EASY Way to Catch Saltwater Fish!!
Tropical fishing 8 years ago 979,233 views
A tough day at the Destin jetties turns into a fun day of fishing after I switch to a very basic fishing technique! Fishing Gear: rod: http://tinyurl.com/zzvj9pj reel: http://tinyurl.com/hsb5oac line: 10lb : http://tinyurl.com/hw5mcjx leader: 25lb : http://tinyurl.com/jdf8s8g Camera Gear: Drone: http://tinyurl.com/jnqsugt Big Camera: http://tinyurl.com/gsuttof Big Camera Mic: http://tinyurl.com/gmsdopb Small Tripod: http://tinyurl.com/z3hrfsv Big Tripod: http://tinyurl.com/jq9jvr8 Zoom lens: http://tinyurl.com/h4ten9b GoPro: http://tinyurl.com/zd72ogr LAV Mic: http://tinyurl.com/h2fsm3k -------------------------------------------------INDEX------------------------------------------------ Fishing Starts--------------------------------------0:30 Fishing Technique-------------------------------3:19 Revised Technique------------------------------4:20 New Species #1----------------------------------4:40 New Species #2----------------------------------5:50 MUSIC: 1st Song: "Nice Swing" by Ken Waters - https://soundcloud.com/kenwatersmusic/ken-waters-niceswing 2nd Song: "No Worries (Feat. Timon & Pumbaa)" by Ehrling - https://soundcloud.com/ehrling/no-worries-feat-timon-pumbaapreview
10. comment for EASY Way to Catch Saltwater Fish!!
Largest Pinfish I have ever seen hands down lol. Also they tend to make fantastic cut bait as well!
20. comment for EASY Way to Catch Saltwater Fish!!
So I"was Wondering If You Have Some Old Stuff Which You Don't Care About And Send It To me!
Keep It Up Budd.
BTW I"am From Kosovo!
30. comment for EASY Way to Catch Saltwater Fish!!
awesome vids man don't stop.
50. comment for EASY Way to Catch Saltwater Fish!!
100. comment for EASY Way to Catch Saltwater Fish!!
Keep out!
triple tail
Waste of time...THUMBS DOWN
a piece out on the bottom , 3' of 30lb fluorocarbon leader and a 1/0 or 2/0
circle hook.
( nice video , love it btw ) :)
With the white belly it's a baby grouper I catch them all the time in Florida