Catch and Cook Coral Trout while Camping and Fishing on a Remote Island!
Tropical fishing 7 years ago 267,708 views
Camping and fishing with your mates is something we froth on more than anything! This time we travel 50km out to sea to be dropped on a remote island with no one in sight, so it's safe to say we were all dead set stoked just to be out there, any fish were the icing on the cake. We've listened to your comments and give you fellas a more indepth look at the camping side of one of our trips, we also show you the fish we ate this time with a catch and cook towards the end of the film. These Morningtide films are getting bigger and are extremely time consuming to create, so if you want more content from us while you wait for the next one, go and check out our personal vlog channels below. Cavy - Jonny - Briggsy - SoundTrack -
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50. comment for Catch and Cook Coral Trout while Camping and Fishing on a Remote Island!
I then got snagged on the other side of the river and instead of losing my lure waded in up to my armpits and got my lure back. It is these moments that create a lifetime of memories.
I now have this tingling sensation like the river is still with me. Thanks for the inspiration. Well done men, these productions are works of art.
100. comment for Catch and Cook Coral Trout while Camping and Fishing on a Remote Island!
Here are some more catch and cook films from our personal channels - -
This film explains it why we C&R a bit more -
Keep up with the videos, new subscriber here.
Soundtrack is best too
Cheers boys, nothing like hooking into some monsters with your buds.
we catch like 10 cm whiting is brisbane
There are thousands? of small Islands just off the Australian coast. We use a combination of google maps (to initially find a good looking one), Navionics (for ledge depth), youtube/facebook/Instagram searches (to see if others are catching fish in a specific zone), google images searches (of the island in mind to check the ledges are fishable), info from charter websites (they sometimes give a seasonal report on what species are around etc.), forum searches (sometimes people are talking about fishing the Island in mind). And once we think we have a good one we just find someone to take us there and give it a go ourselves! There have been a few duds along the way but that's just part of the fun of pioneering new ledges, the more you do it the more you know what to look for and before long you're only going to rad spots!
Dunlop Volleys, they're not perfect but best we've found.
Briggsy your narration was absolutely frothing goodness i had goosebumps the hole time. You guys have captured what all us serious fishos feel when we are on the water or belting a lure from the shore.
Just a totally pshyco vid filled with frothing goodness and soul searching yum yums. Words cannot describe my true feelings.
Amazing work can't wait for the next one cheers Tony
Thank you so much for posting your vids, I tend to watch more. subscribed too
Amazing to see you can catch shit that u usually get offshore on the rocks. Psycho adventure and awesome detail. Sick to see more vids like these in the future keep up the great work fellas
living the dream...and sick edits! keep doing this please!
Briggsy what the fuck do you eat? haha
@Briggsy I loved your monologue about he fishing and our nataral needs...that's so true!
I was born on the wrong continent tho .. :/
We need guys on youtube changing the way these young people treat our waterways and literally even just the fricking planet we live on in general. I'm no tree hugger but I am not naive enough to not realize that we are destroying the place we live. This video really made me want to go out there and enjoy that beautiful scenery and time.
Great video again..
The amount of editing is greatly appreciated to make such a masterpiece of a video. F-ing LOVE IT!!!!
Cavy's the only one actively training, I've been out for a couple years now since the new baby but if/when I get time again I'll be frothin to get back on the mats. Jits is so bloody fun and I definitely miss it a lot!
How about you mate? You train?
In my case, given that sometimes I'm fishing in places surrounded by big and strong seaweeds, treble hooks have high probability to get stack on them. Then, to reduce the chance to get stack and lose my lures, I replace the treble by inline hooks.
I would like to know your reasons. Thanks....
Cavy -
Jonny -
Briggsy -
The long wait was really worth it!!
Always look forward to watching your videos.Makes my week at work not so shitty.
Thanks heaps
I follow every videos u make. U have inspeired me. sorry my bad English!
Cavy -
Jonny -
Briggsy -
Staggeringly Brilliant.
So much i could say but will try keep it short.
Your filming reminds me of an Exploration type TV Movie which gives a sense that the viewer is going out of their comfort zone and into the unknown.
It must be amazing to have remoteness like that where you don't get disturbed and can focus totally on everything. What a job you all did.
Your best video yet.
Steve in Scotland.
Cavy -
Jonny -
Briggsy -
Share this, let the world know Morning Tide Fishing is taking over. Frothing!!!!
Keep up the awesome videos, you guys are doing Australia proud.
I am a Follower.....
The hair....on my arms. F#ck Me......
Coral Trout is a beauty. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
bloody straya for days.
great video boys
Thank you for doing all those efforts for us to enjoy the videos !
keep up the great work guys and i look forward to the future videos!!!