Fishing Tropical Islands in Search of Monster GT | Part 1 AMAZING Coral Trout LOST Giant Trevally

MorningTide Fishing Vlog trip with mates Briggsy and Jonny ft. Dennis Verreet (big YFT) and Boat Captain Ryan. We spent almost a week fishing tropical waters and island hopping in search of big GT's, and we found them! This video shows us travelling to meet up with Dennis, and Ryan before heading out to the islands. Arriving the first day with a few hours left before sun down, enough time for a fish session. No hooks ups on the heavy tackle, so switched to the light set up and it worked! Caught a few nice Coral Trout including a PB, before losing some bigger fish possible GT. This is only a warm up of what's to come next... Part 2 Coming in a week! To watch the POV of Briggsy and Jonny hit the links below Briggsy Jonny Dennis Verreet Thanks for watching legends!

Fishing Tropical Islands in Search of Monster GT | Part 1 AMAZING Coral Trout LOST Giant Trevally sentiment_very_dissatisfied 36

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 45,494 views

MorningTide Fishing Vlog trip with mates Briggsy and Jonny ft. Dennis Verreet (big YFT) and Boat Captain Ryan. We spent almost a week fishing tropical waters and island hopping in search of big GT's, and we found them! This video shows us travelling to meet up with Dennis, and Ryan before heading out to the islands. Arriving the first day with a few hours left before sun down, enough time for a fish session. No hooks ups on the heavy tackle, so switched to the light set up and it worked! Caught a few nice Coral Trout including a PB, before losing some bigger fish possible GT. This is only a warm up of what's to come next... Part 2 Coming in a week! To watch the POV of Briggsy and Jonny hit the links below Briggsy Jonny Dennis Verreet Thanks for watching legends!

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Most popular comments
for Fishing Tropical Islands in Search of Monster GT | Part 1 AMAZING Coral Trout LOST Giant Trevally

dassey dsouza 3D fishing
dassey dsouza 3D fishing - 7 years ago
So insane cavy the this in t flight ,that was a joke was it.
leo ll
leo ll - 7 years ago
Oi and Yeeeeeeew.............. are the only Australian words I need to know.
Ariff Affendi
Ariff Affendi - 7 years ago
cavyyy!! that handle need some oil.. weuuhhhhh!
Justice96 Red
Justice96 Red - 7 years ago
Bang on with the crows ,, lol
Gabriel Luongo
Gabriel Luongo - 7 years ago
5:51 "RAGNAR LOTHBROK!" I laughed so hard.
Shaufi Nasarudin
Shaufi Nasarudin - 7 years ago
What rod did U use to catch the trout ?
lazarus Rex
lazarus Rex - 7 years ago
Your light rig is as heavy as my heavy rig the difference in fresh water and salt is nuts
Herb Coswell The Second
Herb Coswell The Second - 7 years ago
Your a real tosser mate
Graeme Sharp
Graeme Sharp - 7 years ago
I don't understand how u don't have more subs. U deserve more for real

10. comment for Fishing Tropical Islands in Search of Monster GT | Part 1 AMAZING Coral Trout LOST Giant Trevally

Herb Coswell The Second
Herb Coswell The Second - 7 years ago
Do you lads fish with Brocka and Muttley?
Herb Coswell The Second
Herb Coswell The Second - 7 years ago
eric khawa
eric khawa - 7 years ago
That trout is beautiful
Clint Larvenz
Clint Larvenz - 7 years ago
I'll never figure out how some fish get their names... that coral trout is definitely in the bass/grouper family not a salmonid like most trout.
Clint Larvenz
Clint Larvenz - 7 years ago
Interesting, suppose that makes sense
Mark Hepworth
Mark Hepworth - 7 years ago
Clint Larvenz Got the name,because the spots are like a trout,brown trout especially. Not because they thought it was a trout.
Charlie Renwick
Charlie Renwick - 7 years ago
you seem like a bitch to fly with
Australian Fishing
Australian Fishing - 7 years ago
I knew u were gonna run the so run when u said there's been mackerel and tuna
NyMr11HD - 7 years ago
Why are you speaking so much german, hahaha? Sounds funny to me as a german. But as always sick video and stunning fish! ;D
Aussie M
Aussie M - 7 years ago
NyMr11HD did not hear one bit of German
Carter Cox
Carter Cox - 7 years ago
Oh this two big big fish snipped ya off! Ahh! Killing me...I know the feeling.
Fishing & Biodiversity
Fishing & Biodiversity - 7 years ago
Good Video man! :D
Byron Gardner
Byron Gardner - 7 years ago
Would you and the rest of the Morningtide crew do a great tech on Gloves and Shoes that you use on the rocks?
andrew jones
andrew jones - 7 years ago
Byron Gardner great comment, been thinking the same thing
TheHookandTheCook - 7 years ago
Great clip good work The Boys from The Hook and The Cook

20. comment for Fishing Tropical Islands in Search of Monster GT | Part 1 AMAZING Coral Trout LOST Giant Trevally

chris lawes
chris lawes - 7 years ago
Haha ragnar lothbrok
WiKiD15 - 7 years ago
`"Was it big??"
"Well it was Colourfull"
Briggsy - 7 years ago
Hi Mate, we've got enough footage for the next 10-14 months for Morningtide youtube (takes about 2 months per film), so this is a way to get you guys more content way quicker while you wait for the Morningtdie films.
Owen Jeffery
Owen Jeffery - 7 years ago
hey man, what was your light set up you were using
Josh Koenigsmann
Josh Koenigsmann - 7 years ago
What's GT?
P Vo
P Vo - 7 years ago
Can you tell me what rod cases you guys are using to ship your rods? Thank you!
Cory Collins
Cory Collins - 7 years ago
Where you guys at?
Christopher 95
Christopher 95 - 7 years ago
Gute nacht mein freund:)
Brad Colby
Brad Colby - 7 years ago
What gloves do you use Cavy?
jonnywaselectric - 7 years ago
I'm meant to be packing my bags, Cavy holding a Honker trout, the bags can wait

30. comment for Fishing Tropical Islands in Search of Monster GT | Part 1 AMAZING Coral Trout LOST Giant Trevally

lurefishingMNL - 7 years ago
I want to be like you when when I grow up
Antonio Robertsson
Antonio Robertsson - 7 years ago
13:35 something breaches the water
CBonesey - 7 years ago
Epic battles on the light gear.. and epic heartbreak.. snippy snippy
Psycho action Cavy, can’t wait for the next installments!
Jay Piarra 83
Jay Piarra 83 - 7 years ago
That's some fucked up sounding English.
Paul Beebe
Paul Beebe - 7 years ago
'he's got a mouth full of marbles...LOL
ponghibee - 7 years ago
It sounds majestic to me
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Hahaha I totally agree! my English is very badddd
Jay Piarra 83
Jay Piarra 83 - 7 years ago
So you're saying you don't speak English but you use English words and it sounds fucked up and it's called ocker. Ok...sounds legit.
Brice Hutchison
Brice Hutchison - 7 years ago
Jay Piarra 83 just for the record man we don’t speak English any more than you speak Canadian. It’s called ocker
James Gilbert
James Gilbert - 7 years ago
hows the sound on that reel hahahahha
Come On Reds Fishing
Come On Reds Fishing - 7 years ago
1:40 LE GEN DARE .............. wait for it .................... RRRYYYYYY!!!!!!!!
garfield silva
garfield silva - 7 years ago
hey cavy fishing, i was just wondering whats a decent rod for the rocks spinning for about $200-$300?
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein - 7 years ago
garfield silva .... terez 30 to 50lb 72
Diego Lorta
Diego Lorta - 7 years ago
Catch and cook when you can
Tunpa Yim
Tunpa Yim - 7 years ago
Check it!!
Ahmed A
Ahmed A - 7 years ago
Hahaha your so run being so gone. The very first sorun I bought I tied to minty fresh leader. First cast, straight into a bommy. Feel your pain Cav!
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Ahmed A hahaha legendary effort
pro bass man 94
pro bass man 94 - 7 years ago
Hahaha classic
Adam Vadala
Adam Vadala - 7 years ago
Bahahahaha lol @2:20 bloody legends!!!!!!!!
Anthony Powell
Anthony Powell - 7 years ago
What was that rod?
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Rod is a Shimano Sonic Pro barra edition
Hazza Turk
Hazza Turk - 7 years ago
HAHA! The booger in the hair fking killed me lol! Great video!
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Hazza Turk she loved it
Brett Wenman
Brett Wenman - 7 years ago
Hey cav dog, i looking for a decent saltwater of the rocks spin reel, what would you recommend to me for under $300 bucks?
golden pineapple juice
golden pineapple juice - 7 years ago
Brett Wenman handline 200lb on the big girl no worries mate
Darth Vader
Darth Vader - 7 years ago
Daiwa bg, great value and great reel
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Brett Wenman Daiwa BG or Shimano Saragossa
TheRusty Hook
TheRusty Hook - 7 years ago
Snippy Snippy Moy Moy
TheRusty Hook
TheRusty Hook - 7 years ago
Cavy Fishing when amd how would a guy like me be able to go get big hook ups with the Morningtide guys....???
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
TheRusty Hook bigggggg
Mackenzie Soutar
Mackenzie Soutar - 7 years ago
Where did you go sunny coast what’s the island called
Mackenzie Soutar
Mackenzie Soutar - 7 years ago
I lost my shit when you zoomed in
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Mackenzie Soutar hopefully she doesn't find me !
Blurberry Fishing
Blurberry Fishing - 7 years ago
I love how much fun & excitement you guys express when yall get a hook up hahaha
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Blurberry Fishing mate I just love fighting , small , big or even landing fish for mates - it's all good!
ESGAR MONTALVO - 7 years ago
Part 2. Please....
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
ESGAR MONTALVO this is just an intro for the trip , next ones will be psycho !!

50. comment for Fishing Tropical Islands in Search of Monster GT | Part 1 AMAZING Coral Trout LOST Giant Trevally

Joshua Fifis
Joshua Fifis - 7 years ago
Worst FG ever! Hahahahahaha!
Joshua Fifis
Joshua Fifis - 7 years ago
Cavy Fishing Yeah that's it. Can't rush a quality knot like an FG.
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Joshua Fifis that's what happens when you rush things!! Was just happy I didn't hook up
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Sorry legends I somehow disabled all comments!! Briggsy just noticed luckily. So If you have any questions shoot away. Part 2 coming soon! Cheers
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
My girlfriend is german, also work as a surf instructor sometimes so meet people from all over the globe
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks man, havent got a lot of vids yet pretty busy at work and also running a company morningtide fishing! hopefully i can quite my day job soon and just make videos! Cheers brother
itzFossa - 7 years ago
Cavy Fishing why do you know german?
Coltin Wilson
Coltin Wilson - 7 years ago
Dang bro, you deserve so many more subs! Just found you're channel and your videos are better than most with 700,000 subs.
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
hahaha nah man cant see, got a few when the comments were disabled i think, so maybe they were off it. It's all good id prefer to have a few thumbs down then all ups, keep it interesting.
TheRusty Hook
TheRusty Hook - 7 years ago
Cavy Fishing does it show you who disliked the video..? Just to let them know they fucking suck as humans !
Matthew. Rizzi
Matthew. Rizzi - 7 years ago
You make awesome videos
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
beegers one was questionable to put it in or not hahaha
pat - 7 years ago
That was cooler than the GT fishing If I had the opportunity to do that I would be all over the small lure fishing.. Kind of hoping you would eat a trout or two. I remember that one you ate in another vid and could not believe how pretty the fillets were. I know you guys are strong on releasing fish but man those guys would have been tasty!
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
pat yeah we did eat one later in the trip! Very tasty fish for sure I was just stoked to catch a few fish on the first day and for one reason my mind thinks release release haha
Dakota Outdoors
Dakota Outdoors - 7 years ago
thumbs up for the dirty booger Cavy, youre a savage
Steele The Tide Fishing
Steele The Tide Fishing - 7 years ago
Hey man! How do you guys fly with rods? Do they take it as an oversized carryon or do you check it? Charge?
bretto - 7 years ago
sick vid mate
HINEHOUSE - 7 years ago
Awesome!!! Love the trout fishing!
ExO - 7 years ago
What a trip! Excited to see more of it!
Alex BOYER - 7 years ago
I'm overdosing on your videos guys, but i'm not complaining ! :D Good videos !
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
J The Catcher Fishing cheers brother
Tacklecentral Fishing
Tacklecentral Fishing - 7 years ago
Super amazing videos, those fish are beautiful. Good job!
VeritasEIREAequitas - 7 years ago
First! Yeeeeewwwww

Nice trout Cavdog... and that loss.. damn bra... big!!!! Part 2 ...!!!
Cavy Fishing
Cavy Fishing - 7 years ago
VeritasEIREAequitas bigger fish and bigger losses coming soon mate

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