EASY Way to Catch Saltwater Fish!!

A tough day at the Destin jetties turns into a fun day of fishing after I switch to a very basic fishing technique! Fishing Gear: rod: http://tinyurl.com/zzvj9pj reel: http://tinyurl.com/hsb5oac line: 10lb : http://tinyurl.com/hw5mcjx leader: 25lb : http://tinyurl.com/jdf8s8g Camera Gear: Drone: http://tinyurl.com/jnqsugt Big Camera: http://tinyurl.com/gsuttof Big Camera Mic: http://tinyurl.com/gmsdopb Small Tripod: http://tinyurl.com/z3hrfsv Big Tripod: http://tinyurl.com/jq9jvr8 Zoom lens: http://tinyurl.com/h4ten9b GoPro: http://tinyurl.com/zd72ogr LAV Mic: http://tinyurl.com/h2fsm3k -------------------------------------------------INDEX------------------------------------------------ Fishing Starts--------------------------------------0:30 Fishing Technique-------------------------------3:19 Revised Technique------------------------------4:20 New Species #1----------------------------------4:40 New Species #2----------------------------------5:50 MUSIC: 1st Song: "Nice Swing" by Ken Waters - https://soundcloud.com/kenwatersmusic/ken-waters-niceswing 2nd Song: "No Worries (Feat. Timon & Pumbaa)" by Ehrling - https://soundcloud.com/ehrling/no-worries-feat-timon-pumbaapreview

EASY Way to Catch Saltwater Fish!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 471

Tropical fishing 8 years ago 979,233 views

A tough day at the Destin jetties turns into a fun day of fishing after I switch to a very basic fishing technique! Fishing Gear: rod: http://tinyurl.com/zzvj9pj reel: http://tinyurl.com/hsb5oac line: 10lb : http://tinyurl.com/hw5mcjx leader: 25lb : http://tinyurl.com/jdf8s8g Camera Gear: Drone: http://tinyurl.com/jnqsugt Big Camera: http://tinyurl.com/gsuttof Big Camera Mic: http://tinyurl.com/gmsdopb Small Tripod: http://tinyurl.com/z3hrfsv Big Tripod: http://tinyurl.com/jq9jvr8 Zoom lens: http://tinyurl.com/h4ten9b GoPro: http://tinyurl.com/zd72ogr LAV Mic: http://tinyurl.com/h2fsm3k -------------------------------------------------INDEX------------------------------------------------ Fishing Starts--------------------------------------0:30 Fishing Technique-------------------------------3:19 Revised Technique------------------------------4:20 New Species #1----------------------------------4:40 New Species #2----------------------------------5:50 MUSIC: 1st Song: "Nice Swing" by Ken Waters - https://soundcloud.com/kenwatersmusic/ken-waters-niceswing 2nd Song: "No Worries (Feat. Timon & Pumbaa)" by Ehrling - https://soundcloud.com/ehrling/no-worries-feat-timon-pumbaapreview

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Most popular comments
for EASY Way to Catch Saltwater Fish!!

Jamaican byrd
Jamaican byrd - 7 years ago
can u send me some gears bro
Ed Anthony
Ed Anthony - 7 years ago
Looks like croakers to me...
shawn Oneil
shawn Oneil - 7 years ago
Baby grouper at 4:50 ?
sciguyjeff - 7 years ago
At 5:05 - looks like an immature black sea bass. The one at 6:04 is a sand perch. They get maybe a foot long. Dude - made the mistake of throwing it away. They are small but one of the best tasting fish you can catch.
Pradeep Bathala
Pradeep Bathala - 7 years ago
very nice and see
Unlucky Angler
Unlucky Angler - 7 years ago
That pin fish was huge! Free line him out near a pier and you could probably catch an over slot snook.
Joshua Wong
Joshua Wong - 7 years ago
Hey , i wanna buy a new fishing rod . I wanted to buy a heavy action rod but the shop only has hollow rods that are heavy action. The solid rods they have are all light to medium action rods . Should i buy a hollow cored heavy action rod ? Will the break easily?
David Helme
David Helme - 7 years ago
The fish at 6:00 is some type of wrasse
Trick- Agar
Trick- Agar - 7 years ago
6:00 i catch em alot out of the destin pass

10. comment for EASY Way to Catch Saltwater Fish!!

Unedited Gamer
Unedited Gamer - 7 years ago
I believe that is a Rockfish 4:52 not certain as its very small and I've only ever caught two of them but from what I hear they are poisonous.
Unedited Gamer
Unedited Gamer - 7 years ago
Dude, that was a giant Pinfish. Seen it looked familiar but couldn't figure out what it was till you said it lol.

Largest Pinfish I have ever seen hands down lol. Also they tend to make fantastic cut bait as well!
can't touch me
can't touch me - 7 years ago
Shrimp 99% catch on .
Little Cuban
Little Cuban - 7 years ago
Where is this?
Pacheco - 7 years ago
Gulam basha
Gulam basha - 7 years ago
next time you send crown fish
Gulam basha
Gulam basha - 7 years ago
next time you send crown fish
Suzette Gilbert
Suzette Gilbert - 7 years ago
bellie that suckasmallpieces bobber??
Seth Williams
Seth Williams - 7 years ago
Vojin Vaskovic
Vojin Vaskovic - 7 years ago
that fish you dont know is a grouper

20. comment for EASY Way to Catch Saltwater Fish!!

Sam Kerr
Sam Kerr - 7 years ago
see ya later buddy :)
Nike JR
Nike JR - 7 years ago
where are you fishing?
B - 7 years ago
Awesome editing and music
Ethan Hallman
Ethan Hallman - 7 years ago
who else saw the stingerray in the sky?
Olek Dav
Olek Dav - 7 years ago
The bird was waiting for the fish all the time? )
Bart Newell
Bart Newell - 7 years ago
I don't know if you respond to comments or not, but in your gear list you don't mention the tackle box you're suing. I'd kill for one like the one you had the circle hooks in. Neat organization.
Cayden Thompson
Cayden Thompson - 7 years ago
That bird just chilling in the background
thai pham
thai pham - 7 years ago
What the hell u doing man lol he went from fishing ponds to fishing for bait fish xD go catch a real fish bruh
colby brown
colby brown - 7 years ago
I wish my not were that good
Cold Blooded Fasist
Cold Blooded Fasist - 7 years ago
Fishing Has Always Been My Favourite Thing Since Forever And I've Been Trying To Start Doing It For A While Now But I'Cannot Afford The Equipment!
So I"was Wondering If You Have Some Old Stuff Which You Don't Care About And Send It To me!

Keep It Up Budd.

BTW I"am From Kosovo!

30. comment for EASY Way to Catch Saltwater Fish!!

Adam Watson
Adam Watson - 7 years ago
Did anyone notice the heron in the backround
hung nguyen
hung nguyen - 7 years ago
David Sheldon
David Sheldon - 7 years ago
i used to work at the emerald grande when i was 18 it was that big resort in the backround you wouldnt believe the size of the pinfish that live in the destin harbor.. btw there are lots of sharks off those jetties he was on
202 fishing 2
202 fishing 2 - 7 years ago
I think it is a gruoper
Mohammad Sadulla
Mohammad Sadulla - 7 years ago
Nichlas - 7 years ago
That was a slippery dick at 6:04
Canelo Abeast
Canelo Abeast - 7 years ago
Gay ass video
Hero brine team
Hero brine team - 7 years ago
If that was a lure wow
The Athletic King
The Athletic King - 7 years ago
Is this in Sarasota?
Cole Bedics
Cole Bedics - 7 years ago
when pinfish get that big u can eat em
ngan nguyen
ngan nguyen - 7 years ago
MidnighTWorldX6 - 7 years ago
I wan t those fish in my fish tank. cute that what it is.
deepfish1000 - 7 years ago
nice tropical fish and that pin fish was huge, Like I always say when the big fish ant biting go lighter.
awesome vids man don't stop.
BMXRIDER Skec - 7 years ago
Guys. At 5:55, the cloud looks like panokio
Evelyn Petros
Evelyn Petros - 7 years ago
So whats the easy way? The title is completely misleading
Tahjae Vinnett
Tahjae Vinnett - 7 years ago
why you don't keep your fish
Andy Bennett
Andy Bennett - 7 years ago
Did you see the heron next to him
Gaege Ammerman
Gaege Ammerman - 7 years ago
why were you using a tuna setup there
bioches - 7 years ago
how did that old man get the hook on the gills?
Roger Queen
Roger Queen - 7 years ago
are you sayin pit fish? dont ya mean pan fish?
ClutchAF - 7 years ago
My easy way is to use squid and shrimp

50. comment for EASY Way to Catch Saltwater Fish!!

Lacrosse God
Lacrosse God - 7 years ago
Yup it's destin
Lacrosse God
Lacrosse God - 7 years ago
Looks like Destin
Michael Corleone
Michael Corleone - 7 years ago
Fucking click bait title!
JESSE_ARCE_ 360 - 7 years ago
Where are you fishing
MaxxT921 - 7 years ago
You live really close to me
Gaming Trap
Gaming Trap - 7 years ago
did anyone else see the bird that barley moved during a timelapse
Hansa - 7 years ago
Use live shrimps when the tides are moving in and you will surely catch alot of mangrove snappers and small size groupers.
Hansa - 7 years ago
I used to fish at that jetties all the time. Park by those condos but sand walking distance to the tip of the jetties is quite a walk but well worth it.
Gamer boy2007
Gamer boy2007 - 7 years ago
I just subbed because I fish too
Camron Serpa
Camron Serpa - 7 years ago
u should use them for bigger fish
David - 7 years ago
4:56 i think its a baby grouper
Jeovani Aguila
Jeovani Aguila - 7 years ago
next time put a live quarter size or bigger pinfish on a knocker rig
Dziugas Pukas
Dziugas Pukas - 7 years ago
i like the bird in the back
Simon Howard
Simon Howard - 7 years ago
Ever feel like, somewhere, somehow, a heron is watching you?
Justforfun ASMR
Justforfun ASMR - 7 years ago
No lie my mom works at the Rits which is right in front of u
humberto arias
humberto arias - 7 years ago
what software do use to edit your videos? MAC or PC?
Jack Burgess
Jack Burgess - 7 years ago
where are you fishing at?
Hunter Graham
Hunter Graham - 7 years ago
that haron had SWAGGGG!!!!!!!!!!
SGx StEw
SGx StEw - 7 years ago
the blackish fish was a baby triple tail
James Thurston
James Thurston - 7 years ago
nice job indded
Discovery FISH
Discovery FISH - 7 years ago
couldnt help but notice the craine stalking you lmao
Cali Gamer
Cali Gamer - 7 years ago
Nice fish pls sub back
GW Daily
GW Daily - 7 years ago
Fish Shing
Fish Shing - 7 years ago
hongkong veryvery X99999 few fish :(
Charles B Bassin
Charles B Bassin - 7 years ago
Bro in the beginning did you see that bird next to you
Wilfredo Fernández
Wilfredo Fernández - 7 years ago
Beautiful fishing, greetings from Chile
Angell Puppycat
Angell Puppycat - 7 years ago
That moment you catch a shark, and it pulls you in.
DaBooseGoFaste - 7 years ago
I like how that bird was just chillin there with him.
Marius Bartolome
Marius Bartolome - 7 years ago
near sebastian inlet
Awais Jahangir Abbasi
Awais Jahangir Abbasi - 7 years ago
sir how can I catch a fish ?
Amazing world
Amazing world - 7 years ago
Salvador Leques
Salvador Leques - 7 years ago
why dont you keep some of those fish? and tell me the specifications of the rod and reel pls
A - 7 years ago
do i always have to put meat on the bait?
anwar sathath
anwar sathath - 7 years ago
anwar sathath
anwar sathath
anwar sathath - 7 years ago
anwar sathath
thekiller octipus
thekiller octipus - 7 years ago
whats the fish in the thumbnail
Razer Edge
Razer Edge - 7 years ago
Tiny pieces of hotdog also works for me to catch small fish consistently.
404 Not Found
404 Not Found - 7 years ago
why you release the fish. If you don't want to kill it, why you catch it ? Do you want to hurt fish without killing ?
Panhia Yang
Panhia Yang - 7 years ago
you hmong?
Panhia Yang
Panhia Yang - 7 years ago
you hmong?
This earth is ours
This earth is ours - 7 years ago
Such amazing filming! i love the videos keep them up!
melanie buie
melanie buie - 7 years ago
it was not a pin fish it was a porgie
TheFlemster 818
TheFlemster 818 - 8 years ago
your positive attitude throughout the entire video is one of the many reasons subscribed. great vid man.
grss2a224 - 8 years ago
Damn those yellowtail scads... In my country singapore or around the malay peninsula region its good in a dish called Nasi Lemak XD... go check it out
grss2a224 - 8 years ago
The small fish that lloked like a jack or blue runner in your area seems to be like a yellowtail scad in my area... but its good
Mohd Fareed Bin Abdul Ghani
Mohd Fareed Bin Abdul Ghani - 8 years ago
That bird stand still beside him.. can be good companion~
Izzy Davis
Izzy Davis - 8 years ago
Anyone else notice the heron like 10 feet away from him that stayed there for so long
Anthony Stackhouse
Anthony Stackhouse - 8 years ago
where were you when fishing in this video
TTH Fishing
TTH Fishing - 8 years ago
You think here in the Gulf in South Padre in Texas there will be those colorful fish?
Kira Randle
Kira Randle - 8 years ago
The fish that was orangy was a lot duller than the thumbnail... Wow.... What people do yo get views...
Nyx Ravenshade
Nyx Ravenshade - 8 years ago
is that Destin Florida??? my great aunt lives out there! I recognize the buildings!
oseme 3454
oseme 3454 - 8 years ago
song at 3 57?

100. comment for EASY Way to Catch Saltwater Fish!!

luuke luketer
luuke luketer - 8 years ago
You are delaying the fish from important meetings.......
l QueTinz l
l QueTinz l - 8 years ago
Wow never saw a fishing channel with HIGH QUALITY
Golden Tube
Golden Tube - 8 years ago
when I moved to a diff spot that was a squirrelfish
Lucineia Cassula
Lucineia Cassula - 8 years ago
Good Will
Good Will - 8 years ago
More boring than actually fishing
Gabriel Ivan
Gabriel Ivan - 8 years ago
very big fish
Amalia Torres
Amalia Torres - 8 years ago
you should have used the small pinfish or blue runner for bait
barabas1037 - 8 years ago
4:47 is like a baby grouper
M. Stam
M. Stam - 8 years ago
i want to live there its so easy to catch bright colored fish
Braydon Viljoen
Braydon Viljoen - 8 years ago
Gabriel Ivan
Gabriel Ivan - 8 years ago
Very nice fish!
JR Outdoors
JR Outdoors - 8 years ago
Wow this looks fun I want to try fishing off the jetties soon
orange crushz28
orange crushz28 - 8 years ago
dam i keep watching love those for my tank lol
orange crushz28
orange crushz28 - 8 years ago
hey feed your stork lol cool vid
TTH Fishing
TTH Fishing - 8 years ago
Never seen a Pinfish that big, and that's cause I've caught about a 1000 lol
Cole McIntyre
Cole McIntyre - 8 years ago
It was a sea bass
Cole McIntyre
Cole McIntyre - 8 years ago
did anyone else notice the bird right next 2 him
Fishing Ham
Fishing Ham - 8 years ago
Awesome video!
Barramundi BrawlerZ
Barramundi BrawlerZ - 8 years ago
Why did you not use the big game reel and use pin fish as bait
Street Food/ Cambo Travel
Street Food/ Cambo Travel - 8 years ago
So good
J. Oakley
J. Oakley - 8 years ago
Throw a hook through the back of a little pinfish. Catch a bigger one.
Gabriel Cernas
Gabriel Cernas - 8 years ago
Where were you fishing at
Outdoorsman studios
Outdoorsman studios - 8 years ago
That was a huge pinfish
Falaker playz
Falaker playz - 8 years ago
Trevally not baby jack!!
King Shark
King Shark - 8 years ago
Does any body notice the crane
Random User
Random User - 8 years ago
Yay! Lets destroy fish lips for fun, wohoo!
Marcpowerful - 8 years ago
why is this so calming?
OhRyanT - 8 years ago
OF course its easy to catch small fish with shrimp lmao
Renae LaPlante
Renae LaPlante - 8 years ago
im a boy ok im just on my moms account but I love extreme Philly fishing and you 618fishing
apogeus2 - 8 years ago
anyone else noticed the bird staring at him?
Greg XD
Greg XD - 8 years ago
0:54 that bird is smart, it's waiting for you to get a fish...
SFFishing / Noah Young
SFFishing / Noah Young - 8 years ago
The brown fish you didn't know what it was, that was a baby grouper!
XxHarleyTheFurFagxX XxWildArtistxX
XxHarleyTheFurFagxX XxWildArtistxX - 8 years ago
0:35 theres a bird to you right that stayed for along time without flying away. cool
fishingandvaping - 8 years ago
throw a swimbait the color of the pin fish
texan_ fan4life
texan_ fan4life - 8 years ago
Is that destin Florida?????
teenoi Bangplee
teenoi Bangplee - 8 years ago
นกยางงง ทำไงได้ปลากิน 555
Bagul Aquatics
Bagul Aquatics - 8 years ago
Hey if you have some time, please check out my Planted aquarium, just want to know your thoughts on it! Be well everyone :)
Brick Buddy Everything
Brick Buddy Everything - 8 years ago
that fish at 6:00 looks like some goby or blenny - I forgot which is in fresh and which is in saltwater
Carlos Rivera
Carlos Rivera - 8 years ago
Your a fool all those small fish are bait fish. Cast them away from the rocks and a bigger fish will follow
Ben To
Ben To - 8 years ago
John Lannon He is obviously there for catch release so there is no need to use bait fish
John Lannon
John Lannon - 8 years ago
Ben To...if you want to eat, you kill!
Ben To
Ben To - 8 years ago
Carlos Rivera No need to kill
Bibi. Muhammad
Bibi. Muhammad - 8 years ago
In what country is this? So nice
NoPain NoGain
NoPain NoGain - 7 years ago
Bibi. Muhammad
Keep out!
Trick- Agar
Trick- Agar - 7 years ago
yeah i live there
Bibi. Muhammad
Bibi. Muhammad - 8 years ago
texan_ fan4life Oh thank you. Wonderful place, I love that
texan_ fan4life
texan_ fan4life - 8 years ago
Habibi Muhammad pretty sure it's in destin, Florida, USA
MAGGOT VOMIT - 8 years ago
Harry Hall
Harry Hall - 8 years ago
those yellow tails are good top eat and that's about as big as they get , and all those {pin fish } are also good eating. need to get your self a fish book
Dominik Rabóczki
Dominik Rabóczki - 8 years ago
Quantum Aquatic
Quantum Aquatic - 8 years ago
those piggy perch are actually good to eat
Magic O
Magic O - 8 years ago
size rod please..
Aleksi Joensuu
Aleksi Joensuu - 8 years ago
At one minute is that a bloody stork just come up to look at you fish?
Cameron Cote
Cameron Cote - 8 years ago
Virginija Kutiene
Virginija Kutiene - 8 years ago
c4snipar - 8 years ago
Nice that you let them go! I would put them in my tAnk and release them when they overgrown the tank
Scott Ford
Scott Ford - 8 years ago
Great Video on how to catch bait
kwayneg7 - 8 years ago
Shark bait
John McGlasson
John McGlasson - 8 years ago
If your on a jetty use a sabiki rig with slices of squid and you'll catch like 20 pin fish or hard tails in like 10 mins
John McGlasson
John McGlasson - 8 years ago
+Evan roop roop oh I have no idea I have never been there I fish on the coast of alabama
logang 4 life news
logang 4 life news - 8 years ago
John McGlasson thats what I do in Bennets creek in Suffolk va
Javier rodriguez
Javier rodriguez - 8 years ago
John McGlasson
Ronnie Galletti
Ronnie Galletti - 8 years ago
The orange fish was a squirrel fish
Team Valor Vlogs
Team Valor Vlogs - 8 years ago
That first unknown species is a squirrel fish
Team Valor Vlogs
Team Valor Vlogs - 8 years ago
Oscar P
Oscar P - 8 years ago
Can u fish in Scotland's salty water
hobbista 66666
hobbista 66666 - 8 years ago
1:50 This bird is with you? :-)
Gabe Lloyd
Gabe Lloyd - 8 years ago
The brown fish at 5:00 I think was a baby triple tail
N. Bartle
N. Bartle - 8 years ago
How did you get so close to that bird in he video
Charles Vu
Charles Vu - 8 years ago
it was a sea bass, use those pinfish or blue runner for live bait, snook candy
Set The Hook Fishing
Set The Hook Fishing - 8 years ago
at 6:00 that is a sand perch.
Brb - 8 years ago
Jack Casey
Jack Casey - 8 years ago
They say you should burley up and to match your burley to what bait your using, try throwing a bunch of spoons in the water and let me know how you go
Marina Tan
Marina Tan - 8 years ago
Hopefully,you catch new fish.
Griffin Hammond
Griffin Hammond - 8 years ago
Trick- Agar
Trick- Agar - 7 years ago
yeah o live there too
ammar abul
ammar abul - 8 years ago
that seagull is just chilling back there lol
Bassman Dan
Bassman Dan - 8 years ago
That fish towards the end that you didn't know what it was is a sand perch, and they are great grouper bait!
Laxmi Nayak
Laxmi Nayak - 7 years ago
Andy S.
Andy S. - 8 years ago
Colby Lee
Colby Lee - 8 years ago
hey I live like an hour from destin, and I fish there all the time.
John Vangorden III
John Vangorden III - 8 years ago
100 books
Sam Mono
Sam Mono - 8 years ago
the brown one looked like a triple tail to me
Mike Weef
Mike Weef - 8 years ago
I thought it was a baby grouper but a lot are saying sea bass... who knows for sure??
Garrett Moran
Garrett Moran - 8 years ago
Where did you get that tackle box from that was full of hooks. Or did you just buy hooks from a different place
Swiatek702 - 8 years ago
Dude, that heron is totally begging for scraps!
Rastislav Smolinský
Rastislav Smolinský - 8 years ago
I would definitely share some of the small fish with that heron lad. he was looking like a chill dude :D
Fishing in the OC
Fishing in the OC - 8 years ago
Anyone knows the name of the first fish in the video? It was the very first clip. I caught one the other day and it was the first time also catching it. pce.
Chantal nieuwendijk
Chantal nieuwendijk - 8 years ago
It was a baby Goliath grouper
James Linske
James Linske - 8 years ago
That was a baby grouper
Gregory vanleeuwen
Gregory vanleeuwen - 8 years ago
ya a baby grouper
Tito Ortiz
Tito Ortiz - 8 years ago
that Brown fish was a grouper
Grand Wonder
Grand Wonder - 8 years ago
Where were you fishing? The place looks nice!
kevin her
kevin her - 8 years ago
nice catches
Tiffany Komba
Tiffany Komba - 8 years ago
it was a goby
Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee - 8 years ago
i have a saltwater tankk..this is how i stock my tank....kindly send me the beltfish next time
Slayer Dragon
Slayer Dragon - 7 years ago
Bruce Lee I do the same I actually just lost my sand perch it was about a pound
Andy S.
Andy S. - 8 years ago
Bruce Lee cool idea. I should do the same
William Ivan
William Ivan - 8 years ago
at 4:49 it looked like a baby triple tail
William Ivan
William Ivan - 8 years ago
it looked like a baby
triple tail
Squirles G
Squirles G - 8 years ago
RIP to the small Pin fish dropped on the rocks at 2:56
Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt - 8 years ago
wouldn't you think he'd have put it in the water if was stuck on the rock?
Nicholas Owen
Nicholas Owen - 8 years ago
Where are you catching these fish at.
BoggyBayou Outdoors
BoggyBayou Outdoors - 8 years ago
I live in Destin
Trick- Agar
Trick- Agar - 7 years ago
Nicholas Owen
Nicholas Owen - 8 years ago
What was that Small Fish with all those colors one of the last fish he caught.
Supreme_ Illegal
Supreme_ Illegal - 8 years ago
that's where my dad works
YungᏔᏆᏞᏞ - 8 years ago
Lol 1:09 that crane
James Yeager
James Yeager - 8 years ago
That fish you did not know what it was it was a baby grouper
Fishing King
Fishing King - 8 years ago
Great vid!!! The brown fish was a Black Sea bass
John Lannon
John Lannon - 8 years ago
Everyone calls a lot of the same fish different names. Around the Tampa area we call them Squirrel fish and use them as grouper bait.
Jaden Cleaver
Jaden Cleaver - 8 years ago
its a belted sandfish bud.
Fishing King
Fishing King - 8 years ago
And the next one was a sand perch
Jose Cuervo
Jose Cuervo - 8 years ago
there was a bird sitting next to him
liew yuzhe
liew yuzhe - 8 years ago
its coral fish baby lol
William Leo Metcalfe Name and face
William Leo Metcalfe Name and face - 8 years ago
Holy crap that's my hometown I live on the street that goes out to that beach and the fish the you caught were spine fish, Hardtails a.k.a. blue runners, a baby grouper and squirrel fish
Deadly Panda
Deadly Panda - 8 years ago
Did anybody else see the bird in the background
Tay ,
Tay , - 8 years ago
Penfish seem like the bluegill of the ocean
StunnedMuffin - 8 years ago
this is a raw video
Funky Monkey HD
Funky Monkey HD - 8 years ago
Your NOT supposed to use a hook and release them the hook can pierce through them and hurt them
Bucky The Buck
Bucky The Buck - 7 years ago
This is the dumbest comment I have ever seen.
sadexter00 - 7 years ago
Funky Monkey HD they will live
Timothy Adams
Timothy Adams - 8 years ago
it's not a jack it's a hard tail tuna
Areeba Arshad
Areeba Arshad - 8 years ago
5:59 awesome
Sam's vlogs
Sam's vlogs - 8 years ago
that fish looked like a baby amber jack asom
Yixian Wong
Yixian Wong - 8 years ago
I think the bird was a egret
Mr PauuL
Mr PauuL - 8 years ago
Awesome video
Difficult Television
Difficult Television - 8 years ago
was i the only one who saw a bird just watching him fish
Sara Shen
Sara Shen - 8 years ago
are you using shrimp bought from grocery store or bait shop? does it matter?
quang vu
quang vu - 8 years ago
You dont mind i ask where is this spot? Thanks
Popcorn Butter
Popcorn Butter - 8 years ago
Cool music always makes things more interesting than they actually are
Floridian Warhawk
Floridian Warhawk - 8 years ago
That weird one is a tripletail
photocat85 - 8 years ago
The heron over the right shoulder is jealous of every fish caught and has been watching intently....
Luke Sigalas
Luke Sigalas - 8 years ago
next time you catch a small fish hook it through the lip and cut from the body to tale off
Cooley lake Angling
Cooley lake Angling - 8 years ago
Dude I don't know what it is but I LOVE your videos. They are so chill and entertaining. Keep it up man, you deserve more subs
anna buivis
anna buivis - 8 years ago
did you see that bird behind that rock that's stalking you its creepy and hes not moving ish 1:40
Hamoud Habibi
Hamoud Habibi - 8 years ago
I love to fish but I live in Sweden... The problem is that in Sweden we dont have a big variety of fish, and I am 17 years old so I can't really travel alone.
Jay Andrew
Jay Andrew - 7 years ago
Toasters..my son is about your age. If you make it to the States reply to this comment. My sister lives in St.Petersburg, Florida. When we visit her we are always fishing a pier, or boat. Good times!
Al Ram
Al Ram - 8 years ago
Toasters are Magic wtf you talking about fish is awesome in Sweden big fat halibut out there
Mohd Imthiyaz
Mohd Imthiyaz - 8 years ago
hi frd I hope u can find way lots of luck
SAM TAHER - 8 years ago
why dint you give a fish on that bird at your right side ?
Jason Collison
Jason Collison - 8 years ago
Good Music
Liam Keller
Liam Keller - 8 years ago
That is a Sand Perch
AnglingTV - 8 years ago
Colbe Arnold
Colbe Arnold - 8 years ago
Does anyone see that bird to the right?
Jesus - 8 years ago
0:40 LOL, that bird's been sitting there waiting for his share the entire time and slowly moving closer
Sniper Hacker
Sniper Hacker - 8 years ago
Not a blue runner its a hard tail
Sniper Hacker
Sniper Hacker - 8 years ago
Wow big rock fish
athao0 3
athao0 3 - 8 years ago
Love how there's a swan right next to you the whole video
Andrew Hales
Andrew Hales - 8 years ago
Negative, I MOST CERTAINLY have the smallest pinfish record off the Destin Jetties....
ruth2rachel marsh
ruth2rachel marsh - 8 years ago
first fish was a snapper
CircaSriYak - 8 years ago
this video had better be about large net trawling.
mark clarence Mangcucang
mark clarence Mangcucang - 8 years ago
i think your new species is a wrasse
Illinois Bassin
Illinois Bassin - 8 years ago
That black fish you caught it was a baby Warsaw Grouper
Andrew Mata
Andrew Mata - 8 years ago
lol bird wathing
ExRainer- - 8 years ago
Anyone see that crane just looking at him like hello
Murph Fee
Murph Fee - 8 years ago
cool fishing but u need to learn the names of ur fish bro
Lauren Noble
Lauren Noble - 8 years ago
Anyone seen the Crain in the beginning
Cristina Stefan
Cristina Stefan - 8 years ago
mamabonat şi latine bossule
Cristina Stefan
Cristina Stefan - 8 years ago
țiamdat laic pentru melodie
Ang Copeland
Ang Copeland - 8 years ago
put saltwater fish in a tank but you should catch them from the wild you know from the ocean
marley Farinas
marley Farinas - 8 years ago
bass I think...
marley Farinas
marley Farinas - 8 years ago
;) cool music
Andrewwhipster 6
Andrewwhipster 6 - 8 years ago
One looked like a tiny grouper to me
Kayak Chris
Kayak Chris - 8 years ago
Excellent video, I'm a big fan of micro fishing, nice of Leo to slide in and identify that Belted Sandfish. I didn't have a clue lol Liked and subbed
James Ruehlmann
James Ruehlmann - 8 years ago
Take one of those pinfish and throw it out there on that bait casting rig!!
Austin Sill
Austin Sill - 8 years ago
flair fish
Jeffrey Goinr
Jeffrey Goinr - 8 years ago
The skinny one is a lizard fish
David Kaplan
David Kaplan - 8 years ago
Blue runner are good bait
Fishing & Biodiversity
Fishing & Biodiversity - 8 years ago
lordmemeo - 8 years ago
i caught a pregnant bluegill once
the boys bmx
the boys bmx - 8 years ago
I thin the fish before 5:00 is a grouper
Daniel Sickles
Daniel Sickles - 8 years ago
That brown fish is called a Black Sea bass
Al Ram
Al Ram - 8 years ago
Danny Washlick io n n it kinda looks like a young one to me
AnglingTV - 8 years ago
are you tripping I specialize in fish identification that is not even close too being a black Sea bas
Layla Rahim
Layla Rahim - 8 years ago
did u notice that great blue heron on your right?
juicebomb2 - 8 years ago
everyone thinks those r huge pin fish but in reality they are pig fish no joke look it up
TheDodoVlogger - 8 years ago
At 2:05 there is a Swan/bird Thing in the background
SWF Fishing
SWF Fishing - 8 years ago
@4:32 what do you use to hold your hooks like that
Jason Erb
Jason Erb - 8 years ago
was the little fish @4:57 pregnant?
James Ruehlmann
James Ruehlmann - 8 years ago
definitely looked like it, i noticed that too
LuckyArizona LuckyArizona
LuckyArizona LuckyArizona - 8 years ago
um I'm 13 and I love fishing and I wanted to know where you where fishing and can you keep those fish?
Dominick Kasal
Dominick Kasal - 8 years ago
did anybody notice grey haron just chilling
Krypt Shard
Krypt Shard - 8 years ago
That grey Herron in the back
kayakeros - 8 years ago
I agree on ultra light fishing, if correctly geared up, it's quite a challenge
jdogg661420 - 8 years ago
nice vid man, i have been doing this way too much lately. taking out the ultralight and smashing on some smaller fish. mainly sunfish and largemouth and striper fingerlings. but the bad thing when i was just sticking to the big bait i was catching at least one largemouth a 3-4 hour session usually better then a dink but sometimes dinks, but since i started taking out the ultralight i havent got a big fish in the past month. so it def makes the session more fun, but then i feel i miss opportunity for the big fish. its like a catch 22 kinda. but ya when i went out for around 28 days straight everynight with only the bigger bait i landed around 20 fish lost around 4-5. for the month. on a super pressured lake. even today i threw only the big bait maybe 1/3 of time i was out since the ultralight usually always catches fish. then its hard to put it down. also man where did you find those small circle hooks the smallest i found around here at all stores is only size 8... cya
Official Jay
Official Jay - 8 years ago
baby amberjack bro those things grow big
AnglingTV - 8 years ago
Outdoorsman studios
Outdoorsman studios - 8 years ago
How do u saltwater fish with a small cast master spoon
AnglingTV - 8 years ago
by casting it and retrieving it?
Justin Bingham
Justin Bingham - 8 years ago
The pin fish and lady fish are how we catch much larger fish. King and Spanish Mac love lady fish.
Kenny Dase
Kenny Dase - 8 years ago
Awesome video. I love the music. Do you edit your own vids???
Sup3rHornet - 8 years ago
Is that a fucking skeleton at 1:14
Michael Ruiz
Michael Ruiz - 8 years ago
Michael Ruiz
Michael Ruiz - 8 years ago
Sup3rHornet - 8 years ago
+jdogg661420 lol
jdogg661420 - 8 years ago
fishing bird great blue heron maybe. they are natures fishermen and for some reason i think they bond with fishermen and are not scared of them some have stood by me like that also and caught bluegill 10 feet from me.
David Stinson
David Stinson - 8 years ago
how long did the bird sit and watch you fish?
DaebakMonkey - 8 years ago
2:10 Photobomb!!!
Jack Osterweil
Jack Osterweil - 8 years ago
4:48 baby triple-tail
Shawne Owens
Shawne Owens - 7 years ago
That's a belted sand fish
John Lannon
John Lannon - 8 years ago
DaebakMonkey - 8 years ago
DraGz - 8 years ago
5:54 see that cloud in the back, looks like that one dude that created the minion's, one with a long ass nose.. xD
DraGz - 8 years ago
Fishing is like playing Pokémon GO, because you have to complete your catch of different species..
David Perry
David Perry - 8 years ago
there is a bird
Jared Mills
Jared Mills - 8 years ago
that's was a lady fish at 2:30 I catch them at crab island all the time.
Pengo801 - 8 years ago
I cringe every time you call a pompano a blue runner..
Jake Baker
Jake Baker - 8 years ago
They were blue runners lol
Ken Stevens
Ken Stevens - 8 years ago
They love those shrimp!
Ken Stevens
Ken Stevens - 8 years ago
They love those shrimp!
Muskie - 8 years ago
It was a comber m8 (The 1st fish you didn't know)
Mitsos Drift
Mitsos Drift - 8 years ago
Guys does anyone know anything about the promaxx spin 270 rod? I found one in a river in Greece and know nothing about it. I think it's carbon fibre and it says it's 270 cm long and it takes 30 to 60 gram weights
J3r0n1m0 P1ck3r1n9
J3r0n1m0 P1ck3r1n9 - 8 years ago
What is your best bait
Brendan Smith
Brendan Smith - 8 years ago
This is a really cool video! It also really makes me happy how gentle you are with the fish! Keep up with the great vids!
Bennett Williams
Bennett Williams - 8 years ago
Is it me or was there a crane or bird next to him
Primalxbeast - 8 years ago
It's a great blue heron. There are a ton of them in Florida.
Manboutu O'maeley
Manboutu O'maeley - 8 years ago
a grey egrett actually
Joseph Holm
Joseph Holm - 8 years ago
Where were you fishing ???????
Michael Gough
Michael Gough - 8 years ago
at 6:06 look at cloud its panokio
Kuini Wirihana
Kuini Wirihana - 7 years ago
it so does
Thallesgamer 26
Thallesgamer 26 - 8 years ago
Haha it atually it does
J.Jarvis - 8 years ago
I had no problem reading it...
Oliver Дрейер
Oliver Дрейер - 8 years ago
J.Jarvis - 8 years ago
How did you see that!!!
Orange Hexa
Orange Hexa - 8 years ago
No I don't see it
Brett Zahnow
Brett Zahnow - 8 years ago
ive  seen better lol
the chesire judoka
the chesire judoka - 8 years ago
Bobby Joe
Bobby Joe - 8 years ago
That was a black bass
Shawne Owens
Shawne Owens - 7 years ago
No it's not bud
TheViperSquadrant - 8 years ago
triple tail are more of light an dark brown than brown and white. and their tails are solid brown not striped like this
Lynx Dino
Lynx Dino - 8 years ago
baby triple tail bud.
Tyler Watson
Tyler Watson - 8 years ago
^ that makes sense lol
DaebakMonkey - 8 years ago
Nope. Black bass are much greener.
Piscifun - 8 years ago
Saltwater fish are so beautiful and full of different species!
Joker - 8 years ago
Hey man I bought a some what like a pen fishing medal rod and it catches tons of bait fish so now that's my bait fishing rod
Joker - 8 years ago
I did I was about to say watch as the sea goal watched him catch fish
Trey L
Trey L - 8 years ago
The new species im sure was a sandperch(grouper candy). The black small fish was some type of baby grouper almost certain.
vergilio rossa
vergilio rossa - 8 years ago
Gosto deste programa só pescador
Brayden Garner
Brayden Garner - 8 years ago
you caught some gobys
Mitch Cohen
Mitch Cohen - 8 years ago
rockfish is the brown fish u caught
SCOTTIE - 8 years ago
snell ?
Daniel Scarbrough
Daniel Scarbrough - 8 years ago
Misleading CLICK BAIT title :-(
Waste of time...THUMBS DOWN
Fishing 101
Fishing 101 - 8 years ago
First 20 seconds of the video i hit subscribe. Awesome video! :)
Thelightcat gaming
Thelightcat gaming - 8 years ago
That fish you didn't recognized that was brownish with tan stripes I think was a baby grouper
Baconator Bacon
Baconator Bacon - 8 years ago
Sea bass
Thegamingbanana - 8 years ago
4:50 is a belted sandfish
laurence the snook
laurence the snook - 7 years ago
It's a belted sandfish alright. I've fished Florida for the last 25+ years and have only caught one.
Jumpin Dorado
Jumpin Dorado - 8 years ago
Baby Triple tail...
Brick Buddy Everything
Brick Buddy Everything - 8 years ago
no he is right
Javier rodriguez
Javier rodriguez - 8 years ago
Reel time Fishing
David Gamero
David Gamero - 8 years ago
parrish are you retarded?
Parrish Ragland
Parrish Ragland - 8 years ago
No sea bass Black Sea bass
Banana Chino
Banana Chino - 8 years ago
Is that destin,Fl
swdist68 - 8 years ago
Avi Soncino
Avi Soncino - 8 years ago
Pinfish are like bluegill of the sea
Young Tank
Young Tank - 8 years ago
Cool video
The Trinis
The Trinis - 8 years ago
a lot of grunt
OL Bikes
OL Bikes - 8 years ago
There's a bird to the right of him watching
simon nickels
simon nickels - 8 years ago
baby goliath.
Jason Robinson
Jason Robinson - 8 years ago
my friend those blue runners are actually dwarf jacks. I catch them for bait at the pier all the time
Glamour Limo Service LCC
Glamour Limo Service LCC - 8 years ago
Am I the only one to notice that bird during his time lapse
Ken Stevens
Ken Stevens - 8 years ago
He was drooling the whole time.
ZDerps - 8 years ago
I have, lol
Doomsteez - 8 years ago
That brown fish is Goldfish
Doomsteez - 8 years ago
+Thegamingbanana ur dumb for thinking I'm right
Thegamingbanana - 8 years ago
Ur dumb
Mark Loveland
Mark Loveland - 8 years ago
Brown fish is a rock fish
jlx45 - 8 years ago
Awesome video!
Ken Waters
Ken Waters - 8 years ago
Thanks for using "Nice Swing"!
Goin Up In Texas
Goin Up In Texas - 7 years ago
618 Fishing Hey bud I'm going to the gulf coast for a fishing trip, so I'm wondering if there is a reason guys wear a cover over their face? I wonder if I should invest in a face cover? Similar to what you wear at 3:22
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Great song man! thanks for making it and putting it on soundcloud!
sCoLd Linxy
sCoLd Linxy - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing are you in Denmark Copenhagen
Hästar är inte Bara för tjejer
Hästar är inte Bara för tjejer - 8 years ago
Are you
Mau Tao
Mau Tao - 8 years ago
2:08 when you went to look at the other guys fish, your lucky charm flew away, and you got ''gulled''. Better luck next time :D Salted shrimp, will remember that.
Lilly51678 AJ
Lilly51678 AJ - 8 years ago
Donald Keyes
Donald Keyes - 8 years ago
why are you useing a ultra light in a ocean? im a lake fisherman and the average catch is 5 pounds and i still consider a ultra too weak to catch a 5 pounder lol
AnglingTV - 8 years ago
my biggest bass was 6 pounds and I caught it on a ultralight and a 1 inch minnow immatation
JC - 8 years ago
he's fishing for anything below 2 pounds, the ultralight makes it more fun
Kevin Dunse Outdoors
Kevin Dunse Outdoors - 8 years ago
Its never too weak if you can set the hook.
Tyler Harris
Tyler Harris - 8 years ago
those things that you are called bluerunners those are called jack crevalle
Trevor Negron
Trevor Negron - 8 years ago
0:49 seagull is like what up
Water Nebula
Water Nebula - 8 years ago
Most seagulls aren't half as tall as a grown man xD
I Like Pie
I Like Pie - 8 years ago
+Trevor Negron ur right, I don't have nothin better to do. Can we argue please
Trevor Negron
Trevor Negron - 8 years ago
+I Like Pie u ain't got nothing better to do
I Like Pie
I Like Pie - 8 years ago
Your anus
Trevor Negron
Trevor Negron - 8 years ago
+Apex oh same Shit I ain't no bird expert
Trevor Negron
Trevor Negron - 8 years ago
+Apex on the right of him
Thegamingbanana - 8 years ago
Great blue heron
Raindr0p_ - 8 years ago
Theshortguy84 - 8 years ago
Any chance we will se more puddle fishing?
Justin Salanga
Justin Salanga - 8 years ago
do you ever keep some fish you catch to eat?
Mayy M
Mayy M - 8 years ago
Beautiful Jetties! Ours isn't nearly as clean here in Texas!
Adam Stephens
Adam Stephens - 8 years ago
I've fished here before
Flatzout - 8 years ago
cut chunks of ladyfish is the best redfish bait. you should have chunked
a piece out on the bottom , 3' of 30lb fluorocarbon leader and a 1/0 or 2/0
circle hook.
Aaron Goodell
Aaron Goodell - 8 years ago
That was a baby grouper
Jhun Yu
Jhun Yu - 8 years ago
4:50 Triple tail
Ricardo Rocafuerte
Ricardo Rocafuerte - 8 years ago
Ese wey neta qe se muere de hambre
imichaeli - 8 years ago
hey man can you make a video about how you tie your bait to your line? thanks
imichaeli - 8 years ago
i mean lure
Itz Tricky
Itz Tricky - 8 years ago
Do you live near Edwardsville il because I know some of the places in your videos +big fan
Itz Tricky
Itz Tricky - 8 years ago
And is the 618 for the first 3 numbers in the Edwardsville phone number?
Jonny Jiang
Jonny Jiang - 8 years ago
is that penn conflict
More Than Fishing
More Than Fishing - 8 years ago
I really enjoy your videos man, Im learning a lot from your editing skills just by watching your videos. keep making videos!
Azarias H.
Azarias H. - 8 years ago
Totally agree with you! It gets pretty annoying at times. Haven't fished the Jetties in years. Tight Lines!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Congratulations on the Belted Sandfish. That is not an easy one to come by! Beautiful place to fish at too.
Outdoor Places
Outdoor Places - 7 years ago
Extreme Philly Fishing hey you are here to I'm subbed to you
praveen kulal
praveen kulal - 7 years ago
Pinellas County's Top Angler
praveen kulal
praveen kulal - 7 years ago
Pinellas County's Top Angler
Ahmed Bossa
Ahmed Bossa - 7 years ago
Pinellas County's Top Angler
Pinellas County's Top Angler - 7 years ago
Extreme Philly Fishing my email is seanr1364@gmail.com contact me for collaborations
Pinellas County's Top Angler
Pinellas County's Top Angler - 7 years ago
Extreme Philly Fishing please man I hope you see this check out my shark fishing channel on a gopro in Pinellas county Florida
Korbin Salisbury
Korbin Salisbury - 7 years ago
Extreme Philly Fishing I
Braith 8585
Braith 8585 - 8 years ago
Extreme Philly Fishing
Corey Nolen
Corey Nolen - 8 years ago
618 Fishing grats on 50,000
rhea dizon
rhea dizon - 8 years ago
Extreme Philly Fishing f
Timothy’s Rc
Timothy’s Rc - 8 years ago
Bradley Bunch same
Timothy’s Rc
Timothy’s Rc - 8 years ago
Extreme Philly Fishing P
John Vangorden III
John Vangorden III - 8 years ago
Extreme Philly Fishing I I
Bradley Bunch
Bradley Bunch - 8 years ago
Extreme Philly Fishing I watch you vids
goodbye everyone
goodbye everyone - 8 years ago
Alex the runner Fude
Alex the runner Fude - 8 years ago
Extreme Philly Fishing i
Colin - 8 years ago
I hope it's not a phishing e-mail
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing email works great! It is 618Fishing.tv@gmail.com
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing I gotta look up your e-mail. What is the best way of contacting you? We should schedule a collaboration, if your availability is good. P.s. Beautiful Sand Perch too.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thanks Leo!:D that was the first time I've seen one, such a cool looking fish.
Logan Gmiterek
Logan Gmiterek - 8 years ago
That bird just hanging out beside you on the rocks haha
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Haha those guys are awesome
Frat Boy Fishing
Frat Boy Fishing - 8 years ago
Dude was that rod like super ultra mega light lol
jdogg661420 - 8 years ago
ultralight fishing man only way to fish. if you learn to catch fish like this you will never go back to heavy gear. 2-6# line depending what you are going for i mainly stick to 4# since i can hardly find 2# anywhere. and since you can even feel the tiniest of fish fight there is nothing that beats ultralight fishing. and you can still land 10# fish on it. also lighter line helps to catch big line shy fish in pressured lakes. its all about drag with ultralight. nothing like pulling out a 4#er with 5 guys around with all heavy gear who all skunked for the day. cya
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Haha I love that rod. 4'6" of fishing fun
tacoburger5 - 8 years ago
wow man thats a huge pinfish
Azarias H.
Azarias H. - 8 years ago
Yeah if you are staying down in FL maybe look for a pier, but hope you enjoy your stay.
Ken Stevens
Ken Stevens - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing Try out mullet next time for bait. Whiting and bluefish love em! Unfortunately so do the pinfish. lol
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you! Piers are fun, but sometimes can get pretty crowded. I'd have to say I like fishing from the jetties quite a bit more
Colby Fletcher
Colby Fletcher - 8 years ago
Do you live in florida
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
nope, but maybe one day!
Colby Fletcher
Colby Fletcher - 8 years ago
And also you should fish Navarre pier. I went out today and caught 18 Spanish mackerel on bubble rigs! They also caught two nice blacktip Sharks!
Aiden Magee
Aiden Magee - 8 years ago
6:02 porkfish?
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
I think it was a sand perch! thanks for watching!
Rainbow Skittle4
Rainbow Skittle4 - 8 years ago
baby grouper
Rainbow Skittle4
Rainbow Skittle4 - 8 years ago
No problem. Love the vids!!!☺
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
just googled baby grouper and it looks like it very well could have been one! really cool! thanks for the comment!
Stivey135 - 8 years ago
Love the vids and being in edwardsville it's kinda nice seeing videos from the area
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
small world! thanks for watching em!
Ethan Roach
Ethan Roach - 8 years ago
Ethan Roach
Ethan Roach - 8 years ago
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
avet mxl
TheMasterCasters - 8 years ago
That black fish with they yellow belly is a Belted Sandfish. I am 100% positive!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks for the ID man! someone else said it was maybe a baby grouper, but after googling "belted sandfish" that's definitely what it was!
Retz - 8 years ago
I've really got to get myself an ultra light setup, I want there to actually be a fight when I catch fish, not just hook and then real in.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
it's my favorite type of fishing, but can get extremely frustrating haha
TheMasterCasters - 8 years ago
Awesome video!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks man!:D
samgaming 298
samgaming 298 - 8 years ago
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thank you!
Daniel Bridgwater
Daniel Bridgwater - 8 years ago
keep it up dude. love the vids
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thank you Daniel!:D
Mason Hebert
Mason Hebert - 8 years ago
That was the biggest pin fish I've ever seen
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Same! to the point I wasnted sure it was actually a pinfish haha
Colby B.
Colby B. - 8 years ago
Try the spoon tipped with a 3-4 inch mullet and just throw it out and barely move it
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks for the tip!
Country Girl Catfishing
Country Girl Catfishing - 8 years ago
Good Stuff !!!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Danny Cal
Danny Cal - 8 years ago
I was night fishing in Galveston Tx last week and all I could catch was catfish...lol... video soon
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
haha saltwater catfish are my least favorite fish to catch, those spines scare me lol. always wanted to fish in Texas though, looking forward to the vid!
The SamuraisBlade
The SamuraisBlade - 8 years ago
600 viewer!!!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks for watching!:D
Azarias H.
Azarias H. - 8 years ago
You should hook one of them big pinfish on the conventional with a 5/0-7/0 hook. If your are fish the Jetties again you might hook up to a grouper or Snook
Drpepperkiller1017 - 8 years ago
No snook in destin. Too far north in the panhandle, he could have caught a mackerel or tarpon.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks for the tip! I actually had one on that other rod, but didn't get a single bite!
Michael Ruppel
Michael Ruppel - 8 years ago
damn that was big ass pin fish.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
hahaha Ikr :D
BURT THE BEAST - 8 years ago
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks David!:D
Sébastien R.
Sébastien R. - 8 years ago
0:42 it's me or you miss 1 ring ? ^^
Sébastien R.
Sébastien R. - 8 years ago
oh yes probably , looks like a ring on the video :p
( nice video , love it btw ) :)
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
not sure, but are you talking about the hook keeper?
Super Hank Outdoors
Super Hank Outdoors - 8 years ago
Great video, cool to see the different species from saltwater even if they're small. Nobody wants to see me catch bluegills in Ohio lol
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
haha I like small bluegill.. but, yeah there are so many small fish at jetties and some are very cool looking!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
new pb pinfish forsure haha
kokonutfreaks - 8 years ago
Sea fishing looks so fun! I've never done it before.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
you'll have to give it a try man! you never know what you'll catch and the fish seam to fight so much harder than freshwater fish!
Ledo Leto
Ledo Leto - 8 years ago
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
Ledo Leto
Ledo Leto - 8 years ago
Then what
Ledo Leto
Ledo Leto - 8 years ago
Then what
Cesiley Garcia
Cesiley Garcia - 8 years ago
I'm surprised that heron stayed next to you for so long
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
they have adapted to stalking fisherman waiting for them to toss a fish their way ha
Ledo Leto
Ledo Leto - 8 years ago
The fish with the big belly is a sea bass
Lord Lobov
Lord Lobov - 8 years ago
+Ledo Leto Belted sandfish
Lord Lobov
Lord Lobov - 8 years ago
+TheMasterCasters Belted sandfish
TheMasterCasters - 8 years ago
+Lord Lobov I know, I was literally the first person to say it lol
Lord Lobov
Lord Lobov - 8 years ago
+TheMasterCasters Belted sandfish
TheMasterCasters - 8 years ago
lol it's a belted sandfish. Pretty cool fish, if you ask me.
TheMasterCasters - 8 years ago
+SOLDIER Lol read the other comments...  Its a belted sandfish, not a grouper 
SOLDIER - 8 years ago
Ledo Leto
With the white belly it's a baby grouper I catch them all the time in Florida
Lord Lobov
Lord Lobov - 8 years ago
+Ledo Leto belted sandfish
Lord Lobov
Lord Lobov - 8 years ago
+Ledo Leto Belted sandfish
RAP Beats
RAP Beats - 8 years ago
Belted Sandfish
Lord Lobov
Lord Lobov - 8 years ago
+Ledo Leto its a belted sunfish
Aiden Magee
Aiden Magee - 8 years ago
+Ledo Leto its a belted sandfish
Ledo Leto
Ledo Leto - 8 years ago
+Mista Moose then what
TheMasterCasters - 8 years ago
+Ledo Leto It's Called a belted sandfish
Aiden Magee
Aiden Magee - 8 years ago
+Ledo Leto it's not
Ledo Leto
Ledo Leto - 8 years ago
Then what
TheMasterCasters - 8 years ago
It's not actually
Ledo Leto
Ledo Leto - 8 years ago
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
recently fell in love with buzzbaits!
Ledo Leto
Ledo Leto - 8 years ago
What is your fav bait to use for largemouth bass
Ca Pa
Ca Pa - 8 years ago
Someday you should get together with someone like Leo, from Extreme Philly Fishing to do some fishing I think it would make for a great video
Hayden Stimpson
Hayden Stimpson - 8 years ago
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
maybe one day! that guy is a great multi-species angler
JLSB Fishing
JLSB Fishing - 8 years ago
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks for watching!:D
GONE FISHING - 8 years ago
Now thats my kind of fishing. I see you are atracting birds i liked that heron that was watching you at the start.
GONE FISHING - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing ha ha ha sea guls are all the same. Did you see the part of my video were the Gannet dived in to the water and grabbed the fish I put in. it's on day 2 in Ireland
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
hahaha yeah the heron were polite and patiently waited for fish while the seagulls kept trying to steal my shrimp lol
Freya Worldpiece
Freya Worldpiece - 8 years ago
The bird is thugged out
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
love those guys. always holding down the jetties
Joey Johnson
Joey Johnson - 8 years ago
did any one notice that bird that just sat there for ever lol to the right or him
DaebakMonkey - 8 years ago
Was that an Egret or a heron?
Can i get 50 subscribers PLEASE. Help me!!
Can i get 50 subscribers PLEASE. Help me!! - 8 years ago
That`s actually an egret, a grey egret
Al Capone
Al Capone - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing you shoulda fed him!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
that was my buddy
Gally - 8 years ago
I wonder if he noticed it at the time
Jarda Anonymous
Jarda Anonymous - 8 years ago
Haha, Yes
Nate Fortin
Nate Fortin - 8 years ago
I swear the music in the background of your videos makes me so happy every time! Awesome content man.
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
glad you enjoy em! those are some very talented artists forsure!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks Tommy!:D
john McMurray
john McMurray - 8 years ago
cool vid
john McMurray
john McMurray - 8 years ago
+618 Fishing you have taught me alot since I've be watching you
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thanks John!:D
Fish _ Slaying 101
Fish _ Slaying 101 - 8 years ago
Awesome vid!
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
thank you!
Stan Zagrodnik
Stan Zagrodnik - 8 years ago
U sounded like 1 rod at the beginning, " a new species"
618 Fishing
618 Fishing - 8 years ago
hahaha best comment
john McMurray
john McMurray - 8 years ago
+Inshoreangler1301 oh
Inshoreangler1301 - 8 years ago
+John Mcmurray it isn't, Mike was fishing in Paradise island's atlnatis beach resort, near Nassau, the Bahamas
john McMurray
john McMurray - 8 years ago
it looks like the same place to

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