Fishing for Exotic Cichlids in Florida (Opa-Locka, FL)

Make sure to READ the description for MORE DETAILS: UPLOADS EVERY 2 DAYS :) July 15th, 2016 -- 2nd day of my trip to Fort Lauderdale with my father! First day wasn't so exciting, since we were just running around for groceries and stuff. We did do some night time fishing, ending up with my 130th Species of fish -- the Horse-eye Jack! Then, the next day was amazing!!! As you guys will see in this video, 4 new Species of fish from this canal in Opa-Locka that I had never fished before! Truly a paradise for exotic Species of Cichlids, folks! Coming up in two days: My father and I attempt some Micro-Fishing at the Intracoastal Canal. We end our day landing more than 10 Species of fish in one fishing session. :) Stay tuned! Follow me on my social media platforms: FISHING BLOG: FACEBOOK: GOOGLE+: INSTAGRAM: SNAPCHAT: Extphillyfishin PERISCOPE: ExtremePhillyFishing Check out my Benefactors/Sponsors: Recycled Fish: EuroTackle: (10% off entire order with promocode extremephillyfishing) KastKing: Become my Patron (, support my work, and get some awesome rewards: $2 -- Access to my Private Photo Database ( $5 -- educational video for Patreon Supporters only + all above $10 -- 30 minutes 1-on-1 talk + all above $50 -- Fishing Collaboration on YouTube + all above Check out some of my Playlists: Fishing in New Jersey: Fishing in North Carolina: Fishing in Florida: Unboxing videos: Multi-Species videos (4Species+): Long Days and Pleasant Nights! Tight lines, Youtube viewers! -------------------------------------- EPF encourages freedom of speech - there's absolutely nothing wrong in expressing oneself; however, please -- respect is good and everyone deserves it. Negative comments will be deleted and trolls will be banned. :)

Fishing for Exotic Cichlids in Florida (Opa-Locka, FL) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 184

Tropical fishing 8 years ago 264,498 views

Make sure to READ the description for MORE DETAILS: UPLOADS EVERY 2 DAYS :) July 15th, 2016 -- 2nd day of my trip to Fort Lauderdale with my father! First day wasn't so exciting, since we were just running around for groceries and stuff. We did do some night time fishing, ending up with my 130th Species of fish -- the Horse-eye Jack! Then, the next day was amazing!!! As you guys will see in this video, 4 new Species of fish from this canal in Opa-Locka that I had never fished before! Truly a paradise for exotic Species of Cichlids, folks! Coming up in two days: My father and I attempt some Micro-Fishing at the Intracoastal Canal. We end our day landing more than 10 Species of fish in one fishing session. :) Stay tuned! Follow me on my social media platforms: FISHING BLOG: FACEBOOK: GOOGLE+: INSTAGRAM: SNAPCHAT: Extphillyfishin PERISCOPE: ExtremePhillyFishing Check out my Benefactors/Sponsors: Recycled Fish: EuroTackle: (10% off entire order with promocode extremephillyfishing) KastKing: Become my Patron (, support my work, and get some awesome rewards: $2 -- Access to my Private Photo Database ( $5 -- educational video for Patreon Supporters only + all above $10 -- 30 minutes 1-on-1 talk + all above $50 -- Fishing Collaboration on YouTube + all above Check out some of my Playlists: Fishing in New Jersey: Fishing in North Carolina: Fishing in Florida: Unboxing videos: Multi-Species videos (4Species+): Long Days and Pleasant Nights! Tight lines, Youtube viewers! -------------------------------------- EPF encourages freedom of speech - there's absolutely nothing wrong in expressing oneself; however, please -- respect is good and everyone deserves it. Negative comments will be deleted and trolls will be banned. :)

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Most popular comments
for Fishing for Exotic Cichlids in Florida (Opa-Locka, FL)

EmmausRoad - 6 years ago
I hear mayan Cichlids are good eatin!!
Arsalan A
Arsalan A - 6 years ago
Dam man i pay so much money in buying them
Nicholas Pons
Nicholas Pons - 6 years ago
Where in opalocka is this ?
SoFlaChile6493 - 6 years ago
Opa-Locka is a VERY dangerous area, you got to be careful around there.
skills. manman
skills. manman - 6 years ago
I go fishing there
Michael Balkaran
Michael Balkaran - 6 years ago
Leo I fish at the same spot
Richard K
Richard K - 6 years ago
Wow-Fun to watch, but also scary. These Central and South American are top predators and I would imagine that they are wiping out the native fish if they haven't done so already. BTW-The Salvini your landed is a female. They get the red belly while the males do not.
Reeko Bellic
Reeko Bellic - 6 years ago
Should kept th orange one
Alex Kuo
Alex Kuo - 7 years ago
Can u keep a mayan cichlid and send it to me please 4 inches or more no bigger thank you if u can!

10. comment for Fishing for Exotic Cichlids in Florida (Opa-Locka, FL)

Meagan Frutchey
Meagan Frutchey - 7 years ago
5:21 yep just throw it off a bridge
Meagan Frutchey
Meagan Frutchey - 7 years ago
1:03 i love it
Michael Balkaran
Michael Balkaran - 7 years ago
I had catch the red fish he caught and kept it inside my fish tank , don't believe check my chanel out Michael balkaran.
Jay marin
Jay marin - 7 years ago
So those fish aren't from florida right ?
Brazilian Fish keeper
Brazilian Fish keeper - 7 years ago
Are you Brazilian?
Andre Lang
Andre Lang - 7 years ago
I love how you correctly identify the fish!
Havyn Carson
Havyn Carson - 7 years ago
The gold one is a river chicken
Dayquan Mac
Dayquan Mac - 7 years ago
Where is this at
Fabio Ballestros
Fabio Ballestros - 7 years ago
Take it easy fish
Coley _Wilson
Coley _Wilson - 7 years ago
I’ve caught bigger sicklett

20. comment for Fishing for Exotic Cichlids in Florida (Opa-Locka, FL)

newerafrican - 7 years ago
Nice morning with your dad, dude! Those are great memories!!
Dina C
Dina C - 7 years ago
I didn't know you were Chinese lol, started talking to your dad at like 3:10 and I was so surprised I understodd haha.
Jacob Hutcherson
Jacob Hutcherson - 7 years ago
Leo why does YouTube keep unsubscribing me from your channel
fnx ycdc
fnx ycdc - 7 years ago
I just want a oster toad fish
Max Fargusson
Max Fargusson - 7 years ago
That was a red devil cichlid
Delusions 88
Delusions 88 - 7 years ago
Can u or anyone here help identify tilapia in ny fish tank? Love ur vids and were caught in florida. I thought one was black acara but obvi a spotted tilap, the other tilap could possibly be hybrid? Plz check vid of my aquarium and feedback
SoFlo Cichlids
SoFlo Cichlids - 7 years ago
Delusions 88 i have a black acara video. And a bunch in my tanks. And babies. I like them alot
Delusions 88
Delusions 88 - 7 years ago
I loved this video! I habe caught alot of different species but dang i gotta get to ft lauterdale! Im up in palm beach
Delusions 88
Delusions 88 - 7 years ago
Oh man i want a red devil and oscar so bad! Midas cichlids are dope! I posted a vid of my invasive exotic fish tank check it out, would appreciate feedback
Xx99BALLER99xX DAYUM - 7 years ago
im not sure im pretty sure 6:19
jgottinc - 7 years ago
"Catch and release" invasive species something isn't right
Gabe Elkins
Gabe Elkins - 7 years ago
eh, after a while the non native populations will eventually balance out. just takes some time.

30. comment for Fishing for Exotic Cichlids in Florida (Opa-Locka, FL)

ConnorTube - 7 years ago
thx for subbing to me epf
Jeremy McTaggart
Jeremy McTaggart - 7 years ago
People just don't realize how devastating to the natural ecosystems these non native species are
The Baller Caleb
The Baller Caleb - 7 years ago
EPF was like we are fishing in fort LOUDERDALE
Hayden Tidwell
Hayden Tidwell - 7 years ago
do u add saltwater fishvtovthe list
shotokiss - 7 years ago
The very colorful one is a Salvini cichlid. I have all the fish you caught in my fishtanks.
Tom Wronski
Tom Wronski - 7 years ago
Nice Salvini!
PeabodysParadise - 7 years ago
Reminds me of the times I went fishing with my dad, they were the best.
Barbara K.
Barbara K. - 7 years ago
The trash is deplorable. It's crazy though because I'm used to seeing those species in pet shops.
Kasperx138 - 7 years ago
Damn you're pulling a lot of money outta there lol you're fishing at petsmart hahaha
CrazyLegs - 7 years ago
Caden Jolly
Caden Jolly - 7 years ago
It's a dick fish
African Cichlids
African Cichlids - 7 years ago
salvini for sure
African Cichlids
African Cichlids - 7 years ago
juguar cichlid. super aggressive
African Cichlids
African Cichlids - 7 years ago
nevermind looks like a red devil cichlid
African Cichlids
African Cichlids - 7 years ago
dragonsblood cichlid. hybrid..aka firefish
African Cichlids
African Cichlids - 7 years ago
it's a mayan
viewer - 7 years ago
i've only heard of african and south american cichlids. never mayan. i keep africans and that orange one that you caught looks like a zebra or a lab. both african. i've raised the labs and they keep the fry in their mouth.
Philip Robinson
Philip Robinson - 7 years ago
The orange Red one was a RED DEVIL
Philip Robinson
Philip Robinson - 7 years ago
Yellow one with the black bars and blue spots is a SALVINI otherwise known as the TRICOLOR Cichlid
Javier Upshaw
Javier Upshaw - 7 years ago
I need a goldfish

50. comment for Fishing for Exotic Cichlids in Florida (Opa-Locka, FL)

Dave Duan
Dave Duan - 7 years ago
I lived in Miami for 10 years, where is this place..............???????
C.STODDARD RippingBassLips
C.STODDARD RippingBassLips - 7 years ago
Wow just proves that people are throwing their pet fish away and some people have not a clue how devastating effect that could have on a ecosystem
xisotopex - 7 years ago
what was the fish at 07:43
xisotopex - 7 years ago
xisotopex - 7 years ago
nice video!
Moto Gorilla
Moto Gorilla - 8 years ago
nice man...I've got litetally all the chichlids that you've caught in this video. cheers from india
Rick Beacham
Rick Beacham - 8 years ago
Wow they just pulled out a Jaguar Cichlid.... Really nice Central American species..
Rick Beacham
Rick Beacham - 8 years ago
Firemouth.. Mix a firemouth and red devil you get ...
Taylor Welsh
Taylor Welsh - 8 years ago
midasis the last one
edgardo varela
edgardo varela - 8 years ago
can you tell me where this? I have always wanted to fish cichlids
wichid cichlid
wichid cichlid - 8 years ago
wow I would pay you good money for those midas CICHLIDS those are some high quality FISH, as far as the Aquarium hobby goes.... wow!
Rob Naselroad
Rob Naselroad - 8 years ago
hurricanes and a-holes thats where the trash came from. side note; Leo what do you think of the shimano spirex RG 1000 as a micro reel?
Arroyo Invincible
Arroyo Invincible - 7 years ago
Rob Naselroad actually garbage trucks spit out a good amount of garbage so.
Hunter Gamer
Hunter Gamer - 8 years ago
Extreme Philly Fishing those fish that you kept catching are an invasion to Florida should not have released them
Rob Naselroad
Rob Naselroad - 8 years ago
well I was looking for one with a trigger on the bail. Maybe you could suggest that to KastKing for a future model.
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Seeing a spot totally trashed certainly makes us anglers sad, Rob Naselroad. :( As for micro reels, and also Shimano, I guess my preference would fall within a Shimano Sedona 500 FD -- old model. Nowadays, for micro reel, my favorites are the KastKing Mela II 1000 or the KastKing Sharky II 1500. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
MGP BOSS - 8 years ago
Hoarse eye
Nero Baobab
Nero Baobab - 8 years ago
Great vid! Awesome red cichlid u caught.. I would have kept it in my tank! What was it?
Sam Mono
Sam Mono - 8 years ago
Its a Parachromis Managuesnis not a Jaguar Guapote
Doug Sydnes
Doug Sydnes - 8 years ago
Really cool seeing what all you and your dad catch. Looks like a fantastic father/son trip!
dpwaslayer1 - 8 years ago
its almost as if a pet store dumped all the unsold fish ina sewer
Epic Gaming
Epic Gaming - 8 years ago
it was a baby peacock
willshealy - 8 years ago
People are lazy pieces of shit. Can't just hold on to thee trash to toss it in a trash can
JohntechFL - 8 years ago
Its part of a retention pond system. Thats obvious by the trash.
Tony Montana
Tony Montana - 8 years ago
looks like your fudder caught a nice 1
Debbie B
Debbie B - 8 years ago
Absolutely disgusting the trash in that area, so it's pretty obvious that the people in FL don't take care of their environment.  Makes me sick.
holdmybeer - 6 years ago
To be fair opa locka is the hood..
Kasperx138 - 7 years ago
all the nuts roll down hill
Emily Kelpie
Emily Kelpie - 8 years ago
I could watch you fish for hours at a time. Loving this
Aryeh Wiesel
Aryeh Wiesel - 8 years ago
Most of the fish he caught are South American cichlids and are invasive to Florida and he really shouldn't be releasing them
Gloria Acevedo
Gloria Acevedo - 7 years ago
hey since u cant release after u catch it can u keep it as a pet
Justen Sykes
Justen Sykes - 7 years ago
Aryeh Wiesel fish fry!!!
slammedEGhatch - 8 years ago
anybody else peep the evo at the beginning?
emmaline balkaran
emmaline balkaran - 8 years ago
the fish is a reddevll
SKYWOLF GAMING - 8 years ago
where in opa-locka did you go
mark daniels
mark daniels - 8 years ago
SKYWOLF GAMING that's near the airport
Casey Proia
Casey Proia - 8 years ago
Yeah where was it I want to catch the Midas cichlid
Eadyn M
Eadyn M - 8 years ago
It is a red devil
Andrey Andreev
Andrey Andreev - 8 years ago
Amazing fishing!
Michelle Stanley
Michelle Stanley - 8 years ago
omg please fish there again
D.Nasty Fishing
D.Nasty Fishing - 8 years ago
What's up bro .. isn't florida great ?? come support the sport and subscribe. D.Nasty Fishing .. and all that trash floating is MIAMI for ya .lol
The Gaming Banana
The Gaming Banana - 8 years ago
u filmed this the day before my bday which is July 6
Toxin515 - 8 years ago
But they are all invasive and I don't think releasing them is legal, at least where I live
Toxin515 - 8 years ago
As an aquarist that favors South American cichlids, I'm watching this and crying as you throw back some of the most beautiful specimens I've seen ever, some of those would cost more than 60$
Toxin515 - 8 years ago
As an aquarist that favors South American cichlids, I'm watching this and crying as you throw back some of the most beautiful specimens I've seen ever, some of those would cost more than 60$
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 8 years ago
Pretty crazy how many non-native fish there are in florida
WOLFE221 - 7 years ago
I'm sure that's part of the problem, but I think most of the non-native cichlids came from breeders and suppliers that flooded during hurricanes and storms. The water temp is perfect for South American and Amazonian cichlids. (As well as Asian snakeheads!)
Arroyo Invincible
Arroyo Invincible - 7 years ago
RamirezHD yup you should see their website with long list of invasive fishes alone.
RamirezHD - 8 years ago
that is the problem. For some irresponsible reason, people here in FL buy pets, get tired, and dump them wherever they can. They do it with fish, snakes, dogs, lizards, birds, u name it.
Comp Jet
Comp Jet - 8 years ago
myan cichlid look liked an oscar
Patrick fishing
Patrick fishing - 8 years ago
your first fish was a Mayan cichlid
gangsta avas
gangsta avas - 8 years ago
that was a red devil
Maurice Langley
Maurice Langley - 6 years ago
gangsta avas That's what I thought, but my Red Devils never had that red lipstick! They were some of the meanest fish we owned. The Managuense (Jaguar cichlid) was a savage too! He lived for over 10yrs, he'd eat any & everything we put in the tank!
Cain Blackburn
Cain Blackburn - 7 years ago
gangsta avas yes you are right
Bruno Guldhammer
Bruno Guldhammer - 8 years ago
wow so many spic. and u father to good work i like !! can not wait on the puffer i got some in malaisia on Penang funny fish !! and the noise yes it is a must try funny !! thank u for all ur work
Top Doge
Top Doge - 8 years ago
you from hawaii?
eric hood
eric hood - 8 years ago
yup toadfish
Doug Bomeisler
Doug Bomeisler - 8 years ago
Awesome variety of fish in that canal. How did you end up fishing there?
Lol Nacho Libre take it easy
Yvette Fiorentino
Yvette Fiorentino - 8 years ago
hi gyes
trongcuong nguyen
trongcuong nguyen - 8 years ago
câu thì if, nói thì nhiều. cá thì bằng chim thằng bé...
Hunting, fishing in Texas
Hunting, fishing in Texas - 8 years ago
Whaaaaattts uuuuuup yooouuuuutube. Love it
bpollock42 - 8 years ago
Florida wants the exotics eaten or trashed, not released, except for peacock bass. The Mayan cichlid is extremely troublesome because it might be able to survive in colder water. Great series. I enjoy watching.
Franz Schrodinger
Franz Schrodinger - 8 years ago
Please tell me you kill and eat them
Cali Angler
Cali Angler - 8 years ago
what is people doing over there? those are not even native fish

100. comment for Fishing for Exotic Cichlids in Florida (Opa-Locka, FL)

Max Edleston
Max Edleston - 8 years ago
the fish on 7:43 is one of the most beautiful fish I think I've ever seen!
Salahudeen Salaam
Salahudeen Salaam - 8 years ago
can you keep those cichlids?
BluFyre 007
BluFyre 007 - 8 years ago
Horse-Eye Jacks have yellow tails.
Deon Nutall
Deon Nutall - 8 years ago
it is a blue runer
john merritt
john merritt - 8 years ago
can u eat cichlids
Kieran Boughner
Kieran Boughner - 8 years ago
LOL when you pull a $75 fish out of a pond then throw it back in
Trey Hurst
Trey Hurst - 8 years ago
its called a red devil
Brian Miller
Brian Miller - 8 years ago
Hey EPF, how did you identify the difference between the red devil cichlid and the midas cichlid?
Michelle Stanley
Michelle Stanley - 8 years ago
what was the pink thing calld
David H
David H - 8 years ago
is there a law about killing invasive fish in florida or something i know dont kill what you not gonna eat but 1 you could eat them 2 they dont belong some dont kill what you wont eat doesnt apply something will eat it
Brandon McGlothlin
Brandon McGlothlin - 8 years ago
This is a good day fishing, many bites and different Ciclads pluse other,.,.,.,,,.
rgcthat - 8 years ago
i live in opa locka no way in hell do fish live in there plus you didn't get off the tri rail and stumbled in that canal stop fucking lying
Brenda Boyd
Brenda Boyd - 8 years ago
salvini cichlid was the colorful one
ad78 - 8 years ago
I hate how you treat these fish.. i am a cihclid fan and i have 21 and counting.
ApplesPapples - 8 years ago
He should honestly be killing them since they're decimating native fish species and destroying ecosystems in Florida.

I'm a freshwater goby fan, but I have no problem with it actually being illegal in some great lakes states to throw back any Round Gobies that you catch. They're an invasive and nonnative species and are destroying the native fish there, just like these chiclids.
WisGuy4 - 8 years ago
How is he supposed to treat them?  Standard catch and release.
Alex Taylor
Alex Taylor - 8 years ago
1addictsad78 they're invasive in florida...
Metzger - 8 years ago
What rod/height and reel would you suggest for this kind of fishing?
Petia - 7 years ago
Use an ultralight rod 6-7ft 2-6lbs line size 500-1000 reel for more fun.
twas brillig
twas brillig - 8 years ago
Wow I'm suprised at all the variety of cichlids, gorgeous female salvini
Tom Wronski
Tom Wronski - 8 years ago
Angelo Rod
Angelo Rod - 8 years ago
Realy you don't know what that is
The Camo'd Korean
The Camo'd Korean - 8 years ago
I'm surprised you didn't catch a large mouth bass or bluegill
elchavofan Grande
elchavofan Grande - 8 years ago
rufufuwho - 8 years ago
Tilapia!!!! haha.
Timmy Allen
Timmy Allen - 8 years ago
It's a peacock bass
Chad S
Chad S - 8 years ago
dude i would catch them fish and sell em. Make a good business. People always releasing em into public waters, this way you can recirculate them... Help the environment and all that jazz!
Danny Herzog
Danny Herzog - 8 years ago
I caught a new species the other day it was a small mouth
C.R. Fraser
C.R. Fraser - 8 years ago
I recently caught a myan cichlid slightly bigger than yours on a senko, and an even bigger orange one on another senko.
r.i.p nate
r.i.p nate - 8 years ago
im the kinda person thatll walk around cleaning but fuck that to many lazy fucks who dnt care about the earth
Ci Fang
Ci Fang - 8 years ago
Okay, why does Florida have so many different types of species? I have a clue from what I gathered, but there is just so many.
visualkeirockstar - 8 years ago
Tropical climate.
Cody bolling
Cody bolling - 8 years ago
I could tell u why. We get them as imports and people don't want them as pets no more and let them go. Lots people also bring them from other countries and let them go. I live in Florida fish for them all the time
T- Riv
T- Riv - 8 years ago
you were close tho
T- Riv
T- Riv - 8 years ago
the "toad fish" is actually called a frog fish
J_Dilinger J_Dilinger
J_Dilinger J_Dilinger - 8 years ago
the first fish was a talapia
Stacey Plath
Stacey Plath - 8 years ago
Hey Leo those chichlids are fish tank and that Jaguar fish is to
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Definitely, Stacey Plath. They actually got in the wild in Florida because folks released their pets there. :( Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Doc Holliday
Doc Holliday - 8 years ago
bilingual video " Hell Ya " nice fish Leo !
Tejano Joe
Tejano Joe - 8 years ago
Is it me or does this guy sound exactly like "Ren" from The Ren & Stimpy Show, Ha!...Neat catches tho, looks like a lot of fun!
long thor
long thor - 8 years ago
Damm if i live there i would have a nice fish tank of cichlids
Mr66Yellow - 8 years ago
Gary Ning
Gary Ning - 8 years ago
Bruh I didnt think your were Chinese lol
I smell like ass 123
I smell like ass 123 - 8 years ago
Isaiah Kelso
Isaiah Kelso - 8 years ago
Jorge Boudet
Jorge Boudet - 8 years ago
hood status
Michelle Stanley
Michelle Stanley - 8 years ago
soo cool please fish theare again
Emily Lawson
Emily Lawson - 8 years ago
Yes it's is a oyster toad fish
kerim Abdul
kerim Abdul - 8 years ago
does anyone know what rod and reel he has?
Angel Hernandez
Angel Hernandez - 8 years ago
Please tell me the exact location
SoFlaChile6493 - 6 years ago
lol Trust me an area you don't want to be hanging around in.
noah Pellegrino
noah Pellegrino - 8 years ago
why do u always say fish on
CJ Later
CJ Later - 8 years ago
I hate you
Hulkvn 54
Hulkvn 54 - 8 years ago
Hulkvn 54
Hulkvn 54 - 8 years ago
Where i live suriname we have thouse pecoes alot
Hulkvn 54
Hulkvn 54 - 8 years ago
Yo the wone with the black strips and the neadles thats a thoekoenari
Terence Chang
Terence Chang - 8 years ago
This is better then catching pokemon
Tebzey - 8 years ago
I live in ft lauderdale
The Wild Pitchers
The Wild Pitchers - 8 years ago
How did I get here? Mcjuggernuggets to this?
C Marshall
C Marshall - 8 years ago
Edinburg Bobcats my school is the bobcats lol
Edinburg Bobcats
Edinburg Bobcats - 8 years ago
this is fishing bruh
Josh Gutierrez
Josh Gutierrez - 8 years ago
soccer bros
soccer bros - 8 years ago
the fish is a bitch
george forster
george forster - 8 years ago
Iv got those in my fish tank
The Boss Yobrohommy
The Boss Yobrohommy - 8 years ago
ilusq - 8 years ago
hey are you of Taiwanese descent?
Diego Angelini
Diego Angelini - 8 years ago
Dude your in the middle of the hood
Uhsepe Valdez
Uhsepe Valdez - 8 years ago
jawns tight bro
PermenAsem - 8 years ago
Awesome video! (also, tell your father, nice Rolex Datejust!)
Dumb Bum
Dumb Bum - 8 years ago
hey philly fishing when i go fishing what shouldi use as bait?
Scott Party
Scott Party - 8 years ago
try using a 12-14 lb child
Elak DaGlock
Elak DaGlock - 8 years ago
what do you want to catch?
Jackson Hehir
Jackson Hehir - 8 years ago
It's a brassy Trevally
Adam Paul
Adam Paul - 8 years ago
it's all bait
Adam Paul
Adam Paul - 8 years ago
horse eye
yadiel castro
yadiel castro - 8 years ago
Is just amazing how people make youtube fishing channels and dont even know the fish species those were all mostly tilapia
RC MAN 23 - 8 years ago
Not even 1 talapia. So what are u talking about. He named all of them right.
DanielAndJessica Godwin
DanielAndJessica Godwin - 8 years ago
you must not be a florida local becauuse a tilapia is a kind of chicled
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
It is amazing how many people come here to watch my stuff and they think that mostly fishes in the video were Tilapia. Tight lines and thanks for watching, yadiel!
Kevin Mills
Kevin Mills - 8 years ago
is first fish is a rock bass
Speed stack Patty
Speed stack Patty - 8 years ago
Nice vid I love it
jeffrow - 8 years ago
rip fish
L.A PUMA - 8 years ago
I live in opalocka
Broderick Eades
Broderick Eades - 8 years ago
Omg u were in Fort Lauderdale that's next door to were I am
Broderick Eades
Broderick Eades - 8 years ago
The first fish I catchy so much of them
Broderick Eades
Broderick Eades - 8 years ago
I love watching this guys videos there so cool and I like his accent a lot
Mukhriz Aiman
Mukhriz Aiman - 8 years ago
the stripe fish is tilapia in malaysia
Daniel Laffite
Daniel Laffite - 8 years ago
dude dont lip the jaguar gapode man! stop mishandling your fish bro what the fuck
Tom Wronski
Tom Wronski - 7 years ago
It's pronounced.... haaaggwwaarrrr.
trevor hancock
trevor hancock - 7 years ago
Daniel Laffite dude calm down. all those fish are invasive in the first place and he out of anyone wouldn't miss handle a fish.
Hannah Shiver
Hannah Shiver - 8 years ago
wanna fish sometime?
Drpepperkiller1017 - 8 years ago
The jack was a blue runner, summertime they are everywhere
Zhiyi Li
Zhiyi Li - 8 years ago
Brett Ott
Brett Ott - 8 years ago
fun video Leo, nice
Jeremycurci - 8 years ago
the first fish was a tilapia
Maxxis - 8 years ago
I can't believe how fast they bite after you cast
kion pryce
kion pryce - 8 years ago
I hate how he just throws the fish
Put Kyle in the brig
Put Kyle in the brig - 8 years ago
0:07 who the fuck uses google plus...?
Sawyer Conn
Sawyer Conn - 8 years ago
It's a oyster fish don't touch it's venomous
Jack Paul
Jack Paul - 8 years ago
poo poo
7catstied2gether - 8 years ago
what's the fish at 7:43
Lucas Nunes
Lucas Nunes - 8 years ago
its a salvini
O Shit Waddup
O Shit Waddup - 8 years ago
+Caden Payne Do you understand what is sarcasm you dumbass?
Caden Payne
Caden Payne - 8 years ago
that's not a pike you retard
O Shit Waddup
O Shit Waddup - 8 years ago
dirtmaster247 - 8 years ago
spices number #133 is a warmouth and the orange fish I like to call them bean heads.
Paulo Walnuts
Paulo Walnuts - 8 years ago
has anyone donated $50 on your patron yet?
Bob Zumbrun
Bob Zumbrun - 8 years ago
you dont no how to grab a fish
Classic Dad
Classic Dad - 8 years ago
Waiting for alligator to pop up
The Meme Informer
The Meme Informer - 8 years ago
When he says take it easy he sounded like nacho libre
kevin solis
kevin solis - 7 years ago
The Meme Informer true lol
Gabriel Dnchf
Gabriel Dnchf - 8 years ago
DougieFresh23 j
YungᏔᏆᏞᏞ - 8 years ago
The Meme Informer finally someone who realizes
Uhsepe Valdez
Uhsepe Valdez - 8 years ago
i was hopin hed saw "hory sheet"
Lillian Esparza
Lillian Esparza - 8 years ago
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
so basically take longer to bring the fish to water and all the while the fish is getting more stressed.instead of just tossing the fish so it is in the water as quickly as possible without causing much stress.

tossing them doesn't actually hurt them.but keeping out of the water to long does.
This Guy That Guy
This Guy That Guy - 8 years ago
I live in Miami Springs
deleon soto
deleon soto - 8 years ago
all that fuckn trash...smh
ECS BushySquirel
ECS BushySquirel - 8 years ago
Don't lip a small fish you could rip the mouth off it
Javier Tamez
Javier Tamez - 8 years ago
I think the first fish was some kind of tilapia
Alonzo Black
Alonzo Black - 8 years ago
and the red fish is called a Red devil cichlid
Alonzo Black
Alonzo Black - 8 years ago
the name of the canal is called snake Creek canal . next Time you come down to Miami I will show you great fun fishing spots in opa locka and Fort Lauderdale
gebbyj1 - 8 years ago
Are these cichlids native to florida or invasive species,let loose from aquariums?
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
they are invasive most likely escapees from one of the many fish farms then an unwanted pet.florida has a big aquarium fish farming industry do to everything about it being prefect for tropical fish.however not all the farms have secure pens so the fish will escape do o a number of reasons like being cared off by birds,flooding,ect.

most of floridas invasives seem to stem from breeders and farms not have secure pens.
Erin Zabolotney
Erin Zabolotney - 8 years ago
Just a question, but why do you use pink colors on all of your lures?
Jarhead Fishing
Jarhead Fishing - 8 years ago
Man, I love your video! Very entertaining and I enjoyed it! More Videos! --- Dad, nice catch! 5:00m That orange fish was amazing looking (looked like a Red Devil Cichlid)
Flaco Aguilar
Flaco Aguilar - 8 years ago
do you ever catch fish that are over a pound all I ever see you catch is little ass fish
Jeanette Hernandez
Jeanette Hernandez - 8 years ago
You should go to homestead and enter macks fish camp I go there and the fish are fantastic
thewolfgaming 67
thewolfgaming 67 - 8 years ago
The big fish keeps scaring me aka jumpscaring me XD
Ramin Farinas
Ramin Farinas - 8 years ago
your using gopro man what is your video setup I always upload my video at youtube from my gopro and it's alway blerry I have a gopro 4 silver
Ulises Varela sr
Ulises Varela sr - 8 years ago
I like it alot looks like you have a good time can you be so kind and tell me the address where you fishing at 11 South Miami and I would like to go there and try and what kind of bait are you using thank you you have a good day
chris belt
chris belt - 8 years ago
That's first fish is a dog fish
htn1986 - 8 years ago
That orange cichlid looks like a midas.
Phantom Fisherman
Phantom Fisherman - 8 years ago
hey bro for peacock bass you need to u a top water pipes rapala x rap or any thing that looks like shiner
[BUZZ] Boi
[BUZZ] Boi - 8 years ago
U suck
Cool Grey
Cool Grey - 8 years ago
And Ik that spot
Cool Grey
Cool Grey - 8 years ago
I live in opa loka n I caught those all the time
King of the The dipping woods
King of the The dipping woods - 8 years ago
Just sub really enjoyed this video
FLaFishin FLaFishin
FLaFishin FLaFishin - 8 years ago
You should make a video of rocket fishing rod please
Roberto Gonzalez
Roberto Gonzalez - 8 years ago
I have the jaguar cichlid
Wyatt Weighknecht
Wyatt Weighknecht - 8 years ago
please stop throwing the fish because how would you like to be thrown out like 20 feet it would be like belly flopping off a bridge learn to handle them correctly
Vire - 8 years ago
Is that a 5 or 7 gram jig head?
Trix - 8 years ago
That evo
fishing101 21
fishing101 21 - 8 years ago
last one was a hard tail
Oliver Smith
Oliver Smith - 8 years ago
jack cravel
O'Malley Sawyer
O'Malley Sawyer - 8 years ago
Op Gamers
Op Gamers - 8 years ago
It's Fort Ladural I know cause I live in
Taylor Petterson
Taylor Petterson - 8 years ago
well this video sucked!
Zach Lloyd
Zach Lloyd - 8 years ago
Clickbait this wasn't a fishing vid this was a try not cringe challenge I'm glad to see your passionate and happy to be fishing with your father though.
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago you know not to watch, Taylor. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Jase Pitre
Jase Pitre - 8 years ago
HOLY SHIT MAN your almost at 25k. wow man i told you you would grow fast
Zach1123 - 8 years ago
I bet the big and fat ones taste really good
Josh Page
Josh Page - 8 years ago
you are a good Fisher men
Chris G
Chris G - 8 years ago
those fish ain't even native to north america i would have a boss fish tank tho lol...
mikedjjones - 8 years ago
Was thinking the same thing bro. Wouldn't have to go to the pet store for nothing lol
Uhsepe Valdez
Uhsepe Valdez - 8 years ago
right i already hav a shit ton of fish but itd be more to my collection
Sauced_up rell
Sauced_up rell - 8 years ago
where's that spot located?
flashy5150 - 8 years ago
I think that bright orange fish was a red devil cichlid, I may be wrong, but that's what I think.
celly - 8 years ago
+nick xavier No problem! I own a few Red Devils so its one of the things i happen to know about.
celly - 8 years ago
Midases and Red Devils are very similar fish who can even breed with eachother! alot of Red Devils have some Midas in them.
GingerlionFTW LION
GingerlionFTW LION - 8 years ago
opa locka is really ghetto i lived near there be careful where u wonder lol
Daniel Johns
Daniel Johns - 8 years ago
Daniel Johns
Daniel Johns - 8 years ago
good video
c 6
c 6 - 8 years ago
the Mayans fight a lot around here I live in ft Lauderdale so very common
Nate Man
Nate Man - 8 years ago
Mayan cichlids are everywhere
Mike Caruso
Mike Caruso - 8 years ago
That's actually almost a smile on your dad's face in that pic with the Mayan cichlid!
Clarence Perkins
Clarence Perkins - 8 years ago
where in opa locka did you fish because i live in miami and would love to fish there
blayen bloopen
blayen bloopen - 8 years ago
I'm sorry philly but your vids are not giving notafications on your vids the reason is a youtube glitch going around sorry for the late view man
David Arrabal Stachuk
David Arrabal Stachuk - 8 years ago
para los que hablan español! jaguar guapote jajajaj
2BROZ Tv 2
2BROZ Tv 2 - 8 years ago
Why do you take pics of every damn dish you catch
Carlos Camejo
Carlos Camejo - 8 years ago
Ora-Locka is a ghetto place in some parts lol. But down here in Kendall there's not as much trash and we get a lot more peacock bass.
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More
Mbuna Marcus - Aquariums, Cichlids and More - 8 years ago
Incredible amount of cichlid species in this spot...great video
Terrell Keys
Terrell Keys - 8 years ago
where did you buy your pink fishing pole from
J Howe
J Howe - 8 years ago
Hey, Leo I recently went carp fishing and I noticed that the carp came up to the surface to feed. I googled it and I can't seem to find a reason for why the carp are coming to the surface to feed instead of staying on the bottom. (carp are primarily bottom feeders). The species of carp I am asking about is the common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
SouthAngler Reames
SouthAngler Reames - 8 years ago
those sicklot are like bluegill where I live eat anything
Tyler Duong
Tyler Duong - 8 years ago
They are in the same family as the flowerhorn
Petia - 7 years ago
flowerhorn is a hybrid
Fusion Exotics
Fusion Exotics - 8 years ago
lol, wow wow wow man too many noises, go back!
Jorge Almeyda
Jorge Almeyda - 8 years ago
Leo, you almost have all the #150 :P
TheOhioan216 - 8 years ago
What setup are you using, I'm going to myrtle beach South Carolina and want to fish like this, and I need something that works with salt water
TheOhioan216 - 8 years ago
+Braxton Cahela I know, I looked at some maps and couldn't find any, I'm probably gonna rent a surf rod or a rod at a pier. Thanks though.
juan matos
juan matos - 8 years ago
Philly you need to watch out in Miami I live in Miami some eras are bad you know we're you should fish at Kendall Miami big big bass and tilapia peacock and sun fish gar and more try a Kendall fish
Ronnie Clark Street
Ronnie Clark Street - 8 years ago
leo you should get a job as a biologist, you love wildlife
liam D
liam D - 8 years ago
jaguar paupote not hagwar paupote
Daniel singh
Daniel singh - 8 years ago
Cichlids are some nice fish to put in your fish tank :D
Cody_blackmon50 - 8 years ago
Glad u did not go on the tragic boating accident bro check out 1 rods channel y'all will see
Georgie Sfakianakis
Georgie Sfakianakis - 8 years ago
hey Leo, I love your videos and you are definitely my favorite fishing YouTuber, as I also live in Philly. What would you recommend for catching bass in the wisahickon Creek?
Kyle Kishbaugh
Kyle Kishbaugh - 8 years ago
the trash is just sad man ...sad
AmericanFishDude - 8 years ago
Awesome brah!
Jasmine Orillo
Jasmine Orillo - 8 years ago
The orange one we call a red devil in hawaii
montanatru - 8 years ago
red devils and midas look a most identical but 2 different species
Inlet Reg
Inlet Reg - 8 years ago
Are you going to do some saltwater fishing at night for snook and redfish? Sebastian and fort pierce are some inlets with good night fishing.
jackmacjackmac11 - 8 years ago
Its jaguar like the big cat
Hiba Hadad
Hiba Hadad - 8 years ago
kev narc
kev narc - 8 years ago
"we never been here needer then my fadder"
Mike M
Mike M - 8 years ago
Great vid man! The alge bloom in Florida has become such an epidemic... So sad.
Shortpalmtree - 8 years ago
no offense but you have bad English
RN Outdoors
RN Outdoors - 8 years ago
Why don't you try catching a little bit bigger fish?
fishingUSA 1
fishingUSA 1 - 8 years ago
Man, those are some beautiful fish!
Adam A
Adam A - 8 years ago
Extreme Philly Fishing you should go shark fishing.
Nate Diaz
Nate Diaz - 8 years ago
in Pennsylvania there is a pond that me and my dad went to and it has like 5pound bass and perch, its in Clarks Summit,its called Fords Pond,plz go check it out its really nice
Deutsch and Lowman Vlogs
Deutsch and Lowman Vlogs - 8 years ago
What's your PB in bass
SeanIsOG - 8 years ago
I like how he says he caught a new species after he said he caught the toad fish lol it was unexpected that it want a new species. Cool vid bro
South Florida Fishing
South Florida Fishing - 8 years ago
Btw that is a very lame myan chichlid look at my instagram tmtz0628 for the real myan chichlid
South Florida Fishing
South Florida Fishing - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing just saying they were kame because they were colorless but the myan i was talking about are rlly orange and red beutiful fish really.
TheFort Outdoors
TheFort Outdoors - 8 years ago
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
To each his own, South Florida Fishing. In the realm of Multi-Species angling, no fish is lame. Just because the Mayan Cichlids (Cichlasoma urophthalmus) that I caught that day weren't as big, that doesn't make them lame or any less fake than any other Mayan Cichlid out there. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
South Florida Fishing
South Florida Fishing - 8 years ago
Keep the Mayan chichlid because they are delicious and an invasive species
Fishing with Evan Rexroat
Fishing with Evan Rexroat - 8 years ago
That was a jack cravel
Jose Gonzalez
Jose Gonzalez - 8 years ago
I think that's a Red Devil cichlid Midas have a big hump in the forehead Not sure tho Nice Video
montanatru - 8 years ago
red devils can also grow a hump most male cichlids can
Fishing With Finn
Fishing With Finn - 8 years ago
Have you ever caught a northern pike or a yellow perch? If your ever in Toronto Canada for some reason the spring has some of the best jerk bait fishing around. In the summer and fall yellow perch fishing is amazing!! Love your videos as usual.
ツMahir - 8 years ago
I love fishing so you got sub and like
Vannara Meas
Vannara Meas - 8 years ago
All those fishes sound so exotic, especially the name, so aliennish.
SmokeumPeacepipe - 8 years ago
5:54 threw that poor fish right on a rock
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
It looked shallow from the video, but it was a grass mat right there. The Jaguar Guapote (Cichlasoma managuense) was just fine, SmokeumPeacepie! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Tately Lor
Tately Lor - 8 years ago
Why did u didn't to icast
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
I am not a full time YouTuber yet, Tately. In other words, I had responsibilities that I had to comply with. :) Maybe in 2017, seeing how the Channel is growing! We will see. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Josh Nimmons
Josh Nimmons - 8 years ago
I live in South Carolina and trust me the fish are way different than Florida xddd too many alligators ;-;
J&A Fishing
J&A Fishing - 8 years ago
If you make a video about it can u say I asked please
Josh Nimmons
Josh Nimmons - 8 years ago
Is a myan cichlid a peacock bass???
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Not really, Josh Nimmons. The Mayan Cichlid (Cichasoma urophthalmus) and the Butterfly Peacock Bass (Cichla ocellaris) are two different Species of fish. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Wyoming Outdoors
Wyoming Outdoors - 8 years ago
That eastern mosquitofish looks like a guppy. Good video as always Leo!!!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, Wyoming Outdoors! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
B Chalifoux
B Chalifoux - 8 years ago
Do you speak latin?
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
I can speak latin if I read it from a book, Chalifoux. I took college classes for Latin and I speak two romance languages fluently -- Portuguese and Spanish. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
juan duran
juan duran - 8 years ago
that's a red devil cichlid
juan duran
juan duran - 8 years ago
oh i did some further research and honestly ive fished fl all my life and i did not know that midas cichlids can be all one color each time i catch them they are a lighter orange and have white on them
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
I have had people come to me with that, Juan. However, after spreading the photos to different friends in the Multi-Species community, we really just ruled out Red Devil Cichlid (Amphilophus labiatus) due to the range where it was caught. If you have any scientific indications of it being a Red Devil Cichlid, in comparison to Midas Cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus), feel free to share! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Adrian Escobar
Adrian Escobar - 8 years ago
It's a shame people don't take better care of those canals, especially considering the beautiful species of fish that live there. It was disheartening to see such amazing fish being released in that refuse. Enjoyed your adventure either way and thanks for sharing.
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Truly a shame, Adrian! I always add at the end of my videos the following sentence: Don't Litter. Protect the Environment. I like to believe that true anglers and sportsmen not only enjoy catching fish, but also care about our aquatic ecosystems and environment! I truly wish people took better care of their home waters, seriously. The reality is harsh, but I try to stay positive about it! Let's hope people get better at that. As for the Species, they were truly gorgeous! I fell in love with that canal instantaneously. Hah. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Tyler Stephens
Tyler Stephens - 8 years ago
The fish u catch are 2 inches and u talk to much and no one can understand u why call it extreme fishing if there 2 inches those are what u catch when your 5 and we don't want to see the pictures
Jae Ellison
Jae Ellison - 8 years ago
Than leave Leo's fans don't want u here. :)
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
It seems to me that you have a problem here, Tyler. Well -- I tell you what: I got a problem too! My problem is that I can barely understand what you wrote, due to your grammar and spelling errors. But thankfully, I got common sense, so I got things figured out! To answer you -- I have nothing against catching fish in the range of a few inches, brother. My style is the Multi-Species fishing style, where I target them all and respect each and every fish. It is like Pokemon in a sense, bro -- Gotta catch' em all! As for the Extreme in my name, it comes from my motto: fishing without boundaries. My fishing is extreme because I am not bounded by locations or Species! I constantly explore new places and catch new types of fish, all while challenging myself in the process. Finally, know that I am not holding you here. If you don't like it, don't watch it, Tyler! It is a simple solution, really. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
treybass sizzle
treybass sizzle - 8 years ago
go catch bigger fish
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Don't worry, treybass. There will be a few bigger catches in upcoming videos! Stay tuned! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
treybass sizzle
treybass sizzle - 8 years ago
your in florida the bass there are freakin HUGE
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
There are certainly some nice Bass down in Florida, treybass; though, the big Bass were not my focus for this trip. I focused my trip in catching new Species for my Pokedex, as always. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Lakhshamana - 8 years ago
Hmm, your dad's largest Maya Cichlid about as big as my PB tilapia. Caught them about two decades ago and they weigh around a pound-ish (300 grams).

I'd say get a few of them cichlids for your fishtank, they have beautiful colors though feisty.
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
That is awesome, Lakhshamana! A 300 grams Tilapia is pretty neat. My father and I used to catch nice Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Redbreast Tilapia (Coptodon rendalli) back in Brazil -- some of them in good sizes. So, I can imagine! As for the Cichlids down, they were gorgeous! Can't wait to go back for some more! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
CSR .ASMR - 8 years ago
Great video man...might I ask, why do you unhook your fathers fish for him?
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, CSR .ASMR. As for your question -- since I am filming for YouTube and stuff, I just decided to do that for my old man. It is easier that way because the camera is right next to me. Easier to get a closer up, photo, and release. Otherwise, he would just unhook his own fish. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Ryan Sand
Ryan Sand - 8 years ago
How do identify your fish if you don't know what it is Leo
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
I have a Peterson's fish guide with me at all times, as well as a Florida fish identification book. If those are not enough for me to identify, I seek help through friends. I have one friend in particular (Patrick K.) who is very good at identifying fish, so I tend to ask him for advice. With all this social media stuff, he has helped save lots and lots of time with fish identification research, etc. However, when it comes to Species that are hard to identify, you just gotta go out there and do your own research. Sometimes even books and friends don't help that much. It all boils down to counting anal fin spines. LOL. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Sharath Rajeev
Sharath Rajeev - 8 years ago
thats near me
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
You are so lucky, Sharath! I wish I had so many exotic Species of fish around my living place. Heh. Mayan Cichlids (Cichlasoma urophthalmus) down there were truly beautiful. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Sharath Rajeev
Sharath Rajeev - 8 years ago
florida is full of mayan cichlids
Ferdinan Mercado
Ferdinan Mercado - 8 years ago
you should go to peir 60
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Not sure where Pier 60 would be, Ferdinan; however, I appreciate the suggestion! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Bassfishingillinois - 8 years ago
nice video man have you ever caught peacock bass snook or redfish before?
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, Bassfishingillinois. I have caught Butterfly Peacock Bass (Cichla ocellaris) before. As for Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), I already have it on my Species list; however, I have never caught a big one. And as for Snook, I couldn't catch one on this trip, but saw some swimming around! Ugh. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Russell PW
Russell PW - 8 years ago
Hey what kind of pole is that pink one? I'm just looking for a new pole and that one seems to be working for you. Thanks!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
That was my St. Croix Avid Pearl, Medium-Light, 6'6", Russell. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Fishboy - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure that was a peacock bass not a Mayan
Fishboy - 8 years ago
Tight lines!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
There were absolutely no Butterfly Peacock Bass (Cichla ocellaris) in this video, Anona. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Troy Hepner
Troy Hepner - 8 years ago
I think u might have caught a small ( Ling )
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Small Ling, Troy? Not sure which Species of fish you are referring too. I appreciate the input, though! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Splifty - 8 years ago
man, i love how well organized your vids are!
Splifty - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing no problem, if you keep all this you will probably become one of the best fishing channels on youtube good luck on your adventure there il try keep on your side for every vid :)!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, Xfighter. I try to keep my videos as scientific as possible, I guess. Lol. That is why I am always including date, time, fish number, and even the photos and name of Species. Hahaha. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Chanse Baker
Chanse Baker - 8 years ago
Nice video!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, Chanse! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Ashton Miller
Ashton Miller - 8 years ago
another great vid leo
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, Ashton and bernier. :) Always glad to see your positive comments here on the Channel. And, of course, always happy to see that you enjoy the videos that I produce! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
bernier 14
bernier 14 - 8 years ago
I'm yet to see a bad video from him : )
anarkistogre - 8 years ago
Do you ever check out
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
I have accounts both on and, anarkistogre. However, I don't use the name Extreme Philly Fishing there and I seldom post. I only created those account to check out the community there and stuff. Nowadays, I rarely participate in forums due to my lack of availability. The YouTube stuff drains me enough already. Haha. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Sabeda - 8 years ago
What type of hard lure were you using towards the end of the video?
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
That was a very small Goldy Goldfish Lure, Sabeda. Hyperlink here:!gallery/c1b0d Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Fish Xo
Fish Xo - 8 years ago
Hey leo i was wondering i love catfishing but im new to pa fishing. I was wondering what are some good spots to catfish flatheads on the schuykill besides kelly drive. I looked into valleyforge park but it isnt open at nighttime, do you know any places that are. Thx and keep up the great videos tight lines
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Unfortunately, I am only familiar with the Schuylkill River up to Manayunk, Fish Godx. In other words, I only know of Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) spots that are around Kelly Drive. I hope you find some good places to fish at, bro! Tight lines to you as well and thanks for watching!
JT Lynn
JT Lynn - 8 years ago
It is a HORSE EYE JACK! You are the encyclopedia of fishy ninja!!! Still taking my treatments,still sick, but u help pass the time!
JT Lynn
JT Lynn - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing It's unusual for someone to actually reply directly so thanks! I love in East Tennessee and as you know has some of the best fishing around. Maybe one day when I am well you can come down and let me take u fishing! I caught 3 GIANT rainbow trout not one under 6 lbs. There are all kinds of hidden and practically untouched areas that I happen to have access and knowledge of, Thanks to my Father and Grandfather! Hope you are enjoying your time with your father ! Have a blessed day! Tight lines and keep it up!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much for your input, JT Lynn. And I appreciate your kind words. Heh. I am glad that you are recovering! Hopefully you will be ready to fish again in no time! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
goldenboy bm
goldenboy bm - 8 years ago
Np i love your vids and tight lines back
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Definitely, goldenboy. Gotta add all those fishes to the Pokedex for sure. Haha. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
603 Hunting & Fishing
603 Hunting & Fishing - 8 years ago
good vid leo great catches awesome!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, 603fishing. Very glad that you enjoyed the video. :) Stay tuned for more Florida videos coming up. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
South Florida Fishing
South Florida Fishing - 8 years ago
Great video leo. If you ever hook into 10+ inch mayan, they fight like crazy !
South Florida Fishing
South Florida Fishing - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing hope to see that !
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, South Florida Fishing! And I totally believe you on that account -- I bet the big Mayan Cichlid (Cichlasoma urophthalmus) fight crazily! P.s. who may even see one of those on my upcoming videos. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
The Midwest Fishkeeper
The Midwest Fishkeeper - 8 years ago
Midas cichlids and suvians cichlid are in fish require huge tanks and are aggressive! It's so cool watching you catch fish I have in my fish tanks!
Laughing Coon
Laughing Coon - 7 years ago
Catch them and sell them to fish tank owners
Clayton Hague
Clayton Hague - 8 years ago
Extreme Philly Fishing hi
The Midwest Fishkeeper
The Midwest Fishkeeper - 8 years ago
Your welcome
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
+andrew he I speak four languages, Andrew. Chinese Mandarin is one of them. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Andrew He
Andrew He - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing I didn't know you spoke Chinese, 5:36 ish "woah where'd you catch that?"
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Heh. Nice, Hooked On Fish. Believe me -- I was as surprised as you to have pulled those fish out of there! It was a lot of fun. The Midas Cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus) was in particular very aggressive! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
The Dream Catcher
The Dream Catcher - 8 years ago
its hard to find those 4 cichlids in aquarium stores. The only one you have a chance of finding are jaguar guapotes and maybe a midas cichlid
Qaib Master Yaj
Qaib Master Yaj - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing you should keep a tank of those cichlid
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
That is very interesting, The Dream Catcher. Thank you for sharing that. I had absolutely no idea. Lol. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Wild WIll
Wild WIll - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing Yea that sounds about right great videos btw keep it up
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
My wife sometimes gives me a glare when I mention a fishing trip, but at the end of the day, it is all about balancing it out, Wild WIll! I spend plenty of time with here when I am around, so she gives me the freedom to do what I love to do. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
TB Wild Images
TB Wild Images - 8 years ago
Nice video! We have so many exotic species here in Florida, it's crazy. That is indeed an oyster toadfish. They are pretty common in inshore waters.
TB Wild Images
TB Wild Images - 8 years ago
Toadfish are extremely tough. They can survive out of water for extended periods of time. In fact NASA used toadfish when they wanted to see the affect of space on fish. I recently posted a video of me feeding an oyster toadfish by hand during a dive in Tampa Bay that you might enjoy.
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
That is indeed crazy, TB! On the other hand, you guys are so lucky. Haha. And thanks for the input on the Oyster Toadfish (Opsanus tau). I appreciate it! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Asian Jon
Asian Jon - 8 years ago
Come to Orlando, so we can go fishing.
Sun Xiu
Sun Xiu - 8 years ago
太漂亮了 我喜欢
Josh Nimmons
Josh Nimmons - 8 years ago
Yes is oyster toad fish
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much for your input, Josh. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Tim Van Auken
Tim Van Auken - 8 years ago
FORT... TTT. lol
Tim Van Auken
Tim Van Auken - 8 years ago
No harm ment. I do watch your videos a lot. I was just trying to be funny. After re-reading it was not very kind. I do apologize if I offended you.
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
If you watch my videos religiously, you know about my accent, Tim Van Auken. It is not easy when you have an Asian-Brazilian accent, but I get the gig! I appreciate it. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Jack .Stravinsky
Jack .Stravinsky - 8 years ago
That "most colorful species of fish I have ever seen" is a Salvini Cichlid, Yellow Belly Cichlid, Tricolor Cichlid. Family: Cichlidae.
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Good stuff, Jack. Albeit I mention in the video that I don't know what it is, I did leave its name on the video after I landed it. In other words, all the Species in the video were identified afterwards. Regardless, I appreciate the input! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
T to the 4th fishin
T to the 4th fishin - 8 years ago
your right, that's a dark strain horse eye jack. The toadfish looks a little too colorful to be an oyster though.
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much for your feedback on that, Lucas! Highly appreciated. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
WeeJeeMan - 8 years ago
lmfao that puffer at the end. Great multi species video man
Albert Burn
Albert Burn - 8 years ago
Here in Belize we have Mayan cichlids 2x the size of the one your dad caught
Albert Burn
Albert Burn - 8 years ago
Yeah they fight real good search this on Google: Bay Snook
Its a cichlid hybrid
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Very interesting, Billy. I had no idea that you guys actually had Mayan Cichlids (Cichlasoma urophthalmus) in Belize! I bet the big ones fight really well. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Tyler Throne
Tyler Throne - 8 years ago
how do you feel when those tiny fish are on your hook do they put up a fight?
Tyler Throne
Tyler Throne - 8 years ago
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Some of them fight fairly well, Tyler! It really depends on their size. I would say that anything bigger than 4 inches will give you a small pull. Note; however, that I don't catch those tiny fish just because of the fight! It is like a Pokedex -- I catch them to complete it. In my case, I catch them to constantly add new Species to my Species list. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Albert Burn
Albert Burn - 8 years ago
Leo you should come here to Belize because here we have like 11 different types of cichlids
Albert Burn
Albert Burn - 8 years ago
No its calming down and here in Orange Walk District its really cool many places you could go but dont fish the New River you wont catch anything the lakes and ponds around are filled with fish also the streams
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
That is a very good suggestion, Billy! How is it in Belize? Is the crime rate high? Tight lines and thanks for watching!
OutDoors is Life
OutDoors is Life - 8 years ago
Leo how long you staying down there? or are you back yet?
OutDoors is Life
OutDoors is Life - 8 years ago
No Problem man!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
+OutDoors is Life That is awesome! I hope you catch lost of Bass down there! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
OutDoors is Life
OutDoors is Life - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing
Darn i was heading down to Fort Lauderdale in  a week or so. Going bass fishing for my channel.
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
I am already back, OutDoors is Life. I was down in Fort Lauderdale from July 4th-9th. I will be going back in August, though! Stay tuned via SnapChat (ExtPhillyFishin) and YouTube (at the beginning of the videos) for updates on that trip! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
ELIZABETH Batista - 8 years ago
the cichlids that you caught would look good in a aquarium
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
They definitely would, ELIZABETH. Florida is blessed to have so many different types of exotic Species! Fishing paradise for a Multi-Species angler. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
ted barbossa
ted barbossa - 8 years ago
When are u making a video about your aquarium? I would love to watch that
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Hopefully by the end of July or beginning of August, ted. I have been trying, but it has been busy. :/ I can't promise anything when it comes to the date, but rest assured that those videos will eventually come on the Channel! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
LightRockFishing Valladares
LightRockFishing Valladares - 8 years ago
Hey Leo, can I be on your snapchat? I know you are gonna answer me like in 3 weeks lol
Tight lines and fish on!!
LightRockFishing Valladares
LightRockFishing Valladares - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing hahaha I love yous snapchat lol I always get some laughts!
Fish on and tight lines brother!!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Lol. I am trying harder to answer things faster than usual, LightRockFishing. As you can see, I am answering comments under the video 1:15 a.m. in the morning. Hahaha. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Miguel espinoza
Miguel espinoza - 8 years ago
6:20 im not sure but im pretty sure
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
My life is full of oxymorons, Miguel. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
ShadowPlayz714YT - 8 years ago
Can we go fishing Philly at starke lake in orlando
ShadowPlayz714YT - 8 years ago
Please get back to me when you come to orlando
ShadowPlayz714YT - 8 years ago
Ok just telling you that I am a young viewer I turned 12 on July 14
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
I appreciate the invite, Robert; however, I am not sure when I will be back in Orlando, FL. Last time I was down there, it was for Disney World. Lol. Hopefully next trip will be for fishing. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Shaimenator - 8 years ago
hey Leo, does your dad understand English? just wondering
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Not at all, Shaimenator. My father speaks Chinese Mandarin, a little bit of Spanish, and Portuguese. He may learn English in the future. We will see! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
7citiesfishing - 8 years ago
great video Leo!! had a crazy day here in va on the pier, I have a video up of it on my channel! check it out!!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, 7citiesfishing. And glad that you had a good day on the pier! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Jpwned - 8 years ago
Someone please count how many times he said Mayan Cichlid in this video!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Lol, Joe. I bet I said that lots and lots of times. Hahaha. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
What kind of set up do you have?? Looks sick!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, Steve! I tend to use my St. Croix Avid Pearl, Medium-Light, 6'6" with a Shimano reel in the model range of 2500. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Dean Snyder
Dean Snyder - 8 years ago
Hate seeing that trash!!!
Dean Snyder
Dean Snyder - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing Thank you for answering love your videos! Ya I just am all for keeping the environment clean as possible! So thank you for always mentioning in your videos not to liter!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Same here, Dean! People down in Opa-Locka really have to be a little bit more conscious about their watersheds and stuff. As I always emphasize at the end of my videos: don't litter. Protect the environment. Hopefully things will change for better in the future! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Jpwned - 8 years ago
That's some extreme micro fishing.
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Oh yeah, joe. 1 inch Eastern Morquitofish gets landed? That is when you know that Micro-Fishing just got real. Haha. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, Ben_ Martin. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
FUNNY FUDGE MAN - 8 years ago
It's my bday today I'm 15
FUNNY FUDGE MAN - 8 years ago
U should come here to the uk
FUNNY FUDGE MAN - 8 years ago
Beautiful fish
Ian D Bmx
Ian D Bmx - 8 years ago
If you want to catch big Peacockbass or a nice large mouth go to the Stanley weaver canal or in lake worth I have a lot of peacock and large mouth. I don't want to say my neighborhood but if you personally message me I will tell you
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much for your suggestions, South Fl Fishing! I appreciate it. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Andy and Vince Tie
Andy and Vince Tie - 8 years ago
I hate when peeps liter
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Me too, Andy. I like to believe that true anglers and sportsmen don't litter at all! Instead, they preserve our watersheds and local environments. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Hopsky's Lounge
Hopsky's Lounge - 8 years ago
new species awesome video
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Indeed, Hopsky's Lounge. 4 new Species for me from that one little canal. It was blissful! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Dog Walkers
Dog Walkers - 8 years ago
Great Video keep up the good work! :)
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, Aussie skills! Uploads will keep coming every 2 days. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
JR3157 - 8 years ago
Try and catch some plecos! They look crazy!
JR3157 - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing try a small trout magnet, they love em!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Man! I saw some giant Suckermouth Catfish (Hypostomus plecostomus), but couldn't catch any that day. Next time I am adding them to my Species list for sure, John! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
JR3157 - 8 years ago
How is the aquarium?
JR3157 - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing I've got a 20 gal cycling, check out takashi amano's nature aquariums aswell!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Still working on that, John. Should have videos coming up around the end of July or beginning of August. I can't promise anything, though, as I have been extremely busy. We will see! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Luis Vasquez
Luis Vasquez - 8 years ago
you are my fav fishing YouTuber!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, Luis! Super glad to hear that. :) Very happy that you enjoy the channel and its contents! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Nicholas Pugliese
Nicholas Pugliese - 8 years ago
It was a red deval
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
I have had people tell me that; however, after giving the photo to other Multi-Species folks, we really came to the conclusion that the fish portrayed in the video was a Midas Cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus), Nicholas. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Djsquishy MLG
Djsquishy MLG - 8 years ago
Wow that's the smallest fish I've seen you catch
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Heh. I assume you are referring to the Eastern Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki), Djsquishy. Catching 1 inch fish is definitely not an easy feature, contrary to popular opinion. It takes skills! :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
jakenafziger - 8 years ago
you should fish with hard baits more often
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
I appreciate the suggestion, jake. In reality, I have a bunch of hardbaits here at home. It just so happens that recently I have been fishing more using live bait and soft plastics. That may as well change in the future! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, Jordy! Updates on the Channel will keep coming every two days. I appreciate the invite to the Netherlands, and hopefully that trip will happen in the future! I would love to do so! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Andrew Sposato
Andrew Sposato - 8 years ago
yup thats an oyster toadfish! :)
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much for your input, Andrew! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Tigerfishdivision Lancey
Tigerfishdivision Lancey - 8 years ago
Just got back from walking the dog and all the fishing youtubers just posted videos lol.
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Hahaha. Awesome, Tigerfishdivision. Time to get yourself busy. Lol. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Bread&ButterFishin' - 8 years ago
I just noticed that you are like a pokemon hunter. Gotta catch'em all! Am I right? lol
Bread&ButterFishin' - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing haha. Exactly.Tight lines and thanks for the reply. You might be the very best no one ever was! Lol
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
That is exactly how it is, OtherWorlds. If you check the description of my Instagram account (Extreme Philly Fishing), you will see that it says Gotta catch' em all there. Hahaha. My fishing Species list is just like my Pokedex. Gotta constantly look for them and stuff! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Sharon Roberts
Sharon Roberts - 8 years ago
hey Leo =) this reminded me that there's a pond that I could catch apistos,green terrors,ext but good vid
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
That is awesome, Sharon! Those are all Species of fish that would be super cool to catch. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Fishing With Joseph
Fishing With Joseph - 8 years ago
I've been waiting since your last video for this one. Awesome Leo!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Awesome, Fishing With Joseph! Glad that you enjoyed this one. There will be many more adventure packed videos from Fort Lauderdale coming up on the Channel. Plenty of new Species of fish -- some of them small, some big, and some exotic. I think there is a video with two sharks in it coming up in four days or so. Stay tuned! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
james phosy
james phosy - 8 years ago
yo Leo u here?!. where ya @
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
I was there from July 4th to July 9th, James. Now I am back to Philadelphia. I will be going back to Fort Lauderdale in August, though. Stay tuned via SnapChat (ExtPhillyFishin) and YouTube for updates on that trip! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Joey B_
Joey B_ - 8 years ago
Awesome Video!!!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, Joey! Glad that you enjoyed it. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Reel Royalty
Reel Royalty - 8 years ago
Truly a gorgeous species of fish
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
A agree with you, BombingTheBass. Those fishes were all amazing! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Will Fant
Will Fant - 8 years ago
good video
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, Will. I am glad that you enjoyed it. As for your suggestion, I will take that in consideration! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Will Fant
Will Fant - 8 years ago
do some shiner fishing
SuperLocness - 8 years ago
amazing colored cichlid. it'd fetch a good price in a fish store!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Definitely would, SuperLocness! All of those Cichlids were gorgeous! I was awed by all of them. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
YKLB Fish - 8 years ago
+Hooked On Fish well some like the Jaguar cichlid need like a 90 gallon and the Red Devils and Midas need 50 or something.
The Midwest Fishkeeper
The Midwest Fishkeeper - 8 years ago
They get about a 1ft
The Midwest Fishkeeper
The Midwest Fishkeeper - 8 years ago
There in fish stores! There very aggressive and need a huge tank!
SuperLocness - 8 years ago
amazing colored cichlid. it'd fetch a good price in a fish store!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
I agree with that, SuperLocness. Those Cichlids were certainly wonderful! Their colors were very vivid. Gorgeous. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Bradley Tristan
Bradley Tristan - 8 years ago
I love your videos man
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, planet Herp! A pleasure to have you around. Glad that you enjoy them! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Fish Pennsylvania
Fish Pennsylvania - 8 years ago
Have you ever fished in the Lehigh Valley or The Pococnos
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Not yet, Fish Pennsylvania. Those are two places that I have yet to explore. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Jafar Sadiq
Jafar Sadiq - 8 years ago
midas cichlid are a beauty.
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
I totally agree with you, Jafar. I only caught one of those that day, but the fish itself had me awed. It was such a beauty! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Jimmy Vang
Jimmy Vang - 8 years ago
Nice fish but good in aquariums:p
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Definitely, Jimmy! So many exotic Species down there. Paradise for a Multi-Species angler like me. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
The Fishing Experiment
The Fishing Experiment - 8 years ago
Congratulations on the new species man.

And I just found out that Kast King ships to US and Canada for free unless it's a rod. Also, it's a great price too.
Depressed Cat
Depressed Cat - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing it's a blue runner
The Fishing Experiment
The Fishing Experiment - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing That's great to hear. I look forward to it
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
+The Fishing Experiment It has been good, The Fishing Experiment! I just got another KastKing reel, so there will probably be a review video coming up on the Channel soon. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
The Fishing Experiment
The Fishing Experiment - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing Cool. How has your experience been with it so far?>
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
+The Fishing Experiment I have only one KastKing reel at the moment, The Fishing Experiment. Hopefully I will get to try other ones in the future! Tight lines!
The Fishing Experiment
The Fishing Experiment - 8 years ago
+Extreme Philly Fishing have you tried any of their reels they have on their website?
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, The Fishing Experiment! I truly appreciate it. :) As for KastKing, the company is truly amazing! Most of their products are very good quality for their prices, which is why I highly recommend it to my subscribers. There will be a KastKing video coming up on the Channel soon, as a matter of fact. Hehe. Stay tuned! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Terzy - 8 years ago
lol u should watch ur back down there
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
The neighborhood down there was definitely not the safest, Terzy! I managed, though. Haha. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Adventure Man
Adventure Man - 8 years ago
Nice video, Awesome fish!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, Adventure Man! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
AsTro Joe
AsTro Joe - 8 years ago
Nice fish and fishing keep it up
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, The Awesome Brothers. I am glad that you enjoyed the video! And, of course, contents will keep coming on the YouTube Channel every two days. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Sean Smith
Sean Smith - 8 years ago
Those are some beautiful fish
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Indeed, Simpsorama50. Florida is seriously a paradise for Multi-Species angling! Many many exotic Species of fish down there. Hah. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
bernier 14
bernier 14 - 8 years ago
Those things are awesome!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much, bernier 14. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
FaZe Games66/ milkman_36
FaZe Games66/ milkman_36 - 8 years ago
fish with an apple chsllnge please try it
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Now that is an interesting challenge for sure, FaZe. LOL. Not sure if that will ever happen, but there will be crazy challenges coming up on the Channel soon! There is one challenge coming up in a few days, so stay tuned! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Julian B
Julian B - 8 years ago
don't even have to watch the whole video to know that its a great video!
btw me and your father use the same rod and reel
Julian B
Julian B - 8 years ago
tight lines leo!
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Hah. Thank you very much, xxlava. I appreciate your kind words. And about the reel -- that is great! That reel may not be very expensive, but its quality is top notch! It has never failed me before. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
J&A Fishing
J&A Fishing - 8 years ago
Please answer back
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
I tend to answer back all the time, Texas Bassin. It just takes time. Lol. For now, I can manage (thankfully). Hah. Tight lines and thanks for watching!
J&A Fishing
J&A Fishing - 8 years ago
Do a video of what's in your tackle box
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
People have been recommending me this a lot, Texas Bassin. I appreciate your suggestion and I will take it into consideration. :) Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Ethan Black. Outdoors
Ethan Black. Outdoors - 8 years ago
Carter Salata
Carter Salata - 8 years ago
That is an oyster toadfish I've caught one before
Extreme Philly Fishing
Extreme Philly Fishing - 8 years ago
Thank you very much for your input, Carter! Tight lines and thanks for watching!
Bradley Toth
Bradley Toth - 8 years ago
Me second
Michael J
Michael J - 8 years ago
me first comment

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Monster Mike Catching PET Exotic Fish for...

6,987 likes 1,620,522 views 7 years ago

This New Pet pet fish for our aquarium CAME HOME!!!!!! HELP ME NAME IT! Monster Mike

Tropical fishing

Fishing the Everglades - Florida Fishing Road...

4,074 likes 1,058,695 views 9 years ago

day 2 in Florida, again blowing 25+ at the shore so I stuck to the canals but instead of fishing the downtown canals...

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Fishing in HIDDEN Rock Pools!! - (EXOTIC FISH)

4,700 likes 685,387 views 7 years ago

In this video I catch fish out of tiny pools hidden by giant rocks. - (coming soon!) Follow me on...

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5,560 likes 598,491 views 6 years ago

Visiting one of my favorite places, the Miami Fish Farm we pick our new pet fish! The water bending Cloud Clan! TRY...

Tropical fishing

Exotic Catch in the MIDDLE OF THE CITY! Fishing...

2,175 likes 488,281 views 7 years ago

Fishing urban canals can yield some surprising results! you just have to get out there and test the waters! Had to...

About Fishing for Exotic Cichlids in Florida (Opa-Locka, FL)

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