Fishing the Everglades - Florida Fishing Road Trip Chronicles 2

day 2 in Florida, again blowing 25+ at the shore so I stuck to the canals but instead of fishing the downtown canals I drove west, away from Miami, and fished in the Everglades. It is the Taimiami Trail that runs along route 41 from pretty much the gulf coast to the atlantic coast. Caught a Pleco, numerous Bowfin and some Oscars all while sharing the bank with some locals and some Gators. This footage is mostly from the morning of Feb 20, I spent the afternoon uploading these video off my gopro to make room for the rest of the journey, blew a fuse, fixed fuse, and resumed fishing just before dusk. The fishing wasn't spectacular, did catch some new species and got the bowfin all riled up for about an hour, good times exploring the everglades! If you're ever doing some exploratory fishing trips in crazy places, you might need a lucky shirt from Thanks for watching!

Fishing the Everglades - Florida Fishing Road Trip Chronicles 2 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 378

Tropical fishing 9 years ago 1,058,639 views

day 2 in Florida, again blowing 25+ at the shore so I stuck to the canals but instead of fishing the downtown canals I drove west, away from Miami, and fished in the Everglades. It is the Taimiami Trail that runs along route 41 from pretty much the gulf coast to the atlantic coast. Caught a Pleco, numerous Bowfin and some Oscars all while sharing the bank with some locals and some Gators. This footage is mostly from the morning of Feb 20, I spent the afternoon uploading these video off my gopro to make room for the rest of the journey, blew a fuse, fixed fuse, and resumed fishing just before dusk. The fishing wasn't spectacular, did catch some new species and got the bowfin all riled up for about an hour, good times exploring the everglades! If you're ever doing some exploratory fishing trips in crazy places, you might need a lucky shirt from Thanks for watching!

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Most popular comments
for Fishing the Everglades - Florida Fishing Road Trip Chronicles 2

Darius Villa
Darius Villa - 6 years ago
5:21 that fish is a suckermouth catfish. Its an invasive species from South America and is popular among aquarium hobbyists, who most likely brought the fish here. These fish are used to clean freshwater tropical tanks.
LegendaryPyro YT
LegendaryPyro YT - 6 years ago
Wow wtf... plecos eating something other than algae
Xueying Wang
Xueying Wang - 6 years ago
The pleco is actually an invasive species called armored catfish
dfguko - 6 years ago
Well grab the fishes with a towel dude.
William Kiene
William Kiene - 7 years ago
Early morning in the summer should be a good time for this.
Handberrydea - 7 years ago
Looks like you had an awesome trip.
David Helme
David Helme - 7 years ago
I caught a pleco that weighed 5 pounds
Earnest_kirkooo 8
Earnest_kirkooo 8 - 7 years ago
You should come back to Florida
George Trusty
George Trusty - 7 years ago
I heard that those plecos are good eating

10. comment for Fishing the Everglades - Florida Fishing Road Trip Chronicles 2

Bryan Malick
Bryan Malick - 7 years ago
You have to be the only person in the world that has caught a pleco on a trout magnet.
Slip Sinker
Slip Sinker - 7 years ago
thanks for sharing...very entertaining video... nice variety of fish and some great fishing opportunity you have down there in Florida. may I suggest a nice pair of fish grips and a nice landing net? i must say the majority of fishermen in Florida do not exercise correct fish handling procedures.... fish should never touch the dirt.
Bacca PlaysMc
Bacca PlaysMc - 7 years ago
Should prolly not use 4 lb line that’s how you lost em all
Zero Minotaurxx
Zero Minotaurxx - 7 years ago
Is there trout in there
Ian Smith
Ian Smith - 7 years ago
Zero Minotaurxx to warm for trout in most of Florida
Johnathan Griffin
Johnathan Griffin - 7 years ago
ive fished in that exact spot all the time shoulda gone down that dirt road, at the end to the left ive caught 10lb largemouth before.
Jose Morales
Jose Morales - 7 years ago
minute 9 thats a OSCAR fish not from usa
Eddie Gallagher
Eddie Gallagher - 7 years ago
It's crazy here in uk I'm paying ridiculous money for fish and he is like boom fish boom another cool fish would put them in a aquarium
Sean Ford
Sean Ford - 7 years ago
You know you should try keeping some of the fish you catch as pets.
Bitch Bitch
Bitch Bitch - 7 years ago
There's fucking gators in that water dumb fuck
Bitch Bitch
Bitch Bitch - 7 years ago
Shit that only white ppl would do

20. comment for Fishing the Everglades - Florida Fishing Road Trip Chronicles 2

Delusions 88
Delusions 88 - 7 years ago
Great vid! I have plecko in my tank of invasives, check it out!
Peter Toohill
Peter Toohill - 7 years ago
You sir are one funny mother fucked kudos
Dayquan Mac
Dayquan Mac - 7 years ago
Great video should have used something else as bait like something invasive other than the sunfish so that that the sunfish could live.
xFR3DDY FAZBEARx - 7 years ago
btw, for the people wondering what a Bream is, it's another name for a Bluegill.
Joshua Worden
Joshua Worden - 7 years ago
Gar you have to let eat and once they pull the bobber down a few times than set the hook but its paticents
hkm82 - 7 years ago
You kept losing them when u were by the road because you were pulling them in too hard, so they jumped out of the water, and when they were near you were too aggressive bringing them up. You need to let them tire a little bit, and when they get close to you, before pulling them out of water, you should take a pause, wait for a few seconds, and then pull the line out of water with your hand in a constant motion, not letting the line lose the tightness, if you give a slack they just bounce around until they are free. Very nice video though. I wish there were good spots like that around where I live.
conspiracies are just great stories
conspiracies are just great stories - 7 years ago
good idea...stand on the edge of a canal in the Everglades with a panicking fish at ur feet....Gators?
Finna Fish
Finna Fish - 7 years ago
You guys really don't understand how luck he is,for catching that sailfin. I know guys with almost 400 species that didnt even have a sailfin catfish. such a hard bite to provoke. right, place, right time. pure luck there
TEXAS Boy - 7 years ago
Why did he throw the bowfin back
craig84182 - 7 years ago
A million views! Congratulations man!

30. comment for Fishing the Everglades - Florida Fishing Road Trip Chronicles 2

skunkya awax
skunkya awax - 7 years ago
I wouldn't recommend using "sunfish" for bait
charlie jenkins
charlie jenkins - 7 years ago
welcome to Florida
BC Bike life
BC Bike life - 7 years ago
Jason M
Jason M - 7 years ago
when u gunna get a net and stop loosing catch?
Preston H
Preston H - 7 years ago
Awesome! I keep watching this vid haha
Awe Son
Awe Son - 7 years ago
Nice! That's like one of the only spots to fish around there, gets pretty packed. We usually walk on the trail that runs behind you on the other side of the street. Nothing special really. Wish ida found your channel sooner. It's great.
carrie bolton
carrie bolton - 7 years ago
I want that Plecco. Mine is so tiny I can't wait until it gets huge
Jenyer Paez
Jenyer Paez - 7 years ago
Can you eat them?
j peace love and ganja
j peace love and ganja - 7 years ago
loool he dosnt look aggressive wtf does a aggressive croc look like
azrey zulkarnaen vencent
azrey zulkarnaen vencent - 7 years ago
why don't keep the gif
jerryjunoirmint - 7 years ago
poor pleco
Quintin Robinson
Quintin Robinson - 7 years ago
what bait did you use
Chris G
Chris G - 7 years ago
live bait works best for Gar
Chris G
Chris G - 7 years ago
most of these fish can be found at a petshop im actually shocked you didn't know what that Oscar was i thought all fishermen had fish tanks that they throw hook-less jigs into during the winter months lol
Alki46D - 7 years ago
Erik Larson
Erik Larson - 7 years ago
Not sure you actually check these, but o you have any idea the mile marker this was at???
Erik Larson
Erik Larson - 7 years ago
Ok dude. I am from Illinois. So, first when you caught that bowfin, I was freaking out at the way you kept pawing at it with no regard for getting hooked. I was going to comment that you either had huge balls, or never fished before... Then I say how close you were to the gator... You sir should be measured. I am coming down there in May to fish, and if I see a gator that close I'll be running like a little girl. Dang. Just dang!!
John Madert
John Madert - 7 years ago
Pronounced: "Tammy-Ammy" Trail, Chris.
Angel Rodriguez's
Angel Rodriguez's - 7 years ago
you should be ashamed of yourself the people next door to you fish better than you and you think you're a professional
Super Soldier
Super Soldier - 8 years ago
It's a shame you call your self a fisher

50. comment for Fishing the Everglades - Florida Fishing Road Trip Chronicles 2

Kris P
Kris P - 8 years ago
are there catfish there
Jacob hurst
Jacob hurst - 8 years ago
Yo the best way to get the snook and tarpon down here is live bait
Charsept - 8 years ago
when you say you got mugged... ?
Charsept - 8 years ago
Ultra light + trout magnet. One hell of a combo.
Dale Advincula
Dale Advincula - 8 years ago
plecos - janitor fish :)
Big Slimm
Big Slimm - 8 years ago
I've always wanted a bowfin. I heard they don't do well in aquariums tho. They look like a cross between snakeheads and bichirs
Chris Martinez
Chris Martinez - 8 years ago
thats flooded with gators next time becareful
Chris Martinez
Chris Martinez - 8 years ago
i know my place
Chris Martinez
Chris Martinez - 8 years ago
i live their bro
James Gumb
James Gumb - 8 years ago
Oscar may have been pregnant or mating.
Mark Rice
Mark Rice - 8 years ago
16:35 did u just ask that guy if he wanted the fish...he signaled yes ...and then threw it back. ..WTF
Big Bodies Outdoors
Big Bodies Outdoors - 8 years ago
What's the best ultralight setup in your opinion?
PalJoey1957 - 8 years ago
Living up north, I found it a surprise to see tropical aquarium fish inhabiting our native Florida waters. But it makes sense. Every jerk aquarist who buys one of the "cute" baby Oscars in the pet shop, quickly finds out that they have a monster on their hands that is eating and crapping up their 20 gallon tank and polluting the water. They won't get a buyer for their cow and don't want to kill it, so they release them in the wild.

Ditto for the Pleco family of fish, some of which get quite large and can be aggressive to smaller inhabitants in an aquarium.

Talk about "multiculturalism." They don't belong here, but it's too late to do anything about them.
PalJoey1957 - 8 years ago
Oscars really are a waste for the aquarist. Even a huge tank like a 150 gallon, is not sufficiently large enough to allow the fish to behave "normally," as in the wild. Water pollution is a problem because the fish does nothing but eat and crap and beg for more. Only gigantic filtration systems can keep up with these fish and you'll be stuck with constant water changes.

They don't tolerate plants or decorations other than rocks in the tank. People who cherish them get rather low brow pleasure from watching them gulp food, but big deal! No such thing as creating a natural eco system with an Oscar, or observing breeding behavior. It's simply a cow in your back yard.

You want an aquarium? There are hundreds of other species that are prettier and more enjoyable.
Wise AbiLity Ruler
Wise AbiLity Ruler - 8 years ago
tfishemenJ fish there
chris fuentes
chris fuentes - 8 years ago
now I'm scared to get a pleco for my fish tank
Reonee - 8 years ago
WTF in 11:15 Ehen he says "this is crasy" Siri goes wild wtf
ThaOlBoy - 8 years ago
Awesome job man! Always gotta be leary of those damn gators. What's the road that's running parallel to the canal? I'm in Clearwater and might have to make a trip.
I.C.E Agent MAN
I.C.E Agent MAN - 8 years ago
a pleco that size at the pet store goes for 35-45$
Tellin'ThaTruth - 8 years ago
In Germany they would arrest you for not taking the fish out with a net!
Samantha Horne
Samantha Horne - 8 years ago
it's a catfish
Nicpus - 8 years ago
plekos are the catfish in the aquarium O.O
kamaynabakal bakal
kamaynabakal bakal - 8 years ago
the one you guys call plecos are invasive species in my country, they're called janitor fish. they eat our native species of fishes living in creeks and rivers.
Jeremy Orr
Jeremy Orr - 8 years ago
see lots of snakes?
Jeremy Orr
Jeremy Orr - 8 years ago
plecko in the shark family?
Old Dominion Outfitters
Old Dominion Outfitters - 8 years ago
My gar slaying rig is just a fishfinder with 100 pound dacron and 8 or 9 dropper loops tied in
pistoff33 - 8 years ago
Why on earth don't you use a landing net?
Raymon Blodgett
Raymon Blodgett - 8 years ago
Thank you for your videos. I really enjoy watching them. I live on the Southwest Oregon Coast, we have good fresh water and salt water fishing here along with striper, salmon and steelhead runs. A lot of bass, trout, sea bass, snapper ect. and much more. Crabbing too. I want to visit Florida and East Coast someday for fun fishing too. Again thank you so much  <º))))><
Cynthia Harlowe
Cynthia Harlowe - 8 years ago
Get a trout net and put a 6 ft. broomstick handle on it. " workes for me. "
ethan bloom
ethan bloom - 8 years ago
We call the plucko sailfin catfish
Restricted Content
Restricted Content - 8 years ago
do you ever kill the invasive species
Aaron 117
Aaron 117 - 8 years ago
I wonder how the scaly fish taste? The plate-armored ones.
Aaron 117
Aaron 117 - 8 years ago
My favorite part of fishing is catching a very large fish in a small body of water. Who else?
l3gg3rz - 8 years ago
fuck you doing trying to pull a big fish up a high wall... and foul hooking sort your fucking self out
l3gg3rz - 8 years ago
do you even know how to play a fish jesus christ, fuck those niggers with you unall.
xavier smith
xavier smith - 8 years ago
It's the Tamiami Trail aka Alligator Alley....
The Train master Master of steam
The Train master Master of steam - 8 years ago
Plexus are obviously bottom feeders or clam feeders because you can tell by their mouth
Darius Williams
Darius Williams - 8 years ago
funny how when he says that he thinks the gator scared them all thats when it surfaced at the bottom left
MunnyMunro - 8 years ago
That bait fish is called a bream .
Andrei Konradi
Andrei Konradi - 8 years ago
Really enjoying your videos. Good work! I mean, oh my god, they're so crazy, it's ridiculous.
d sloan
d sloan - 8 years ago
0:24 you said 'tie Miami trail' that was funny
Rashad Jah'Barri
Rashad Jah'Barri - 8 years ago
I hate those bowfin we call them mudfish
Josh doe
Josh doe - 8 years ago
You can't release plecos
Brin Carson
Brin Carson - 8 years ago
Dreadie Andy by Florida Law it is illegal to release Plecos!
Dreadie Andy
Dreadie Andy - 8 years ago
Yes you can, there's no law against that because they can't force you to kill or take them. It's just illegal to have some fish alive in your possession
Teela Johnson
Teela Johnson - 8 years ago
peacock bass
Snd's Zoo
Snd's Zoo - 8 years ago
you got mugged? like somebody took ur stuff
JAY C - 8 years ago
Idkhow long u've been fishin but cuh... why u gotta get the wish while is in the water... i mean i know is shallow but still u can just drag it to the ground come on
"On Foot" Bassin' - 8 years ago
Damn those guys could have given you a little more room haha
deltaflyer 14
deltaflyer 14 - 8 years ago
right where you were fishing you were very close to an air crash sight and a memorial for that crash called valujet 592
Slender Tender
Slender Tender - 8 years ago
I love oscars
RazorSharp - 8 years ago
Man your throwing the fish on the ground, The fish will be blinded by the time you let it back .Your foul hooking the fish and damaging them for life . wounds open for infection . Have some respect for the fish for God sake.handle with more care please. tip barbless hooks. some of them fish are in lots of pain as you try drag the hook out of their mouths..
Soundwave - 8 years ago
Oscar is name of fish with red dot there are many fish native in FL now because of pet trade and those sucker fish with hard plates are nocturnal very active at night mostly they are originally South America fish .
Pear Fishing
Pear Fishing - 8 years ago
I wonder why those oscars were not eating and so weak you could grab them.. They usually go crazy for anything that looks edible and won't let you touch them. They were probably all sick.
Alex Taylor
Alex Taylor - 8 years ago
Pear Fishing the water was moving too fast for them

100. comment for Fishing the Everglades - Florida Fishing Road Trip Chronicles 2

jay Parker
jay Parker - 8 years ago
i need a pleco in my tank asap!
johnny ralf
johnny ralf - 8 years ago
4:56 we called it a JANITOR FISH...
Bee - 8 years ago
dat placos are huge population on my country , we call it sapu-sapu
Javier Chamul
Javier Chamul - 8 years ago
nice video
Wal Ker
Wal Ker - 8 years ago
Are pleckos legal to keep ?
Troy Champion
Troy Champion - 8 years ago
made me sick to watch you throw the "bowfin" back in there... they're an invasive species I leave them on the bank to try to get rid of them from the system.   You weren't equipped to catch a gar, .. if you want to know the best way to fish for gar .... they are top water feeders, all you need is a frayed piece of rope.. work it like a lure and they'll bite it and get it tangled up in their teeth and you can catch them without even having a hook.  Plecostomus are invasive also.. they don't belong in the system... they're thrown in from aquarists.  Btw, it's illegal to use brim as bait in Florida.  The reason you don't find any bass is because of all the "bowfin" and gar eating up all the food for the bass.
Adrian centeno
Adrian centeno - 7 years ago
Troy Champion bruh you dumb as hell bowfin are native to florida
L.J.s Reef
L.J.s Reef - 7 years ago
Troy Champion Bowfin are native, we have them here in New York too. your thinking of the snake heads
whysosyria1 - 8 years ago
your thinking of snakehead catfish, bowfin are native in florida, the plecos are invasive and should have been killed.
Black Rifles Matter
Black Rifles Matter - 8 years ago
Bowfin are native don't kill them.
Joseph Butler
Joseph Butler - 8 years ago
watch out man in florida it's illegal to use sunfish as bait
Aaron 117
Aaron 117 - 7 years ago
Joseph Butler You just got served a cold dish
Owl Jones
Owl Jones - 7 years ago
Nope. From FL Fish and Game: Whole pickerel or panfish (e.g., bluegill, redear sunfish, redbreast sunfish, spotted sunfish, flier, warmouth) or parts thereof may be used as bait for sportfishing by the angler who caught them. Whole pickerel or bream or parts thereof may not be used as bait for trotlines or bush hooks or any method other than by rod and reel or pole and line.
Aaron 117
Aaron 117 - 8 years ago
Joseph Butler That's why I left a Florida they have the gayest fishing and hunting laws
Kagiso W
Kagiso W - 8 years ago
what were you using as bait
jacob_ da_baller
jacob_ da_baller - 8 years ago
you said Tiamiami wrong
tuan nguyen
tuan nguyen - 8 years ago
Watch for them gators
KARIM CISSE - 8 years ago
Damn Florida is nice hope I get a job offer there
אדיר אביצדק
אדיר אביצדק - 8 years ago
The first stick at 3:48
אדיר אביצדק
אדיר אביצדק - 8 years ago
What is the name of the stick?
Christian takenoya
Christian takenoya - 8 years ago
it's a tiger oscar
marino Sanchez
marino Sanchez - 8 years ago
i love fishing whit trout magnet is the real fish finder. i habe caught trout,blue gills, crappies, even small bass goes for it
Cooolchick647 - 8 years ago
I don't think you're supposed to release the plecos once u catch them because they're an invasive species. I know that's the law in a lot of places now.
Damian - 8 years ago
u can get many oscar in indonesia
Joshua Taylor
Joshua Taylor - 8 years ago
Nice video bud.
IF MC - 8 years ago
What kind of lure did you used to catch that pleco?
IF MC - 8 years ago
Pear Fishing
Pear Fishing - 8 years ago
Italo Conceicao he used a trout magnet
Michael S
Michael S - 8 years ago
thous are armoured catfish I catch them all the time at Okeechobee
James Lill
James Lill - 8 years ago
it's pronounced tammy-ammie
Dez Nutz
Dez Nutz - 8 years ago
BigJT2010 - 8 years ago
You sound like Schmitt from new girl
Andy Vasquez
Andy Vasquez - 8 years ago
BigJT2010 lol
Backyard Hobbiez
Backyard Hobbiez - 8 years ago
I wish we could have fish like Oscars and gar here in Australia. :(
Super Saiyan Trunks
Super Saiyan Trunks - 8 years ago
I got one
Lukasz Walasinski
Lukasz Walasinski - 8 years ago
Daniel Lopez
Daniel Lopez - 8 years ago
Lukasz Walasinski learn to fucking spell you fucking dumb worthless piece of shit fucking go buy Clorox bleach and fucking drink it like lemonade on a hot summer day
Justin Archer
Justin Archer - 8 years ago
Sorry, we don't understand what you are talking about, do you even spell bro?
Musician Dude
Musician Dude - 8 years ago
It's a tilapia
HotWheelsNThings - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing
How bad are the snakeheads down in Floridia?
artsandclouds - 8 years ago
Fantastic video! Could you please tell me the maker and model of your ultralight rod?
thank you!
Lenise Oliveira
Lenise Oliveira - 8 years ago
Sean Bell
Sean Bell - 8 years ago
I would keep them all
ryan garcia
ryan garcia - 8 years ago
@Sea-Money Fishing never turn ur back to the water gators will sneak up on ya
Cajun Beast
Cajun Beast - 8 years ago
In Louisiana we call those cypress bass and if u let them tire themselves out they won't come off
Jake Blauvelt
Jake Blauvelt - 8 years ago
I want a oscar too
Duckman Dalton
Duckman Dalton - 8 years ago
Bowfin and gar are both considered trash fish but people still eat them depends how ya cook them thats all
Duckman Dalton
Duckman Dalton - 8 years ago
What was the point of him saying put in on the ground and then throwing it back lmaoo
Cole Alston
Cole Alston - 8 years ago
It is against the law to release a snake head
Virginia fisherman
Virginia fisherman - 8 years ago
Cole Alston it wasn't s snakehead it was a bowfin
john bickle
john bickle - 8 years ago
that's an amazing number of invasive species there.
LeftoverGaming - 7 years ago
Surprised he wasn't catching any snakeheads. They look similar to those mudfish he was catching. If you do catch them just kill the nasty things.
Jason Kinnear
Jason Kinnear - 7 years ago
Seems the everglades are really messed up by humans now.. just dumping their pet fish and snakes in there.  No way to fix it now.
Snus Mumriken
Snus Mumriken - 8 years ago
name of ur fishing rod pls ?
Goat Football
Goat Football - 8 years ago
The fish let you pick it up because it used to be an aquarium fish and is used to peole
Tim Fleming
Tim Fleming - 8 years ago
It's weird how we live in a world were fish are born with body armor and weird colored under bellies... Plecos
Jason Nicola
Jason Nicola - 8 years ago
The first fish is a pleco
BriAnime - 8 years ago
Those oscars should hit prawns.
BriAnime - 8 years ago
What'd you hit that bowfin on?
Kristy Cox
Kristy Cox - 8 years ago
they are pecos or sailfinscatfish
Sethemiah - 8 years ago
it might be a stupid question, but have you ever tried eating a plecko?
John Ribner
John Ribner - 8 years ago
Are those bowfin? Or Snakehead?
BriAnime - 8 years ago
John Ribner
John Ribner - 8 years ago
They're here in Michigan, too, but not the most common fish you'll catch.
TJ,s gaming
TJ,s gaming - 8 years ago
+John Ribner there is some up here in Minnesota but nothin like the amount Florida has
John Ribner
John Ribner - 8 years ago
+TJ,s gaming I wish they were as plentiful up here...
TJ,s gaming
TJ,s gaming - 8 years ago
Michael Williams
Michael Williams - 8 years ago
are a jerk for hurting little Brim
Slender Tender
Slender Tender - 8 years ago
the oscar that he caught looks exactly like the one i have in my tank
Peter Sadowski
Peter Sadowski - 8 years ago
You fucking retard stop fishing from 18 feet up maybe u won't lose 8 fish dumbass
Brie Cheese
Brie Cheese - 8 years ago
Try and catch and kill of catch and collect
Biggest Pyro
Biggest Pyro - 8 years ago
Your line should not have snapped I've caught plenty on 4 pound test. Set your drag right and go easy
death81234 - 8 years ago
it a ammur cat fish did not a geo
Fluresint 92
Fluresint 92 - 8 years ago
the biggest fish I got was 6 pound rainbow
Kobe Grassi
Kobe Grassi - 8 years ago
+Fluresint 92 a bull trout is a bull trout. How bout you google it
Marple 19
Marple 19 - 8 years ago
My biggest is a 15 pound Bull Trout.
Charlie Bastnagel
Charlie Bastnagel - 8 years ago
Favorite fishing video
TheMelonGamer- Minecraft & more
TheMelonGamer- Minecraft & more - 8 years ago
that kid said he would take he just threw it back in
BenDaGoatThingy .-.
BenDaGoatThingy .-. - 8 years ago
u know he did good his rod is bent
Jackson Chiara
Jackson Chiara - 8 years ago
What the hell is a cormorant
TJ,s gaming
TJ,s gaming - 8 years ago
a bird that eats fish
Lucian9666 - 8 years ago
if you did not go n the bridge you would have landed alot alot more
DaYDreaMz - 8 years ago
lol those dudes probably eat those bowfin fish.
DaYDreaMz - 8 years ago
Man it's like a fresh water fish tank down there, you got closer to that gator than i ever fuckin would.
derrick rose
derrick rose - 8 years ago
how could you do that to the fishes?.. poor fishes
Nathan  Peters
Nathan Peters - 8 years ago
Alright time to sue gofishing0987
JOSEAN - 8 years ago
11:08 not 11:28 sorry
JOSEAN - 8 years ago
Did he just reach in the water and grab a fish???11:28??? Wow i have never seen that before and would have not believe it if i would have not seen it with my own eyes! I had to watch that a few times lol
JOSEAN - 8 years ago
This guy is crazy! There is gators all over those swamps in that area they call it Alligator alley. If his not careful he will lose a hand or maybe his life. Be safe bro!
Zay Vlogz
Zay Vlogz - 8 years ago
That weird looking fish is a alge eater
Wezilla - 8 years ago
holy fuck you released snakehead ?????????
The Dark One
The Dark One - 8 years ago
+Kekaroni Potato seriously you need to clean your mouth kid.
jabamango JR.
jabamango JR. - 8 years ago
He kinda said it was a bowfin in the vid
Wezilla - 8 years ago
+Go Fishing0987 my apologies.
The Dark One
The Dark One - 8 years ago
You got to be kidding me? That's not a snakehead you idiot, it's a native bowfin.
Wezilla - 8 years ago
Fun lot different fishes here....
BASICALLY_LUIS - 8 years ago
isnt that illegal in the everglades
Little Blue Flame
Little Blue Flame - 8 years ago
2:53 that looks like a snakehead
Uvweywey Diogenes
Uvweywey Diogenes - 8 years ago
That pleco was really good looking.
Wezilla - 8 years ago
oh yeah sexy
Nathan  Peters
Nathan Peters - 8 years ago
Ha those to
Nathaniel Howell
Nathaniel Howell - 8 years ago
If you can see the gils on the Oscar that he caught bare handed, they were white so that means the fish was injured or sick
Agentgreifer - 8 years ago
im from florida and all this fish i havent even heard of exept garr and thay are not trash to their a winner
We Have Skillz
We Have Skillz - 8 years ago
what is the address I need it I'm going there today with 1 family can someone say it plz.
Chris M
Chris M - 8 years ago
bruh honestly sometimes you just gotta steo back and realize your in florida, with tons of gators. Alot of tourists feed these gators, especially along taimiami(tami-ami) and when you got a fish flopping at the waters edge while you tryna catch your putting yourself in the line o fire. As for kayakd im in a sit in and feel relatively fine around them, but when you have a fish on thag splashinh is attracting them. And its always the gator you dont see that gets ya
son 714
son 714 - 8 years ago
And he's in the Everglades as well LOL
Ronald - 8 years ago
Pleco are great for freshwater fish tanks.
E Sizzle
E Sizzle - 8 years ago
How don't you know that's an Oscar smh!
Consquad - 8 years ago
That was a nice northern
Noah Comella
Noah Comella - 8 years ago
I have an Oscar as a pet
Nathan  Peters
Nathan Peters - 8 years ago
You should have killed the bowfin because they invasive species
The Dark One
The Dark One - 8 years ago
You are an idiot. Too many retards like you always get mixed up by bowfin and snakehead. It's not that hard to tell the difference!
Damias Mcdonald
Damias Mcdonald - 8 years ago
You're thinking of snakeheads
Matthew Spicer
Matthew Spicer - 8 years ago
we call them cotton fish meat flufs up like cotton when you fry it nasty trash fish
Jafromobile - 8 years ago
No fucks given Oscar at 11:03. lol!
Matei Ghita
Matei Ghita - 8 years ago
kill a bowfin 101
Supremelordofpie - 8 years ago
biggest fish i caught was a shark, but it took me a long time to get to that point
Blitz Gaming
Blitz Gaming - 8 years ago
What was the dragon skinned one called
zanden to live 503
zanden to live 503 - 8 years ago
i had that black fish you had as a pet
matt smith
matt smith - 8 years ago
fish whisperer
Jack&Jack vlogs
Jack&Jack vlogs - 8 years ago
We call those big fish mudfish
Saurabh Tripathi
Saurabh Tripathi - 8 years ago
that was at least a 100 dollar pleco
Lukas Seoane-Scheitermaier
Lukas Seoane-Scheitermaier - 8 years ago
Thumbs for just grabbing that Oscar
Daniel Sheehan
Daniel Sheehan - 8 years ago
That Cichlid is an Oscar :P Nice fish.
Wesley Smith_1911
Wesley Smith_1911 - 8 years ago
also at lake delta resort near Monte alto in deep south texas we have 5-10lbs suckerfish in our lake so if you like that sea-money fishing give it a try in south texas
Wesley Smith_1911
Wesley Smith_1911 - 8 years ago
these fish are also called colostomis in texas Idk if they do it there but here they eat spawning grass that our catfish and drum lay in and its hurting the fishing so if you catch one leave it on the shore for a animal to eat they are worse than carp about eating spawn grass
Barry Jardine
Barry Jardine - 8 years ago
maybe you should remember a landing net next time :)) nice fishing tho bro
Cameron Brisco
Cameron Brisco - 8 years ago
Its a Red Oscar or Tiger Oscar. I've had a 75 Gallon tank with a Albino, Tiger, & Red Oscar.
Mr.Siren - 8 years ago
we dont get fish like that in Iowa
Justin Archer
Justin Archer - 8 years ago
Also, you really don't have to keep mentioning you play football, i can tell by the lack of brain function and higher thinking capacity. Talking to you is like arguing with a stump.
Justin Archer
Justin Archer - 8 years ago
haha "You realize how many people can do that right?" Not you LMAO, have fun at guitar center for the rest of your life I work for ALL the hospitals in Nashville. If i compared you to anyone it would be a retard... I never compared you to me because your not even in the same league little guy
Justin Archer
Justin Archer - 8 years ago
It's really funny to me also because I bet I make as much money at 28 years old then both of your parents combined, and seeing a little peon trying to talk so much trash when he can barely legally drive is awesome. Keep on talking because it really is funny that you can't even legally vote or buy tobacco but your talking like your the man....BWAHAHA
Justin Archer
Justin Archer - 8 years ago
Haha why would i look up a little 17 year old queef who likes to talk crap. I live in a 3 bedroom house that I bought, have fun in your moms house. I bet she still does your laundry and cooks and cleans for you. How sweet. Does she change your diaper for you too? Your a funny little guy
Justin Archer
Justin Archer - 8 years ago
Nah I really don't care to look up a gay boys Instagram so i won't look you up, but I think it's hilarious that you say you run shit when you still live at home and talk shit on the Internet. Holler at me when you pay your own bills and are off mommies cell phone plan, the only thing you run up is your moms electric and cell phone bill.
Justin Archer
Justin Archer - 8 years ago
You prolly still living at your parents house saying you run this lmao
Justin Archer
Justin Archer - 8 years ago
I'm almost 30 idiot, look at one of my videos, sorry I hurt your feelings I'm sure you have little man syndrome like a mofo
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
Justin Archer why the fuck are you replying to something a month ago? Get a life. Don't make me embarrass your ass for trying to act like an adult when you're thirteen. Don't make me talk about your acne and laugh at your social life.
Justin Archer
Justin Archer - 8 years ago
+Brad CaldwellProd make sure to make it home by curfew while your "running this place". Don't make me tell your mother to take away your phone again.
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+Jacob Wahl because I do run this place. Isn't that sad a 17 year old is more intelligent than everybody here? Hell including you. What the fuck does GTA have to do with anything? I don't play games. I breathe football and fishing. Not a lot of time for games.
not me
not me - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd then why the fuck are you acting like you run this place you cant even play gta5 legally
not me
not me - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd And when i see 2 34 year old men living in there moms basment agurmenting over dumb shit i call it out
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+DaYDreaMz MMO-RTS and when I see a dumbass, I call them out. So suck my dick lil hoe if you're gonna reply to me.
DaYDreaMz - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd SMD, when i see a douche bag i'll call him out, brad.
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
+DaYDreaMz MMO-RTS and you didn't have to reply, but you did. You didn't have to call me a smart ass, but you did. So shut the fuck up and mind your own business. I never talked to you in the first place.
DaYDreaMz - 8 years ago
A lot of what he is catching are fresh water fish dude. You didn't have to be a smart ass.
AGaggleOfNibbas - 8 years ago
+Brad CalwellProd xD
Brad CalwellProd
Brad CalwellProd - 8 years ago
No way! Really?! I would've never guessed Iowa didn't have salt water fish from the ocean.
EpicPandaGaming - 8 years ago
What are you using
Cosmic - 8 years ago
A fishing rod
EpicPandaGaming - 8 years ago
I'm moving to Florida and I love fishing
Kevin Smiley
Kevin Smiley - 8 years ago
have you fished in lake Okeechobee cuz that is where I live
GG Gaming101
GG Gaming101 - 8 years ago
: ()
Jeremy K
Jeremy K - 8 years ago
Lol that little guy was not even close to 13 inches. Do you even math?
Tackycal - 8 years ago
Great videos !! Very entertaining !! Keep it up
Middle Georgia Outdoors
Middle Georgia Outdoors - 8 years ago
He should have killed the gar
Njurk - 8 years ago
i use to catch janitor fish the second fish it's called in phillipines Janitor fish and I always catch them with my bare hand
Mr Sharp
Mr Sharp - 8 years ago
Can you eat this fish?
H(CHB11Cl11) - 8 years ago
What was the name of the black fish? :O
Wezilla - 8 years ago
Pleco also noticed spreading a lot at Austin Texas...lucky not fish killer Pleco just clean up the alage lol good cleaner lol
Talisman - 8 years ago
To be accurate: Plecostomus
Shadowshrend4 - 8 years ago
Looked like a Pleco to me
mob4real - 8 years ago
can you tell me were you caught those pleco ? ;)
Peter W
Peter W - 8 years ago
Since the gar is a trash fish in states, why don't you just let it die?
Peter W
Peter W - 8 years ago
Sounds very professional.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
because that is actually very harmful.

when a big gar is removed a cycle starts.first part of the cycle is a boom in game fish population resulting in more fish but smaller fish cause there isn't enough food for all the fish.second phase is new baby gar start fighting over the territory once occupied by the adult gar and the finial phase adult gar is back in that spot and everything goes back to normal.this takes years to occur and the cycle normally gets interrupted by fisher men who don't understand how ecology works.
Lance Wilkin
Lance Wilkin - 8 years ago
Don't think that was a sun fish...
Icicletheangeldragon - 8 years ago
That spot on that Oscar was a scar from a leech bite
RAPD_4police Law enforcement
RAPD_4police Law enforcement - 8 years ago
Dude what do. Think it's a tout magnet not a Oscar magnet
Bass Master TV
Bass Master TV - 8 years ago
Advice for big bass : cut brim in half they really love the head but they will eat it all thats how i caught a big 8 pounder
Bass Master TV
Bass Master TV - 8 years ago
He lookes like a algea eater that i have in my fish tank
mud pro
mud pro - 8 years ago
+Todd Williams yeah pretty much. That's why they are still surviving cuz they are pretty much indestructible and they eat algae on the rocks on the bottom
Todd Williams
Todd Williams - 8 years ago
+mud pro it is a armored catfish
mud pro
mud pro - 8 years ago
That's what they are. They are millions of years kld
ExopMan - 8 years ago
That oscar was not 13" lol
Jackson Brooks
Jackson Brooks - 8 years ago
Is this brackish?
Captain Dubs
Captain Dubs - 8 years ago
casually walks by an alligator
Black Hawks Ethan
Black Hawks Ethan - 8 years ago
Put your finger in its mouth to stop moving
Brian Heath
Brian Heath - 8 years ago
Really disappointed you released all those invasive species back into the water :/ As a fisherman you have a duty to remove those things.
Brian Heath
Brian Heath - 8 years ago
I was talking about the Oscar's and the plecos. We have bowfin out here in GA as well. I know the difference between the two species. Bowfin are native to North America, snakeheads come from Asia, and Oscar's and Plecos come from South America.
Did this me you to
Did this me you to - 8 years ago
You're confusing the bowfin (native species) with snakeheads.
LiamWatt - 8 years ago
He is in Miami
LiamWatt - 8 years ago
LiamWatt - 8 years ago
Yup they do call em brim
snorman72 - 8 years ago
don't grab fish use a landing net mate just get a folding one if you don't want to carry a lot with you
J Ham
J Ham - 8 years ago
Damn I've never seen wild Oscar in Texas. So not native to North America lol. South American species.They are sold in almost every pet store though, they quickly out grow most aquariums. My grandma used to have them and sold them to other aquarium enthusiast when they got to big for her aquariums. Might want to alert your local parks and wild life though I'm sure they know about them.
Brandana Rossi
Brandana Rossi - 8 years ago
What was the bait
Dee Hop
Dee Hop - 8 years ago
I would have eaten all of them. Especially the invasives. Those definitely don't go back in the water.
Dee Hop
Dee Hop - 8 years ago
So? I'm eating ALL of them +Zaphod Beeblebrox
Did this me you to
Did this me you to - 8 years ago
Those are bowfin. Not snakeheads.
The Enderguy
The Enderguy - 8 years ago
loads of aquarium fish awesome
elmariachi - 8 years ago
i don't really have anything against fishing but we humans are kind of dicks lol, can you imagine getting fished? grabbed and gropped and then released because someone thought you're cool looking
mrouterrim - 8 years ago
Can you eat Oscar and bowfin
Jordan Sanchez
Jordan Sanchez - 8 years ago
Up here in Maine they sell Oscar at the pet stores had a few they can get huge
Kyle Klawonn
Kyle Klawonn - 8 years ago
You're supposed to kill the snakeheads you jack ass. They are fucking the eco system
P Wall
P Wall - 8 years ago
When I went to Florida for spring break this year I stoped at that same place. I was able to get some ghost shrimp and some cool minnows.
matthew bland
matthew bland - 8 years ago
what do you mean you got mugged?
casey escobar
casey escobar - 8 years ago
+matthew bland well probably cause they took his spot and more people showed up to fish and stuff.
matthew bland
matthew bland - 8 years ago
lol but the way he said it was like he didnt even give a fuck
casey escobar
casey escobar - 8 years ago
He means he got mugged.
crossbowguy 75
crossbowguy 75 - 8 years ago
Are Plecos the sucker fish that are typically put in fish tanks
casey escobar
casey escobar - 8 years ago
+Aaron Peters cool
Aaron Peters
Aaron Peters - 8 years ago
+casey escobar They're a species of Catfish
casey escobar
casey escobar - 8 years ago
+crossbowguy 75 they aren't..
crossbowguy 75
crossbowguy 75 - 8 years ago
+casey escobar well they are catfish
casey escobar
casey escobar - 8 years ago
Yes, they can grow MASSIVE, but people throw Them in there once they get to big to keep in a tank. And then they turn into invasive species like the snakeheads.
Deltadawg660 - 8 years ago
that first fish you caught that you called a bowfin - is called a shoe pic own here in Louisiana.
Protint BG
Protint BG - 8 years ago
It''s unbeliavable my friend
H. M. Murdock
H. M. Murdock - 8 years ago
That's a pretty popular spot. I was there this past Saturday. Decent fishing Oscars, bass, tarpon, gar.... There are a couple of boat ramps there too.
Aaron Peters
Aaron Peters - 8 years ago
+H. M. Murdock​ oh got you
H. M. Murdock
H. M. Murdock - 8 years ago
lol wasn't thinking. i just started listing fish i've caught.
Aaron Peters
Aaron Peters - 8 years ago
Tarpon in freshwater?
Anthony Farr Outdoors
Anthony Farr Outdoors - 8 years ago
Some nice bowfins can't believe you caught wild plecostomous not sure what species. Nice size Oscars also then a gar to boot. Awesome spot right there for multiple species. Congratulations!
AlanFishing - 8 years ago
Subscribed! Nice video! I also started a little channel, it'd be cool if you could check it out :) Thanks!
Jimmy Keen
Jimmy Keen - 8 years ago
Wow you just showed so many evasive species of fish that don't belong in Florida. The Snakehead, Oscar, and Pleco Catfish. They are all awesome and good eating fish actually. I'm from Malaysia and I prefer a snakehead fish than any other species due to their medicinal values in their meat. This is what the government won't tell you.
darklord 3466
darklord 3466 - 8 years ago
there's the place in Belleville Canada that has an island coated in cormorants the island is DEAD there is nothing there but birds
Nathan Alvarado
Nathan Alvarado - 8 years ago
plecos r a invasive spices to florida so when u catch one to put it on the ground and let it die it was the law
Nathan Alvarado
Nathan Alvarado - 8 years ago
the gator prodly was at least 5 trough 4 feet long
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler - 8 years ago
You should use steel leaders for gar
TWM M - 8 years ago
Awesome bare hand catch at 11:00.
casey escobar
casey escobar - 8 years ago
Wish I could do that here lol. Fish don't seem to care where he's at lol.
xXDanTh3ManXx - 8 years ago
Is that in Florida I love fishing
Disciple Of The Morning Star
Disciple Of The Morning Star - 8 years ago
for being new to florida youre very impressive. its actually extremely suprising how well you were doing
Brooks Wahl
Brooks Wahl - 8 years ago
Well he is quite good at fishing elsewhere
METALSOFT - 8 years ago
Lol hard to handle, black crows
robert karas
robert karas - 8 years ago
You know what a pleco is? aka the armoured suckerfish you caught. Its a invasive species, really wrong of you for throwing it back in the water
Thugnificent - 8 years ago
There's no way I'd go to a lake with gators in it at night.
Dev the Follower
Dev the Follower - 8 years ago
This is the craziest fishing video ever lol I love it
Joe Cruz
Joe Cruz - 8 years ago
I need to make a trip over there to fish cause it look fun catch new fish
Daniel_ Carabott
Daniel_ Carabott - 8 years ago
why should you catch it and torture it and finally release it :/
Talisman - 8 years ago
+Daniel_ Carabott what does being a bodybuilder have to do with it? Fish don't feel pain on our capacity, they do feel it but on a lesser scale
Daniel_ Carabott
Daniel_ Carabott - 8 years ago
+TheOfficialWizard read reeeeeead!!!!!!!!
TheOfficialWizard - 8 years ago
+Daniel_ Carabott they don't have the brain capacity to feel pain.
Daniel_ Carabott
Daniel_ Carabott - 8 years ago
+ecwecw12 its not about cruelty on fish im talking about waist of fish because lots of fish arent bodybuilders thus take long to heal or are just too injured to heal thats all i wanted to say.
River Sharkey
River Sharkey - 8 years ago
+ecwecw12 I agree but don't use big words to try to sound smart
ecwecw12 - 8 years ago
Your thick headed man. Anatomy and physiology of fish is simple, there's no room for pain they have only few goals in their rather short lives, the main one being to breed. Of course they need to feel or else how will they react when something bigger starts nibbling on their tails but it's reactionary rather than pain. Stop trying to anthropomorphizes fish.
Daniel_ Carabott
Daniel_ Carabott - 8 years ago
+River Sharkey I here about it when I go to church :/
River Sharkey
River Sharkey - 8 years ago
I think it's funny how we can sit here and argue for hours about a fish but you never hear about Christians getting beheaded in the Middle East
Daniel_ Carabott
Daniel_ Carabott - 8 years ago
+casey escobar they do
casey escobar
casey escobar - 8 years ago
+Modded Mobile Nation Ohhhhh, what do fish not have nerves of something to feel pain?
casey escobar
casey escobar - 8 years ago
+Daniel_ Carabott but "fish don't feel pain" I thought? Or that's what they say.
Daniel_ Carabott
Daniel_ Carabott - 8 years ago
+casey escobar its because it hurts
casey escobar
casey escobar - 8 years ago
Then how come when I take the hook out of a catfish after hooking him perfectly in the mouth they like flip around and tense up like it hurts??
Daniel_ Carabott
Daniel_ Carabott - 8 years ago
+Modded Mobile Nation oh well
Daniel_ Carabott
Daniel_ Carabott - 8 years ago
+ThePickler PickleBobby I've been fishing since I could hold a line in my hand and I know that the majority of time they get injured internally and die.
Johnny Bravo
Johnny Bravo - 8 years ago
Fish don't feel pain like humans
Danielle Conger
Danielle Conger - 8 years ago
For gar in south florida live Brown Anoles those little brown lizards that are everywhere are hands down the best bait.
Abel 76.2
Abel 76.2 - 8 years ago
Danielle Conger or cut off fingers from drug traffickers
ihateboybands50 - 8 years ago
lol 13 inches or so u say, that thing was about 8-9 inches lol
jihan Ahmed
jihan Ahmed - 8 years ago
your triying to act cool DUMMY!!!!!!!!
Amelia Koser
Amelia Koser - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money I would've bought that pleco from u since that is such a bueatiful pleco if u ever catch another one just post it and I will see if I like it
Ian Goodwin
Ian Goodwin - 8 years ago
That is where one rod one reel caught a gator
dzhotdog - 8 years ago
man! whenever you catch an invasive specie, you should leave the fish for dead on the shore. they are destroying the local ecosystem. it is every cool however, to be able to catch fish from different continents in one canal. love your video man!
James McCarty
James McCarty - 8 years ago
sell the snake heads ti the chinease
Aaron Peters
Aaron Peters - 8 years ago
Those are bowfins
Ethan d my D
Ethan d my D - 8 years ago
Who else calls gars gator gars?
_Chief Jiv
_Chief Jiv - 8 years ago
Should've killed the pleco, they're invasive to Florida waterways and reek havoc on the native bream and bass populations.
BassinAllYear 15
BassinAllYear 15 - 8 years ago
When u catch a fish show us what you caught it on
Matje De Zeeuw
Matje De Zeeuw - 8 years ago
Awesome Bro try to catch a lot of species That would be cool haha That Oscar was Nice and they get way bigger
GeminiJets SG
GeminiJets SG - 8 years ago
From singapore here , our lakes are common with peacock bass and snakeheads , pleco in some lakes too
Dylan Pravato
Dylan Pravato - 8 years ago
That first stop would've been perfect for a frog
Josue Lopez
Josue Lopez - 8 years ago
What rod and reel were you using and what spool
Dakota Outdoors
Dakota Outdoors - 8 years ago
those oscars were most likely dying, somebody must have just released them
John Burgess
John Burgess - 8 years ago
here's the deal on the oscars. they are everywhere but they aren't a "fast water" type of fish. the water control flood gates on the canals aren't always open.

those Oscars were there, probably nesting, and then the gate opened and they got worn out and beat up in the fast moving current so they chill near the bank and wait for the flood gate to close then recover.
they are usually in almost still water.
Wezilla - 8 years ago
+Brianna Harter (star and fox) and breeds on...Plecos also so spreading a lot....
casey escobar
casey escobar - 8 years ago
+Brianna Harter yeah I know, I think it's cool though how snakeheads can actually walk on land (in a weird way) and breath out of water.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
yes but there are many many others do to how prefect florida is.

also snake heads actually got to florida form asian food markets.most likely they were either housed in unsecure cages and walked away cause they can breath and walk on land or more likely were quote on quote saved by petards and released into the wild like the red eared sliders were.
casey escobar
casey escobar - 8 years ago
+Brianna Harter (star and fox) isn't one of the invasive species they got in Florida is The Snakehead??
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
actually they were most likely born in the wild.florida has a major issue with invasive species of all kinds do to it's tropical conditions making it prefect habitat for many different species including tropical fish.

these guys ancestors could of been released pets or farm escapees.
Olu Amure
Olu Amure - 8 years ago
Your ass better watch out you dont become an alligator snack
Christian Hernandez
Christian Hernandez - 8 years ago
That pleco is worth like 50 bucks haha nice catch
Jerin Feliz
Jerin Feliz - 8 years ago
Dude keep the Oscar there expensive and royalty fish I have a 150 gallon of my own stock full of them
Delta Man
Delta Man - 8 years ago
he caught a bullseye snake head
Neity Rodriguez
Neity Rodriguez - 8 years ago
can somebody please tell me where he is fishing because i live in miami close to the 8th street and i just went to the everglades and i never found that place that he was fishing so please sea money fishing tell where is that
Marcos Molina
Marcos Molina - 8 years ago
10 miles
Marcos Molina
Marcos Molina - 8 years ago
It's about 10m from mikassuke casino that's all I can say
mr_saucy_bacon 13
mr_saucy_bacon 13 - 8 years ago
why in the actual fuck are you snagging fish you cringy piece of shit
Basicnoob - 8 years ago
do people just release all their pet fish in america or something?
Xander Phipps
Xander Phipps - 8 years ago
+Wezilla I'd love to get into carp fishing to control population but they're too picky and hard to master
Xander Phipps
Xander Phipps - 8 years ago
+Wezilla I'd love to get into carp fishing to control population but they're too picky and hard to master
Xander Phipps
Xander Phipps - 8 years ago
+Basicnoob it's is kinda cool having the everglades though because it doesn't seem to be spreading much further north
Xander Phipps
Xander Phipps - 8 years ago
+Basicnoob Yeah but Australia's worst problem is with mosquitofish and invasive fiddlers crabs. When the small creatures are involved it's really bad, but Florida also has both and spawning carp
Basicnoob - 8 years ago
doesn't seem anywhere near as bad as this though in Australia, sure there's tilapia and carp which people released a long time back. but there aren't a whole heap of chilchids, plecos and snakeheads?
Xander Phipps
Xander Phipps - 8 years ago
No Australia has that problem
DJDeezy ThaTruth
DJDeezy ThaTruth - 8 years ago
--Some get to rare areas when there's a flood. FL has seen its share or high water. Other times, just dumping. Some areas get seeded with fish... like a pond or lake. Though as stated above.. one good high water season and those seeded ponds/lakes may spread those fish... easily.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
no just are rare few idiots that every country has.normally it's someone who impulse bought them and don't know what to do with them and other times it's doesn't take much for a animal to take off if the climate is right.

but I think florida's invasives are most likely escapees from poorly secured farms cause it's climate is prefect for farming many different types of tropical pets but it also has hurricanes.
Kicksmeintheshowers - 8 years ago
Cool series of videos. Like watching a documentary. Please buy a net.......
Wesley Barefield
Wesley Barefield - 8 years ago
A good way to get gar is take a small piece of rope of frade it and put on your bait the rope catches on their teeth
casey escobar
casey escobar - 8 years ago
Dude just use cable wire line at the end so there long snouts with razor sharp teeth can't cut your actual line.
Jason Jones
Jason Jones - 8 years ago
That looks like a lot of fun. I just moved to Florida and want to give the Everglades a try!
Foreignn Kidd
Foreignn Kidd - 8 years ago
did you say tarpor
Shaimenator - 8 years ago
ahh OK, and I don't know, I'm from MI
Foreignn Kidd
Foreignn Kidd - 8 years ago
+Shaimenator also i dont think he could catch tarpon with that light weight stuff
Foreignn Kidd
Foreignn Kidd - 8 years ago
+Shaimenator i missed spelled it
Shaimenator - 8 years ago
+Timothy Robinson No he said Tarpon.
Toby Barker
Toby Barker - 8 years ago
You should be ashamed out how you handle fish....treat them with more respect
K3eOne - 8 years ago
Damn wtf you caught a pleco? That's unusual.
Kris - 8 years ago
There are many many many big plecos on rivers of this town where I live in.I cant believe they are so many and so huge like African catfish and snakehead murrel and Talipia here can be found on every river. Invasive species are easy to find,local species are rare,thats not good.
Jason Patterson
Jason Patterson - 8 years ago
People buy them for aquariums and then release them when they get big - same for oscars. It's unfortunate, but there are lots of spots in Florida that have essentially turned into outdoor aquariums.
Reinaldo Gonzalez
Reinaldo Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Its sad to see how many Oscars are in our waterways here in Florida .. I bet s American rivers are low on them
Smokey Williams
Smokey Williams - 8 years ago
thats a oscar because I have one
James Purcell
James Purcell - 8 years ago
I suck at fishing. Grenades work well though...
Averagepabiker - 8 years ago
So does my Ak-47
danny Cella
danny Cella - 8 years ago
Are you near the casino or past the casino
danny Cella
danny Cella - 8 years ago
Like were in the Everglades?
danny Cella
danny Cella - 8 years ago
What spot is that
James Garcia
James Garcia - 8 years ago
Dude this made me wanna go fishing.. I live In CA, inland empire. There isn't a good place to fish without driving for like an hour lol even then, the spots are packed.
James Garcia
James Garcia - 8 years ago
+Chris Crav Almost got a ticket doing that lol
Chris Crav
Chris Crav - 8 years ago
Sneak on to a golf course pond at nighht
wettosixecho - 8 years ago
3:11 lmao
Frank Nazario
Frank Nazario - 8 years ago
its illegal in FL to "foul hook" on purpose. don't mention it if you do it on purpose...
animeking - 8 years ago
its a oscier
Mario Brothers
Mario Brothers - 8 years ago
rip sunfish
jeffrey walker
jeffrey walker - 8 years ago
how many pounds can your rod handle and what kind of line?
dimmu borgir
dimmu borgir - 8 years ago
if its terpan like in my country(which is broth from usa in 1960`s) thats wery nice for eating..i love it
dimmu borgir
dimmu borgir - 8 years ago
Askjldkals Asdnasn
Askjldkals Asdnasn - 8 years ago
where do you live?
dimmu borgir
dimmu borgir - 8 years ago
+Askjldkals Asdnasn ok this black that you let go we dont have but that big one that you cot on start of video(we call terpan)..i just like the size of it because here are just small ones
Askjldkals Asdnasn
Askjldkals Asdnasn - 8 years ago
they get up too 200lbs
Askjldkals Asdnasn
Askjldkals Asdnasn - 8 years ago
oh totally different fish , look up tarpon
dimmu borgir
dimmu borgir - 8 years ago
i just had few small maybe 05kg all today and they are maybe one of best fish to eat(i like it even more then catfish ,but they dont grow big in here ,because not domestic fish)..they put it here in kanals maybe in 60s
dimmu borgir
dimmu borgir - 8 years ago you mean this one?in my country you should never return them back because they are small size here and eats rest of small fish
Askjldkals Asdnasn
Askjldkals Asdnasn - 8 years ago
+dimmu borgir tarpon are illegal to keep
Tj1056 - 8 years ago
lol bring a net next time? :p
They even make some nice fish grippers that look like pliers and stuff but with hooks at the end to grab at the mouth.
Corbonzo - 8 years ago
great video, i made it through all 23 minutes without thinking its boring. well done my friend!
Daniel Rivero
Daniel Rivero - 8 years ago
where was this
David L
David L - 8 years ago
This faggot said he is going to foul hook. Then catches a fish by foul hooking it and says he wasnt trying to foul hook. Kys faggot
Sayer Robinson
Sayer Robinson - 8 years ago
I love how you just go and you try and catch new fish great video
Micah Little
Micah Little - 8 years ago
good vids when I fish every day I get nothin any tips for a river in mobile Alabama doge river or snake river something like that
Andres Rivas
Andres Rivas - 8 years ago
I catch those bowfins on plastic worms. Mainly zoom trick worms with a texas rig. There's so many of those in the glades.
gaming 101
gaming 101 - 8 years ago
ItzMikeOmg - 8 years ago
No way id fish where there was gators, check that, no way id live where there were gators lol.
Cody bolling
Cody bolling - 8 years ago
+DJDeezy ThaTruth I stayed at a hotel there the one I stayed at had a sign some didn't I guess
DJDeezy ThaTruth
DJDeezy ThaTruth - 8 years ago
+codyb --Where the boi died ? I think it was "dont swim" signs but no animal warning or truth, gater warnings. It was all over CNN. Oversight, they have Gator Signs up now. The family is open to sue if they wanted.
Cody bolling
Cody bolling - 8 years ago
+DJDeezy ThaTruth they have signs at Disney
DJDeezy ThaTruth
DJDeezy ThaTruth - 8 years ago
+codyb --Yeahh, that Zoo keeper nicked named 'Tiger-Lady' felt the same way about "her tigers". Till that MF ate her lol. I'm just sayin :D.. wild animals need a wide girth. Tru, most stray away from Humans, Bears, Gators and the such but it only takes that one moment and BOOM. You, a friend, or a child is feeding one of them MFs. Like playing Rush & Roulette with a Pistol. Heck, even that Baby at Disney that got yanked under. Honestly, Disney should have had animal sign warning up. But they didnt respect what was possible.
Cody bolling
Cody bolling - 8 years ago
+DJDeezy ThaTruth yo obviously don't know me and have no clue of my back round. I have grown up with these animals my whole life and I said it was baby so calm down
DJDeezy ThaTruth
DJDeezy ThaTruth - 8 years ago
+codyb -- "Never been touch by them" ...its when you think they wont do anything is when you fail to respect them.
Cody bolling
Cody bolling - 8 years ago
+codyb you**
Cody bolling
Cody bolling - 8 years ago
Why are so afraid of them. I have a lake near my house with a 7 foot one and a baby one never been touched by them. I did catch the baby one tho
MadHatterKani - 8 years ago
The first fish you caught is called well at least we call them in Hawaii. Sucker Fish. I had a huge one in a tank with my huge Oscar. They're called sucker fish because swim around sucking on the tank walls or floor. They eat the grim off the tank so they kinda clean the tank for you.
Brownspit - 8 years ago
4:46 "He swam and grabbed it." So thats how fishing works :'D
Dante - 8 years ago
OMG, this guy sounds just like nutnfancy
Sylvester - 8 years ago
the 305 nice :D
Jungle - 8 years ago
why do you never let the fish run a bit, i saw them break the line a few times
Jd Osborne
Jd Osborne - 8 years ago
you can catch live shiners around 6 to 12 inches long and use them for bait. cast them on heavy line and heavy duty rods cast right up against the wall where the bridges are especially where water runs out but hang on cause big bass will definately hit them. all along that route is especially good fishing. there used to be a place we called the glory hole that would produce several ten pound bass every time i went.
Linus - 8 years ago
Very cool looks like a lot of fun greetings from germany
Newasky - 8 years ago
lol i live in a neighbor hood where gars and huge bass are so i have to freaking care a 50lb string or you lose or get mugged ez
wild bill
wild bill - 8 years ago
oh not supposed to let the Oscars go I think lol
Mason Hart
Mason Hart - 8 years ago
down here the bowfin are called mud fish and they are also trash fish. i had one bite ny finger and ended up giving me 6 stiches on my right thumb.
Mike Jone
Mike Jone - 8 years ago
OMG! why didn't you wrestle the gator like Steve!
Falcorr - 8 years ago
wtf, you hooked a plecostomus? I think those are starting to become an invasive species. We got them too in Texas
Terzy - 8 years ago
They've been, they're in every pond/lake/canal in Florida
Anomalocaris Gaming
Anomalocaris Gaming - 8 years ago
My uncle has an Oscar in his aquarium. His is white and pink, idk if it's possible for them to be albino, but his has red eyes, too, so it may be albino.
Max Berns
Max Berns - 8 years ago
+Rusty Shackleford lmao
Mike McNamee
Mike McNamee - 8 years ago
+Anomalocaris Gaming White with pink/yellow pigment and red eyes- might be albino? No shit sherlock
Max Berns
Max Berns - 8 years ago
Yeah they can be albino
Frank Julian
Frank Julian - 8 years ago
You catch all the non-native species then cut up a native? That's just not right..cut the oscars up next time.
Dylan Hammons
Dylan Hammons - 8 years ago
Oh ok. But u did realy good.
Yoga Mike
Yoga Mike - 8 years ago
Fishes in clear water with dark bottom. Uses bright white fluke. Complains about no bass.
Delinquenth - 8 years ago
13:01 that's why you don't fish on a ledge with a 4 pound test
casey escobar
casey escobar - 8 years ago
If I fish for perch, bass of any of that sort I use 25 pound test line. Cats and gar and other large fish I use 75lbs 85lbs and 100lbs woven line.
Delinquenth - 8 years ago
+Yoga Pantz trueee
Yoga Mike
Yoga Mike - 8 years ago
Who uses 4 lb test at all?!?
Raiden Puahala
Raiden Puahala - 8 years ago
thats also called an alge eater
Michelroedeerhunter - 8 years ago
Lol...16:00 "You guys want this one or should I throw it back?" Other guy wants the fish, looks at it and throws him back in :-D
PAPA SAM - 8 years ago
oscar is in the cyclid family
PAPA SAM - 8 years ago
ahahaha plekos are algae eaters bennificial to water quality
Dylan Hammons
Dylan Hammons - 8 years ago
Not being rude. But next time don't talk as loud and u will catch them all
KING of TK - 8 years ago
I listen to music all the time and talk just as loud when I fish and I catch fish the same as if I wasn't talking
AMYAS Seek Truth
AMYAS Seek Truth - 8 years ago
How beautiful are those roads... omw man. I'd love to open up my 1jz on roads like that.
Ned the muscle man flanders
Ned the muscle man flanders - 8 years ago
have you ever heard of DRAG? ...letting LINE OUT ? fucking faggot
Ned the muscle man flanders
Ned the muscle man flanders - 8 years ago
use worms you faggot , you need to snag a fish thats right in your face , you suck
blaze5053 - 8 years ago
nice vid!!! they were biting
Jack Freese
Jack Freese - 8 years ago
I have the same flukes
lucho04639 - 8 years ago
You are way too close to the water for my taste!!!. Some gators in those canals can get huge.
jared wheeler
jared wheeler - 8 years ago
Can u eat the fish he was catching at like 16:00
JH FISHING - 8 years ago
Maybe a net could help landing and protecting fish...
Paul LaBonte
Paul LaBonte - 8 years ago
Did you say you got mugged in West Miami-Dade?
Joseph Park
Joseph Park - 8 years ago
oscars are cool.
Skull Co.
Skull Co. - 8 years ago
it's illegal to put snakehead back
Thanh Tran
Thanh Tran - 8 years ago
what kind of base you are using at 5:25
Luc Blank
Luc Blank - 8 years ago
you could pick it at teh gills it might held better
Joshua ortiz
Joshua ortiz - 8 years ago
Is fishing all about patience?
Memory - 8 years ago
pleckos are the real fucking problem
Alex Ramsaran
Alex Ramsaran - 8 years ago
how. did you do thatt
James12Overly - 8 years ago
Ross - 8 years ago
Evgeniy Pastushenko
Evgeniy Pastushenko - 8 years ago
hello from Russia! good fishing!!!
Dee Henderson
Dee Henderson - 8 years ago
lol...Did u give the Oscar fish Adderall or a Turkey sandwich...
Dee Henderson
Dee Henderson - 8 years ago
You may have heard this already but GAR love top water action...Put about 12ins from hook to cork small bluegills or shad & hold on...
MBen89 - 8 years ago
Can't believe you tossed that Oscar back in the water lol they're awesome fish, I am dying to get one :(
Kevin Medina
Kevin Medina - 6 years ago
MBen89 i think that was actually a mayan cichlid
David Helme
David Helme - 7 years ago
MBen89 they have them at walmart
jared from subway #wanna eat my footlong
jared from subway #wanna eat my footlong - 7 years ago
MBen89 I want to catch a peacock bass
Michael J
Michael J - 7 years ago
You can buy an Oscar for like 8 bucks at petsmart
Dale Fetalvero
Dale Fetalvero - 7 years ago
MBen89 so true
Big Slimm
Big Slimm - 8 years ago
MBen89 pet store has plenty
Gary Lester
Gary Lester - 8 years ago
Cooolchick647 - 8 years ago
+reynault brown they are definitely temperamental.
Cooolchick647 - 8 years ago
+reynault brown they are awesome pets when cared for properly and given the proper amount of room as well but I'm not sure I would suggest them as first time fish though. But I absolutely loved him even though he would wake me up at night jumping and slamming into the light hood. Or he would pick up the decorations and slam them into the glass. He was definitely a character. And it was awesome feeding him, he ate everything lol. They are hounds. But such an awesome fish
reynault brown
reynault brown - 8 years ago
MBen89 they make good pets, & are low maintenance. They don't like other species of fish though. I've had mine for 5 years in my pond & he/she is huge from eating everything I put in with him (even frogs)
Cooolchick647 - 8 years ago
MBen89 they're a pain to keep and they grow big. I had an Oscar before with a large plecos named Oscars and felix lol but the Oscars was a mean bastard but cool. needs plenty of live food not limited to goldfish feeders and bugs. sometimes, he wouldnt eat the feeders and then i was stuck with growing goldfish that luckily we have a pond close to my house where thet are welcome. its man made and the owner rescues goldfish and koi. never release into the wild! Fish can become invasive and kill habitats and push out or kill other soecies. My Oscar would bite your finger if he could get it but also hated any decoration you put in his tank and would tip it over, pick it up in his mouth and slam it around or slam it into the glass. the only thing he tolerated was the pleco because he was just as big as him but he would still attack him. at night, he would jump out the water and hit the bottom of the light covers or slam himself into the glass. he was a character. I had him until we lost power one day and when I came home, both fish were dead sadly.
Mr Anonymous
Mr Anonymous - 8 years ago
come malaysia u will get many oscar here
The Unknown
The Unknown - 8 years ago
I have two in my fish tank, one black(named salt) and one white(names pepper), but a few weeks ago, salt died :(, but now pepper is big and strong and I'm getting ready to buy a bigger fish tank for her
Yash Patel
Yash Patel - 8 years ago
in my lake there's alot of Oscar bluegill catfish and some bass
BenDaGoatThingy .-.
BenDaGoatThingy .-. - 8 years ago
I feel u
PATRICK KENNON - 8 years ago
yeah i would have kept the oscar
South Florida Fishing
South Florida Fishing - 8 years ago
+Nicko same
Extreme Florida Fishing
Extreme Florida Fishing - 8 years ago
+Nicko same
Nicko - 8 years ago
Lol I'm blessed to live here in Florida
Bodhi - 8 years ago
So they can breed and make more?
MBen89 - 8 years ago
+Walk Michigan wow really? lol I'd love to go down there and catch as much as I can. I think they're gorgeous fish, especially when fully grown.
Walk Michigan
Walk Michigan - 8 years ago
+MBen89 That's an invasive species down there.
Roiberd Robert
Roiberd Robert - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing the Oscar can breath air? or just water? I don't know much about them lol
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
+MBen89 I would have kept if but had no room and also thought it might die without aeration, however, if you are ever in florida, bring a small fishing pole and some worms and you can hand-pick yourself something nice
Douglas Wainwright
Douglas Wainwright - 8 years ago
hey guy's Chris Rudnik here.
Fishy Jiffy45
Fishy Jiffy45 - 8 years ago
do you have to kill bowfin?
Aaron Peters
Aaron Peters - 8 years ago
+Rider Quail No those fish are native to Florida. Snakeheads are what you're thinking about, which is understandable because they look very similar.
Rider Quail
Rider Quail - 8 years ago
Your supposed to
Fishy Jiffy45
Fishy Jiffy45 - 8 years ago
i caught a sea robin
Kandi Hinshaw
Kandi Hinshaw - 8 years ago
okay what you're calling a pleco is not a pleco it is a picasimus algae eater which is a species of catfish. And it does not have teeth because eats algae I don't casually eat dead fish. It is I do believe it is closely related to the goonch catfish just because of the design and the similarity and the body style. and I know it for cosmetology do because I raised them I've had them in my aquarium for quite some time. so you need to get a book on identifying the fish in your area and learning the proper names for them if you don't know what they are and don't say what they are.
Alex Taylor
Alex Taylor - 8 years ago
Kandi Hinshaw that's the funniest shit I've read all day. thank you
Kevin Dunse Outdoors
Kevin Dunse Outdoors - 8 years ago
picasimus isn't a thing, plecostomas is the word, and pleco comes from PLECOstomas.
Ismael Goldsteck
Ismael Goldsteck - 8 years ago
and I'm stuck with german fish :/
Ismael Goldsteck
Ismael Goldsteck - 8 years ago
+Gone fishin don't know their names in english
JH FISHING - 8 years ago
Also beim Friedfischangeln haben wir genug Vielfalt. Bei den Räubern wechseln sich auch Rapfen, Hecht, Zander, Wels und Barsch ab. Aber ich weiß eh, was du meinst...
Ismael Goldsteck
Ismael Goldsteck - 8 years ago
+JH FISHING das Risiko geh ich ein. stell dir mal vor, wie geil es wäre einen Fisch zu fangen und nicht einmal zu wissen, was es ist!!
D Kat
D Kat - 8 years ago
You need a net dude!
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook
Andy's Fishing Wild Cook - 8 years ago
Love that "Weird fish" looks like something from the Amazon.
I like your chronicles.
Jimmy Dean from 10 news
Jimmy Dean from 10 news - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing well it is from the amazon so yeah...
Shaira Cabangangan
Shaira Cabangangan - 8 years ago
Grim Skull
Grim Skull - 8 years ago
As far as i know, you do have to worry about finding plekos on your waters, becasue they are a destructive invasive species, over here there was a nice little pak with tons of bass, but then someone trew plekos in the water and the bass population was almost erased
Damos WC
Damos WC - 8 years ago
Cichlids are also invasive I believe
Schaefer Gaming
Schaefer Gaming - 8 years ago
That looks an awful lot like a dog fish. Those things are the scourge of Minnesota. Most people just kill em round here. Not really good eating but they are bad for the environment here so we try to take care of em
austin linn
austin linn - 8 years ago
I thought that fish was a toy in the thumbnail
Cory - 8 years ago
I'm your 2000th sub!
ThunderboltPS - 8 years ago
"You guys want this one or should I throw it back?"
"Yeah, put it here."
Throws it back afterwards... 16:00
Prabhu Dilli
Prabhu Dilli - 8 years ago
But why you are throwing all the fishes back in to the water? Are you just catching the fishes for fun? Why don't you keep it or eat it.?
Cheng Thao
Cheng Thao - 8 years ago
those Oscars were most likely domesticated and were then released when they got to big

my Oscars let me touch them
CJ Garage
CJ Garage - 8 years ago
Nice armored cat
Tom Haavig
Tom Haavig - 8 years ago found out
Tom Haavig
Tom Haavig - 8 years ago
it is an oscar
Stephanie Gotcher
Stephanie Gotcher - 8 years ago
looks like a nasty snake head fish
Crippled Carl
Crippled Carl - 8 years ago
what's the difference between fair hooking and foul hooking I'm confused
mattmattic929 - 8 years ago
+Crippled Carl fair hooking is when the fish eats the bait and hook, foul hooking is snagging a fish with the hook, like on the fin or elsewhere.
Jzwiz - 8 years ago
One u snag the fish in the gills or skin
FlameHawk 968
FlameHawk 968 - 8 years ago
the pleca looks just like my alge eater
joyingoldshire - 8 years ago
''do you guys want this one or should i throw it back?'' ''putt here'' threws it back the next secound...
Daniel Washlick
Daniel Washlick - 7 years ago
liam cleary who the hell do you think you are flying that word around.
Ronald Owens
Ronald Owens - 7 years ago
liam cleary they are when they get to size very good eating. We have been lied to about what is and what is not good to eat. If it swims except on very rare occasions it will tast good on the grill or fried
liam cleary
liam cleary - 8 years ago
what the fuck did those niggers want with the fish?
Clay Burton
Clay Burton - 8 years ago
Why do no American fisherman carry a net with them? You most likely killed that Bowfin with that handling, If you'd have had a net you wouldnt have had these issues.
Ross - 8 years ago
+Connor Baxter he didn't even harm the fish
Clay Burton
Clay Burton - 8 years ago
+Ian J. Horwood My apologies, But every video I see of an American fishing I cant help but notice none of them carry nets with them.
Ian J. Horwood
Ian J. Horwood - 8 years ago
+Connor Baxter Gross generalization and ignorant comment
Ethan Strogen
Ethan Strogen - 8 years ago
why would you purposely foul hook a fish???
ASVP RoyaL - 8 years ago
my noob question is: Can you eat those fishes?
John Arizona
John Arizona - 8 years ago
Members of the Loricariidae family of suckermouth catfish, Plecostomus, or Plecos, have specially adapted mouthparts, enabling them to attach to substrate. Most Plecos are peaceful fish and prefer to rest or slowly graze over the aquarium bottom, and do an excellent job of cleaning unwanted algae from the bottom and sides of the tank.
Yinzer Outdoors
Yinzer Outdoors - 8 years ago
Awesome video man!
Tae_lit 2018
Tae_lit 2018 - 8 years ago
if u atck cook in eat the fish u would get me subscribes i bet id u do in get more subscribes give me a tell people about me give me a shutout
big boyyy
big boyyy - 8 years ago
This is my first video of yours and i loved it
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
+Gerson Rivas thanks!
Boosted8thgen Civic
Boosted8thgen Civic - 8 years ago
it's a pleco
thedinosaurking - 8 years ago
no insalts I live in Florida
Concrete Killer
Concrete Killer - 8 years ago
that's wild I'm from Ohio never been to Florida to see or catch anything like bowfin or snakehead 20 years ago we had Oscars for pets now there common in Florida lol,by the way big balls dude I couldn't stand next to that water without a 44 mag on my side knowing gators are under my feet
Parrot Bill
Parrot Bill - 8 years ago
The first weird fish you called a Pleco was a Plecostomus Fish the "L" is silent. People had them in their aquarium and when it got to big, they would throw them in the canals, the same with Oscars,
Oscar Fish, I had one in my tank and as he got larger he ate some of the bigger fish until he was the only one left.
As for Bowfins, never heard it called anything else but a Mud Fish in my 60+ years, until a few months ago when I found if was a Bow Fin. When the swamp dries up the go into the mud and breath air until the water comes back.
Parrot Bill
Parrot Bill - 8 years ago
+Shadiyd Fuller
So they were taught wrong, not my fault!
Shadiyd Fuller
Shadiyd Fuller - 8 years ago
+Parrot Bill maybe. Just based on my experience even though I'm much younger, the people who I buy 100$+ Plecos from don't even use the word pleco. They say L50 or whatever it may be. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the natives don't come up with the scientific names, they just know where to catch the species. We can just agree to disagree lol
Parrot Bill
Parrot Bill - 8 years ago
+Shadiyd Fuller
Over the years maybe folks read the word without knowing the right pronunciation and adopted a new way of saying it. But when talking on the phone to make the orders the importer (who had a heavy Spanish accent) said the word without the "L". So I would take his word over what people call it these days. The state of Florida (the only place in America you find this fish calls it a Sailfin Catfish, even though it is not even related to the Catfish family. So should I also adopt their name for the fish when I know it is wrong?
Shadiyd Fuller
Shadiyd Fuller - 8 years ago
+Parrot Bill Don't be butt hurt and sarcastic. Where I am and many other places, the L is not silent. Check other YouTube channels who breed and raise Plecos. Pleco has a hard L, while Plecostamus (however u spell it) is a soft, but not silent L. It's really not much of a big deal. You can have 50 years of experience and still not know. Maybe some people just don't pronounce it the same.
Parrot Bill
Parrot Bill - 8 years ago
+Shadiyd Fuller
Well I am sure you know much more than I and my 50 years in the pet trade, so I won't bother arguing with you. We sold hundreds of them and bought some back when they got to big for the customer and after all of these years of experience now I find out I have been saying it wrong all of this time and so did all of the dealers my store dealt with. So I hope you won't mind if I continue to say it the way I was taught from the people who brought them into this country and sold them to us. Maybe it was their accent that threw us off.
Shadiyd Fuller
Shadiyd Fuller - 8 years ago
The L in pleco is not silent.
Parrot Bill
Parrot Bill - 8 years ago
This is education little tidbits at a time and the way I learned.
MBen89 - 8 years ago
+Parrot Bill wow I never knew the L was silent, I've been saying it wrong all this time o.0 thank you for sharing :D
billb182 - 8 years ago
It's not Tai miami trail. Pronounced tam-e-ami
Jim Reimer
Jim Reimer - 8 years ago
I love that kind of fishing!!! Not the language though. Jim Reimer
Jordon Gard
Jordon Gard - 8 years ago
its an oscar
Evan Stuff
Evan Stuff - 8 years ago
I love fishing but where I live it's hard to find a decent fishing spot
Evan Stuff
Evan Stuff - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing wow thats a long ride
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
+Evan Stuff me too, philadelphia is horrible for fishing! thats why I drove a thousand miles..
Evan Stuff
Evan Stuff - 8 years ago
Some of those you caught look like great pond fish!(if legal)
Trung Nguyen
Trung Nguyen - 8 years ago
Pleco only eat algae so the are harmless.
AJ L - 8 years ago
Ahhhhhh gotcha
Trung Nguyen
Trung Nguyen - 8 years ago
+AJ L by harmless, I mean like they don't bite or attack humans (at least through my understanding).
AJ L - 8 years ago
they're not harmless dipshit they destroy ecosystems cuz they're invasive
Robert Dominguez
Robert Dominguez - 8 years ago
Why are there so many aquarium fish like (cichlids, plecos, etc.) in Florida canals? It's kind of mind blowing.
Robert Dominguez
Robert Dominguez - 8 years ago
+Brianna Harter (star and fox) ah ok... that makes sense. So there is a number of factors I never knew tropical fish were farmed there. It makes sense because of the climate though... thanks.
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
there are a number of reasons.

as alex tatem mentioned people dump them.but there are also other reasons like petatards releasing them.some of them could be from people using them as bait(this is especially true for goldfish).also some of them could of escaped from farms since florida is ideal for farming tropical fish.
Alex Tatem
Alex Tatem - 8 years ago
People would throw them out because the fish would get too big.
Alex Defreitas
Alex Defreitas - 8 years ago
what resolution and what gopro you using in this video. i have no budget and i am inspired by you to start making fishing videos. thanks
Michael Ghandi
Michael Ghandi - 8 years ago
why is there so much aquarium fishes?
Terzy - 8 years ago
+Michael Ghandi Idk. 
Michael Ghandi
Michael Ghandi - 8 years ago
Are you allowed to keep?
Terzy - 8 years ago
+Michael Ghandi Florida waters has just turned into aquariums lmao, there's also clown knife fish.
Logan McKinley
Logan McKinley - 8 years ago
I always thought that plecos were herbivores.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
+Logan McKinley yea that was a rogue pleco, all the other ones I saw had no interest in eating a trout magnet..
Damos WC
Damos WC - 8 years ago
Have plecos in my aquarium, they tend to be herbivores. I guess they are omnivores.
Cuckoomedal - 8 years ago
Yea I gotta snag them
aj981981 - 8 years ago
For gar in FL, put a popper on. Play it either aggressive or very subtle. They'll let you know which one they want. Cool video!
aj981981 - 8 years ago
+aj981981 Haha, I posted the popper comment before he caught it on topwater. Glad he caught one!
Mauricio Aguilera
Mauricio Aguilera - 8 years ago
10:10 damn that fish was lagging so much :v
LIL.P KING - 8 years ago
Wait a alligator
Michael Lanfield Raw Vegan Fruitarian
Michael Lanfield Raw Vegan Fruitarian - 8 years ago
please stop killing sentient beings. We are killing trillions of animals every year. GO VEGAN>
Btonman - 8 years ago
Please shut up.
Fish and animals and stuff
Fish and animals and stuff - 8 years ago
It's alright I mean it's really illegal to get snag weights, but snagging one invasive fish isn't do anything
R Curtis
R Curtis - 8 years ago
If your gonna release EVERYTHING, or almost EVERYTHING you catch then just play a god damn fishing video game....
HighlandWinterWolf - 8 years ago
+ R Curtis Must be nice living in your mom's basement, isn't it? You ought to get outdoors and find something fun to do.
R Curtis
R Curtis - 8 years ago
+Ross NOPE
Ross - 8 years ago
Please tell me you're kidding
R Curtis
R Curtis - 8 years ago
The Craze of Catching and then Releasing EVERYTHING you catch is Irritating to watch considering fishing itself was created because fish is food. FFS sakes, groceries are exorbitant as hell.
flashy5150 - 8 years ago
Holy smokes, they have Oscars there too, I knew it before you wrote it on the screen. That frickin' fish is worth a bundle of cash. I used to have them in my tank too. Their skin is so soft, it feels like silk. You could have stuck your thumb in his mouth, they don't have teeth. They are much like Bass.
flashy5150 - 8 years ago
That's pretty cool, they have Plecostomus' in Florida lakes. I used to have them in my fish tanks. They sell them at the pet stores because they're great at keeping algae to a minimum. That Pleco would probably be worth at least $100.
Trevor Clubine
Trevor Clubine - 8 years ago
for gar u half to be more patient btw
Trevor Clubine
Trevor Clubine - 8 years ago
great vid post more and ure educated
Zack Plays
Zack Plays - 8 years ago
Are you ment to fish there
B_W Fishing
B_W Fishing - 8 years ago
what is a Conrad
Huang Joe
Huang Joe - 8 years ago
Aren't those invasive species, except for gar?
Terzy - 8 years ago
+Huang Joe bowfin aren't
Clayton Lopez
Clayton Lopez - 8 years ago
If that oscar was 13 inches then i guess my dick is massive
lyubakavideo - 8 years ago
Love the variety thanks for sharing
fails, wins and everything in between
fails, wins and everything in between - 8 years ago
your "fail hooking" is what we call snagging here, which is illegal where I'm at. and makes you a piece of shit fisherman to me.
Fish and animals and stuff
Fish and animals and stuff - 8 years ago
+fails, wins and everything in between its an invasive fish, it's not like he's snagging tons of fish
fails, wins and everything in between
fails, wins and everything in between - 8 years ago
+Fish and animals and stuff on one or two occasions, he said "I'm going to try and false hook it"
Fish and animals and stuff
Fish and animals and stuff - 8 years ago
When it happens sometimes it's on accident
Ryad Arlan
Ryad Arlan - 8 years ago
Fishing the Everglades and no mention of Alligators? All get killed off?
Ahh ok 7:20 There's your Gator, Lucky you spotted him on the bank instead of sticking your hand in its mouth going near the edge of the water releasing your fish.
lilah long
lilah long - 8 years ago
I don't see a gator
Xai Her
Xai Her - 8 years ago
those look like tiger oscars and reason why they are near to the bank is due to the heavy water current
Lilly G
Lilly G - 8 years ago
Gregory Gilmer
Gregory Gilmer - 8 years ago
Fun to watch. Thanks.
Rt L
Rt L - 8 years ago
are plecos considered invasive in florida
360gunner - 8 years ago
yes and no. they really don't harm anything, they clean algae and such off of the rocks and surfaces underwater.
griff Hall
griff Hall - 8 years ago
8:41....grouper? or somones pet oscar released in to the wild
360gunner - 8 years ago
they are very popular as a pet in the fish industry but even though they are native to south America they can thrive in American waters.
D Godfrey
D Godfrey - 8 years ago
i think you should invest in a net
Andy W
Andy W - 8 years ago
Are the places and oscars, etc fish people have released into the canal?
Zack productions Skateboarding and more
Zack productions Skateboarding and more - 8 years ago
Nah haha oscars and Mayan sicleds are all over Florida you can catch sicleds on anything
Kevin ONeill
Kevin ONeill - 8 years ago
throw out the brim live into the the spillway, you probably catch a snook or bass or tarpon
dylan isaacs
dylan isaacs - 8 years ago
we use the pleco in aquariums hahah
Mason Wilson
Mason Wilson - 8 years ago
you can tell you ain't from Florida. saying Tamiami like that.
Meng Xiong
Meng Xiong - 8 years ago
didn't 1rod1reelfishing fish there
MegaYangman - 8 years ago
Dang..never need to go buy fish at the aquarium store when you can catch what you want in the river!
MrDrmillgram - 8 years ago
Should he have released the plecostomus back? (invasive species)
MrDrmillgram - 8 years ago
Well maybe the gators can eat them.
360gunner - 8 years ago
while they come from a different environment, they don't cause harm to other organisms and also help clean the waters by eating algae and will sometimes also eat animal waste from the bottom.
Jonathan Burton
Jonathan Burton - 8 years ago
+MrDrmillgram a little late for that lol, they are so mass produced they cannot be eradicated honestly.
jgottinc - 8 years ago
why are you releasing non native species back you should have decapitated them and gave them to the gator
Zoey Mackey
Zoey Mackey - 8 years ago
Because that's there habitat and even if they are not native they still live there
Denny Duong
Denny Duong - 8 years ago
Get a freaking knife next time and a net
gary joseph
gary joseph - 8 years ago
If onlyyy
gary joseph
gary joseph - 8 years ago
Damn you can just grab them
gary joseph
gary joseph - 8 years ago
I identified it exactly when he pulled it out
gary joseph
gary joseph - 8 years ago
Damn you pay like 40 bucks for an oscar
Oliver Larson
Oliver Larson - 8 years ago
the so called pleco that he talks about is called a pacasomus
Fish and animals and stuff
Fish and animals and stuff - 8 years ago
It's a Plecosomus Pleco is shortened name
nicksfix8609 - 8 years ago
snakeheads should be killed and chucked on the bank
AniFootBall 493
AniFootBall 493 - 8 years ago
7:00 it is a sun perch
FurryACiD - 8 years ago
You could have made some cash on that pleco...
Michael Trombley
Michael Trombley - 8 years ago
+FurryACiD Im in the exotic animal hobby, indeed, that was a good $150 pleco in some places.
nathen dreamer
nathen dreamer - 8 years ago
I wanted a Oscar
nathen dreamer
nathen dreamer - 8 years ago
look like a mamatator
Zcvxs - 8 years ago
When ever I fish in Florida I only catch snakeheads
Nativewolf4414 - 8 years ago
Ur supposed to kill snakehead
Nativewolf4414 - 8 years ago
Ur supposed to kill snakehead
Dan Hill
Dan Hill - 8 years ago
You do know you're supposed to kill bowfin right?
anonymous pinecone
anonymous pinecone - 8 years ago
No you're not they aren't invasive it's only the snakeheads
Matt G
Matt G - 8 years ago
drops it " YEA so he's good he fine "
Amazingmandan333 - 8 years ago
"like a sturgeon...or a dinosaur" lol
Jim Rodgers
Jim Rodgers - 8 years ago
Fish with a native fish species as bait to catch other exotics is very environmentally irresponsible. You should be using the exotic species as chum or bait.
Eddie Allan
Eddie Allan - 8 years ago
whats a "four pound test bowfin" lol?
monsDK - 8 years ago
The fish u caught 4:55 is a Ancistrus which subgroup I do not know the name of.
Clay Robbirds
Clay Robbirds - 8 years ago
I live in north Florida and we call bowfins black fish cause usually black people keep them
Casey Vonk
Casey Vonk - 8 years ago
we also call them mud fish
RedZone - 8 years ago
Changito199 - 8 years ago
What do you recommend for plecos ??
Odell Beckham
Odell Beckham - 8 years ago
I would not stick my hand in that water
Bibles - 8 years ago
Pleko pleko pleko pleko
Nothingbut bass
Nothingbut bass - 8 years ago
those plecos are highly invasive. I live on the other cost in Boca grand and they want use to kill then when we catch them
Nothingbut bass
Nothingbut bass - 8 years ago
u should get a Boca grip so u can grab and weight ur fish. they are world record certified
Julian Filadoro
Julian Filadoro - 8 years ago
A few months ago (I'm 11 by the way) I was down in Florida fishing in a canal and I see this massive snook so I drop a shrimp in and he just swims past it all casually the he darts back and chomps on it and he put up a huge fight so after about 2 minutes of trying to get him in I finally got a good yank and he flew right out of the water and when I say this thing was huge I mean like a good 2 and a half feet long and of course they were two weeks out of season so I just took a pic and dropped him back into the water
Jacob Wenzel
Jacob Wenzel - 8 years ago
Oscars are in the ciclid family
Jacob Wenzel
Jacob Wenzel - 8 years ago
they call most brim panfish
Tim Schaumburg
Tim Schaumburg - 8 years ago
which rod is this and which reel?
Midnight Werewolf
Midnight Werewolf - 8 years ago
Beautiful fish
Haydez - 8 years ago
What lure is this guy using to catch the brim?
Bongwater Aquatics
Bongwater Aquatics - 8 years ago
Oscars and chilids are the same thing they are all in the same family
Steve Sinclair
Steve Sinclair - 8 years ago
Lol! Florida is crazy! It's like fishing in an aquarium! I live in Maryland. I love catching our most invasive species, the Northern Snakehead. My biggest is 14 lbs. They haven't hurt the other fish species at all, in fact I think its gotten better.peace
Linxx - 8 years ago
Funny how he's like "Ya'll want me to throw this bacm or do ya'll want it?" And the peoples are like "Yeah we'll take it." They take it and throw it back
LizardMan 2500
LizardMan 2500 - 8 years ago
That's what I thought, why did they take it then throw it back. lol
The twins 03
The twins 03 - 8 years ago
by the way dont fich higher place from the water
The twins 03
The twins 03 - 8 years ago
I used to have one in the fish tank we called it fat bstered it killed the snail litteler fish ate algi
Spank MaMonkey
Spank MaMonkey - 8 years ago
Gar like small live baits like minnows
Spank MaMonkey
Spank MaMonkey - 8 years ago
I fish that area all the time! But where was the outflow?
King santin
King santin - 8 years ago
Did you see the guy throw back in the fish
CrispyM9 - 8 years ago
What can I fish in a brackish canal? I'm staying right on one right now and I'm confused as to what I should fish
say what
say what - 8 years ago
use shrmip, works for everything. cats on bottom reds up top. who knows. if on bottom use sliding sinker or you won't catch shit
hondamom819 - 8 years ago
Have you ever cut a fish and summing else on it while you were realing
Kyle Krepp
Kyle Krepp - 8 years ago
Good job man your a good fishermen
GoldenSniper Gaming
GoldenSniper Gaming - 8 years ago
i fish there its near the indian tribes right
GoldenSniper Gaming
GoldenSniper Gaming - 8 years ago
oscars love live bait such as shiners and candaian nightcrawlers
Carl G
Carl G - 8 years ago
Where I live we don't have bowfins but do have pike; I usually grab the pike through the gill slots. Would that work for bowfins?
Carl G
Carl G - 8 years ago
Under the jaws there are slits; they're openings for the water to pass through (so that the fish can breathe). I put my hand through the slit and pick them up like that so I don't have to deal with the teeth
Ronnie Shirilla
Ronnie Shirilla - 8 years ago
I think that's what I saw him do in the video, idk I don't think I quite understand what you're saying, but I think so.
kinvoo1211 - 8 years ago
i live in fl right next to everglades and i heard that using brim and what not is illegal
Jeff Yeager
Jeff Yeager - 8 years ago
Jeff Yeager
Jeff Yeager - 8 years ago
they can actually live out of the water for days
Jeff Yeager
Jeff Yeager - 8 years ago
those are Plecotomos my friend very popular cleaner in fresh water tanks  they get a lot bigger although that size Is about 20 bucks at the pet shop  they out grow tanks then people release them hence how they get in the wild
eric frampton
eric frampton - 8 years ago
what did you used for record?
mihajlo525 - 8 years ago
Kinda makes me cringe when you're pulling in a bowfin... You're tugging as hard as you can when you're trying to pull it in like you're trying to set the hook or something.
Peterstanley216 - 8 years ago
16:12 makes sense
Matter Focus
Matter Focus - 8 years ago
what do u use as bait
Grahf - 8 years ago
Looked like a snakehead. I thought those were non release fish.
HughJaz69 - 8 years ago
its a native bowfin
Anna Loya
Anna Loya - 8 years ago
How can you fish like that
Brice Humphreys
Brice Humphreys - 8 years ago
When I was fishing by a dock I caught a 21 pound gar fish it was crazy
UPGardenr - 8 years ago
Mugged you mean robbed?
Entourage 1
Entourage 1 - 8 years ago
It is a leopard sea robin
Alex Carrazana
Alex Carrazana - 8 years ago
nice to see you enjoyed south Florida . saw your other video in the keys. I actually live off Tamiami trail. let me know if you ever head back down here I'll join you. keep on fishing bud. - Alex
Felecia Brock
Felecia Brock - 8 years ago
What city are you in?
Matthew Laiche
Matthew Laiche - 8 years ago
+SKiTTLeKiLLeR if you wana catch bowfin come down to Louisiana. We have the everywhere, but we call them choupique(shoe-pick)
DanSan Channel
DanSan Channel - 8 years ago
You have a better chance of developing cancer for eating those farm slum injected gene splitted toxic fish than getting mercury poisoning from wild fish :p
Cody bolling
Cody bolling - 8 years ago
+SKiTTLeKiLLeR your gonna get Mercury poisoning one day
DanSan Channel
DanSan Channel - 8 years ago
Oh I'm SUPER serious right now. I was over here dying when you was not keeping them. lol
GanjaGrower - 8 years ago
don't come take all our bowfin fuck off lmao
DanSan Channel
DanSan Channel - 8 years ago
Hey, can you PM me that location or highway please? Those bowfin we call cypress trout and its REALLY good fish to eat but rare here. Please pm me when you can. I plan on making a trip to that same location for bowfin.
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
+Felecia Brock west of miami
Outdoor Lifestyle 101
Outdoor Lifestyle 101 - 8 years ago
King Yama
King Yama - 8 years ago
some of those oscars can go for a pretty penny.
TheSoloAsylum - 8 years ago
You say the name of that road as Tammy ammy Trail...
TheSoloAsylum - 8 years ago
I'm aware....I live here.
Range.Time - 8 years ago
+TheSoloAsylum The name of the road is Tamiami Trail, pronounced Ta-My-Am-Mee.
mindbender456 7
mindbender456 7 - 8 years ago
cool fishing spot
Official Unicorn
Official Unicorn - 8 years ago
Dam hees on sw8 th street
Kaleb Hyslope
Kaleb Hyslope - 8 years ago
I've caught what you call "bow fin" before and I was always told they were mud fish is that accurate
Terzy - 8 years ago
+Kaleb Hyslope yea tomato tamato
cayogator - 8 years ago
kill those mudfish (they compete with bass) choupique in La
Terzy - 8 years ago
+cayogator You're retarded
Tyrel Larsen
Tyrel Larsen - 8 years ago
Invest in a net. Much less fish in the dirt.
Austin LObegeier
Austin LObegeier - 8 years ago
500th comment
JB Jumpman
JB Jumpman - 8 years ago
Tommy Schneider
Tommy Schneider - 8 years ago
Does anyone know what his rod and reel are
Ginger FC
Ginger FC - 8 years ago
Plecos are beautiful to me
360gunner - 8 years ago
they are gorgeous! especially they exotic variants. my favorite aquarium I have at the moment is a plecostomus tank with about 12 different types. Google blue phantom plecos as well as zebra, and royal (sometimes called watermelon plecos)
michael fear
michael fear - 8 years ago
watching this guy snag fish is disgusting.
Emily Holley
Emily Holley - 8 years ago
I love plecos there so cool!
Hannah Deards
Hannah Deards - 8 years ago
Just wondering. Do you need a fishing license in the USA?
Brianna Harter
Brianna Harter - 8 years ago
yes you need one to fish.the reason why is cause the licenses allows fish and game to track people fishing so they can manage the population accordingly.also the money made from the licenses goes into maintaining the water ways as well as other conversation projects.
Nick Copek
Nick Copek - 8 years ago
Yes if you are over 16 in my state but check your laws and regulations but if you do it isn't a long process!
liljoker123456 - 8 years ago
yes you do generally most state have a certain age that you need one i know in arkansas after 16 you need one of course some species require their own license as well such as trout here in arkansas require a trout stamp so yes most states if not all require a license
say what
say what - 8 years ago
+Hannah Javavenos it is different in ever state. different for ocean, differnt for inland, different for offshore, differentby age, different for residents. your ? is vague
Hannah Deards
Hannah Deards - 8 years ago
+country cooter ?
say what
say what - 8 years ago
what a vague ?
landofhobos - 8 years ago
yup to fish on land now
Katlyn Sawyer
Katlyn Sawyer - 8 years ago
Hannah Deards
Hannah Deards - 8 years ago
Wow, your rod is so small :D
T.L.Reelz - 8 years ago
Sea-Money Fishing you should try lake Okeechobee with your cayak it's great for bass fishing.
Kaleb Hyslope
Kaleb Hyslope - 8 years ago
Bass fishing capital of the world! And I'm lucky enough to to live in clewiston about 200 yards from the dyke
achigurh - 8 years ago
If you think that road is crazy, drive down I-10 in Louisiana. It's essentially a bridge over the swamp for a ways.
Mick D
Mick D - 7 years ago
That's the Atchafalya Basin. I've been fishing it often. It's really pretty.
skylinedrevn - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing quite a few swamps that have literally hundreds of gar that stay on the top. Great for bowfishing
john20pb - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing Almost guaranteed to catch a gar down here.
Josh Hapner
Josh Hapner - 8 years ago
+Sea-Money Fishing chicken liver is great for gar
Sea-Money Fishing
Sea-Money Fishing - 8 years ago
+Wallace Sweeney III southern louisiana might be my next big trip, I like the sounds of that!
Coby Allen
Coby Allen - 8 years ago
Your so retarded you do all this illegal shit and then put it on the Internet

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