Clear Water Fishing in Australia!

Day 1 and 2 in Australia. I am so unbelievably stoked to be here. Joel's Insta: Joel's Youtube: My Insta:

Clear Water Fishing in Australia! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 22,083 views

Day 1 and 2 in Australia. I am so unbelievably stoked to be here. Joel's Insta: Joel's Youtube: My Insta:

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Most popular comments
for Clear Water Fishing in Australia!

Jeremy Coroneas
Jeremy Coroneas - 7 years ago
U can fly halfway across the globe but still cant take the bar code off your rod smh lawson
Strayan Pepe
Strayan Pepe - 7 years ago
Wished I could take you out fly fishing!!!
Max Rayner
Max Rayner - 7 years ago
Go Murray cod fishing
John Eberhard
John Eberhard - 7 years ago
Cant wait for the next episode man . waiting patiently..
Reel Pressure
Reel Pressure - 7 years ago
Was your Calcutta on a starrod? And was it a Calcutta 400b and are you around Gainesville florida
Joey Antonelli
Joey Antonelli - 7 years ago
Jewfish thump time.
SarsOffical - 7 years ago
YeaaaMan I live in Australia u need to go reef fishing in cairns
ethan benson
ethan benson - 7 years ago
Great video mate, have caught many good bass at lake saint Clare and you had the right people to put you on the fish
The Fishing cartel
The Fishing cartel - 7 years ago
So sick man love it

10. comment for Clear Water Fishing in Australia!

Yodaddi Jim
Yodaddi Jim - 7 years ago
sweet video Lawson. Can't wait to see u slam those GT's w/ Morningtide
Harry Walker
Harry Walker - 7 years ago
Your camera quality is insane keep it up deserve way more subs!! Tight lines
lime lures
lime lures - 7 years ago
colour changing lures found here.
Adam Ravioli
Adam Ravioli - 7 years ago
I live In Queensland, You should come to Queensland and go to the Great Barrier Reef
TimVFish - 7 years ago
rafael the1
rafael the1 - 7 years ago
Meet up with Andy's fishing , Timmy turtle or Morning tide plz
Tacklecentral Fishing
Tacklecentral Fishing - 7 years ago
Go fish with Morningtide Fishing.
Oscar L-h
Oscar L-h - 7 years ago
Great video
Jomyr Aquino
Jomyr Aquino - 7 years ago
Please tell me you’re going to fish for GTs!
Cambren Sievert
Cambren Sievert - 7 years ago
Those Australian Bass looked just like a super sized Rock Bass from the US

20. comment for Clear Water Fishing in Australia!

michael - 7 years ago
Lawson how long u in Australia for ? Coming to Queensland at all?
lolutkhimtodabarl - 7 years ago
Hope you head up north for some part of your visit, as someone who likes snook so much you’d probably love barras.
waggs cole
waggs cole - 7 years ago
Bluefish are trash!
Caustin Sutton
Caustin Sutton - 7 years ago
I've been waiting to see some Australian Bass catches. Hell yeah
Matthew Chastain
Matthew Chastain - 7 years ago
You need to ditch the shoes there my dude if you want to fit in.
Felipe Velazquez
Felipe Velazquez - 7 years ago
watching on school lol
Emmanuel Bazile
Emmanuel Bazile - 7 years ago
Jon B versus Lawson
maverick hayes
maverick hayes - 7 years ago
They looks exactly like a sand perch in the States
Walter Jennings
Walter Jennings - 7 years ago
LL go poppin for some GT!
Aiden Fleming
Aiden Fleming - 7 years ago
Awesome bro

30. comment for Clear Water Fishing in Australia!

Lukes fishing
Lukes fishing - 7 years ago
Go fishing for barra!!
Toby Golding
Toby Golding - 7 years ago
And go check out port Stephens they have got 20 thousands king fish loose in the bay. They broke out from a farm a couple weeks back
Fish Finder
Fish Finder - 7 years ago
That's awesome Lawson.. I just came back from a Hawaii trip and made a fishing video. Wish I had a guide like you did.
Toby Golding
Toby Golding - 7 years ago
Yes dude bout time you came down under
Justin F
Justin F - 7 years ago
Fish with the morning tide guys
Patrick Coates
Patrick Coates - 7 years ago
Welcome to Australia mate!!! As a snook fisherman, you have to come up north and get on to a few barra!! Cant wait for the rest of the trip!
Barramundi BrawlerZ
Barramundi BrawlerZ - 7 years ago
Yess welcome to our country maaate
john hans
john hans - 7 years ago
So good to see you is AUS man.
Are you making your way north at all?
Dimas Np
Dimas Np - 7 years ago
Try to fishing barramundi at australia
Photos, Fish ,Life
Photos, Fish ,Life - 7 years ago
Must try and get your self an Australia salmon man my favourite fish to catch at home, also still trying to catch a Mulloway very elusive fish
Taylor Mondina
Taylor Mondina - 7 years ago
You better hit up the Morning Tide fishing guys and get some GT off the rocks! #psycho
Cameron Slater
Cameron Slater - 7 years ago
should fish the murray river for some murray cod
Michael Simko
Michael Simko - 7 years ago
With my addiction for your jack videos, I'd love to see your reaction to gt's!
If you do research Lawson, the Australian bass is in a family closely related to the white perch, striped bass, and others of that family. That's why it has a very similar shape.
ugly nigga
ugly nigga - 7 years ago
its not related to them
zac irvine
zac irvine - 7 years ago
Lawson come up to Queensland I'll get you into some barramundi, checkout my Insta - zacirvine__
Fishing Fanatics
Fishing Fanatics - 7 years ago
Should have gone more north
7citiesfishing - 7 years ago
Talk about a dream trip man! Cant wait to see the rest
Stilweel - 7 years ago
Just visited Exmouth WA in Feb. You really should check it out. Fishing is amazing there.
Jack bender
Jack bender - 7 years ago
The Names Bowlcut Chris
The Names Bowlcut Chris - 7 years ago
You should come to Sunshine Coast Queensland when while your still in Australia
Joseph Lee
Joseph Lee - 7 years ago

50. comment for Clear Water Fishing in Australia!

Z-Man Fishing
Z-Man Fishing - 7 years ago
hey mate u still in Australia?
Jayden Bourke
Jayden Bourke - 7 years ago
Need to go fishing for some big trevally and flathead while you are here
colin masterson
colin masterson - 7 years ago
love a shit man
Z-Man Fishing
Z-Man Fishing - 7 years ago
go for some gt, Barra, jewies!
howtooutfishyourdad - 7 years ago
If you coming up to qld let me know I can get you on some GTs coral trout Barra mangrove Jack and many other fish river and reef and if so and want to message me on Insta at Howtooutfishyourdad
LakeMac Fishing
LakeMac Fishing - 7 years ago
Your fishing in my backyard lawson!! Lake Macquarie is a great fishery plus great offshore marlin fishing!!
Rb 65 04
Rb 65 04 - 7 years ago
Or barramundi
Rb 65 04
Rb 65 04 - 7 years ago
I sence GT in the air
Adam Smith
Adam Smith - 7 years ago
I'm really hoping that you target barrimunda. Great video, have a great trip. Oh yeah, watch out for 20 species of poisonous snake's, funnel web spiders, box jellyfish, saltwater croc,s and great whites!!!!!!! Lol
Joe Mbarak
Joe Mbarak - 7 years ago
Also I would like to say that I would love if you told us exactly where you are fishing so we can check the spots out. Thanks for the great video. I would love to see you catch a jewfish.
Joe Mbarak
Joe Mbarak - 7 years ago
comeatme Bro yes I agree, it’s a shame when you tell someone a spot and then it becomes packed with people and is over fished. So I guess it comes down to who you give the information to and if they are going to tell others as well.
comeatme Bro
comeatme Bro - 7 years ago
i personally tell people where i catch fish but only after i have fished there myself, the problem where i live is especially with mulloway is that the fish are at a location for a short period of time then they move, if yo go tell everyone where you are catching them then the place gets packed, for example ma and a mate fishes this particular spot got onto some nice fish then his brother told someone who told another person who told another and so on, for the next 2 weeks you couldn't fish there the place was packed. another example was around Christmas last year a mate of mine caught 3 mully's over 120cm in one night. up until after new years there was a minimum 7 people on that beach every night after. it made it impossible to fish properly. i mainly catch and release but from what i know every fish caught on that beach got harvested which is a shame and pressured the fish out of that location. also it brings rays in.

one thing with spot sharing though is people do put time into finding these spots and you get good at knowing what to look for and when they are active. so i can make an argument against relying on spots makes you a lesser fisherman as it does take skill to find these spots its not all luck.

i have a couple spots that i don't tell anyone about, its where i have caught my PB's and released them aswell (tried to sometimes they just dont release :( ) but there are spots around that area that i know you catch smaller fish (and the odd big fish) around the same time and i have no problem telling people about those. but when to many people know about some spots they become pressured and when that happens the fishing shuts down. unfortunately thats just how it is
Joe Mbarak
Joe Mbarak - 7 years ago
comeatme Bro, there are tons of people that don’t share spots, to keep their spots secret. But To be honest if you rely on a spot instead of your skills to catch fish then you are not the best fisherman. Also it’s a simple and even greedy act or not very man like if you won’t tell people were they could try to fish so that you can leave the fish for you. Now I’m not saying anything personal to you, I’m just stating my opinion on the subject. I’m saying this because I don’t have the chance to fish very often, like about 3 times a year and when I don’t catch any fish it leaves a very negative feeling towards fishing in general. Now I know it’s called fishing not catching, but sometimes it good to show beginners your
“ secret spot” as it can boost their confidence and it allows them to learn. Overall, I think that sometimes people become to caught up in keeping their spot secret that they forget about other people and become single minded and selfish( pun Intended ).
comeatme Bro
comeatme Bro - 7 years ago
sure with the bass yeah but nobody will willingly give up there Mulloway spots ;)
Joel Bringans
Joel Bringans - 7 years ago
Come to New Zealand on the back to America please
Brian Balba
Brian Balba - 7 years ago
Fish with subscribers around the world!
john Barry
john Barry - 7 years ago
Did you read this yesterday....or tomorrow? HA!
Shelby Sharpton
Shelby Sharpton - 7 years ago
Bro what camera are you using ? Lol
Tyler D
Tyler D - 7 years ago
Love your vids but I miss the classic Lawson challenge vids
Lawson Lindsey Fishing
Lawson Lindsey Fishing - 7 years ago
I can bring some back give me some suggestions
Captain Cocoa Puffs
Captain Cocoa Puffs - 7 years ago
The saturation in your color grading is way too much for such natural scenes. Everything is either a shade of blue or a shade or orange, I have no idea what I'm looking at. Just a tip for color grading maybe tone it down a bit
FishingDownUnder - 7 years ago
You should head up north I’ll take you out in the boat
chipoffdablock247 - 7 years ago
LAWSON pardon my French but you're SHIT looks amazing every video
Haydar Al-ali
Haydar Al-ali - 7 years ago
Try the cooks river
Jack Young
Jack Young - 7 years ago
They look like giant white perch not white bass
john Barry
john Barry - 7 years ago
Adventure Time!!!! Can't wait to see what's next.....
Bailey Bakers Fishing
Bailey Bakers Fishing - 7 years ago
Oi come to hervey bay and we will take you fishing up fraser island man!!! Big longtail tuna around at the moment
Jeremiah Small
Jeremiah Small - 7 years ago
Salt salt salt
Bass Blaster
Bass Blaster - 7 years ago
Looks awesome Lawson!
Mao Fuh
Mao Fuh - 7 years ago
Looks like an awesome time. Are you going to go offshore possibly?
Jeremiah Small
Jeremiah Small - 7 years ago
Russ Hopple
Russ Hopple - 7 years ago
Not being negative because the video quality was superb!!! But hard to believe traveling from south Florida all the way to Australia to catch small bluefish and 1 pound “bass”.
Russ Hopple
Russ Hopple - 7 years ago
Awesome then I can’t wait to see the rest!
Lawson Lindsey Fishing
Lawson Lindsey Fishing - 7 years ago
I’m here for a month of fishing. The bass were just a 1 day thing out of the 20+ days I’ll be here.
matthew pollak
matthew pollak - 7 years ago
Wut country is Australia in
Kyle Scott
Kyle Scott - 7 years ago
Golden perch looks like a speckled perch
Vinfish F
Vinfish F - 7 years ago
Hillbillies in Sydney Nice catch
Matthew. Rizzi
Matthew. Rizzi - 7 years ago
You should meet up with morning tide
Dgmini1 - 7 years ago
Matthew. Rizzi this. I was hoping someone would say this.
Matthew. Rizzi
Matthew. Rizzi - 7 years ago
You make awesome videos
Dailey Life
Dailey Life - 7 years ago
Dude! What camera were you recording with. Footage looks amazing
Lawson Lindsey Fishing
Lawson Lindsey Fishing - 7 years ago
Canon 5D
bigrigotj - 7 years ago
Where can I get some of those Unxplored shirts?
Andrew Cravin
Andrew Cravin - 7 years ago
Awesome video man.. excited to see the rest of this trip!
Louis Reeves
Louis Reeves - 7 years ago
Finally a US youtuber comes to AUS, hopefully it lives up to its name lawson and hopefully this crap weather picks up for you man good luck!
Matt Hooper
Matt Hooper - 7 years ago
Great Vid Lawson, livin the dream man!!!
shafiee othman
shafiee othman - 7 years ago
Morningtide boys hit em up
Sam G. Fishing
Sam G. Fishing - 7 years ago
The Australian bass look the most like white perch
Alexander Cano
Alexander Cano - 7 years ago
This vid was sickkkkk!!!
ben hawley
ben hawley - 7 years ago
what kinda filter is that on your cam ?
I_Rock _Games
I_Rock _Games - 7 years ago
Catch a barramundi
Christoburger77 - 7 years ago
go saltwater fishing for baramundi or just go saltwater fishing
tolpacourt - 7 years ago
7:20 looks like a crappie.
Grizzly Beard Outdoors
Grizzly Beard Outdoors - 7 years ago
I couldn't imagine flying for a whole day
Nick Corcoran
Nick Corcoran - 7 years ago
so much better than Florida hahaha
Artistic Overlay Systems LLC
Artistic Overlay Systems LLC - 7 years ago
that bass has JAUNDICE
nicholas brock
nicholas brock - 7 years ago
Flys halfway around the world to fish for bass
Ruben Galvan
Ruben Galvan - 7 years ago
See if they can take you to catch a Spanish Mackrell, they are so big, like our King Mackrell. Will be an awesome fight.
Reel_E Sea
Reel_E Sea - 7 years ago
Oh man just amazing how far you came video wise content wise just keep it up man great job

100. comment for Clear Water Fishing in Australia!

Michael Burr
Michael Burr - 7 years ago
Golden perch looks like a crappie
James Vega
James Vega - 7 years ago
You should have took me with you man happy you went have fun
Michael Burr
Michael Burr - 7 years ago
Damm kid your killing it .. jelly
Donovan Townley
Donovan Townley - 7 years ago
I hope you catch some big gts
SchusterFishing - 7 years ago
Please tell me you’re getting up with the MorningTide boys??
Kevin Chune
Kevin Chune - 7 years ago
do a collab with morning tide fishing :D
JIP Spooled Fishing
JIP Spooled Fishing - 7 years ago
Those bass are very similar to white perch! Nice vid
Christian R
Christian R - 7 years ago
Camera quality is amazing
Flush TV
Flush TV - 7 years ago
What camera did you film this on and what color effect did you use? Love your vids
James van nice
James van nice - 7 years ago
Awesome video man! keep up the good work!
mike hollis
mike hollis - 7 years ago
wow ok amazing film, love the colours and editing !
mike hollis
mike hollis - 7 years ago
djfatdex - 7 years ago
Welcome to Aus Lawson, pumped for some videos from our side of the world
RikkiTikkiTavi - 7 years ago
Stoked for you Lawson. Hope you have a blast traveling and fishing new waters.
Owen Jansen
Owen Jansen - 7 years ago
Gt Fishing?
TX Aquatics
TX Aquatics - 7 years ago
Dude, been waiting for a redempion video. After one of your recent videos, 'mistakes were made' was gettin' kind of worried....
Awesome content!
RedfishRay - 7 years ago
Wow man!! Amazing video! Gives me inspiration to travel the world and fish! Thanks
Barry Cooper
Barry Cooper - 7 years ago
You lucky bas#$rd.
Chao Xiong
Chao Xiong - 7 years ago
Waiting for that barramundi video!!!
Trey Dahlstrand
Trey Dahlstrand - 7 years ago
Lawson traveled to the future!
DieHard Jarzyna
DieHard Jarzyna - 7 years ago
I wish I didn't have misophonia, lisps seem to trigger it lmao but man do I love your videos Lawson! keep up the amazing work man! You're definitely getting somewhere!
victor barnes
victor barnes - 7 years ago
yewww. you have to come up to the northern territory and chase barra.
Connor Dillon
Connor Dillon - 7 years ago
Cameras look great good film quality and cool fish
Harrison Lollar Fishing
Harrison Lollar Fishing - 7 years ago
Great video man I love this channel
themantbone23 - 7 years ago
The Aussie bass looks like a big white perch
Marcus Long
Marcus Long - 7 years ago
This is awesome. A bucket list location of mine to visit and fish. Great content sir.
Lukes fishing
Lukes fishing - 7 years ago
And u came here on my birthday!
Lukes fishing
Lukes fishing - 7 years ago
U finally came here to Australia
Vaughn Rhone
Vaughn Rhone - 7 years ago
Nice! Now it's time to break-in the dogfight.
Doug Barricklow
Doug Barricklow - 7 years ago
Awesome video man!
FishingForeverFilms - 7 years ago
Now you have to come across the ditch to New Zealand and chase some of those monster trout with me!
Gregor Miller
Gregor Miller - 7 years ago
Great post Mr Lawson, keep it up.
Chance Griffis
Chance Griffis - 7 years ago
What size certate where you using bud??
Mine Master Miller
Mine Master Miller - 7 years ago
love ur vids bro! have fun in aus!
Belinda Enriquez
Belinda Enriquez - 7 years ago
Kick ass video bro! Tight lines and God bless!
Héctor Vega
Héctor Vega - 7 years ago
Beautiful shots.. awesome video
Zane Lyle
Zane Lyle - 7 years ago
love to see you traveling man
b - 7 years ago
I could see this coming... only so many morning tide videos till you convince yourself to go down under
Gregor Miller
Gregor Miller - 7 years ago
....especially when theres a girl involved?
jacks outdoors
jacks outdoors - 7 years ago
I love this man
Ty Fishing
Ty Fishing - 7 years ago
They look like a smallmouth and a drum mixed together
VINMAD666 - 7 years ago
Shel & Kel Equestrian
Shel & Kel Equestrian - 7 years ago
You’ll love it here Lawson ❤️
LWfishing - 7 years ago
Sam Knight
Sam Knight - 7 years ago
What part of Australia are you in because I’d like to meet you
Joseph Lee
Joseph Lee - 7 years ago
Sam Knight Sydney
14fishing - 7 years ago
U NEED to go with Andy!
Ace 5675
Ace 5675 - 7 years ago
14fishing , that's exactly what I was gonna say....he came to Florida and collabed with a few youtubers over here it'd be awesome if they could collab over there!
AliEL- hajj
AliEL- hajj - 7 years ago
Welcome to Sydney
flame meme
flame meme - 7 years ago
Like my comment dad
flame meme
flame meme - 7 years ago
No u
John Bracewell
John Bracewell - 7 years ago
flame meme this isn't runescape these comments don't fly here
William Schwan
William Schwan - 7 years ago
Already gave a thumbs up and I didn’t even watch it
Maximilian Dio
Maximilian Dio - 7 years ago
Avi Soncino
Avi Soncino - 7 years ago
William Schwan me too!
Ethan Vaubel
Ethan Vaubel - 7 years ago
And I’m glad I did.
Ethan Vaubel
Ethan Vaubel - 7 years ago
William Schwan same
fishing the north-east
fishing the north-east - 7 years ago
Is this New South Wales?
Casey Mulvaney
Casey Mulvaney - 7 years ago
The plane ride was time travel.
muskie hunter
muskie hunter - 7 years ago
U are so lucky man u are the bomb
Landon West
Landon West - 7 years ago
Great video!
Callahan Johnson
Callahan Johnson - 7 years ago
I love ur edits and ur videos. Keep up the great work
Callahan Johnson
Callahan Johnson - 7 years ago
Zane Morley
Zane Morley - 7 years ago
kingfishing 10
kingfishing 10 - 7 years ago
Great video
Tyler Tomlin
Tyler Tomlin - 7 years ago
xDrew_ Minecraft&Stuff!
xDrew_ Minecraft&Stuff! - 7 years ago
This is going to be fire
Jo bo
Jo bo - 7 years ago
Cool place
hayfelix - 7 years ago
Nice Aus is awesome
Jo bo
Jo bo - 7 years ago

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