Deep Sea Fishing Adventure!! (Tropical Fish)

In this video I head down to clearwater beach fl to do some deep sea fishing! New? Subscribe and help me reach 200K Subscribers!! NJ's Channel!! Social Media: Follow me on Instagram! Follow me on SnapChat! Brandon1024 Gear I Wear: Glasses: Hat: Rods And Reels I Use: Rods: Black Lews reel: Black and gold Lews reel: White Lews reel: Gray and gold Lews reel: Camera Equipment used: Gopro Camera: External Gopro Mic: Big Shiny Camera: Big Camera Lens: Big Camera Mic: Wind Diffuser: Drone: Kayak: Interested In LTB? Check out some of their products here and save $$! Like the Livingston Lures I was using? Check it out and save 20% off!

Deep Sea Fishing Adventure!! (Tropical Fish) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 48

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 112,618 views

In this video I head down to clearwater beach fl to do some deep sea fishing! New? Subscribe and help me reach 200K Subscribers!! NJ's Channel!! Social Media: Follow me on Instagram! Follow me on SnapChat! Brandon1024 Gear I Wear: Glasses: Hat: Rods And Reels I Use: Rods: Black Lews reel: Black and gold Lews reel: White Lews reel: Gray and gold Lews reel: Camera Equipment used: Gopro Camera: External Gopro Mic: Big Shiny Camera: Big Camera Lens: Big Camera Mic: Wind Diffuser: Drone: Kayak: Interested In LTB? Check out some of their products here and save $$! Like the Livingston Lures I was using? Check it out and save 20% off!

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Most popular comments
for Deep Sea Fishing Adventure!! (Tropical Fish)

Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 7 years ago
Hope you guys are enjoying the videos! Drop a Big thumbs up on this video for another video this week!
Rubelindo Perez Morales
Rubelindo Perez Morales - 7 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan i liked your video im gonna subscrobe
Elijah Smith
Elijah Smith - 7 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan yoooo
Shae - 7 years ago
Would you buy me a gaming pc? im broke af
flashy - 7 years ago
intro song please
Matthew Poklemba
Matthew Poklemba - 7 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan Love your vids! What your producing is great! You deserve way more subs, can't wait to see more content!
Cajun Boyz
Cajun Boyz - 7 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan your videos are always enjoyable so entertaining keep up the good work man
Alex Lipe
Alex Lipe - 7 years ago
i loved it
Yc 530
Yc 530 - 7 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan Wadup Jay, hey what kind a hat u got there brother?
digbick 0
digbick 0 - 7 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan still loving double eagle charters
Aus den Bergen
Aus den Bergen - 7 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan can you Link your Musik pls?
Carlos Santacruz
Carlos Santacruz - 7 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan I really need your help bro I'm looking for a fishing rod but I don't know which to pick hope you can help me please and thank you
ChasN TaiL
ChasN TaiL - 7 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan next time try to bring live pinfish and frozen sardines or just come offshore with me and hook some real monsters
Dakota Dobbs
Dakota Dobbs - 7 years ago
Hey man come fish the Harris chain in Florida
Moto Brokebrostoo
Moto Brokebrostoo - 7 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan I have been 40 plus miles out
BigBass Fishing
BigBass Fishing - 7 years ago
Hey jiggin with Jordan
Claus Ehntholt
Claus Ehntholt - 7 years ago
samuel lakes it was a grunt what are you talking about
samuel lakes
samuel lakes - 7 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan the first fish you caught was a hogfish not a grunt
Tyler Routh
Tyler Routh - 7 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan I like when u do salt water fishing videos
Mystifyy - 7 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan Awesome
Isyan Fishing
Isyan Fishing - 7 years ago
Wow...subscribe me too brothers..
TSA. Steve
TSA. Steve - 7 years ago
Where would you find a charter boat or whatever this? Looks very smooth... seems like a nice boat for me to fish in
Preston Gamez
Preston Gamez - 7 years ago
Whats the intro called
Aidan Lapham
Aidan Lapham - 7 years ago
hey Im from colorado
Ann Sheridan
Ann Sheridan - 7 years ago
I love your content
Alex HorGAIN
Alex HorGAIN - 7 years ago
I eat ass
TinyRik -23
TinyRik -23 - 7 years ago
Go to vacation here and fish the same boat
alex bailey
alex bailey - 7 years ago
I go on that charter in red snapper season and I always catch some good keepers

10. comment for Deep Sea Fishing Adventure!! (Tropical Fish)

Whole lot Of fun
Whole lot Of fun - 7 years ago
That is a squirrel fish
5winder - 7 years ago
Those "fish" you're catching just look like BAIT....
TheFreedom1213 - 7 years ago
I was eating witting and flatty while waching
Shema Click
Shema Click - 7 years ago
Into song?
Mooseoholic - 7 years ago
In Norway 360 feet aint Even close to deep sea fishing.
Daniel Nicol
Daniel Nicol - 7 years ago
You must try fishing for big mussel cracker
tim schonewolf
tim schonewolf - 7 years ago
do you live near clearwater id love to meet you
tim schonewolf
tim schonewolf - 7 years ago
rthis is clearwater right out side of tampa
WillMGallagher Gaming
WillMGallagher Gaming - 7 years ago
that captain looked pissed
Tess Hanneken
Tess Hanneken - 7 years ago
the first sand perch you caught was a boy

20. comment for Deep Sea Fishing Adventure!! (Tropical Fish)

Darrian Rodriguez
Darrian Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Do you want to go deep sea fishing I'm going deep sea fishing next week
Host Gaming
Host Gaming - 7 years ago
That's not deep! In Ak we go down 300-400 ft sometimes even down to 800
Lucas Jonas
Lucas Jonas - 7 years ago
More vid like this
iDownsBeats - 7 years ago
I'm an Entrepreneur and I am actually 13 ;)
Shane Butler
Shane Butler - 7 years ago
Squid is best!
Rick A
Rick A - 7 years ago
Blairziken - 7 years ago
That dude with the ouffer fish is so dumb
Adam Beverly
Adam Beverly - 7 years ago
Damn I've been on that boat
Nick driskill
Nick driskill - 7 years ago
how do u only have 130k subs, dude, u should have at least one mil.  ur vids r just awesome
caleb_ dialed
caleb_ dialed - 7 years ago
i live in Florida like if you live here to

30. comment for Deep Sea Fishing Adventure!! (Tropical Fish)

caleb_ dialed
caleb_ dialed - 7 years ago
i loved the intro
Trenton Bledsoe
Trenton Bledsoe - 7 years ago
I went about 2 miles offshore and it was 500 foot deep
blaine montgomery
blaine montgomery - 7 years ago
Put an intro on your vids, it would make your content so much better
Bobbie LaVanway
Bobbie LaVanway - 7 years ago
My adventure was 40 miles out at sea fishing and three sharks began circling the boat. The  guide was calm, and I was too, until one bumped the boat hard. I am not ashamed to say I peed my pants. No land in sight, yes, I was  afraid. I now fish in a lake, and feel better.
Jake stafford
Jake stafford - 7 years ago
I went on the same boat last week and loved it
fast flow fishing
fast flow fishing - 7 years ago
wow florida looks amazing i need to go fly fishing there one day but im in canada :(
Backwoods TV
Backwoods TV - 7 years ago
That's cool I am here at Panama City beach Florida and I went fishing off the pier do you no any good spots around that area to fish?
Sean Maher
Sean Maher - 7 years ago
first of all i am a fan of your page.. I really enjoy your videos and what you do to cleanup the environment and the river, but with that said you were extremely disrepectful to the officer... an officer does his/her job by what they observe and issue summons and make arrests by their observations. the officer believed by his observations that you werent wearing a flotation device. after making contact with you he clearly saw you were wearing it and that it blended in with your under shirt... he used his discretion and decided to not issue you a summons because you cleary werent not guilty of that violation. where you crossed the line and all 111,811 of your followers observed you become very disrespectful, unprofessional and frankly immature is when you said "i am guilty until proven innocent". you are an educated person so i do know you know you are "innocent until proven guilty" the way the court of law works is an officer issues a summons, sets a court date and you and the STATE provide evidence attempting to prove/disprove guilt and your camera and his body camera in a court of law would have found you innocent. its kind of disappointing you were not able to keep your cool and realize that officer is doing his job and actually came to the correct outcome by not issuing you a summons.. you have to remember you have become a celebrity to a certain degree and your held to a higher standard.. again keep up the GREAT work with your page and i am really looking forward to your future videos...
Cody bolling
Cody bolling - 7 years ago
That was not a sand perch hate to break it to you
Brody Raymond
Brody Raymond - 7 years ago
I went shrimping before and caught a puffer fish and blew it up
Emily Anaya
Emily Anaya - 7 years ago
OMG I realised that area looked familiar I went fishing on the queen fleet in clearwater for my birthday last year! So epic!!
Peyton Garbett
Peyton Garbett - 7 years ago
I just went there on the same boat
Hippo - 7 years ago
Reel in the thumbnail?
Jacki Shea Fishing
Jacki Shea Fishing - 7 years ago
Here from Lawson's shrimp video! Subd!
Peewee - 7 years ago
You get subs by just being you - besides the content and great shots the number one hook is you.
Shrimply Pibbles
Shrimply Pibbles - 7 years ago
You say the word actually a lot
Adam TheStig
Adam TheStig - 7 years ago
I'll be down that way in 2 weeks in CLearwater. Haven't fished in Florida since I was a kid.
Noam Stilwell
Noam Stilwell - 7 years ago
If u out fisher my on there another time the secret bait is little bait fish because u hammer the grouper with them
Ryan Nettles
Ryan Nettles - 7 years ago
Sand perch have really tuff skin but are good bait
Openwater Fishing
Openwater Fishing - 7 years ago
You need to actually go deep sea fishing for something other than some little 12 oz fish. Fish for some king mackerel, blackfin tuna and things like rhat

50. comment for Deep Sea Fishing Adventure!! (Tropical Fish)

Hi Bob
Hi Bob - 7 years ago
I went to the same place but I went on the double eagle
McKenzie - 7 years ago
The secret tip most drift fishermen know is that there are ballyhoo or other things that you can cut yourself
Rippintheirlips Fishing
Rippintheirlips Fishing - 7 years ago
I'm going to Clearwater on Sunday for a week to go fly fishing
Henry Patriots80
Henry Patriots80 - 7 years ago
Does anyone else believe Jordan looks like pulse from rainbow six seige
Super Hank Outdoors
Super Hank Outdoors - 7 years ago
This looks awesome! How much do these boats cost?
Ak Angling
Ak Angling - 7 years ago
Nice vid
ACL fishing
ACL fishing - 7 years ago
those black bass are actually called black sea bass
FloridaGeorgiaFishing - 7 years ago
Clearwater is where is fish!
Powerx 99Gaming
Powerx 99Gaming - 7 years ago
I went deep see fishing in Ireland (where I'm from) I caught twelve mackerel and four pollock
D Squared Fishing
D Squared Fishing - 7 years ago
New sub here. Enjoying your videos. Have a good one dude.
Speed Demon Pro
Speed Demon Pro - 7 years ago
Nice video man. Deep sea or ocean fishing in general is my most favorite just because you never know what you will pull up!
Nvr Dwn
Nvr Dwn - 7 years ago
Isn't this off shore, not deep sea??
Small FL Bass
Small FL Bass - 7 years ago
4:36 that was a tomtate
ahmed safwat
ahmed safwat - 7 years ago
What setup did u use
Devin sanderson
Devin sanderson - 7 years ago
u got better beat rolls than Jon b like damn. keep up the great work
Christian The Gamer
Christian The Gamer - 7 years ago
hi jordan ive been a subscriber to you channel since you were at 10k your channel has grown very well since then. You were the person that made my passion for fishing go to another level. i live in miami Florida and one of my dreams is going out and catching a bass like you do but i just cant, just because i dont even know how to locate them hope you stay succesful and do what you love to do
Danny Cal
Danny Cal - 7 years ago
congrats on 100k dude!
Colton Banks
Colton Banks - 7 years ago
Yo I just subscribed
Devontae Y.
Devontae Y. - 7 years ago
Max Alan.A no he doesnt
JD23Basketball - 7 years ago
Have we ever seen Brandon and groggy fresh in the same room at the same time? Thought not
Trenton Morgan
Trenton Morgan - 7 years ago
subscribed to your boy keep up the good work.
Andy's Fishing
Andy's Fishing - 7 years ago
Nice variety of species you guys are getting there. Do you ever get bigger fish? Seems a little over fished by the size of your catches.
Evan Scoots
Evan Scoots - 7 years ago
I've been on that same boat
Hunter Cruchelow
Hunter Cruchelow - 7 years ago
Hey man I live down their and we went on the double eagle which is right next to the queen and me and my son caught a lot of grunts and a few grouper but the captain let us catch some king fish about 35in long everyone like so maybe he can see and go on the eagle and catch a king
J. Damian Guerrero
J. Damian Guerrero - 7 years ago
do u know if there is anything like that in the Destin area? how much does it cost?
Shane Butler
Shane Butler - 7 years ago
Emily Anaya only 80?
J. Damian Guerrero
J. Damian Guerrero - 7 years ago
Emily Anaya thanks
Emily Anaya
Emily Anaya - 7 years ago
J. Damian Guerrero $80 a person I went to the same one for my birthday in clearwater
Holden Hohman
Holden Hohman - 7 years ago
Great vid, tbh I think that ur better than jake
Jetty Gibb
Jetty Gibb - 7 years ago
If you want to do some grouper and red snapper fishing in the gulf hit me up
Jonathan Warren
Jonathan Warren - 7 years ago
what about some big fish?
Carrie Kuehn
Carrie Kuehn - 7 years ago
that water tho
Dixie Steuerwald
Dixie Steuerwald - 7 years ago
will you come to titusville
Andrew Santa-cruz
Andrew Santa-cruz - 7 years ago
Bro I was just there!!!!!!
John Elkins
John Elkins - 7 years ago
good vid ty now I'm 100% sure I won't go to clear water on that boat
Livecrazy Videos
Livecrazy Videos - 7 years ago
That ain't deep sea
Nova Nuke
Nova Nuke - 7 years ago
Livecrazy Videos and your videos ain't living crazy
Avery DeRouen
Avery DeRouen - 7 years ago
Go trolling or snapper fishing
Harv - 7 years ago
Brandon your subs have grown like 2 or 3 months ago you were at 15000 BRO WHAT HAPPEND
LG Bassin
LG Bassin - 7 years ago
Im loving these jordan please do more often
Woong Je Sung
Woong Je Sung - 7 years ago
Good video but next time don't show the fish you catch before the actual fishing
Ileana Varas
Ileana Varas - 7 years ago
Just wanted to let you know you have viewers from Puerto Rico.
Moneyman23 Gamer
Moneyman23 Gamer - 7 years ago
Keep up the good work I would love to go fishing with you been with h you since the beggining
Patriotic Tributes
Patriotic Tributes - 7 years ago
The intro music is so scary but in the end it's all cool
Twitch - 7 years ago
Patriotic Tributes it's a very good gets even darker too!
Twitch - 7 years ago
Patriotic Tributes
Atypical Outdoors
Atypical Outdoors - 7 years ago
What....... thats funny, he blew it up!!
Sk8ternTv - 7 years ago
its sad that im living in sweden...
Would be so nice to go fishing in clearwater and tropical fish xD
PulzeGaming - 7 years ago
Micro fishing , so boring
LiamRicho - 7 years ago
Brandon. You inspired me to start fishing all the way from Australia. Even u catch bass when we catch other thing you have truely inspired me dude. To points for you mate!!
ahmed safwat
ahmed safwat - 7 years ago
What rig setup did u use and can u use it for surf fishing
Gustav Wellmar
Gustav Wellmar - 7 years ago
Please do some pike fishing!
MarshMenno - 7 years ago
The pufferfish is the funniest fish that you caught
ryan gines
ryan gines - 7 years ago
u should go to cali and fish for lingcod and rockcod
Crimson Chin
Crimson Chin - 7 years ago
Could've cut up that sand perch and use it for grouper
Taylor Houston outdoors
Taylor Houston outdoors - 7 years ago
Lol not rock bass, Black Sea bass
Jthornton64 - 7 years ago
That looked fun!

100. comment for Deep Sea Fishing Adventure!! (Tropical Fish)

Army_Outdoors 88N
Army_Outdoors 88N - 7 years ago
Awesome video man. dude that looks amazing. I have to get back to Florida
HeckYesPrincess - 7 years ago
Army_Outdoors 88N oCean man TAKEE By THE hAND
HeckYesPrincess - 7 years ago
R.I.P Florida
HeckYesPrincess - 7 years ago
Army_Outdoors 88N too late :')
Zander Smith
Zander Smith - 7 years ago
You guys should go tarpon fishing lol beat those little fish by 100000x the amount of power
Adam Blais
Adam Blais - 7 years ago
Love the videos hope they keep coming
Jaxon Zollinger
Jaxon Zollinger - 7 years ago
Ive been on the super queen before
Bryce Ray
Bryce Ray - 7 years ago
I went deep sea fishing a while back and was fishing in 100 ft of water and had a ball but I wasn't catching the species of fish you were catching
Mitch G
Mitch G - 7 years ago
Dude, you need to rent a private charter out and go out wiht a couple buds on that. You would be in heaven.
I'm telling you there's nothing more fun than that ish. I hit limit on Red Snapper & Grouper and I swear it'll wear your ass out!!

It would be a good video too for sure
Jacob Khleang
Jacob Khleang - 7 years ago
Why don't u team up with blacktiph
Anthony DeVellis
Anthony DeVellis - 7 years ago
Just to let you know thats a black sea bass. never heard it called rock bass but it might be
Austin Michael
Austin Michael - 7 years ago
I love that hat where can I get one.
silverstacker650 - 7 years ago
awesome video bro. gota love fishing the ocean, so much fun. take care man.
NinjaShark - 7 years ago
during the opening I was like, that looks like Clearwater. Sweet. What you think of the storms the last few days eh? it's been really messing with my fishing after work :-P
Hayden p
Hayden p - 7 years ago
You should come to Bradenton florida
Brady Ruble
Brady Ruble - 7 years ago
Is he in Florida
TheMasterCasters - 7 years ago
No way lol, I was just on that boat a few weeks ago! Love that place and the boat! Just incase you wanted to know, the first grunt you caught was a white grunt, and the second one was a tomtate grunt. Also the name for those little black grouper is black sea bass, not rock bass.
Hooking Bass Tv
Hooking Bass Tv - 7 years ago
sea bass
FishFPS - 7 years ago
I was expecting you to be using like a 4 pound jig and catching Goliath Grouper or something huge like that man! :P
Tate Dubard
Tate Dubard - 7 years ago
Dude u need to go blue marlin fishing the little fish aren't as great as the big ons
Rece.k - 7 years ago
Airsoft Weekly most people would say blue marlin are more fun than grunts lol
Airsoft Weekly
Airsoft Weekly - 7 years ago
Tate Dubard not true
Patrick Lester
Patrick Lester - 7 years ago
Love tropical variety fishing, it's the best
BigBass Fishing
BigBass Fishing - 7 years ago
hey jigging with Jordan I know NJ from Bartow to
Rick Godboldt
Rick Godboldt - 7 years ago
I'm 107,001 ! Great Vids on the ponds man !
Kyle Biggio
Kyle Biggio - 7 years ago
shimano sahara fe are my favorite reels
Keller Cacioppo
Keller Cacioppo - 7 years ago
Reel Easy
Reel Easy - 7 years ago
5:40 that not a sand pearch
Reece Erickson
Reece Erickson - 7 years ago
What u were doing is like what I do at my cabin in Canada on rainy lake
mark rivera
mark rivera - 7 years ago
another great videos! thanks where did you get that hat? awesome!!
Nathan Rotella
Nathan Rotella - 7 years ago
mark rivera Columbia
Gulp_Man102 - 7 years ago
Nice vid. Were did you buy that rig?
BQ Outdoors
BQ Outdoors - 7 years ago
Nice work bro what pound line we're u using
chase borges
chase borges - 7 years ago
missin some dope river treasure vids
JR Outdoors
JR Outdoors - 7 years ago
I like your hat it's cool
Plasmaman642 - 7 years ago
Me want one
pro fisherman spanser
pro fisherman spanser - 7 years ago
It's my birthday can I get 2 likes
Austin Vowinckel
Austin Vowinckel - 7 years ago
Jordon deserves the LOVE!!!
Landon Gilbert
Landon Gilbert - 7 years ago
Your awesome your my favorite and your edits are dope
Andrew - 7 years ago
You make fishing look so easy
Galaxy Gizer
Galaxy Gizer - 7 years ago
Andrew- to be honest it really not that hard if you fish for survival and want to save money
Jeremy's fishing
Jeremy's fishing - 7 years ago
hey mate great vid cheers jeremy
TheOgPanda - 7 years ago
Grunt fish taste so good <3
Take_It Yeezy11
Take_It Yeezy11 - 7 years ago
Great video, looking forward to the next video
Warren Hopkins
Warren Hopkins - 7 years ago
Gage's shorts really liked this video. Great job as usual bro!
Adamcflurry - 7 years ago
These are my favorite vids of yours along with river treasure vids but keep up the good work, you are amazing!
Papa Goat
Papa Goat - 7 years ago
Whoa this is weird we have the same picture - 7 years ago
Dude that intro had me missing Florida like CRAZY!!!!!
Nolan Vlogs
Nolan Vlogs - 7 years ago
If you come to Texas go to cedar creek lake gun barrel city
gray robinson
gray robinson - 7 years ago
I always wanted to do that
Nolan Vlogs
Nolan Vlogs - 7 years ago
JCL.OUTDOORS - 7 years ago
Dude you are my role model you have been such inspiration to me I love your channel will please
subscribe to my channel and check it out.And make your subscription on my channel your name i'm a young tuber so it would be so cool if you could thanks-josh
Taylor Hendry
Taylor Hendry - 7 years ago
Some advice I go offshore every weekend don't set the hook reel up to the fish
Michael Morris
Michael Morris - 7 years ago
Love your vids
Mystifyy - 7 years ago
dope man
Tyler Routh
Tyler Routh - 7 years ago
Amazing video! #goals
Texas Bass
Texas Bass - 7 years ago
Hey man keep up the good work
Dean De Jesus
Dean De Jesus - 7 years ago
I wish I can go fishing with you
J and A Outdoors
J and A Outdoors - 7 years ago
Hey jordan! I really love your content and wanted to tell you to keep it up!
Jayce Johnson
Jayce Johnson - 7 years ago
love the Vida keep up the good work you should go smallmouth fishing
Bass Knuckles kid
Bass Knuckles kid - 7 years ago
Love the vids going on a 3 day tuna trip tomorrow
Sport is life
Sport is life - 7 years ago
Keep up the great vids your an inspiration
outdoors boy
outdoors boy - 7 years ago
first comment yes
Aiden Obright
Aiden Obright - 7 years ago
I'm sending you an invite to come fishing with me in Alexandria Minnesota please reply to this thanks
lorenzo9979 - 7 years ago
Ty Aucoin
Ty Aucoin - 7 years ago
Hey everyone have a good day
MX BANDEX - 7 years ago
Ly Jordan your a god
Jake Carr
Jake Carr - 7 years ago
Love the vids man keep it up!
Leve - 7 years ago
Collin Markovitz
Collin Markovitz - 7 years ago
Great video I loved it
Misty Witon
Misty Witon - 7 years ago
Ty Kane
Ty Kane - 7 years ago

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