Deep Sea Fishing For Beautiful Tropical Fish!!! -(Gulf Of Mexico)

I head down to ClearWater Beach Florida and hop on this big charter boat and slay some beautiful deep water Tropical fish! If you want to see more videos like this make sure to hit that like button! New? Subscribe and help me reach 10K Subscribers!! Social Media: Follow me on Instagram! Follow me on SnapChat! Brandon1024 Camera Equipment used: GoPro hero 3 GoPro Hero 3+ Movo External Mic Big Shiny Camera: Canon 80D Rode Pro Mic Drone Footage: DJI Phantom 4 Drone Check out This Charter if you're trying to have a good time!

Deep Sea Fishing For Beautiful Tropical Fish!!! -(Gulf Of Mexico) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 49

Tropical fishing 8 years ago 131,516 views

I head down to ClearWater Beach Florida and hop on this big charter boat and slay some beautiful deep water Tropical fish! If you want to see more videos like this make sure to hit that like button! New? Subscribe and help me reach 10K Subscribers!! Social Media: Follow me on Instagram! Follow me on SnapChat! Brandon1024 Camera Equipment used: GoPro hero 3 GoPro Hero 3+ Movo External Mic Big Shiny Camera: Canon 80D Rode Pro Mic Drone Footage: DJI Phantom 4 Drone Check out This Charter if you're trying to have a good time!

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Most popular comments
for Deep Sea Fishing For Beautiful Tropical Fish!!! -(Gulf Of Mexico)

DALLMYD - 8 years ago
Dude this is sick! Edited this very quickly as well!
It's your Boiii
It's your Boiii - 7 years ago
DALLMYD your the best
RL A - 7 years ago
DALLMYD such pretty fish
KHR Daily
KHR Daily - 7 years ago
Sue Richardson
Sue Richardson - 7 years ago
DALLMYD same here
Twenty Øne Hamiltons At The Logang With Lafayett
Twenty Øne Hamiltons At The Logang With Lafayett - 7 years ago
Charly Pearson ayeee Hamilton
Kabam 123
Kabam 123 - 7 years ago
Charly Pearson
Charly Pearson - 7 years ago
DALLMYD its funny because wht we fish for in mainly is panfish and thats what we do
CatchEmUp_Jon - 7 years ago
DALLMYD you should come to north port florida one day
Rachel Jakubowski
Rachel Jakubowski - 7 years ago
DALLMYD so cool
icehappyfeet776 *0*
icehappyfeet776 *0* - 8 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan I just started this video and I was hoping you'll catch a Barracuda (*OwO)
DALLMYD - 8 years ago
haha xD
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
DALLMYD haha I'm a beast with the edits! Lol jkjk still trying to figure out how all your camera shots are so dang smooth... guess that's why you're the king... lol
Aniyah's World
Aniyah's World - 7 years ago
I'm in Clearwater Beach almost every weekend
Georgia Whalley
Georgia Whalley - 7 years ago
Do thay supply the rods or do you?
Jorja Tidmarsh
Jorja Tidmarsh - 7 years ago
Epilepsy warning. Jesus
KHR Daily
KHR Daily - 7 years ago
good job
Niina Vee
Niina Vee - 7 years ago
I want to go fishing with you ❤️
Love this
haigh monster
haigh monster - 7 years ago
Casio FX-CG50Casio FX-CG50
Simeroni - 7 years ago
aww a dolphin!

10. comment for Deep Sea Fishing For Beautiful Tropical Fish!!! -(Gulf Of Mexico)

It's Zainabs Sobhi
It's Zainabs Sobhi - 7 years ago
4:57 girl just staring
Ethan Huse
Ethan Huse - 7 years ago
I'd gladly go transgender to be your girlfriend
*Emily Sage*
*Emily Sage* - 7 years ago
Can you keep these fish? If so do you sell them or keep them in some sort of large tropical tank? I know most fish have to be a certain size.
Cool Cass
Cool Cass - 7 years ago
That lady keeps staring at u
john smith
john smith - 7 years ago
Reel thos fish in slow. They get bara trama if u r el me in too quick!
courtney brower
courtney brower - 7 years ago
M dad and i have actually been there before along with my uncle the grouper you caught when we where on the boat a guy that was on the boat with us caught a huge one so there are big ones down there and glad you had fun
Legend Fishing
Legend Fishing - 7 years ago
What song was that in the beginning
Ergile - 7 years ago
EPILEPSY WARNING btw wonderful video
Catfish_ cody785
Catfish_ cody785 - 7 years ago
Heck yea lol sea monster
sophia wang
sophia wang - 7 years ago
"Hopefully he tastes good" XD

20. comment for Deep Sea Fishing For Beautiful Tropical Fish!!! -(Gulf Of Mexico)

Andrew Tully
Andrew Tully - 7 years ago
Hopefully you will see this but when I went deep sea fishing with my dad and my brother, my brother had a decent size fish on the line and all of a sudden it just went out farted and farther. Then a dolphin came up right we're his line was and the dolphin had the hooked fish in its mouth.
LPS Bright XD
LPS Bright XD - 7 years ago
Ke Sim
Ke Sim - 7 years ago
6:48 Anyone realised that girl in back looking to you like: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
Patt - 7 years ago
you brought that beautiful fish home to eat?!
Israel Caez
Israel Caez - 7 years ago
that lady in the back round is just starring kina creepy
Airsoft Weekly
Airsoft Weekly - 7 years ago
The " sand perch" is actually a slippery dick I think
Jana C
Jana C - 7 years ago
The Meme Lord
The Meme Lord - 7 years ago
Wait where does he live... not trying to stalk on him, I just want to know the state
Teresa Phillips
Teresa Phillips - 7 years ago
cute fish
Armani's Vlogs 'N' stuff
Armani's Vlogs 'N' stuff - 7 years ago
I love fishing! Subscribe to me if you've ever been fishing!!

30. comment for Deep Sea Fishing For Beautiful Tropical Fish!!! -(Gulf Of Mexico)

Lyndon Yamane
Lyndon Yamane - 7 years ago
sick intro....awesome
TheOgPanda - 7 years ago
I thought he was at sponge docks for some reason
Hey Kids
Hey Kids - 7 years ago
hey kids
Logan Ware
Logan Ware - 7 years ago
yo that is sick.
the behemoth
the behemoth - 7 years ago
the beginning had so many flashes........
BarbaricFrog - 7 years ago
At 5:58 look at what that grandma caught!
Jackson Dunwell
Jackson Dunwell - 7 years ago
Whats the intro song by the way love the way you edit
Willtheiam - 7 years ago
Blue heron charter in palm beach and or jupiter florida catch bigger fish like bonita, kings, ect
TTH Fishing
TTH Fishing - 7 years ago
Ayy this was uploaded on my birthday lol
shannon pinnix
shannon pinnix - 7 years ago
that was a headboat right
evan &the6boys
evan &the6boys - 7 years ago
did anyone notice those people dead staring at Jordan at 7:01
CatchEmUp_Jon - 7 years ago
do you live in florida
Blaz Z
Blaz Z - 7 years ago
I live in Clearwater fl
G from 253
G from 253 - 7 years ago
stumbled upon this video I wish i could go fishing on a boat like that I usually,fish off a pier with 15+ other people usually never catch anything
connor bush
connor bush - 7 years ago
hey mate no joke if your looking for a crazy fishing session out wide id suggest coming to australia
David Rathman
David Rathman - 7 years ago
we had squid that wasn't cut up and some other little fish that wasn't cut up
Mark Parker
Mark Parker - 7 years ago
Dude I absolutely love your videos and you inspire me every day to get up and go fish! Keep up the good content man
Tacreviews21 - 7 years ago
May I ask if you live in Florida why you opt more for freshwater when you have all the biggest saltwater fighters over there?
chris everman
chris everman - 7 years ago
check out St.johns pass Hubbard's marina they get you on fish.
gycy gvufti
gycy gvufti - 7 years ago
Thanks for the seizure in the first 30 seconds xD great vid though awesome editing

50. comment for Deep Sea Fishing For Beautiful Tropical Fish!!! -(Gulf Of Mexico)

LightRockFishing Valladares
LightRockFishing Valladares - 7 years ago
8:08 yo what's the name of that song? I've been looking for it but never found it.
Thanks man and tight lines!
Finatics Fishing
Finatics Fishing - 7 years ago
How can you handle everyone staring at you bro I wish I had that much confidence lmao
christian garcia
christian garcia - 7 years ago
hey jordan just to let you no( you have to hook the squid three times).
Tristan Mcleod
Tristan Mcleod - 7 years ago
You'll be hitting 60k subs soon dude, great vids keep it up!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 7 years ago
pretty unbelievable honestly!!
Sebastian Visser
Sebastian Visser - 7 years ago
dude this is so funny I actually live in tampa area and frequently visit Clearwater beach and I went on one of those charters right next to the queen fleet called the double eagle!!! your vids are awesome
DoubleG Bassin
DoubleG Bassin - 8 years ago
What's the song
Firsttt Gaming
Firsttt Gaming - 8 years ago
what you should of got bigger fish ??? you need to go with blacktiph
DoubleG Bassin
DoubleG Bassin - 8 years ago
What song is this
John Elkins
John Elkins - 8 years ago
where did you go out of ?
Mr. sting ray
Mr. sting ray - 8 years ago
what was the music used in this video
kime Hunt
kime Hunt - 8 years ago
The camera quality in the intro was impressive, was that the Canon? What fish did you keep and how did they taste? I'm in FL for the holidays every year and am definitely going on one of these.
FloridaGeorgiaFishing - 8 years ago
This is a sick video man! I kayak fish the bay and the flats around Clearwater ! I catch some nice shark, trout, and just some other smaller fish that I use for bait
FloridaGeorgiaFishing - 8 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan ya if you check out my Instagram you can see some of the fish that I catch down there it is andrew.thompson24
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Thats awesome man! I want to do a trip where i just go out and fish for whatever!
john paul rifle
john paul rifle - 8 years ago
john paul rifle
john paul rifle - 8 years ago
what would sponge Bob do
what would sponge Bob do - 8 years ago
Who was that women at 6:50 she kept staring lmfao
Marco Pugliese
Marco Pugliese - 8 years ago
You should get a nice boat rod with braid so you can catch bigger fish from the kayak and do more fishing from the drift boats. Maybe for kings and bonitas too
Exotic - 8 years ago
I stumbled onto your channel and I have to say, your videos are very well edited and put together! I'm surprised about the fact that you currently only have 6,000 subs, I liked and subscribed! I can definitely tell that your channel is going to grow dramatically in just a few months. Keep making great videos!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
I've went from 0 to 6000+ subs in 3 months!! Thanks for checking out the channel! Really appreciate it!
Jackson Dalton
Jackson Dalton - 8 years ago
Great video man!! You got a new sub!
Peewee - 8 years ago
Really liked all the beautiful species of fish that you caught - I have never seen any of those fish before so it was a new and unique experience that I enjoyed watching. Thanks Brandon.
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
hey thanks so much!! Glad you enjoyed!!
SPENCER YELLOTT - 8 years ago
might give somebody a seizure
JustMe4D !
JustMe4D ! - 8 years ago
I live in Clearwater Florida! :D
Corben marshall
Corben marshall - 8 years ago
Nice vid, you should do more of this
Corben marshall
Corben marshall - 8 years ago
That would be amazing because there is some beautiful fish, you should come to Scotland some time and catch some fish here!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Corben marshall I might do it one more time before I head back to Columbus!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Louie Passey hey thanks!!!
Johnny Teo
Johnny Teo - 8 years ago
try madai style next time for deep sea fishing
Johnny Teo
Johnny Teo
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Johnny Teo what's that
Anthony Yang
Anthony Yang - 8 years ago
You can still use your bass finesse rods that's what I do when I fish deep sea in San diego
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Anthony Yang I'll try that next time!
iiRize - 8 years ago
you need to go in the summer on a red snapper trip i go every year its a blast its 100% worth the trip if you decide to go
iiRize - 8 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan no problem love the videos bro keep it up
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
+iiRize thanks man!!
iiRize - 8 years ago
Dolphin Dock Inc. is the charter just call em up
iiRize - 8 years ago
its not to expensive but they have 8 hour trips or 12 hour trips but its fun and would make for a great video
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
iiRize heck yeah! I'd love to do that!
TheTwoWheeled MANIAC
TheTwoWheeled MANIAC - 8 years ago
Can i get one like
Sity 909
Sity 909 - 7 years ago
I'll give you a like because it takes courage to ask for a like.
billfromelma - 8 years ago
Hey Jordan, the editing in the opening minutes was awesome. Not very big fish but they were beautiful. What colors. That was fun watching buddy.
KHR Daily
KHR Daily - 7 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
billfromelma thanks man! To be honest the rod set ups were so heavy duty that you couldn't feel the size of the fish anyways so the surprise came when you actually saw how beautiful the fish was!
Autumn A
Autumn A - 8 years ago
Great video about getting on one of those charter boats to go out and fish. I will have to check it if I ever go down to Clearwater.
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Autumn A they are at pretty much any ocean area you go to! Just google fishing charters in your area! It's a great time!
Travis The great
Travis The great - 8 years ago
This contends with some of the best fishing bloggers great stuff glad dallmyd introduced me to your channel
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Travis The great hey thanks man!!! I'll be up there with the big boys soon!
And 5252
And 5252 - 8 years ago
I like your video quality. Nice video. I liked the one white fish. Please keep commenting lol it is awesome to interact with a YouTuber who knows stuff about fishing, I can learn lots:)
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
And 5252 thank you!!! Yeah the one with all the blue on it was pretty cool to me! And thank you!!
And 5252
And 5252 - 8 years ago
Congrats on 5k also
jonathan Nunn
jonathan Nunn - 8 years ago
hey man great video. and how is the lews mack 2 baitcaster im thinking about picking one up
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
jonathan Nunn let me know how you like it!
jonathan Nunn
jonathan Nunn - 8 years ago
sweet man i just picked up the rod reel combo
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
jonathan Nunn it's a beast man! I'd recommend it!
Alexa Jordan
Alexa Jordan - 8 years ago
Gorgeous opening footage!!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Alexa Jordan what up sis!!! Lol thank you!!!
Rees Dailey Edits
Rees Dailey Edits - 8 years ago
Why don't you have more subs because u have amazing quality videos!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Comedian Turtle haha I gained a thousand in two weeks! But seriously thank you!
Chase Baker
Chase Baker - 8 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Chase Baker thanks!!!
Bobby T.
Bobby T. - 8 years ago
Great video, by the way that fog looks so cool.
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Bobby T. Hey thanks!! It was pretty creepy when I was out there though lol
Cambren Sievert
Cambren Sievert - 8 years ago
That dolphin was there to eat your fish I've had it happen a lot with a charter I was on too
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Cambren Sievert yeah it knew exactly what it was doing for sure lol
Bobby T.
Bobby T. - 8 years ago
Next time I go to the beach on vacation I need to find something like this.
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Bobby T. It's a blast and it's not to expensive!
Carlos Hernandez
Carlos Hernandez - 8 years ago
Great Vid!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Carlos Hernandez thank you!!!
MM Nerds
MM Nerds - 8 years ago
B-roll at the beginning was great. Good job
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Trey Ketchum haha that's always my favorite thing to edit! Love those intros!
Theresa Groover
Theresa Groover - 8 years ago
You are gonna climb quick in subs with content like this. GREAT JOB!!!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Theresa Groover I hope so!!! Thank you!!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
J'lynn G right?! Lol
Ty Hadley
Ty Hadley - 8 years ago
Congrats on 5K
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Ty Hadlay thank you!!! It's pretty unbelievable honestly!
Alex Satterfield
Alex Satterfield - 8 years ago
I have an extra room
RiW Outdoors
RiW Outdoors - 8 years ago
you reached five thousand subs!! congrats!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
RiW Outdoors thank you!!!! So crazy to me!!!
Carlos Gonzalez
Carlos Gonzalez - 8 years ago
What are those sunglasses called I know there Oakley but???
Alex Satterfield
Alex Satterfield - 8 years ago
BRO!! take the trip down to Fort Myers! its a couple of hours
Alex Satterfield
Alex Satterfield - 8 years ago
theres a buch of bass spots near me, and there are supposed to be some good snook and tarpon in cape coral
Alex Satterfield
Alex Satterfield - 8 years ago
idk lol Fish
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Alex Satterfield what am I supposed to do down there?? Lol
Tristan Daigneault
Tristan Daigneault - 8 years ago
those fish looked awesome and that fog was scary. good video man
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Tristan Daigneault the color of the fish was just crazy! So unreal!
silverstacker650 - 8 years ago
try and go hook into jaws next time, your over 5000 subs now. way to go bro.
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
silverstacker650 hahaha got to go big now that I hit 5k lol
michaelnazerian - 8 years ago
dude you could totally use like a heavier swim bait rod for this type of fishing!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
michaelnazerian yeah next time I'm bringing my own rod lol

100. comment for Deep Sea Fishing For Beautiful Tropical Fish!!! -(Gulf Of Mexico)

the Outdoorsman Master Angler
the Outdoorsman Master Angler - 8 years ago
putting some videos out
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Greg Lowrey trying man!! It's all about that upload button!
Ian Tweedie
Ian Tweedie - 8 years ago
Yeah man just throw up the drone

You know what they say
It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Ian Tweedie hahah I ended up not doing it because of all that dang fog!
BK Outdoors
BK Outdoors - 8 years ago
Intro gave me a stroke. I'm suing.
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Brendan Keely Outdoors lmao my bad!
7citiesfishing - 8 years ago
congrats my dude on 5k, I think I already said it but I'll say it again!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
7citiesfishing haha thanks man!!! First big milestone as a youtuber!
Sawyer Rodeheaver
Sawyer Rodeheaver - 8 years ago
If you're early Or you have something good Brandon will reply won't you
Zylstra - 8 years ago
sick man, how long are you staying in Florida?
Zylstra - 8 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan man, you should go down to the keys, its so beautiful and great fishing! definately a must have kayak trip
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Flo Fishing until January 1st!
TheMasterCasters - 8 years ago
next time you go out there, chop up one of those small grunts and use em for bait, and you'll pull up a really big fish, guaranteed.
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
TheMasterCasters I've got to try that!
Collin Richards
Collin Richards - 8 years ago
Great video! Beautiful fish dude!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Collin Richards thank you!!!
Billy parks
Billy parks - 8 years ago
Love the content can u tell Jake billy said hi please would mean a lot keep making good videos
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Billy parks haha I got you
Cheetos - 8 years ago
keep up the good work
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
ViTaLz_ThUg Z will do bro!
ItsRayza - 8 years ago
gulf fishing in one of my favorite things to do hope you had fun with it man
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
ItsRayza it was a blast! I'm thinking about doing it again!
CBbassin - 8 years ago
what editing software do you use
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
CBbassin Final Cut Pro!
Live2Fish - 8 years ago
Can u give a shout out@live2fish
Cade Whitmore
Cade Whitmore - 8 years ago
Live2Fish dude. You can't just ask for shout outs like that. It's rude
ItsTristan - 8 years ago
Hard work pays off congrats on 5000 subscribers!!!!!!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
ItzTristan6 thank you!!!!!
IM.QUINN - 8 years ago
Killing it with the intros
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
IM.QUINN trying!!! I was mad that there was so much fog because the drone footage was terrible lol. Couldn't use any of it hardly.
Cabellobaseball - 8 years ago
I have been on the gulf queen-full day- and caught some huge fish
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Renegade Nation I need to do the full day next time!
airkraft1 - 8 years ago
Lady having lunch photo bombs you thinks to herself "poor lonely boy ,talking to himself, he must be all alone, no family, and ...... I hope he doesn't kill us "

As always nice work
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
airkraft1 hahahaha just noticed that!!!!!
Avi Soncino
Avi Soncino - 8 years ago
lol in san diegothe sea lions come and try to get all the sardines that come off the hook
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Avi Soncino hahah that's awesome!! I've never Seen one before!
Two Poles
Two Poles - 8 years ago
Man I'm bout to come live it up in fl with ya looks so fun!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Two Poles it's a blast man!!
Avi Soncino
Avi Soncino - 8 years ago
the cool thing is, if they find a school of yellowtail, they tell you to cast out and they chum thousands of sardines
Avi Soncino
Avi Soncino - 8 years ago
Cade Whitmore
Cade Whitmore - 8 years ago
Avi Soncino I caught a nice yellowtail. It's in my profile picture
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Avi Soncino that's awesome!
Alex Sigala
Alex Sigala - 8 years ago
U should collab with Landshark Fishing while you're down here
KHR Daily
KHR Daily - 7 years ago
Muscle man
Muscle man - 8 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan
try zoffinger
Alex Sigala
Alex Sigala - 8 years ago
+Jiggin' With Jordan Okay, I already told him about you to collab while you're down here, he's probably working right now and won't reply until usually like 12:00 am, that's when he usually responds, so you will probably get his message when you wake up
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Alex Sigala I'm trying. He hasn't gotten back to me.
Eric Myers
Eric Myers - 8 years ago
You definitely gave someone a seizure with that intro
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Eric Myers haha whoops!!!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
J'lynn G a girl on the team would be awesome!
Avi Soncino
Avi Soncino - 8 years ago
i live in san diego, but last week we went deep sea fishing the same way, just for sea bass and rockfish
Ramsey Koch
Ramsey Koch - 8 years ago
great vid man. love how you fish a variety of different styles and techniques. keep it up
Ramsey Koch
Ramsey Koch - 8 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan Hey I live in Australia and you should come over and fish for dusky flathead. if not look them up there cool.
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Got to try a little bit of everything man! It keeps it exciting!! But thanks man!
Blitz Fish
Blitz Fish - 8 years ago
Ah... no fun catching them with that heavy of tackle. I use 15lb braid on a light spinning rod ( inshore rod ) and the fight is pretty good on those size fish. Would only use that rod if I had about 5-6 hooks rigged on it. I go out to 100ft offshore and catch them. Light tackle is pretty fun.
Vladof - 7 years ago
I've fished/tested a whole bunch of fishing line and I can tell you that 15 lbs braid can lift up to 40 pounds and more. What it can't do is resist big head sweeps from very large fish or abrasion on sharp rocks/teeths. The pound test indication hasn't much to do with how heavy it can lift vertically... I mean you can't lift 200 lbs with 15lbs braid don't get me wrong, but for that video it kinda felt like overkill to me.
Cardea - 7 years ago
Vladof How is that? You still have to lift the fish from the water and onto the boat. Not to mention the heavy sinker that's also attached to your line.
Vladof - 7 years ago
15 lb braid is total overkill for that size fish lol
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
FishBlizt Fishing let me know when!
Blitz Fish
Blitz Fish - 8 years ago
you really need to go fishing with me! either offshore fishing for HUGE kings or in the canals of Florida for snakehead, bass, and peacocks. but it's kinda hard to get our schedules lined up.
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
yeah i wanted to try that!!! Might go again here soon and do light tackle!
Chandler Wall
Chandler Wall - 8 years ago
Love your vids
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Thanks so much!!! Thats always so exciting to hear!!
Raul Amaro
Raul Amaro - 8 years ago
Great content brother
Raul Amaro
Raul Amaro - 8 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan always enjoy watching
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Thanks man!! Really appreciate you always watching!
Ryan Siple
Ryan Siple - 8 years ago
u should come to Colorado and do some fishing
Ryan Siple
Ryan Siple - 8 years ago
right now there is usually ice on the lakes and we go ice fishing but it's too worm
Ryan Siple
Ryan Siple - 8 years ago
Bass Trout pike carp I can't even name them all
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
What kind of fishing y'all got up there?
samuel lakes
samuel lakes - 8 years ago
Love the vids bro keep it up
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
Hey thanks!!!
Henry Casey
Henry Casey - 8 years ago
Content like this and you will no doubt have as many subs as like Jon B or somebody
KHR Daily
KHR Daily - 7 years ago
Carson's Outdoors
Carson's Outdoors - 7 years ago
+Jiggin' With Jordan I'm going on one for my birthday
DoubleG Bassin
DoubleG Bassin - 8 years ago
BAGO BASS do you know what song that tjis beginning is
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
1000 subs in two two weeks man! its crazy! But thank you!
East coast Fishing
East coast Fishing - 8 years ago
BAGO BASS thanks man
Henry Casey
Henry Casey - 8 years ago
What you gained like 1,000 in a month?! I only got 100 in a month lmao
QUIT CHANNEL - 8 years ago
I live in fl.!!!!!
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
My biggest fan! haha you must always be on right when i upload lol
QUIT CHANNEL - 8 years ago
I wish I could fish w unin fl sometime :(
Caleb Dinges
Caleb Dinges - 8 years ago
Hey I commeted 1rst
QUIT CHANNEL - 8 years ago
Sawyer Rodeheaver
Sawyer Rodeheaver - 8 years ago
Hey Klae
QUIT CHANNEL - 8 years ago
East coast Fishing
East coast Fishing - 8 years ago
Hey man Really like your stuff it's me again keep it up I would also like some tips in starting a channel thanks if you can
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
I might do a tip video here soon!
SurvivalmanEJK - 8 years ago
Jiggin' With Jordan
Jiggin' With Jordan - 8 years ago
SurvivalmanEJK - 8 years ago
I have to watch the video first lol

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