Fishing a Tropical Island
Tropical fishing 8 years ago 1,204,651 views
After an eighteen hour drive and a 50km boat ride out, we found ourselves stranded on a completely isolated, tropical Island. There were Coral Trout and other reef species everywhere, big Giant Trevally, Longtail Tuna, Sharks and some super aggressive ants haha. This is what fishing is all about for us, no one in sight, spinning ledges that most likely have never been fished (from shore) with your best mates! VLOG Channels CAVY - JONNY - BRIGGSY - Sound Track -
Love it. Keep them coming
10. comment for Fishing a Tropical Island
For kings PE6-PE8
Tuna/Mackerel PE4-PE6 -
Light tackle reef fish PE2 -
20. comment for Fishing a Tropical Island
I'm ruined. Lol.
30. comment for Fishing a Tropical Island
Dydele's respect and wishes from Lithuania ...))))
Where bouts is this place at?
50. comment for Fishing a Tropical Island
There are beautiful topics and do not forget to follow the channel
Awsome videos
I would like to know what brand is its reeds and what model
por favor
100. comment for Fishing a Tropical Island
The irony is, I bet these cunts wouldnt bat an eye lid about shooting dead a kangaroo or something............I have met kiwis that all sentimental about returning trout, yet think its fun to just shoot an innocent goat or possum for fun.
The way we C&R is if the fish is healthy we'll release it but if it's injured we'll eat it. When fishing 10 hour + a day on these island trips there's always some injured fish that come in hooked badly, bleeding out or completely exhausted, so we just keep them. We'll also keep the odd coral trout or other reef fish on top of that because they taste so nice and are in high number in these zones. We've never shot a kangaroo haha.
Beautiful video
I'm editing that film right now it's gunna be a good one!
The video is awesome btw.
Greetings from germany
That's the exact one there ^ that got the GT. Don't think they're available yet but they're bloody amazing, I've been trying to steal one of Jonny's for months!
i like how you release the tuna fish <3
really like your channel and your friends
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This is an Island off the East Coast of Australia, one of hundreds like it. We can't be more specific to make sure we stay on good terms with the locals (local Aussie fishermen are extremely protective of their spots).
We release most the fish we catch because in Australia there is a huge problem with recreational fishermen killing everything they can get their hands on, there is a "bag out" or "neck em all" mentality and we don't fish like that. We have nothing against keeping the odd fish and do so ourselves if they are injured or if we're starving and they are in high numbers in an area. We even kept a fish on this trip. This film explains why release most our fish
How hard Jonny was going on the GT is kinda the only way you can fight a big GT off the rocks. He had 145lb line and it shouldn't have broke (it broke on the line roller). So while it looks pretty bad in this we've seriously tried everything you can think of to land them and going as hard as possible (even grabbing the spool so they can't take any line) is the best option we've found, otherwise it's over in seconds! Here you can see him land some now that he has better gear -
As far as gear is concerned we have a tonne of films on our channel talking about rods, reels, lures, line, knots, etc. So if you're interested feel free to go suss them out
you should say that every time you get on the shower from now of this days you may never come out of it alive, much less clean...looooool...
I just clicked on this shit hoping to see some good fishing action...Next thing I see is a bunch of faggs talking about their feelings...
A Bunch of douch bags alone in an island?...I call it a ....sausage get away party!.....loooooooooooool...
where I'm from on the gulf coast of florida we have a similar fish called a jack cravalle , those things will definitely take your ass for a ride... haha so much fun! thanks for that link..."needless to say, i couldn't wait to set some hooks of my own" lol definitely gave me a chuckle
This is an example of what some people do to set the hook on big GT
great reels hh
So it's easier now we have a bit of a name for ourselves, but not impossible before!
Here are some films that show some setups...
Here is a rod vid where you can see casting distance with a common lure we use (actually the same lure that got the tuna in this film)...
Here's some more info on location if you're interested mate.
If Tuna then that's a X-Rap Longcast 14cm
Desde ja gradeço a colaboração!
We have a three hour long DVD that covers this in detail and a hell of a lot of other info (not trying to sell you one haha, just there's a lot of info there).
This film explains why we mostly C&R our fish. But we do eat fish if they are too injured to swim off or if we're real hungry we'll sometimes keep a fish.
This film explains why we mostly C&R our fish. But we do eat fish if they are too injured to swim off or we're super hungry we'll sometimes keep a fish if there is high numbers of them in the area.
my ass has better quality then this shit
This film explains why we mostly C&R our fish. But we do eat fish if they are too injured to swim off or we're super hungry we'll sometimes keep a fish if there is high numbers of them in the area.
especially letting the fishes go.
Greets from the south of Spain