Today is feed all the fish in my aquariums. SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: http://ecotechmarine.com My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: http://customaquariums.com My aquarium backgrounds are made by: https://aquadecorbackgrounds.com/

FEEDING HUNDREDS OF AQUARIUM FISH sentiment_very_dissatisfied 183

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 153,472 views

Today is feed all the fish in my aquariums. SUBSCRIBE ► https://goo.gl/xjOm50 Get the ultimate DIY book ► http://thekingofdiy.com LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► https://goo.gl/E2l6tk Facebook ► http://facebook.com/uarujoey Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/uarujoey/ The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: https://goo.gl/gu3CsK How to build aquarium filters: https://goo.gl/cw0Jl9 How to build aquarium stands: https://goo.gl/9JB9jo How to build aquarium equipment: https://goo.gl/BHkT2s How to build aquarium lighting: https://goo.gl/Wg4kt0 How to build aquarium decorations: https://goo.gl/crQkeT Varius aquarium tutorials: https://goo.gl/BKCb3a ALL Thursday videos: https://goo.gl/DPHjEM ALL Sunday videos: https://goo.gl/Rn0wmS My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: http://ecotechmarine.com My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: http://customaquariums.com My aquarium backgrounds are made by: https://aquadecorbackgrounds.com/

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Most popular comments

snotgobblerific - 6 years ago
Let lucas lrbretz come round and see your tanks your both at the top of my subscription list it just needs to happen. I don't comment anything ever but I had to make an exception for this.
david w
david w - 6 years ago
would paprika also work on ember tetra?
Eoghain Jones
Eoghain Jones - 6 years ago
Please let Lucas (LRBretz) see the glory of your masterpiece gallery firsthand. He will weep man-tears of joy as he witnesses the bounty of your workmanship.
deep keeper
deep keeper - 6 years ago
hey joey I have a question. is a 10 gallon tank enough for 1 discus????
Leonardo The Useless
Leonardo The Useless - 6 years ago
deep keeper no
j chestnut
j chestnut - 6 years ago
Hey Joey my fish tank looks yellow and I think there is pneumonia in the tank how can I tell
Ian Chamberlin
Ian Chamberlin - 6 years ago
The peacocks are so beautiful.
Marty Browning
Marty Browning - 6 years ago
No!! I have ick now!! I have a few scaleless fish though! Taking them out tank now, putting in the small tank, have to do salt treatment to them, and I'll do chemicals to the rest! Had to come from this new fish, haven't done nothing different!
GilgameshEthics - 6 years ago
Dude... Feeding multiple times a day is good for keeping the waste down. You feed 1/4th as much 4 times a day and the fish are going to eat it all every time. Plus more fish are likely to eat because they might be lively at different times. Also it's more reminiscent of how they would eat in nature. And food is less likely to rot because they won't ever get so full and turn chunks of it down.
a girl has no name
a girl has no name - 6 years ago


MrSteelface96 - 6 years ago
di you ever do that ''HOW TO: Aquarium safe wood TUTORIAL'' after safe rocks? i can't find it.
Jacob Rose
Jacob Rose - 6 years ago
what do you think about keeping an Oscar?
mark parrish
mark parrish - 6 years ago
LR Bretzs would love a tour!
new england endler
new england endler - 6 years ago
lucas from LRB aquatic would love a fish room tour
Edwin Lopez
Edwin Lopez - 6 years ago
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics - 6 years ago
Loving the FTS (Front Tank Shots) and feedings! I gotta meet Frank! Thanks to all these awesome people commenting as well! Hope we see more : P
John Adams
John Adams - 6 years ago
Would love to see a future video with a breakdown of each aquariums stocking and details! As always, great vid!
Legendary Nacho
Legendary Nacho - 6 years ago
Are these all bots asking for LRB
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics - 6 years ago
Lol I had to give this comment a thumbs up!
John Adams
John Adams - 6 years ago
In one of his videos he mentioned that he and Joey had discussed it, but Joey has been busy, so he asked people to come here and comment to try and help convince him.
Tommy Gerrian
Tommy Gerrian - 6 years ago
Have you used frozen for your cichlids tanks
TheAJPate - 6 years ago
Itd be cool to see a betta fish in the Asian tank
John Adams
John Adams - 6 years ago
The Gourami would kill it


Fresh 55
Fresh 55 - 6 years ago
Bring L.R.B to the gallery!
Dany - 6 years ago
my Arowana ate a suction cup! How do I get it out ? Will it die?
Will Conley
Will Conley - 6 years ago
Why don’t you feed any of your fish live food???
cheryl jones
cheryl jones - 6 years ago
Love your videos!!! Thought I'd mention that a visit from L.R.Bretz's Aquatics would make a great video.
Sammy’s outdoor Adventures
Sammy’s outdoor Adventures - 6 years ago
My tiger shovelnose cat isn’t eating please pray that he will eat that includes the viewers
veedub916 - 6 years ago
Where is the Salt Water Tank!??
phillymanpete - 6 years ago
Yo King....it would be great if you had my brother from Indiana Mr. Lucas Bretz, LBR Aquatics, come up for a visit to the gallery. It would make for a great video and content. Best, Phillyman ~
Patti's Aqua Worlds
Patti's Aqua Worlds - 6 years ago
Great video. Thanks for the update and the tips too. When will LR Bretz come to visit? It would be great to see you both together! Maybe live stream?
Dave Giles
Dave Giles - 6 years ago
You need to have Lucas come up and do that fish room tour soon!
Wichita Falls Fishkeeper
Wichita Falls Fishkeeper - 6 years ago
Hey Joey. You should consider a collaboration with LR Bretz


chefgsjr - 6 years ago
Hey Joey. Love the videos. When are you gonna have Lucas from LRB aquatic over for a fish room tour?
Mister B’s -fish and things
Mister B’s -fish and things - 6 years ago
Bring lrb or visit!
Ian gonzalez
Ian gonzalez - 6 years ago
Hey which don't you get better fish
Ian gonzalez
Ian gonzalez - 6 years ago
I mean why don't you get betta fish
Lucas Van Zoest
Lucas Van Zoest - 6 years ago
Hey Joey you inspired me to get a bichir I've had him for a couple days now and i just got an oscar too! Thank you for making videos!!
Adam - 6 years ago
I'd love to see how you take care of each tank everyday. I love how your vids continue to have a real life approach!
Danny reys
Danny reys - 6 years ago
Rj L
Rj L - 6 years ago
Hello Joey, another great video. L.R. Bretz's need an invite to your gallery. Keep up the good work.
Tilapia Store
Tilapia Store - 6 years ago
We want to see
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
do a fish room tour of youe place!
Eva Parker
Eva Parker - 6 years ago
?? Will you put your hand up on the fish tank or close to the fish tank so we can see the size of your fish?
Brayden Hickman
Brayden Hickman - 6 years ago
I want to build a fish tank. I want it to be 55 gallons. How thick would the glass need to be.
Brayden Hickman
Brayden Hickman - 6 years ago
Sorry for your fish
Jamie Evans
Jamie Evans - 6 years ago
lost 3 fish over night :( was doing a major clean of the tank moved 3 shubunkins and 3 flying fox into a temporary tank use water from the main tank with no filter or heater but i doubt temps got much below 20 degrees Celsius the shubunkins where all fine but all 3 flying foxes died what did i do wrong? was it a lack of oxygen or did they freeze? all fish where very healthy before i moved them even dead they looked healthy
joe paulson
joe paulson - 6 years ago
I would rather see like a blog post instead of like a video
Greg Smith
Greg Smith - 6 years ago
What are your actual opinions on single feedings vs 2/3x a day? Also do you have any sources for what you are feeding to increase colour in your fish? Have never heard anyone else say it other than yourself.
Greg Smith
Greg Smith - 6 years ago
Legendary Nacho I was meaning more like when he talks about giving his diskus paprika.
Legendary Nacho
Legendary Nacho - 6 years ago
Greg Smith His food? Cause fish that are healthy are brighter and more vibrant in color
Pat Squallee
Pat Squallee - 6 years ago
Joey, beautiful work. thank you for being a role model and an inspiration.
Courtney Parchment
Courtney Parchment - 6 years ago
What do you feed stin you feeded frank but not stin what food do you give him anyway
Lycramosa230 - 6 years ago
Stein probably eats what Frank misses.
julio castellon
julio castellon - 6 years ago
Were the discus come from?
K Hans
K Hans - 6 years ago
Do you take any measures to try and prevent your angels from forming breeding pairs? Have you had that occur yet with the platinums?
Rick Stalker
Rick Stalker - 6 years ago
I'd love to see some more behind-the-scenes. Like in your filter room area and kind of Maintenance and prep area that you have.
Tom Willshaw
Tom Willshaw - 6 years ago
Weren’t you gonna make a website with loads of information on? You said it was being worked on a long time ago and it had info on all the fish in your tanks. Is this still happening cus I think it would be very nice. Also you could add tips and a Q & A section. Like if you agree so joey can see!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
I never said it would have loads if information, but rather a break down of each tank. I’m only 1 person though and doing as much as I can. Site will be up this year.


EmoChipmonk - 6 years ago
yes i would love to see a breakdown of every tank and the fish but only when the gallery is in a more stable format. IE : one all tanks are filled and wont go through any major changes any time soon (so the video stays very relevent for a while)
MV DEALZ Auto Sales
MV DEALZ Auto Sales - 6 years ago
thumbs up
danny 031103
danny 031103 - 6 years ago
where are the peacock bass?
Red Lazuras
Red Lazuras - 6 years ago
individual breakdowns would be awesome
Ara - 6 years ago
What happened to your other flowerhorn???
Red Lazuras
Red Lazuras - 6 years ago
Ara he gave beans to another fan that visited his gallery
shazeen shukri
shazeen shukri - 6 years ago
Bro, you didn't feed your salt water Fish. Can you please let us know what kind of food you feed them ?
Courtney Parchment
Courtney Parchment - 6 years ago
He doesn’t have the salt water tank yet bro
djtyler76 - 6 years ago
Wow! All the tanks are coming along nicely bro. Looking forward to seeing the saltwater tank.
lukas Senne
lukas Senne - 6 years ago
where is your black ghost knife?
i liked it
Anna Morgan
Anna Morgan - 6 years ago
lukas Senne he got rid of it.
PinkGirl B
PinkGirl B - 6 years ago
you should do a video on your daughters aquarium some day!
Ruthanne Ritskes
Ruthanne Ritskes - 6 years ago
Hey, i have a betta fish question. For anyone who knows. So, in the stores i can buy a can of tune for 1$ i was wondering if it had no salt or oil can i dehydrate it and use it as a flake food treat? (Aside from their pellet diet) thanks!
Amogh Shetty
Amogh Shetty - 6 years ago
I was referring to the fresh ones lyk Joey cuts up rather then canned ones.
XxEmxlyxX - 6 years ago
no thats a bad idea many things could go wrong, just get frozen brine shrimp or frozen bloodworms 1 or 2 times a week
Lee Bruce
Lee Bruce - 6 years ago
Thats no a good idea juse us pellet for betta more safer
Amogh Shetty
Amogh Shetty - 6 years ago
Ruthanne Ritskes u can use fresh ones instead of canned, however u will have to do a lot of water changes.
Don P
Don P - 6 years ago
I really think a silver arowana would be a great addition to the 2000G if its possible... 2000G is my fav aquarium...
Eduardo Pacheco
Eduardo Pacheco - 6 years ago
Make a shrimp aquarium
Alexandra Ross
Alexandra Ross - 6 years ago
Is that a threat?
TheTitanian - 6 years ago
Eduardo Pacheco Any tips on crautasens
satish tamrakar
satish tamrakar - 6 years ago
where are the goldfish!!!???
Muhammad Daniel
Muhammad Daniel - 6 years ago
Nick Johnson He said he gave them 'temporarily" to a friend
Nick Johnson
Nick Johnson - 6 years ago
Where have you been?
Bailee Jane
Bailee Jane - 6 years ago
satish tamrakar they've been gone for nearly a year now
GamesFISH_1989 - 6 years ago
why the shouting ??
Bailee Jane
Bailee Jane - 6 years ago
GamesFISH_1989 him exited
Prayutsu Pokharel
Prayutsu Pokharel - 6 years ago
Hey joey, please get peacock bass. They are great fishes you know that.
Fish Keeping Jamaica
Fish Keeping Jamaica - 6 years ago
dont you use any live food when feeding your fish? eg. Infusia, daphinea, brine shrimps etc?
Utah Fishing
Utah Fishing - 6 years ago
Do you soak your pellet food at all? I'm wondering if its necessary for me to do with my bullhead catfish
black dynasty
black dynasty - 6 years ago
Why don't you have any frontosa they are so beautiful ?
TallTales100 - 6 years ago
Do the Discus ever come out of the corner?
David Alvarado
David Alvarado - 6 years ago
Have you ever worked with Aquaponics or plan on doing so?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
I have videos on that already
All round fish Stuffs
All round fish Stuffs - 6 years ago
Wow those tropias are growing rapidly
Aeneas Bonelli
Aeneas Bonelli - 6 years ago
you really should get a hillstream biotope tank, here are some good fish for one,

Beaufort’s hillstream loach- Beaufortia leveretti Rhinogobius cliffordpopei
Rhinogobius wui (really good!)
Hong kong pleco- beaufortia kweichowensis
creek loach- schistura beavani
Butterfly pleco- sewellia lineolata bedotia geayi
Spotted metynis- Metynis maculatus
Formosiana tinkhami
Knight goby-Stigmatogobius sadanunidio
Striped Loach (Schistura fasciolata) Broken-band Hillstream Loach (Liniparhomaloptera disparis)
Rhinogobius duospilus
Chinese Barb (Puntius semifasciolatus‬)
Swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii)
Freshwater Shrimps (Machrobachium spp.)
White cloud mountain minnow- Tanichthys albonubes
Moss green tiger barb- Puntius semifasciolatus
Mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki
Spanish Killifish Aphanius iberus
Freshwater Blenny Salaria fluviatilis
search hilstream biotope tanks on youtube, it'll tempt you to do one
paulus matusevicus
paulus matusevicus - 6 years ago
Nom, nom...
Steven Lio
Steven Lio - 6 years ago
Let's see the gourami tank! Love the videos.
Daisy Uribe
Daisy Uribe - 6 years ago
Yasssss to the video of all the fish tanks plzz
HangeryFinsHS - 6 years ago
Remember when Joey got on trending, that pretty litty if you ask me.
Javier Napoles
Javier Napoles - 6 years ago
Hey Joey

Can i feed my african cichlids feeders? they are still in juvenile size
Bailee Jane
Bailee Jane - 6 years ago
Stay away from goldfish and minnows as feeders.
Use something from the livebearer family (platies, endlers, mollies, guppies ect)
I also suggest you set up a 40g breeder and start your own colony of feeders. You won't have to buy them constantly and you will know they are disease and parasite free. You can also control what the feeders eating meaning you can gut load them
HangeryFinsHS - 6 years ago
did you get them at a petsmart or petco
Javier Napoles
Javier Napoles - 6 years ago
Not sure to be honest, but I do think Malawi.
HangeryFinsHS - 6 years ago
if they are Malawi cichlids them maybe, what species do you have?
Aqua Noob
Aqua Noob - 6 years ago
Hey Joey,

You dint show what you feed your Bisher :(
_ Grubbsta _77_
_ Grubbsta _77_ - 6 years ago
U should do a guppy tank with bristlenose catfish
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 6 years ago
I would have thought the discus would have eaten the cardinals by now anyway. Any of that food My Aquarium Box or are you all out?
radiohead322 - 6 years ago
fact: spirulina is actually a bacteria (a prokaryote algae). :D
Ray Pelser
Ray Pelser - 6 years ago
yes please, but do each tank as a single video!
and touch on nutrional needs of each fish in detail, i.e. percentage of protein, starches ect.
Bailee Jane
Bailee Jane - 6 years ago
Ray Pelser yes please! I understand Joey is busy but, seriously, we were promised in depth and specific videos and get broad and vague videos instead
Lynn O
Lynn O - 6 years ago
What happens on the second feed of Franks tank ?
Lucio D'Amico
Lucio D'Amico - 6 years ago
Yes mate show us how youblopk after your aquarium ;).....well done
Andrew Barney
Andrew Barney - 6 years ago
Can we exactly what you’re feeding your African cichlids? The peacocks in specific
Amanda Brooks
Amanda Brooks - 6 years ago
Off topic but have you thought about displaying a heavily planted tank with nano fish? I’m (maybe) setting up one so I’m curious.
Frederic Vangsoua
Frederic Vangsoua - 6 years ago
I want a MBU Puffer fish. Any tips on what i should expect. Are they an easy fish keeper?
John Andreadakis
John Andreadakis - 6 years ago
We want to!!
Captain Teemo
Captain Teemo - 6 years ago
Angle fish have such a weird texture to them
sxchamps - 6 years ago
Are you still going to do website for the gallery with live webcams?
awesoMEness - 6 years ago
Your aquariums look exceptionally good in this video, Joey! I always love watching your fish and how much attention and care they get.
Jay Em Nazareta
Jay Em Nazareta - 6 years ago
Hey Joey! What do you feed the baichir? (did i spell that right? forgive me lol) And what you said that you got back to frank's aquarium to feed him. What do you feed him by then?
enos ruiz
enos ruiz - 6 years ago
Thumps up.
KadenYT Mavin
KadenYT Mavin - 6 years ago
Get a Algee fish
Fahad Khan
Fahad Khan - 6 years ago
Yup we wanna see tht video
Raul Olivera
Raul Olivera - 6 years ago
Josiah Keltner
Josiah Keltner - 6 years ago
I've been looking for platinum angels since before you got them in your 120. None of my lfs have been able to order them in for me. Mind sending me your extras?
Annabella Laws
Annabella Laws - 6 years ago
try online. there are loads of online only fish stores these days.
Tegar Prasetya
Tegar Prasetya - 6 years ago
No am real ask whit you
Michael bender
Michael bender - 6 years ago
you shoud make a fish tank and tall what is cheaper
PYRO 1 - 6 years ago


Jason B
Jason B - 6 years ago
What you feed the peacocks ?
John Fidler
John Fidler - 6 years ago
Yes detailed videos would be awesome
The J-Vlog
The J-Vlog - 6 years ago
In the previous vid, you mentioned a Porc in the SW tank. Have you thought about about a box fish with less of a bio load? There are some similar to a Porc but short spikes and slightly smaller.
Lo Zon
Lo Zon - 6 years ago
Where are the shell dwellers
LupercaX - 6 years ago
Hey, Joey! What’s the pecking order like amongst your arrowana? Where does the OG Blood Red tank?
LupercaX - 6 years ago
Tall Traveler
Tall Traveler - 6 years ago
Hey Joey, when you go to Miami later this year you should meet up with Kamp Kenan... He's in Jupiter, FL it's a bit North of Miami... sure something could work out
Erykthegamer 6000
Erykthegamer 6000 - 6 years ago
Tall Traveler yess
Coxoul - 6 years ago
you said you'd go back to Franks tank, i'm assuming to show the feeding for his tank mate, what happened?
Raul Olivera
Raul Olivera - 6 years ago
Furry. Paws
Furry. Paws - 6 years ago
Coxoul i was wondering that as well.....
My pet Oscar has small holes in his head what should I do
Joshua Liang no if I will add heater nothing will happen right the hole won't get bigger
Joshua Liang
Joshua Liang - 6 years ago
ADEESH KUMAR A ADEESH KUMAR A oscar is a tropical fish so a heater is for that but when it has holes in his head a heater does not help even if you raise the temp
Joshua Liang thanks but we can add heater to it
Joshua Liang
Joshua Liang - 6 years ago
ADEESH KUMAR A ADEESH KUMAR A well it is a common desease and you can use specific meds for it, i dont think it will regrow and cover the hole back. The med stops infection.
Fin & Tonic Aquatics
Fin & Tonic Aquatics - 6 years ago
Looking good. Would love to see a video based atoumd each tank individually, as well as a full gallery "water change".

Thanks again!! Great video!!
John v
John v - 6 years ago
Awesome vid thumbs up kudos
John v
John v - 6 years ago
523 your commenting on the pumps moving food around but you just said you leave pumps off while feeding for 30 mins so are you talking about wave maker?
Huss Husstla
Huss Husstla - 6 years ago
I get what you mean but i dought joey will.
better than a bowl
better than a bowl - 6 years ago
All you tanks and fish are beautiful! All I have is a bratty kissing gourmi who bullies anyone I put in the tank with him. So that's why he lives by himself.
Max Eyrich
Max Eyrich - 6 years ago
Just watched the first video of the four arowana and after it this one and i have to admit that the arowana realy have grown and got more colorful!
Jay Jahir
Jay Jahir - 6 years ago
what brand food you feed frank?
please reply :)
Jiang David
Jiang David - 6 years ago
Anyone can tell me how big is the discuss tank ? Plz
Jiang David
Jiang David - 6 years ago
Xxface mcsh00tyxX thanks
Xxface mcsh00tyxX
Xxface mcsh00tyxX - 6 years ago
Jiang David 120 gallons 4 foot by 2 foot by 2 foot
marie main
marie main - 6 years ago
Amazing tanks love this video ♡
Jay Ray
Jay Ray - 6 years ago
Where is the other flower horn....I'm unsubing
Vortex - 6 years ago
He gave it away
GNR Storys
GNR Storys - 6 years ago
I have a Jade flower horn named blue and another one named Oscar, blue I've had him for a couple of weeks he is developing a hump but Oscar is not I've had him for a month does anyone know what's going on with Oscar I don't know someone please help
Pedro g.
Pedro g. - 6 years ago
New to your channel. love it. Do you have any Chocolate Frontosas?
Noura Ebrahim
Noura Ebrahim - 6 years ago
Where is bean
Aquatic J
Aquatic J - 6 years ago
He gave him away months ago
khalid abouhait
khalid abouhait - 6 years ago
Please get some big oscars
MegaFunkycat - 6 years ago
Bicher got no food :(
PvhEP - 6 years ago
His least favorite fish I reckon...
Daniel P. G.
Daniel P. G. - 6 years ago
What I wanna see? I wanna see rams. Many kinds, all gorgeous. You could do a tank just for them.
Papa yin
Papa yin - 6 years ago
Daniel P. G. yeees
아비 리비Abbylibs
아비 리비Abbylibs - 6 years ago
Random Guy
Random Guy - 6 years ago
Where did/are you going to put the cardinals?
Dbl Double
Dbl Double - 6 years ago
You keep teasing us with the saltwater tank ......
Teun Hoedjes
Teun Hoedjes - 6 years ago
Go het Some pleco's i meen
Teun Hoedjes
Teun Hoedjes - 6 years ago
I want. Pleco's
light - 6 years ago
I see the Asian tank has some blue green algae, or Cyanobacteria in it
Tom Fish
Tom Fish - 6 years ago
Just saw that too and I live it at the moment in my malawi tank A video about it Would be cool Joey!
Cichlids23 - 6 years ago
would love to see water change day in the gallery....
dang hai
dang hai - 6 years ago
Awesome video as always, keep up the good work man :)))))
Darrell S.
Darrell S. - 6 years ago
awesome stuff! yes more videos!!
Matt Sorrentino
Matt Sorrentino - 6 years ago
The bichir gets no food!!! Poor fish.
Joseph Rialon
Joseph Rialon - 6 years ago
what happened to the goldfish tank?
Jonesy 3million
Jonesy 3million - 6 years ago
I'd love to hear your loaches clicking when they eat.
Jones Allen
Jones Allen - 6 years ago
Joey,I think you need focus on building aesthetic aquarium tanks instead of rambling about everything.
RyanWake bradtelle
RyanWake bradtelle - 6 years ago
I would rather u make a 5-10 min video, half general nolage and the second half is super of nolage than some ppl will not watch.
Jom La
Jom La - 6 years ago
please make a feeding video where you put just a music background. .
Misty Mathis
Misty Mathis - 6 years ago
Just found your channel and love it!
Fish Lover
Fish Lover - 6 years ago
Can someone tell me cure of lymphocytes in fish
Black Mamba
Black Mamba - 6 years ago
where's the clownknife?
Holden Sanders
Holden Sanders - 6 years ago
thats what i was thinking
Rearing Fighters - By Ansie Martin
Rearing Fighters - By Ansie Martin - 6 years ago
Hi. Awesome and informative videos. Could you please a make a video when ever you it's convenient about the life cycle of each fish type in your gallery. Also what foods are best at which stage say juvenile to adult.

Thank you. Much Regards :)
The Cichlid Room
The Cichlid Room - 6 years ago
Have you run out of diy ideas? I can feed my own fish
douglas haner
douglas haner - 6 years ago
Yet another feeding video....wasn't this a DIY channel at one point in time.
Steffen Nielsen
Steffen Nielsen - 6 years ago
Thumbs up :)
Ethan Sorge
Ethan Sorge - 6 years ago
I just got my very first ob peacock today
Tegar Prasetya
Tegar Prasetya - 6 years ago
Before your giant arowana get into t 2,000 gallon aquarium you hafe a little arowana right?
Tegar Prasetya
Tegar Prasetya - 6 years ago
Hey king where your first asian arowana
Aquatic J
Aquatic J - 6 years ago
Tegar Prasetya is this a joke
Vibe Killer
Vibe Killer - 6 years ago
Anyone ever wonder what happened to that little flower horn joey got
imaad shaikh
imaad shaikh - 6 years ago
Vibe Killer He gave it to the kid who once visited the gallery!
Prolific Breed
Prolific Breed - 6 years ago
Are you taking back the gold fish?
Brutal Vocals
Brutal Vocals - 6 years ago
those arowana are growing fast
Fishy Wishes
Fishy Wishes - 6 years ago
I love watching fish eat! It's just so relaxing. All your tanks look amazing!!
matharris100 - 6 years ago
Yes please how do you keep your tanks and water changes please
you are damn good
SamWizeGanji - 6 years ago
Make all the videos you can please, I love your content
deeptendu chandra
deeptendu chandra - 6 years ago
A video on colour enhancing food please
Cr13 - 6 years ago
Your corydora died?
Thijmen Homan
Thijmen Homan - 6 years ago
So, what do they drink?
Jaraad Afroze Ahmed
Jaraad Afroze Ahmed - 6 years ago
Where's the clown fish?
Senith - 6 years ago
Lol 123 dislikes
Kerry's Bath Crafts
Kerry's Bath Crafts - 6 years ago
Love your tanks ❤️ would you do a piranha tank?
Tai Tran
Tai Tran - 6 years ago
So beautiful bro
_LeGnD_ - 6 years ago
Didn't you have a peacock bass?
ErthFall Horror
ErthFall Horror - 6 years ago
Yaaaas! Tank breakDOWWWWNS
John Ong
John Ong - 6 years ago
ErthFall Horror yasssss
Elius Graff
Elius Graff - 6 years ago
How do you put so many angels in one tank?
nuwan piyadigama
nuwan piyadigama - 6 years ago
Hi Joe,
How is beans doing, haven't seen him in a while
nuwan piyadigama
nuwan piyadigama - 6 years ago
Elius, Thank you for the info, I was looking forward to seeing him grow
Elius Graff
Elius Graff - 6 years ago
nuwan piyadigama beans was given away to a visitor in the fish room
Thomas Kampstra
Thomas Kampstra - 6 years ago
what about the bichir?!
Kaleid Stone
Kaleid Stone - 6 years ago
I give my fish 1/2 of what they should eat in one day in the morning then the other half at night because think. If you hade a really big breakfast and then no dinner it wouldn’t be as good as having half in the morning and half at night. With my pets I think like a human when doing what I do with them, and I think now what would I like
Fishy Wishes
Fishy Wishes - 6 years ago
Kaleid Stone I tend to think the same way. I like to feed a little twice a day. Plus that gives me an opportunity to see how everyone is doing.
Tom Cheng
Tom Cheng - 6 years ago
Feeding fish gives you one of the most satisfying feelings ever. I tend to over feed my fish though. Glad that I came across this awesome channel.
Awesome Aquatics
Awesome Aquatics - 6 years ago
Make a video how to make a glass aquarium
Willy Shelton
Willy Shelton - 6 years ago
Awesome Aquatics go to his page! He's got hundreds of videos on building tanks. Glass, acrylic, even plywood. And he wrote a book on it too!
Pramod Nundlall
Pramod Nundlall - 6 years ago
Looking forward for you showing us all how you maintain all your aquariums
Rion Sealtiel Garcia
Rion Sealtiel Garcia - 6 years ago
Saltwater ! saltwater ! Saltwater!
Meskarune - 6 years ago
Have Rachel do a breakdown of all the fish!
Ricardo Isordia
Ricardo Isordia - 6 years ago
Hey Joey you should buy some Guppies
Zingo89 - 6 years ago
I have a feeling a lot of ppl will start to overfeed their aquariums after watching this ^^ Keep in mind that joey have really good filter system and he probly do very regular water changes etc.
Catch Em All Fishing
Catch Em All Fishing - 6 years ago
u should get a mini mu
BasicFatKid - 6 years ago
It will destroy all of his fish bro
Inversebat - 6 years ago
Catch Em All Fishing sup catch them all
leonardchi4 - 6 years ago
What happened to coming back to Frank
wolffriendinus - 6 years ago
Glad to know I'm not the only one that noticed lol
90s深淵のマスター - 6 years ago
Can't wait to see you hit 1 million subs soon, been watching your videos forever and it's gonna be amazing, thanks for growing the aquarium community Joey
Brackon - 6 years ago
Feeding more often is actually better as if you think about fish in the wild they eat whenever they can and most graze unless they are predators. This is also important for fry as they need constant food so they don't starve and they develop correctly.
kunal shah
kunal shah - 6 years ago
Need a breakdown video please
Logan Kleen
Logan Kleen - 6 years ago
Have you ever thought about getting archer fish?
Tall Timbers
Tall Timbers - 6 years ago
Amazing dude!
Bradyonyx - 6 years ago
For some reason I really like the black peacock cichlids. It’s probably because when I was really young my dad had a big black cichlid (I even got in the tank with it once!)
TannTV - 6 years ago
Do a day tour about what you do in the gallery throughout your whole day and how you maintain all the tanks.
Scharp Shoard
Scharp Shoard - 6 years ago
why dont you feed them blood worms?
Jerome Perner
Jerome Perner - 6 years ago
He said they were hard to digest?
Alec Spaude
Alec Spaude - 6 years ago
Hey Joey! you still haven't made a video on how the hobby saved your life. you said you were going to explain it one time in one of your videos but you said it was for a video of its own. I'd be really interested to hear this story!
Gamefowl! /Life/Stile/
Gamefowl! /Life/Stile/ - 6 years ago
i love the rainbow fish tank
Scottie M
Scottie M - 6 years ago
A breakdown video for each tank would be so appreciated, so would a maintinence video!! Also go with your gut on that saltwater, PREDATORS ALL THE WAY! i love the fuffer, lionfish and eel idea so much
Peter Schipper
Peter Schipper - 6 years ago
I love Pearls! Have only 1 atm but planning on installing more tanks...
Daniel Dulu
Daniel Dulu - 6 years ago
Nobody can tell you what to do but you kind of owe it to us. You see you made this the every mans aquariums and we like the fact that it inspires us to do something like that therefore a video on water parameters, temps and feeding types of food variety. Healthy fish signs, sick fish signs and one tank at a time please.
Jerome Perner
Jerome Perner - 6 years ago
Agree, one tank at a time.
Eric Grafton
Eric Grafton - 6 years ago
Yes, please do a video on your gallery maintenance! Thats a lot of water changes. I have 3 saltwater tanks and one very well established freshwater tank and they wear me out with maintenance. Most of the hobby is maintenance so you have to enjoy that as much as the fish, and I do. We don't keep fish, we keep water!
SAN TECH CP - 6 years ago
bro wat type of filter u have for each tank
SAN TECH CP - 6 years ago
can i have the measurement for the sump
tscott1991 - 6 years ago
SAN TECH CP custom sumps
SAN TECH CP - 6 years ago
bro, rocks are original ?
Bruh - 6 years ago
pls consider getting some seahorses
Eric Grafton
Eric Grafton - 6 years ago
Bruh Thats what I said!
Sai Charan
Sai Charan - 6 years ago
Tell more about your fish in detail
joseph feliciano
joseph feliciano - 6 years ago
Hey Joey, Joey here, love the vid...... would really like to see a video about your bichier, or what I like to call (DRAGON FISH).....
Cubanchris305 - 6 years ago
Hey fish question I got a baby rtc about 4” building a 300 gallon aquarium can anyone recommend a good filtration system for rtc and other relatively big fish
Scottie M
Scottie M - 6 years ago
Cubanchris305 id build a large sump if i were you concidering you clearly can build if you are making the tank.. if not maybe buy a canister like an fx6
SeabassFishbrains - 6 years ago
The peacocks are looking so beautiful!!
SharkBAIT RUDY - 6 years ago
Just realized that your discus are peppered
Elizabeth Ann
Elizabeth Ann - 6 years ago
I was sad you didn’t feed the uaru lettuce leaves :( I wanted to see it.
Abikia Mama
Abikia Mama - 6 years ago
Maybe u can consider some seahorses for ur saltwater aquarium
Justin Milsome
Justin Milsome - 6 years ago
Any chance you'd consider a Australian cold water tank for the last rack? Haven't seen anybody doing Aussie fish. We're feeling left out!
Boo Radley
Boo Radley - 6 years ago
yes a break down of each tank would be awesome!
Mando Cabrera
Mando Cabrera - 6 years ago
Yes, definitely do the maintenance video. I feel like my 55 gallon gets too much brown algae and I want to see how you keep it down.
pat comics
pat comics - 6 years ago
Why won't you get a puffer fish
JGO - 6 years ago
Compared to my 65 gallons that's alot! That's 15141 litters!
Chico the Human
Chico the Human - 6 years ago
Uggh! My video keeps freezing! I need my daily dosing of fish!
Mohammed Ifhaam
Mohammed Ifhaam - 6 years ago
You said you would do an Oscar tank what about that
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 6 years ago
What does the bichir eat
JGO - 6 years ago
Frank's awesome he's like a little puppy!
No one Alone
No one Alone - 6 years ago
I'm a little lost you first stat all pumps are off so food doesn't get sucked down. But when feeding rainbows you said pumps are still on??? So which is it?? Just wondering?
ngc5867 - 6 years ago
No one Alone he turns off the filter return pumps but keeps the wavemaker pumps to keep circulation
James Janecka
James Janecka - 6 years ago
Joey, do you still have Beans old tank? The tank I'm thinking of is the squarish one that i believe you used to have as your saltwater tank. Anyways, it would make a wonderful pea puffer tank that should fit quite nicely between your two big tanks on the back wall. Just one more suggestion from your wonderful fan base. Go Team Frank! Hahaha
graffic13 - 6 years ago
Any other African fish or plants you can add to the African tanks??
Richard Starr
Richard Starr - 6 years ago
Always down for more information..
Scarredninja - 6 years ago
ABout the feeding. He is absolutely right. Unless you have special needs fish like anthoas which need to be fed multiple times a day due to a fast metabolism.
Corey Black
Corey Black - 6 years ago
Don't get a Lionfish! they need a larger tank than what you'll have set-up in the marine aquarium you'll be setting up and even if you do it'll be a single fish tank
That Silly Swine
That Silly Swine - 6 years ago
Aquatic J
Aquatic J - 6 years ago
That Silly Swine frank was in the video? LoL
Sid Discuss fish
Sid Discuss fish - 6 years ago
Will u breed angel
Papo Cintron
Papo Cintron - 6 years ago
What about the bichir?
RuffLash - 6 years ago
Breakdown of each tank. U forgot about Frank in the end
Jayz Lee
Jayz Lee - 6 years ago
Get a redtail cat fish or royal pleco :D
Corey Black
Corey Black - 6 years ago
He can't, not even the 2000gal could fit a redtail
Can you plz do the breakdown
C&L Fish Corner
C&L Fish Corner - 6 years ago
I would like to see a breakdown of each tank
Carrie The crazy fish lady
Carrie The crazy fish lady - 6 years ago
C&L Fish Corner me too
Steve Finestone
Steve Finestone - 6 years ago
Joey....Very envious. Your tanks are ALL GREAT.. Thanks for posting this video. Yes... it does seem like you are overfeeding at times, but proof is in the pudding.. (an old English term, I think. PS I'm a fellow Canuck from Montreal now living in LA, CA
james packer
james packer - 6 years ago
I'm stoked to see how you are going to put all of these on a drip system
Mike Winans
Mike Winans - 6 years ago
Thanks for the video.
Vespertilio01 - 6 years ago
You should get some big catfish
Clunk - 6 years ago
When will you be doing a DIY fishkeeping video?
You haven't done one (that wasn't associated with the fish room) in over a year.
I understand your enthusiasm for the fish room, and your love for fish. I share that love. But I would really like to see more DIY videos, and less store tours, conventions, and feeding videos.
Paul James Navarro
Paul James Navarro - 6 years ago
Where's beans?
Andrew Tomlinson
Andrew Tomlinson - 6 years ago
Paul James Navarro He did a video where he visited a fan and hung out with him for the day and brought him to the gallery. Joey said that this wasn’t the first time he did something like that but it was the first time he made a video about it. He explained in that video that he had someone in the gallery and that he gave Beans away because he saw how happy it them or something like that.
Meh - 6 years ago
What does Stein the Bichir eat? Whatever Frank doesn't finish?
leigh shelton
leigh shelton - 6 years ago
why no plecos?
tiffany boschee
tiffany boschee - 6 years ago
You forgot to go back to Frank's tank. You said that you be feeding in that tank agian.
Connor Beckman
Connor Beckman - 6 years ago
Breakdown Breakdown Breakdown
Lisa Richards
Lisa Richards - 6 years ago
I would LOVE to see a breakdown!
Adrian Hickenbottom
Adrian Hickenbottom - 6 years ago
Yes! I would love to see a video about each tank and how you've narrowed down your stocking and what they need for the hardscape and how you feed and how you clean the tank and pretty much everything.
Yes, "tank spotlight" videos would be awesome!!
Ashley DiSantis
Ashley DiSantis - 6 years ago
All of the options you mentioned for possible future videos. Yup. we want all of those, please.
JuggheadJones - Vivacity
JuggheadJones - Vivacity - 6 years ago
I freakin loove the Vieja Argenteas
Mr Few The Aquarium Dude
Mr Few The Aquarium Dude - 6 years ago
Loved it nice job! It was cool to see how much in your hand, and the different varied diets. I’m breeding neon rainbows and hope you can pull some baby’s out of one of those tanks some day. Breeding fish has really brought some extra joy to my life.
Jameson Aquatics
Jameson Aquatics - 6 years ago
Put more sand
Jameson Aquatics
Jameson Aquatics - 6 years ago
Why do you let the sand get messed up and show the glass
JuggheadJones - Vivacity
JuggheadJones - Vivacity - 6 years ago
If you put too much sand the waste gets compacted and the sand sifting isn't enough. The compacted waste when given room releases a bunch of toxic gas into the water.
JF Thegamer
JF Thegamer - 6 years ago
Epic ima start mines soon
JuggheadJones - Vivacity
JuggheadJones - Vivacity - 6 years ago
Make the breakdown a series. Like - Tank Breakdown: Platinum Angelfish - or something of the sort
J'onn J'onzz
J'onn J'onzz - 6 years ago
what do you give for the Ornate ?? (the one with Frank)
Vishal Sharma
Vishal Sharma - 6 years ago
JuggheadJones - Vivacity
JuggheadJones - Vivacity - 6 years ago
He was given to a fan
2crrqr34rew - 6 years ago
the Veija and loach tank is amazing. Thanks for the great content.
Danielle B.
Danielle B. - 6 years ago
I definitely would like detailed videos on every tank
Jorge Daniel
Jorge Daniel - 6 years ago
Have you ever thought about having a big tank, with the main focus being the scape and not the fish? You could think beforehand and put all your scapping skills to use, and then maybe add a big school of tetras, as their size would give it a sense of scale. I don't know, just something that came to mind
Scott M
Scott M - 6 years ago
Why don't you feed the arowana live food?
Mr Few The Aquarium Dude
Mr Few The Aquarium Dude - 6 years ago
Scott M could be a cool content video
MoNster FiSh KeEper
MoNster FiSh KeEper - 6 years ago
The uaru’s tank is awsome!
Rowena Borja
Rowena Borja - 6 years ago
Wheres beans?
Ryo Watanabe Tanks
Ryo Watanabe Tanks - 6 years ago
Rowena Borja he gave beans to someone who really wanted him. He mentioned it a few videos ago
Bernard Balcerak
Bernard Balcerak - 6 years ago
I know you've always said stability is key. But Do you do anything to maintain different parameters in any of your tanks?
4 Cool Kidz
4 Cool Kidz - 6 years ago
Wut pellets do you feed frank ?
Jaybro 100
Jaybro 100 - 6 years ago
You should put a oscar in the 2,000gal tank
Jaybro 100
Jaybro 100 - 6 years ago
MoNster FiSh KeEper
MoNster FiSh KeEper - 6 years ago
Jaybro 100 like 5 albino oscars
808_Tariq - 6 years ago
Love it, that uaru tank is just amazing
Amy Throop
Amy Throop - 6 years ago
The discus tank looks better without the tetras. I agree that the tetras were distracting.
Mr Few The Aquarium Dude
Mr Few The Aquarium Dude - 6 years ago
Amy Throop yeah if the idea of being a dither fish worked, then we didn’t see it much. That was the most active they have been and it looked awesome
Slinky Time43
Slinky Time43 - 6 years ago
I think you should make a video for each tank that are about 5-10 minutes long. Thanks for making vids!
Patrick Lindley
Patrick Lindley - 6 years ago
Love all the tanks, been a fan for a while now, but still no plecos!!!!! Lol would love to see some fancy plecos in the tanks.
Mr Few The Aquarium Dude
Mr Few The Aquarium Dude - 6 years ago
Patrick Lindley I am surprised by it, but at the same time I find myself adding a higher bioload with green beans and stuff to make sure they are getting enough. How many full grown bristle-nose would you put in a 55 gallon?
Triton Hairper
Triton Hairper - 6 years ago
You’re sick but I wanted to make sure you’re giving your wife some love. Please give her attention so that this hobby doesn’t break off your marriahe
Wesley Gameing
Wesley Gameing - 6 years ago
Make a guppy tank
Vincent Valenzuela
Vincent Valenzuela - 6 years ago
You forgot to go back to Frank and the Bichir
Cyro XVX
Cyro XVX - 6 years ago
Joey, I'd really like to see you do individual video break downs on all your fish.

I'd also like to see thirty minute to hour long videos of just a single fish tank. I'd love to set up one of your videos just to play on my T.V. in the background while I do my work and just see fish swimming around with no voice over. I'd love that!

Thanks Joey! Love the videos! Keep them up! <3
Scott Harrison
Scott Harrison - 6 years ago
Keep up the good work sir
WilliamTomFrank - 6 years ago
TORISH GAMING - 6 years ago
Almost 1 million subs!!!!!!!!!!!
luis caraballo
luis caraballo - 6 years ago
Yes! Complete breakdown!
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 6 years ago
'Prolly back at 1 Fish 2 Fish, or back in quarantine to be used for another tank.
Cait Fox
Cait Fox - 6 years ago
Batheing all my fish
x24 reptiles
x24 reptiles - 6 years ago
24 Angel fish
AwesomeAndrhhg 492
AwesomeAndrhhg 492 - 6 years ago
I’ve got a 20 gallon with some 6 black tetras and 3 little baby corydoras and I want to add some 1 special fish that is more attractive than the 2 previously mentioned. I want it to have a long lifespan 5 or more years.
Scott Harrison
Scott Harrison - 6 years ago
AwesomeAndrhhg 492 oh yea ok nice plants i gave ya a sub
AwesomeAndrhhg 492
AwesomeAndrhhg 492 - 6 years ago
I’ve been in the hobby for 3 years. It started with only a 1 gallon with a betta then a 5 gallon then l got my 20 gal a year ago. I got a video on it
Jared L.
Jared L. - 6 years ago
White cloud Mountain minnows. They live about 6 years. You could add around 10. They're red, and blue with some white coloring. They look amazing under white, blue and red LEDS.
Scott Harrison
Scott Harrison - 6 years ago
AwesomeAndrhhg 492 not a problem, how long ya been in the hobby?
Scott Harrison
Scott Harrison - 6 years ago
Moist Owlette and they will school too if you get enough of the little dudes
AwesomeAndrhhg 492
AwesomeAndrhhg 492 - 6 years ago
Thank you for the suggestions, I will take them into consideration when searching.
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 6 years ago
Honestly I just prefer them in larger tanks because of activeness, not bioload. They use every inch of a tank, it's crazy how much they move.
Scott Harrison
Scott Harrison - 6 years ago
Moist Owlette yea just depends on the filtration though they arent really a large fish and they are fun to watch....i almost didnt put them on there but those dang wiskers..lol
Moist Owlette
Moist Owlette - 6 years ago
Scott Harrison Pictus cats shouldn't go in anything under 30 gallons IMO. Gouramis would be a nice choice.
Scott Harrison
Scott Harrison - 6 years ago
AwesomeAndrhhg 492
The following are all good options and easy to find

-pictus cat
-butterfly fish
-angel fish
-mystery snail( i know it aint a fish )
-rainbow fish

These are all very easy to find and not going to mess with your other fish,with it being a 20g you are size limited... i would recommend neons or cardinals to but the require a school of minimum of 6. Same goes for tiger barbs but they can be nippy on longer flowy fins....hope this helps
Joseph Brokamp
Joseph Brokamp - 6 years ago
Am I the only one that watches the part with Frank like 5 times lol.
Marshall Owen
Marshall Owen - 6 years ago
Good peace Joey I feal better about how I feed my tanks
KY Fish King
KY Fish King - 6 years ago
I can't wait for the saltwater tank. Also if you did a detailed video on each aquarium instead of cramming them all into one, that would be very appreciated.
pdytko - 6 years ago
Your Arownanas are looking amazing Joey, the sun tanning is working out i think! The blood reds are really showing the progress.
Skeet - 6 years ago
thumbs up
Lynx / Ivo
Lynx / Ivo - 6 years ago
What about the bisher?
Robert Alvarez
Robert Alvarez - 6 years ago
Should pit A little more light on the tanks. Seem kinda dim. Is that done on purpose for the fishes or just personal preferences?
NorthwestBearcat1214 - 6 years ago
Robert Alvarez He's got them on a day night cycle with the settings on the lights. I'm guessing he either turned them down for the vid or they were dimming for the night
William Keith Farago
William Keith Farago - 6 years ago
Joey where and how do you store your fish food?
Baconater - 6 years ago
Baconater - 6 years ago
I wanna be a fish in joeys gallery the food looks good
colourschemes - 6 years ago
i'm frank eating tbh
Corey Markwell
Corey Markwell - 6 years ago
can you do an update on the peacock bass?
Corey Markwell
Corey Markwell - 6 years ago
He got some a few videos ago.
Redmoney - 6 years ago
He doesn’t have a bass sorry bro
Tymano - 6 years ago
That orange Trophius is probably my favorite fish in the entire gallery, it just stands out so much compared to the other fish it shares its tank with, I love just looking at it compared to the other Trophius
Tymano - 6 years ago
Yeah I meant the Orange Peacock, I don't know why I said Trophius.
Sleepy Frog
Sleepy Frog - 6 years ago
Do you mean the orange peacock?
Logan Dotson
Logan Dotson - 6 years ago
Get an oscar
Daniel Azzopardi
Daniel Azzopardi - 6 years ago
m looking to build a diy glass tank about 15-20 gallon all in one cube for a reef would i need a brace if not what would be the ideal glass thickness.
Jared L.
Jared L. - 6 years ago
1/4" is around 6mm.
Daniel Azzopardi
Daniel Azzopardi - 6 years ago
what is the size in mm if 1/4 tx buddy
bass fisherman 1012
bass fisherman 1012 - 6 years ago
Daniel Azzopardiwith 1/4 and that size tank theres no need for a brace in my experence
bass fisherman 1012
bass fisherman 1012 - 6 years ago
Daniel Azzopardi acrylic is much easier to build with and i use 1/4in for glass or acrylic
Ryan Animation
Ryan Animation - 6 years ago
Ilya Dimitrovas
Ilya Dimitrovas - 6 years ago
Don't you have a clown knifefish I swear you got one in one of your rack tanks
will kross
will kross - 6 years ago
Ilya Dimitrovas he does
Lucas Holton
Lucas Holton - 6 years ago
I would love a video going into detail of each aquariam
chazznaggs - 6 years ago
What do you feed the Bichir ? You skipped him!!!
chazznaggs - 6 years ago
Redmoney I’m curious because I feed my bichir tilapia
Redmoney - 6 years ago
He eats what frank eats
Love of Pets
Love of Pets - 6 years ago
Fish look great and well cared for.
Gilda deSousa
Gilda deSousa - 6 years ago
Nice video,good stuff!
Lynn Fisher
Lynn Fisher - 6 years ago
I would like to know why you picked specific fish and your reasoning behind your keeping them and any peculiarities to each--if you would. It's very interesting and informative.
sheldon jessup
sheldon jessup - 6 years ago
Need to brighten up those tank for filming at least, they seem pretty dark. Rainbow tank looked like all the moss was browned out
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
It was in rough shape from the 375 move. It’s moss though, it will bounce back.
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show - 6 years ago
Amazing video Joey.
Thank you for sharing.
Profetu Rulz
Profetu Rulz - 6 years ago
My rainbows are dying for dried mosquito larvae.
Tony Limon
Tony Limon - 6 years ago
Yes plz explane me
Sir Pineapple
Sir Pineapple - 6 years ago
That rainbow tank looks so sad, deffs should get rid of that wood
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 6 years ago
It was in rough shape from the 375 move. It’s moss though, it will bounce back.
Lorri Barnes
Lorri Barnes - 6 years ago
Breakdown would be nice. Say it again just love your OB peacocks
Rex Games
Rex Games - 6 years ago
I'd love an in depth care guide to each of the fish you're keeping right now. What they eat, what they're like, how big they get, how their tank should be, everything! I love the fish you have and it's tempting to get everything you have!
Louie Molina
Louie Molina - 6 years ago
Great tanks
Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt - 6 years ago
Thank you for these videos.

There is so much anger, sarcasm and fakeness today, and someone just sharing his passion for fish in a tank is a pleasure to watch.
Paul Cardoza
Paul Cardoza - 6 years ago
Beautiful OB and peacock tank!!!
Harry Potter Betta
Harry Potter Betta - 6 years ago
I love discus!
Radhames Prime
Radhames Prime - 6 years ago
I'll watch anything you out up man always great content
Jorge Figueroa
Jorge Figueroa - 6 years ago
Definitely a breakdown would be awesome!
graphicsforever2 - 6 years ago
Wow I am memorized becuase of how great your video quality is. Your high definition is working! This video looks GREAT! New camera? New settings? New lens? water looks so clear and in high def...the fish look like they are flying in air with vivid colors.
Ashley Valencia
Ashley Valencia - 6 years ago
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
I've got an idea for the 375, how about clown loaches, tiger barbs and archer fish?
Profetu Rulz
Profetu Rulz - 6 years ago
That combo is retarded. What's next? Giant loaches?
Chimefish - 6 years ago
Yes! Frank cam! Though any of the tanks would be cool too
Addison Palko
Addison Palko - 6 years ago
Yesss show us a care video !
Ethan Fallon
Ethan Fallon - 6 years ago
Joey get some datnoids.
Riley Schweigert
Riley Schweigert - 6 years ago
Where are the cardinals
Ethan Fallon
Ethan Fallon - 6 years ago
The bosmani rainbows are stunning but I don't see why you find the red rainbows so attractive. They look ugly to me and you say their color will develop over time but even full grown males don't look that good.
Ethan Fallon
Ethan Fallon - 6 years ago
Jayknee Garner you right but I guess if they look good in his eyes then their is nothing wrong with it
Jayknee Garner
Jayknee Garner - 6 years ago
Keep in mind that Joey is colorblind so he sees their color differently than we non-colorblind people do.
Jonathan Rojas
Jonathan Rojas - 6 years ago
we want to see everything Joey. produce we'll watch
Fazzmau5 - 6 years ago
Would love a video about the peacock tank, tips and info about setting up a Malawi cichlid tank!
Matthew Daly
Matthew Daly - 6 years ago
What about the rest of Franks day!?!?!
T N - 6 years ago
Ton of flowerhorn on eBay
Matt Ferguson
Matt Ferguson - 6 years ago
Once a day? Twice a day? I think you'll get a lot more growth development with more frequent feedings than that. I wondered why some of your cichlids aren't putting on as much size as I would expect. Really surprised you're being so moderate.
Grace Brown
Grace Brown - 6 years ago
I think he knows what he's doing lol
Matt Ferguson
Matt Ferguson - 6 years ago
I would give all your cichlid tanks about half as much as you are (or less), but 4 to 6 times per day. Certain you would get much better growth results. If you don't have the time for that, you should use automatic feeders for more regular doses of pellets.
Daniel Gonzalez
Daniel Gonzalez - 6 years ago
Love the video I feed my fish at 7 pm everyday I sometimes give them some flakes early. I would like to try different food for them too I might by some krill or shrimp
Amanda - 6 years ago
The tropheus tank is my favorite; it's gorgeous.
Joseph McBride
Joseph McBride - 6 years ago
Ofcourse idk more than anyone but did seem like the peacocks got a lot less than the rest especially being fed once a day. Great video tho
Rex90Pawprint - 6 years ago
Are the peacocks cichlids?
Rex90Pawprint - 6 years ago
Ah thanks. I thought they were but wasn't quite sure
Sarevok12778 - 6 years ago
African cichlids, yes.
Twin Cousins Reptiles
Twin Cousins Reptiles - 6 years ago
I honestly want to see more of the discus tank
Abraham Makhamreh
Abraham Makhamreh - 6 years ago
You should get a large size Catfish
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
My guess is that a catfish would end up stuck with a stingray barb.
Ethan Fallon
Ethan Fallon - 6 years ago
Redmoney Don't worry about it. The fish was alone in the tank. It was completely healthy. Besides it being underweight. No signs of sickness. Just a really picky eater. I tried everything. Finally got it to eat earthworms and bloodworms.
Redmoney - 6 years ago
If your fish has gone without food for months then you should get a new food and it may be eating when you’re not looking that or its eating algae/other fish. That’s all I have to say I bid you Farewell
Ethan Fallon
Ethan Fallon - 6 years ago
Redmoney really I have had fish refuse to eat something for months and live. Your case must have been different.
Redmoney - 6 years ago
Fish can only be without food for 2 to 3 weeks trust me I have experience
Ethan Fallon
Ethan Fallon - 6 years ago
Shamil Tp depends but if it's a weekend or a week you can just shut off the lights and the fish will be fine without food. Fish can easily go a month or 2 without food so a week would be a breeze. I don't recommend having someone look after your fish. I have heard horror stories about that. Remember to do a large water change before you leave. Have a heater controller so your heater does not fail on you. The only time I would recommend to have someone take care of your fish is if you are gone for more than a week and they are also a fish keeper or you educate them on it with do's and don'ts and I highly recommend you set aside the amount of food the person feeds for each day in a container or have a measuring utensil because fish sitters tend to overfeed and you may come home to dead fish.
Khang Pham
Khang Pham - 6 years ago
RDFISHGUY - 6 years ago
My angels will eat Hikari Arowana pellets
Richard Stock
Richard Stock - 6 years ago
Looking good Joey!
Sammy Briscar
Sammy Briscar - 6 years ago
Hello! I’ve got a 30 gallon that I am starting. What fish do you suggest I get?
Ethan Fallon
Ethan Fallon - 6 years ago
Depends but if you like cichlids or more aggressive fish get a convict because they are personable, cheap, can be colorful (depends on the gender) only get 4-7 inches, they are slow growers and would get that size in 3-5 years. So a pair would do great in a 29. They breed easily and are the best parents and defend their baby's with their life. They are also very hardy and can take a beating from any fish and be alright. Don't worry about it if you miss a watt change. So yeah probably the best beginner cichlid on the market and still one of my favorite cichlids.
Emerson L
Emerson L - 6 years ago
Whatever interests you
Sarevok12778 - 6 years ago
Dwarf gourami, tetras, and swordtails.
Matarese28 - 6 years ago
Where's the peacock bass?
John Nguyen
John Nguyen - 6 years ago
I got one question.

Have you ever kept livebearers?
CA Pearson
CA Pearson - 6 years ago
FRANK !!! I'd really like to see the Goldfish come back and when the dust settles you should get a small desktop aquarium for a male Betta.
iAlfredoi Gaming
iAlfredoi Gaming - 6 years ago
Naderz - 6 years ago
have you ever kept yellow lab cichlids? I'm aware they are a beginner fish, i have kept them over 15 years i love them and their mating dance, they are very community friendly
Jeff K
Jeff K - 6 years ago
I had one yellow lab that was a mean little bastard.
Reptitube HD
Reptitube HD - 6 years ago
What happened to the clown knifefish
Chrissy Of Oldstones
Chrissy Of Oldstones - 6 years ago
Reptitube HD he got rid of it a long time ago
Pd Lc
Pd Lc - 6 years ago
The Tropheus tank is stunning.
conan oconnor
conan oconnor - 6 years ago
Great video mate. I really enjoy your content. Keep it up
Matarese28 - 6 years ago
I'd like to see a species profile on each of your fish
jonny projects
jonny projects - 6 years ago
do a video per fish as to what they are,were there from,what there needs are pics from there origonal habbitat that type of thing also your vids are badass joey
Dan With_2_I’s
Dan With_2_I’s - 6 years ago
Awesome feeding vid and can’t wait for the salt water
Namho Koo
Namho Koo - 6 years ago
I think you should keep some large growing new world cichlids Joey!! They may be a little more difficult to care for, but they have always been my favorite. Btw, how large are your tanks with the angelfish, rainbowfish, tropheus ikola, etc.??
John Nguyen
John Nguyen - 6 years ago
Where is your baby bass and clownknife?
Natedog2400 - 6 years ago
Please go in depth on the individual tanks. It would make for great content.
keith mumford
keith mumford - 6 years ago
Still love that Tropheus tanks background!
Dana Burkard
Dana Burkard - 6 years ago
I’d like to know a little more about your cichlid tank I’m currently working on a 75 gal that I wanna make for cichlids
Ryden Van Zandt
Ryden Van Zandt - 6 years ago
clownknife? Where did it go
Brandon Pan
Brandon Pan - 6 years ago
do the in depth video
Jayme - 6 years ago
It would be great to see a breakdown of each tank! Would each tank be one video? That would be so awesome!
n1skrump - 6 years ago
You should get a background for the 375 gallon! :)
Steve Moh
Steve Moh - 6 years ago
keep it up Joey
Gabriel Rosario
Gabriel Rosario - 6 years ago
What happened to the clownknife?
Mrvin Liu
Mrvin Liu - 6 years ago
wb clownknife
Young Aquarist
Young Aquarist - 6 years ago
Mrvin Liu he got rid of it
ryan young
ryan young - 6 years ago
Make a video on how to make your own crumble fish food
AkaJoystick - 6 years ago
he has made one. it's called making your own food or something like that
Luke Kenzakoski
Luke Kenzakoski - 6 years ago
What happen to the night fish in the Asian aquarium
sean Anderson
sean Anderson - 6 years ago
Love your videos mate we just got four black moors and I was wanting to know we have them in a 30 litre tank is that ok for them it's just them nothing else in that tank also the water is cloudy we set it up a week before we got them and it was fine they have been in 2days now and it's gone cloudy the water was treated cheers mate
sean Anderson
sean Anderson - 6 years ago
Wolfe_XD thanks I will do
Wolfe_XD - 6 years ago
sean Anderson once they get to 3-4 inches I’d say upgrade tank size, but I suggest you ask on a goldfish forum.
sean Anderson
sean Anderson - 6 years ago
B C thanks for your help they have a good filter and are small just now
sean Anderson
sean Anderson - 6 years ago
Wolfe_XD how long would u advise would 8weeks be ok they are tiny right now or would you say that's to long
Wolfe_XD - 6 years ago
Should be okay, cloudiness should dissipate in a day or two, and 30l will be ok for now but I’d personally go for a 50-60 litre when they get a little bigger.
B C - 6 years ago
For Black moors usually you would want 30 litres per fish. The reason for it is because they are a very “messy” fish (they pooop loads). If they are all little you could probably get away with it for a while ( with really good filtration and regular water changes) but they will suffer once they grow more
supersparkelz11 - 6 years ago
sean Anderson iiii
Lizeth Hughbanks
Lizeth Hughbanks - 6 years ago
Are you ever going to try to breed the arowana?
PseudoLuminatus - 6 years ago
I would especially have interest in the maintenance video. Anything that can make my Maintenance days quicker is more than welcome.
Jerry Gonzales
Jerry Gonzales - 6 years ago
Tom Shatamra I guess I need to watch it again. Lol
Tom Shatamra
Tom Shatamra - 6 years ago
It was shown
Christian Thomas
Christian Thomas - 6 years ago
Come at me bro
The Pokèbox
The Pokèbox - 6 years ago
How large are each of these tanks?
angryspartan33 - 6 years ago
The Pokèbox 120 gallons on the rack
Matthew Sherman
Matthew Sherman - 6 years ago

how thick does my gravel substrate need to be to grow a carpet?
darrel stinkmeaner
darrel stinkmeaner - 6 years ago
yeah, that's not much... You could try it without the extra gravel though, it may surprise you. it also depends on the species of plant, i was mainly thinking of baby tears or dwarf sag.
Matthew Sherman
Matthew Sherman - 6 years ago
Ah i'm only asking as in some places my gravel is super thin, the lowest being about 1cm , average about 2cm. im guessing id have to buy another £10 bag of gravel if i want to make a carpet.
darrel stinkmeaner
darrel stinkmeaner - 6 years ago
lighting is more important; the gravel depth doesn't really matter, as long as it's more than an inch.
Carpeting plants send out root systems under the substrate.
Christian Thomas
Christian Thomas - 6 years ago
I only keep good comments
Christian Thomas
Christian Thomas - 6 years ago
It’s fish in a tank, WOW!
Christian Thomas
Christian Thomas - 6 years ago
Ha banter
Ethan Fallon
Ethan Fallon - 6 years ago
Christian Thomas WOW! It's a faggot...
DEVI CRYSTAL - 6 years ago
Awwwwww you could of spend a bit more time on Frank. Please do videos on each tank. Especially Frank. And I also think you need to revisit what happened to beans because a lot of people are still asking about him. Keep up the good work.
Matthew Meyer
Matthew Meyer - 6 years ago
DEVI CRYSTAL what's even worse is he just did a live stream video and mentioned at lest twice that he gave him away.
Jack Bevan
Jack Bevan - 6 years ago
I really like the lighting on the peacocks!
Snyder Tools
Snyder Tools - 6 years ago
Very dramatic character
Jorge Salgado
Jorge Salgado - 6 years ago
What happened to the shell dwelers?
D Shin
D Shin - 6 years ago
Jorge Salgado he got rid of them
Ben Wondracz
Ben Wondracz - 6 years ago
I would like to see a break down of each tank - especially the discus tank and how you do your maintenance on your current discus and if it differs from your older videos at all ie water changes etc.
Brent Deficio
Brent Deficio - 6 years ago
the rainbow tank looks so sp00ky, love it.
Eva McKinlay
Eva McKinlay - 6 years ago
what does the bichir eat
Darciinz - 6 years ago
Please do an update on the ick fish
Christian Thomas
Christian Thomas - 6 years ago
They die
kdxkyle - 6 years ago
They all died.
Arctic Beluga
Arctic Beluga - 6 years ago
Darciinz I think he cured them?
Zach Horton
Zach Horton - 6 years ago
You didn't show us feeding the bicher
Łukasz Rosłon
Łukasz Rosłon - 6 years ago
Hows arowana eye?
Hans Müller
Hans Müller - 6 years ago
I skipped to Frank immediately :P
Darren Smith
Darren Smith - 6 years ago
Would love videos about each tank specifically. You do an amazing job!!!!
Jenny Xiao
Jenny Xiao - 6 years ago
what happened to the clownknife?
Andrew's Animals
Andrew's Animals - 6 years ago
3,240 gallons. Minus the tanks with no feesh
Nathan spiteri
Nathan spiteri - 6 years ago
Where's bean?
mrdayle13 - 6 years ago
Nathan spiteri he gave it to a kid
Darciinz - 6 years ago
Nathan spiteri he gave him to a kid that came to see his fish
ankurbhaskar - 6 years ago
what about making a video on the sump section of the 120's... what are the reactors, media, filter method you are using overall for every section....
Brandon Lyautey
Brandon Lyautey - 6 years ago
Joey what do you use to scrub off that brown algae?One of my 55's get it bad.
Jay Nando
Jay Nando - 6 years ago
Hey, what ever happened to the peppered corydoras that you put in the rasboras tank?
tb krum
tb krum - 6 years ago
Frank is HUGE!! I love FRANK!
Samuel Sharkey
Samuel Sharkey - 6 years ago
Would love to see in depth videos!
Greg Smith
Greg Smith - 6 years ago
YES! Go through each tank and highlight the species! :)
cody's fish room
cody's fish room - 6 years ago
You should make a video on the tanks and the fish
Caleb Fleeger
Caleb Fleeger - 6 years ago
Nice details - I had a 10 gal growing up, and have always been a guy that likes to watch fish swimming around. I want to get my own tank again someday but I have other priorities right ahead of me at the moment. I love the videos, keep 'em coming!
Vicky Haines
Vicky Haines - 6 years ago
Richard Preece
Richard Preece - 6 years ago
We want to know everything
Raphaelle Lavigne
Raphaelle Lavigne - 6 years ago
You should make a short video, about 5 minutes each maybe for each tank you have.
Love your chanel!!!
Greg Evraire
Greg Evraire - 6 years ago
Yes please do a video on how everything is taken care of.
Liza LaCrosse
Liza LaCrosse - 6 years ago
Feeding videos & full tank discussion videos would be great!
kvandy5989 - 6 years ago
The king homie
Gianni Gomez
Gianni Gomez - 6 years ago
monique moors
monique moors - 6 years ago
Can you do a update on your reeftank?
Dawn Scoggins
Dawn Scoggins - 6 years ago
He currently has no reef tank set up.
Lord Grubbin
Lord Grubbin - 6 years ago
...he took it outside to the gallery and eventually got rid of it... I think.
Plague Doctor
Plague Doctor - 6 years ago
Christian R true i kinda wanna see how its doing
I remember that 2 of his fish were actually gone
Christian R
Christian R - 6 years ago
iTreecko yes he is. The last live stream he talked about doing the last two aquariums being saltwater one reef, one predator. He also used to have that reef tank inside his house, I don’t know what happened to that.
iTreecko - 6 years ago
monique moors hes not doing a reef tank
Flaco Ninja
Flaco Ninja - 6 years ago
Hey Joey would love it if you did a vedio on how you do water changes in the gallery love the vedios ive learned alot from them.
Kookamongus - 6 years ago
Catfish and plecos
sergio sanchez
sergio sanchez - 6 years ago
The bad thing about some of your aquariums is that you put the same color fish instead of the same type of fish but with diferent colors
sergio sanchez
sergio sanchez - 6 years ago
Would it loom better if he had diferent color angel fish and diferent color discus with the ones he has now?
FloW TqK
FloW TqK - 6 years ago
sergio sanchez What's wrong with that
sergio sanchez
sergio sanchez - 6 years ago
I mean that like in the discus and the angel fish tank instead of having discus and angles of difrerent color he puts the same color discus and angles together and the tank becomes all white or all orange
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 6 years ago
He puts fish with each other that could coexist
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 6 years ago
sergio sanchez i dont get it
Silva Jr
Silva Jr - 6 years ago
Would definately like to see how you maintain all the tanks!
Jojo Tobin
Jojo Tobin - 6 years ago
Hey Joey! How is Beans the Flower horn
FloW TqK
FloW TqK - 6 years ago
He gave beans to a kid
Ryan Brown
Ryan Brown - 6 years ago
Good video I was bummed when it ended
Madison Cunningham
Madison Cunningham - 6 years ago
No a fence but my least favorite tank is the rainbow fish
arun kumar
arun kumar - 6 years ago
Franks roomate didnt get anything??
Orlando 0.0
Orlando 0.0 - 6 years ago
What happend to your clownknife ???
Bobby Knuckles
Bobby Knuckles - 6 years ago
I’m down for a breakdown of all the tank!
Magnus Kohler
Magnus Kohler - 6 years ago
spiralina has more protein than steak by mass
Aaron Chesterman
Aaron Chesterman - 6 years ago
Okay thanks
FAaz Khan
FAaz Khan - 6 years ago
no neon tetra where are they.
FAaz Khan
FAaz Khan - 6 years ago
or cardinal tetra i have to check also.
FAaz Khan
FAaz Khan - 6 years ago
in discus tank please check.
Hawk_ Eye
Hawk_ Eye - 6 years ago
FAaz Khan there never were any.
AnimalArkTV - 6 years ago
Enjoyed the feeding.
Nice video
TheBBallEnthusiast - 6 years ago
Hey Joey, just an idea. I know it can sometimes be hard to create content on the spot so how about once a week, just do a video explaining one tank. It'll almost be like a series that people can look forward to. Just a thought.
Max Payne
Max Payne - 6 years ago
You forgot to show what you feed frank other than the pellets..
james johnstone
james johnstone - 6 years ago
I have been going with you channel for some time and I love it the channel get me going and bk to the hobby BUT when we going to see update of new DIY stuff love that i think ppl would like to see this and just a suggested keep the good work up
how to take care of fish
how to take care of fish - 6 years ago
WHER is bean?
Asiel Fernandez
Asiel Fernandez - 6 years ago
He gone
Max - 6 years ago
He gave him to a kid
Eddy - 6 years ago
Could you do a video where you show the container of the food and the food you recommend us for our fish. Like tell us what food you recommend for cichlids, the food brand you recomend for discus etc.
Clement Le Pelley
Clement Le Pelley - 6 years ago
Since you (and your wife) seem to have shown an interest in puffer fish, perhaps a few Dichotomyctere ocellatus would liven up the Asian aquarium a little and attract your attention. (If the slight salinity isn't too much of a problem for the other fish - they are Malaysian after all)
OTAKU - 6 years ago
There’s something fishy about this video
Mike Vincent
Mike Vincent - 6 years ago
Uaru tank is badass. Naturalistic and simple. Love it and the 375
Pat O
Pat O - 6 years ago
Are the clown loaches clicking for you yet? That used to drive me nuts, though I believe it means they are happy.
Kas_jwz - 6 years ago
were is your scape aquarium?
mokre łapska
mokre łapska - 6 years ago
If I could predict how each fishtank related video will look like in next 5-10 yrs. It will be only "feeding my fish" :)
Todd Blanton
Todd Blanton - 6 years ago
I would like to be able to download super nice pictures of each tank for a screen save and computer background.
Pat O
Pat O - 6 years ago
Cories, cories and more cories in the angel and gourami tanks.

Maybe consider some SAE’s to clean up algae issues in the tanks. A good lesson to teach viewers would be the difference between SAEs and say a flying fox. They would fit the profile of you Asian tank as well.

Bushy nose plecos are a smaller variety that also do a great job with algae. Love those guys in community tanks.
zee2302123 l
zee2302123 l - 6 years ago
steven greer
steven greer - 6 years ago
Yes to all your videos. I really like your gallery, and the more I know, the more confident I will be to create my own.
SuperGuppyPlay's - 6 years ago
Kyle Crofton
Kyle Crofton - 6 years ago
Love your channel man!!!!
Sam Leone
Sam Leone - 6 years ago
Get a mantis shrimp tank
iobocasper bos
iobocasper bos - 6 years ago
In the rezerf aquarium make a shrimp aquarium
Avionics DiGiacomo
Avionics DiGiacomo - 6 years ago
Bichir feeding? Thought you said you would come back to that.
Kevin DiFranco
Kevin DiFranco - 6 years ago
yeah I feel cheated too.. Joey's getting his first dislike from me!
Neeraj Bannerjee
Neeraj Bannerjee - 6 years ago
Where is your second flowerhorn
Johnni G
Johnni G - 6 years ago
i think
Johnni G
Johnni G - 6 years ago
he gave it away
cichlid keeper chuck
cichlid keeper chuck - 6 years ago
Neeraj Bannerjee beans was given to someone a while back
Joseph Ortiz
Joseph Ortiz - 6 years ago
Neeraj Bannerjee he gave it to a little kid.
Joseph Komodo
Joseph Komodo - 6 years ago
I am getting a 29 gallon tank what should I stock it with
One of Chris' Fuller
One of Chris' Fuller - 6 years ago
Maybe some pearl gourami or some African leaf fish
cichlid keeper chuck
cichlid keeper chuck - 6 years ago
Joseph Komodo depends what you like, I would say a pair of smaller cichlids like kribs or a community tank with some tetras,platys etc
Joseph Komodo
Joseph Komodo - 6 years ago
Minnesota Outdoors LOL
Jose Rivera
Jose Rivera - 6 years ago
Show me the break down joe
MonkeyEZ - OSRS
MonkeyEZ - OSRS - 6 years ago
Lucky males. 5 females each.
George Bodkin
George Bodkin - 6 years ago
Frank looks like he is getting to big for his tank...
Leticia Jacobo
Leticia Jacobo - 6 years ago
You didint go back to frank
Hakaishin Roken
Hakaishin Roken - 6 years ago
Joey I really want to se the breakdown
09092008harrison - 6 years ago
You just got more cardnle Tetris
ChrisDaFish - 6 years ago
what size are the aquarium on the rack
Hakaishin Roken
Hakaishin Roken - 6 years ago
ChrisDaFish they are all 120s
Ryan Cox
Ryan Cox - 6 years ago
please stop doing the same things over and over ill still watch though
Hireno Frog Gaming
Hireno Frog Gaming - 6 years ago
Joey plz do a video on your peacock cichlids i am going to be doing a 55 with them and it' pretty much gonna be my first tank
Motzumoto's Mixes
Motzumoto's Mixes - 6 years ago
man i had an asian arowana and my fat ass cat got to it...

his name was buddy... i had him for about 4 years... DAMN CAT
Emily Martin
Emily Martin - 6 years ago
I think one tank featured each week would be really interesting and also would still allow variety in the videos!
Ron Safranic
Ron Safranic - 6 years ago
Love your tanks and fish but starting to miss the DIY projects!
Blaze 125
Blaze 125 - 6 years ago
Where did you put the Cardinals?
Andrei Reptila Dobre
Andrei Reptila Dobre - 6 years ago
I love you dude
Kinson Cooper
Kinson Cooper - 6 years ago
Those two red arowanas are beginning to show their red color.... I like....I want one too..
Travis Kirkland
Travis Kirkland - 6 years ago
Do an 8 hour stationary video on each tank!
C Cichlids
C Cichlids - 6 years ago
You should keep cichilds from Madagascar like Dambas if you can in the future!!
Aaron Chesterman
Aaron Chesterman - 6 years ago
How many gallons are the tanks on the racking system
Why Not
Why Not - 6 years ago
120 each
Sailfish Larry
Sailfish Larry - 6 years ago
thumbs up for Frank's wood
Joi0102 - 6 years ago
Fish :3
Carved Parachute
Carved Parachute - 6 years ago
Can you make a video just touring the hole aquarium gallery ?
Mitty Ahmed
Mitty Ahmed - 6 years ago
Pudo americano pudi licker
LuKeM 7165
LuKeM 7165 - 6 years ago
Joey I thought you had 5 arowana’s? Two originals and then the three new ones
Connor Mcguire
Connor Mcguire - 6 years ago
Does your daughter still have her shrimp tank? Update?
Jesse Mackenzie
Jesse Mackenzie - 6 years ago
Hia Joey, I still really like the idea of a gallery website, where each tank can have its own page with a full break down of set up, fish, feeding, equipment etc. Love the videos, love the gallery! :)
Jude how rude
Jude how rude - 6 years ago
Mitty Ahmed
Mitty Ahmed - 6 years ago
Kristopher Priedkalns
Kristopher Priedkalns - 6 years ago
The moss in the rainbow tank looked like it dried out during the move.
Michael bender
Michael bender - 6 years ago
you shoud get a 500 gallon salt water fish tank
Mitty Ahmed
Mitty Ahmed - 6 years ago
Mitty Ahmed
Mitty Ahmed - 6 years ago
Chita rami
F K - 6 years ago
Salt aquarium??
Wet_Concrete - 6 years ago
USA native tank? I know you won’t do Canada cause the fish need a chiller you said. But southern USA fish are generally warm water fish
Mitty Ahmed
Mitty Ahmed - 6 years ago
Mitty Ahmed
Mitty Ahmed - 6 years ago
Yes Pudo penjud bei di pudi
Benjamin Barnard
Benjamin Barnard - 6 years ago
BOR BENDA fishing
BOR BENDA fishing - 6 years ago
Didnt you have a clownknife
Reptile Feedings
Reptile Feedings - 6 years ago
Can't wait for the puffers
Abuzar 1256
Abuzar 1256 - 6 years ago
Thx for showing how you feed your fish
Lucien - 6 years ago
Burgerbash HD
Burgerbash HD - 6 years ago
What should I do my flower horn has hole I head and not eating hellllllp
laura corrigan
laura corrigan - 6 years ago
General cure by api
Carlos Topete
Carlos Topete - 6 years ago
water changes..... a lot.
Vishnu Suraj
Vishnu Suraj - 6 years ago
So early
Forever Falls
Forever Falls - 6 years ago
I'm surprised the tittle isn't "feeding thousands of fish" lol love the channel ❤️
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 6 years ago
LoL..... Joey ,say lake Tanganyika!! I'm from Texas so I really should not be making fun of your accent!!
Chloe bettas
Chloe bettas - 6 years ago
Only clicked on this cuz I'm hoping to see Frank
Presley Smith
Presley Smith - 6 years ago
I would love to see a breakdown of the tropheus. They look like a very rewarding and awesome fish to keep
Dan Hanley
Dan Hanley - 6 years ago
I feed my fish every other day, is that ok?
Dan Hanley
Dan Hanley - 6 years ago
Thank you
JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 6 years ago
Dan Hanley yes just depends on the fish I feed twice a week
Morgan Ronan
Morgan Ronan - 6 years ago
Great video :)
woodlen out
woodlen out - 6 years ago
Yes please make an informational break down vid
Skylar durrant
Skylar durrant - 6 years ago
You should breed the red rainbow fish because they are a endangered species
Waq - 6 years ago
OMG!! I am so early maybe someone will see my comment
Jackseptic Hand
Jackseptic Hand - 6 years ago
Yeah do a tank vidio
Lucien - 6 years ago
doing good!!!!
Mohammad Nadeem
Mohammad Nadeem - 6 years ago
I have goldfish what should I feed them Joey?
Bryan awb
Bryan awb - 6 years ago
Mohammad Nadeem feed them rocks
Sravan Knair
Sravan Knair - 6 years ago
Lps world Bingo
Lps world Bingo - 6 years ago
Hi I'm a big fan. You are so great.
mark komar
mark komar - 6 years ago
More break down on fish especially rays, baby ray feeding most of all
Frezarules - 6 years ago
Hey Joey, great video, my mum had a great birthday xxx Thx for the birthday message xxx
lewis gibbons
lewis gibbons - 6 years ago
great video keep up the work
Praying mantises
Praying mantises - 6 years ago
love your​ vids
Ezra Chechik
Ezra Chechik - 6 years ago
Pls respond joey
DK Aquatics
DK Aquatics - 6 years ago
Nogen danskere hvis det er så tjek min kanal ud
Abuzar 1256
Abuzar 1256 - 6 years ago
Love you're videos
Gordon Ramsay
Gordon Ramsay - 6 years ago
Please Oscars
Ezra Chechik
Ezra Chechik - 6 years ago
Ya I do want that video
Kristopher Priedkalns
Kristopher Priedkalns - 6 years ago
Abe Salas
Abe Salas - 6 years ago

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