Chris X, aquarium,Feeding tropical fish & turtles nightcrawlers
Tropical fishing 10 years ago 53,547 views
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Tropical fishing 10 years ago 53,547 views
Clown knifefish, Oscars electric blue Jack Dempsey, Acaras, razorback musk turtles, Mississippi map turtles, flowerhorn
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3,599 likes 3,485,165 views 8 years ago
Tropical fish are generally those fish found in aquatic tropical environments around the world. In this video you...
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The "Chris X, aquarium,Feeding tropical fish & turtles nightcrawlers" video is part of the category, which contains similar videos like this one.
however, i won't be an idiot and sell my tank (im not hating on people that are selling their tanks or anything, dont get me wrong)
i'll actually buy turtles when the fish die, but i don't really want my two cute companions to die.
i've already see them not doing much, like if they were frozen in place, only breathing. possible existential crisis?
anyone that reads this comment try to keep your hands crossed (im sorry if i spelled it wrong, im from europe not america) and wish me and my fish good luck or something, because i don't want them to die
10. comment for Chris X, aquarium,Feeding tropical fish & turtles nightcrawlers
the one that looks like a ghost fish but has spots?