Catching Fish Underwater - Tropical Island Part 2 of 14

WARNING Fish caught in this video Indo-Pacific Sergeant doesn't get bigger than 12-20 cm. On rare occassions this fish can come with ciguatera poisoning. Please enquire at the locals if the fish can be eaten or not. On my island this fish was safe to eat and even the locals ate this fish. Knife used in this video GoPro used in this video GoPro Selfie Stick Today I catched a fish using the underwater technique. Some fish never come to the shore so you have to swim to them to be able to fish them. In tropical regions this is dangerous tough, since there are a lot of sharks around. Want to know what gear I am using? Check out my amazon store: Want a Survival Lilly T-Shirt? Lilly`s new cameras: Sony Olympus ► More Videos To Watch – Lilly’s Favorites ◄ Helicopter Drop Off On Vancouver Island Survival Bow Top 5 Wild Edibles How To Make A Fire Without Matches Or Lighter --------------------------------------------------------------- ► SOCIAL MEDIA ◄ Facebook ► Website ► Twitter ► Instagram ► ♥ Feel free to subscribe to my channel. Please share my videos on Facebook and Reddit. Thanks ♥ Hi, my name is Lilly and I like spending time in nature to practice my survival and bushcraft skills. This channel documents my learning process of all wilderness and urban survival skills.This is not a purely primitive survival channel. Sometimes I use modern tools which people might have at hand in a real survival situation. Thanks for watching ~ Survival Lilly Girls Catch Fish Underwater Catching Fish Underwater - Catch And Cook Catching Fish Underwater - Tropical Island survival

Catching Fish Underwater - Tropical Island Part 2 of 14 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 478

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 421,790 views

WARNING Fish caught in this video Indo-Pacific Sergeant doesn't get bigger than 12-20 cm. On rare occassions this fish can come with ciguatera poisoning. Please enquire at the locals if the fish can be eaten or not. On my island this fish was safe to eat and even the locals ate this fish. Knife used in this video GoPro used in this video GoPro Selfie Stick Today I catched a fish using the underwater technique. Some fish never come to the shore so you have to swim to them to be able to fish them. In tropical regions this is dangerous tough, since there are a lot of sharks around. Want to know what gear I am using? Check out my amazon store: Want a Survival Lilly T-Shirt? Lilly`s new cameras: Sony Olympus ► More Videos To Watch – Lilly’s Favorites ◄ Helicopter Drop Off On Vancouver Island Survival Bow Top 5 Wild Edibles How To Make A Fire Without Matches Or Lighter --------------------------------------------------------------- ► SOCIAL MEDIA ◄ Facebook ► Website ► Twitter ► Instagram ► ♥ Feel free to subscribe to my channel. Please share my videos on Facebook and Reddit. Thanks ♥ Hi, my name is Lilly and I like spending time in nature to practice my survival and bushcraft skills. This channel documents my learning process of all wilderness and urban survival skills.This is not a purely primitive survival channel. Sometimes I use modern tools which people might have at hand in a real survival situation. Thanks for watching ~ Survival Lilly Girls Catch Fish Underwater Catching Fish Underwater - Catch And Cook Catching Fish Underwater - Tropical Island survival

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Most popular comments
for Catching Fish Underwater - Tropical Island Part 2 of 14

Familia T.V.
Familia T.V. - 7 years ago
here to see Lilly in a bikini
Graham Walters
Graham Walters - 7 years ago
I want to marry this woman !
P J - 7 years ago
my fave way to prep fish for eating, descale in the water then just behind the anal part of the fish make a small cut and cut the skin all the way along the belly up to the gills without cutting into the stomach. just under the gill in the throat make a swift cut this will allow you to remove the whole inside of the fish with your finger without breaking the stomach open. don't wash the fish or place the meat in fresh water its ready to go.
The reason I always do this is: water can be polluted in many ways and by not cutting the gut we ensure no bacteria or microbes pollutes the meat thus ensuring a bigger safety net especially if your out in a survival situation. hope this info helps you all out and love the vids lilly.
RedMetalic RobotDemon
RedMetalic RobotDemon - 7 years ago
Hi cool videos. Seems like fun filming all the stuff there is to do outside. I like cheese soup.
John Conner
John Conner - 7 years ago
I got more respect for this women than most men I know. You go Lilly!!!
cassanoa - 7 years ago
great video - i think its great that you actually showed your skills - even in the ocean environment - these skills work anywhere - not just in the woods - the ocean environment is probably more harsh than the forest - certainly more beautiful but all that beauty hides the danger
Michael Warner
Michael Warner - 7 years ago
Hot, hunter, fishing, can make fire, can make shelter.....I want one!
lynnsbomb - 7 years ago
Holy moly! good knives seem very expensive. Are there any good survival knives for less than $50 ? I'm not in the royal family and 175$ is excessive for me.
Fazil Razak
Fazil Razak - 7 years ago
Lily is more realistic than Bear Grylls. Love u Lily.

10. comment for Catching Fish Underwater - Tropical Island Part 2 of 14

Weapon X
Weapon X - 7 years ago
paradise !
YT_DestinyPlays - 7 years ago
James Conway
James Conway - 7 years ago
Anyone know the location????
Edward Talerico
Edward Talerico - 7 years ago
I'm're my spirit animal. Lol! Nice video!!
J.G. Conumdrum
J.G. Conumdrum - 7 years ago
Lily should join the show naked and afraid
戴志偉 - 7 years ago
Sohel Haque
Sohel Haque - 7 years ago
it is real adventure under water and caught the fish brive.
Sofi Ali
Sofi Ali - 7 years ago
Jake Khody
Jake Khody - 7 years ago
After the video they enjoy the real meal with couple bottles of beer !!!
Robin Turner
Robin Turner - 7 years ago
great.less clothes.

20. comment for Catching Fish Underwater - Tropical Island Part 2 of 14

Chris Lisk
Chris Lisk - 7 years ago
Its so enjoyable to watch your videos. =)
Michele Lustrissimini
Michele Lustrissimini - 7 years ago
bellissimo video
Toader Dumitrache
Toader Dumitrache - 7 years ago
Ankor3hd Ankjanson
Ankor3hd Ankjanson - 7 years ago
Are you from Sweden
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Lilly is from Austria.
malabou75 - 7 years ago
Lilly, which island did you visit? The sergeant major isn't really a fish that people eat, although when caught, is cut to use as bait. Fresh fish, pan fried, with just lemon and parsley... It's the little things in life.. Safe travels, to where ever your next adventure takes you.
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
on the island where I was the natives ate this fish, it is a edible fish so... it makes good survival food in my opinion
eetbeezkoo9 - 7 years ago
Ever thought of doing a video on climbing coconut trees? You can climb trees can't you?
Watcheronthewall/DimitritheLion - 7 years ago
Ausgezeignet! Sie sind wundershon! You should do all your videos in a bikini! Now that would be winter survival skills! Lol
Threecreation Leather
Threecreation Leather - 7 years ago
Lilly you should cut the head off, cooks better and is a little more appealing.
Joan Cajes
Joan Cajes - 7 years ago
Niss fish
Joan Cajes
Joan Cajes - 7 years ago
Wow nis water

30. comment for Catching Fish Underwater - Tropical Island Part 2 of 14

andy smartt
andy smartt - 7 years ago
smart fishing... in our contry this fish sergeant mayor..... no poission
Daniel Florin
Daniel Florin - 7 years ago
no tenias que matar ese pequeño pez para hacer un video
Patrick Walsh
Patrick Walsh - 7 years ago
The Ultimate Female .
jbbolts - 7 years ago
what?? No lemon????????????
jbbolts - 7 years ago
spoke too soon
Rest Galaxy
Rest Galaxy - 7 years ago
Thumbs UP! Love the auto-play set up. unless youtube is doing that.
Avoidance Technologies
Avoidance Technologies - 7 years ago
"She makes me smart / and or -> smarter".
Robin Londt
Robin Londt - 7 years ago
Anyone know the name of the ukulele song? :)
Michael McWhirter
Michael McWhirter - 7 years ago
I have never seen anyone catch a fish that way, that was very cool
Bugout 1
Bugout 1 - 7 years ago
I want her on my team .
Bugout 1
Bugout 1 - 7 years ago
Harvey Nash-Burton no sir.
Harvey Nash-Burton
Harvey Nash-Burton - 7 years ago
Bugout 1 porn
Nick name s
Nick name s - 7 years ago
This looks like the best dinner on earth in a place like this
mlm61448 - 7 years ago
Hello Lilly. I like watching your survival videos. I learn a lot about basic survival and what gear I should have. Where can I get some of the orange water tight containers that you used in this video for your fishing gear?
SLAPSHOT #44 - 7 years ago
I'm in love and I don't even know you. I will live off the land with you till Kingdom come sweetheart.
J N - 7 years ago
That knife is too big for that fish, Lilly.
Carly Pot
Carly Pot - 7 years ago
She's hotter than Ursula Andress as bikini bondgirl in Dr. No!
Doomed Human
Doomed Human - 7 years ago
David Jeffrey Spetch
David Jeffrey Spetch - 7 years ago
The music seemed a little overly dramatic while you were fishing lol but it looks like fun. I have never even seen an ocean other than on screen.
Gokhan Altinci
Gokhan Altinci - 7 years ago
I love you
Jose Tadeu
Jose Tadeu - 7 years ago
Valeu lilly tem mais coragem do q muitos homens
palmbeachcitizen - 7 years ago
Lord have mercy, this is nothing but a tropical plug for Amazon products.
akngac5 - 7 years ago
Good job and great video.

50. comment for Catching Fish Underwater - Tropical Island Part 2 of 14

Карл Великий
Карл Великий - 7 years ago
Молодец) Так держать
abdul-kayum saleh
abdul-kayum saleh - 7 years ago
Smart n pretty as well.
BigChiefNoWashieTribe - 7 years ago
WOW Great Video Miss Lilly BUT I expected you would have constructed some kind of survival Spear Gun and came back with a Great White ......LOL Maybe next time !!! Keep us Posted PLZ !!!
Dale Moore
Dale Moore - 7 years ago
I don't think It would feed you for all day.
matt stuart
matt stuart - 7 years ago
Do you own the island
jwoop66 - 7 years ago
You're great! BUT! get the damn sand off your fingers before you grab a piece of food and put it in your mouth!!!!
TheKungFuPoet - 7 years ago
like number 7000 ^^
santosh pardashi
santosh pardashi - 7 years ago
Nice to see your video
Bao Teriom
Bao Teriom - 7 years ago
desde españa con amor
pkdiddy - 7 years ago
Lily gives me the bone.
Adventure Time
Adventure Time - 7 years ago
WOW! you must be very rich to be able to survival like that. I do like how you ad's those products.
Eddy Carroll
Eddy Carroll - 7 years ago
u r hot
stan tomcat
stan tomcat - 7 years ago
Sand, sand on everything, everywhere ! :D Nice vid
suku - 7 years ago
Miggy Z
Miggy Z - 7 years ago
Just bring some biscuits next time.
Charles Bugeja
Charles Bugeja - 7 years ago
Flat even with padding.
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Charles Bugeja I hope you don't mind I show your comment to people knowing you.
Mason Woodarf
Mason Woodarf - 7 years ago
you suck
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
It is okay to be a teen and play a lot of minecraft, so I wont try to explain reality to you.
Yeh Ken
Yeh Ken - 7 years ago
Lilly is so sexy~!!
Raymond Daker
Raymond Daker - 7 years ago
If that fish was any fresher. you would have to slap it.
thecrowrains - 7 years ago
Nice video, thank you for posting. It is nice to see a tropical way of doing underwater fishing for a change!

We cannot fish like this in Alaska, far too cold and hypothermia risk obviously the reason. That and our neighborhood Brown Bears would enjoy ripping open a proverbial floating, bobbing Human-Twinkie.
The Weapon Collection
The Weapon Collection - 7 years ago
0:48 that's a powder blue tang! I have one in my 125 gallon salt water tank...
Δημητρης Σταμπου
Δημητρης Σταμπου - 7 years ago
Please QnA i have so many questions.
Joe Young
Joe Young - 7 years ago
Your awesome Lilly, awesome,
Wildlife and Nature Channel
Wildlife and Nature Channel - 7 years ago
Very cool video Lilly, looks like you had lots of fun filming.
Larry Wilson
Larry Wilson - 7 years ago
poor little fish.....did it taste good)))
seanie huffels
seanie huffels - 7 years ago
no offence but your sexy
chupa cabra
chupa cabra - 7 years ago
That tide is no joke.
Neo polly
Neo polly - 7 years ago
Underwater fishing: because if you're going to kill fish, might as well give them the benefit of home turf.
Denis C.
Denis C. - 7 years ago
Link to the kit?
Walker Bait
Walker Bait - 7 years ago
lilly is stunning.
Garret1912 - 7 years ago
Thanks for making me Hungary, Lilly.
Thunder s
Thunder s - 7 years ago
beware of poisons rockfish things
Simon T
Simon T - 7 years ago
I <3 Survival Lilly!
YourBlack God
YourBlack God - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly I've seen your hunting films and i can't get enough. I'm a hunter myself, its always been a big part of me.Do you like trapping also. I've trapped hogs and then i'd always use my blade to take 'em down,its an amazing feeling. I'm ashamed to say i like hunting a little too much. More than folks realize. I like to taste a piece of fresh killed meat right out in the field; fresh healthy Roe deer liver is amazing eaten raw. I hope these parts never run out of animals because honestly if that happens i'd be forced to hunt my own countrymen. Not to worry though game is still plentiful in these parts. I've watched you and when i see that look in your eyes i get a rush because you look so familiar to me and in your eyes i see myself.

Hey keep at it and you're wonderful. I look forward to more Amazing content.
rcacase - 7 years ago
Lilly is Lovely!
Gerry Lamb
Gerry Lamb - 7 years ago
For god's sake Lilly get your eyes fixed. You look so weak with glasses and you must have the same problems that I had i.e.
rain and bad weather etc fogging up your vision when you are in the wilds. Apart from anything else you look unprofessional and as good as i realise you are, people who do not know you will not take you seriously based on your appearance.
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Are you for real? "look unprofessional"??
"You look so weak with glasses"? Wow, that tells a ton about you.
Why "must" she have the same problems that you had? Perhaps you was weak and she is strong?
Unclmudd 504
Unclmudd 504 - 7 years ago
I hope you didn't scratch up you go pro water box to bad slamming into the shore...
VIROBIN - 7 years ago
Bugged by the bug crawling @4:05.....
Boomer Taylor
Boomer Taylor - 7 years ago
Lilly rockin' the Dakota fire hole! Props...
And loved the deer hunting vid, too. :) (W/sniper rifle)
Most people talk about being out in the wild world, you do it. It's how I grew up and is so sad more and more people are loosing touch with nature and what it offers. Thanks lots! :)
flakemike - 7 years ago
the only woman in Europe that can fight isis.
ThatOneKidThatEatsBurritosInTheCorner - 7 years ago
I know this can be dangerous but you should do a no tool series to where you do a bear grylls and dont have anything with you using what relies next to you
CobaltFlameWarrior84 - 7 years ago
This is the first video where i see you in a hot environment rather than a cold icy one. Great video by the way.
Freecheese - 7 years ago
I first saw your videos and was is nice to see you having fun and making the most out of your day. It lifted me to see you enjoying yourself and ultimately your self sufficiency.
That Guy
That Guy - 7 years ago
Damn your ass is finnnneeee
Rshi Abbasi
Rshi Abbasi - 7 years ago
neffofrog - 7 years ago
Damn. I had no idea that Survival Lilly was so sexy without a rifle in her hand. What an amazing body.
Yeep - 7 years ago
Sorry Lily, I didn't come here to learn how to fish. I'm a simple man
Issac Blank
Issac Blank - 7 years ago
Lilly is like an operater that is cool and doesn't try to be.
Erasmo Ruvalcaba
Erasmo Ruvalcaba - 7 years ago
i love her
carolina beacher
carolina beacher - 7 years ago
lucky you, looks like you caught yourself a fish stick :)

100. comment for Catching Fish Underwater - Tropical Island Part 2 of 14

Guppy Tail
Guppy Tail - 7 years ago
When the fish is ded and your scaling his head he has his mouth open and is shaking his head like "NOOOOO WHY MEEE!!!???"
DreadnoughtAdventure - 7 years ago
YouTube prefaced this with and Ad' for a film about P.T.Barnum with Hugh Jackman - just a couple of years late, the Circus is gone now - thanks Libtards
Macks Power
Macks Power - 7 years ago
Amazing, I thought the fish would be too alarmed by the swimmer to be feeding.
Matthew Gomez
Matthew Gomez - 7 years ago
ur my hero
Don Riley
Don Riley - 7 years ago
Kill some Lionfish and leave the natives alone !
StarsMarsRadio - 7 years ago
Wait no stone fire?
MrSottobanco - 7 years ago
What function does the bikini have?
Tony Soprano
Tony Soprano - 7 years ago
judging from the music I half expected her to catch a shark. at 2.42 the fish is saying 'oh Lilly that feels so good '.
Tony Walker
Tony Walker - 7 years ago
I have alot of respect towards smart woman, why they so hard to come by?
Patrick Kraemer
Patrick Kraemer - 7 years ago
Are the sharks edible?
p mastro
p mastro - 7 years ago
Nice butt Lilly !!!!
Corn Julio
Corn Julio - 7 years ago
Sehr zivilisiert, Messer, Gabel, Zitrone, alles am Start ! :D Cooler Channel
Scott Herbert
Scott Herbert - 7 years ago
Amazing in these days, wonderful girl with no damn tattoos, thank you Jesus...
Liang Jin
Liang Jin - 7 years ago
I am inspired more from this Jodie Foster look-alike than Jodie Foster herself. I love your accent too.
Shane K
Shane K - 7 years ago
Never seen anyone eat a Sargent major, cool.
Ivan Corts
Ivan Corts - 7 years ago
Smart, beautiful and sexy!!!!!!
4xoverland - 7 years ago
Why the brutal music? Weren't you having fun? Sounds like you were scared of sharks. Nice video but I turned down the sound.
Dillon Borges
Dillon Borges - 7 years ago
ike jime for the fish, respect!
David Johnson
David Johnson - 7 years ago
Do moar bikini!
Ken D
Ken D - 7 years ago
she should be on survivor
Joe Brown
Joe Brown - 7 years ago
Cool video & you look very nice. How much sand did you eat cooking the fish? Your hands were covered with sand.
Fishing Man
Fishing Man - 7 years ago
Cool video, catching fish underwater.
teamscoach - 7 years ago
Hottie in a bikini beats catching a lunker everyday!
savory icon
savory icon - 7 years ago
No more grocery bills for me yahooooo
George Gavin
George Gavin - 7 years ago
"Naked and Afraid"? Maybe?
Damien Percy
Damien Percy - 7 years ago
In reality you wouldn't have Oil , Garlic & lemon and probably not a pot. Wrap fish in banana leaves or similar thoroughly and team it in coals under sand. Coconut for flavor.
nonstopbg - 7 years ago
Frying Nemo, with sand
Senad Plavsic
Senad Plavsic - 7 years ago
Nice girl
Paul Becker
Paul Becker - 7 years ago
I have to admit I clicked on the video because I love the bikini lol. But once again I was impressed with how much I learned.
three legged cat Dog with two sacks
three legged cat Dog with two sacks - 7 years ago
Lilly, your so cool man! come to Hawaii and catch some taco! (octopus)
Cleatus McGurkin
Cleatus McGurkin - 7 years ago
Another great video young lady, but I just want to add that if you're catching fish in salt waters that way, you need to kill any fish that you catch right away or you stand a very good chance of attracting sharks. Also if you want to know if the fish are safe to eat find an ant mound after you're done fishing and put a small piece of the fish on it, if the ant's won't eat it, you don't eat it. Test each and every fish, don't assume that just because one fish passed the test that they all will. In the Bahamas some of the barracudas because of what they eat can be poisonous while others are not, the locals there have been using the ant mound trick for hundreds of years.
IMPROVISADOR - 7 years ago
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
JuliaWrana - 7 years ago
Great video! Could you please tell me what song this is?
OIFOEF Veteran
OIFOEF Veteran - 7 years ago
Only Survival Lilly goes on vacation and catches her own food and cooks it on the beach! lol Awesome channel, love your videos
Cayden Moorer
Cayden Moorer - 7 years ago
I'm subbing her channel

she is grate
Vale_Gamer 07
Vale_Gamer 07 - 7 years ago
R.I.P fish pls likes
kalam pan
kalam pan - 7 years ago
very nice thank you more hunt please
Danny Garden
Danny Garden - 7 years ago
I hope you catch more fish lol, this one was good for bait :)
Игорь Садчиков
Игорь Садчиков - 7 years ago
well done
dark night
dark night - 7 years ago
that pretty kool
Kanuckbrewer o
Kanuckbrewer o - 7 years ago
South Pacific islands have breadfruit trees; Good eating if you like climbing trees.
Allen Alleycat007
Allen Alleycat007 - 7 years ago
Looks like a BLAST ! I am so jealous that your on a tropical island enjoying the water,sand and sun !! By the way, what do you use to keep from getting sun burned ???
xman870096 - 7 years ago
Damn Lilly I'd have to eat 50 of those little buggers to feel like I had a real meal !!
Leo Johnson
Leo Johnson - 7 years ago
i think i just found my wife lol
True Love
True Love - 7 years ago
I love all your videos..i am your avid fan :)
watermelon in easter hay
watermelon in easter hay - 7 years ago
Put on lots of 80 sunblock Lilly. Your skin is very white like mine and we generally don't tan well : )
I just turn different shades of red.
azhar nayeef
azhar nayeef - 7 years ago
very nice vedio . thanks my friend , more and more wonderful works
Danny Bigsby
Danny Bigsby - 7 years ago
Haaraskaba - 7 years ago
What kind of baits do you use? It can be dangerous fishing while being in the water yourself at the same time instead of being on a boat. Don't some baits attract sharks too?
Haaraskaba - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly Ok
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
in this video I used bread
jan rej
jan rej - 7 years ago
Lilli ,dupa jesteś jak przypaliłaś wodę.
av chimay
av chimay - 7 years ago
The poisoning is not limited to this species. It's caused by an algae the fish has eaten, so if the algae is present, well, you get the picture. Ask the locals. It's the same with mussels here (in Norway). Whole areas are classified safe or unsafe at a given moment.
Fred Thorne
Fred Thorne - 7 years ago
In the future, if you do another Tropical Island Survival Series would you consider having Sponge Bob Square Pants as a guest? You could show us how to make survival escargot out of Gary, the pet snail.
lanceluvr - 7 years ago
queen of survival.
bill shrader
bill shrader - 7 years ago
very cool love your videos different type of fishing cool keep it up girl
Jamez0117 - 7 years ago
Who's the other person in the video?
Walter Palmer
Walter Palmer - 7 years ago
Lilly....island girl.....
Daroff - 7 years ago
She's literally one of the most amazing women on the planet.
Terry McGeary
Terry McGeary - 7 years ago
Nice warm water! Good fishing too! I was in Menorca island in the Mediterranian last week. We could see great fish in the clear waters and had brought mask, snorkel and beach shoes with us from Scotland hoping for warmer water than ours. But it was still too cold (for me at least) in May! Excellent island though, fantastic for walking and videoing of course! I may pack my wetsuit next time..
Brion Hall
Brion Hall - 7 years ago
not gonna lie, i watched this in hopes Lily was wearing a bikini
Mike Franklin
Mike Franklin - 7 years ago
I like my fish with a side of sand. =D
Ronald Castro
Ronald Castro - 7 years ago
I bet that little bugger tasted pretty good!!
Ninja Snipez
Ninja Snipez - 7 years ago
mmm Garlic Lemon Fish with a dash of Sand :D
tom huynh
tom huynh - 7 years ago
"can't forget that damn lemon!"- TarraDarraBros lol
darron smallridge
darron smallridge - 7 years ago
You are so fit lilly
Plentymoon - 7 years ago
I really like this I probably won't be anywhere tropical but still very helpful I love that little fishing kit for sure.
plainbob V.2 boo
plainbob V.2 boo - 7 years ago
So sexy
MrJustus88 - 7 years ago
Where are you. Looks amazing
Mountain Homestead
Mountain Homestead - 7 years ago
Interesting video. Hal
Jamey Johnson
Jamey Johnson - 7 years ago
you got a new knife!
N C - 7 years ago
This is literally the coolest girl on YouTube.
BlackRockBrewing - 7 years ago
Does anyone know what fishing kit she is using? Or did she make it herself?
Freddy Gonzalez
Freddy Gonzalez - 7 years ago
good eating
paul tricker
paul tricker - 7 years ago
You are a very beautiful fishing kit Lilly xxx such an incredible body and mind xxx
TheStig ZeroZeroZero
TheStig ZeroZeroZero - 7 years ago
2:40 "NO NO NO NO!"
0623kaboom - 7 years ago
great video .... great person ... any guy would be happy with a woman who knows her stuff in the bush ... i know i would be for sure .... hope there's more like lilly that are single out there ;)
Christo Fortune
Christo Fortune - 7 years ago
Hi Lilly! I just watched the Vancouver Island video: awesome! One question, who cut your logs for you? And your firewood? They were perfectly cut and I thought there should have been a mention.
bhhardgr01 - 7 years ago
thanks for the upload as usual video is great...Who is your dive buddy?
LAM CHUNG - 7 years ago
why the knife is not good, i want to know~~
Nathan Prescott
Nathan Prescott - 7 years ago
waw super fresh fish,
Nathan Prescott
Nathan Prescott - 7 years ago
that bikini looks fresher though,
p mastro
p mastro - 7 years ago
cutest nerd ever
Mr C U
Mr C U - 7 years ago
We call that a sergeant fish due to the three stripes and they taste great ! We really like your videos ! Keep them coming.
tdimaggio - 7 years ago
What's the fishing kit? Can't find it on your Amazon store...
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
its not in the store. I have bought it a few years ago and cant remember the manufacturer. sorry
هيثم البياتي
هيثم البياتي - 7 years ago
Nice vedyo
burog7708 - 7 years ago
You still don't have mosquito bites on your skin. It's standard experience in the tropics even for a single night. I live in Asia.
burog7708 - 7 years ago
I like that island!!!!
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
not on this tropical island where i was staying
gene johnson
gene johnson - 7 years ago
always keep an eye out for sharks when fishing like this... good video...
Steve  Davis
Steve Davis - 7 years ago
had two beer.. now horribly seasick
Scott M
Scott M - 7 years ago
There had to be sand on that fish.. cool video though
Freddie - 7 years ago
276 fish disliked this video
Erasmo Ortiz
Erasmo Ortiz - 7 years ago
Always learn something new from watching your videos. Thank You! Lily!
TheLoner801 - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly in a bikini. Always a crowd pleaser.
Ate Off Hitlers Nipples
Ate Off Hitlers Nipples - 7 years ago
you're one sexy gal
Luiz Augusto Prado
Luiz Augusto Prado - 7 years ago
kkkkk... where can I find a girl who do things like this? And, he's beautiful...
private eye
private eye - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly - Lost In Paradise!
Aaron Nelson
Aaron Nelson - 7 years ago
This is how you fish a fish
TommY SmittY
TommY SmittY - 7 years ago
now Lilly Grusoe has stranded on a island and is living there now a Girl arrived with a canoe called Friday will now be teached how to survive with her :-)
mike reyes
mike reyes - 7 years ago
Were you able to see any sharks during your time out there?
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
yep actually I saw a small reef shark
Thomas Chase
Thomas Chase - 7 years ago
Very fun, reminds me of growing up here on the Maine coast during the summers. We owned a property with a fine old brickyard type cove on the south eastern peninsular in a little town called Edgecomb. My home river the sheepscot after Edgecomb turn into the ocean or rather the gulf of Maine in relatively short order and travel by boat was as expeditious if not more than automobile which also became a commodity to be monopolised. It was very centrally located in Maine and commercialism of the coast as relative to hegemonic type wealth and control hadn't yet manifested as a challenge to local communities at this time in most of Maine. People were more agreeable if naive and I imagine the draw to more north to Alaska is much the same as it is on this coast for those reasons. People want to return to better times.
Kevin Kenyon
Kevin Kenyon - 7 years ago
like the Video if I cooked that it would probably had sand in it .
TBM721 - 7 years ago
what island is that, its absolutley stunning
leighrate - 7 years ago
Not sure that an S1 would be my pick on a Tropical Island. Golok & either an F1 or a Stainless Steel Mora.
Ed Fertik
Ed Fertik - 7 years ago
Who makes the fishing kit?
Ed Fertik
Ed Fertik - 7 years ago
No problem. I found something on Amazon but it doesn't look as good as yours.
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
Unfortunately I forgot where I bought it, and it doesn't have a brand name on it. So I don't know. Sorry
Peyote Pete
Peyote Pete - 7 years ago
Looking good Lilly!
Arto Kuosmanen
Arto Kuosmanen - 7 years ago
You look good in this video
Jarod Morris
Jarod Morris - 7 years ago
"Catching fish under water" ? Where do you usually catch them?
Mr. COHIBΛS - 7 years ago
What is all songs in the videos name??
Mike - 7 years ago
I haven't been on this channel in yearssssss lol lily still looking fine
Dances with Dingleberrys
Dances with Dingleberrys - 7 years ago
oh lily you drive me wild
rob roberts
rob roberts - 7 years ago
they came ashore so gracefully swim swim clank lol
Paul'ie 4X
Paul'ie 4X - 7 years ago
Say Heah, Delicious.,,.
thelast812000 - 7 years ago
is your knife tip chipped off?
thelast812000 - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
xXAshesFallenXx - 7 years ago
Lil, please be careful when eating tropical fish. Black guts ( Inner stomach linings. ) when cleaning a fish means stay away I've always been told. I live in Florida and learned my lesson once after eating an iffy fish. Not worth the ER visit.
xXAshesFallenXx - 7 years ago
Thank you for the response. I'll see if I can find my old BSA manual (Boy Scouts of America) and send it to you if you have a Fan Post Box. This way you can see where the advice came from. What I think it is after doing some reading is now just considered a rule of thumb. In short from what I gather is " Not all of them are toxic, but should have caution and knowledge before preparing. " I'm sure that you are well prepared and study before making vids, so I know I shouldn't worry about you, but I'm human, so I do. Thank you again for the response, funny thing is that it's my birthday today and was a beautiful sight to see that you wrote back. Thank you, thank you for all the videos you've made so far. Keep them coming Lil! ~weba
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
black guts or not this fish is considered a delicacy. i didnt get sick of it, so your "black guts rule" must be mistaken
lukepro_ - 7 years ago
are you a model? if so i've never known that
Logan Larimore
Logan Larimore - 7 years ago
Cool video
Ivan Hamlyn
Ivan Hamlyn - 7 years ago
great video, you should do some more hunting videos maybe big game
Loris Buschor
Loris Buschor - 7 years ago
Looks like fun :-)
thebigdipper - 7 years ago
Cool fishing method, you might try diving for lobster or clams or such. The camera shots were not the best but the location looked very nice. Also you have beautiful skin, match that with your good looks and assume attitude I think you are a perfect 10.
Ian James
Ian James - 7 years ago
I would love it if Lilly was the next Bond girl. Corrr !!
DHF F - 7 years ago
This was nice and relaxing. You make it all look very easy.
Ant Chung
Ant Chung - 7 years ago
A propper knife,, good to see..!
Charles Spangler
Charles Spangler - 7 years ago
Cool video! Thanks.
1Walter Hamburg
1Walter Hamburg - 7 years ago
Super Video! LIKE4.323 Liebe Grüße aus Hamburg. Walter
Biri DEMRE’mi dedi !! 11
Biri DEMRE’mi dedi !! 11 - 7 years ago
Merhaba Türkiye Merhaba YouTube
Rob H
Rob H - 7 years ago
No animals were harmed in the making of this video. - 7 years ago
Kaylynn Strain
Kaylynn Strain - 7 years ago
nice little seaside snack, great stuff!!
Jordan Stein
Jordan Stein - 7 years ago
Lilly, I have been planning a two week long trip alone in Papua New Guinea. I am going in with only a hunting knife, sleeping bag, and paracord. I plan on making the following before I finish:
- A tent
- A functioning 'oven'
- A recorder (instrument) out of wood
- A fishing rod
- An animal trap of some kind
- A fur coat made of a dead animal
- A ritual alter to confuse people who might stumble upon my creations
- A bow and arrow
- A bridge across a stream 2+ metres wide (why not?)
- A treehouse (hopefully)

I'm leaving on 13 May, and I'll be back in civilization by 29 May. I hope it goes well! Thanks for the inspiration, great videos!
GearandaltheFirst - 7 years ago
scrolls through comments Oh wow, actual discussion and interesting information keeps scrolling oh look, a joke keeps scrolling oh... there we go, time to stop and head back out of creeptown
LIX 59
LIX 59 - 7 years ago
Where is this particular Island ?????
Terry Green
Terry Green - 7 years ago
blue lagoon wheres your lover Lilly ?
Terry Green
Terry Green - 7 years ago
Terry Green
Terry Green - 7 years ago
you put the lime in the coconut and then you drink it all up
No moral Compas
No moral Compas - 7 years ago
These are awesome videos please please upload more I've seen like all of your videos
松田もしくろす - 7 years ago
I didn't know such nice beaches can be found in Austria. Did I miss something?
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith - 7 years ago
Joseph Saetveit
Joseph Saetveit - 7 years ago
Assuming that's an Etsey Stove. Nice video.
thomas lefebvre
thomas lefebvre - 7 years ago
wild and sexy ;) <3
Eduardo Díaz
Eduardo Díaz - 7 years ago
Very interesting video, it is not easy to catch fish and you have done it quite well. It must be great to cook and eat the fish you caught by your own! Please keep on sharing your useful adventures, Lilly.
agha abbas
agha abbas - 7 years ago
did you make that fuel cubes ?
donald funchion
donald funchion - 7 years ago
Wow I m surprised that I don't have to hate on peoples comments for saying Lilly's body is attractive and I am a boy and I hate on those pervert comments
cmbrando13 - 7 years ago
Dang Lilly, you are one hardcore lady. I would eat fish, except I am allergic. I loved the musical score in the background, great music choice. You are getting much better at your editing, great job. Also, if I may be so bold, you are very pleasant to look at, a very attractive lady. Thank you so much for all your creative work. Also is that a Fallkniven that you did a comparison of in another video. How did it work out for you?
Tudor Thomas
Tudor Thomas - 7 years ago
Hi Lilly
Have you killed your new knife's tip or did you mod yourself? Thanks for the video.
Greetings from North Wales
Qais alawide
Qais alawide - 7 years ago
قوة ارادة وعزم لا يضاهى
magerageful - 7 years ago
Im so pale.
Nicolás Rementería
Nicolás Rementería - 7 years ago
You are a beautiful person Lily, i love your vids and channel! Keep at it! Cheers from Argentine.
dave mccarthy
dave mccarthy - 7 years ago
Tony Mason
Tony Mason - 7 years ago
I wasn't really liking this video in the beginning, but it turned out to be one your best.  Beautiful beach and I liked watching how you cooked the fish.  Really good vid.  Thanks Lily.
Diane Fugate
Diane Fugate - 7 years ago
Loved the video Lilly! Glad you're getting back out there! Great job!!
SanpainT Gallery
SanpainT Gallery - 7 years ago
RyanKC - 7 years ago
The next "Bond Girl".
Jerry Coon
Jerry Coon - 7 years ago
That knife goes well with that bikini.... LOL
Dinesh Ngasepam
Dinesh Ngasepam - 7 years ago
like it!! you should do more survival things in the beach
xSenne - 7 years ago
Lily If been watching your video's when you where started
Your Channel got so big!
Im proud of you congratulations!
If i can i give you 99999999999 subscribers!
Go forwarts
dale cota
dale cota - 7 years ago
shes hot id love to camp with her
James Parlane
James Parlane - 7 years ago
Where is this? New Zealand needs a visit from Survival Lilly. We have plenty of big fis for you here.
muthazbutta - 7 years ago
freaking adorable
ShadeSlayer1911 - 7 years ago
I seem to enjoy your food videos the most.
But that music while you were catching the fish was a bit much.
Grey7000 - 7 years ago
Hi I'm from Russia, I like your video
Rasmus L155
Rasmus L155 - 7 years ago
Kommer du från Sverige ?
Rasmus L155
Rasmus L155 - 7 years ago
Okej tack
ghanaboyz - 7 years ago
Hej, Nä, hon är från Österrike.
valdas valdas
valdas valdas - 7 years ago
more video from this island
wnchillbilly1 - 7 years ago
oh yeah , Lily , , you could have made Sports Illustrated with many of those pics , , , very nice :-)
JOAQUIM MOURINHO - 7 years ago
nice video LIllY , you"re NICE FISH. ON WATER.
Hangassan - 7 years ago
Nice...wish I was thing to always remember about the tropics, swamps, are on the menu the mountains, it is true but you are on your ground, ie, the tropics, swamps etc you most likely will be in water...good video, and nice work fishing...
cillaloves2fish - 7 years ago
Nice catch! Good way to cook it using the Dakota fire pit! Looked yummy!
E. Lectricity
E. Lectricity - 7 years ago
You are a hunter, even on holidays!  I love how you were prepared to catch and cook and eat, all while on a nice little secluded beach.  Great camera crew too!  You are too cool Lilly, even now that you are a big shot!!
Nelson Prestan
Nelson Prestan - 7 years ago
Lilly... Oh, Lilly.
As beautiful as the first woman
Jonathan Simes
Jonathan Simes - 7 years ago
Come to New Zealand Lilly and up your snorkelling game going for crayfish, kina and Paua. Spear a Kingfish or Snapper. That takes a fair bit of skill chasing those wary, timid and fast fish. You may want a wetsuit though ;)
Padraig Allen
Padraig Allen - 7 years ago
At 2:49 I thought it was Ursula Andress from Dr. No
Joshua Templeton
Joshua Templeton - 7 years ago
i keep thinking how much people pay for those fish in there home aquarium and you are catching them for dinner lol
Wireman134 - 7 years ago
Looks a bit sandy, Lilly?
Kevin Price
Kevin Price - 7 years ago
MARRY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Саша Рыбак
Саша Рыбак - 7 years ago
из серии - как я провел этим летом..... банально но факт.
Shawn Pugh
Shawn Pugh - 7 years ago
So good to see you using that right hand again. Also awesome to see the new tropical survival video. Hope you are having fun! Cheers!
Jaime Leon de la Parra
Jaime Leon de la Parra - 7 years ago
I never would've thought of using a Fallkniven as a dive knife! Although I am not a fan of their sheaths, I can see that these loose fitting sheaths would excel in this type of marine environment, as well as in the frozen north. I have been considering picking up the S1 Pro for myself. Well, another great video and please keep making them!
Rob Llewellyn
Rob Llewellyn - 7 years ago
watch out for communists!!!
Survival Mindset
Survival Mindset - 7 years ago
Nice kit and fish! Good looking cook!
Braxx Juventa
Braxx Juventa - 7 years ago
Nice video! :)
DEATHisCUNNING - 7 years ago
So hot
Filiberto Barrera
Filiberto Barrera - 7 years ago
Did I just see Dorathy from finding NEMO
BillyBob Slingshots
BillyBob Slingshots - 7 years ago
Hi Lilly, great video as always. What is the fishing kit you used? I looked in your amazon store but i cant see it. If i am being blind you can post a link to the kit on your store!
BillyBob Slingshots
BillyBob Slingshots - 7 years ago
Hi Lilly, Many thanks for your response! No worries...i think pathfinder might sell one similar.
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
I dont know, I bought it long time ago and cant find out the brand myself. Sorry.
macmurfy2jka - 7 years ago
Sand, it really got everywhere on this one. I hope you're fish wasn't too gritty.
RDPproject - 7 years ago
The animal that was caught in your hair looks like Krill
Life of Natural Foods
Life of Natural Foods - 7 years ago
Wow that's very yummy food. Let me eat too.
Waldhandwerk - BushcraftSurvival
Waldhandwerk - BushcraftSurvival - 7 years ago
Ausgezeichnet Lilly und Begleitung! Guten Appetit und schöne Zeit!
Chris of the North
Chris of the North - 7 years ago
Cool video and what a way to spend the day. Only thing missing was the rum!
Ted Fisher
Ted Fisher - 7 years ago
great video
Tansey F
Tansey F - 7 years ago
Mermaid Survival, great video Lilly!
Stottles Gaming
Stottles Gaming - 7 years ago
No size limits? You'd need 10 for a good feed! Awesome video tho
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
nope, this is an unprotected species, and on my research about size limits I could not find any regulations regarding this fish. Then I saw some natives catching them, even smaller ones than mine... so I caught one too.
TTKMKaizen - 7 years ago
I wish I could do these kinds of things.
Moran Guy
Moran Guy - 7 years ago
Nice , can you make a video how to clean a fish ? and prepare it for grill ?
Weisser Turm
Weisser Turm - 7 years ago
Nice place! It`s "Dori" at 0:48 !?!?!?
Girl in the Woods
Girl in the Woods - 7 years ago
Wow what a paradise! Thanks for sharing :) be well
James - 7 years ago
I only saw a mermaid : )
ambee514 - 7 years ago
I hate sand... It's rough, coarse, and it gets everywhere.
The GreyJedi2112
The GreyJedi2112 - 7 years ago
water blue
water blue - 7 years ago
beautiful beach
Spaide man
Spaide man - 7 years ago
its time to come out of that huge specs, looks better without it.
G Houston
G Houston - 7 years ago
Liking great in a bikini lol but great video love them all keep up good work
Loup Tigris
Loup Tigris - 7 years ago
I sub only cause you're hot.
Amarok - 7 years ago
Damn, what do you have with you? A survival kitchen?
mark sperring
mark sperring - 7 years ago
The whole time you were swimming I kept thinking of that cold water challenge you did awhile back. Lol
schlingel - 7 years ago
hey lilly ich habe schon viele von deine videos gesehen macht echt spass. was ich jetzt mal sagen möchte ist du bist echt super schön und es ist verdammt sexy wenn du outdoorsachen machst.
Stephen Hall
Stephen Hall - 7 years ago
Great video loved the under water filming, great job !
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
natürlich, wos sunst :D
Alexis brus
Alexis brus - 7 years ago
Great !!!
Christopher Ellis
Christopher Ellis - 7 years ago
looks like Queensland.
pretty big for a fish knife! ;)
Андрей Бурмаченко
Андрей Бурмаченко - 7 years ago
Очень красивая природа. Lilly умничка.
Tye Seeley
Tye Seeley - 7 years ago
You go girl!
abed hossini
abed hossini - 7 years ago
hi lila lief always never remaend liek you want and we will sufer whatever we chouesd
Mario Edgard Catota Escobar
Mario Edgard Catota Escobar - 7 years ago
Hola lily te ves ermosa en traje debaño y muy bonito video
Jeremy Thompson
Jeremy Thompson - 7 years ago
haven't watched it yet but Lilly in a bathing suite... what more can you ask for ;) , just always remember ... keep smiling!
Das_Bobster 7
Das_Bobster 7 - 7 years ago
Do they not have size limits? that fish was way too small
Gabriel Traveler
Gabriel Traveler - 7 years ago
OlafGodredsson - 7 years ago
I think I saw her lilly, yup I did
ron helix
ron helix - 7 years ago
Beautiful ...
Ken Allen
Ken Allen - 7 years ago
Ya can not beat fish cooked straight away like that. Liked the vid. ATB
Dozer1642 - 7 years ago
Lily, you are so stinking cool.
mark trezza
mark trezza - 7 years ago
Very nice. I like when you caught fish in Canada
spoonman73 - 7 years ago
"Beautiful fish"  proceeds to stab it lol
Dougie - 7 years ago
Your freckles are coming out Lilly.
mono blanco
mono blanco - 7 years ago
Bushcraft North of 60
Bushcraft North of 60 - 7 years ago
Looks like you are having fun. Way too sandy for me, though. Take care!
Collin Richards
Collin Richards - 7 years ago
Amazing video!
CitySurvivor - 7 years ago
As a man from the caribbean, and even more so as a great fan of you chanel, yourself, and work, do not freak when you and if you see a reef-shark, just flow with the waves and current, and no shiny objects in the waters for it attracts, and catches the eye for big fish. Much love, and positive vibes. You are awesome, stay awesome! :3
Joe Blow
Joe Blow - 7 years ago
a tropical island like that and lilly is the most beautiful thing on it
Thomas IV
Thomas IV - 7 years ago
Fish does not look bony. Lilly is it tasty like mahi-mahi? Maybe filling too or was a snack?
Tom Vana
Tom Vana - 7 years ago
Little gritty? Hard on the teeth.
Debie Baugher
Debie Baugher - 7 years ago
On a tropical island how do you know which fish are ok to eat?
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
I bought a book about fish from the tropics and did a lot of research on it.
Noel Barcelona
Noel Barcelona - 7 years ago
Hope that you can also camp and explore the Philippines! It's beautiful out here. Hope that one company here can sponsor you. :)
ToaddlyFroggy McWartt
ToaddlyFroggy McWartt - 7 years ago
have you tried spear fishing? Great videos Lilly
Brian Spencer
Brian Spencer - 7 years ago
Talk about variety. Brian 76
Daniel Simmons
Daniel Simmons - 7 years ago
That was awesome never seen anybody snorkel fish like that before keep up the videos
NoRINO212 - 7 years ago
Underwater camera, very nice.
Aqua Gods
Aqua Gods - 7 years ago
I wanna picture of the four seasons resort
danhold1 Holdcroftski
danhold1 Holdcroftski - 7 years ago
looks like fun
Randy Crews
Randy Crews - 7 years ago
beautiful water
Michael Brodzik
Michael Brodzik - 7 years ago
Nice !
Dirt Diver
Dirt Diver - 7 years ago
Fish taste so much better when you cook them that fresh on the beach. Enjoyed this, was like going on a 5 minute holiday :)
Terrence Ashley
Terrence Ashley - 7 years ago
All I can say is Yummm! what a catch. the fish are nice too ! :-)
Daemon Lee
Daemon Lee - 7 years ago
I thought you were going to be spear fishing, why did you pick the hook method?
Flo - 7 years ago
Du hast Dori getötet!
Conservative Views by Christine
Conservative Views by Christine - 7 years ago
Lookout for the bull sharks. They won't like you in their water.
Dead See Life
Dead See Life - 7 years ago
Anyone know what the song is at 1:37? It sounds so familiar. Like I've heard it somewhere in Walt Disney world. Maybe Epcot? It's driving me nuts.
Frank B
Frank B - 7 years ago
A beautiful place
crispypicklechips - 7 years ago
nip slip at 4:43
Neil Upham
Neil Upham - 7 years ago
I'm hoping that you are not in the Caribbean making this video as we have a nasty virus in our reef fish here called ciguatera that can be caught by eating the reef fish. It is unfortunately one of those lifetime commitments that can be activated later in life by eating seafood. If you get nausea and headaches check with a doctor. Here's to hoping that this is not going to be an issue for you.
Brett Houston Tube
Brett Houston Tube - 7 years ago
I finally found the perfect woman...
I want to take you on all my adventures.
rdon53 - 7 years ago
Such dramatic music, you are lucky one of those viscous fishes didn't bite your hand off.
Preppin Jim
Preppin Jim - 7 years ago
Your having so much fun. We just got back from a day of shooting. had a great time with my son and friend.
skeeter1070 - 7 years ago
you need to go on naked and afraid
numbereightyseven - 7 years ago
You're on the wrong forum.
Man of the north
Man of the north - 7 years ago
Lilly would not be afraid. Naked but not afraid.
Richard Wolf
Richard Wolf - 7 years ago
skeeter1070 perverted
Cragdwella - 7 years ago
Great video ! Thanks for making the effort to get this footage ! It's harder than people think. The fish looked awesome ! Peace
Jerry Hogkiller
Jerry Hogkiller - 7 years ago
you did good
Jason Ferguson
Jason Ferguson - 7 years ago
Very cool !! Great vid, was the fish tasty?
J. Dana Clark
J. Dana Clark - 7 years ago
What do you do for a living that allows you the time to do all the cool things you do?
Rich - 7 years ago
new bikini?
skunksrus007 - 7 years ago
Recon the Sharks swam for their lives when they saw it was Lilly with her knife
Findergordianus - 7 years ago
If we get a video on Survival Margarita Preparation, I might start to get more cynical...
L B Jackson
L B Jackson - 7 years ago
Yes please make more video's with you wearing next to nothing. I really enjoyed it. :)
G - 7 years ago
Wish I were there with you...I love fish...
Steven Szabo
Steven Szabo - 7 years ago
Cool. I have never seen a fishing kit used in that manner before. Well done. How did the knife hold up under those conditions? Did you encounter any rust?
wayne bartle
wayne bartle - 7 years ago
best vid you have done lilly thank you
Indiana BushCraft
Indiana BushCraft - 7 years ago
I wish your videos were longer... still a neat video
Indiana BushCraft
Indiana BushCraft - 7 years ago
This makes me a pervert how?
Húginn - 7 years ago
nothing in this planet is better than fresh fish with lemon.
frank tirado
frank tirado - 7 years ago
Thanks for all you do. I know a lot of men make disrespectful comments. Yes buy all means with all due respect your very attractive. But I find and have used your skills. Set aside the pride most men have. I found many of your skills useful. I keep a bug out pack in my SUV. I'm trained in CPR and trauma. I found myself stranded in a remote area. I keep dry food and water in my truck. If it wasn't for what I've learned I think I would have been in trouble. It took three days in 20 degree weather before help came. I had plenty to eat and drink. My water supply froze but I was able to make a fire to defrost some water for my dry food and for tea. No sugar. But I was ok. Didn't want to use all the gas in my truck just to keep warm. Thanks.
crazyinsane500 - 7 years ago
With the frigid wilderness of Germany conquered, our humble host seeks out new ventures.
Douglas MacCullagh
Douglas MacCullagh - 7 years ago
She lives in Austria, Crazy. Austria.
Machine Gun Haylift
Machine Gun Haylift - 7 years ago
Lily's beauty is second to none. Am i right?
Johnny Draco
Johnny Draco - 7 years ago
Can you show us a picture of None?
Rick Worden
Rick Worden - 7 years ago
Enjoy your vacation. Great stuff!
Jeff Keller
Jeff Keller - 7 years ago
What a paradise! Great video angles!
David Anderson
David Anderson - 7 years ago
I love to watch your videos, please keep up the great job your doing.
Nick Maurer
Nick Maurer - 7 years ago
Damn Lilly, you look hot in that bikini.
shadomane - 7 years ago
She looks hot in whatever.
Simon T
Simon T - 7 years ago
She looks good here, but also look amazing in camoflage with a rifle/bow in hand! Maximum respect to her though, she's far more than just a pretty woman. not worthy!
Explore Outdoors
Explore Outdoors - 7 years ago
Nick Maurer lolol
Rick Kwitkoski
Rick Kwitkoski - 7 years ago
I camped on a beach like this once. Many many many moons ago. But I didn't have to catch my own fish. There was a local fisherman who lived there and he caught and cooked the fish for me for literally, pennies! I just paid the price he asked for. Wonderful experience. I would do it again but all these years later I know it is no longer the same virtual wilderness that it was back then.
achigurh - 7 years ago
Ever thought about going on the TV show, "Survivor" ?  You would be awesome !
NorseGod - 7 years ago
I'm a simple man. I see Lilly in a bikini, I upvote the video.
SMK what's next
SMK what's next - 7 years ago
where are or were you at i went to st croix usvi last oct loved it wish I could have stayed longer
Curious Terminology
Curious Terminology - 7 years ago
Haha! The choice in music made this video hysterical! It made it seem like such an epic fight with such a tiny fish.
SKoutdoors - 7 years ago
Nice video Lilly. Keep them coming.
Corey Pattison
Corey Pattison - 7 years ago
I used to love these videos but the dramatic music is too much. Gonna miss your knowledge Lily
popogast - 7 years ago
Oh Lilly, endlich musst Du nicht in diesen kalten Wäldern hausen. Und Deine Angelmethoden ohne Rute sind auch sehr elegant. Guten Appetit in der Südsee. Bin neidisch, weiß ich.
21stCenturyHandyman - 7 years ago
That's a cool video. I like the tropical one, it's a nice change.
castortroy365 - 7 years ago
I want to be that ant at 4:05
DFDempire - 7 years ago
good spot
Robert Rivera
Robert Rivera - 7 years ago
Hey, a real life water Lilly. Nice job!
Story Reveal
Story Reveal - 7 years ago
Ok your videos are going down hill and getting pretty boring
pops wrench
pops wrench - 7 years ago
wholly perfect bikini figure , batman!
and great video too
19brownboy81 - 7 years ago
She is smokin hot!!!
John Berry
John Berry - 7 years ago
she must be in Fiji or Vanuatu.
RocKiteman _ 2001
RocKiteman _ 2001 - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly → One word: FLORIDA 《grin》
ShaneyPo0 - 7 years ago
Awesome video Lilly.
Catch and cook videos are great. Hi from Australia. :)
Steve Webb
Steve Webb - 7 years ago
Great Video, Thanks
Roger Mace
Roger Mace - 7 years ago
That sure is a novel way to fish underwater Lilly, I thought fishing underwater meant the use of a spear gun  ......... Lovely Vid though as always
Keith Oleniacz
Keith Oleniacz - 7 years ago
Nice video, glad your having fun.
James Frushon
James Frushon - 7 years ago
You are amazing!
David Mcconnell
David Mcconnell - 7 years ago
There be mermaids !
Scot Scheideman
Scot Scheideman - 7 years ago
how did the S1 handle the salt water ??? Any staining or discoloration over time?
Donny Hernandez
Donny Hernandez - 7 years ago
toit like a toiger
Mateus D. Mendes
Mateus D. Mendes - 7 years ago
Show us how make a Wilson.
hard yakka
hard yakka - 7 years ago
You sure look good in a Bikini Lilly Pity your so shy. :-) That reef looked a exhausted. Look under those ledges for Crayfish too. Just watch out for Moray eels. What Island is that? Bora bora?
Andreas Fischer
Andreas Fischer - 7 years ago
name of the 1st song?
Samxy - 7 years ago
Assassins Creed 3 soundtrack? :D
Felix Deer
Felix Deer - 7 years ago
We all want to know where the island is Lilly, please tell us. it looks like paradise!
BlueStar1124 - 7 years ago
love your vids, but your merch is way over priced in my opinion
FalloutReaper - 7 years ago
4:06 Fish Lives Matter
Abby Something
Abby Something - 7 years ago
FalloutReaper only when stuffed with shallots and mushrooms and wrapped in bacon.....yummy!
Manch 76
Manch 76 - 7 years ago
Im like "did i miss something?".."or did someone skip a page in this book ?" .."we were just in.Austria ...making fishing baskets and bird traps did she magically materialise on a on a tropical island ?.." .lol lol lol .do you have a teleporter at home or something ????
lmao vid Lilly couple of summers ago i got a bunch of " carrassius " same size around here bet ithe fish was tasty .
Shortstory123 - 7 years ago
Oh, you just ruined the fish! You put lemon on it! disappointed.       JK!  Great Video   ...looks like Hawaii!
BohoBushcraft - 7 years ago
Mike - 7 years ago
Are these videos current? I remember a while back you were going to be MIA for an extended period due to an injury. Are you back in action?
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
current :D
B. K.
B. K. - 7 years ago
Survived Lily is a little blue bikini, definitely a thumbs up ;)
Desert Reaper
Desert Reaper - 7 years ago
All kidding aside great vid lily looks like your having fun out there
Zanzubaa1 - 7 years ago
A water Lilly.
katanaburner - 7 years ago
Reminds me of the beaches near my home in Maui. Where was this shot?
Isael Aparecido
Isael Aparecido - 7 years ago
Desert Reaper
Desert Reaper - 7 years ago
That is a nice little snapper you got there Lily.... And I'm not talking abut the fish
gimmejr - 7 years ago
At 2:32 who else was thinking Ursala Andress in Dr. No?
Leonard Szubinski
Leonard Szubinski - 7 years ago
UGH! I hate the tropics! Keep it in the beautiful mountains, streams, forests and vallies of Austria! You look fantastic in your bikini though!
Marcello Antonio Ledda
Marcello Antonio Ledda - 7 years ago
I'm "sure" that place is not in Austria
Rodrigo Marques
Rodrigo Marques - 7 years ago
I guess this is the closest that we gonna get you from the scenery of naked and afraid. I enjoyed a lot the video!
TheFiredawgtoo - 7 years ago
great video, great weather too
Juan Carlos Jimenez B.
Juan Carlos Jimenez B. - 7 years ago
where country is it?
David Garcia
David Garcia - 7 years ago
I just watched it to see her on swim suit
Péter Király
Péter Király - 7 years ago
Call the medic! A German mermaid got washed out on the shore
splorp - 7 years ago
what's the song at the end?
City Prepping
City Prepping - 7 years ago
looks like fun! reminds me of the time i camped on an island at dry tortugas national park for a few days. water was so nice. enjoy your time there!
Shelley Raskin
Shelley Raskin - 7 years ago
I'm not really into stainless knives, but I can see how, in that environment, they would be superior to a carbon blade.
Frank C
Frank C - 7 years ago
cool video , I love catching fish from land and hunt underwater too... my challenge would be without snorkel and goggles and fins , I always carry line and hooks.... a quick kill is to stab the fish in the brain/top head so it stops making vibrations or move so you can get more , that is what brings out the big predators towards you faster than blood in the water... in south america we also have a dish we only use the lemon juice to cook the fish called "ceviche" ,our type of "sushi" no need for fire if you got lemons... as always love your videos and your input, thank you!
MayfallTribe - 7 years ago
Your adventures are amazing, Lilly. Adopt me into your adventure squad, plox. In the name of all that is true and just. :p
B1 Laxson
B1 Laxson - 7 years ago
What was with the black glove on the left hand and what is it?
Econael - 7 years ago
2:52 Free protein
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
Knife used in this video Fish caught in this video Indo-Pacific sergeant doesn't get bigger than 12-20 cm. Sometimes this fish can come with ciguatera poisoning. Please enquire at the locals if the fish can be eaten or not. On my island this fish was safe to eat. After I saw some locals catching and eating even smaller fish I caught one myself. Tasted delicious :D Thanks for watching. Lilly
Macallan - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly please can you do a series of you on a island for a week
Shaun Annandale
Shaun Annandale - 7 years ago
Well spotted.
It looks more rounded than broken maybe its been reworked. My S1 is very pointed.
Alacycle - 7 years ago
Are you getting a replacement for the broken tip on the knife?
Aqua Gods
Aqua Gods - 7 years ago
1903A3shooter bahhahahahahaha
1903A3shooter - 7 years ago
How well do you speak Austrian???
John Galt
John Galt - 7 years ago
Paradigm2012Shift - Was Ursula Andres Austrian also?
Dylan Flynn
Dylan Flynn - 7 years ago
FYI it's caught not catched
Paradigm2012Shift - 7 years ago
2:48 "James Bond Woman" :)
Paradigm2012Shift - 7 years ago
Lilly, very cool fishing video. I've never tried that fishing method. But, apparently it is effective (most effective technique so far in all of your fishing videos). Do you tie a lanyard from your fishing kit around your wrist while you fish? That way if you need to release your fishing kit quickly, it will stay attached to your arm and you won't lose it. For people who live near water, it may be a good idea to include a small, compact, foldable pair of swimming goggles in the B.O.B. That island looks like paradise. You look like one of those "James Bond women" coming out of the ocean with your knife belt strapped to you :) Thanks for sharing.
LeGriffon - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly
Sehr schöne Videos von der Insel!
Wo genau seid ihr denn da?
John M.
John M. - 7 years ago
Cool video! I loved the 'hunt,' the music and the editing, as well as the 'sand pit', for the fire!
Lilly, you are the best! Keep up the great work!
ramonp485 - 7 years ago
Where is this place???? beautiful!!!! Thank you.
Simon  Hopkins
Simon Hopkins - 7 years ago
your supposed to be on holiday. stop working lol although we do appreciate it.
P'S who's your camera lady.
Ronald Castro
Ronald Castro - 7 years ago
nice catch and cook vid Lilly!!!..glad to see your doing better and hopefully on a much deserved vacation, take care and see you on the flip side!!
Hoobilly Indiana
Hoobilly Indiana - 7 years ago
This is a tip on medications: wanted to do some snorkeling in Jamaica but learned the soon, the med check Dr gave me the wrong meds, quick release jacked me up, lol... Nice job Lilly...
Paul Nolan
Paul Nolan - 7 years ago
Survival Russia music, Lily must be a fan?
Evert vd Velde
Evert vd Velde - 7 years ago
lol. yeah i expected Lars to pop up. "Hello guys, welcome to Russia"
Sunny Wu
Sunny Wu - 7 years ago
That looks fun!
chew2elah - 7 years ago
I usually spear fish when in the water. I truly hadn't thought about doing it this way. Great video, thanks for the idea/info.
Margaret Stewart
Margaret Stewart - 7 years ago
great video. You are an inspiration: good energy in so many ways. Keep being you! Loved the spot, the water, the fishing, the cleaning, the cooking, the eating. The music and editing was terrific.
Dan mesnard
Dan mesnard - 7 years ago
I never wanted to be GoPro before.
Saxonia Outdoors
Saxonia Outdoors - 7 years ago
Sehr Cool Danke fürs mitnehmen! :-)
Jow Joe
Jow Joe - 7 years ago
traumhafte Gegend
Zold Outdoors
Zold Outdoors - 7 years ago
Very cool. One of my favourite hobbies is freediving and spearfishing with a pole spear. Looks like such an awesome trip!
Luis Ferrel
Luis Ferrel - 7 years ago
Thank you Lilly, that was a nice catch!! Where is that tropical location? Looking forward to more adventure videos like this.
Pogonyi Imre
Pogonyi Imre - 7 years ago
OliverXD - 7 years ago
survival freak
survival freak - 7 years ago
The tarradarrabros and Lilly are my favorite YouTubers
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
hehehehe :D
Craig Mooring
Craig Mooring - 7 years ago
You should have put that little beastie into your kit for bait. I did not see that kit listed in your Amazon store, what is it called?
Sean McQuade
Sean McQuade - 7 years ago
I'm hungry now. Nice music too.
Haydan Wyatt
Haydan Wyatt - 7 years ago
Krk Patterson
Krk Patterson - 7 years ago
Next - catching birds in the air!
Frank C
Frank C - 7 years ago
have you tried eating seagull?
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
Craig Mooring
Craig Mooring - 7 years ago mean when YOU'RE underwater. At first I was like 'Well, duh, where else ya gonna catch 'em, in trees? ;-) Just kidding. Joe's right you look like you were really having fun.
StandsWithABeer - 7 years ago
suh-weeet. Really nice, pleasant video; thanks! :)
DukeCityFisherman - 7 years ago
likely damage your line storing it through the threads like that.
Umberto Casagrande
Umberto Casagrande - 7 years ago
Croatia? or Hawaii?
Andreas Nägele
Andreas Nägele - 7 years ago
fishing on a tropical island....... What a live!!!! ;-)
Josef Krakel
Josef Krakel - 7 years ago
Go Lilly!
BanZandar - 7 years ago
OH LOOK, a mermaid
Michael DeBell
Michael DeBell - 7 years ago
Nice place. I've been by that aria on an aircraft carrier back in the 80's
AUQUA123 - 7 years ago
Sand for fiber :P
AUQUA123 - 7 years ago
I was kidding :P
Richard Wolf
Richard Wolf - 7 years ago
AUQUA123 sand has no fiber material in it
simone valota
simone valota - 7 years ago
wow awesome video! lilly. bye
elizabeth davis
elizabeth davis - 7 years ago
Oh and I hope you had a fun vacation :-)
elizabeth davis
elizabeth davis - 7 years ago
You must have traveled on a plane to get there what survival gear did you pack in you luggage and did you have any problems with security and the metal detectors?
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
no problem whatsoever :)
Ethan pritchard
Ethan pritchard - 7 years ago
Loving the swimsuit
St Bu
St Bu - 7 years ago
what island is it / where?
Bonnie - 7 years ago
Nice Lilly.Well done.
Joel Vännberg
Joel Vännberg - 7 years ago
I love your videos so much!
Dan O'Neill
Dan O'Neill - 7 years ago
Bond Girl !!!
MZ flighter
MZ flighter - 7 years ago
Rather Bear Grills.
Bond is a pussy!
riley allison
riley allison - 7 years ago
that looks really fun I need to visit some kind of tropical beach sometime
Doug Outside
Doug Outside - 7 years ago
Looks like a hoot!
Caribou347 - 7 years ago
Too cool!
Douglas MacCullagh
Douglas MacCullagh - 7 years ago
Lilly, your video reminds me of a dive trip when my dive buddy took a flounder by spearing it with my dive knife. I also like you sand stove for cooking your catch. Very nice video. Thank you!
paul mccummiskey
paul mccummiskey - 7 years ago
I aint going to lie . I watched that three times. Cool video >. FULL BAYWATCH MODE. I knew you had it in you.Yeah Thats what im talking about.!!!!
Ivanovsky Pretov Kerensky
Ivanovsky Pretov Kerensky - 7 years ago
Dat ass thoooooo
Agoraphobic Adam
Agoraphobic Adam - 7 years ago
I was waiting for the "Jaws" Theme song. :O
Nice video.
mister smith
mister smith - 7 years ago
Excellent video sister! Always glad to see your work. Thank you.
Split Personality
Split Personality - 7 years ago
@Survival Lilly you're an amazing woman! Are you still liking that knife?
Split Personality
Split Personality - 7 years ago
The srk, made of San Mai III remains as the most proven high performance "stainless" steel in the world.
The VG10, a sturdy blade made of the new extremely strong "stainless" laminate VG10 custom steel is convex grounded for extra strong cutting power with no risk for edge breakage

"stainless"- won't corrode
Leif Bäckman Lindqvist
Leif Bäckman Lindqvist - 7 years ago
Should have gone for the F1. Best knife I've ever had. And I have quite a few :)
GrasDeRost - 7 years ago
Survival Lilly
Right, but your Cold Steel knife is of carbon steel. Isn't it? It would get rusted at the seaside.
Survival Lilly
Survival Lilly - 7 years ago
nope not really. coldsteel srk is much better
Tom Gildy
Tom Gildy - 7 years ago
hi Lilly, do some more hunting videos in Europe. thanks
Antitheist39 J
Antitheist39 J - 7 years ago
Currently this video was watched by 53 fish...
kulyon - 7 years ago
also interested in what island you are on. don't know if it is in a previous video. you should stay and do tropical primitive living for a year
Lisandro Arnodo
Lisandro Arnodo - 7 years ago
You no eat fish, you eat sand jajaja!!
Mikebagisitichy - 7 years ago
I would snorkel with Lilly! oops Lol!!
Mikebagisitichy - 7 years ago
Richard Wolf Is that better!!
Richard Wolf
Richard Wolf - 7 years ago
Mikebagisitichy that's messed up
Blase ForestCall
Blase ForestCall - 7 years ago
Survival Russia music theme! O.O
glenn goodale
glenn goodale - 7 years ago
music too loud
mossyTV - 7 years ago
Thanks Lily! Your vacation looks amazing.
Grey Silverback
Grey Silverback - 7 years ago
Cool video! Please crack open some more coconuts!
GT 333
GT 333 - 7 years ago
Seems like a lot of effort for such a small fish. Have you tried spear fishing. That might be cool
scott manning
scott manning - 7 years ago
super cool, more please. x
Vladimir Neuymin
Vladimir Neuymin - 7 years ago
Не ешь с ножа, злая будешь. Спасибо за видео.
Paradigm2012Shift - 7 years ago
2:48 "James Bond Woman" :)
Kid Goku
Kid Goku - 7 years ago
Another great video Lilly! Keep them coming!
Patrick J. Boening
Patrick J. Boening - 7 years ago
Little TIP:
Never let your knife dangle on your hip. You could hurt yourself very easy….even only if a wave turns you upside down. Underwater always attach your knife to your lower leg…tight with no room to wobble.

Enjoy your vacation!
Waterman one
Waterman one - 7 years ago
Nice  video. What was the fire cubes that you used? Thanks
Wesley Collins
Wesley Collins - 7 years ago
johnny survival tropical style good idea Lilly I'm impressed
Wesley Collins
Wesley Collins - 7 years ago
WTF where did Johny come from I did not put that in should says survival tropical style
Kanuckbrewer o
Kanuckbrewer o - 7 years ago
Nice warm video Lilly. The fish is a Sergeant Major. Very common in most oceans. I've seen them in the Atlantic, Hawaii, Cook Islands, Fiji and other places. Don't worry about sharks eating you. If a shark is less than 4 feet long it will swim away. Black tip and White tip sharks sleep a lot. Enjoy the water, there's always something to see.  Get back in the water.
Kip Viteo
Kip Viteo - 7 years ago
Love the music!!
C Sutter
C Sutter - 7 years ago
My birthday today
weedXD38 - 7 years ago
I would get stranded with YOU n a deserted island anytime of the day!!! thanks for the vid!!! :-) :-)
Paradigm2012Shift - 7 years ago
Lilly, very cool fishing video. I've never tried that fishing method. But, apparently it is effective (most effective technique so far in all of your fishing videos). Do you tie a lanyard from your fishing kit around your wrist while you fish? That way if you need to release your fishing kit quickly, it will stay attached to your arm and you won't lose it. For people who live near water, it may be a good idea to include a small, compact, foldable pair of swimming goggles in the B.O.B. That island looks like paradise. You look like one of those "James Bond women" coming out of the ocean with your knife belt strapped to you :) Thanks for sharing.
Leonardo Oliveira
Leonardo Oliveira - 7 years ago
Lilly você fica linda nesse biquíni adoro ver você assim bem a vontade.
Bret Calvin
Bret Calvin - 7 years ago
yum yum
Jason Ross
Jason Ross - 7 years ago
guest girlfriend shot at 0:05?
and I'm a little disappointed ... in the Austrian wilderness you hip-fire 50-calibre rifles and hit targets at 900 meters. I thought you'd catch a sailfish with a huge harpoon or something.
Caslav Norisavljevic
Caslav Norisavljevic - 7 years ago
1:47 that wasnt a very gracefull landing xD
Pink Panther
Pink Panther - 7 years ago
That was awesome...Because she doesn't care. Lol.
TEAM7 - 7 years ago
ken halverson
ken halverson - 7 years ago
Great vid
steven vigil
steven vigil - 7 years ago
true paradise!
Xyber04 - 7 years ago
Where are you swimming?

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