GET MERCH NOW: ------------------ Finally putting my first set of fish in my 150 gallon tank! Including some rare fish and my biggest fish yet. Also I show u how to drip acclimate fish if you need to know. No, I didn't put Cheese in there yet - I'm going to wait a few weeks and make sure the tank continues to do well before I put him in there. ----------------------- !!!!!! Video with Paige: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----------------------- FISH IN TANK: - Caramel Gladiator Clownfish - Flame Wrasse (Pair) - Leopard Wrasse - White Tail Bristletooth Kole Tang (not 100% sure if it's a christmas islands derivative or not, my friend suggested it may be) - Goldflake Angelfish (rare) - Naso Tang with Streamers ---------------- Tank info: -150 gal eurobraced starphire glass tank from crystal dynamic aquariums: -lights: kessil ap700 (x2) -60 gal sump with skimmer, gfo and carbon reactors, and 2 UV sterilizers -200lbs of fiji live rock -equipped with an APEX control system -2 cooling fans to minimize heat ----------------- Thank you to Exotic Reef Imports for sending me my fish, and thank you to John at Kingdom Aquatics in Bellville Illinois for connecting me with everyone at ERI, and everyone else who helped with the tank build! lastly thank you to Aquarium Designs in San Antonio, Tx for coming out and helping me move the tank into my room and for the continuous help with supplies! ------------------------- Sign up for, a social media website for people who luv animals :-) ----------------- WATCH MORE: My Latest Videos - CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO SUPPORT ME AND MY ANIMALS: ---------- P.O. BOX ADDRESS: Taylor Dean P.O. Box 1304 Helotes, Tx, 78023 ------------------ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SNAPCHAT: @TAYLORNDEAN YOUNOW: -------------------------- SONG USED: Vanilla by MELURAN Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

FINALLY STOCKING MY 150 GALLON TANK (UNBOXING RARE FISH) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1392

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 1,495,224 views

GET MERCH NOW: ------------------ Finally putting my first set of fish in my 150 gallon tank! Including some rare fish and my biggest fish yet. Also I show u how to drip acclimate fish if you need to know. No, I didn't put Cheese in there yet - I'm going to wait a few weeks and make sure the tank continues to do well before I put him in there. ----------------------- !!!!!! Video with Paige: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----------------------- FISH IN TANK: - Caramel Gladiator Clownfish - Flame Wrasse (Pair) - Leopard Wrasse - White Tail Bristletooth Kole Tang (not 100% sure if it's a christmas islands derivative or not, my friend suggested it may be) - Goldflake Angelfish (rare) - Naso Tang with Streamers ---------------- Tank info: -150 gal eurobraced starphire glass tank from crystal dynamic aquariums: -lights: kessil ap700 (x2) -60 gal sump with skimmer, gfo and carbon reactors, and 2 UV sterilizers -200lbs of fiji live rock -equipped with an APEX control system -2 cooling fans to minimize heat ----------------- Thank you to Exotic Reef Imports for sending me my fish, and thank you to John at Kingdom Aquatics in Bellville Illinois for connecting me with everyone at ERI, and everyone else who helped with the tank build! lastly thank you to Aquarium Designs in San Antonio, Tx for coming out and helping me move the tank into my room and for the continuous help with supplies! ------------------------- Sign up for, a social media website for people who luv animals :-) ----------------- WATCH MORE: My Latest Videos - CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE TO SUPPORT ME AND MY ANIMALS: ---------- P.O. BOX ADDRESS: Taylor Dean P.O. Box 1304 Helotes, Tx, 78023 ------------------ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SNAPCHAT: @TAYLORNDEAN YOUNOW: -------------------------- SONG USED: Vanilla by MELURAN Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

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Most popular comments

Taylor Nicole Dean
Taylor Nicole Dean - 7 years ago
Jaka Rina
Jaka Rina - 7 years ago
At first I thought it was April 1st joke but then i looked when u uploaded the video so it didn’t made any sense so i looked further in the video and saw real fish hahah
Cess Reyes
Cess Reyes - 7 years ago
Get real one wtflip
Cess Reyes
Cess Reyes - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean haha
yoyo 187
yoyo 187 - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean ur so hot
Kc 4L
Kc 4L - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean god damn ur fuckin hott
sour blue melon
sour blue melon - 7 years ago
Shadow Tech Factories
Shadow Tech Factories - 7 years ago
What are you talking about they're rubberficus toyificus right.
varanidguy - 7 years ago
Who would complain about having to look at you? I know, weird, online flirting, white knight, blah blah blah blah
Nufayl Khodabocus
Nufayl Khodabocus - 7 years ago
Fake fish?
Tiger girl
Tiger girl - 7 years ago
Firballer Person
Firballer Person - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean I
Clara Joyce
Clara Joyce - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean there fake
Nutella Apples Texting
Nutella Apples Texting - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean haha thansk
Noemi Garcia
Noemi Garcia - 7 years ago
I don't know what is happening but hiiiii
Furry Blossom
Furry Blossom - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean you look like lele Pom when you have the blonde hair
Bianey Carrera
Bianey Carrera - 7 years ago
Natasha - 7 years ago
U all are jelous
Jaredjewel Galang
Jaredjewel Galang - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean I think the blue pink and orange are fake
Jaden Pope
Jaden Pope - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean I like your intros
Fabian Rios
Fabian Rios - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean ive bee here since 20k
ErriChan 39
ErriChan 39 - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean is it bad i just watched your welcome from moana

Td Remus
Td Remus - 7 years ago
esmi9283 - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean it is funny
Alexander Weidener
Alexander Weidener - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean Hi Taylor i Love to Watch youre videos all the Time and i share youre passion about animals i would love to get to know you better so please can you answer me? Alex
Ella Ritchie
Ella Ritchie - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean um what about like a Guinea pig?!
Ella Ritchie
Ella Ritchie - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean oh never Mind! It's cute
glockmockflock Hudson
glockmockflock Hudson - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean you know what else's is big and rare

Whales their an endangered species that has been hunted by man for hundreds of years for know good reason no Japan uses the science excuse even tho we know everything about them already
Hirambae thepoo
Hirambae thepoo - 7 years ago
i thought the fish were real
jmitch1481 - 7 years ago
Omg the fake fish part had me rolling lol. Best part.
Liam McMillan
Liam McMillan - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean lol
MixBerry IceCream
MixBerry IceCream - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean The fish just look like a toy
#Noob Life
#Noob Life - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean THE FISH ARE FAKE!
Marcos Caban
Marcos Caban - 7 years ago
Jackee what does lmao mean
Katie Simons
Katie Simons - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean ❤️
Amelia Shen
Amelia Shen - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean I agree
Dragon Lover
Dragon Lover - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean what is that word my goodness realhahahahjsk or somethin
Mrs moomoo cow 565
Mrs moomoo cow 565 - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean you should have a hundred billon sub and be a billionaire to pay for all them pets
Love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tiffi Shaw
Tiffi Shaw - 7 years ago
well just for that i disliked. you dont get to tell us to stop disliking your vids!!!!!!!!!!!
MrsGraceffa100 - 7 years ago
are they bothering you?
Zoe Gooferret
Zoe Gooferret - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean out j,if,tie c. Hi I ni I'm k I. M me ggg. Kiev j. T, video. Hbv. Fig g,ieieiiwiieieiidi
Nolyn’s vlogs
Nolyn’s vlogs - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean i
Mr. Sweet
Mr. Sweet - 7 years ago
Fox the Mighty this isn’t faze apex’s channel lmao
memes and yees
memes and yees - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean LMAO ME
The Toxic Fish
The Toxic Fish - 7 years ago
Sarah Jay pH same
mythical ice wolf
mythical ice wolf - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean I know I'm really late my NOTIFICATION messed up so I'm 3 months late lol my NOTIFICATION is really bad
sweetest sin 559
sweetest sin 559 - 7 years ago
Well it's a toy
Quacky Moto
Quacky Moto - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean ohhhh
Gallade's Universe
Gallade's Universe - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean Orange fish is amazing
Calvin Xu
Calvin Xu - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean a
Ben Zhou
Ben Zhou - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean lolllll
Bella 2153889
Bella 2153889 - 7 years ago
love your fish
Trinity Rutherord
Trinity Rutherord - 7 years ago
Bre'Anna Williams way to spell
Trinity Rutherord
Trinity Rutherord - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean stop guys your just heating so stop y'all never be her
Sarah Matthews
Sarah Matthews - 7 years ago
I did not die
Anthony A
Anthony A - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean Subscribe please
Weirdo Trio
Weirdo Trio - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean They're obviously real.
Sarah Matthews
Sarah Matthews - 7 years ago
She is mad .People are stupid
Amy-chan :3
Amy-chan :3 - 7 years ago
You good bro yes or no (reply yes or no) You seem mad (no hate tho)
C N123
C N123 - 7 years ago
Ha lol
Jasmine Alfaro
Jasmine Alfaro - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean you know it's from petco when there are hair ties around the bag
Georgia Mincer
Georgia Mincer - 7 years ago
This was a GREAT way to do it. Thanks so much for this WONDERFUL AND ALIVE OR REAL video! I love how ALIVE everything is on this. Lol. I'm sorry. Had to say it. Love u grrrrrl
Mayukh Ghosh
Mayukh Ghosh - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean I really admire the 10 am thing.
Raquel Ramos
Raquel Ramos - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean uuuuuu
Pocky The Dragon
Pocky The Dragon - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean how much did your rock cost
Zack _181818
Zack _181818 - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean the fish aren't real
Noora Obviously
Noora Obviously - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean when u are going to bed do you turn off the tank light please answer need to know
Liv Moulds
Liv Moulds - 7 years ago
Don't worry all the nice people out there know there real when I'm older i wanna be
Iike u
Liv Moulds
Liv Moulds - 7 years ago
MacyPlays - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean. Not to be rude but you can't control if they dislike it
CocoaCakeSLIMES - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean 6:16 is when it starts. ❤️❤️❤️
Kogane-Chan / ChaosRevived
Kogane-Chan / ChaosRevived - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean a
ItsMich _
ItsMich _ - 7 years ago
J Rosenberg she will think of a name eventually .
Pug 9 watermelon Unicorn glitter
Pug 9 watermelon Unicorn glitter - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean I
Amy M
Amy M - 7 years ago
Don't worry us peeps who have ears hear ya
Chim Chim
Chim Chim - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean ur videos make me so happy and inspire me
PokePup369 An Petz
PokePup369 An Petz - 7 years ago
Omg I was cry tears on laughter omg love u so my
Abby J.
Abby J. - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean iiii
Liv Moulds
Liv Moulds - 7 years ago
Pinky pig Cools heart that's mean
Kaylie Torres
Kaylie Torres - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean how doe your room smell?XD
Erica Szymanski
Erica Szymanski - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean yeah the fake fish are a joke
Play With Me -And Have Fun
Play With Me -And Have Fun - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean it
Syshi - 7 years ago
MONSTER GAMING yea there jokes XD
Kutiekup23 Aj
Kutiekup23 Aj - 7 years ago
hecking heck
hecking heck - 7 years ago
I want to see cheese
Ma. Judith Rosillo Uribe
Ma. Judith Rosillo Uribe - 7 years ago
please more cheese!
Jordyn Daniels
Jordyn Daniels - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean lol I am so confused
Lexie Albritton
Lexie Albritton - 7 years ago
Look at her comment
Nailae Lima
Nailae Lima - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean love it vids
Ant Blessing
Ant Blessing - 7 years ago
Taylor Nicole Dean there fake
nevii_isntcool - 7 years ago
Keith Jones *You're ;)
Abigail Murdock
Abigail Murdock - 7 years ago
Hahahaha I laughed so hard with your recreation. “Oh this one looks dead” shake shake shake
Dj Minecart
Dj Minecart - 7 years ago
You should name your next hedgehog Keara or Kovu from the lion king.
dinosaurier kotze
dinosaurier kotze - 7 years ago
nice vids. but the focus is awful ;)
conman1111 - 7 years ago
i want to be one of your fish
Poshy Player
Poshy Player - 7 years ago
those are pretty fish
Vousie V
Vousie V - 7 years ago
2:50 That entire thing just reminded me of that scene in Finding Nemo. I fully expected her to actually quote it and go "Fishy? Fishy! Wake up. Wake up!"
Rusty shackleford
Rusty shackleford - 7 years ago
I would love to give her biggest fish ever
Ko Ko Naing
Ko Ko Naing - 7 years ago
I had bigger than that fish


Jungkook Jams
Jungkook Jams - 7 years ago
They look like pokemon
Bright Hope
Bright Hope - 7 years ago
Just needs a good shake.- Taylor Nicole Dean 2018
Kevin Stailey
Kevin Stailey - 7 years ago
Okay - This is Hilarious - I swear they look dead. Sad really - Can't trust Fed-Ex.
PYRO 1 - 7 years ago
PYRO 1 - 7 years ago
Tabby Anny
Tabby Anny - 7 years ago
The first one was fake right
Tabby Anny
Tabby Anny - 7 years ago
It looks really cool
JoseReyes475 - 7 years ago
I didnt see a penis on the male
Xyz Reviews
Xyz Reviews - 7 years ago taylor can you check out my communitt tank
Artistic Aquatics
Artistic Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hello guys, I'd appreciate it if you could follow my YouTube journey documenting my Fish and pets! Maybe some vlogs in fish shops etc as well. Thanks so much!


Boni Hendarin
Boni Hendarin - 7 years ago
Erin Elm
Erin Elm - 7 years ago
my betta fish name is Dean
Imran Aboo
Imran Aboo - 7 years ago
Awesome video thx for sharing the fish are amazing.
MOL_666 - 7 years ago
Where’s CHEESE?!
Cake Ball
Cake Ball - 7 years ago
Them fish be high at the beginning XD
Liz Norris
Liz Norris - 7 years ago
LMFAO at the 10.00 calculator
Emily Xx
Emily Xx - 7 years ago
josh ohman
josh ohman - 7 years ago
am I the only one that did the Darla impression when she shakes the bag.
La - 7 years ago
The fish in the tank looks like Finding Dory
Amara Hutchison
Amara Hutchison - 7 years ago
I love your videos and I love your hog nose snake


And I'm An Anarchist
And I'm An Anarchist - 7 years ago
Crazy chick!  LOL
Autumn Shearer
Autumn Shearer - 7 years ago
can u do a care video for anglefish
Diilan Goetsch
Diilan Goetsch - 7 years ago
Lipstick surgen fish
Sugar Skulls
Sugar Skulls - 7 years ago
They are fake
Justin Claudio & Mewtwo
Justin Claudio & Mewtwo - 7 years ago
That toy fish
Princess girl Nabonita
Princess girl Nabonita - 7 years ago
This is bot real
Terry Stearns
Terry Stearns - 7 years ago
You didn't want to say Suck.. But why.. Ooohhhh I understand now.. OK put the hose in your mouth and gently do the opposite of blow.. See that was easy..
Warriorking1963 - 7 years ago
That's a class looking tank, you know how to make 'em look good. Excellent video! :O)
Cole Yael
Cole Yael - 7 years ago
Irwin looks thrice divorced and I love him.
Vlogger Caitlin
Vlogger Caitlin - 7 years ago
Here we have 7 fish

only has 4
AbominationAndy Show
AbominationAndy Show - 7 years ago
It's a gag, right? A joke?
Jason Pablo
Jason Pablo - 7 years ago
Lol made my day!
Martin Gonzales
Martin Gonzales - 7 years ago
Iris Invisible
Iris Invisible - 7 years ago
Irwin reminds me of those airplanes that drag large advertisment banners through the sky.
Iris Invisible
Iris Invisible - 7 years ago
Taylor: -shakes fish bag
Me: -has seizure DON'T KILL THEM
Also me: wait....those are fake....
Paige Hinnant
Paige Hinnant - 7 years ago
to she get a shark Tank Tank
Leilani D Theofilopoulos
Leilani D Theofilopoulos - 7 years ago
THUMBS UP if you misread the title from (STOCKING TO STROKING)
bathina pavankalyan
bathina pavankalyan - 7 years ago
Which site u buy this fish....?
Adam Gamer 101
Adam Gamer 101 - 7 years ago
those are not rare fish...
The Kernal03
The Kernal03 - 7 years ago
That’s a beautiful tank! Great job


rcpp -2
rcpp -2 - 7 years ago
A joke?
Emily Hopkins
Emily Hopkins - 7 years ago
I have a 60 gallon fresh water next is 150 gal salt water too, it will be a couple years, lots of work and not being in the army anymore to do so but I can't wait!!!!
Relbertz - 7 years ago
I like irwin.
Mabel Littlewood
Mabel Littlewood - 7 years ago
Omg this is legitimate the funniest thing I have seen all day
Talia Cox
Talia Cox - 7 years ago
Wolfe 200
Wolfe 200 - 7 years ago
Lol I told my little sis the toys were real lol
Lily Seip
Lily Seip - 7 years ago
I’m crying your so funny omg
Azula_ Shadow
Azula_ Shadow - 7 years ago
look, its PETSHMO 3:38
Juses Crus
Juses Crus - 7 years ago
Aiyu Lee
Aiyu Lee - 7 years ago
That 10AM in calculator HAHAHA
Shady Wolfie
Shady Wolfie - 7 years ago
Where do you get your animals? (For unboxing, etc.)
PeskyTeeVee - 7 years ago
you should name your angelfish, Angie from Shark Tale
Te Potiki Roberts
Te Potiki Roberts - 7 years ago
Chealsey Arionus
Chealsey Arionus - 7 years ago
Can you post a video of how you take care of your 150 gallon tank monthly? That would be amazing!
Glenn Smeenk
Glenn Smeenk - 7 years ago
That last fish is super awesome !
Charles Arthur Brennan
Charles Arthur Brennan - 7 years ago
"... until it's deep enough for your fish to go in..."
grabs fake fish and flicks it into bucket
Tiger girl
Tiger girl - 7 years ago
Tiger girl
Tiger girl - 7 years ago
Colby Miller Outdoors
Colby Miller Outdoors - 7 years ago
Booty at 9:29
Jacob Camerupt
Jacob Camerupt - 7 years ago
"This tank my kid."
Lisa Sekela
Lisa Sekela - 7 years ago
This is great
ItzKINGcringe - 7 years ago
great fish they almost look fake
Callum Rae
Callum Rae - 7 years ago
Hahahaha brilliant
Caitlyn & Jensen
Caitlyn & Jensen - 7 years ago
8:48 HE IS PART NEMO lol
Ella Ramsay
Ella Ramsay - 7 years ago
SHAKES FISH wake up!!! Fishy?
Mexy Rabbit
Mexy Rabbit - 7 years ago
lol i love you!❤️❤️❤️
250flower[RBLX] - 7 years ago
lol XD
HuNa msp
HuNa msp - 7 years ago
I’m confused are the fish real or toys .-.
Nae-nae Mcherson
Nae-nae Mcherson - 7 years ago
This was halarious!!
Olivia Barrett
Olivia Barrett - 7 years ago
8:00 to 9:56
Jonnie Handley
Jonnie Handley - 7 years ago
Abby - 7 years ago
thats what it sounds like in a tank wow if i was a fish i could not sleep...
Talayshia Narcisse
Talayshia Narcisse - 7 years ago
I would love to have a Naso Tang and clown fish.
TaySim Pop
TaySim Pop - 7 years ago
Guyssss no hate. Don’t hate her cause you ain’t her
Rebecca Steinberg
Rebecca Steinberg - 7 years ago
OMG this cracked me up! Putting 10.00 in the calculator
CourtPop - 7 years ago
Its cause you stoped it and then got the real fish and put it in there im not heting on you just tell the truth
CourtPop - 7 years ago
thoses ae toys
Bianca Beckford
Bianca Beckford - 7 years ago
They look like plastic
mangostar5 - 7 years ago
no plants?
Richard Foo
Richard Foo - 7 years ago
Lol, I love your pretend vid.

Glad that you had fun reenacting the story, with some funny bits no less.

The plastic fish & the calculator clock. Lol!

Don't u just hate misdeleting important clips.
Liv Bounty Hunter Bobafett
Liv Bounty Hunter Bobafett - 7 years ago
Alanna Elson
Alanna Elson - 7 years ago
they aren't even real fish
BR5491Z1Z - 7 years ago
ill giv ya a big fish all right he he peace out
MrAbhimca50 - 7 years ago
you are so beautiful i cant concentrate on video love to see you every time
AngryBoy - 7 years ago
Is it a tranny?
Joyvynna Yong
Joyvynna Yong - 7 years ago
omg the first part when you put fake ones i was like this is so dam awesome i never seen a youtuber this crazy before and its awesome
April Jones
April Jones - 7 years ago
The "unboxing" with toy fish KILLED ME
Arbha Jerico
Arbha Jerico - 7 years ago
i know thats paused but its so cool
stupid teenagers
stupid teenagers - 7 years ago
Imagine putting a hamster in that tank HAMSTER HEAVEN btw u should like totally get a hamster!
The fantastic fox
The fantastic fox - 7 years ago
Wow beautiful tank great job Taylor


BLUE BOLT Otaku - 7 years ago
Where did you buy the tank?
Skye Quim
Skye Quim - 7 years ago
hello :)
Logan: Female With a Boys Name
Logan: Female With a Boys Name - 7 years ago
Do you live in a place that is always warm? I’ve noticed every video I’ve watched (about) you’ve been wearing a tank top of sorts.
LpsRena - 7 years ago
One of my friend's fish is bullying her other fish and biting the other fish's tail. What should she do?
fishy/snake/luver 027
fishy/snake/luver 027 - 7 years ago
Taylor*ok I think she's freaked out about that o wait I mean he

Sam Sweeney
Sam Sweeney - 7 years ago
Yooo Fufuuu
Yooo Fufuuu - 7 years ago
Nice flame much u pay for it??
So Very Alice
So Very Alice - 7 years ago
Anybody are they real fish
little miss CRAZY
little miss CRAZY - 7 years ago
Frenzyfishing123 - 7 years ago
I give an A+ on the recreation
hypnosiscenter nyc
hypnosiscenter nyc - 7 years ago
having kept fish as pets growing up in NYC, it was always a guy thing. Most of the hobbyist pet stores were run by Asian Americans. Having a very attractive young lady like yourself who has such passion for all animals, demonstrating how its done, educating others how to care for these creatures, as well as your expertise... well, the pet industry couldn't buy the PR (as well as sales) that is generated from your videos. You are a very gifted spokesperson on camera, as well as entertaining and your unique, quirky personality just draws viewers into watching your videos. Good job. You could make owning a chia pet into an adventure.
DeStrober - 7 years ago
the Naso is soooo pretty
kate hefford
kate hefford - 7 years ago
why i a black light i hate fish tanks with black lights you cant see the the fishes colors
Anasemon Emily
Anasemon Emily - 7 years ago
Is the first fish areal fish
animal lover2
animal lover2 - 7 years ago
Where did you get that really cool centerpiece for the tank??
alpha wolf
alpha wolf - 7 years ago
all in faver of taylor getting an eel give me a thumbs up
alpha wolf
alpha wolf - 7 years ago
The Blue Cat
The Blue Cat - 7 years ago
Um,ur fishes are toys GURL!
Ubb/Kid Buu The Greatest
Ubb/Kid Buu The Greatest - 7 years ago
You are beautiful like kim kardashian
Toon Buyse
Toon Buyse - 7 years ago
The squishies got me laughing so hard XD
princetigern117 - 7 years ago
Really fake fish
Simply me
Simply me - 7 years ago
Hi! I love your videos! What editing software do you use? Like, how do you edit the video to zoom in on your face mid sentence then zoom back out etc?
Jadie Edits
Jadie Edits - 7 years ago
Simply me she zooms in and out with her camera, I don’t know what she uses but some good editing softwares for beginners would be iMovie and wondershare
Amber Savage
Amber Savage - 7 years ago
There fake hahahhahahah
Kowai Okami
Kowai Okami - 7 years ago
I legit can’t with you’re clownfish IT KEEPS SWIMMING ACROSS AND ITS SO CUTE
Anna W
Anna W - 7 years ago
Can you do a give away with the rubber fish in the bag
Anna W
Anna W - 7 years ago
Please make a blue rounded skink care video please please pass this on to taylor
swapnil sammy
swapnil sammy - 7 years ago
How much u earn a month by your animal videos??
sle1gh - 7 years ago
Thanks, Taylor. Never knew you can turn back time with a few clicks from your phone calculator.
Martha Amador
Martha Amador - 7 years ago
Also thanks for inspiring me!
Martha Amador
Martha Amador - 7 years ago
How long have you had your betas?
Lim Jon
Lim Jon - 7 years ago
so cute
Ashley C.
Ashley C. - 7 years ago
Real tips for real fish.
karl eikrem
karl eikrem - 7 years ago
You are so fucking hot
The Ramdom Channel
The Ramdom Channel - 7 years ago
I was lauthing so hard with the "edad" fishes
Carrington Evans
Carrington Evans - 7 years ago
They look like toys
e.therael _
e.therael _ - 7 years ago
Dalton Wier
Dalton Wier - 7 years ago
Love this video I don't want a salt water tank but really enjoy them.
Alexbaker - 7 years ago
And after she says he's dead those are real fish
Alexbaker - 7 years ago
The fish have to be fake because I'm looking at the fins and they ain't moving. I'm 99.9% sure the fish aren't real
Kima the Hotdog
Kima the Hotdog - 7 years ago
I found this channel from your hermit crab video and have been binge watching since. I'm from Florida and wanted to be a marine biologist growing up. 2 pregnancies and some iffy life choices later and I'm homesteading in Tennessee. We have family in Florida so my kids see hermit crabs, fish and the like and want them as pets. Your video sums up the challenges of owning any tropical or different animal wonderfully. My bff has owned turtles for years and also helped educate the kids. So glad I found you!
Bass With Mass
Bass With Mass - 7 years ago
Omg why would u abuse a fish like that ?!?!???
Han Muz
Han Muz - 7 years ago
Love the recreation. Reminded me of Darla from Finding Nemo. The knot in the tubing is a great idea. I could use that for adding nutrients to my aquaponics.
Fergiep Acheson
Fergiep Acheson - 7 years ago
Hi Taylor how are you I really like your videos they are very good I like the video about the turtles that the man was saleing on the side of the road you were right to say something about what the man was doing to the turtles well done on that video I wish we had someone like you here in Dublin good luck with all your pets have a look at my video on my channel I have a video up of my turtles they are out in a shed over the winter here in Dublin it might gave you some ideas about keeping turtles if you ever get some talk to you again soon take care of yourself Taylor if ever what to talk me you can get me on Facebook or instagram ok
Pachon&Sylvester The piggies
Pachon&Sylvester The piggies - 7 years ago
I'm sorry I'm sorry pet shmo
Liam - 7 years ago
Ive never subbed to an aquarium channel but this video made me laugh
charles wilson
charles wilson - 7 years ago
perty fish
shawngt2 - 7 years ago
You likely could have recovered the footage using recovery software.
fearlesism - 7 years ago
I love your fish!!!
nikki willis
nikki willis - 7 years ago
Mahmood Kajah
Mahmood Kajah - 7 years ago
Hhhhhhhha funny
Arin Guishard
Arin Guishard - 7 years ago
Erwin is an attack on titan commander fish
Shila Faye
Shila Faye - 7 years ago
the tang is going to need a bigger tank eventually they get real big
Yamelkis Perez
Yamelkis Perez - 7 years ago
That is fake fish
Chill, Alli!
Chill, Alli! - 7 years ago
Jakus Nikolett
Jakus Nikolett - 7 years ago
So so beautiful fishes and a beautiful tank.
Jennifer Fernandez
Jennifer Fernandez - 7 years ago
lol I was laughing at the tiny clown fish the whole time, he was so cute swimming around like that!
kitty katbaby
kitty katbaby - 7 years ago
Funny how u referenced darla in "finding nemo" when u filmed ur video on why not to buy a blue tang. Yet, that's exactly who u became. Go shake the bag some more, LoL.
Mica's Domain
Mica's Domain - 7 years ago
They all look dead
Harry Potter Fans
Harry Potter Fans - 7 years ago
Thx for the funniest vid I had in days!,
Heartless.Gaming DIYs
Heartless.Gaming DIYs - 7 years ago
Ur fish are beautiful!
Heartless.Gaming DIYs
Heartless.Gaming DIYs - 7 years ago
5:49 I saw a clownfish in the tank? We’re those the fish u unpacked then deleted the footage then used fish fake to demonstrate?
Heartless.Gaming DIYs
Heartless.Gaming DIYs - 7 years ago
4:24 who saw that mark on dat fake fish for demonstrating that said orange like or sub to me if u saw It shoutouts will hapoennn
Heartless.Gaming DIYs
Heartless.Gaming DIYs - 7 years ago
Ilysm u. Bring real to the world
Lacee Marcum
Lacee Marcum - 7 years ago

Read More
Natalie Nice
Natalie Nice - 7 years ago
@2:05...i spit out my so silly girl...I love it!
Ruby Minor
Ruby Minor - 7 years ago
I know this is not about cheese but I have been thinking this for a long time....... what happens when cheese... dies?!?!?!?!?!?
TheGaming Geeks
TheGaming Geeks - 7 years ago
the universe will explode
Meep The Llama
Meep The Llama - 7 years ago
Zulicuzimbore d
Zulicuzimbore d - 7 years ago
It said Petco on the bag at around 3:13. I thought shee blurred that out and said they were from “petshmo”
Anchor BRO
Anchor BRO - 7 years ago
all 7 fish that u ordered......are 4 fish?
Addison Schulze
Addison Schulze - 7 years ago
they mainly just Screech their head off almost literally and almost make your ear drums bleed and almost feel like they're about to fall off I went into a bird store and and they had the screaming loud loudest Birds you could ever imagine right by the door why I have no clue but it scared me because right when I open the door they just started all screeching
Addison Schulze
Addison Schulze - 7 years ago
you kind of have an excuse to actually be talking a lot in your videos because your fish and your animals can't speak unless their parents or parakeets or cockatoos all those birds that speak so they say
Addison Schulze
Addison Schulze - 7 years ago
the streamer things on there fish's tail don't look natural at all it just seems weird to me I don't know why I'm weird that way I think a lot of stuff is weird but hey the world is weird
John Martin
John Martin - 7 years ago
Man I wish people would do a little more research before purchasing fish. Tang minimum tank sizes:
Blue soldier msp
Blue soldier msp - 7 years ago
You make me happy❤❤
Annie and Amelia's Addictions
Annie and Amelia's Addictions - 7 years ago
Irwin looks like a baboon
Angel13355 Leanzaland
Angel13355 Leanzaland - 7 years ago
Billy productions
Billy productions - 7 years ago
Stop it darla!
Autumnstreak XD
Autumnstreak XD - 7 years ago
“If your fish looks dead don’t shake it”
Taylor 2k17
zvangexd - 7 years ago
That's not a fish fuck
MissR6 - 7 years ago
I am DYING! This was so awesome and creative! I loved this video lol you did what you could with something very crappy that happens often to people who vlog. I hope everyone appreciates how much work you put into this to recreate what you lost.
Julia Chachoswka
Julia Chachoswka - 7 years ago
It is fake!!
iisparksxii - 7 years ago
Julia Chachoswka no its not
Julia Chachoswka
Julia Chachoswka - 7 years ago
9.28 the fish r fake

I hope so anyway am I crazy or just weird
EPSH Channel
EPSH Channel - 7 years ago
Get a cray fish
iisparksxii - 7 years ago
Lynn moujir did u watch the video
Lynn moujir
Lynn moujir - 7 years ago
Do you know YouTube is deleting videos
apple - 7 years ago
i fuck with irwin so heavy like he’s my ride or die nfs
Shawdow wolf Howler night
Shawdow wolf Howler night - 7 years ago
The Goldflakeangle looked amazing
Isabella Bree
Isabella Bree - 7 years ago
I loved this, finally a YouTuber that actually knows what they're doing with a salt tank!
It looks great btw
Redin Padilla
Redin Padilla - 7 years ago
Your stupid I was talking about the plastic ones
Kiana Isibue
Kiana Isibue - 7 years ago
omg you're 1 subscriber away from 1,000,000
Brynn Gant
Brynn Gant - 7 years ago
kiki depauto
kiki depauto - 7 years ago
hey taylor you are so close to one million subs and im so happy for you and keep up the hard work!!
Vhinarenz Panit
Vhinarenz Panit - 7 years ago
Taylor you got us so bad funny
Rebecca White
Rebecca White - 7 years ago
Irwin is best boy.
Linda Ely
Linda Ely - 7 years ago
I love your, chanal
Noel Ramirez
Noel Ramirez - 7 years ago
My god will you marry me lol im officially a fan of you I love your tank and fishes and your awesomeness
Rip Oscar Peach
Rip Oscar Peach - 7 years ago
Bunnyboo08 02
Bunnyboo08 02 - 7 years ago
wait is this true?
Bunnyboo08 02
Bunnyboo08 02 - 7 years ago
laaaawwwl comedy
Zach Carlisle
Zach Carlisle - 7 years ago
Natalie Martinez
Natalie Martinez - 7 years ago
Are you serious
XxUltra_Gamer_Mlg_Boi Xx
XxUltra_Gamer_Mlg_Boi Xx - 7 years ago
And thus the savage Irwin was born....
Lauren Cedfeldt
Lauren Cedfeldt - 7 years ago
The fish bag is not only blacked out but duck taped also what do they think the fish can do? But what can it do?
Jayla White
Jayla White - 7 years ago
Lauren Cedfeldt make an escape plan
WolfuTheCrazed Wolf
WolfuTheCrazed Wolf - 7 years ago
I have a fish WAY bigger then that :/
Yumalay Elisabet
Yumalay Elisabet - 7 years ago
there are only four fish there you should do a better job
MMisshka :0
MMisshka :0 - 7 years ago
Nice recreation
Asha Nwaki Slimes
Asha Nwaki Slimes - 7 years ago
This was BC before cheese
Redin Padilla
Redin Padilla - 7 years ago
Those are fake fish
Jayla White
Jayla White - 7 years ago
No they aren’t
Whale Shark Productions
Whale Shark Productions - 7 years ago
Would you do this for freshwater tanks too?
HELL YEAH MAKEUP - 7 years ago
I thought buying a tang was a bad thing?? She even made a video about it.
HELL YEAH MAKEUP - 7 years ago
caitlin I suppose that does make sense! Thanks for the reply!
caitlin - 7 years ago
She meant it was bad to buy a tang when you don't know how big the fish will get and what supplies you need. She was fully prepared.
faimzan21 - 7 years ago
I'm glad she didn't stress out the fish 2:00 and just added rubber fish. It also really funny
S Perfect
S Perfect - 7 years ago
Alex Tchieng
Alex Tchieng - 7 years ago
Live fish are here (real) 12:13
S Beck
S Beck - 7 years ago
that clownfish is swimming like there's no tomorrow
lauren cleaver
lauren cleaver - 7 years ago
Now, I'm only a new subscriber (which how bc where has this channel been all my life??? but anywho) Adding all of those fish..I mean with coral being a living, breathing thing, does that kind of put a heavy bio-load on the tank itself? (im a very amateur fish owner and dont know everything but i'm only curious)
xKeiraa - 7 years ago
10:00 o clock pm ...? Ok
Savingjaqueline - 7 years ago
Taylor you’re too pure and sweet
Logangster Savage
Logangster Savage - 7 years ago
XD Love This skit
Aimee H
Aimee H - 7 years ago
Haha , I loved this video , really nice fish . Cool reenactment lol
Damo - 7 years ago
Haha, excellent.
Anonim Bia
Anonim Bia - 7 years ago
Tess Johnson
Tess Johnson - 7 years ago
can you do a video on your lion fish explaining your process of getting him and if he’s ever stung you and what happens if they do???
#твойпарень - 7 years ago
my free name a web site is a #apex ^^
#твойпарень - 7 years ago
butyyyy eyees fffck <3 lv
KaregoAt - 7 years ago
This is hilarious :'D
Zombie Lux
Zombie Lux - 7 years ago
I just wanna know what your electric bill is
esmi9283 - 7 years ago
And I liked your vid
Michelle Owings
Michelle Owings - 7 years ago
Love this! ❤
Isobelle Locke
Isobelle Locke - 7 years ago
That clownfish is loving life
Cassidy Marion
Cassidy Marion - 7 years ago
This makes me want to get fish again but im scared to love them incase they die
123 Bunny! Dabbmaster
123 Bunny! Dabbmaster - 7 years ago
Nice new fish B-)
Simply_Amelia - 7 years ago
You are an actual troll
Theresa Biana
Theresa Biana - 7 years ago
is that real???the four toys that you said 7...........
Theresa Biana
Theresa Biana - 7 years ago
is that real???looks like a children toy for me
Hannna Hannna
Hannna Hannna - 7 years ago
2:02 and 2:07 is mad funny to me
Hannna Hannna
Hannna Hannna - 7 years ago
2:07 I'm dead
xxpaxe xxlol
xxpaxe xxlol - 7 years ago
is it really a fish cuz at 2:50 it looks a bit mean
Hamza Mehmood
Hamza Mehmood - 7 years ago
lol thanks for making me laugh (^_^)/
Cherry Bunag
Cherry Bunag - 7 years ago
Won't the fish eat each other?
Cherry Bunag
Cherry Bunag - 7 years ago
I love fish but I hate them if they die or flop around it's so scary
LeafeonHeart21 - 7 years ago
whats the song at the end! it sounds awesome! btw loved the video :3
Jimmy K
Jimmy K - 7 years ago first i liked her but she thinks she's it and copy's steff J. Yeah she's attractive but just another Lil' spoiled white girl with access to a lot of money to spend she will catch some kind of nasty. Veneral disease from that loser from canada what a bitch
Don Gallagher
Don Gallagher - 7 years ago
Never shake a fishy.... lol
Vortex - 7 years ago
Put Cheese there
NotCara hjgjvvvyhjv,hj
NotCara hjgjvvvyhjv,hj - 7 years ago
The fish look real to me, what are you talking about?
Sena Yang
Sena Yang - 7 years ago
Omg your amazing!!! You are like the only YouTube that actually has good content and puts thoughts into your vids I love this channel I've been subbed ever since you started and none of your vids are bad they are all so entertaining thank you
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Bird Lover ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Bird Lover ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ - 7 years ago
Where is cheese
Ashmeed Mahabir
Ashmeed Mahabir - 7 years ago
Pretty girl
SuperGirl Destinee
SuperGirl Destinee - 7 years ago
Are those fish real
Jacob Michael
Jacob Michael - 7 years ago
poor nemo
DawnOfTheLight10 MSP
DawnOfTheLight10 MSP - 7 years ago
Sonia Ramos
Sonia Ramos - 7 years ago
Hi I love fish and lots of different speasheas of fish my most favorite is the fish called troopers
Autumn Gant
Autumn Gant - 7 years ago
You are so funny
nakashima kisuke
nakashima kisuke - 7 years ago
please reapond to my comment taylor nicole dean ,, did you cycle your tank ?
Andrew Green
Andrew Green - 7 years ago
Wait.. she let us see some fake fish.. then cut it and put someone’s video over with REAL fishes... and then she takes all the views! That is how life works..
Kaylen Is smol
Kaylen Is smol - 7 years ago
They're all hers. If you watched more than one video of hers, you would know that.
Gage G
Gage G - 7 years ago
Andy Fung those are her fish. How could you not get that? Ugh
Vivianna does yt
Vivianna does yt - 7 years ago
What is PETSHMO? Is it a real store xD
Rebecca Grandahl
Rebecca Grandahl - 7 years ago
Watching the lil clownfish zoom around makes me so happy
Stacy Rivera Jones
Stacy Rivera Jones - 7 years ago
Really wow.
Cici Nguyen
Cici Nguyen - 7 years ago
Hating on the haters Taylor I got your back we lit
Ariana Medley
Ariana Medley - 7 years ago
I laughed so hard when she shook the bags I was like wHY ARE YOU SLEEPING
Fluffy pikachu 1000
Fluffy pikachu 1000 - 7 years ago
Dude don’t stalk fish just catch them like every other pet you tuber
Jojo Vela
Jojo Vela - 7 years ago
Is it even safe for those fish to be shipped in little bags
Carol Draws
Carol Draws - 7 years ago
m o o d
Liam Basye
Liam Basye - 7 years ago
The fish arrived at ten and u finished at 10 or 11 ???
Richard Kerr
Richard Kerr - 7 years ago
The aquascaping in your tank looks great. That lip stick tang looks really cool. In the UK they are silly expensive.
Luke Freligh
Luke Freligh - 7 years ago
Don't introduce your tank water into the bag. If you don't have her set up. It's not necessary. But when you open the bag the oxygen that enters makes the water your fish is in almost toxic
michaelcrow74 - 7 years ago
Anyone notice irwins lipstick
Olivia 05
Olivia 05 - 7 years ago
I get it.
Akmalludin 151
Akmalludin 151 - 7 years ago
is that real fish
Abby Abittan
Abby Abittan - 7 years ago
cool fish taylor!!!
sprinkles 11
sprinkles 11 - 7 years ago
Is it real?!
TheRMartz12 - 7 years ago
you're weird but this was a great video
Jonatan Garcia Chavez
Jonatan Garcia Chavez - 7 years ago
Me encantó tu cirujano naso es Hermoso en México decides que todo se parese a su dueño y con tigo es real tu acuario o tan que bueno todos son hermosos yo también tengo muchos acuarios dentro de mi cuarto
Kalina Slavcheva
Kalina Slavcheva - 7 years ago
Why you don't buy a mate for Cheese?
Kamo Kamo
Kamo Kamo - 7 years ago
This is so funny im dying
Tatiana Samuels
Tatiana Samuels - 7 years ago
Your make up look is amazing. Also. This is hilarious. I’m glad you deleted you footage.
Angel Of the sea
Angel Of the sea - 7 years ago
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Michael kaiser
Michael kaiser - 7 years ago
Don't feel bad I spent 8k on a ski trip and got epic video..... and I deleted it all except 1 video.... I feel your pain!
catie lee
catie lee - 7 years ago
Those poor fishes could be swimming in the ocean instead of amusing human
Nana Novak
Nana Novak - 7 years ago
What cind of fish do you like the most except for clownfish?
Jon0807 - 7 years ago
I was watching a video from Marc Levenson at Melevsreef and he mentions a video that he saw and oddly enough sounds like this one!
spunkdaddy 420lad
spunkdaddy 420lad - 7 years ago
yuck why did you paint your nails yellow
bowser jr. koopa
bowser jr. koopa - 7 years ago
uuuuuuummmmmmmm why it looks like a toy
Jake Grammer
Jake Grammer - 7 years ago
I freaked the Hell out when I saw the initial packaging. Lmao
Katie Archer
Katie Archer - 7 years ago
That tang is absolutely gorgeous
Chrissy Polans
Chrissy Polans - 7 years ago
Very cool!
D O - 7 years ago
Whats the pink called?
Im i having nemo in a bag flashbacks
Booney Inc
Booney Inc - 7 years ago
do people watch her shit cos she actually has anything knowledgable to say about animals or cos she is pretty. i only came here cos shes pretty
Jacob Smith
Jacob Smith - 7 years ago
Sooooooooooo fakeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Ruby Minor
Ruby Minor - 7 years ago
Jacob Smith watch the beginning she explained it
TheRandomVioletCat - 7 years ago
Emmy A
Emmy A - 7 years ago
You reminded me of darla from finding nemo when she shakes the fish in the bags saying "WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING!?" Expecaly with your orange fish
Madelyn Dogwater
Madelyn Dogwater - 7 years ago
I love this: totally not acting 100%
kylie - 7 years ago
yo my dad's name is irwin he's my dad
Arthrium - 7 years ago
Your tank and set up look absolutely incredibly. Keep it up nice videos!
Kate clarke
Kate clarke - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank and fish!
Boy Online
Boy Online - 7 years ago
I love you
Micaiah P
Micaiah P - 7 years ago
Can you do a planted tank set up
Chaiwat Chouylai
Chaiwat Chouylai - 7 years ago
Moorish Idol?
everything - 7 years ago
Lol.there fake

It actually fooled me
Hannah Hutto
Hannah Hutto - 7 years ago
I have that exact same couch
Lunar mask
Lunar mask - 7 years ago
Bubu Bibi
Bubu Bibi - 7 years ago
Can i have one of that rare fish ? Plx ? Kthnks.
Jayeassass - 7 years ago
POPPIN' TAAGS - 7 years ago
I just noticed Irwin might have been named after Steve Irwin.....
Trash hHh
Trash hHh - 7 years ago
Chrissy Yung
Chrissy Yung - 7 years ago
Nemo reference
Punchmuffler - 7 years ago
I can't concentrate on this video. We have the same couch and it is fuckin me up so hard.
nikki_ 1
nikki_ 1 - 7 years ago
Omg the recreation was hilarious lol
Dre Minor
Dre Minor - 7 years ago
Lmao the unboxing was super funny
JustAnotherAsianGuy2 - 7 years ago
i can do you i can do you
Molly Habbershaw
Molly Habbershaw - 7 years ago
omgg i literally thought that orange fish was real for the first like five minutes hahaha
Mirha R
Mirha R - 7 years ago
4:34 She got black for a sec
Samuel C
Samuel C - 7 years ago
is there a maybe... cheaper light rather tan the 1600 dollar pair
Aqua King
Aqua King - 7 years ago
I love how funny you are
Liam McMillan
Liam McMillan - 7 years ago

all I have to say.
Whitney McParland
Whitney McParland - 7 years ago
I thought you were about to say you lost all the fish when you said you lost all the footage.
Sophia Feurer
Sophia Feurer - 7 years ago
When did u get cheese? Also did u make a video about it
PhoeIsACat - 7 years ago
I have like 35 guppies in a 20 gallon tank and I really want to upgrade their tank bc i know they will breed even more.
My plan: 40 gal tank for the adults.
20 gal tank for the babies (so the adults dont eat them)
Would that be safe and healthy? I have plants, hideouts, a filter and a heater in my tank atm.
janceleicstllo - 7 years ago
other girls on YouTube unbox makeup and stuff but this girlll
syvhne - 7 years ago
I love your nails on this video. Love the color it only works to few gilrs like u.
uhhead - 7 years ago
Where do you get all of your pets
Thats Love Kobee
Thats Love Kobee - 7 years ago
When the male fish looks better than the female fish.......
Boys have longer nails,lashes,height
Y dear god?,y?
Arthfael - 7 years ago
you should get an anemone
KittiKast - 7 years ago
She wouldn't stop shakin' the bag . . .
Asi&Squeezy Love Diary
Asi&Squeezy Love Diary - 7 years ago
Omg better version of dorryyyy is in ur aquarium waw love it
Our Sat
Our Sat - 7 years ago
Hi Taylor, I like your videos so much. I am a big lover for caring pets. But now, I only have an aquarium. I like your way in your videos and I learned much more things from you. Sure I like and sub your channel with bell activating. I hope you visit my channel to say your opinion about my videos.
I hope you notice my comment, I know there are thousands.
I will wait for your reply, it's very necessary to me.
Zaria Powell
Zaria Powell - 7 years ago
Come through with the look sis ✨ snap snap
Cookie Cat
Cookie Cat - 7 years ago
I love how you say don't shake it XD
MagIsLame - 7 years ago
every few weeks I binge a lot of these fish videos and they make me really want a lot of fish but then i'm reminded that my only tanks are two, three gallon tanks
FACTS - 7 years ago
get eels
Lily Ascher
Lily Ascher - 7 years ago
They are her fish why would she
Nick Nathu
Nick Nathu - 7 years ago
I feel like Taylor walks into a fish store and goes "HEY WHERE'S THE MOST EXPENSIVE FISH IN HERE" and just gets that fish....
nhall00195 - 7 years ago
I wanna put stuff in ur butt
Leslie Forsdyke
Leslie Forsdyke - 7 years ago
Im impressed by the way you avoided saying suck it!
Marek Horvath
Marek Horvath - 7 years ago
Buy A pirhna
Lily Ascher
Lily Ascher - 7 years ago
Marek Horvath she doesn't have to
TheFirstOrder ExecutionerTrooper
TheFirstOrder ExecutionerTrooper - 7 years ago
Alejandro marquez
Alejandro marquez - 7 years ago
You should totally get a larde amount of cleanup crew !!! Will help a lot the tank anyways amazing tank great fish!!!
Octavio Mendez
Octavio Mendez - 7 years ago
Spirit fang
Spirit fang - 7 years ago
I love him
marc mustre sarcauga
marc mustre sarcauga - 7 years ago
definitely large fish. love their color.
Sienna S
Sienna S - 7 years ago
LOL, this is one of Taylor's best video
Aqua Gods
Aqua Gods - 7 years ago
Do you have a terminal illness?
Ashlee Slavey
Ashlee Slavey - 7 years ago
The Angry Irishman
The Angry Irishman - 7 years ago
You are freakin adorable XD totally subscribing. At first i thought you repackaged all your fish to start over and i lost it when i saw they were plastic lol
Tunnelrat6666 - 7 years ago
There are plenty of programs that you can get that can recover the deleted files. They are never really deleted.
Blake Matthews
Blake Matthews - 7 years ago
This vid is so cool and you like really funny
Christopher Colliers
Christopher Colliers - 7 years ago
Lmfao the calculator as a clock. I liked just for that alone.
robert17 - 7 years ago
fucking cringey and shit thumbnail just clicked to say that... yuck
Gillian D'Aloisio
Gillian D'Aloisio - 7 years ago
were did you order the fish from?
the 3 Bairs
the 3 Bairs - 7 years ago
Do you play Tessa on the young and the restless? If not go look how much you and her look a like.
Brenda Huinac
Brenda Huinac - 7 years ago
I really enjoyed ur recreation
Green Dino
Green Dino - 7 years ago
I really want to start a saltwater tank but I'm broke
Sam Sum
Sam Sum - 7 years ago
Is that big fish to big for that tank?

Just a question.
Platypus - 7 years ago
No that Naso tang is at full size.
mitchell vanthul
mitchell vanthul - 7 years ago
idk how you keep your tiny salt water tank maintained so well, they are the biggest pain in the ass
kayla jarvis
kayla jarvis - 7 years ago
About how much was all of the coral that you bought to stock your tank with? Your Nasco tang is so big and beautiful!
Paul Sinnott
Paul Sinnott - 7 years ago
sso. cat
sso. cat - 7 years ago
Petschmo lolll
sso. cat
sso. cat - 7 years ago
Lol I think the fish died
Carson Farrell
Carson Farrell - 7 years ago
I've had all of these fish & I loved this video
Angel L. Martinez
Angel L. Martinez - 7 years ago
Very funny and informative,  jajaja liked your video.
Potato Slimes
Potato Slimes - 7 years ago
Potato Slimes
Potato Slimes - 7 years ago
You should collaborate with steff j
Eric Jenkins
Eric Jenkins - 7 years ago
Wow beautiful tank actually I'm into reef aquariums. I've watched your videos from time to time but I don't remember you ever mentioning anything about a big tank like this one. I wish there was a exotic fish store like this on the south side of Chicago. Anyway Great tank love your setup with the rock work I would love a tour of your filtration setup far as sump protein skimmer etc
zintime7 - 7 years ago
Using recovery software you can get the deleted files back, unless you have deleted many more files.
Charlie Svoboda-Barber
Charlie Svoboda-Barber - 7 years ago
I'm loving that jacket
Pleco Zone
Pleco Zone - 7 years ago
video is amazing! We have the same hobby. nice to meet you :)
dead people
dead people - 7 years ago
Make a spotlight on tangs and angelfish
Anything Crazy
Anything Crazy - 7 years ago
Did you cycle?
nonexistentsky - 7 years ago
Personally the clownfish is my favorite
Suellen Greene
Suellen Greene - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank and babies ❤️
Hummingbirdriver and Feathers
Hummingbirdriver and Feathers - 7 years ago
I like your yellow nails
Blocktopia8 - 7 years ago
I just realized the bags said petschmo. You didn't get them from there, did u?
OsoSexxy Pepsi
OsoSexxy Pepsi - 7 years ago
im laughing so hard right now! I can dig it tho.......good job
TougherCoot05 - 7 years ago
Lucky :(
Juliette Prevost
Juliette Prevost - 7 years ago
sooooo BEAUTIFUL and they seem so playful and happy
Posittron - 7 years ago
3:02 Haters gonna say it's fake
gabe v.
gabe v. - 7 years ago
u seem lonely
Blake Stauffer
Blake Stauffer - 7 years ago
You don't quarantine your fish?
Vincenza Mao
Vincenza Mao - 7 years ago
I laughed sooo hard at reenacting part
Zanetta Slowik
Zanetta Slowik - 7 years ago
Thease fish r so fake
new tank
new tank - 7 years ago
That music is so dame annoying
sister dun stole my garlic bread
sister dun stole my garlic bread - 7 years ago
Take a shot every time she says drip, fish, tank, shipped and 150 gallon.
Articuno The Warder of Ice
Articuno The Warder of Ice - 7 years ago
2:47 Dahlia O.O
Angel Yang
Angel Yang - 7 years ago
lol i love the recreation
Liam Epp
Liam Epp - 7 years ago
Irwin is beautiful
Tzedahah - 7 years ago
I'm crying! The recreation was genius <3
Jennifergirl - 7 years ago
Gentleman by Brahim Madon
Gentleman by Brahim Madon - 7 years ago
I like u...
Alysia - 7 years ago
Francis Fernandez
Francis Fernandez - 7 years ago
Is it fake??????????????
Jagged Guillermo
Jagged Guillermo - 7 years ago
NinjaOnANinja - 7 years ago
Wow, only 7 months. Gratz on your tits.
R S - 7 years ago
Gwynn Does Gaming
Gwynn Does Gaming - 7 years ago
My 2 year old son has the same fish ;)
JM Wallz
JM Wallz - 7 years ago
First 6 min are useless. Then the way she just plopped that fish in the tank made me cringe. Really not good video. Worst fish unboxing video I've seen.
Reaper 78
Reaper 78 - 7 years ago
Hey, intresting vid lol. There are programs to recover lost data off a memory card.
Reaper 78
Reaper 78 - 7 years ago
P.s love the scaping.
Peter Lewin
Peter Lewin - 7 years ago
I'm a keen fish-keeper and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your videos, and I LOVE you.
Platypus - 7 years ago
*Fish not fishes
Atsushi Seijūrō
Atsushi Seijūrō - 7 years ago
I skipped some parts and I GOT SO SCARED WHEN SHE WAS SHAKING THE BAG....
Alicia Holshouser
Alicia Holshouser - 7 years ago
I used to really like u but u don't post consistently. And before anyone hates on my opinion I know u have health problems but it would be nice to at least post once a week it's been almost a month since u last posted and I really want to know how your pets are.
Zoe Brown
Zoe Brown - 7 years ago
where do you get your fish from omg i need to know ugh
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya - 7 years ago
it's so funny how you go around 0:03 like:
Yes, I just had a tank for a child. like if it was blood from your blood... XD
Fire fox Gamer
Fire fox Gamer - 7 years ago
The are not real
Fire fox Gamer
Fire fox Gamer - 7 years ago
Oh my FUKING God
Jack Forrest
Jack Forrest - 7 years ago
All that extra packaging around the Tang was probably because they have bone barbs that they project either side of their that they us for defence and some Tangs can slash human hands to the bone with these barbs.
xx_xEmmax_xx - 7 years ago
u dont smile in any of ur thumbnails xD
Chue Yang
Chue Yang - 7 years ago
datinyone - 7 years ago
doesn't the ammonia in the bag become crazy toxic, the minute oxygen hits it?.
Bradley Davan
Bradley Davan - 7 years ago
datinyone p
gantz the great
gantz the great - 7 years ago
that is what I was thinking adding the airstone is a mistake.
Platypus - 7 years ago
Yeah it does, especially when the fish have been travelling for ages.
Oli Benjamin
Oli Benjamin - 7 years ago
"petshmo" xD I spat out my milk
Nick Nathu
Nick Nathu - 7 years ago
Both petcos near me are actually really well with saltwater, I went in a few days ago to get some saltwater fish and they made sure I had a correct tank with good parameters and proper food sources
Luna James
Luna James - 7 years ago
The orange fish was a toy
Luna James
Luna James - 7 years ago
Those fish look fake
Jayson Ray Labalan
Jayson Ray Labalan - 7 years ago
Ur cute . I just like to focus ur face. Hahaha
Lyse - 7 years ago
How do u buy from exotic reef imports
Drew Stevens
Drew Stevens - 7 years ago
the drip aclimation or opening the bag for to long is bad for the fish. When the bag is sealed, the oxygen is low, neutralising amonia and ph, but when its opened and oxygenated, the amonia turns lethal to the fish
Drew Stevens
Drew Stevens - 7 years ago
drip aclimation in different water than bag water is not what i meant by drip aclimation is bad for the fish
Dolan Timez
Dolan Timez - 7 years ago
If you get another take you should get a under water camera and make a under the water experience with the wish and you can spy on your wish
Madi Cook
Madi Cook - 7 years ago
I love u you give great info at the moment u are my favorite youtuber
Prince Darkplayer
Prince Darkplayer - 7 years ago
U r good at blogging
Jacob Stacey
Jacob Stacey - 7 years ago
Did you just assume that fish's gender?
Rafiki Of The Flock
Rafiki Of The Flock - 7 years ago
Nice recreation. You could be a movie producer.
TheAdventure OfMyBackhand
TheAdventure OfMyBackhand - 7 years ago
You guys...did you know if you don't skip on the ads, the youtuber gets more money. so watch the ads..ty :D
femail733 - 7 years ago
Is it fake
Poop._. - 7 years ago
That big fish looks like one of those monkey dudes
Platypus - 7 years ago
It's a Naso tang and no it doesn't look like a mandrill...
Tiny Orca
Tiny Orca - 7 years ago
Can I ask u a some thing
???????? - 7 years ago
hey what kind of lighting do you have?
???????? - 7 years ago
haha thats funny all the ""fish" are dead and they're in a petco bag everything from petco is dead
Nikolaos - 7 years ago
It's rare fish alright
Sophie Kvistad
Sophie Kvistad - 7 years ago

SpeekofDee - 7 years ago
Is it difficult going from fresh to saltwater aquarium?
I want a salt water setup now.
Platypus - 7 years ago
As long as you know and are ready to maintain it, it shouldn't be too difficult. :)
Salman Hosssain
Salman Hosssain - 7 years ago
What's the name red colour fish?
The gallant dor
The gallant dor - 7 years ago
What do u feed them?
Midori Gurinuu!
Midori Gurinuu! - 7 years ago
Wow, i'm suprised I didn't see this considering it was uploaded on ma bday.
Liam McMillan
Liam McMillan - 7 years ago
I love this
Monel Supr
Monel Supr - 7 years ago
I Have a Question: Do Fishes get Thirsty? and can they Drown?
Platypus - 7 years ago
Fish not fishes. And no they can't.
Sakura Haruno
Sakura Haruno - 7 years ago
I love your videos so much! But it always makes me kind of sad to watch them because i wish i was as beautiful as you are:(
Renea Debudey
Renea Debudey - 7 years ago
That looks fake
Captain Sun gaming
Captain Sun gaming - 7 years ago
Cheese probably deleted the footage because he was jealous
Ruby Daly
Ruby Daly - 7 years ago
I've never laughed so much when you said you recreated everyday. Well done. Hahaha. Really enjoy watching your videos
SiX - 7 years ago

the definitive version of petco.
Oli Benjamin
Oli Benjamin - 7 years ago
get a banana slug!!!
gameing taco
gameing taco - 7 years ago
Are the fish real
Trippy Hippie
Trippy Hippie - 7 years ago
Lmao when you shook it, you reminded me of the girl from finding nemo
TropicalCommunities - 7 years ago
2:56 "As you can clearly see we have all seven fish we ordered-"

Sees four fish
Skingirl for Life
Skingirl for Life - 7 years ago
Love your tank set up soo much!!
the crafty guy
the crafty guy - 7 years ago
Wanna have sum fun with my nope roe?
Cichlid Soldier
Cichlid Soldier - 7 years ago
how in the F does this chick have so many followers and this sorry @ss vid get almost a million views?
MomoValeria - 7 years ago
when you were shaking the fish it reminded me of that one girl from Finding Nemo.(you know that one girl from the dentist with the two pigtails)
Zakk Kaye
Zakk Kaye - 7 years ago
Just a heads up, drip acclimation is not the best way to acclimate fish that have been shipped to you. Bc the toxicity of the ammonia in the bag skyrockets as soon as you open the bag. So you are best floating them and the netting them in to the aquarium. Don't open the bag until you are ready to put the fish in. It is not the same if the fish have come from a store and had little time in the bag because the ammonia hasn't had time to build up. But well done this is an amazing tank :).
Platypus - 7 years ago
No you idiot. She just had some fish toys and put them in the bags as a joke. The real fish were somewhere else.
AverdeCheeseburger c
AverdeCheeseburger c - 7 years ago
1:39 Bette be careful, if you stalk that 150 gallon tank too much it'll put out a restraining order.
Rogue Aquariums
Rogue Aquariums - 7 years ago
You have some nice fish to start with. Nicely done.
Dragon Born
Dragon Born - 7 years ago
How much money do you spend
Just Terri
Just Terri - 7 years ago
Irwin's a lil cutie
Stefan Rhoades
Stefan Rhoades - 7 years ago
congrats on the new fish!
Shougofa Akbarpour
Shougofa Akbarpour - 7 years ago
These fish are fake
Graziella Piff
Graziella Piff - 7 years ago
ahahahahahah ihihihihihi
Daniel Jurewicz
Daniel Jurewicz - 7 years ago
I'm so worried about my Betta right now!!! The water is 72 degrees when it's supposed to be 78 to 80!!! I hope he doesn't die, I just got him last night and I feel terrible!
Help me reach 1000 subscribers
Help me reach 1000 subscribers - 7 years ago
YEE YEE - 7 years ago
Can u do a makeup tutorial thx
Jason Xie
Jason Xie - 7 years ago
They are fake........
Shannon Pulliam
Shannon Pulliam - 7 years ago
This was so funny
J.J. Pierson
J.J. Pierson - 7 years ago
That music was awesome. And your fish! lol
Maddy Hackett
Maddy Hackett - 7 years ago
So funny
pink princess
pink princess - 7 years ago
I dont agree live things should be posted. Great channel btw.
Kenzie Idk
Kenzie Idk - 7 years ago
Where do you buy your fish
James Koon
James Koon - 7 years ago
Just open your trashcan on your computer and recover the files
Sunil Kumar Ransingh
Sunil Kumar Ransingh - 7 years ago
But i lik uuuu
goat557639 - 7 years ago
I don't know if you name all of your fish but if some don't have a name just name them after different types of cheeses
Pocky The Dragon
Pocky The Dragon - 7 years ago
How much did your rock cost
Hannah The Adult
Hannah The Adult - 7 years ago
Irwin. Is. Amazing.
Blaze Havoc
Blaze Havoc - 7 years ago
Am I the only person that thinks Taylor looks like Kate winslet
Sunset Bow
Sunset Bow - 7 years ago
Wow, they're beautiful! They're amazing fishes.
Platypus - 7 years ago
Fish not fishes
Abe Meyer
Abe Meyer - 7 years ago
Anyone else thought "Fishy! Why are you sleeping?" When she shook the bag?
Music Is Medicine
Music Is Medicine - 7 years ago
Its funny! But sad!
Mimira - 7 years ago
It kinda looks like a toy? no hate doe i love taylor huehue
Speckles The corgi
Speckles The corgi - 7 years ago
Reminded me of darla from nemo when you shook it
Pixelsize - 7 years ago
I can't even. You actually recreated it with rubber fish.
Lallbeharry Khooshi
Lallbeharry Khooshi - 7 years ago
In which country Taylor stay and where she buy the animals in the video plz reply plzzz
Luna Mila
Luna Mila - 7 years ago
Jeoff Argales
Jeoff Argales - 7 years ago
taylor nicole dean where is your electic ill?
Allah Hudgon
Allah Hudgon - 7 years ago
There all cool and cute u have a good eye
Allah Hudgon
Allah Hudgon - 7 years ago
Your fish
Allah Hudgon
Allah Hudgon - 7 years ago
We're did you ordered yours
Inku - blue
Inku - blue - 7 years ago
Lol best fishes 10/10 petshmo is the best
Mxwell Evans
Mxwell Evans - 7 years ago
irwin looks like a gorilla...... if gorillas could be fish
Mystiicstory - 7 years ago
( i'm not disliking or anything) but was that a live fish in the begining ?
smorc655 - 7 years ago
I'm getting stress hives thinking about how expensive all this was
Sssniper Lion
Sssniper Lion - 7 years ago
can you Name the fire male shamoo
peanut's daisy
peanut's daisy - 7 years ago
For a moment I thought that little white thingy on irwin was his eyes and I realize it wasn't until he had side view, for a moment I was scared that he almost looked like a cartoon character
mis amores my lovers
mis amores my lovers - 7 years ago
O ok she prank us
mis amores my lovers
mis amores my lovers - 7 years ago
Are thos fake
Lina's Channel
Lina's Channel - 7 years ago
A small YouTuber here Guys I just uploaded my 1st vdo. It's about cichlids! I love seeing her cute animals so much >w< It would mean a lot if you could check it out and hopefully subscribe. Have a great day!!
Baby Meg
Baby Meg - 7 years ago
u have 666k subs
Kamryn Fortner
Kamryn Fortner - 7 years ago
WI are the fish fake
Pile of carbon
Pile of carbon - 7 years ago
My mom notified a pet store clerk that some of their fish looked a bit... dead. The shit for brains clerk actually tried to go all Monty Python's parrot and told her that "That's how they sleep. On their backs, at the surface."
Sky - 7 years ago
To re-create the video she used fake fish lol
Dima B
Dima B - 7 years ago
Is this a joke?
calm whispers
calm whispers - 7 years ago
But why are you always missing a nail
Lee Clifton
Lee Clifton - 7 years ago
You did a great job and the tank has lots of potential..good luck with it
MonArmy - 7 years ago
guys if you look closely do can see that they're actually not real :o
Goddess Gotti
Goddess Gotti - 7 years ago
Ken Borg
Ken Borg - 7 years ago
Fake fish
LucyLooLove 2007
LucyLooLove 2007 - 7 years ago
Erwin is Nemo and Dory in one by the tail the scales look like Nemo and he's a Tang how cool

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