Chris X, aquarium,Feeding tropical fish & turtles nightcrawlers

Clown knifefish, Oscars electric blue Jack Dempsey, Acaras, razorback musk turtles, Mississippi map turtles, flowerhorn

Chris X, aquarium,Feeding tropical fish & turtles nightcrawlers sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Tropical fishing 10 years ago 53,547 views

Clown knifefish, Oscars electric blue Jack Dempsey, Acaras, razorback musk turtles, Mississippi map turtles, flowerhorn

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Most popular comments
for Chris X, aquarium,Feeding tropical fish & turtles nightcrawlers

abu cubayda clannel
abu cubayda clannel - 6 years ago
Akdas Shaikh
Akdas Shaikh - 6 years ago
Kachua kitne ka hai bhai
René L. Morais Samdal
René L. Morais Samdal - 6 years ago
Haha the turtle when it got the worm!
Faby Fabian
Faby Fabian - 7 years ago
i do have an aquarium, but i only have 2 fish left. i used to have many, but they died :(
however, i won't be an idiot and sell my tank (im not hating on people that are selling their tanks or anything, dont get me wrong)
i'll actually buy turtles when the fish die, but i don't really want my two cute companions to die.
i've already see them not doing much, like if they were frozen in place, only breathing. possible existential crisis?
anyone that reads this comment try to keep your hands crossed (im sorry if i spelled it wrong, im from europe not america) and wish me and my fish good luck or something, because i don't want them to die
Crs Grabs
Crs Grabs - 7 years ago
I think that is very cool that people put turtles and fish tanks, if I started a tank like that how would I know what type of fish I can put in with the turtle? Without the fish attacking a turtle or vice a versa
Santos Lee
Santos Lee - 7 years ago
Nice tank! What size is it? How are all the turtles doing?
Santos Lee
Santos Lee - 7 years ago
Fyi I have a map and musk turtle together and wonder how long I can keep them in one tank
salvo giuffrida
salvo giuffrida - 7 years ago
hai un pezzo di natura a casa stupendo
DanielZavagna - 7 years ago
Very funny when the turtles fight for the worm
Sazzandara 1996
Sazzandara 1996 - 8 years ago
how do your turtles not attack your fish
cp vp
cp vp - 7 years ago
healindasoul same i have my red ear slider and diamondback terrapin with my fire eel, some African Peacok cichlids, 2 plecos, Jack Demespy Cichlid and some flounders .I was going to add a BGK like i have in my other tanks but the ones at the store where too small and since they werent raised together and the BGK cant see too well or swim fast i think it would get eaten
healindasoul - 7 years ago
The thing is,when the turtles were babies the fish were small too and when they learned that their fed by a keeper,Then it was just a matter of who gets there 1st they never were aggressive towards each other as they grew larger so it was never a problem in my tank, Regarless of what you hear about nature There can be some form of training and common understanding and socialization once it's understood how the feeding works and that it is sufficient.
cp vp
cp vp - 7 years ago
Sazzandara 1996 the fish are bigger and more aggressive than the turtles so they survive. Plus big sized aquarium

10. comment for Chris X, aquarium,Feeding tropical fish & turtles nightcrawlers

RazorBackFyre - 8 years ago
what kind of fish is that?
the one that looks like a ghost fish but has spots?
cp vp
cp vp - 7 years ago
BGK would be nice
cp vp
cp vp - 7 years ago
healindasoul clown ghostknife
RazorBackFyre - 8 years ago
+healindasoul thank you
healindasoul - 8 years ago
clown ghost
TheJodo2010 - 9 years ago
Very nice tank. I have a baby Oscar, a baby Jack Dempsey, and a male Mississippi map turtle in a 55 gallon. What size tank is yours? I'm wondering if I should upgrade to a bigger one. Also where did you find that electric blue Jack Dempsey? I know they can be rather expensive.

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