Catching Wild Fish For Fish Tank - Peru Vlog #3

This is the 3rd part of us being in Peru catching wild fish for fish tanks. You get to see exactly what it is like to go with on a collecting adventure. *Our Monthly Give Away ►*

Catching Wild Fish For Fish Tank - Peru Vlog #3 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 118

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 92,246 views

This is the 3rd part of us being in Peru catching wild fish for fish tanks. You get to see exactly what it is like to go with on a collecting adventure. *Our Monthly Give Away ►*

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Most popular comments
for Catching Wild Fish For Fish Tank - Peru Vlog #3

How To Aquarium
How To Aquarium - 6 years ago
Nice video, keep up the good work!
Sergey Marchenko
Sergey Marchenko - 6 years ago
Вы молодцы, завидую. Best of the best. Спасибо за видео. Senks.
Nick B.
Nick B. - 6 years ago
Didn't know Bradley Cooper was into fish collecting?
BO MARLEY - 6 years ago
que hace el meade aqui ,como no gano la precidencia se fue al gabacho de pescador
vatapalli Yashwanth
vatapalli Yashwanth - 6 years ago
Don't join his
Abel Rivera
Abel Rivera - 6 years ago
Lyndon P
Lyndon P - 6 years ago
Hi! it was really nice watch.... amazing fishes... YET! feeling bad for the habitat, we take all these beautiful creatures and within few years, the rivers will start to running dry without any fish species...
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Yes from the gold mining going on. Many habitats have been ruined already.
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 6 years ago
Thanks for bringing us along, Cory! Really been enjoying these videos!
Jaco Benade
Jaco Benade - 6 years ago
Please show the fish that you caught

10. comment for Catching Wild Fish For Fish Tank - Peru Vlog #3

J-Tune Da Jester
J-Tune Da Jester - 6 years ago
Caught a rock who wants to give it a kiss
Fishing Fantasy
Fishing Fantasy - 6 years ago
Great video! I did something similar with bowfin
Broly Rucci
Broly Rucci - 6 years ago
I hate plecos
Dodo Bird
Dodo Bird - 6 years ago
more vids!
Victor Monaco
Victor Monaco - 6 years ago
Kissing Plecos........ That's when you know you haven't seen any women for a long time....
Thomas Lee
Thomas Lee - 6 years ago
Start a gofundme for braces
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Why? I could easily pay for them.
Q H - 6 years ago
Will there be more Peru vlogs? Awesome stuff.
varun kumar
varun kumar - 6 years ago
Rameez Shamoun
Rameez Shamoun - 6 years ago
I like your videos so much. Thank you for your efforts. Long live bro.
Amy McLeod
Amy McLeod - 6 years ago
Nice video Cory!! Its so cool seeing stuff like this.

20. comment for Catching Wild Fish For Fish Tank - Peru Vlog #3

Stan TheObserver
Stan TheObserver - 6 years ago
The irony is...IF Peruvians come here to Seattle and try to collect native fish..would get arrested!
Stan TheObserver
Stan TheObserver - 6 years ago
If they used hook and line...seine nets and what else is a very no-no. Its their way in Peru to make money I know,but you get my point....
I've kept fish for 40 years...still gets conflicting at times. Could be worse..if it was birds kept in a cage that cant even fly,I would really be guilty!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
No they wouldn't They'd need a fishing license as long as they were taking them out of state.
Richard Losberg
Richard Losberg - 6 years ago
Is a different name for gold mystery snails. banana snails
Wilson Miranda
Wilson Miranda - 6 years ago
1:20 I need a net like that!
DreBluntz - 6 years ago
how'd you not bring a water filter bro? lol they cost 15 bucks on amazon
william amely
william amely - 6 years ago
Thanks for sharing this video with us. The fish are beautiful. And the weather, as you experienced, can go from rainy and cold, to sunny and hot. The rainforest is one of the most important ecosystems in the world. Most of the creatures on our planet live in the rainforest, so if we'd lose them, our planet would be devastated. If we protect them, we will be able to collect these fish for generations to come. Many of us watching these videos would love to be able to make such collecting trips to have the opportunity to stock our aquariums with great looking fish like those.
Mr SANDY PANTS - 6 years ago
love the dedication.
꧁꧅Ïꦧ꧀ꦖÏ꧅꧂ - 6 years ago
this is so amazing, i really want to do this (collect various Dorid, Cetopsidae catfish; Tetranematichthys) ect. - BUT, How do I bring them back home? - do you need a licence or something, HELP
Stevenkhup - 6 years ago
wait if u cath a fish do u ship it to ur house? and do u get to keep the fish u catch?
Stevenkhup - 6 years ago
wow what a moment
Aidan Parsons
Aidan Parsons - 6 years ago
How’d they do this legally

30. comment for Catching Wild Fish For Fish Tank - Peru Vlog #3

Sharon Bendtsen
Sharon Bendtsen - 6 years ago
What was that long striped fish
Sharon Bendtsen
Sharon Bendtsen - 6 years ago
That cayman is cool was that a black cayman
Sharon Bendtsen
Sharon Bendtsen - 6 years ago
I loved that face when you said give it a kiss
BravoUnknown - 6 years ago
Careful dude, I was in the military got a thing called jungle rot when my boots would get wet and stay wet for two long, gotta let them feet breath buddy.
Jackie Browne Bridal HMUA
Jackie Browne Bridal HMUA - 6 years ago
Really found these vlogs interesting to cool
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 6 years ago
I really hope we get to see some of these fish in your tanks Cory! The trip I’ll bet was ultra awesome! Stay safe!
Devin B
Devin B - 6 years ago
What kind of Cory is that at 4:01 i think I need a shoal now..
jlpropst00 - 6 years ago
Favorite Peru vid. so far!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
V. Stag
V. Stag - 6 years ago
Awesome video Thanks for sharing #FishFam #NJAE18
witchapparatus - 6 years ago
Aw. Fish kiss. <3
Tina Cuppernell
Tina Cuppernell - 6 years ago
You are just the greatest for sharing all this footage with us. I love seeing you all cutting up. Glad you had a great time.!
kay 1988
kay 1988 - 6 years ago
Why u wearing a full shirt then u plonker
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
You're right on the equator. Sunburns happen very easily. Also it keeps the bugs both in the air and in the water off your skin. Still get lots of bites, but it helps.
OregonOutdoorsChris - 6 years ago
Interesting. Those woodcats looked a lot like Microglannis. Also I thought I heard Dean mention otos in the background there. What'd you find with regard to those?
Elizabeth Madson
Elizabeth Madson - 6 years ago
Great catch
Richard Miller
Richard Miller - 6 years ago
What water are you using to change the tanks each day? Filtered river water?
Richard Miller
Richard Miller - 6 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op Thanks for the reply Corey. Just curious because I was just at my aquarium society meeting with a collector from the Amazon who warned never to use any water other than the locally sourced water. Great great videos! I could never do it...LOL
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Just river water when we were on the road and then we’ll water when back at the house
zu phlos
zu phlos - 6 years ago
Wow Felix is a beast. "Let me just grab this baby dinosaur."
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Yeah, he knows the jungle.
Elise Easton
Elise Easton - 6 years ago
LOVE the marbled hatchets!
Mister Moose
Mister Moose - 6 years ago
When you get a chance, can you please do a thorough explanation of a QT tank? What products to use or what ever.
I haven't looked into it, but if the fish that gets QT'd has a bug, wouldn't that bug establish itself in the tank? Idk.
Also, how to disinfect or QT wild plants or fish. Can multiple fish/plants be QT'd at the same time?
Thank you for your videos, this is a blossoming hobby/passion/dream for me and I plan to introduce this hobby to the very VERY large area I'm in that has no such thing. You'd have to travel several hours to get to a (more than likely) subpar aquarium store. I know there's a Petco a few hundred miles away.
ShelbyRae Lane
ShelbyRae Lane - 6 years ago
I don't know why but for some reason ya'll reminded me of an old old Morton's salt fisherman commercial. Well ya did until Corey got so obsessed with wanting everybody to give the fish a little kiss, lol.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
The fish haven’t arrived in the country yet

50. comment for Catching Wild Fish For Fish Tank - Peru Vlog #3

huuua2 - 6 years ago
Awesome, keep it coming!!!!!
MIỀN TÂY FOOD - 6 years ago
Looks like fun
edstar81 - 6 years ago
awesome video mate
Jason - 6 years ago
I couldn't stop laughing and really enjoyed you sharing your passion and input for the is contagious let me tell you that :) I hae one question though, isn't it difficult to come - catch and export?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
I wouldn’t say difficult, just time consuming and costs some money
John Micheal
John Micheal - 6 years ago
What are those fish called in the thumbnail
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
They are just some type of tetra, looks a bit like pristella terras
GasCanister - 6 years ago
Man must be nice to catch your own aquarium fish
Elsa Alexander
Elsa Alexander - 6 years ago
Very rich fish life.
Claire Minch
Claire Minch - 6 years ago
So insane to watch you catch the fish we all see at fish stores! Seeing them at stores in high tech tanks sorta makes you forget that they’re from humble streams in the amazon
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 6 years ago
If you don't kiss a pleco before you throw it back it's bad luck.
Such big teeth you have Grandma.
So much fun to watch your adventures.
keejinjohanson - 6 years ago
Well...looks like I’ve got a goal. Have enough tanks so I can go do this.
Frank Torres
Frank Torres - 6 years ago
Dude, this is a great video! thanks! Cheers! frank from LA
84parsons - 6 years ago
Hi Cory any idea how much to ship a goldfish t-shirt to the UK. Desperate to get one over here.
ArtilleryGuns - 6 years ago
does anyone know if it is possible to keep an all FEMALE convict tank without any problems?
Nick Hall
Nick Hall - 6 years ago
Just amazing the passion Corey has for this hobby!! Man Its not easy getting out in the jungle to these locations, dealing with weather, mud, bugs, language barriers, and everything else in between, but here he is doing it no problem always with a smile on his face and positive attitude... Crazy passion and total devotion to the hobby drives him to accomplish amazing things like this!! Thanks for bringing us along!
Rai Dash
Rai Dash - 6 years ago
wild cory??!! nice
Bengal Ghost
Bengal Ghost - 6 years ago
Nothing feels so refreshing as a cold water of the stream flowing down the crack of one's arsh.
Kailyn B
Kailyn B - 6 years ago
So interesting! Thank you for posting these longer vlogs vs just the highlights.
Edd Grrr
Edd Grrr - 6 years ago
Your great bro. Love your videos . Just ordered some plants from you . I now have to find a place to cram them... Your the Fish head King! #FishHeadKing@AquariumCo-Op.Guppies
Widquatics - 6 years ago
Great video guys! I'm loving the series so far. That amazon rain is no joke, good to see that didn't stop you guys from having fun!
john gonzalez
john gonzalez - 6 years ago
Thumbnail picture, what are the fish in your hand?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Some random tetras we were catching in the streams
john gonzalez
john gonzalez - 6 years ago
Cory, completely nerd stupid question, do they water change from a local well or river water?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
On move, we used river water. Once back at the house, we used well water.
River Life
River Life - 6 years ago
You guys had a blast!
LittleLargeMouth - 6 years ago
Whose fishroom is that? Is it always operational?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Go Wild peru's. it's operational during the months of collecting.
Nico Dawkins
Nico Dawkins - 6 years ago
My guppy just started breeding with neon teras I don't know if its possible but the are
Lacey D Sutton
Lacey D Sutton - 6 years ago
Errr…. that is completely NOT possible. I mean, a male guppy might (MIGHT) attempt to mate with a tetra, but there would be no young produced, much less viable ones. But if you have female guppies, it is quite likely they were pregnant before you bought them and decided to produce a brood once they got settled.
Darryl Moore
Darryl Moore - 6 years ago
I would love to see a series of videos following some of the collected fish to Deans home for breeding then to the store for retail.
Twin Cities Guppies
Twin Cities Guppies - 6 years ago
Looks like so much fun
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan - 6 years ago
Looks like great time
striper sniper
striper sniper - 6 years ago
This is great ...thanks
Erika Meilink
Erika Meilink - 6 years ago
really nice wolf fish! I hope he survives/survived the trip
Candi Overhuls
Candi Overhuls - 6 years ago
Love these Peru videos. Thank you
bleewicket - 6 years ago
Awesome Cory, what an experience!
Hatsura - 6 years ago
I really like the kinda in your face vlog style Correy's doing. Thank you for the update.
thomas Broderick
thomas Broderick - 6 years ago
What areyou bringing bachk
firedragon45 45
firedragon45 45 - 6 years ago
There are white spots on the glass of my tropical aquarium,Can anyone help me figure out what this is?
firedragon45 45
firedragon45 45 - 6 years ago
CJ Black thanks for the info,will post a photo on the Aquarium Co-op Facebook tomorrow.
CJ Black
CJ Black - 6 years ago
firedragon45 45 Corydoras and some snails lay eggs on aquarium glass sometimes, could be eggs. If you can get a photo of the spots you can post it to the community tab here on Youtube or on one of the Facebook groups, then I bet someone can id your spots
hash glass
hash glass - 6 years ago
free shower
Mr_Paco - 6 years ago
Super cool video
Abusivesquirrel - 6 years ago
still can't wait to see al the catch in the aqauriums!
jesus israel caudillo ramirez
jesus israel caudillo ramirez - 6 years ago
Wood cats? Those look like bumblebee cats.
Shelley G.
Shelley G. - 6 years ago
Soooo fun to watch your journey!!! I would have loved a bunch of those apistos!!
karl wood
karl wood - 6 years ago
wow wish i was there, i would head to rio esmeralde and rio tumbes to find each type of festae cichlid,, my favourite fish and there are no wild collection videos of festae in their natural habitat, i guarantee you get over a million views on those videos.
John Zimm
John Zimm - 6 years ago
Love these videos! Thanks
reelthing4u fishtanks
reelthing4u fishtanks - 6 years ago
wish i was there.i love the vids
Dank Tanks
Dank Tanks - 6 years ago
Awesome! He grabbed that caiman like a boss!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Felix knew the jungle so well.
Walk Michigan
Walk Michigan - 6 years ago
As a guy that's just getting going in the aquarium hobby (I only have one tank), I can say that this looks like an AMAZING trip. Even without the fish collecting, it looks like a really fun time. Quite an adventure.
MISTER DABALINA - 6 years ago
Sweet ,the Peru vids are awesome. It looks so hot there , as a Canadian I would melt,
ChriSindy Peces y Mas
ChriSindy Peces y Mas - 6 years ago
Please cory, do more videos like this, so beautiful
Joe Norby
Joe Norby - 6 years ago
And the hat.
Bert Shackleford
Bert Shackleford - 6 years ago
Thank you for including the caiman discovery. I don't suppose you have footage of the coral snake?

My specialty was the genus Crotalus found throughout Arizona. It was a "high risk - high reward" pursuit that eventually concluded due to the Law of Averages. I only had a few close calls and always hoped for a dry bite in the unfortunate event that I got tagged. My wife is a tough little bird for managing to live with venomous snakes in the house (which I'm sure very few women would be comfortable doing) and I commend her for that. It was her influence that persuaded me to close that chapter of my life.

We play a dangerous game with venomous species. It's not a matter of "if" you are bitten, but more a matter of "when" because it will happen eventually. In the reptilian world, something will eventually bite you and draw blood - it's inevitable. My first snake bite was from a Ball Python on the wrist where you normally check your pulse. The most painful bites (that's bites plural) was from a Yellow Anaconda. She bit me numerous times from my hand up to my elbow. Basically walking her way up my arm. Each time she bit me it left a tremendous bruise. The blood was pumping and plentiful. Painful yes but not fatal like venom.

Always err on the side of caution and know when to leave life of herpetology. I no longer keep any snakes or reptiles for that matter. That's how we found ourselves back in the docile realm of aquariums.

Thanks again for the reptilian inclusion and for taking the time to read my short story. I'll be absent for a while after this post with very few/zero opportunities for internet connection, so I look forward to a catalog of videos upon my return.

Take care my friends.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
No footage of the coral snake, children were the ones who caught it etc and didn’t want to put them on camera.
Justin Hateswasps
Justin Hateswasps - 6 years ago

April Wood Art and Pets
April Wood Art and Pets - 6 years ago
Looks like so much fun! :)

100. comment for Catching Wild Fish For Fish Tank - Peru Vlog #3

Eddy Ortiz
Eddy Ortiz - 6 years ago
Awsome. You guys are having a ball nice Corydoras.
Tropicalfishcraze Channel
Tropicalfishcraze Channel - 6 years ago
love your wild adventure
mpjopa tv
mpjopa tv - 6 years ago
im concerned about the thumbnail beacuse he might get his pants wet
Lacey D Sutton
Lacey D Sutton - 6 years ago
Then you watch the video and find out he got a lot more than his pants wet :P It's OK though--he's from the Seattle Area. We all have gills up here ;)
Bob Caylor's Fish Hobby
Bob Caylor's Fish Hobby - 6 years ago
That Geophagus was awesome. Also the Corydoras at 4:00! Looks like so much fun. Physical, but a great kind of fun. With the fish room adjacent to your quarters you guys are able to visit the fish and enjoy them, when not out collecting. A dream come true. Thanks for sharing this video!
Jadren Aquatics
Jadren Aquatics - 6 years ago
Man that looks like so much fun!
DaWetThumb - 6 years ago
love these vids they make me want to head off into the jungle
Adam Till from Arctic Lights Aquatics
Adam Till from Arctic Lights Aquatics - 6 years ago
It was torture seeing just a glimpse of the otos and hearing them mentioned in the background. Love those guys, and would have loved to see where they were caught.

Neat effect backing the vertical video with a background image too, have to remember that one.

Thanks guys, great job!
Youtuber 2018
Youtuber 2018 - 6 years ago
What is OLED????
Bongwater Aquatics
Bongwater Aquatics - 6 years ago
Best way to start the morning.
Maurice Matla
Maurice Matla - 6 years ago
How about a video on organising such a trip.
Maurice Matla
Maurice Matla - 6 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op Thanks i will be checking it out.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
There’s not much to organizing it. You sign up on
Bernhard Kawell
Bernhard Kawell - 6 years ago
Nice to see how you catch fishes. ..I hope you will find that type of fish you hunting for. .. Thanks for your video. ..will wenn see some more? ?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
There is 1 or 2 more videos depending on how the footage comes out
Sourabh - 6 years ago
Where are those thumbnail tetras?
tyranttz kk
tyranttz kk - 6 years ago
Sourabh cardinals
HOOKED ON PR Jon Rojas - 6 years ago
cool photoTank views
Michael Tette
Michael Tette - 6 years ago
When you going back?
Michael Tette
Michael Tette - 6 years ago
Definitely a bucket list item for me not sure it’s in the cards til my kids get old. Probably 10 years away? Lol
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Possibly next year if fans want to go with me.
Grassypeak - 6 years ago
Love this series! Please keep 'em comin'!
Tyler - 6 years ago
Fish Fish Fish
Daniel Scerri
Daniel Scerri - 6 years ago
That looked like crazy fun, hard work though i'm sure. Place reminds me of Shangmai in Thailand, family just bought land their may have to fly down there and try and find some fish hot spots. Another great vlog have the best day mate. :)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Awesome, I want to visit Thailand and look at puffers.
Golden Fish Tanks
Golden Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
That was some fishing adventure, awesome video, thanks for sharing.
Daddy Tankee
Daddy Tankee - 6 years ago
So jelly
Ginger Graves
Ginger Graves - 6 years ago
I'm enjoying all the Peru Vlogs. I can't wait to see the fish unboxing!
BL00D PARR0T - 6 years ago
What fish was that in the title
s3r_ hobby
s3r_ hobby - 6 years ago
Salandit The Bandit probelly serpa tetra, iff you look close you can see the black dots.
The Peoples Affront to Judea
The Peoples Affront to Judea - 6 years ago
Whatever they are, I'd like to have a hand full of em
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
I’m not exactly sure, they looked similar to pristella tetras but were different
The Peoples Affront to Judea
The Peoples Affront to Judea - 6 years ago
Wondering the same
BL00D PARR0T - 6 years ago
Thumbnail *
Felipe De Armas
Felipe De Armas - 6 years ago
Next go to Cuba and see the beauty of the island that has to offer amazing fish .
AKL_ Gaming
AKL_ Gaming - 6 years ago
Verry nice fish. Awsome video sir thanks. Happy fishkeeping
Ruud - 6 years ago
very cool.
Diana Rach
Diana Rach - 6 years ago
So cool. I bet this was so much fun! Thanks for sharing your great adventure.
Arnaldo M.B.
Arnaldo M.B. - 6 years ago
Thank you for all this videos Cory, it reminds me when I was a child in venezuela, I use to collect fishes in a stream back of my house, they were tetras, plecos, catfishes and a lot of others, now I live in spain and you bring me back to that beautiful days
Aslam Kasimov
Aslam Kasimov - 6 years ago
Arnaldo M.B. Que Díos le bendiga a Venezuela. Chávez y chavistas le han causado a la gente venezolana demasiado sufrimiento. God bless
Phillip Burrell
Phillip Burrell - 6 years ago
Can't wait to see all the fish u caught
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 6 years ago
Yeaaahh! I love those videos!
Peru looks so cool, Felix is a cool guy! I died when you kissed that fish hahaha.
One day I'll go to Peru, would love to catch some fish!
HUKIT - 6 years ago
I hope you’ve got more videos coming as 3 isn’t nearly enough for all of us, Lol!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
1 to 2 more coming hopefully
new saints
new saints - 6 years ago
awesome video man!
Dwain Kitchel
Dwain Kitchel - 6 years ago
fish coming sooooon :)
adeel shaikh
adeel shaikh - 6 years ago
Just have fun
Prime Time Aquatics
Prime Time Aquatics - 6 years ago
Looks like fun! Really loved that Geophagus you guys pulled up.
NeoN - 6 years ago
lol 2 people said first
Hoàng Nguyen
Hoàng Nguyen - 6 years ago
The cory to beautiful
Gerald Wallace
Gerald Wallace - 6 years ago
Yet another great vid...thanks for sharing.
Mad Fish Diva
Mad Fish Diva - 6 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Best way to do it!
Michael Pressler
Michael Pressler - 6 years ago
TrackMasta99 - 6 years ago
Keep them coming
Andrew Kloeker
Andrew Kloeker - 6 years ago
3 minute squad
all about my animals
all about my animals - 6 years ago
Louis Dunstan
Louis Dunstan - 6 years ago
_Evan_E - 6 years ago
Love your channel dude!
all about my animals
all about my animals - 6 years ago
Abraham Roman u are not first Wesley overpowered super hater and friends were
wesley overpowered super hater and friends
wesley overpowered super hater and friends - 6 years ago
Im a person who can type Leedle lee
Im a person who can type Leedle lee - 6 years ago
Ooh another video

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