Fishing with a native man in Coron, the Philippines

One of the most memorable travel experiences I've ever had... My Camera: 2nd Camera: Microphone: FOLLOW ME on Instagram: FOLLOW ME on Facebook: Full blog:

Fishing with a native man in Coron, the Philippines sentiment_very_dissatisfied 700

Tropical fishing 9 years ago 1,317,567 views

One of the most memorable travel experiences I've ever had... My Camera: 2nd Camera: Microphone: FOLLOW ME on Instagram: FOLLOW ME on Facebook: Full blog:

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Most popular comments
for Fishing with a native man in Coron, the Philippines

Sherack City
Sherack City - 7 years ago
So I started a food business... whilst travelling? Check out my latest vid, It WONT disappoint:
jonnywaselectric - 7 years ago
hey mate, I am off to Cebu and Coron in a few weeks, this wigga stole your video mate
Mekhail Blanco
Mekhail Blanco - 6 years ago
great job with your video i like you did living with our locals Filipino that is good for a foreigner
al capone
al capone - 6 years ago
This is the original coron vlog that blows your mind
Form So
Form So - 6 years ago
Hate the backgroundmusic
iceblink mender
iceblink mender - 6 years ago
if you want to be a westerner in a native's remote hut, go for it. in fact, why don't you all come and get in the huts?
chelsea f
chelsea f - 7 years ago
puncru - 7 years ago
puncru - 7 years ago
You are a bitch u dumbass
Shams Rahman
Shams Rahman - 7 years ago

10. comment for Fishing with a native man in Coron, the Philippines

Gameplays with Alex
Gameplays with Alex - 7 years ago
From a bitch jaja
Gustavo Tapia
Gustavo Tapia - 7 years ago
Wow you're beautiful and your videos are really interesting. I'm amazed by your channel, you got my sub
SPIRIT DOT - 7 years ago
get bit by a shark out there and that's your ass
Leo Ayawon
Leo Ayawon - 7 years ago
I love your video, you befriended w/ the d locals that why you got this good!!
Guitar Dave
Guitar Dave - 7 years ago
The Philippines is a Great Country with Great and Good People who Really Love GOD .
maureen Ohcoiuq
maureen Ohcoiuq - 7 years ago
Fara Astudillo
Fara Astudillo - 7 years ago
that rap music in the background destroy everything
les f
les f - 7 years ago
stupid beeeech.
R3Jana - 7 years ago
wow very funny days
Carlos Santos
Carlos Santos - 7 years ago
You should check out Palau

20. comment for Fishing with a native man in Coron, the Philippines

DZ Z - 7 years ago
Hello bro, may i ask how can i have the same personal experience with the fisherman the way you did ?
James Huskins
James Huskins - 7 years ago
Hi Mate, is there any way of getting in touch with this guy? Im going to the Philippines in December and would love to go fishing.
Jets Cruz
Jets Cruz - 7 years ago
Handsome :) Do you have a love life? lol
Marites Ferariza
Marites Ferariza - 7 years ago
ur so cute guy
Terry Ashby
Terry Ashby - 7 years ago
Your background music really sux. I wanted to watch the video but the droning imbecile singing blah blah Bitch. how stupid could you be.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 7 years ago
LIGOMO 7 - 7 years ago
Awawome!! Gotta go there for a visit n know that island and off course that guy. Stunning island. Congrats brotha
Sherack City
Sherack City - 7 years ago
Cheers brah
Jodi Van Alvarez
Jodi Van Alvarez - 7 years ago
Are you using Suplex City Bitch by Brock Lesnar?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 7 years ago
What does this mean?
Abdul Nasir Shaikh
Abdul Nasir Shaikh - 7 years ago
Nice place
Chechit Dela Torre
Chechit Dela Torre - 7 years ago
amazing nice video beautifull iland coron palawan great place i love it.

30. comment for Fishing with a native man in Coron, the Philippines

Chechit Dela Torre
Chechit Dela Torre - 7 years ago
Jake Folger
Jake Folger - 7 years ago
That was an awesome video. I was in it.
Jake Folger
Jake Folger - 7 years ago
In mind, heart, soul and spirit.... Thank you!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 7 years ago
zemmel xestel
zemmel xestel - 7 years ago
indonesian BALI LOMBOK
Alex B
Alex B - 7 years ago
I found this video really interesting. It shows another very personal, perspective to your travel on top of all that beautiful scenery, and photography. Cheers from another Alex
Sherack City
Sherack City - 7 years ago
Thank you for the kind comment! Great name too!
Remy T
Remy T - 7 years ago
Awesome video, I'm thinking to go to the Philippines, do you happen to have Parracko?  If you don't mind let me know what is the best way to get there from Manila please advise thank you.
Ortigas Raymundo
Ortigas Raymundo - 7 years ago
I just came from coron and it is definitely the best place on earth. CORON IS A PARADISE...EVERYTHING NATURE HAS TO OFFER IS IN CORON.
Ortigas Raymundo
Ortigas Raymundo - 7 years ago
The natives of coron are the most honest peaceful respectful people on earth
God - 7 years ago
When I first seen this I thought it said "fisting a native man" quickly closed thought I was in youporn...
Sherack City
Sherack City - 7 years ago
Va gina de ick best. Comment.ever hahahha
lokomokoy cam
lokomokoy cam - 7 years ago
I have been there in busuanga coron palawan. Your really cute you looks like my past friend in milan
Patrick Breda
Patrick Breda - 7 years ago
Isso ai é um paraíso, parabéns
Paulo Gilvan
Paulo Gilvan - 7 years ago
beautiful .e um paraiso viver nesse lugar
nonoy alcarde
nonoy alcarde - 7 years ago
i dont like the music
Yunier Perez
Yunier Perez - 7 years ago
3.47 I found nemo,
Julio Merino
Julio Merino - 7 years ago
make more videos. I had an extra little mony laying around and i got inspired to go out and explore
Sherack City
Sherack City - 7 years ago
+Julio Merino thanks for the message bro! Keep exploring :)
Ricardo Torres
Ricardo Torres - 7 years ago
nice place but, bull shit music for background
Dunia Viral
Dunia Viral - 7 years ago
Sherack City
Sherack City - 7 years ago
Joe Palmer
Joe Palmer - 7 years ago
How much would this trip cost?!
Amazing world
Amazing world - 7 years ago
Nice to watch...!!!
Redly sam
Redly sam - 7 years ago
stop the stupid ass music sound really stupid
Travelgaga - 7 years ago
Saan po ito Sir, gusto ko sana kontakin for my kids unique experience fishing in Coron

50. comment for Fishing with a native man in Coron, the Philippines

vegard nordbø
vegard nordbø - 7 years ago
Great storytell and cool edit
Anghel Edardna
Anghel Edardna - 7 years ago
omg I miss my hometown Philippines...
Yuuki Cross
Yuuki Cross - 8 years ago
Hello, Sherack City! (Wish I knew your name) I see some people don't like the music you chose for this vid. You can try some of NCS Release's music, a lot of nice music in there. P.S. You're cute! :D
Yuuki Cross
Yuuki Cross - 8 years ago
Nvm, you did say Alex (?) in the beginning. Good to know. Lol. Stay awesome! ♥
William Ginete
William Ginete - 8 years ago
Fuck the Background music
sai 0314
sai 0314 - 8 years ago
i think u good looking.
lee martin
lee martin - 8 years ago
Kevin Dominguez
Kevin Dominguez - 8 years ago
slt cest quoi le titre de la music..merci
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Tyga - Rack City
Noreen palacio
Noreen palacio - 8 years ago
i live in philippines thanks for visiting
Kader Arrison
Kader Arrison - 8 years ago
I've never left shitty England for 20 years need to go phillipines
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
South East Asia is calling your name! So different from England and very affordable. Speak to some friends who have been to SE Asia and get booking!
Adib Fahmi
Adib Fahmi - 8 years ago
cute kids....hahaha
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Adib Fahmi they were!
Louie Miñoza
Louie Miñoza - 8 years ago
Abstract Life
Abstract Life - 8 years ago
0:29 , I thought that was pwedwepie for a second
24oz pinesolcan
24oz pinesolcan - 8 years ago
that water is beautiful. i want to swim in there
Mansawi Macabunar
Mansawi Macabunar - 8 years ago
When you are planning to go back? That was awesome adventure...
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
assrape_with 24ozpinesolcan I want to go back!
0 Gravity
0 Gravity - 8 years ago
Ajay Ghale looking ass
0 Gravity
0 Gravity - 8 years ago
Sherack City hahaha omg never expected you to reply hahaha thanks man made my day
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
0 Gravity hahahhhhaha this comment killed me
Someone Someone
Someone Someone - 8 years ago
Excuse-ME. Stop New Zealand !! I want to enter an airplane RIGH NOW route CORON! SO JELOUS! I was in the Philippines before, I love the place, food and people!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Someone Someone AMEN HOMBRE!!
La Flama Blanca
La Flama Blanca - 8 years ago
The video is good but I hate your face lol... you literally have a face that I'd love to punch lol... sweet vid though
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Prashant Gurung
Prashant Gurung - 8 years ago
the fk is that rack city music here for
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Prashant Grg sherackcitybitch
Thaimachine Films
Thaimachine Films - 8 years ago
location ? i wanna lookt this at google map plz
Thaimachine Films
Thaimachine Films - 8 years ago
cool thanks
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
4K Pixelation Studio atwayan beach, coron island Palawan
john quiazon
john quiazon - 8 years ago
balut pa more!!
David Smith
David Smith - 8 years ago
Sooooo romantic 2:48 being on a boat , watching the sunset, with other 2 penises right/left of you. Sir you are living the life.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
ivelocityi are you watching this with your pants off?
renz639 - 8 years ago
Nice vacation brow..nice place!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
renz639 thanks bro :)
nainoa777 - 8 years ago
u ate that nasty egg
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
nainoa777 it was grot
Bjarke Rugsted
Bjarke Rugsted - 8 years ago
so hard to listen to these spoiled kids, talking about their poor people experiences... i love the nature though
Vinnie UZamaki
Vinnie UZamaki - 8 years ago
Lit man subbed that was dope
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Vinnie UZamaki cheers homie!
Jose Sanchez
Jose Sanchez - 8 years ago
is there alot of sharks there...
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Jose Sanchez I hope not! Are there? I was snorkelling alone far out in the water
Paul Springer
Paul Springer - 8 years ago
Background= the word bitch at every pause in your sentence. Thats nice.
J C - 8 years ago
The ocean is Glorious!
Sam Nettleton
Sam Nettleton - 8 years ago
Great video Sherack! Really gets me wanting to travel again super inspiring
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
SJN Productions flattered! Thanks heaps, keep travelling!
BurningEmotions - 8 years ago
Hey, nice video but dude please whats that music. I mean it's not like i hate this song but it's fitting 0 to the video. You could create such a nice mood and atmosphere if you would just choose the right songs...
niño belocura
niño belocura - 8 years ago
that's beautiful
etherform66 - 8 years ago
sweet vid dude; pity you no catch fish!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
WE caught a bunch of small stuff though ;)
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
I really can't remember haha.. I did it through sea dogs diving El Nido
Ronald Teves
Ronald Teves - 8 years ago
u keep divirginizing those islands
akina rs
akina rs - 8 years ago
Ronald Teves fuck you sayong
Rue Dalit
Rue Dalit - 8 years ago
Travel goals! Kudos for an awesome vid.
Keen to visit this year. Was it difficult trying to get to and get around Coron?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Not really to be honest! Plenty of jeepneys to get around the main town, many tours to get over to Coron Island
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Do it!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Do it!
luis filipe
luis filipe - 8 years ago
sorry 4 ask . how much u spend in all the things?
Erik Galvez
Erik Galvez - 8 years ago
awesome video!
Fishing In The UK
Fishing In The UK - 8 years ago
that looks amazing
Jeremey Thomas
Jeremey Thomas - 8 years ago
Why have that dumb fuck song playing?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
That's a good question!
Metal Rott
Metal Rott - 8 years ago
How the hell can I get my family and I there to live!!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Same! May have to save that for another lifetime!
Keneth Valdoz
Keneth Valdoz - 8 years ago
In the ph me and my friends went frog fishing... we used bamboo,old string,snail
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Make a video next time! sounds interesting
Matthew PTG
Matthew PTG - 8 years ago
When you live in the Philippines and went to every single place there. I've been to everywhere in the Philippines. Literally EVERYWHERE, but I also want to go back to America
sam locust
sam locust - 8 years ago
dont come back please
Melody Hess
Melody Hess - 8 years ago
love the place. that music rock !!thanks...
mandy habel
mandy habel - 8 years ago
Hope you get back here :)
Wveliah Mukail
Wveliah Mukail - 8 years ago
dude, your journey is so cool!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Thanks dude!
TheRudeness44 - 8 years ago
What's with your music in the background? It's terrible and shitty. Sherack City Bitch sucks and very annoying. Good VLOG though.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
I'll keep that in mind for future vlogs hahahah Cheers :)
Takyo Travel
Takyo Travel - 8 years ago
Very nive vlog! man I just came back from there, did some vlog too, but damn I wish I could also been fishing like you did! Good work u did! Just got a new sub!
Mr N
Mr N - 8 years ago
1:14 = mysterious boner...
Mr N
Mr N - 8 years ago
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
AHAHHA this cracked me up so hard
Yukio Neo
Yukio Neo - 8 years ago
Lol why would you pick rack city as the background music , makes no sense. Great video though..
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
hahaha for next time ill remember ;0

100. comment for Fishing with a native man in Coron, the Philippines

Jacob Larson
Jacob Larson - 8 years ago
title should have been: Listening to Rack City with a Native Man
Jacob Larson
Jacob Larson - 8 years ago
hahaha no im just joking. awesome video!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
HAHAHAH yeah it shoudl have. shame i cant change the song.
kix blanco
kix blanco - 8 years ago
hahaha... candy crush what branch of Mcd's would you like to eat?
ONELIFEMAN - 8 years ago
People in the island living my dreams I don't want new shoes or big house I just want to live my dreams in the island. One day.
Anji Bohan
Anji Bohan - 8 years ago
Why did you pick that music in background! Beautiful place with this horrible music!
SPIRIT DOT - 7 years ago
Sherack City get on a plane and go somewhere and make YOU'RE OWN fucking video then! That way you ain't gotta "wonder" no more!
SPIRIT DOT - 7 years ago
Anji Bohan why? what's horrible to might be beutiful to someone else. how about you go on YOU'RE OWN travell adventure and make YOU'RE OWN goddamn video and then you can edit it however YOU like! get the fuck outta here!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
I wonder that too!
Bronson Reti
Bronson Reti - 8 years ago
Lol got to laugh at the honesty a buying the fish lol looks like a mean trip
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Cheers bro! Ill get the fish next time..
DJ Pacis
DJ Pacis - 8 years ago
So jealous i lived 16 years in the Philippines until i moved to the US and I never went there. Haven't went back home since 2009 and Coron is definitely on my to go list when i go in 2018
the Lear
the Lear - 8 years ago
beautiful place dude
MooseOnTheLoose - 8 years ago
Love the video quality, really enjoyed seeing native Filipino's doing what they do in paradise... but that running song in the background ruins the moment... not hating... but no sound would have been better at that point.
Jure Macola
Jure Macola - 8 years ago
i cant watch, i hear stupidity music in behind, dislike
Jure Macola
Jure Macola - 8 years ago
+Sherack City XD
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
I liked your comment too
Isocatch - 8 years ago
All fish that are caught for eating must be handled carefully to reduce stress and humanely killed as soon as possible after capture. Humane killing requires that the fish is stunned (rendered instantaneously insensible) before being bled out. This is important because fish feel pain in the same way mammals do:

Percussive stunning involves a forceful and accurate blow to the head with a blunt instrument. The force required will depend on the size of the fish. The blow should be aimed just above the eyes to impact on the brain. The effectiveness of the stun should be checked and another blow applied if the fish is not unconscious.

After stunning the fish should be bled out by cutting the gill rakers or, with larger fish, a main artery. With the very small fish breaking the neck is good way to kill. Just put your thumb or other finger to the mouth of the fish and quickly make a move upwards.

Tight lines!
Niceone Tayao
Niceone Tayao - 8 years ago
Crazy Candy Crush
Crazy Candy Crush - 8 years ago
I want to eat "Mcdonalds" there!
X501TheNinja - 8 years ago
Lol this is funny
mattgotsskill - 8 years ago
the music for this video makes about as much sense as ketchup on a banana
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
nice analogy hahaha
Rasim Yaqibeyov
Rasim Yaqibeyov - 8 years ago
сould you write that fishmen contacts?how to find him?
Oneto Twelve
Oneto Twelve - 8 years ago
HHHHHEEEAVEN!!!! thanks for sharing this video!
Loris Jacela
Loris Jacela - 8 years ago
Nice that is my Country and Welcome to our Country
Mike Mills
Mike Mills - 8 years ago
How can I hook up with the guy and his boat? I'm going there in 8 weeks
Nesjen Llednej
Nesjen Llednej - 8 years ago
beautiful place Palawan!
Carlos G
Carlos G - 8 years ago
initial profanity for what?
Will Boy
Will Boy - 8 years ago
Ohhhhhhhh shxt that's a beautiful place to live in .. nice and peaceful
flysubcompact - 8 years ago
Pretty place. The people look awesome. Thanks for sharing your trip.
Flash Back
Flash Back - 8 years ago
Great video, beautiful place.
David Seiko
David Seiko - 8 years ago
thanks for this video.
Ryu Tokudaiji
Ryu Tokudaiji - 8 years ago
that's nice man. do try land hiking try "Sampaloc, Quezon Province. "
Florida Travels
Florida Travels - 8 years ago
This is amazing
Kavallaris69andahalf - 8 years ago
Travelling to Palawan (PP, El Nido then Open plan for a week while in El Nido....any advice close by??) in 1 chance for Coron, cause will not use a boat from El Nido due to safety issues....Shame!!! Lovely video though man, thanks!
RS IV - 8 years ago
Cool vid, I'm subbing, shouts to kool ad, best rapper in the world
RS IV - 8 years ago
Soak it up, marinate
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
manny pacquiao
Elma Anino
Elma Anino - 8 years ago
filipino people always smiling face,and hospitality
Ortigas Raymundo
Ortigas Raymundo - 7 years ago
Elma Anino especially the natives of coron...THE TAGBANUAS are the most honest cheerful respectful and peaceful people one can be with. They are so pure they seem to be not corrupted by the modern world.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Stan Kormy
Stan Kormy - 8 years ago
Looks like you had a fun adventure there!
Jordan Minkoff Geraldo
Jordan Minkoff Geraldo - 8 years ago
How did you meet them exactly?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
I literally asked half the people in Coron Town proper if they knew a fisherman and Barako is the guy that I met!
Alberto Pesodas
Alberto Pesodas - 8 years ago
So beautiful place! and so is the blogger <3
Møñît Thåkûr
Møñît Thåkûr - 8 years ago
1:18 where is that exactly, please it is my dream to swim in clear water xddd
Ariella C
Ariella C - 8 years ago
Love your videos, you are also so damn cute! traveling for life
Jep Maningo
Jep Maningo - 8 years ago
I love your video.
Matt Mendoza
Matt Mendoza - 8 years ago
Hi! I'm from the philippines and never thought bout this. Thanks for the great idea... I do have a question, ;) Did you pay the guy? and how can i find Barako in Coron. Thanks again! Peace
MrStensnask - 8 years ago
The "gangsta" tunes are completely unnecessary and highly misplaced as the footage is quite fascinating and beautiful
Charles Morgan
Charles Morgan - 8 years ago
the scenery is really great especially his hot body!!LOL
Mic Mic
Mic Mic - 8 years ago
damn that clear unreal..great video..
Dhira Pega
Dhira Pega - 8 years ago
Leigh Ann its real
DC Bon
DC Bon - 8 years ago
awesome vlog!
VIN TURE - 8 years ago
@sherack city dude how can I reach barraco or gringgo? Local number maybe?
Kevin Sayson
Kevin Sayson - 8 years ago
How do we meet this man Boraco?
lorenzo belanz
lorenzo belanz - 8 years ago
Oh my... such a beautiful part of the world. Paradise!
AndreasAC - 8 years ago
One of the best philippines videos I have ever seen on YouTube. Congratulations! I have been on Coron 3 years ago for some days and I just think to visit this island again to make also a nideo. Half of the quality of yours would make me proud. You really did an excellent job
Jojo Molijon
Jojo Molijon - 8 years ago
alice partosa
alice partosa - 8 years ago
Oh, God, that's heaven...I must go there.
maleman julpax
maleman julpax - 8 years ago
346 dislikes? WTF it's heaven.
boxermonster - 8 years ago
amazing man. looks like an unforgettable experience
JOHN VIRTUDAZO - 8 years ago
di you use a Go Pro or other action camera?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
mainly the gopro! but also iphone and sony nex5r :)
Malfil Boybooster
Malfil Boybooster - 8 years ago
wow, my mom hometown, proud to be half Palawanian
Malfil Boybooster
Malfil Boybooster - 8 years ago
mga cuyunin kayo hehe, thanks po sa corretion
Charles Morgan
Charles Morgan - 8 years ago
its Palaweños...not Palawanian
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
you should be! a beautiful place
Abigail Reyel
Abigail Reyel - 8 years ago
omg, i finally found this video! Took me a few guesses with the name you mentioned.
Awesome video, man! I agree with the whole, 'why can't it be me?' question.
Wish me luck for next month! Wish I could do at least half of this.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
hehehe very flattered by your message. GOOD LUCK & SAFE TRAVELS!
xvillian - 8 years ago
great footage of the corals/fish
Samuel Perng
Samuel Perng - 8 years ago
That's something I would want to do... but it seems diffucult finding locals like that at remote islands...
Jake Deleon
Jake Deleon - 8 years ago
Sherack City that is right.. and samuel peng.. its not really an isolated place. lol
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
indeed it was very hard to find!! but if you persist you'll find it!
Javi Habi
Javi Habi - 8 years ago
wtf kind of music you have in the background
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
hahah yes i agree as i look back on making this
George Kafantaris
George Kafantaris - 8 years ago
i want to go fishing with weman not men...
bourquejocelyn - 8 years ago
Awesome video !!! It's crazy how you just met some guy and he brought you fishing in the middle of nowhere. People are so kind on the road... most of the time. I had a lady offer me her couch after about an hour of conversation when I was in Trinidad and Tobago. :) Happy travels !
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Gotta love people you meet all around the world! So generous
Marvin Cruz
Marvin Cruz - 8 years ago
what do you do for a living that allows you to travel so young?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Working in Australia, busting my ass since age of 16!
Tyler Mikos
Tyler Mikos - 8 years ago
That was pretty funny. It could be YOU in that hut...Cool video I would love to see all the corals around the island.
SecretBeach Palawan
SecretBeach Palawan - 8 years ago
Philippines loves the diversity of the beaches.if you go untouch and unspoild then go to Coron or El Nido.voted for 2 consecutive as the most beautiful island by international travellers magazine. if you want night life beach Boracay is for you.if you want a Family chain white beach Mactan Cebu lastly if you want surfing then Siargao in the south your experience in White crystal clear sand blue water Coron...
MetalSonic1389 - 8 years ago
good video but your choice of music sucks...
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
in hindsight i agree
titoortiz - 8 years ago
Hail Satan
Hail Satan - 8 years ago
When you start your video with yo what's up I fell the need to hurt you.... Bye.
Live your Life
Live your Life - 8 years ago
Tactical _ Bushcraft
Tactical _ Bushcraft - 8 years ago
you have my subscription awesome video and I love what you did with your Channel would love to have your support as well keep up the good work
AJ - 8 years ago
song doesn't really fit lol
Vida M.O.
Vida M.O. - 8 years ago
Barako literally lives in paradise !
Gulf Marsh Bayou and Bay
Gulf Marsh Bayou and Bay - 8 years ago
man great video. but the rap music is trash. ruined the vibe.
c6786 - 8 years ago
omg that dog is living in paradise
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
luckiest dog in the world!
stenly - 8 years ago
and poor natives r gonna by chasing down by new travelers after this promotion
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
i didnt realise how many people viewed this video! Damn. lets hope they live in peace
galaxy - 8 years ago
Where r u from?
I mean which ethnic group u belong to?
No offence just curious.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
father is Australian, mother is Korean!
Astronautical Engineer
Astronautical Engineer - 8 years ago
Fuck off, you cancerous chinese.
DIY Tutorials And More
DIY Tutorials And More - 8 years ago
should have done spearfishing
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
i was going to but i fell asleep in a hammock! next time :)
johan fouché
johan fouché - 8 years ago
Hi, thanks for a very nice video, I look forward to visit the Philippines soon!
Kalsofur - 8 years ago
Awesome trip, loved the scenery.
Jo Magalhaes
Jo Magalhaes - 8 years ago
this is amazing man !!!
John JIII - 8 years ago
Great vid mate. Terrible music. Wtf!
68_IMPALA - 8 years ago
love the journal you've made but why that annoying song!? all i hear is bitch-bitch-bitch! wtf!? beautiful sceenery and then that music!? such a shame! change the music and i will watch more from you.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
note taken for future vids :)
elmclovin1 - 8 years ago
great video wonderful editing.
but you need better music
that song in the background is awful. .
I don't mind profanity but everything has a place and time..
NEGAN - 8 years ago
Great video....please remove that immoral gorilla music.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
this cracked me up. will do for future vids!
Stephane beaulieu
Stephane beaulieu - 8 years ago
hey, your life is inspiring me! what do you do for a living that allows you to do this type of stuff?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Worked my ass off in corporate in Australia whilst studying, single and living at home! then went travelling, living very cheaply overseas.
Karlo Alberti
Karlo Alberti - 8 years ago
Great video partner... really really enjoyed !!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
THanks Karlo!
251trioxin - 8 years ago
Such beautiful scenery
Jonalyn Uriarte
Jonalyn Uriarte - 8 years ago
This is the real beauty of my Philippines I hope this place will be protected by loyal people and the government this is a God gift for my nation and took proud of it!thnx for promoting and blogging hope the one wish to visit will not spoil sa beauty of the place..
IAMdevilwomen - 8 years ago
good video but the filth song in the background took away from it
rondymc - 8 years ago
Nihliztic - 8 years ago
The 6th sin Envy just popped up! Thats an adventure for life!
SFerris - 8 years ago
Stupid fricking song.
Thien Nguyen
Thien Nguyen - 8 years ago
This is something I really want to do. Great video!
LeonardDesu - 8 years ago
Yeah PH Is Cool Dude :D
Autumn A
Autumn A - 8 years ago
Damn. I want to buy out his cousin's shack. What a freaken view to wake up to that every morning! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful video.
TheAppMania - 8 years ago
What kind of camera did you shoot this with?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
iphone 5, sony next 5r, gopro black
MrTeenwolf82 - 8 years ago
That was a beautiful sights in the Philippines i am hoping one day that i will visiting the same sights that you were and meet

the same native of the Philippines. I am currently lived in Northwest Mesa, Arizona been to the USA since October 29, of 1982

from Cambodia. I hope you too go and see Angkor Watt in Seam Reap and please, give me the name and contacts numbers

for the boat and fishing.

Thank you in advance,

Phil Nou
Alexandra Lim
Alexandra Lim - 8 years ago
dint understand lol
Shakas Latino
Shakas Latino - 8 years ago
lame video
Phuok Yu
Phuok Yu - 8 years ago
you fucking suck horribly

But you lack the communication skills to make your viewers feel anything.
And honestly you lack the soul and intelligence to perceive your experience in a worthwhile way.

you fucking suck horribly
GWE NN AM IER - 8 years ago
tong it. tapos dalawa nag lalaro wahahahahhaa
Bernard Manicad
Bernard Manicad - 8 years ago
thank you for visiting our country! hope you will come again
keep safe and stay happy
taruna nielson
taruna nielson - 8 years ago
hey, what app that u used to make video
The55555art - 8 years ago
James Ebola
James Ebola - 8 years ago
Is this some promo for a gay gathering? Everything here is way too much gay.
Jacob Peters
Jacob Peters - 8 years ago
Those were t tuna those were Bonita . Btw the rap music in the background ruined the whole video
DJ Seekee
DJ Seekee - 8 years ago
pretty place, shit fishing though
Blakk Bonez
Blakk Bonez - 8 years ago
sounds like an awesome vay-K
RedondoBeach2 - 8 years ago
Stunningly beautiful scenery. Looks like a wonderful vacation destination. My concern is safety. How safe did you feel during your travels and is there any advice regarding personal safety that you can give would be travelers? Also, what advice do you have regarding what to pack for a trip similar to yours? Thanks in advance for your reply.
RedondoBeach2 - 8 years ago
I hope you don't mind me saying so, but your general appearance seems to make you blend in a little with people of the Philippines. I on the other hand and 6'2", white and blonde. Do you think that I would be more of a target or do you feel that it would still be just as safe for me to travel to the same locations. I'll add that I believe that a lot of times I believe people who are victims of crime, often bring it on themselves by being obnoxious, disrespectful of the local culture, or dressing in a way that clearly indicates that they're a tourist. I understand this and fortunately, have always treated people with respect, while being a gracious visitor, and dressing conservatively. I wouldn't say that I act completely humble, but that's because I also don't want to give an impression of weakness. I'm kind but strong and aware of my surroundings. With all of that said, I'm still unsure if I might be more of a target than the average person based on my appearance, as stated earlier (tall & white). What are your thoughts? Am I overly concerned or do I have a legitimate concern?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
well i travelled alone in the Philippines but i felt very safe everywhere I went, and this is a testament to one key factor - the people. Filipinos are very warm people (yes, i can generalise this). I have been to many other parts of the world where i wouldn't say the same.
Lee Hai
Lee Hai - 8 years ago
'Thank you very big for sharing the beauty!'
Cyril Diaz
Cyril Diaz - 8 years ago
come to think the place is so clean and beautiful @ 2016 how more if back in early days e.g 1990! magnificient philippine my land
HolyGeez Pls
HolyGeez Pls - 8 years ago
Im a filipino and i went their just a month ago
godson apocalypse
godson apocalypse - 8 years ago
I'm from Philippines
Thanh Cuti
Thanh Cuti - 8 years ago
I don't mind living here. Damn nice :)
chinborja - 8 years ago
hi Sherack id be willing to roam you here in the Philippines when you have plans of traveling back.God bless
emosh73 - 8 years ago
Too bad many of us don't have the time and money to travel all over the place.
emosh73 - 8 years ago
+BabysFace Another asshole speaks.
BabysFace - 8 years ago
EVERYONE has their own sob story about their life and everyone thinks theirs is somehow unique. So quit bitching.
emosh73 - 8 years ago
+lola fick You know nothing about my life and past bitch. So sit down and shut up.
lola fick
lola fick - 8 years ago
Too bad that's your fault.
Guy Cruls
Guy Cruls - 8 years ago
great attitude - unpretentious and life loving. inspiring.
Clint Whatley
Clint Whatley - 8 years ago
Beautiful. Mindanao is as well
James Lee
James Lee - 8 years ago
love your video man i wanna go to philippines now
big USO
big USO - 8 years ago
Mean spot! untouched beauty, agree it is important to stay longer. Leave troubles behind and soak it all up.
Return Of The G
Return Of The G - 8 years ago
@3:26 smoking that doobie!
A Clark
A Clark - 8 years ago
Absolutely beautiful.
adding that to my bucket list...
HansumRob100 - 8 years ago
wow... beautiful...
falcon262 - 8 years ago
great video, you could do without the repetitious background noise.
macksbucks - 8 years ago
You're so humble and well-grounded. I love your videos as it showcases about Filipino families and life's contentment. Thank you for showing the beauty of the Philippines. I'm excited to visit Coron this coming June. Kisses from Dubai. #ProudPinoy :)
macksbucks - 8 years ago
+Sherack City Yeah, I went there last week. I enjoyed its impeccable sceneries and astonishing people. Great thing you added your well-grounded personality to the place. God bless you po. - Mark Bucad
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
I love Filipinos! hope you're enjoying Coron! JEalous!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
I love Filipinos! hope you're enjoying Coron! JEalous!
wesley robinson
wesley robinson - 8 years ago
Awesome story, and nice job putting the footage together-
But I just can't get over how shitty your music is and how it doesn't match at all. It's totally distracting
John Doe
John Doe - 8 years ago
I was looking forward to seeing this video. But your "rag city bitch" crap is volger. I'm so tired of black American degenerate culture infecting our world.
Khpan NZ
Khpan NZ - 8 years ago
Hey man, just wondering, if you go to a country like the Philippines, How do you meet the people you need to get to places like this? Do you just buy ur ticket and once you get there and just wing it? or do you contact them beforehand? I haven't got a clue aye
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
Honestly, I'll do some research but I'd rather go to a place and figure it out from there. Think about it - let's say a random from Russia wanted to travel to your home town where you grew up. Do you think they'd find out the best thing to do by googling from Russia? Or do you think that if they turned up and asked YOU what to do theyd have a better time? OF COURSE YOU KNOW BETTER - YOU LIVE THERE! There's no way I would have found Barako if I booked my time through the internet. This is my mentality. Turn up somewhere, ask a bunch of people what the best thing to do is then go and do that. Safe travels!
CheeseBurgerEddie - 8 years ago
Nice vid man. I enjoyed it!
Raymond Q
Raymond Q - 8 years ago
geez what a beautiful place
nam ly
nam ly - 8 years ago
Wow! Coron is an amazing place. I wish I was there:) cool video!
Robert Deal
Robert Deal - 8 years ago
It looks beautiful. I would so live there.
Ninja Of The Darkness
Ninja Of The Darkness - 8 years ago
Ask The Pro DJ
Ask The Pro DJ - 8 years ago
this guy is gay for sure! Anyway next video take the stupid music off the video especially cussing so uncomfortable.
Eivon Zetroc
Eivon Zetroc - 8 years ago
great video but poor narration
Z man
Z man - 8 years ago
could have done without the background music during the vid but other than that it was cool
Pio Capito
Pio Capito - 8 years ago
I'm literally dying in envy right now.
Meng Bak
Meng Bak - 8 years ago
this is awesome
buteteng laot
buteteng laot - 8 years ago
The intro ruined what is otherwise a great video
Sony Ejam
Sony Ejam - 8 years ago
awesome place!
Rafael Paz
Rafael Paz - 8 years ago
Mate, what a such awesome video! Wow, Coron looks amazing! I'm heading to the Philippines in 2 weeks, Coron wasn't in my plans, but after I watched your video I'm surely going there!

iamzero79 - 8 years ago
I encourage you to go there. If you plan to go with mates, dont be too loud. the nature scenery is not a place of party or loud music.
live the wild. enjoy.
abdulla noor
abdulla noor - 8 years ago
Nice mate. This is what I call travelling and exploring not to just get drunk every night. Good on ya.
Aj Cyrill Dy
Aj Cyrill Dy - 8 years ago
Good thing you have not been a victim for Tanim Bala.
FDSeoul San Diego
FDSeoul San Diego - 8 years ago
Beautiful footage ruined by FUCKING urban Negro crap shit music.
fabre florence andre
fabre florence andre - 8 years ago
come back here in philippines!!
Si Si
Si Si - 8 years ago
Why is every dipshit a one cent fake ass rapper wanta be.
Hooper Chheang
Hooper Chheang - 8 years ago
awesome video man
Riane Wade Reyes
Riane Wade Reyes - 8 years ago
I love Palawan so much. Been to El Nido but not yet in Coron. Will be planning my trip again there soon but Coron this time. Love your 2-day vacation story.
Tunney McFadyen
Tunney McFadyen - 8 years ago
too much talk
Aj Breonis
Aj Breonis - 8 years ago
Nice place nice foods and nice people
I shall return
I shall return - 8 years ago
Wow you're so brave you went out of your way to stay with the locals.
I shall return
I shall return - 8 years ago
By the way if Japanese knew of their ship that might trigger Japanese & Phil gov't. to discuss.
sihotvng - 8 years ago
Wrong song for this video...
basicphil - 8 years ago
do you have snapchat?
SuperBeast001 - 8 years ago
It sounds like you did everything except fuck women. If you don't fuck anyone----whats the point then?!
Grzegorz Durda
Grzegorz Durda - 8 years ago
That selfie stick and hand over the camera lens several times is highly irritating.
Grill Wasabi Sushi Channel
Grill Wasabi Sushi Channel - 8 years ago
I love your style of video editing!!! Keep it up. Definitely featuring your channel on my channel.
Robert Madden
Robert Madden - 8 years ago
didn't watch it after hearing offensive music in background. Poor choice man and good luck to you
listen here 415
listen here 415 - 8 years ago
Great video and content ,the music sucked
Edy Gomez
Edy Gomez - 8 years ago
Wat camera the you use to récord you vídeos
boomerhgt - 8 years ago
Can't be paradise you would never have left, I'd imagine the reality of living there full time is different from the visiting westerner .
Eleynahhh P
Eleynahhh P - 8 years ago
Hi. What camera are you using?
Shine Sun
Shine Sun - 8 years ago
You're so handsome,dude.
Carpio Festy
Carpio Festy - 8 years ago
You are so handsome mate i love your eyes and hair
Daniel V
Daniel V - 8 years ago
That place looks amazing
Yuu Trakz
Yuu Trakz - 8 years ago
That is the province of my mother. Coron ! a beautiful Town in Palawan. If you are looking for a Vacation or Adventure you can send me a message. My brother is one of the tour guide, He can arange you for you a 3Day and 2 Night or 4Day or 3nights tour on this Beautiful untouched islands.
Busted Cat
Busted Cat - 8 years ago
That music tho????
Korewakore Sorewasore
Korewakore Sorewasore - 8 years ago
The music is a clever way to make us remember your channel's name , but you shouldn't make it play throughout the whole video , it gets annoying
moon ar
moon ar - 8 years ago
How much for all of this?! ill be staying at a friends place if i go, so any estimates? from my Filipino pares ?
ShitGetsOld - 8 years ago
Poor choice of music
Jessiely Naysay
Jessiely Naysay - 8 years ago
its coron under sea aquarium.. some of the place there its still virgin..and im so excited to visit the place i buy there.
Sara G.
Sara G. - 8 years ago
cool. :)
Dean BKK
Dean BKK - 8 years ago
They live with very little necessities and possessions, but they are happy. That's all that matters.
lakeseminole - 8 years ago
And so how do you earn your travel funds? do you reside in Australia? Russ
Patrick De Vera
Patrick De Vera - 8 years ago
Recently visited Palawan, check out my edit :)
NadlieHime 1814
NadlieHime 1814 - 8 years ago
link pls...
Memed Albani Haziri
Memed Albani Haziri - 8 years ago
Lol I never tried about but it is true tho Philippines is beautiful nxti wanna go there in Palawan
Jay Mark
Jay Mark - 8 years ago
Did you gave them conciliatory or pampalubag loob in tagalog? or anything you gave to thank them.. they're living in poverty. I hope you gave them some of pampalubag loob :)
Jeh Rhm
Jeh Rhm - 8 years ago
What was your camera on this trip ?
Jon Dyson
Jon Dyson - 8 years ago
What is that background music? I don't really like being called a bitch every 3 seconds while trying to listen to someone speak. lol
Dae Sy
Dae Sy - 8 years ago
Jon Dyson your comment made me laugh so hard ... lol
Dae Sy
Dae Sy - 8 years ago
Jon Dyson hahaha
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
yeah ill change it around in the future. THanks Jon!
Duterte Sempai
Duterte Sempai - 8 years ago
fat hungry bitch by taiga
Dias Damas
Dias Damas - 8 years ago
fala muito ...nada de peixe ....pessimo bad video
Police Asian
Police Asian - 8 years ago
Amazing people Amazing paradise thanksgiving to god that that no westerners crak on it
jonnywaselectric - 8 years ago
nice travels, you make a good video and commentary mate.
Mark Zy Random Videos
Mark Zy Random Videos - 8 years ago
when the boy there speaks better than anyone he met in the Philippines. The guys don't even go to school.
Edward1975 - 8 years ago
Great video! God bless!
Maxima - 8 years ago
they poo and pee in the ocean
jellyace e
jellyace e - 8 years ago
Kenshin Himura
Kenshin Himura - 8 years ago
love this kind of adventure, it makes me miss El Nido
C C - 8 years ago
The rap music in the background ruins the whole thing
M.B.H. Gaming
M.B.H. Gaming - 7 years ago
Enrique Carbajal
Enrique Carbajal - 8 years ago
Tom Bombay disagree...
emosh73 - 8 years ago
Same here, Rap music ruined it.
Seikowski V
Seikowski V - 8 years ago
Amazing video. My only complaint is the song. I don't like being called "bitch," even vicariously through a song choice, so I turned the sound off.
Seikowski V
Seikowski V - 8 years ago
+Sherack City I was able to turn it up when the song wasn't on, so I got most of the dialogue. I need to get to the Philippines. From what I have researched about other island nations in the region, the Philippines seems to have the most beautiful natural environment, the friendliest culture, and the best environmental protection.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
+Seikowski V Fair enough! Wish i could change the song. Glad you found a way to enjoy it :)
Fatal Capsaicin
Fatal Capsaicin - 8 years ago
man the music selection is whack you cant have all those lyrics when you are talking lol its so distracting
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
+Fatal Capsaicin Agreed :)
FeliciaJ - 8 years ago
hey! how to get hold of u so I can get hold of this fisherman in Coron?
0 0
0 0 - 9 years ago
that song ruined the whole video.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
+Branden Lanfeld I'd probably change it if I could go back in time
clemente miranda
clemente miranda - 9 years ago
Larkilla - 9 years ago
Wow many Great Diary! I'm really Jealous Sounds like fun , when i get out of the army i'm gonna try this.
Jano Glatz
Jano Glatz - 9 years ago
Super video :)
Benondiscovery - 9 years ago
nice video! I think my next trip will be the phillipines
Malou Bernal
Malou Bernal - 9 years ago
so awesome I want to backpack around the Philippines for a year
Malou Bernal
Malou Bernal - 9 years ago
+Malou Bernal I wish there was more preservation initiatives for the Philippines so that pollution can stop eating away at its beauty. it makes me sad to see pucca shell necklaces being sold at giftshops  when  I remember a time of such abundance for my beloved island nation.
StickyIky - 9 years ago
i am packing my bags now
Lava Hεx
Lava Hεx - 8 years ago
I hope you do :) it's more fun in the Philippines :D
renzo noimee
renzo noimee - 9 years ago
Thank you for promoting Philippines! Hope you enjoy the people and the place. Maraming salamat kaibigan! (Thank You my Friend!)
Ben Fish
Ben Fish - 9 years ago
Great video. I love that the audio is good and clean sounding. Your narration is good too.
만세 Huuuray!!
만세 Huuuray!! - 9 years ago
Hi! Where in Coron did you go snorkeling? X
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
+만세 Huuuray!! Off Atwayan Beach & Coral Garden!
Lucky xiong
Lucky xiong - 9 years ago
Damn fucking goals!
Lucky xiong
Lucky xiong - 8 years ago
+Sherack City I will make sure it will happen haha
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
+Lucky xiong Go make it happen!
JC - 9 years ago
they have close to no money, but they're living my dream life.
Joebert Esparagoza
Joebert Esparagoza - 8 years ago
Fishes worst enemy vj
JC - 8 years ago
+Simon Jau exactly, they're living the life for free that someone would pay tens of thousands to live for a week. Lucky buggers.
Simon Jau
Simon Jau - 8 years ago
+Fishes worst enemy i got to agree with you. What is life when you have money but live in stress. These people are living the best of their life within that island
Barnekkid - 9 years ago
Beautiful place.  No balut, thanks.
Junelyne Dela Cruz
Junelyne Dela Cruz - 9 years ago
im so proud of you.... :)
ngakeloo - 9 years ago
where you traveling from manila the main islands?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 8 years ago
+ngakeloo From Manila plane to cebu, cebu to palawan. got a boat from el nido - coron - manila !
Chialova - 9 years ago
Honestly... The song Rack City didn't go with the video lol....
karla ali
karla ali - 9 years ago
its like a paradise !!!!
Thatf Rmah
Thatf Rmah - 9 years ago
Cool man! Near my former homeland!
kabn131 - 9 years ago
Why it cant be me? You need a lot of money to do that :(

Nice Vid Dude, keep it up :) like&subbed
Abdel Malik
Abdel Malik - 9 years ago
can u bring me here please ! ahhh.
john Acacio
john Acacio - 9 years ago
What'a gem of a place! See you soon Philly!
Raymond Torres
Raymond Torres - 9 years ago
This is awesome! The thing that impresses me the most is that they make their own flies!
Phillip Go
Phillip Go - 9 years ago
What camera did you use? It's awesome.
barabas1037 - 9 years ago
Nice video!
Roberto. D Cuellar.S
Roberto. D Cuellar.S - 9 years ago
The only thing beautiful was the clear water. The rotten egg.... disgusting !
Stephanie SC
Stephanie SC - 9 years ago
+Roberto. D Cuellar.S figure of speech ;)
Roberto. D Cuellar.S
Roberto. D Cuellar.S - 9 years ago
+Stephanie St.Benedict  Really, you`ve tried ass? but not thanks
Stephanie SC
Stephanie SC - 9 years ago
it's better that eating ass! lol!
Chialova - 9 years ago
+Roberto. D Cuellar.S - It's an cultural thing. Don't hate. That's what different people eat if you step out of your small world you're in. You'll see way much different things you haven't before. And you'll be even more disgusted. But there is always the good in the bad.
Dale Paslon
Dale Paslon - 9 years ago
+Roberto. D Cuellar.S Who the fuck told you that its a rotten egg? LMAO.. FYI its a fertilized duck egg. Get your facts straight.
mghalichi - 9 years ago
This entire video is absolutely amazing.
hosny ali rahman
hosny ali rahman - 9 years ago
this is awsome...
mark anthony bautista
mark anthony bautista - 9 years ago
i'd been to coron (last year) but i didn't experienced like the way u enjoy. how and where did u meet the boat man, where can i find that guy? he is such a great guide and the place u visited was extremely awesome :)
Damu Bernard
Damu Bernard - 9 years ago
That's beautiful
ViralTuber - 9 years ago
Did you make this vid specifically for me? Feels like it.
XtianMatriix - 9 years ago
Leon Mauersberger
Leon Mauersberger - 9 years ago
you are so awesome
GlassLegend# - 9 years ago
you can keep the balut mate!   all of it!
Carlo Peña
Carlo Peña - 9 years ago
what underwater cam do you use?
angelica cahimat
angelica cahimat - 9 years ago
pilipinas,, ang diyosa ng asya!!
Joel Perez
Joel Perez - 9 years ago
dude you can do better then that crappy song for the first 3+min
Sunkupo - 9 years ago
reminds me of Zelda Windwaker
deceptikhon - 9 years ago
Man that's amazing, how did you manage to meet this family? I'd love to go there.
Ethan Finds Out
Ethan Finds Out - 9 years ago
Nice video all around, from camera to editing. Beautiful sunset. :)
The River Kwai Killer
The River Kwai Killer - 9 years ago
awesome video!
Rami El Mani
Rami El Mani - 9 years ago
nice video
cheechotheman - 9 years ago
i have to go there before i die!!!
Darkangel 8701
Darkangel 8701 - 9 years ago
Hey, cool video.. Aussie right? i was thinking.. wait he sounds Aussie lol. Hopefully i can go to Palawan one day. It's been on my list for awhile now.

PS: half Asian also?
_gordon26_ - 9 years ago
Is this guy Australian?
Lisa Pastelero
Lisa Pastelero - 9 years ago
Hey which waterfalls did you go to? Looks really great, wanna take my Aussie bf there
Vitautas747 - 9 years ago
The Philippines is a paradise on earth. The only thing that saddens me is a lot of very poor people and old technology. as strange that the natural resources of the Philippines with more than Japan has a very low standard of living. another danger of this paradise in the division of society into Muslims and hristyan - it glows situation in the south of the country where there are rebels and terrorists. I wish the people of the Philippines to listen to the voice of reason and to be united and strong country, and not to listen to those who give money and calls to take up arms and shoot at the same people. Be beautiful and strong country! Just want to add that I was upset - young people do not know the history of how the Philippines and the world. They do not know and do not seek to learn the majority of young people tries to live in imitation of European culture, but this is a mistake - it is important to preserve their culture. it is important to preserve the unity of the country and for the development of tourism.
aldrin siaton
aldrin siaton - 9 years ago
thank you sherack for visiting Philippines and making vlog about our tourist spot. If you have plan to go back in the Philippines you should try canyoneering in Cebu, there's a lot to vlog in Philippines specially in Visayas part of the country.
Jayson Balbuena
Jayson Balbuena - 9 years ago
hi mate, do you have by chance the contact number of Barako and Gringo? I want to visit them :)
Luci Fer
Luci Fer - 9 years ago
Actually a good video, and a great experience to share. However the background music is really distracting, and detracts from the beauty of the images. Suggestion, try using more subtle / relaxing music and break it up into non speaking segments of images with music and talking segments with no music.
Albus love
Albus love - 9 years ago
I totally agree. I loved the video. Great quality, and really showed a gorgeous place on earth I've never seen before, which was really inspiring. Though the music not so inspiring, and out of place...
Juufro - 9 years ago
How did you keep your gopro footage so clean? it usually fogs up for me.
Rene Mauricio Bermudez
Rene Mauricio Bermudez - 9 years ago
Bro, the background sound is so annoying! Can't even focus on the video without hearing 'em freak'n cuss words.
IAN FLORIDO - 9 years ago
Try to visit baler aurora quezon my friend :)
Arie Workshop
Arie Workshop - 9 years ago
awesome...!!! come to Indonesia bro...
JM Reyes
JM Reyes - 9 years ago
Solo traveling is my thing too! So inspiring, glad you loved my country mate. You just gained a new subscriber! :)
Sheen Ray Valdez
Sheen Ray Valdez - 9 years ago
I had enough of all those travel videos on youtube that use loud EDM songs as background. This is just so personal! I'm going to Palawan soon!!!
Carlos Nartea
Carlos Nartea - 9 years ago
+Sherack City hi
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Sheen Ray Valdez AHHA i feel you. Meet you there!!
Rafael Tagalag
Rafael Tagalag - 9 years ago
am i wrong or your channel views mostly came from this vid?
from the look of it, the way you made this video is really good. haven't watch your other vid but seems to me that you're at what you are doing. keep it up! have more trips for you to come and more cool vids!
(i mentioned the word vid/video like a hundred times haha)
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Rafael Tagalag Yep you're right!! This one went a bit viral hehe.
Eden Enriquez
Eden Enriquez - 9 years ago
I'm from Philippines, living on the beach but not as beautiful as that of coron. I want to visit that place too. Nice video. And last thing your a nice looking guy.kuya .
Stevo Canuck
Stevo Canuck - 9 years ago
Filipinos sure love their rice lol
Casper Low
Casper Low - 9 years ago
glad you enjoyed your Palawan trip and hope to meet you guys there one day, this video made me miss my hometown badly!
José Carlo
José Carlo - 9 years ago
duuuude. YOU AWESUMMMM #travelgoals
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+kareulo YIeeew!
MyTurn - 9 years ago
I am in the Philippines many months of the year. I love it there and almost all my videos are from there. I love how you made this Video and it looks like you had a BLAST..
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+MyTurn Thanks man!!! I absolutely did and hope everyone can experience this sometime.
J barlin
J barlin - 9 years ago
This is my ideal vacation, no need for tour guides
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Josh Barlin Amen to that!
sbpartyscene - 9 years ago
awesome vid! definitely need to check out palawan the next time I go back!
Stet Tan
Stet Tan - 9 years ago
That was some awesome looking clear water.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Stet Tan imagine it in real life!!!
RayGrace Schuholz
RayGrace Schuholz - 9 years ago
Great video... Now my husband wants to live in coron :))
islandboy 67
islandboy 67 - 9 years ago
Wow this is paradise, if u got the pension, then this is so perfect.
scott greer
scott greer - 9 years ago
hey did you have to take shots before going there? shots for protection
scott greer
scott greer - 9 years ago
Was thinking of going there but didn't know if it was necessary? Like for a week or two.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+scott greer As i was travelling around SE Asia for 3 months (thailand, cambodia, vietnam etc) I took all the general shots. People will say mixed things about getting shots
Mian Ms.Z
Mian Ms.Z - 9 years ago
Nice!!!! I will gonna go back!!!
Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto Uzumaki - 9 years ago
what camere does you use?
Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto Uzumaki - 9 years ago
+Sherack City ,okay thanks bro, how was your stay in baracko's house and how long did u stay?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Naruto Uzumaki Sony Nex 5r and Gopro 4 Black!
Adolfo Fullo
Adolfo Fullo - 9 years ago have a great channel.. I subscribed kindly subscribe back.. thanks!
Adolfo Fullo
Adolfo Fullo - 9 years ago have a great channel.. I subscribed kindly subscribe back.. thanks!
Chez Black
Chez Black - 9 years ago
Dude looks like he could be your uncle.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Chez Black HAhah he was such a nice guy it felt like it!
Buyzero Zero
Buyzero Zero - 9 years ago
Loved it all -- except the Balut
Buyzero Zero
Buyzero Zero - 9 years ago
I totally get you :).
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Buyzero Zero I got a love hate thing for Balut ;)
Albert Servando
Albert Servando - 9 years ago
I am very happy to you had an amazing experience in the Philippines. Actually, I came from Bacolod City, Negros Occidetal, Philippines and I was born there and currently I am now located in Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada. Are you from Canada too? I am planning to spend Christmas 2016 there with my family. Just wondering if you are planning to visit Philippines again?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Albert Servando I'm from Australia! Close, another commonwealth country. I definitely plan on going to the Philippines again! Just not sure when.
DangALeng - 9 years ago
That's freakin beautiful!!
Will Hamilton
Will Hamilton - 9 years ago
Haha what did u think of balut? looks pretty grim but I will still try it. Did u just happen to meet these locals and ask about fishing? Would like to do the same. Cheers
Will Hamilton
Will Hamilton - 9 years ago
+Sherack City cheers bro quality video
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Will Hamilton Yep. THere's no tour guide for this kinda stuff. JUst gotta be persistent and ask around to everyone in Coron (or any other part of the Philippines) until something comes up. Balut was crazy but it's just like anything else youv'e never done before.
awis kwan
awis kwan - 9 years ago
This video give me headache, i just booked (an hour ago) ticket to boracay for april 2016. After seeing this video my wife wanna go to coron. Haha
Thanks for sharing your wonderful video and the tips!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+awis kwan Thanks Awis! Enjoy Boracay, it is still a magical island in itself
Michael Niese
Michael Niese - 9 years ago
awful background music...
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Plan D Agreed ;) Check out my new video on my channel
Noriel Abella
Noriel Abella - 9 years ago
good job.. good looking bro..
Fruitarian - 9 years ago
hows cock fighting looks like?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Fruitarian I'll make a video on this
Marcos Gonzalez
Marcos Gonzalez - 9 years ago
yo this is dope.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Marcos Gonzalez Cheers homie!
I'm Daniel
I'm Daniel - 9 years ago
0:30 pewdiepie
Frossiart - 9 years ago
wow, I'd love to spend a week there just hanging out with the locals doing what they do.... paradise.
Mohamed Benkhay
Mohamed Benkhay - 9 years ago
amazing! !!!!
Gflow Ablaza
Gflow Ablaza - 9 years ago
i need to go there place is beautiful
Yuan Co
Yuan Co - 9 years ago
nice the way..what camera did u use? it's so clear...nice shots too. :-)
BikeRookie - 9 years ago
Hehe , the egg eating was nice. "Finish" :) , and amazing sunset. Great video, but sorry to say. Disturbing background music. I kept on switching windows to check if there were some other video playing in the background.
ALIEN SCIENTIST - 9 years ago
Fuck I read it as Fighting with a native man... throughout the whole video I was waiting for a confrontation of some sort haha nice camera!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+ALIEN SCIENTIST Plot twist.. hahaha
Dennis Dingding
Dennis Dingding - 9 years ago
eating baloooot wahahhaa lol
World of Mouth
World of Mouth - 9 years ago
im jealous what a nice place tong it yeah buddy lol
Merilyn Cardona
Merilyn Cardona - 9 years ago
thank you for visiting Philippines... btw I like your vedio... and I'm also from Philippines...
Merilyn Cardona
Merilyn Cardona - 9 years ago
+Sherack City your always welcome!!!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Merilyn Cardona Thanks Merilyn!
nemel zuni
nemel zuni - 9 years ago
visit el nido mate.. or calaguas island.. you will surely enjoy there..
nemel zuni
nemel zuni - 9 years ago
Nice!! Hoping for your Next adventure is in Calaguas Island.. see you there mate..
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+nemel zuni I've been to El Nido but Calaguas Island is on the list too!
VOVETV - 9 years ago
Wow! You ate balut???? You the man!!! That was awesome trip!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+VOVETV Thanks!! It was hard to get the courage but well worth it.
VOVETV - 9 years ago
Wow! You ate balut???? You the man!!!
bigtaxrefund - 9 years ago
nice tour and awesome water. scenery is top notch
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+bigtaxrefund Cheers!!!
DaveDelli - 9 years ago
this place is terrible! not enough Diversity!
The Ahern Family
The Ahern Family - 9 years ago
freakin dope, sub'd i'm going to that hut lol
Blossom - 9 years ago
im in love white u ♥ can we meet add me in face book ♥ ;)
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Aheezy Da Islander Hahah love your comment! Hope you can make it ;)
Cecilia Zhou
Cecilia Zhou - 9 years ago
nice leisure trip
Repsej - 9 years ago
It looks pretty fun to live there tbh
goddessified D
goddessified D - 9 years ago
Beautiful place! Thanks for giving a good review!
Guy From Trinidad
Guy From Trinidad - 9 years ago
I'm only at the 2minute mark and i love this video... keep it up
sexy korean girl
sexy korean girl - 9 years ago
what a way to live
Alma V
Alma V - 9 years ago
Coron, Palawan is a paradise!!

- proud Filipino here haha
deplorable infidel
deplorable infidel - 9 years ago
wow i like the place. how much did it cost you?
gokti cruz
gokti cruz - 9 years ago
been there! brown like wood filipino by blood
Ciella DC
Ciella DC - 9 years ago
Such a beautiful island! I would definitely go there someday!
Jerick Sazon
Jerick Sazon - 9 years ago
Aw I want too! crying emoticon
M Kerr
M Kerr - 9 years ago
It is real great to see someone else who is not afraid to go off the beaten path to see the real beauty of the Philippines!
Allan Miranda
Allan Miranda - 9 years ago
Well done, awesome video.

Been limiting myself to staying in and around El Nido just because it's so beautiful. A little tracked out though I'm finding.

Next May will be venturing into Busuanga and Coron. Can't wait.
No2TheNWO - 9 years ago
Such beautiful place indeed. As a fisherman I would not go fishing there. But thanks for sharing.
masic78 - 9 years ago
Excellent vid
dbxtekkie - 9 years ago
Thumbs Up Sherack City, showcasing the beauty of my home land :) We'be been to Puerto Princesa before, but haven't visit Coron... Pristine beaches with crystral clear water and very hospitable local people, What else you could ask for?.. :) did u used a Go Pro action cam here?
Marx Custorio
Marx Custorio - 9 years ago
Marc Drubbel
Marc Drubbel - 9 years ago
First of all, @Sherack City this video was great! Going on adventure with locals are the best experiences!

I've also made an video edit of my summer vacation in philippines. Also been in coron, have some amazing footage. Please watch, I would really appreciate it :)

Thanks! :)
The DmaCk
The DmaCk - 9 years ago
I'd give my left nut to live here in peace.
Mar Ryan Alfonso
Mar Ryan Alfonso - 9 years ago
Coron palawan is better ng maldives.
Nicole Lee
Nicole Lee - 9 years ago
take me with you the next time you'll visit coron... hahahha
Nicole Lee
Nicole Lee - 9 years ago
+Sherack City please get in touch with me next time you'll visit Coron... hehehe
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+John Lee maybe ;)
Rian ELF
Rian ELF - 9 years ago
Wow.. beautiful shots... someday I wish to visit Palawan islands. These are the moments when I wish I was born as a male.. It's safer to travel alone that way LOL! Kudos and I hope that you could enjoy the other islands too :)
Rian ELF
Rian ELF - 9 years ago
+Sherack City  Someday, when I have the luxury of time and money.. I am a Filipino from Davao but I've only been to Manila,Baguio, Bohol, Cebu, Cagayan de Oro, Boracay, Vigan and Ilocos but Palawan and Batanes are my ultimate goal in the near future... I am inspired by watching this video. Thanks for sharing :D 
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Arianne Spencer Palawan is amazing! i hope you get there one day :)
Anna Banana
Anna Banana - 9 years ago
wow this is awesome
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+ASMR Eating Cheers :)
j burggg
j burggg - 9 years ago
great video kuya
Phuvapat P
Phuvapat P - 9 years ago
you are so handsome mate. i'm not gay but i still do shit.
MGTOW PH - 7 years ago
Phuvapat P lmao gayyy
BJBDF - 9 years ago
+Phuvapat P
Kinda sounds like you are.
Michael Robert
Michael Robert - 9 years ago
Big Tank called it
World of Mouth
World of Mouth - 9 years ago
+Phuvapat P aint gay but his bf is
Jef Michael Kenneth Laza
Jef Michael Kenneth Laza - 9 years ago
+Phuvapat P wait your job is shit?! lol
crewcutter2030 - 9 years ago
Simple yet so much depth in it because we saw thru the eyes of people actually living there.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+crewcutter2030 Glad I could communicate that to you through this video!
My Travel Vanz
My Travel Vanz - 9 years ago
That was Awesome, loved your Channel just subbed you and hoping that you could check out my travel vids and possible Sub me back? hope we could colab if you don't mind!...Cheers!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+My Travel Vanz Thanks a lot! Maybe when I'm in the Filz next :0
My Travel Vanz
My Travel Vanz - 9 years ago
#971 amazing vids very good summary!..
Chef Rafi's Awesome World
Chef Rafi's Awesome World - 9 years ago
So beautiful. That's funny not going to school = speaking excellent English.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Kid Chef Indeed!
maverick perez
maverick perez - 9 years ago
mate try also visit dumaguete..many tourist spots here mate..
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+maverick perez It's on the list of places to visit!
Junjie Obando
Junjie Obando - 9 years ago
your awesome dude
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Junjie Obando You too Junjie :)
icyliciousblue - 9 years ago
Awesome man! the best part has got to be that Shipwreck accessible by just snorkeling! Makes me wanna pack my bag and fly to Coron!!
Keep these awesome vlogs coming in. just sub'd. Cheers!!!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+icyliciousblue Thanks!
Broxty - 9 years ago
Glad your parents could pay for it.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
Haha I can see how you would think that. As you probably don't know I've been busting my ass since the age of 15 working, my friend. My parents haven't given me a cent for travel however they do allow me to live in their house and I will say I'm lucky to live in Australia to earn good money, and that's something I don't take for granted. Here's a link to my resume .. Thanks for the comment, safe travels!
Thirdee Vargas
Thirdee Vargas - 9 years ago
I like your Video Bro....
I think it's time for me to Explore more the Philippines especially Coron Island.... Aside Exploring Europe or South America...
From Cebu, Philippines here! Also a traveler. :)
Matthew's Challenge
Matthew's Challenge - 9 years ago
I must say, i'm completely lunatic over your video, keep it up, you know how to have a good time.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
Cheers Matt! Safe travels :)
Darren Voo
Darren Voo - 9 years ago
Tot the title said bad is coron
not jeremy
not jeremy - 9 years ago
not jeremy
not jeremy - 9 years ago
congrats bro.! im from philippines but never been there.?
Dubsmash.Comedy - 9 years ago
Nigga you're like an egg
CDM-WEB.COM細川 シンチャ
CDM-WEB.COM細川 シンチャ - 9 years ago
Thanks for appreciating Philippines and thanks for showing this video, lot's of us including me don't know much of our country, it's a shame but it's true. I'll make a time and visit Coron in Palawan. Thanks again.
michael abao
michael abao - 9 years ago
you really enjoyed your time there huh?:)
sai 0314
sai 0314 - 9 years ago
beautiful pace..
mntyz - 9 years ago
Dude you forgot about the Safari refuge. We went to the Safari park on rented scooters, life time trip. This is on an island north of Coron, accessable by ferry once you have driven through the most awsome sites.
Chef Rafi's Awesome World
Chef Rafi's Awesome World - 9 years ago
Make a video about that too!
Adrian Mendoza
Adrian Mendoza - 9 years ago
Man this is amazing. I've been living in the Philippines my entire life and never got to enjoy such beauty. Might visit Coron soon and look for those guys.
Paolo giorgetti
Paolo giorgetti - 9 years ago
That was the best video I have ever seen on YouTube about travelling in the Philippines.
Paolo giorgetti
Paolo giorgetti - 9 years ago
+Sherack City your welcome sir!!!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
Thank you so much!
jack conrad
jack conrad - 9 years ago
nice from PH..enyoy for your stay her...
angelo leo
angelo leo - 9 years ago
It looks like you had a fantastic time, i come from Cyprus a small island in the Mediterranean. i traveled to Thailand and Bali multiple times and had similar amazing experiences.
loved your video and i hope you keep enjoying life.
Miss Davao
Miss Davao - 9 years ago
very beautiful Philippines amd your video is awesome.
Miss Davao
Miss Davao - 9 years ago
i thought you are the one on the video lol, i can't find you or don't know which is which hehe.
Oliver Banz
Oliver Banz - 9 years ago
your beauty is belong to that place add me on facebook oliverbanz :)
Pali Aha
Pali Aha - 9 years ago
You've SHOWN me so much! Thank you!
mad world
mad world - 9 years ago
i hope thats not a primark swimming boxer..
if so.. u better be shaming on u ;)
Nafeesah Tynetta
Nafeesah Tynetta - 9 years ago
How gorgeous! I love your words of wisdom at the end. Thanks for sharing.
Bittrex Tagalog
Bittrex Tagalog - 9 years ago
i subscribed!
Jason Singidas
Jason Singidas - 9 years ago
thank you for appreciating our country and having fun:-)
blessy joy Larida
blessy joy Larida - 9 years ago
nice video
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+blessy joy Larida Cheers!
Francisbelle Gonzaga
Francisbelle Gonzaga - 9 years ago from Philippines but never has a chance to go at Coron,Palawan
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Francisbelle Gonzaga Get on it!
Ping Guerero
Ping Guerero - 9 years ago
nice video...
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Edwin Taloza Thannks :)
Jack Ridge
Jack Ridge - 9 years ago
You found Nemo.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Joey Gonza I did indeed!
Rory Williams
Rory Williams - 9 years ago
Sick, DUDE !
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Rory Williams Cheers dude!
Alexandre VonSmith
Alexandre VonSmith - 9 years ago
i'll be in the Philippines with loved ones for this new year! inspiring video....and i like the background music bitch. mahal kita
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Alexandre VonSmith Haha thanks Alex! Love the name too. Safe travels!
C Dorma
C Dorma - 9 years ago
@SherackCity Your work is devalued by that shitty gangster rap in the background. Drop the black shit and let folks see the story.
C Dorma
C Dorma - 9 years ago
Your story is good but don't try to be something your are not. 
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+C Dorman I understand. There's a reason why I used the music - to really hit off my blog name of SherackCity (RackCity). I just had this made for my own fun and I never really thought the video would reach this many people. But Check out my new youtube video which is more calm and definitely less 'shit.' Safe travels dude!
Sanket Kohli
Sanket Kohli - 9 years ago
"COCK" fighting was Soooooo......Good :P
The Girl with the Red Hat
The Girl with the Red Hat - 9 years ago
the best place to go fishing is in coral island and we caught about 8 good size grouper which is what we call Lapu-lapu in the philippines
hocusfokusdotcom - 9 years ago
the soundtrack is a disservice to the footage you have. i could only handle about a minute.
Carlo Paguio
Carlo Paguio - 9 years ago
+Sherack City maybe you could try Millionyoung's songs. haha. Anyway, you a lone-traveler?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+hocusfokusdotcom I feel you! But check out my new Philippines video here, hopefully it's more tasteful and to your liking :) Safe travels!
ang gwapo mo pare!
gene rizze
gene rizze - 8 years ago
+Gerick Polo ewww hahaha
Veg Experiment
Veg Experiment - 9 years ago
+Gerick Polo fag
wjvkk Ffjkk
wjvkk Ffjkk - 9 years ago
Jef Michael Kenneth Laza
Jef Michael Kenneth Laza - 9 years ago
+TEE BLUE lol your profile is so ironic
+Janzel Bagano you are FREAK-JERK-LOW PROFILE-IDIOT...
Janzel Bagano
Janzel Bagano - 9 years ago
+Gerick Polo -Faggot
+TEE BLUE bakla na kung bakla...nag comment ka mas bakla ka!
TEE BLUE - 9 years ago
+Gerick Polo bakla
Englishman in Malta
Englishman in Malta - 9 years ago
Thanks , nice vid, and very good clear quality , love the shots scuba diving
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+steve tarros Thanks Steve!
1997wolverine - 9 years ago
Was he hitting on an Indonesian Indica at 3:25?
rasile ya-aya
rasile ya-aya - 9 years ago
awesome video bro, i was there in 2013 and i'm definitely coming back.
Vinz Lopez
Vinz Lopez - 9 years ago
thanks for liking the philippines that much. i like the people too :)
Smooth Criminal
Smooth Criminal - 9 years ago
Man oh man! That's awesome! I wanna be there!
joel750 - 9 years ago
The philippines is a poor excuse of a is mired with corruption fraud and everyone's in on the take! Practically everyone's trying to "One-Up" each other and most filipinos are simpletons. This "USED TO BE"a good country but that was 70 years ago but take a good look at it now: it's congested way way overpopulated and people are so gullible that they're following the Roman Catholic Church / playing as lap dog for them that they don't even know or see that it's meddling with their personal lives! I used to live here but I thank GOD I got out of this wretched and CURSED country and moved to another here in Europe. I'll never back there again because of the weather and the people's mentality.
joel750 - 9 years ago
+Stephanie St.Benedict Fine....Have a Great day.
Stephanie SC
Stephanie SC - 9 years ago
+joel750 Goodluck and nice chatting with you. You have your opinions and I have mine. Let's just leave it that way.
joel750 - 9 years ago
+Stephanie St.Benedict Why did you ever say that I'm full of hate!? Where did you get that!? All i'm saying is what's WRONG with Filipino society and I said this so we can tackle the root of the problem mainly MASS CORRUPTION. What does the topi of corruption have to do with hate!? You're not making any sense here...
Stephanie SC
Stephanie SC - 9 years ago
+joel750 let me ask you something? Do you really want to live the rest of your golden years with FULL OF HATE? Life is short buddy, enjoy it! Love instead of hate.
joel750 - 9 years ago
+Stephanie St.Benedict I'm already past that sweetheart because i'm now retired and now the US Government is paying through all those years that i paid my taxes for + FREE Medicare + Cellphone and I also get free food every month through a pantry subsidized by the government & FREE Section 8 Housing as well so what you're saying about those white people does NOT apply to me. And most of those white people you're talking about are UNEDUCATED and spoiled...they don't want to put out the time effort and training to get better jobs but NOT ALL white people are like that. You get the worst of humanity because you were on the East Coast well I'm from the West Coast were the people are not so cold hearted. You can keep your East coast I'm staying where the sun rises .
Stephanie SC
Stephanie SC - 9 years ago
+ecf08 pay him no mind....he's Mom dropped him when he was just a baby, shook his brain pretty!
Stephanie SC
Stephanie SC - 9 years ago
+joel750 I once lived in America ( East Coast ), and boy let me tell you.... Caucasians are on the highest rate on unemployment and the funny thing about it is....the workers that helping them out to get a job , process their paperworks are FILIPINOS. I knw because my Sister is a case worker for some of the lazy Americans that doesn't want to take odd jobs unless it's a desk job....sits their all day and get fat? Please, I have seen the darkest side of United States.....from human trafficking, prostitutions, drugs, corruptions. You sitting their and act like your shit don't stink. Save yourself from further embarrassment here on Youtube.
Stephanie SC
Stephanie SC - 9 years ago
+joel750 You must have had a bad experienced there, if you did. I'm sorry...
Stephanie SC
Stephanie SC - 9 years ago
+joel750 I'm not in Philippines anymore....I'm here in London taking my final course ( civil engineering ).
joel750 - 9 years ago
+Stephanie St.Benedict I can't be poor because I live here in the United States! I'm saying that your Philippines is poor and corrupt because IT IS! As a matter of fact, your Philippines is SO CORRUPT that the United Nations gave your country a DIRE WARNING that you're IN DANGER of losing your Membership seat in the United Nations IF you don't tone down on your government's corruption charges! As you know that in the event you lost your membership seat? NO COUNTRY would trade from you again meaning your beloved FAILippines will go back to the stone age, when you people believe in Anitos and other "Lamang-Lupa". I was poor when I was there 29 years ago but I'm here now in the U.S. and Retired. Good luck with your FAILippines! XD
Stephanie SC
Stephanie SC - 9 years ago
forever love
forever love - 9 years ago
,,i,, (-.-)
joel750 - 9 years ago
+ecf08 Who gives a crap on what you say!? Keep it all to yourself and you can shove that FAILippines your ass up to your throat. You what would be fun to watch? Is that FAILippines be NUKED and it's indigenous inhabitants be ALL WIPED OUT....including your family. Now THAT would be HILARIOUS!!!! XD LOL!!!
joel750 - 9 years ago
+ecf08 Stay on one of the the MOST CORRUPT Countries on the face of this earth because I don't even know what you're proud of. "Pinoy Pride"...REALLY!!?? What are you exactly proud of? 
ecf08 - 9 years ago
+joel750 I guarantee you, I've seen the world more than you....of course, you're definition of rich is having car, smartphone and food to eat even if you have put all that through debt. I pity you ... by the way, i have all the things that you dream of. I just looked life smartly (not that you have the that trait)...
joel750 - 9 years ago
+ecf08 Don't bother because I know MORE than you what claim. Me and my family have seen the world and although it MAYBE Corrupt? At the least they what they're doing and that's why their Countries are 1st world from the United States to Europe. I would leave that wretched & CURSED FAILippines of yours and go settle somewhere else because your life there as a failipino is basically WORTHLESS specially if you're poorer than rats in the sewer....
ecf08 - 9 years ago
+joel750 if I tell you the corrupt system of the western world(or even whole world), it would do me no good because you're brain activity is would be an equivalent of me explaining to a ground squirrel why the sky is blue !
joel750 - 9 years ago
+ecf08 Sa iyo na yang Pilipinas dahil ISINUMPA ang Bansang yan. Tanga na lang ang naninirahan dyan dahil WALANG ASENSO at ang mga nakatira dyan ay mga BUSABOS dahil sila-sila ay naglolokohan. O ano ang nangyari doon sa Fertilizer fund scam scheme na bilyun-bilyon ang nawalang parang bula: May nakulong ba? May nanagot ba!?  Kita mo na: Eh yan lang isang halimbawa ...walang makasagot! Ibig sabihin: Ang mga Pinoy ay CORRUPT mga magnanakaw mga Manloloko mga Sinungaling mga Mandarambong mga Mang-gagancho mga Estafador! Kuwidaw ka: Nagsisimba pa raw tuwing Linggo at lumalakad pa nang paluhod sa Quiapo at buong araw pa daw kung magdasal...pero Mandurugas din naman! MGA H I P O K R I T O! Tulad din ng Simbahang katoliko ninyo na NILOLOKO LANG KAYO.     XD LOL!!!
ecf08 - 9 years ago
+joel750 Kala mo lang na hindi ka IDIOT pero IDIOT ka......bakit umiiyak ka na ba...may God..kaya walang asenso pilipino hindi dahil sa pinagsasabi mo...dahil ito sa mga taong katulad mo ! What makes you think I did'nt grow up in God are you 12 year old kid? I hope you are otherwise you are hopeless !!!
joel750 - 9 years ago
+ecf08 Well at least I'm NOT an Idiot like you. I GREW UP in the Philippines and I ALSO speak their language so don't be an Idiot pretending you care when you have no clue on what you're talking about Gago ka pala eh! Tiyakin mo MUNA yang pinagsasabi mo bago ka manghusga.....GAGO!
ecf08 - 9 years ago
+joel750 have no concept of corrupt nor comprehend it. You dont think the western world is corrupt? LOL
ecf08 - 9 years ago
+joel750 you are more moronic than I anticipated...I just told you the only thing you are right is about the catholic church. Does'nt that give you a clue than I dont believe in any religion...So you do admit you are DELUDED...Truth? You're truth is twisted and you have no concept of it eventhough you think you have !
gene rizze
gene rizze - 9 years ago
+joel750 corrupt thats true.. but i am a positive guy.. and your a crab one
joel750 - 9 years ago
+gene rizze Can't face the truth on how CORRUPT your Failippines......can we!?
joel750 - 9 years ago
+ecf08 Deluded or NOT, The truth will ALWAYS win in the end. QUIT believing that DEMONIC Roman Catholic Church because it was Satan who established it.
gene rizze
gene rizze - 9 years ago
+joel750 attention whore hahahahha get a life bitch
ecf08 - 9 years ago
+joel750 you are one of the most deluded individual I've come across. and the worst thing is you think you have it right. The truth is you only have one thing right: the corrupt Catholic church and why we filipino fall for that trap.
Philippines - Darrell Cheeks
Philippines - Darrell Cheeks - 9 years ago
Great video - I love living in the Philippines !
LB Carl
LB Carl - 9 years ago
I'm just curious about those local people living in nipa houses closer to the beach. Do they have a proper sewage system in order to protect that beautiful ocean? Hopefully, it's not the same as the gross people living in a squatter area by the Pasig River.
atom .bomb
atom .bomb - 7 years ago
don't worry. you'd be surprised to know they are more concerned with their surroundings than you do. besides, feces isn't as gross as what you think it is, nature has been recycling it for billions of years
joel750 - 8 years ago
+Holo 5ama XD LOL!!! Nice one....
Exarion - 8 years ago
i bet you were surrendered to customs as a child
joel750 - 8 years ago
+AbuGadingDung (YAWN).....
AbuGadingDung - 8 years ago
I doubt it you don't even have a professionalism in your damn manners. It seems your level is lower than the mexican people there working on a dirty jobs.
joel750 - 8 years ago
+AbuGadingDung I worked for the US Federal Government for 30 years so try again. You can call me every name in the book but the least, I'm not dirt poor like most of you in your pathetic island nation. Say, WHAT EXACTLY are you "PROUD OF" as FAILipinos!? Do you have anything tangible to show for on why you're so proud!?
AbuGadingDung - 8 years ago
i'm not a dumbhead as you are which you need to move out from your country just to uplift yourself, you are nothing but a leech looking for a good host to live. Bec. simply you are a dumbass. Maybe cguro trabaho mo dyan kundi gasoline boy isa ka lang utusan ng mga puti dyan
joel750 - 8 years ago
+AbuGadingDung XD LOL! Jealous much!?
AbuGadingDung - 8 years ago
ok good for you, be proud of it dickhead...
joel750 - 8 years ago
+AbuGadingDung Oh Yeah! Are you even kidding me!? US Citizen, now getting a handsome pension after 30 years of working and paying taxes until the day I die, Own my own house & it's fully paid I'm Retired with no debts and everything is payed for, Single never been married, no kids no wife, NO stress or worries, I can and go whenever it please me, I ride my motorcycle wherever it pleases me and go to other States. I have excellent credit and I can buy myself anything In want with mere signature. Most men WOULD KILL to have life like mine...I wouldn't have all of this if I were thee in the Philippines.
AbuGadingDung - 8 years ago
Bless you hoping you had find peace on your new country...
joel750 - 8 years ago
+AbuGadingDung You're the SHIT HEAD and I just sold you out! XD LOL!
AbuGadingDung - 8 years ago
then good for you, live in peace there and forget where you came from. it just stresses you out and it makes you more a shit head.
joel750 - 8 years ago
+AbuGadingDung Pity me all you want...I'm not on that cursed country anymore for I left that piss poor place 30 years ago and I'm now living in America which is a much much much better place, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :) Everything in that Philippines is pretty much backwards: The politicians ARE the comedians while the movie stars ARE the ones actually doing the politics Most people are gullible idiots to that DEMONIC Roman Catholic Church CRAP and most of them are dumb as a door knob, They don't use common sense (NO family planning / NO contraceptives / condoms)so they reproduce like rabbits on which they don't have the proper education or means of livelihood and they 7 + children which they cannot provide adequate means of supporting it so they complain that they're poorer than rats in a's everyone's fault but theirs! Some of them are so poor that they live in cemeteries designed for the dead...You really think that this is the mark of a good and wise culture? Really Dude!!??? Are you really serious bro!?
AbuGadingDung - 8 years ago
I pity you on your ordeal DUMBASS...
joel750 - 8 years ago
+AbuGadingDung So what's so wrong for calling it in and telling the truth?...Your head is also buried in the sand and just ignore what is wrong and kick the can down the road HOPING that someone else would take notice and would fix the problem!? This is my issue with Filipinos: You asks them WHAT EXACTLY are they proud of which they can't provide a specific answer and they don't have anything substantial to show you! They're LOUD MOUTHS bragging about things they wish they have. I WAS like that 30 years ago but I got wiser and I completely shunned them for everyone who betrayed me growing up are mostly Filipinos so you can't blame for hating them....
AbuGadingDung - 8 years ago
and he's talking about his own blood origin which makes him prove that he is right...tsktsk
joel750 - 8 years ago
+Darren Lee Shuo Yang The problerm is!? They do NOT want to admit HOW STUPID they really are! Ask them on WHAT EXACTLY are prod of? They can't really tell anything on why which tells you on how stupid they are.
joel750 - 8 years ago
+Darren Lee Shuo Yang Why do you think I call them up for it!? This is why i also left that cursed country, because everyone thinks they're the best but they're really not. Ask ANY pinoys on WHAT EXACTLY are they proud of and I'll bet you they don't have an answer. Most of them are FULL OF CRAP! XD
caburay - 8 years ago
I enjoyed your video of Palawan. It's really a beautiful scenery. I envy your unforgettable experience in exploring, and mingling with the residents of Coron. Thanks.
AbuGadingDung - 8 years ago
at least Pinoy from all walks of life are smart from the executive level down to chimay level. To compare it where you came from, just only having a good moral and right conduct wherein it was the lowest in every society.
joel750 - 8 years ago
+AbuGadingDung True and at the least IT IS Respectable and Honorable. Some of my friends where the recipients of their moms being domestic helper they graduated Magna- CymLaude and now Neurosurgeons and, Layers and politicians....
AbuGadingDung - 8 years ago
It is better to be a chimay than making a living by cooking a dead human fetus and serving them to their retard countrymen.
I shall return
I shall return - 8 years ago
+Vzb Tjl
In addition they all hack Filipino & American names so as not to identify them.
I shall return
I shall return - 8 years ago
My friend he Failed to respond in my last comment...they're many of them in my neighborhood. They used the Philippines to escape from their Commie Rules to go to the came from their mouth when I met them in the park. Instead of thanking the Philippines they came backfire on you Pinoy. It just tell what education & values these SHITCOM got from their mother country. Their common terms & descriptions of Pinoys " Failippines, Achay, Chimay etc." All names they want to call to assert their IGNORANCE. I hope the Philippine gov't. will ban all of these SHITCOM to enter the country. I'm glad the US position themselves in Palawan/ Coron like in this video cuz these Commies are creeping towards our islands.
AbuGadingDung - 8 years ago
joel is not a chinese name, or maybe he's a chinese trying to be a filipino... even himself he despise his retarded origin and pity on him.
I shall return
I shall return - 8 years ago
There you are MORON Chinese're caught in the act "your country". Your BRAIN is the same size with your eyes! IGNORANT Fucking Chinese use the Philippines to go to the US. Do you know there's many of you doing that? They're my neighbors but they have NO friends Jerk. Tell you what one Chinese doctor hang his Ass in my work cuz of his English & inability to adjust to the culture. Another Chinese doctor in my work for FIRED cuz his fucking ass was caught in his office fucking a white Ignorant Caucasian. Chinese Masters of the Hacking World....LOL!!!!
joel750 - 8 years ago
+Vzb Tjl And like I said: You're all Chimays and achays "trying hard" to make your Failippines a better but full of corruption and crab mentality people! Your country is a LAUGHING STOCK of the world! XD LOL!!!
I shall return
I shall return - 8 years ago
Joel is a fuckup Chinese went to Philippines by boat then use it to go to America. Hoy Garapal madami kayong ginawa nyan. Your tone is exactly the language of a Hopeless Chinese who hacked the name & culture of Filipinos. You're Ashmed of Filipino culture & yet you bought a property there. Go back to the Shebang Beijing Jerk. I'm also a Pinoy that live temporarily in Chicago. Try living in South side of Chicago & you will not go back to China with you Ass intact. Ulol!!!
I shall return
I shall return - 8 years ago
Your description of Filipinos is a SHITCOM description of us Pinoy. Go back to your shithole & spread your Commies ideology. I'm Pinoy reading your Commies/ comment from Chicago.
joel750 - 8 years ago
+Vzb Tjl Yeah that's true....FOR DOMESTIC HELPERS & proud to be a FAILipino! XD LOL!
I shall return
I shall return - 8 years ago
Yeah go Ahead toast it cuz many foreign companies hire many Filipinos than your kind MORON.
James914 - 8 years ago
+gene rizze yeah true
joel750 - 8 years ago
+AbuGadingDung XD LOL! youre too funny!!!
AbuGadingDung - 8 years ago
At least humans eat cooked clean food, compare it to the wild life swimming there eating nothing but living prey with their parasites. Unless you have been infected by this faggot + joel750 with his HIV.
Sabotahe De La Guardia
Sabotahe De La Guardia - 8 years ago
+AbuGadingDung good point :D
AbuGadingDung - 8 years ago
+LB Carl if a school of fish, turtles and gigantic whale sharks can pooh there and why not a few people?
joel750 - 8 years ago
+Jon Dyson True and great point. The Ocean is SO SALTY that it ATE the Titanic's metal hull bow stern and all and it's STILL corroding it to this day! Put ANY METAL under the ocean and the salt water is so corrosive that it would just eat up the metal...the only thing that saltwater cannot destroy is porcelain toilet bowls. 
Jon Dyson
Jon Dyson - 8 years ago
+LB Carl 10 people in huts are not going to "contaminate" the ocean. lol You are aware that fish do in fact shit in the ocean? haha
Brandon Dockery
Brandon Dockery - 8 years ago
+joel750 ahahaha that's funny
PACO MEDINA - 8 years ago
+iceman well said ..
PACO MEDINA - 8 years ago
+joel750 to bad joel
PACO MEDINA - 8 years ago
+Sherack City well said ..
joel750 - 8 years ago
+juan masipag It may not be but I'm just telling the awful truth about our country because like you, I CAME FROM THERE myself so I also have the right to criticize it to make it a better country
joel750 - 8 years ago
+Cj Cj I do understand on how you feel but i'm just a very cynical person by nature because this country has been like this since independence from the Spaniards about 120 years ago! And all that time? It's NOT getting any better and it's just getting WORSE each day that passes by.
Cj Cj
Cj Cj - 8 years ago
sorry, haven't finished. 

but the governent won't stay like that forever. people get old, things change, our people won't like how things are going and soon grow up, and other people stand and become an actual politician who want to change philippines for the better. it won't happen any time soon, but it will.

because people do want to change their government for better for they families and for their country. but they're too busy working to feed their families. but then their kids grow, and the kids of their kids grow, and this "pinoy pride" concept won't just be an idea of how we great we are, but it will become more of looking for each other.

thank you for your comments, but i still believe in philippines and it's people. i know they will not just stand by. 
Cj Cj
Cj Cj - 8 years ago
i'm sure pretty much all filipinos understand how corrupt and poor the government and country is. there are kids who grow up that will want to change that country, ofcourse the change of that country won't happen anytime soon. but it will because of people like you, people like me who understand the nature of that country and how much we would like it to be better for OUR people.

everyone will be proud of their country, you understand seeing as you live in america. and you insulting your own people you should understand how they're going to react. but i don't think they don't understand how corrupt and shit the government is.

buti t's 
joel750 - 8 years ago
+Cj Cj My main problem with the Philippines is not the people itself but their mentality state of mind their government and it's politicians. And honestly? I tried to help by sending aid , money equipment & goods 4 X and you know what happened!? NONE of the recipients on whom my aid was destined to go to did NOT GET IT because corrupt  government officials took it & confiscated it! And I'm not bragging about on what I accomplished but telling the people to GET OUT OF THAT CURSED COUNTRY because good will ever come out of that place! I was born and raised there and I left @ age 21 and went to Europe then to America THEN I really saw how backwards the Philippines is! What I told about this country is all true and I have the right to criticize it but most filipinos are onion skinned: too sensitive when you tel them the truth on what's wrong with things so they could fix it but no...these people love "kicking the can" down the road then PRAY TO GOD to fix it, which is the MOST IDIOTIC CRAP  I have heard! No wonder this country will be a Third World country for the long foreseeable future because of the people's BACKWARD state of mind: penny wise but a pound foolish!
Cj Cj
Cj Cj - 8 years ago
+joel750 mate, the problem with you is, yeah the phils is corrupt, the police and the government don't do shit, every knows that. and everyone understands that. But you're living all high and mighty, and yeah you all rich and shit, and you flaunt your money around cause you can. but you're complaining about phils on a youtube video then telling everyone how great you are?? fuck man you're so cool. wish i could be like you when i grow up.

there are good people out in the philippines, and there are people who try and make the country better, but it's hard. and people like you bitching about the country don't fucking help either aye. think about it for a sec before you get your money get to your head.
mate, you try fixing a country who was already corrupt to begin with, where selling drugs is easier than getting hard working money. where some people can't ESCAPE the corruption or the diseases because they're too poor, and they're living by with what they can.

also, with how they deal with their waste. there wouldn't be that many people living in each of those houses, shit and piss on a beach, where fish eat other fish's shit will be fucking fine to deal with. they won't be contracting diseases.

maybe you've seen filipinos work hard, yes you've worked hard yourself to obtain all those accomplishments you have. but you're shallow, and narrowminded. you don't understand how hard it is for people to get by in the philippines. you can call yourself filipino mate. but you wont be respect as one, because you don't understand Filipino community.

nothing will happen with me putting this comment on, but you complaining on youtube about the state of my country, thinking you've got it all figured out, your accomplishments and boasting about it to the rest of the filipinos on this youtube video. wow dude. you're awesome, keep it up lad.
joel750 - 8 years ago
+Rob Waller Right and let me know when Elvis gets here!? XD
Rob Waller
Rob Waller - 8 years ago
+joel750 Just try that and the US will kick your ass and show you who really is the boss , and oh btw China stuff is junk like Russian and if we cut of your head(communications) you are toast and we make you our bitch
pony lover
pony lover - 9 years ago
+LB Carl I think they shit in one another's hand bags lol
joel750 - 9 years ago
+Fino Deligero I guess they have no idea on how fertilizers are made.
Fino Deligero
Fino Deligero - 9 years ago
+LB Carl put the shit where the veges are planted ofc cover it with soil then you have a fertilizer... after that you got a healthy crops which the whole family could dine in.. isn't nature wonderful
iceman - 9 years ago
+clemente miranda AYUS AH NAKA CAPS LOCK PA LAHAT... demeaning? tuta ka yata nung nag comment eh,nilahat nya yung pag down sa Filipino,kung may galit kayo sa government  eh i focus nyo sa kanila pumunta kayo sa senate o sa house of representative para malaman yung sentimiento nyo..gago ka clemente baka naman tambay ka lang sa pinas.....
clemente miranda
clemente miranda - 9 years ago
joel750 - 9 years ago
+Potato King XD LOL!
Potato King
Potato King - 9 years ago
Ok good :DD And thankss since december pa to eh hahaha
joel750 - 9 years ago
+Potato King OK it.
Potato King
Potato King - 9 years ago
Oo alam ko yun Yung mga ignoranteng proud ng proud kahit wala naman ginawa pero hindi to yung tamang VIDEO na dapat pinag uusapan tong bagay na to... Isang foreigner na nag eenjoy tapos makikita nya yung video nya MGa pinoy kung ano ano pinaguusapan. Nakaka offend din at nakakahiya Kaya please lang tama na. wala naman din makukuwa dito
joel750 - 9 years ago
+Potato King Mabuti nga yung maraming basher dahil lalabas ang totoo na WALA naman talagsa tayong mga pinoy na ipagamamalaki so yung "Proud to be Pinoy"? Wala naman talaga tayong ipagmamalaki kungdi pagiging domestic helper Katulong at pagiging Alila sa ibang bansa!
Potato King
Potato King - 9 years ago
Pu tangina naman eh Parang mga bata tama na Joel tang ina wag kana  mag reply paka tanda mo. dito ka nag hahanap ng away Wala kaba isip. nakakahiya na sa uploader K ung mag rereply ka ng mag rereply mas dadami pa ang basher 
joel750 - 9 years ago
+Major Dilemma Kapatid...sinasabi ko lang ang MGA MALI sa ating Lipunan so we can focus and actually fix it. Hindi naman ako nanglalait kungdi nagbibigay tugon doon sa mga problema nating kailangang lutasinn kaagad! Ang hirap naman kasi sa atin eh puro lang naman tayo "Pinoy PRIDE" pero kapag tinanong mo: What EXACTLY are you proud of!? Tapos itong napasimpleng tanong eh hindi nila ito masagot tapos iinsultuhin at hahamakin ka pa because you're questioning their pride! Dapat po sana eh mayroon po tayong isasagot para naman hindi tayo mapapahiya.
Kimmy Konnor
Kimmy Konnor - 9 years ago
+iceman you stupid piece of shit.. joel is pinoy you idiot. Can't you see that he is just mad at how our government's fucking up every single one of us? And how our country will never be free of corruption? Hindi purkit nilalait tayo chinese agad ung nanlalait. ANG BOBO AMPUTA
joel750 - 9 years ago
+iceman XD LOL! Me Chinese!? Now I have heard it all.It's a Legitimate reason: What Are you "Proud" of being a Flip!? You can't give me an honest straight answer without insulting me which MEANT that you ARE a bunch of Idiotic Morons with NO Answer and you have NOTHING to brag or be proud about....ALL TALK and Bullshit but NO proof or answer! XD LOL!!!
iceman - 9 years ago
+joel750 what an ignorant chinese you are...dickless human being i've encounter in you tube,you are not Filipino alright,Filipino monkey ?you mean yellow monkey who eat almost anything from cockroach to fetus,love to knock your teeth out boy....
joel750 - 9 years ago
+iceman Tell me something pal: what exactly are you "proud" of being a Filipino monkey!? What have you done specifically that the world took notice that made you proud!? Filipinos are great being domestic helpers and "katulongs" and the MOST CORRUPT of all the southeast Asian people! You're really proud of this fact!?
iceman - 9 years ago
+joel750 crab mentality malamang taga norte ka....kupal
iceman - 9 years ago
+joel750 you wish.....can't even fight..your kung fu is useless in real fight coz there is no wire to hung you the why don't you just sit and eat some fetus...
iceman - 9 years ago
+joel750 ok i try ....i think your chinese? hows that?
joel750 - 9 years ago
+Major Dilemma All I really wanted for OUR people is to WAKE UP and wise up but unfortunately, even this is a Tall order!  Filipinos in the Philippines are mostly penny wise but a dollar foolish: They never consider whose the right candidate to help them because they only focus on the money those politicians will give them in exchange for their votes, also called "Vote Buying". They do not understand that who they vote today will reverberate in the future of their country but they're only focusing on the now. Stupid people = STUPID COUNTRY!
Kimmy Konnor
Kimmy Konnor - 9 years ago
+joel750 i feel you brother.. its pointless to argue with stupid people actually. WAKE UP KAPWA PINOYS! THE GOVERNMENT IS FUCKING THE PEOPLE UP AND PEOPLE DON'T DO SHIT. Stupid voters are the ones to be blamed if you ask me. Stupid MASA voters.. they choose politicians who look good on tv. Thats it. If you're a celebrity, its done. You get all the votes. FUCKED UP PEOPLE FUCKED UP SYSTEM
Potato King
Potato King - 9 years ago
Pwede ba tama na tangina para kayong mga bata eh! tatanda nyo na dito nyo pa pinagmamalaki mga ntapos nyo. Npaka off topic sa video at nakakahiya kayo  Wag na mag reply plz
joel750 - 9 years ago
+con2829's not about Humility but BEING REAL: You KNOW we have a lot of "Screw-Ups" and things that needs fixing...why not fix them!? My point is calling all the bad stuff so the proper authorities would pay close attention to it enough for them to fix it. But i have very little faith to the Philippine Government because they're ALL TALK but little to none would be taken into action to fix things. You can pity all you want and even insult me until you're blue in the face....but the problems WILL ALWAYS BE THERE until someone or the government itself fixes it....which I HIGHLY Doubt...
con2829 - 9 years ago
+joel750 i do understand what your saying, but like you said you are intelligent, worked hard for what you have. yet for all of those things that you achieved you haven't learned Humility. im a Filipino, and i admit our country has a lot of screw up...and accept this, the only diff. between you and me is when people say that my country is 3rd world this is my reply " My country is first class, the only 3rd world level is the politician" change is coming,more Filipinos are now opening up their mind...and by the way im a Aeronautical engineer, currently serving. im not angry at you, i just pity you. with all that knowledge you have you stayed ignorant.
joel750 - 9 years ago
+juan masipag You misread what I stated: I SAID I came from there BUT i will NOT come back UNTIL everything is fixed which I doubt
joel750 - 9 years ago
+Potato King Akam ko kaibigan pero ang Politiko NGA ang Puno't Dulo ng lahat ng problema ng Pilipinas eh! I'm just calling attention para naman matugunan at mabigyan  natin ito ng pansin at para ito ay maayos na rin at malihis ang landas ng mga kapwa Pinoy para sa magandang bukas ng Pilipinas. Magaling at mayabang lang naman tayong mga pinoy eh: And lalakas magsalita pero anong pruweba mo!? Kanya nga lagi tayong nababansagang mga "TIGAS-TITE" lang dahil puro tayo satsat na lang imbes na ipakita natin sa gawa!
Potato King
Potato King - 9 years ago
+joel750 Pwede ba. Alam naman na may mali eh. Isa nga tayo sa mga bansa na fastest growing economy. at may tamang lugar dyan hindi dito sa Vlog nya na ang ganda at positive nung video ninenegative mo. Tingnan mo kahit sya oh parang nabastos na nag comment rin. Dun ka mag comment sa mga political videos hindi dito sa mga Foreigners na ineenjoy ang mga magagandang beach,islands natin. Thank you
ecf08 - 9 years ago
+Sherack City showing "joel750 he is stupid" IS productive !
joel750 - 9 years ago
+stutam Dude...I CAME FROM THERE: Born and raised there and I left @ 21 years of age and went to America. I cannot oppress my former country because it was good to me but my concern is the current state of it right now because every country around this island nation is leaving this country in the dust!
Marie Elle
Marie Elle - 9 years ago
+joel750 dude, we get it you hate the Philippines. Just be glad you're not here then.
joel750 - 9 years ago
+YYC403NOYP Well...that's when you're wrong! I bought several properties there in the Philippines and right now, everything is PAID FOR ALL rented and accumulating wealth. You didn't really think that I didn't get this covered don't you!? This is the big difference between a Native Filipino from a Thinking Filipino: We got all the bases covered even before you thought of it. And right now? I'm living ON A PENSION from the Government through all those years I paid taxes, and now now Uncle Sam is paying me back. Those properties I mentioned, i bought 30 years ago so now If I go back there in the Philippines, I'm going to live like a king! And there's no way I'm staying here and end up in a nursing home...uh-uh...NOT gonna happen! 
YYC403NOYP - 9 years ago
+joel750 And when you get old you end up in a retirement home alone and barely visited by your relatives cuz they're busy working two jobs. Right? That's a REALITY in NORTH AMERICA.
YYC403NOYP - 9 years ago
+joel750 MAKAPILI
joel750 - 9 years ago
joel750 - 9 years ago
+ecf08 Whatever....And let me know when Elvis gets here?
ecf08 - 9 years ago
+joel750 oh thanks..please dont come back in PI and stay there where I am pretty sure you are a second class citizen LOL.....dont worry about corruption here. worry about corruption since you live there LOL....The only delusional is are a pawn in the system of capitalism ! Stay DELUDED my friend ! LOL
joel750 - 9 years ago
+ecf08 Count it and yeah...Keep your FAILippines, we don't want it nor have any intentions of ever coming back there....I'm PRACTICAL and I'll stick to stuff that actually works instead of living in a place that your life is basically WORTHLESS with no chance of ever progressing and it's very own government is the one oppressing it's citizens.BTW, you still haven't answered me on whatever happened to the billions of pesos MISSING on that fertilizer fund scam scheme...did anyone got prosecuted and went to prison for it!? This PROVES how really delusional failipinos are when they can't even answer one question! XD
ecf08 - 9 years ago
+joel750 I was not born yesterday and its funny you explaining stocks to me LOL...I bet that 50% of what you said is un-true but think maganda buhay mo diyan working like that? Obviously again you are are a pawn in the system...Happiness is a relative for a lot of people...You call yourself happy having material things and probably mostly on are talking to a guy working in silicon valley in california(get a hint) so youre concept of maganda buhay is shallow and materialistic...I ve been there and done that...One thing is sure...You are deluded and does not understand the concept of how the world works..Its best that wag ka na bumalik ng pinas...its better for pinas not having you there LOL
joel750 - 9 years ago
+ecf08 Simple lang: We immigrated here Legally, we worked then studied then applied what we learned, we put our money in investments like buying corporation stocks like Apple Hewlett packard and some other computer companies. Then yoong stocks na binili namin ay nag-''Split'' meaning dumoble ang halaga. Then yung itinubo noong stocks, pinambili namin ng bahay. Then we worked some more tapos bumili kami ng kotse isa lang noong una ngayon ay apat na. dati isang bahay lang kami pero ngayon because of good strategy in investing, naging apat na ang bahay namin. Maginhawa at maaliwalas ang buhay namin dito sa ibang bansa...hindi na kami nagugutom na parang mga hayop na hindi pinapakain. We can eat pretty much anything we want mula baboy baka manok na kahit anong luto tapos napapaligiran pa kami ng mga Pilipino restaurants dito from Max to Jollibee to Barrio Fiesta.At marami kaming mga kapwa pinoy na mga kapitbahay. Sa tingin mo kaya, giginhawa ba ang buhay namin ng ganito kapag nandyan kami sa pilipinas!?....Secured na kami dito sa ibang bansa and we can speak their language ano pa ang uuwian namin dyan!?
ecf08 - 9 years ago
+joel750 LOL...paano naging maganda buhay mo dyan? let us hear it? LOL
joel750 - 9 years ago
+gene rizze Eh Hangal ka  pala eh! dyan ka na lang sa Pilipinas dahil dyan ka mabubulok. Nasa ibang bansa na po kami at maganda ang aming mga buhay dito at hindi po kami mga Dugong BUSABOS tulad po ninyong mga Hangal na pinoy! Ikaw yata ang BAKLA di to eh! Good luck na lang po sa inyong mga HANGAL na PEEnoy! XD LOL!!!
gene rizze
gene rizze - 9 years ago
+joel750 hahahaha e gago ka ehh.. dapat sayu mamatay isa kang cancer hahahahah bakla.. if d mo gusto tong bansa nato.. e pumunta ka sa china dun ka manirahan.. gago.. bakla
joel750 - 9 years ago
+gene rizze Masahol na KUNG Masahol...At least nagsasabi ako ng totoo na may mali sa bansang Pilipinas. Ang hirap kasi sa inyong mga kapwa pinoy eh, AYAW  ninyong Tanggaping may mali at kailangang I-Address at lutasin ang problema! Pero wala yatang gustong tumulong na lutasin...Yung Fertilizer Fund Scam na BILYONG BILYONG PISO and halaga, O nasaan na!? May nalagot O nakulong ba!? Sinong ang kumuha at nagbulsa ng pera? Kita mo na..hindi mo rin masagot! Yung katakut-takot na trapik sa metro manila, yung nilagay ninyong tao na dapat ay lutasin ang problem...nalutas ba niya!? Yan hirap sa inyong mga Pinoy..."Kick the can down the right the road" at bahala na kung sino ang makakalutas imbes na ayusin na ngayon habang may panahon at pinang-bubukas pa! Kanya nga WALANG ASENSO talaga ang Pilipinas eh! Hindi nyo ba alam na PINAGTATAWANAN NA KAYO sa buong Global Community dahil sa sobrang corruption ang bansa ninyo!?
gene rizze
gene rizze - 9 years ago
+joel750 masakit no.. ung mga taong ikinahihiya ang bansa nila .. ay mas masahol pa sa mga ungoy na taga malacanang hahaha
gene rizze
gene rizze - 9 years ago
+joel750 hahahah gago...crab alam moba bakit d umuusbong ang pinas dahil sa mga kagaya mong crab.. e mas masahol kapa sa ungoy na taga malacanang ehh.. pinupush down mo ang Ph .. gago ka... wag kanang bumalik sa pinas alam kung corrupt ang pinas ... peru hinde ako gago katulad mo... bakla hahaha
Brian McGovern
Brian McGovern - 9 years ago
Sherack City - Hey I am going to Coron in February for 8 days! Any suggestions which the websites don't suggest?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Brian McGovern Honestly I just turned up there and figured it out! Do diving if you can, do a tour of Coron Island, try some Balut ;) Also go to the hot springs at night! Great way to end the day.
solukhumbu911 - 9 years ago
great video but poor choice of music. not in vibe with the setting
unlimitedwealth1 - 9 years ago
I would have enjoyed a trip like that.
maria malaguena
maria malaguena - 9 years ago
You were very fortunate to experience all of that. I can only imagine how it looked in person. One day I would love to visit that part of the Philippines, but for now, all I can do is admire this video.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+maria malaguena I hope one day you can make it there! Safe travels :)
Marcin Zabinski Filmmaking
Marcin Zabinski Filmmaking - 9 years ago
like your different style!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Travel-Dronie Cheers man! I like your drone vids. i'd love to get into using them.
canopypilot - 9 years ago
Hey, nice video great that your traveling and seeing life. Can I offer a bit of advice choose your music based on whats going on the back ground music is distracting. Maybe use the instrumental parts where you speaking. i kept finding myself listening to Rack city bitch. I see that its your thing but your video stands on its own you don't need the music to take over .. IMHO ...
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+canopypilot I'd agree with that :) Check out my new video - Let's see what you think of that !!
Dave Mabry
Dave Mabry - 9 years ago
Awesome, thanks for sharing, and the music was not all that bad:) I plan on visiting Palawan this Jan. Last Jan I visited Boracay which is pretty cool in a different way. New subscriber here !
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Dave Mabry Thanks so much Dave! Safe travels!
Melo Dy717
Melo Dy717 - 9 years ago
@Sherack City
oh wow!! you made
a great video that
make me proud
my country.
keep going dude
& stay safe..
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Melo Dy717 Thanks for the kind words!! LIkewise, travel and stay safe!
Nitro615plays - 9 years ago
loic travel
loic travel - 9 years ago
fucking great video
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+loic brun Cheers mate :D
Fusion Exotics
Fusion Exotics - 9 years ago
Karl BHX
Karl BHX - 9 years ago
whats with the nauseating and repititious background music ...totally distarcts from an otherwise interesting upload...beautiful scenery and a good narrative is ENOUGH ...peace
Pali Aha
Pali Aha - 9 years ago
+Sherack City
AND you're open minded!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Karl BHX Upon reflection i'd agree with this!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
Hey guys! Check out my new Philippines video here:

Safe travelling!
Guoko Haram
Guoko Haram - 8 years ago
being gay is being sicked
ahmed alireza
ahmed alireza - 8 years ago
ok mandy i wont go there
mandy habel
mandy habel - 8 years ago
ahmed alireza please don't go here we don't like a terror from Middle east scary
Harold Bulacito
Harold Bulacito - 8 years ago
I shall return they are such a judgemental person gays are not bad because gay is good person in Philippines in America gay here look like a real man at least we Filipino are good person and gay is way better than guys because guys are pervert they rape or they fuck stranger
brettjern05 - 8 years ago
+Vzb Tjl u r beyond dumb
Slippery Gypsy
Slippery Gypsy - 8 years ago
puts cocks in wrong hole yeah smart
I shall return
I shall return - 8 years ago
+ahmed alireza
you're just one Damn hopeless Moron/ Muslim/ Chinese/ whatever...Gays are the smartest in the world.
TEE BLUE - 8 years ago
+Roberta Rodriguez am talking about bohol, not coron,the one showed at this video, 2 different city both in philippines
TEE BLUE - 8 years ago
+Dodi Panganiban just because we pinoys have freedom does not mean we should stick something up our ass ... hahahahaha
Deo Panganiban
Deo Panganiban - 8 years ago
+ahmed alireza I guess, people here are MORE FREE to be themselves than in other other countries where gays are discriminated or killed for who they are. I assume there are no gays in your country, or maybe there are, but they are just afraid.
ahmed alireza
ahmed alireza - 8 years ago
yeah it is sad that some of our folks look to them perverts......a very large percentage of philipinops are gay...i wonder why that is....must be hereditary.
Deo Panganiban
Deo Panganiban - 8 years ago
+ahmed alireza sorry but your countrymen look for them gays..
Deo Panganiban
Deo Panganiban - 8 years ago
+ahmed alireza sorry but your countrymen look for them gays..
ahmed alireza
ahmed alireza - 8 years ago
+Sherack City sorry dude but i domt like the philipines cos it smells and the chicks all look the same also too many gays....too many
Ojoj Rallituc
Ojoj Rallituc - 9 years ago
nice one...
jograd08 - 9 years ago
where can i find a boatman guide like yours in coron?
Roberta Rodriguez
Roberta Rodriguez - 9 years ago
+TEE BLUE why the videos seems very enticing to travelers? tell us your story
TEE BLUE - 9 years ago
+Deey Lun bohol is a dump
Khyle Dominguez
Khyle Dominguez - 9 years ago
+Sherack City You Should Visit Bohol too its so Beautiful I Visit Bohol Last November 14.
Dayana Martinez
Dayana Martinez - 9 years ago
hey i was wondering what kind of camera were you using?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Dayana Martinez Sony nex 5r and Gopro hero4 Black!!!
Franklin rioveros
Franklin rioveros - 9 years ago
nice :) supah like bro !
Ralph Elorta
Ralph Elorta - 9 years ago
Wow you appreciate the place of coron thank you for visiting us!
Rod Jacinto
Rod Jacinto - 9 years ago
Sherack when are going to visit palawan again.. you look great in there! Thanks for promoting Palawan, i live in this island
elnidofan - 9 years ago
Enjoyed it.
Albert Garcia
Albert Garcia - 9 years ago
Feel sorry to these places, soon, all of these are dirty and spoilt. Filipinos only care about their selves and their family, no one give a shit on their environment.
Albert Garcia
Albert Garcia - 9 years ago
+Sherack City Bitch -- I know this is paradise because I grew up in there, you should see that place 25 years ago, and and you can say that place is an Eden.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Albert Garcia I asked Barako if there were lobsters around and he said 'Yes.' I asked him if he could catch one for me and he told me he would not as he wanted to 'preserve them for future generations.' But I hope this place does not become dirty, it is truly paradise.
Wayan Suprasta
Wayan Suprasta - 9 years ago
super kamprret
Roxanne Valeriano
Roxanne Valeriano - 9 years ago
love it
Em Santos
Em Santos - 9 years ago
I dream of settling down in Coron.
Bobby D Cruze
Bobby D Cruze - 9 years ago
Please don't go there to places with lot's of NPA.
Aj Cyrill Dy
Aj Cyrill Dy - 8 years ago
why not? NPA is the side of Dutertw.
akitots m
akitots m - 9 years ago
beautiful! May I know what camera setup you are using in Coron?
akitots m
akitots m - 9 years ago
thanks! nice shots bro! really captured the beautiful sea water
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Akira MVI (Akira mvi) Sony Nex 5r and Gopro Black edition :)
Emilien Cheveux
Emilien Cheveux - 9 years ago
Waouw insane video. Really really good. 56k views, congratulations ! Keep going ! ;)
Abdulrahman AlJassar
Abdulrahman AlJassar - 9 years ago
hiii ,, do u have the grengo mobile number i wanna make this lovely trip ,, i really want to contact with him ,, btw great video ;)
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Abdulrahman AlJassar Unfortunately not. You'll literaly have to go to Coron town proper and ask random people on the street for him
Gio - 9 years ago
such a nice video
Honeymay Tisbe
Honeymay Tisbe - 9 years ago
wow sana makapunta ako dito.. I wish
Kaya _mre
Kaya _mre - 9 years ago
Holy crap I love the video :D lol Keep up the good work ! I sure have to check that place out someday ._.
Travel Gretl
Travel Gretl - 9 years ago
Couldn't agree more! Definately a beautiful, beautiful country :) Did some of the same spots you did :D Did not see the shipwrecks in Coron, or went to fish. Went for the thermocline, which was pretty weird actually! Loved it!
Travel Gretl
Travel Gretl - 9 years ago
+Travel Gretl You caught an amazing amount of fish by the way!
Myra Aragones
Myra Aragones - 9 years ago
I have been here for the last two days, and is as beautiful as you describe it, can everyone that comes to this places learn how to tip this people properly, specially Chinese and Korean tourist, they do not tip anyone, they are going out of their way to make your vacation special,don't be cheep please, thank you
Sa bayan ni Juan
Sa bayan ni Juan - 9 years ago
The provinces of the philippines has a lot of fun and nice places
Sa bayan ni Juan
Sa bayan ni Juan - 9 years ago
Would you like, to explore caves and falls in samar island.?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
It's on the list of places to see in the Philippines!
mike jones
mike jones - 9 years ago
great video man, really good editing and well done. im heading to the Philippians in January for a month. any tips or great place i cant live without seeing?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
Definitely do a tour of Coron Island, you van easily book this from Coron town proper. If you're really adventurous get a ferry boat over to El nido!
Jose Alberto Delos Santos Arias
Jose Alberto Delos Santos Arias - 9 years ago
increible hermano!!, que afortunado eres.
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
Gracias amigo!
llyrfe p
llyrfe p - 9 years ago
I've never been to Coron and I'm a Filipino... tsk... nice vid by the way... hope you enjoyed your visit here in the Philippines...
renegade camacho
renegade camacho - 9 years ago
renegade camacho
renegade camacho - 9 years ago
nice freind
Enrico Barcia
Enrico Barcia - 9 years ago
I've been to El Nido, Palawan but Coron looks promising as well.haha. Coron was next on my list untill I changed my mind to Cebu/Bohol. Great vid though. Good job mate!
Enrico Barcia
Enrico Barcia - 9 years ago
I've been to El Nido, Palawan but Coron looks promising as well.haha. Coron was next on my list untill I changed my mind to Cebu/Bohol. Great vid though. Good job mate!
Enrico Barcia
Enrico Barcia - 9 years ago
I've been to El Nido, Palawan but Coron looks promising as well.haha. Coron was next on my list untill I changed my mind to Cebu/Bohol. Great vid though. Good job mate!
Enrico Barcia
Enrico Barcia - 9 years ago
I've been to El Nido, Palawan but Coron looks promising as well.haha. Coron was next on my list untill I changed my mind to Cebu/Bohol. Great vid though. Good job mate!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
El nido, Cebu and Bohol are incredible Too! I loved them. Safe travels
Enrico Barcia
Enrico Barcia - 9 years ago
I've been to El Nido, Palawan but Coron looks promising as well.haha. Coron was next on my list untill I changed my mind to Cebu/Bohol. Great vid though. Good job mate!
Miyun Hong
Miyun Hong - 9 years ago
alex! my sister and I are heading there in 2 weeks - love your vlog, so excited. how are we able to find mr barako?
Michal Jankowski
Michal Jankowski - 9 years ago
+Miyun Hong same question ;)
Edwin Mendoza
Edwin Mendoza - 9 years ago
amazing coron
har mar
har mar - 9 years ago
what you feel when eat BALOT?
khrizandra barias
khrizandra barias - 9 years ago
I've been there last month. But unfortunately the weather was so bad that time. But still, I must say that Coron is one of the most wonderful places here in the Philippines. I will be back there next year for sure. You should also try other places here in the Philippines like Caramoan and Calaguas Island. You will definitely enjoy those places too. :)
Kenneth Gorres
Kenneth Gorres - 9 years ago
Hi there! next time you visit Phils. try Surigao. I like ur video so cool and it makes me wanna travel more.
cassiano medina
cassiano medina - 9 years ago
+Sherack City Bitch How to get Barako? Kindly type in the name of beach he lives. Thanks
Kenneth Gorres
Kenneth Gorres - 9 years ago
great! don"t miss the enchanted river, hinatuan falls, enchanted islands of sohoton and britania islets. Have fun!
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Kenneth Gorres I've put Surigao on the list! Thank you
Allan Joy  Nicolas
Allan Joy Nicolas - 9 years ago
Dude! this vid is soooo cool! I felt like I was also there in Coron... I need to check out this spot... thanx for sharing the video for us to enjoy... post some more vids...
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+Allan Joy Nicolas Without a doubt a must-see place
mark tabares
mark tabares - 9 years ago
hey what did you guys use for lures/bait?
Sherack City
Sherack City - 9 years ago
+mark tabares Hey ! We went trolling for tuna with hand-made flies. We also went fishing for smaller fish with squid.
Mina Mina Rama
Mina Mina Rama - 9 years ago

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