Family guy - tropical fish

peter getting the fish tropical fishfood all rights to this video belong to seth macfaline and fox

Family guy - tropical fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Tropical fishing 9 years ago 89,516 views

peter getting the fish tropical fishfood all rights to this video belong to seth macfaline and fox

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Most popular comments
for Family guy - tropical fish

Vour OG
Vour OG - 6 years ago
Legend has it those fish are still alive..
AlExAnDeR GrIfFiN - 7 years ago
Doctor : I'm sorry,but your friend doesn't have insurance
Fish : I don't care what it cost,just make him well again(Throw the money)
Peter : Thank you fish

I think in real life thats what Dog will do to its owner if they can'll be very touching moment/topic in life
Losqualo Telli
Losqualo Telli - 7 years ago
thank you fish
Stephan Vaudiau
Stephan Vaudiau - 7 years ago
Trumpcare in action.
bitchasshoeism - 7 years ago
Stephan Vaudiau liberal retard
Michael Vicente
Michael Vicente - 7 years ago
> seth macfaline
SmiffyLel - 7 years ago
This is pretty cute
jose Bombela
jose Bombela - 8 years ago
thank u fish
The Skeptical Carrot
The Skeptical Carrot - 8 years ago
season and episode please?
Micah Garnett
Micah Garnett - 8 years ago
Ohio Girl its not
Ohio Girl
Ohio Girl - 8 years ago
Jakobosaurus rex I think season 7
BIG OUNCE - 8 years ago
the fuckin definition of best friend goals

10. comment for Family guy - tropical fish

Is_That_Bryce - 8 years ago
Braulio11 Rebolledo
Braulio11 Rebolledo - 8 years ago
what episode is this
Pato - 7 years ago
The one when Carol (the sister of Lois) get married with Mayor West
Jeff - 8 years ago
Daquan brought me here
Itai Sprachman
Itai Sprachman - 8 years ago
are we not going to talk about how the fish seemed to have a pocket to hold the money
Mata the One-X
Mata the One-X - 7 years ago
I'm more concerned that the fish are not dying in the air.
BIG OUNCE - 8 years ago
+Itai Sprachman lol
Itai Sprachman
Itai Sprachman - 8 years ago
+BIOHAZARD-42 the dog has been talking since ep.1
It it a bit too late to start questioning talking animals
BIOHAZARD-42 - 8 years ago
Itai Sprachman that's what you're concerned about? We're not concerned that the fish could talk?!
Itai Sprachman
Itai Sprachman - 8 years ago
+Harold Lauder maybe
BIG OUNCE - 8 years ago
Itai Sprachman Mabye it's a fat pouch
Haytam Laaziz
Haytam Laaziz - 8 years ago
thank you fish
justhe commentz
justhe commentz - 8 years ago
what happened to the fish in the end?
سعد التميمي
سعد التميمي - 8 years ago
Son of a Bitch..
Baryonx 97
Baryonx 97 - 8 years ago
it looks like peter has a Tiger Barb and a Golden Ram
Tyrone Cummins
Tyrone Cummins - 8 years ago
"Thank you fish" - w -
Depression - 7 years ago
Tyrone Cummins =w=
MultiMutantGamer - 8 years ago
What episode is this

20. comment for Family guy - tropical fish

Cool Dude
Cool Dude - 8 years ago
That's how I picture me and all my pets
Pato - 7 years ago
He wanted to look tough in front of the dogs
Ksensei41 - 8 years ago
wow that's hardcore. so you lifted a 50 lb bag of dog food with a broken leg. why? couldn't you order it with a delivery?
jose lopez
jose lopez - 8 years ago
same lol i had a broken leg and made the effort to my dogs a fifty lb bag of food lol
BIG C - 8 years ago
thank you fish lol.
Craig Harvey-Gurr
Craig Harvey-Gurr - 9 years ago
The tropical fish have more heart than humans do.
Pato - 7 years ago
I know this is old, but if he sells food to tropical fish he sure knows they need food between 2 hours, so if he see a client with this kind of fish he also knows they are gonna die, and to be honest working in a pet store and let them die is kind of dick, I mean "yes" he has the right to get strict with the time and say "sorry I´m already close" but Peter in this case has the right to call him an arrogant asshole
Raul Cruz
Raul Cruz - 7 years ago
girzwald3 yeah episode is this
Jose Lopez
Jose Lopez - 8 years ago
tropical fish lives matter
girzwald3 - 8 years ago
+jose lopez
Thousand dollar bills are actually quite rare and are worth about twice as much as their face value to collectors.
jose lopez
jose lopez - 8 years ago
+girzwald3 unless those are thousand dollar bills. or you know it could just be what he had on him
girzwald3 - 8 years ago
How much money did that fish throw at the doctor like 800 bucks at the most? Depending on what's wrong with him, it could be tens of thousands. Good intentions means jack shit.
Cool Dude
Cool Dude - 8 years ago
GUYS THE STORES CLOSED hell just have to get over it
Brijan B
Brijan B - 8 years ago
+Ricky Williams but if he (peter) tells them what kind of fish they are, the clerk could immediately point him to the proper food or even grab it himself. This would avoid uneccesary time spend by peter Finding the right food and delaying the leave of the clerk.
Ricky Williams
Ricky Williams - 8 years ago
+Kenneth Wagner yes you know that. The clerk does not. To the clerk he's another customer who want to shop after close.

Either way the store is closed. That doesn't mean come in any time you want it means come back tomorrow.
Kenneth Wagner
Kenneth Wagner - 8 years ago
+Brijan B fuck yes.
Kenneth Wagner
Kenneth Wagner - 8 years ago
+Ricky Williams except Peter had just gotten the fish, he couldn't help what time it was.
Brijan B
Brijan B - 8 years ago
Is this discussion really necessary?
Ricky Williams
Ricky Williams - 8 years ago
+Craig Harvey-Gurr​ it actually does. The store is open all day. The employee is there all day. In the clerks eyes Peter should have come in the 12+ hours the store was opened.

Again a lot of customers that try to come in after close aren't there for a few seconds. They can be there for much longer. If you want something from that store then get there when it opens. Closed is not a polite suggestion.
Ricky Williams
Ricky Williams - 8 years ago
+Kenneth Wagner it's called cleaning. Most employees will stay a few more minutes to clean the store for the next day. A customer coming in the store for who knows how long forces them to stay longer. Again you know Peter is just getting food. The clerk doesn't.
Kenneth Wagner
Kenneth Wagner - 8 years ago
+Ricky Williams Except he wasn't going home, he was in the story. He has to leave the store to go home, so it wouldn't have been any trouble to have handed the food to Peter.
Craig Harvey-Gurr
Craig Harvey-Gurr - 9 years ago
+Ricky Williams It doesn't excuse them for not taking a moment to help a guy out.
Ricky Williams
Ricky Williams - 9 years ago
+Craig Harvey-Gurr Yet it's a human who is doing his best to take care of them.

Also, we're seeing it from Peter's side. You ever work in a store? Most of the time customers aren't there for 2 minutes. Either way, when a story says it's closed it means it's closed. These people have homes and lives too.
Craig Harvey-Gurr
Craig Harvey-Gurr - 9 years ago
Man that store manager was a jackass. Seriously, it would've just taken that guy like two minutes to get some fish food!
Pato - 7 years ago
I know this is old, but if he sells food to tropical fish he sure knows they need food between 2 hours, so if he see a client with this kind of fish he also knows they are gonna die, and to be honest working in a pet store and let them die is kind of dick, I mean "yes" he has the right to get strict with the time and say "sorry I´m already close" but Peter in this case has the right to call him an arrogant asshole
Samuel Pippin
Samuel Pippin - 7 years ago
may be so. But once he sold Peter the fish food, he would have to recount the till and inventory. That 2 minute transaction would probably lead to another hour of work.
Clowntrooper - 8 years ago
+JMD 955 Alright. So don't use swears and internet writing. Do you have any other punctuation tips or anything like that?
JMD 955
JMD 955 - 8 years ago
+clowntrooper61 Of course, but the other guy seemed far more natural in his commenting, not saying he was right, not at all.
Clowntrooper - 8 years ago
+JMD 955 All of them? Even the ones I replied to you? No you're right, but it was an argument. I don't see why I should have perfect grammar for someone who won't give me any courtesy in return. You read what that other guy wrote right?
JMD 955
JMD 955 - 8 years ago
+clowntrooper61 Take some seconds and read your comments, all seem so forced. An unnatural mixture of formal writing, internet writing and cursing. You don't use contractions, yet you write cos instead of because or cause, and the generic swearing... Just, re read that and tell me if I'm not right.
Clowntrooper - 8 years ago
+JMD 955 An example? I thought you're not suppose to start a sentence with 'and'. Swearing isn't anything new. People have always used slang or curse words. It's just the words that have changed.
JMD 955
JMD 955 - 8 years ago
+clowntrooper61 It's like a general thing, wouldn't know how to start. And, by the way, an english teacher once told me that I shouldn't swear in a language I don't speak everyday cause it sounds... rather unnatural... forced.
Clowntrooper - 8 years ago
+JMD 955 Mother language? No I went to school but my English teacher was more interested in reading us Macbeth and of mice and men than punctuation. I some how passed though with a C (don't ask me how) If you want to teach me where i'm going wrong, that would be a great help.
JMD 955
JMD 955 - 8 years ago
+clowntrooper61 Is english your mother language? Cause you are only good at swearing but make lots of grammar mistakes. Like you've learnt english from a forum or something like that.
Zombie Juice
Zombie Juice - 8 years ago
+Aickavon the Techpriest you're such a buzz kill.
Clowntrooper - 8 years ago
It's youtube. What do you expect hugs and kisses
Snipercube - 8 years ago
Why is everyone always fucking arguing. Just enjoy the video.
Clowntrooper - 8 years ago
+Aickavon the Techpriest  Are you an asshole or something?If they are a small store it would be the owner as they wouldn't be able to afford employees. If they did it would most likely be someone they trust or relative you idiot. If it was a big store then yes but a small shop like that one seems to be like that wouldn't have to worry about employees stealing but robbers.

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about cos i don't a fucking walmart in my country.

Of course the store is privately owned. Well since it's in america i wouldn't be suprised in fact it seems stupid not too since like since you know since some states allow that like california, texas, new york, florida etc. Not in my country though because our goverment isn't being buttfucked by the NRA so when someone did go on a killing spree they actually did something about it by banning guns. 

Yeah i do. Uh duh but if it was a small shop and the guy didn't have any employees, it would be the owner closing the store.  

Like i said before fuck you cos ur a prick 
Aickavon the Techpriest
Aickavon the Techpriest - 8 years ago
+clowntrooper61 Are you a backwards hick or something?  Most stores will not have the actual owners in them ever except for inspections.  They'ren ot worried about OUTSIDE robbers you moron, they're worried about EMPLOYEES stealing.  Yes, this may surprise you, but those cameras all over most stores with a budget, are not only watching the customers, but they're watching the employees as well.

For instance, go into walmart and you will see a camera above every single cash register, it is positioned to look right down at the drawer so tehy can see what a cashier does with the money.  That's why after a certain time you are not allowed to tamper with the register.

Also, most stores will not allow you to bring a gun, unless it's a private owned one, but we have gained no information whether the store is private owned or not, we just know it's a fish store of some sort.

And no, you don't know how low grade jobs work do you?  Most of the time people working late is management of some sort, a cashier closing shop, or a janitor coming in when it's closed to do night time cleaning.  In this case it looked like someone closing shop.  If the store closes at 9 o'clock the n the sun is probably down which is why it's 'that late'.

Once more, if the store is closed.  Fuck off. 
Clowntrooper - 8 years ago
+Aickavon the Techpriest What do you full retard? What kind of neighbor hood to you live in. I know they got to be worried about robbers and they most likely would rob it when no one is in there cos if you live in the US they might have a gun under the counter cos it would be stupid not too.

The guy is in the store though. It wouldn't take long to turn it back on. The only person who would be in that late would be the owner. Besides why would you be cleaning that counter that late?

Fuck you
Aickavon the Techpriest
Aickavon the Techpriest - 8 years ago
+Craig Harvey-Gurr I can tell you never worked at a store.  Most customers... like 99% of them, will not take two minutes... they go full retard.  It's safer to just say 'no'.

Besides, many stores have a rule with the cash registers that after a certain time they are 'reset' or something, and messing with them after a certain time can be grounds for being fired as it is suspicious or osmething.

So in the end, come to the store when it's open.  If the cashier's light is off.  Fuck off.  IF the store is closed.  Fuck off.  IF they're currently cleaning a spill on teh floor.  Wait your damn turn.  Safety first.

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