Catching Wild Fish For Fish Tank - Peru Vlog #3
Tropical fishing 6 years ago 92,246 views
This is the 3rd part of us being in Peru catching wild fish for fish tanks. You get to see exactly what it is like to go with on a collecting adventure. *Our Monthly Give Away ►*
10. comment for Catching Wild Fish For Fish Tank - Peru Vlog #3
20. comment for Catching Wild Fish For Fish Tank - Peru Vlog #3
I've kept fish for 40 years...still gets conflicting at times. Could be worse..if it was birds kept in a cage that cant even fly,I would really be guilty!
this is so amazing, i really want to do this (collect various Dorid, Cetopsidae catfish; Tetranematichthys) ect. - BUT, How do I bring them back home? - do you need a licence or something, HELP
30. comment for Catching Wild Fish For Fish Tank - Peru Vlog #3
I haven't looked into it, but if the fish that gets QT'd has a bug, wouldn't that bug establish itself in the tank? Idk.
Also, how to disinfect or QT wild plants or fish. Can multiple fish/plants be QT'd at the same time?
Thank you for your videos, this is a blossoming hobby/passion/dream for me and I plan to introduce this hobby to the very VERY large area I'm in that has no such thing. You'd have to travel several hours to get to a (more than likely) subpar aquarium store. I know there's a Petco a few hundred miles away.
50. comment for Catching Wild Fish For Fish Tank - Peru Vlog #3
Such big teeth you have Grandma.
So much fun to watch your adventures.
My specialty was the genus Crotalus found throughout Arizona. It was a "high risk - high reward" pursuit that eventually concluded due to the Law of Averages. I only had a few close calls and always hoped for a dry bite in the unfortunate event that I got tagged. My wife is a tough little bird for managing to live with venomous snakes in the house (which I'm sure very few women would be comfortable doing) and I commend her for that. It was her influence that persuaded me to close that chapter of my life.
We play a dangerous game with venomous species. It's not a matter of "if" you are bitten, but more a matter of "when" because it will happen eventually. In the reptilian world, something will eventually bite you and draw blood - it's inevitable. My first snake bite was from a Ball Python on the wrist where you normally check your pulse. The most painful bites (that's bites plural) was from a Yellow Anaconda. She bit me numerous times from my hand up to my elbow. Basically walking her way up my arm. Each time she bit me it left a tremendous bruise. The blood was pumping and plentiful. Painful yes but not fatal like venom.
Always err on the side of caution and know when to leave life of herpetology. I no longer keep any snakes or reptiles for that matter. That's how we found ourselves back in the docile realm of aquariums.
Thanks again for the reptilian inclusion and for taking the time to read my short story. I'll be absent for a while after this post with very few/zero opportunities for internet connection, so I look forward to a catalog of videos upon my return.
Take care my friends.
100. comment for Catching Wild Fish For Fish Tank - Peru Vlog #3
Neat effect backing the vertical video with a background image too, have to remember that one.
Thanks guys, great job!
Peru looks so cool, Felix is a cool guy! I died when you kissed that fish hahaha.
One day I'll go to Peru, would love to catch some fish!