Etho's Modded Minecraft #2: Tropical Fishing Huts
Tropical fishing 10 years ago 680,692 views
Minecraft modded. In this Minecraft episode we have some fun checking out a few building tricks the mods offer as we begin building our tropical fishing village. Twitter: TwitchTV:
"I'm never gonna run out of content, these mods offer so much" Stop series at 64 episode because he thought it was boring
- Etho, 2015
10. comment for Etho's Modded Minecraft #2: Tropical Fishing Huts
I'm a fan of it
I aspire to produce good content like your but something about talking to a mic alone in a room just feels weird but I hope to get better at it.
20. comment for Etho's Modded Minecraft #2: Tropical Fishing Huts
You begging for attention there boy?
30. comment for Etho's Modded Minecraft #2: Tropical Fishing Huts
50. comment for Etho's Modded Minecraft #2: Tropical Fishing Huts
It's nice to have the vat of love, lol
There's a hole in your pier, dear etho, a hole.
You should fix it dear etho, dear etho, dear etho,
You should fix it dear etho, dear etho, fix it!
AND, I dont know the rest of the song. Have a nice day!
No it's LARVA not lahva.
And what is the mod name?
100. comment for Etho's Modded Minecraft #2: Tropical Fishing Huts
I really LIKE the food system and the lunch box is very cool. I think there needs to be some type of hunger tweek with Pam's Harvestcraft otherwise there is no point to having all those different kinds of food.
I think it works with all liquids but not sure
Etho: Holds harming potion in hand Splashes himself Yay!
Me: Facepalm Lmao
Trust me, it's a LOT more complicated than that IRL, XD
meal did he swear??? :O
Simply by watching, even, I really want to know the name of the mod... Do you know the name of it by any chance?
Have fun, do what you like, and keep making thousands of people laugh and smile everyday.
Love the new series.
in my opinion that would actually be pretty great i think
thank you
1. Are you sure all the mods are the same version as each other and the version you are playing?
2. Are you sure all the mods are compatible with each other?
3. Are you sure all the mods don't have any additional mods such as core mods that need to be installed for the mod to work that you don't have?
If you have checked all of the mods, and there is still a problem, remove all the mods and add them 1 by 1. Also, tell me why it crashes. Does it crash randomly or does it crash when you try to join a world, open your inv., etc.
Love your vides! I love this series!
And also, the loot bags?
I think Etho should keep the blood moon, because it presents a challenge, and he'll find an interesting way to overcome it
1. You have a low attention span
2. You couldn't pay attention so you went to the comment sectoin
3. You realized I spelled section wrong
5. You didn't but you checked saw I missed 4
7. I mispelled your at the top
8. I misspelled misspelled
9 you checked to see if I misspelled anything on no.8
10. On 6 I didn't put a space between the number and the text
And on 9 I didn't put a period
You noticed how 6 and 9 were both used you get a dirty mind freebie
I was thinking, are you planning on putting Japanese style rooftops on the fishing village homes?
Oh yeah, and where is Cooking with Ethos?
# When enabled, unobstructed stationary fluid adjacent to block will render in the block space.
# Note: when enabled, you may experience noticeable chunk update lag spikes.
B:"Routable Fluids"=true
Keep it up! :D
-> Don't StarveSecond, I know BoP has palm trees, if you can find a tropics or oasis biome. Those leaves might fit the theme a little better than the oak leaves.
Also, the latest versions of Tinker's don't require a 3x3 smeltery, it's just the version that works best.
It does not reset your spawn point though, so I believe you will still spawn in the last bed or at world spawn.
Loving the new series, and keep up the good work :-D
I've watched other tutorials but I couldn't understand what they were doing.
I see more building than crash landing
I'm playing Minecraft too!
Try gray.
Jason Whitehorn
-Etho 2015
- Etho 2015
I really like this series and others do to, a daily series is to much for us, you, and your internet, :P So I was thinking about every 2 days for a while? I don't know just maybe to get some people interested, cause I know some people act like mods are their bane of life.
Me: your in the same darn place!
Dear etho, some of your followers and I are desperately missing mindcrack. Someone's got to take the Mesa deed and prank bdubs. If someone can inform me where it went that would be greatly appreciated! Keep up the good work!
no, it was longer than that but not like 2 months long.. He said that people are now getting into mods & other games that mindcrack is getting kind of boring
Ultimate here. I have started a YouTube account. Your YouTube is awesome. I have been watching you for years. If your interested in what im doing, go to Ultimate Gameer. Thanks. Also, are you going to continue your non-modded Lets Play?
Then I realized how insane that would be.
Mariculture crucible problem is an easy fix. If you hover over potential fuel (it takes solids as well) when in the gui it shows you both how much heat you ger per unit and a max temp. Hover over a lava bucket and it should say max temp. 1500°c ^^
Etho is love! Etho is life! xD
I can't remember but you could ask beef, he's a pro with carpenters blocks. Kindof...
(If that doesnt work try Phantomguy321)
(Mostly) good builder, will be on frequently if others are on frequently.
I love building, I'm pretty good at making Mob Farms/Automated things too!
(And I hate griefing) I also have skype :)
There aren't really any good servers out there and I think that realms servers are better than others
Because there's no good servers
Just want to do something new with some with everyday and so some coop,(has Skype)
Reason: I ain't no troll like most people are.
Misc:I don't play minecraft to most crafters standards but if I was joining this i,d be playing minecraft a lot more often.
My username is TheRealThintros.
I'd love to play on your Realm. I love working on community builds and I actually enjoy the more grindy aspects of Minecraft like mining and landscaping. I'd be able to build shared and community farms and buildings, as well as helping people with the builds they are already working on for themselves. I'm no redstone pro but I can understand the logic and help with most simple to intermediate circuits. For some time, I ran my own Realm and spent the entire time building things for the other players to use. As well as these community projects I have some ideas I'd like to try out for my own private base that I haven't done before and would like to trial with friendly people around.
I'm a mature, friendly person who would be very active around the place. I have never really had a chance to play a proper SMP so it would be amazing if I could finally have the chance to!
cuz im bored
Why don't you advertise your realm world somewhere else and not in the comments on a famous YouTuber's videos?
It makes you look like bad.
Please leave.
Loyal not greifer decedent at red stone love farming no skype I finish huge builds
Disadvantage might not play all the time
Reason I should be aloud in:
I've been playing minecraft since alpha and I am really good at building and survival
All of these aren't 100% true, I can't be the judge of how I am towards other people but I hope for the most part it's true.
I try to be friendly and polite towards other people. I may come off as odd at first but over time, I'll open up a bit more.
Since I lack a life, I sometimes play the game for 4-5 hours straight and try to build stuff, which I hope looks good.
I already do play on a server with another one of my friend, but that's only a 2 player world and I always do find more populated servers to be more fun
Why: I like redstone, can build gigantic builds, I am devoted and love vanilla minecraft.
I STRONGLY recommend that you only accept people who post good applications so that people who will grief and such do not join. I have seen some of your other posts, and you have accepted people who may not be trustworthy....just saying.
Good builder and redstoner, I have skype and a YouTube account with videos.
Decent builder and redstoner, would like to make a marketplace for people to put shops, and other builds that have the community be more social, like King of the Ladder.
Great builder, has Skype, technical player, and I'm friendly :D
(It gives you the bad potions to use on enemies, silly)
P.s love your videos
-Andrew (again, edit wasn't working :P)
it could be a good idea to make a statue of yourself in the middle of the bridge thing hope you know what i mean
Sorry if my english is bad but i am from Denmark
That you come across during a blood moon
In other words, it makes it look good.
My proof is the fact, popular YouTubers, or even semi-popular YouTubers will not be receiving a dollar for every 1k views.
The money depends on advertisements ONLY. You're naive to think anything else. Sorry but adblock is detrimental to the revenue income of our favourite YouTubers.
Go watch Wengie's video on it, you might understand it better then. Stop reading redditors opinions on PewDiePie's income and trying to relate that to every YouTuber.
I have two tips for you, don't act like a twat and call names when someone has more knowledge than you and proves you wrong.
And don't prop yourself up above people saying things like " your just a grammar less idiot" when you don't even know the difference between You're and Your
Cya later.
But lets say the per thousand view payment was real, small channels that are partnered who have a video go viral, could get a 80k payout. Which doesn't happen.
And +Thoraxe555, monitoring ad play length is quite easily monitored. They can monitor which ads get watched the most on any part of the advertisement industry, including TV!
.It doesn't matter if they ad plays or not, they get paid simply by the view count on the video. There is no way of knowing how many people of the total view count have adblock anyway.
You're talking about the way the views were handled BEFORE Google brought YouTube.
You should add custom NPCs fishing in the pond and they should
Sell you mariculture fish and fishing equipment
I say it that way as well and I'm not Canadian