not, you should try someday. I love hiking and camping, so that's why I subscribed to your channel. Thanks for all the tips.
Mary Jameson González
Mary Jameson González - 7 years ago
Lillian, can I ask you something??
packleader87 - 7 years ago
Has it been that long since Romona and Beezus for Joey King? Wow
Nina Bittrolff
Nina Bittrolff - 7 years ago
Love your vidio.
JAPN Jim - 7 years ago
You are a kick in the ass young Lady. Thanks. Jim in Yosemite, Ca.
eddiecarlcalhoun - 7 years ago
WHAT KIND OF FISH IS THAT? - 7 years ago
Great video and very important information about eating the fish. I learned something new today. Thank you.
NWforager - 7 years ago
I was going to say "Lilly , you might do a portion on the dangers of ciguatera " You already did . Great teacher Mrs Lilly . =)
Joshua Templeton
Joshua Templeton - 7 years ago
poeple pay a ton of money tohave those fish in their hmes and you are trying to catch and eat them lol
jdzencelowcz - 7 years ago
& the best part, if U soak it in ocean water for a moment or two, it's pre-spiced.
Redd - 7 years ago
nice video lilly! love the crystal clear water and island music. keep it up
Dirt Diver
Dirt Diver - 7 years ago
Anyone know what bait was used? It looks like fish in a can maybe?
These tropical videos make me happy, its like going on a 5 minute holiday lol
maryhyphenkay - 7 years ago
Looked like some sardines.
Craig Mooring
Craig Mooring - 7 years ago
Oohhh noooo! Mommy, mommy, Lily just ate Nemo! ;^D
Daniel Olson
Daniel Olson - 7 years ago
Oh, Lilly, your nice fish almost got away!
Randy C
Randy C - 7 years ago
Lilly, that looked like fun. The tip of a spoon turned over works great on big scaled fish. It works really good on larger big scaled fish. It looks like you might get a tan from your latest island adventures. If not a tan, at least a pink. Be careful and use sunscreen.
Your Wife
Your Wife - 7 years ago
It's easier to dispatch a fish while the fish is on its side. That way, you hold the fish steady by pressing it against a hard surface, then you hit it on the side of its head. This gives you a wider area to hit, lessening the chance of just injuring the fish. Also, since you're holding it by the side, the spines don't come in contact with your hand. Best wishes.
Jarel Beatty
Jarel Beatty - 7 years ago
Love this video as with all your others. But I would like to show you how to fillet a fish. It will make it easier to cook and eat.
Andy's Fishing
Andy's Fishing - 7 years ago
Hey +Survival Lilly , if you ever want to do a collab, I'm into the same sort of videos you are. A bit more fishing than survival, but I like a good survival trip too. I can show you some fishing tricks.
Kanuckbrewer o
Kanuckbrewer o - 7 years ago
BTW, the Carinthischer Sommer Festival in Ossiach starts July 16. Best musicians on earth will be performing some of the greatest music ever composed. Alma Deutcher, age 12, will play her piano concerto.  Wish I was there.
Bravo21 - 7 years ago
Pro-Tip. Don't worry about scaling the fish if you are cooking it on coals, a grill or open fire. The scales will act as a plate or platter and the fish will release from the skin when it cooks. Job done.
Frank B
Frank B - 7 years ago
cool. My Dad had a Naval survival manual ( Survival on Land and Sea).from WWII that had drawings of fish and shells you could eat and which were poisonous.
Kanuckbrewer o
Kanuckbrewer o - 7 years ago
Nice pleasant site with clean looking water. Bet the fish tasted good.
Huuge - 7 years ago
We like all your videos         I mean all      nicely done in a world of fake everything
zuleyha yigit
zuleyha yigit - 7 years ago
Turkish please
Dory - 7 years ago
Where is Lily from? I love her accent ❤️
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Hi, she is from Austria.
Kevin S
Kevin S - 7 years ago
That setting isn't terribly different from the area where I live.
Jhonnie Vieira
Jhonnie Vieira - 7 years ago
Muito bom!!!!
War Hound
War Hound - 7 years ago
When the bait is bigger then the fish. lol
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Well, it was not, was it. Lol.
BestViewedWithCable - 7 years ago
Nice work !!!!
Dogsura - 7 years ago
Ich würde gerne mal wissen was du vom SAS Survival Bow häst ? oder ob du ihn überhaupt kennst ?
Paradigm2012Shift - 7 years ago
Hey Survival Lilly, awesome fishing video. That fish was a very nice size for a meal. Besides the lime, I wonder if you can use seawater to season the fish too. The island looks amazing. Can I come and live there? You're the best. Thanks for sharing. ;)
yames23 - 7 years ago
lily u r my favorite survival youtuber keep up the great work and have fun in the tropics
Charles Larson
Charles Larson - 7 years ago
What island were you on???
DarthNinjaCode - 7 years ago
Did you use a tuna sandwich as bate?
Chas Warren
Chas Warren - 7 years ago
Great video Lilly. Useful in fo & nice story. On question though, the image quality of these videos seem to be less than previous videos ?
Alexander Falk
Alexander Falk - 7 years ago
Sehr gut Lilly...näxt mal komm ich mit!
Enjoy Making Stuff.
Enjoy Making Stuff. - 7 years ago
Hi Lilly, did you know what that fish was or is the flesh of all fish edible? Regards
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
You are welcome!
Enjoy Making Stuff.
Enjoy Making Stuff. - 7 years ago
ghanaboyz Thank you!
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Hi, I am not Lilly, I know. Sorry, but I can tell that not all fish is edible.
In the video description she wrote "WARNING Always be careful when eating fish from the tropics. Sometimes this fish can come with ciguatera poisoning. Please enquire at the locals if the fish can be eaten or not. On my island this fish was safe to eat. After I saw some locals catching and eating even smaller fish I caught one myself. ".
orgonized germany
orgonized germany - 7 years ago
Tarra Darra Bros
voiceisclear - 7 years ago
Mohamed chevere
Mohamed chevere - 7 years ago
One of the best ways of cooking fish is by not cleaning it at all, just put it in the fire. When its grilled and ready the scales come out with the skin and you have such tendered meat
Txnative7 - 7 years ago
Thumbs up, Lily!
David Harris
David Harris - 7 years ago
Beautiful location!
Ash - 7 years ago
seems pretty hot there. should stickted to the swim suit ;P
John merenda
John merenda - 7 years ago
Beata te Lilly quanti pesci ...dove vivo io solo granchi e cozze di Taranto(ITALY)
Josef Švandrlík Bushcraft & Camping
Josef Švandrlík Bushcraft & Camping - 7 years ago
Wow. Very nice Lili :))
Perry Woodman
Perry Woodman - 7 years ago
Looked like a sheep's head. Nice catch.
Abraham Arzola
Abraham Arzola - 7 years ago
Ok bueno realmente necesitas mas practica para des-escamar pesado... tiene que ser perpendicular al pez (el cuchillo por supuesto) y no hay necesidad de atravezarle, mientras menos lo dañes mejor pero si al sujetarlo tienes que cuidar que también se resbala hacia atrás así que sujetarlo desde las agallas siempre es mejor idea. Por ultimo aunque eso depende de cada quien preferiría asarlo a freírlo... en fin me gusto y buena suerte!
Waldhandwerk - BushcraftSurvival
Waldhandwerk - BushcraftSurvival - 7 years ago
Wie immer ein sehr schönes Video und ein wohl verdientes Mahl. LG Sepp
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
Danke Sepp, LG Lilly
Sinan493 - 7 years ago
You should make a video where you show how you cook the deer meat from your previous video!
wood1155 - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly ohh can't wait !
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
I will
silvereagle90000 - 7 years ago
The dramatic music is out of place.. would prefer just relaxing music throughout.
Stephen Hall
Stephen Hall - 7 years ago
Enjoyed the video Lilly , you nearly lost it ha ha
Troy Lee
Troy Lee - 7 years ago
Lily will be the last woman on Earth.
Csaba Facsar
Csaba Facsar - 7 years ago
Why would you catch any tropical fish and getting into trouble cook it when you already got a whole can of tuna??? :) :) :)
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Eh. Because the can of bait could potentially provide MORE food than what you got? An investment so to speak.
Eye Ore
Eye Ore - 7 years ago
Welcome Back!
Keith Oleniacz
Keith Oleniacz - 7 years ago
Good Vid.
Ray getoutdoors
Ray getoutdoors - 7 years ago
Small hooks catch small fish Lilly. Bring some tiny, medium, and large hooks with you....
Sean Allyn
Sean Allyn - 7 years ago
Lilly, looks like you got a new SRK....the San Mai perhaps? either that or old trusty's finish has been 100% worn off!
St. Louis Critic
St. Louis Critic - 7 years ago
Come on lilly . respond .
christopher tran
christopher tran - 7 years ago
her bait has more meat than the fish shes going for.......................
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Are you saying she used the whole can for that single fish? I say you are totally wrong...
Wafle Tabie
Wafle Tabie - 7 years ago
AHHH!! The Water is sooooo clear!!!
Scott Baker
Scott Baker - 7 years ago
Where are you? What island is this?
The Real Joey B
The Real Joey B - 7 years ago
what kind of fish is that?

The Real Joey B Dallas/Fort Worth
Fille Kille
Fille Kille - 7 years ago
Where are u?
Enda Merrick
Enda Merrick - 7 years ago
A lovely way to dine out, with a great view.
DriveShaft Drew
DriveShaft Drew - 7 years ago
good job lunch looked great
XXX Gamer
XXX Gamer - 7 years ago
be careful they have spikes
Natis Ev
Natis Ev - 7 years ago
How the heck are you trying to descale a fish like that
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Natis Ev Ehum, I thouht tihis discussion was ended, but as you brought it up again like that.
Am I getting this right? People scaling this particular fish says it is harder to scale than other types, but you, NOT having scaled this particular fish says it is in fact easy to scale it?
Natis Ev
Natis Ev - 7 years ago
ghanaboyz i fish since i was 2 years old you can scale any fish with some practice i have experience with those kind of fish and i found out that 2 beer bottle caps screwed on a stick work the best 2 days ago we scaled a 15 lb fish and it was so easy we finished in 7 mins
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Natis Ev If that was the fish I think it was (Sheepshead or some type of Sheepshead ), it seems it is known to be rather challenging to descale, clean and fillet due to its scales and fin.
I have not tried descaling or cleaning it, but I suspect it would be way slower for me than other fish, especially so the first few times :)
Natis Ev
Natis Ev - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly i fish from when i was 2 in the sea it is very easy if you have the knife close to a 90 degree angle and go against the grain it is very easy at least for me i scaled a 10kg fish within 20 minutes i really like your videos no hate but if i see someone doing something wrong at fishing i get cringy
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
tropical fish have sturdy fish scales i have never seen before. not like trout. it was really difficult to get them off
Hiro Teraoka
Hiro Teraoka - 7 years ago
Always take lemons with you.
Akasha nee
Akasha nee - 7 years ago
i am jealouse! the beach looks amazing and the fish too! i love your tropical series!!! i can't wait for the other ones. thank you so much for sharing :D
Survival Mindset
Survival Mindset - 7 years ago
Nice one Lilly
John Sutton
John Sutton - 7 years ago
Keep Up The Good Work Love Your Videos
الدراجي محمد
الدراجي محمد - 7 years ago
له له له له
polishpicl - 7 years ago
been there done that in Hawaii. good video
csaba czell
csaba czell - 7 years ago
,,,Great woman ..Respect ...ok ..hugs.
Jürgen Weißmann
Jürgen Weißmann - 7 years ago
Für die kleinen Fische am Anfang des Videos hättest du kleinere Haken gebraucht.

Was hat eigentlich deine Kameraperson gegessen?
keng yang
keng yang - 7 years ago
ice but I've seen people's use just a plain hook and a color straw and it'll catch anything
Silviu Tudose
Silviu Tudose - 7 years ago
We are Almost 500k! Love You Lilly!
weedXD38 - 7 years ago
Hay there,it's been awhile since your last vid, glad to see another vid.nice catch!!! :-) :-) :-)
Harley Breakout Guy
Harley Breakout Guy - 7 years ago
If you looking for a boyfriend I am here ;)
Dalton Feasel
Dalton Feasel - 7 years ago
Love your videos, but I have to say if I were on that islands the sand in my food and on my body would drive me CRAZY.
Road warrior
Road warrior - 7 years ago
Lily we going to have to work on your descaling capabilities hold the blade straight up and down horizontally don't come into the scales at an angle and they will pop off easier than what you think. take you about 15 seconds to descale a fish that size please try it sometime hope you see this suggestion.
CrankyPants - 7 years ago
It looks like you had a great vacation. I'm enjoying these videos.
Lily McMillan
Lily McMillan - 7 years ago
LILLY, You remind me SO MUCH of myself, when I was a young woman!I look forward to watching you as soon as I wake up in the morning....yup!..... Lilly and a cup of coffee...:-):-).........LOVE YOU LOTS !!
kooch baptiste
kooch baptiste - 7 years ago
try using a thinner blade knife for preparing ur fish :)
Mr.skriaudėjas - 7 years ago
lilly build a tropical island shelter
Çılgın Mühendis
Çılgın Mühendis - 7 years ago
make more vids :)
kalam pan
kalam pan - 7 years ago
hi please catch the bird then kill and cook.
Braxx Juventa
Braxx Juventa - 7 years ago
Thumbs up again Lilly! :)
Jeff swiney
Jeff swiney - 7 years ago
Future headline: Austrian Lady shipwrecked for a month on deserted island FOUND when she opened the doors to her hand built Casino and 5 Star Seafood restaurant!!! Yes Lilly, I think you could pull it off with style!!!
Kridian01 - 7 years ago
I'm still baffled why Tom Hanks didn't do that in Cast Away... oh right.... Kelly. Sweet, precious Kelly.
PopKorn - 7 years ago
what is your music at 03:20 ? please
Daniel Olson
Daniel Olson - 7 years ago
Jeff, I was thinking the same, or at least a movie deal along those lines. After all, she knows as much as Schwarzenegger's people about the camera!
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
lol xD
aidilafitri 123
aidilafitri 123 - 7 years ago
greetings from Indonesia.
you should to go here.. there is much beaches and forest here.. so awesomeee
Slayer 91
Slayer 91 - 7 years ago
please im big fan from kuwait middle east im asking u to make the videos more longer than 10min so i can eat more while im watching
Addy Joe
Addy Joe - 7 years ago
U fat lazy typical arab shit
Karl Rove
Karl Rove - 7 years ago
Christian Wang
Christian Wang - 7 years ago
Slayer 91 or you can watch two
Akasha nee
Akasha nee - 7 years ago
Slayer 91 hahahahah that is a great idea ;))
sirknight438 - 7 years ago
What island were you on?
Alekseyl - 7 years ago
how did you know it is edible?
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
please read the pinned comment.
St. Louis Critic
St. Louis Critic - 7 years ago
Lilly ! Please respond . You seem to cook stuff with the sand still in it . Over and over , am i missing something are do you really eat it that way ???? Take care , your USA buddy ( i wish ) St Louis critic .
Sam Hayden
Sam Hayden - 7 years ago
Really cool...
highlander723 - 7 years ago
Where are all the women like this! There are none in California.
Crimson Light
Crimson Light - 7 years ago
Apple Stump Bushcraft Stuff and Things lmao true
Mark Niederdorfer
Mark Niederdorfer - 7 years ago
highlander723 oo
keith moore
keith moore - 7 years ago
damn straight!! I refuse to set foot in an insane asylum!!! I know people who have and ran for their sanity!! and I don't have to watch fox all I have to do is see what gets put on here to know the inmates are running the place!!! any place that takes the well being of a dangerous animal over the safety of the population is nowhere I want to even consider being near let alone in!!! the idiots ban cougar hunting and then turn around and wonder why people are getting attacked by them!! they ban trapping of coyotes and foxes and then wonder why their pets are attacked! if that's what a sane community is like i'll stay out in the woods where I know i'm safe thank you very much!!!
Drice 0040
Drice 0040 - 7 years ago
keith moore You have never once been to Cali, that much is obvious. You just couldn't be more wrong, but keep watching fox news, they will make sure you get all your "facts" lmfao
fred wa
fred wa - 7 years ago
Oh well, I think I will just think to myself from now on. My suggestion to Lilly would be to disable the comments and just pump out great vids as always.
keith moore
keith moore - 7 years ago
hitting reply will start something most of the time on here!! you've got to remember some just want a fight no matter what!! and as for learning in the U.S., you can thank the unions, AKA legalized mobsters for that cluster!!!
fred wa
fred wa - 7 years ago
Gee, I didn't want to start a geography war. I know where that part of the world is because I was born there.
My point was that children are raised with a completely different mindset. They are taught to be self-reliant.
Education is mandatory. You don't get GED's. You work your ass off until you make it. Kids aren't allowed to
have their phones in class. I could go on and on... The USA is in a state of total collapse, Look who's running
the joint right now! There is a reason you don't find Lilly's here. I am not slamming this country, I think it is
the greatest country on earth... but something broke and it needs to be fixed. I am retired now, but I spent my whole life trying to do my part. Maybe it would be a good idea to stop talking shit about all the stupid
people and reach out and help them to NOT BE STUPID. You learn to be stupid, you can unlearn it also.
Education, both practical and book learned is the key to the universe. That's what broke here, education
no longer exists in the USA.
A Tripp
A Tripp - 7 years ago
Up on high altitude yes. But try an average of 4 meters of snow in a winter, winter 6-7 months a year and -40 °C. It is definitely a different kind of bushcraft and survival.
Apple Stump Bushcraft Stuff and Things
Apple Stump Bushcraft Stuff and Things - 7 years ago
Becca Tripp Maybe not winters like in Norway, Sweden, and Finland, but let's not forget how many times the Winter Olympics have been sited in Austria and elsewhere in Central Europe.
highlander723 - 7 years ago
WarGrrl3 Oh please! They're extinct believe me I've looked.
A Tripp
A Tripp - 7 years ago
Ya, in my opinion Northern Europe is Scandinavia.... not Austria, not Germany. That's in the way south... they don't even have winters.
keith moore
keith moore - 7 years ago
Austria would be considered the southern edge of northern Europe actually!! and it's still sad fact that women like this are few and far between!!
fred wa
fred wa - 7 years ago
Last time I checked, Austria was in Northern Europe. Google a 'map of': 'Northern Europe'.
That accent ain't from Kansas. I know. I'm German. Dead giveaway. I will put one of OUR girls up against
any girl, or MAN. Any place, anytime, any situation. Lilly rocks!!!! I'm a man and my life partner can kick my
ass at least 60% of the time ( I give myself 40% LOL) You see it's not that they're Women, it's the way they
are raised, educated, and RESPECTED. Women are born the equal and (sometimes stronger) than Men. It's what happens to them along the way (by Men) in many, many parts of the world that sucks! And by some of the moron, social media trolls and sexist losers that have commented in this thread.
( just a note;) How many of those "female friends" in northern Cali, speak fluent Germanic. It's my guess that fluent English isn't the only foreign language that Lilly can speak. Just an example of the point I'm
trying to make, not to bust anybody's ass you know.
P.S. check out the Darbin orvar channel. Another mind boggler superwomen.
keith moore
keith moore - 7 years ago
upper central actually!!!
keith moore
keith moore - 7 years ago
finding the single ones that's the problem the good ones know what's good for them find a man before you cross paths!!!
keith moore
keith moore - 7 years ago
and it gets worse the farther south you go out there so I hear!!!!
keith moore
keith moore - 7 years ago
hell beats crazyfornia!!!!!
keith moore
keith moore - 7 years ago
tell me about it they're rare as finding a ton of gold just sitting in the open for the taking!!! none in Ohio either!!! at least straight ones!!!
WarGrrl3 - 7 years ago
highlander723 I have female friends there in northern Cali that own guns and have at least equal bushcrafting skills as their husbands. some are better cooks as well. maybe it's you. please don't generalize, there is the right Woman out there, you just have to find her. peace
fred wa
fred wa - 7 years ago
Women like Lilly only grow on the 'HOLYCRAPWHATWASTHAT' Tree native to certain parts of Northern Europe!
Apple Stump Bushcraft Stuff and Things
Apple Stump Bushcraft Stuff and Things - 7 years ago
highlander723 They're too busy being offended or acting like victims to enjoy their lives and the opportunities they actually have to live them to the fullest.
highlander723 - 7 years ago
TheSunRiseKid seriously considering it there's nothing but bad ones around here. live in Northern California.... God help you if you own a gun around here they look at you like you're a criminal.
TheSunRiseKid - 7 years ago
Deborah haha!!! I think you are correct!! I'm in Wisconsin, there are plenty of them here!
DeeDee - 7 years ago
They moved to happier hunting grounds.
JR MTG - 7 years ago
very cool.
Phil Platts
Phil Platts - 7 years ago
Great job Lilly love your vids. Phil in Idaho USA
Seezor - 7 years ago
Glad you're traveling and using your skills to teach as well as have fun. Thanks for sharing.
Seezor - 7 years ago
Was it just me, or was I not talking to you? I've been following Lilly for some time now and during that time I've learned a thing or two. I'm glad she's posting videos of her at the beach. where I live that's the camping I'll most likely be doing.
Dylan Nichols
Dylan Nichols - 7 years ago
Seezor what did she teach you ?.....nothing
Adam McClendon
Adam McClendon - 7 years ago
still rockin the Falkniven I see.
WarGrrl3 - 7 years ago
Adam McClendon yes I am mistaken, it is the fallkniven s1(I looked it up in her previous vid in this series. good catch, lol
Adam McClendon
Adam McClendon - 7 years ago
just rewatched... 100% Falkniven. Saw the diamond pattered grip in the handle. The SRK is dot patterned. And also the exposed tang.
Adam McClendon
Adam McClendon - 7 years ago
nah, check out the sheath...that's not a cold steel sheath, def a Falkniven sheath. Looks like an A1
WarGrrl3 - 7 years ago
Adam McClendon I think it's the new SRK. cuz I commented abt it n she answered.
strongfeelings - 7 years ago
Notification squad
Damien Cross
Damien Cross - 7 years ago
is that... a USMC boony cover? hahaha
Zulu Centurion
Zulu Centurion - 7 years ago
Sure is. Surplus is pretty cheap, she has talked about it before.
Rosyid Akbar Fimtihanie
Rosyid Akbar Fimtihanie - 7 years ago
nek mu goreng ki urung mateng lo mbak
jane iso masak po ra to?
Don160500 alias Spike149
Don160500 alias Spike149 - 7 years ago
Guter Fang ;-) . Ja, die Zitrone darf beim Fisch nicht fehlen. :-)
paolo dep
paolo dep - 7 years ago
what island?
David Hanny
David Hanny - 7 years ago
Ciguatera is throughout the tropics and south Florida, but the concentrations are higher in larger fish. For example, many of us consider barracuda as a tasty fish and good eating, but the general consensus is to only keep them at a certain size or smaller due to ciguatara build-up.
David Hanny
David Hanny - 7 years ago
My god, man. Highlight one fucking word, right click, search: read on and on about it - or require people to type it all out for you. Lazy is all I'm reading. But since you asked, and then demanded:

Ciguatera is a foodborne illness caused by eating certain reef fish whose flesh is contaminated with a toxin made by dinoflagellates such as Gambierdiscus toxicus which live in tropical and subtropical waters. These dinoflagellates adhere to coral, algae and seaweed, where they are eaten by herbivorous fish which in turn are eaten by larger carnivorous fish like barracudas, and even omnivorous fish like basses and other fish like mullet. This is called biomagnification. It is not known why the fish are not affected.
Gambierdiscus toxicus is the primary dinoflagellate responsible for the production of a number of similar polyether toxins, including ciguatoxin, maitotoxin, gambieric acid and scaritoxin, as well as the long-chain alcohol palytoxin.[1][2] Other dinoflagellates that may cause ciguatera include Prorocentrum spp., Ostreopsis spp., Coolia monotis, Thecadinium spp. and Amphidinium carterae.[3] Predator species near the top of the food chain in tropical and subtropical waters are most likely to cause ciguatera poisoning, although many other species cause occasional outbreaks of toxicity.[4]
Ciguatoxin is odourless, tasteless and cannot be removed by conventional cooking.[5][6]
Researchers suggest that ciguatera outbreaks caused by warm climatic conditions propelled the migratory voyages of Polynesians between 1000 and 1400.[7][8]
Contents [hide]
1 Signs and symptoms
2 Detection methods
2.1 Folk methods
3 Treatment
3.1 Folk remedies
4 Epidemiology
5 History
6 See also
7 Footnotes
8 References
Signs and symptoms[edit]
Hallmark symptoms of ciguatera in humans include gastrointestinal and neurological effects.[9][10] Gastrointestinal symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, usually followed by neurological symptoms such as headaches, muscle aches, paresthesia, numbness, ataxia, vertigo, and hallucinations.[5][10] Severe cases of ciguatera can also result in cold allodynia, which is a burning sensation on contact with cold.[9] Neurological symptoms can persist and ciguatera poisoning is occasionally misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis.[11] Death from the condition can occur, but is extremely rare.[12]
Dyspareunia and other ciguatera symptoms have developed in otherwise healthy males and females following sexual intercourse with partners suffering ciguatera poisoning, signifying that the toxin may be sexually transmitted.[13] Diarrhea and facial rashes have been reported in breastfed infants of poisoned mothers, suggesting that ciguatera toxins migrate into breast milk.[14]
The symptoms can last from weeks to years, and in extreme cases as long as 20 years, often leading to long-term disability.[15] Most people do recover slowly over time.[16] Often patients recover, but symptoms then reappear. Such relapses can be triggered by consumption of nuts, seeds, alcoholic beverages, fish or fish-containing products, chicken or eggs, or by exposure to fumes such as those of bleach and other chemicals[citation needed]. Exercise is also a possible trigger.[5]
Detection methods[edit]
Folk methods[edit]
Adam Perkins
Adam Perkins - 7 years ago
David Hanny yeah, we've all heard of Wikipedia. If somebody asked you that same question face to face, I'm sure you wouldn't tell them to google an answer. You're just being a smarty pants here...
David Hanny
David Hanny - 7 years ago
Wikipedia is your friend, Myra.
Myra Madd
Myra Madd - 7 years ago
Having never been to the region what exactly is Ciguatera?
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
yes ciguatera poison really sucks.
Genericname2345676543 - 7 years ago
Great video!!!
Obama Llama
Obama Llama - 7 years ago
Yo Lilly I thought this was a really cool video and you did a good job!!!!!
Apple pie Oliver
Apple pie Oliver - 7 years ago
Hi please
Neptune's Toy
Neptune's Toy - 7 years ago
Lily would you ever try sushi?
Mr_Derniku - 7 years ago
hello i'm french and I love what you do you are awesome
Alexa Nguyen
Alexa Nguyen - 7 years ago
Hi awesome
Filthy Meg main
Filthy Meg main - 7 years ago
I like this new generation of survival.
Parveen Chettri
Parveen Chettri - 7 years ago
Eric Hauser
Eric Hauser - 7 years ago
Amazing video, as always.
Greetings from Switzerland!
Allen Ie
Allen Ie - 7 years ago
Just watching lilly and this pop up
Jonathan Nava
Jonathan Nava - 7 years ago
Данияр Аширматов
Данияр Аширматов - 7 years ago
Romi Dar
Romi Dar - 7 years ago
I love your videos so much!!!!!!
Nickcbacon 32
Nickcbacon 32 - 7 years ago
Karl Rove
Karl Rove - 7 years ago
Will you finger my ass?
Pigeonhead - 7 years ago
Your Average republican
That username lol
Will Foster
Will Foster - 7 years ago
love you lilly

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