Fishing after a TROPICAL STORM - Inshore Fishing - Trinidad, Caribbean

Fishing after a TROPICAL STORM - Inshore Fishing - Trinidad, Caribbean Here in Trinidad & Tobago, we have not experienced any severe weather patterns for over two decades. Earlier this week we got a small taste of one, in the form of Tropical Storm Bret. The Southern part of the island was most affected, with numerous roofs being blown off, but the major impact has been flooding! However, the level of flooding has been deemed to be far too excessive, given the amount of rain that fell. After all it was only a Tropical Storm...what would happen if a Hurricane makes landfall in T&T... One of the major reasons behind the excessive flooding, is the level of clogged drains, canals and rivers...Clogged and Blocked by man-made pollution and waste! It is sad to see. Trinidad as a country has to do better! We need to stop the pollution, littering and indiscriminate dumping... Being one of the lucky ones not affected...I reported to work as usual...but was then sent home...Wanting to take advantage of some unexpected free time...I decided to visit the Tarpon Canal to see what effect the storm had! I managed to catch one Tarpon before the rains came again! Thanks for watching! Fish On! A lot of people helped me on this video...So I must give credit where due: LOGO done by NeX Graphics: Facebook Page: Instagram: nex_graphics Contact #: 1 (868) 298 5343 Drone Footage by Ansari Baksh YouTube Page: Other Footage by WEPTT Facebook Page: YouTube Page: Song: Lostboy & Slashtaq - Elysium (NCS Release)

Fishing after a TROPICAL STORM - Inshore Fishing - Trinidad, Caribbean sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Tropical fishing 7 years ago 6,095 views

Fishing after a TROPICAL STORM - Inshore Fishing - Trinidad, Caribbean Here in Trinidad & Tobago, we have not experienced any severe weather patterns for over two decades. Earlier this week we got a small taste of one, in the form of Tropical Storm Bret. The Southern part of the island was most affected, with numerous roofs being blown off, but the major impact has been flooding! However, the level of flooding has been deemed to be far too excessive, given the amount of rain that fell. After all it was only a Tropical Storm...what would happen if a Hurricane makes landfall in T&T... One of the major reasons behind the excessive flooding, is the level of clogged drains, canals and rivers...Clogged and Blocked by man-made pollution and waste! It is sad to see. Trinidad as a country has to do better! We need to stop the pollution, littering and indiscriminate dumping... Being one of the lucky ones not affected...I reported to work as usual...but was then sent home...Wanting to take advantage of some unexpected free time...I decided to visit the Tarpon Canal to see what effect the storm had! I managed to catch one Tarpon before the rains came again! Thanks for watching! Fish On! A lot of people helped me on this video...So I must give credit where due: LOGO done by NeX Graphics: Facebook Page: Instagram: nex_graphics Contact #: 1 (868) 298 5343 Drone Footage by Ansari Baksh YouTube Page: Other Footage by WEPTT Facebook Page: YouTube Page: Song: Lostboy & Slashtaq - Elysium (NCS Release)

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Most popular comments
for Fishing after a TROPICAL STORM - Inshore Fishing - Trinidad, Caribbean

Dhanmattee ALBERT
Dhanmattee ALBERT - 7 years ago
Very nice
KoS M - 7 years ago
Thank you. Appreciate it!
Russell Roopnarine
Russell Roopnarine - 7 years ago
You are my role model that I look up too and I hope to see you because I'm going Trinidad next weak but u are the best fishing men I ever heard of and I will help give u more subscribers
KoS M - 7 years ago
Wow! Thanks a lot man! But I am just a guy who loves to fish! Really appreciate the support!
Dipshit fishing
Dipshit fishing - 7 years ago
awesome drone footage
KoS M - 7 years ago
Dipshit fishing Yes definitely! Great footage!
Shivanand ramsaran
Shivanand ramsaran - 7 years ago
where is here
Shivanand ramsaran
Shivanand ramsaran - 7 years ago
thanks bro
KoS M - 7 years ago
It's a Tributary of the Caroni/Blue river...I 'named' it the Tarpon Canal...
Nashir Mohammed
Nashir Mohammed - 7 years ago
real nice khal, keep it up!
KoS M - 7 years ago
Nashir Mohammed Thanks brother! Appreciate it!
Luke Mobhair
Luke Mobhair - 7 years ago
Luke Mobhair
Luke Mobhair - 7 years ago
can u eat taron
KoS M - 7 years ago
Luke Mobhair You can eat I wont suggest eating is VERY VERY bony...and VERY fishy...
Caleb Grant
Caleb Grant - 7 years ago
great video
KoS M - 7 years ago
Caleb Grant Thanks man!
Xxeno Gear
Xxeno Gear - 7 years ago
I wanted to go Manzanilla by the bridge to fish same day too, but couldn't get there. Trinis dumping too much stuff in the rivers causing all that blockage and then blame other people, it sad.
KoS M - 7 years ago
Yea bro...We need to stop this bad practice...Damages not only the environment, but people's homes as well...

10. comment for Fishing after a TROPICAL STORM - Inshore Fishing - Trinidad, Caribbean

Jupiter George Fishing
Jupiter George Fishing - 7 years ago
Glad all is well with you. Prayers for those not as fortunate.
KoS M - 7 years ago
Thanks Bro! And all of our prayers are with them for a quick recovery...
chris jattan
chris jattan - 7 years ago
good day where are u fishing
KoS M - 7 years ago
chris jattan It's a Tributary of the Caroni/Blue river...I 'named' it the Tarpon Canal...
Sanjay Seelal
Sanjay Seelal - 7 years ago
which part is that river
KoS M - 7 years ago
t's a Tributary of the Caroni/Blue river...I 'named' it the Tarpon Canal...
Hansel Jennings
Hansel Jennings - 7 years ago
Nice vid man
KoS M - 7 years ago
Hansel Jennings Thanks man! Appreciate it!
TheKnightMare -TMA-
TheKnightMare -TMA- - 7 years ago
That storm was terrifying dude!we came out victorious
KoS M - 7 years ago
TheMrAwesome Yea bro...Thankfully it wasn't more serious...We have to be more prepared.
Haroon Mohammed
Haroon Mohammed - 7 years ago
Thank god am not the only who fishes in the rain that's dedication bro...rite after the storm too...checked those waterways today it's brown like chocolate milk...stay safe!! Fish on!!
KoS M - 7 years ago
Haroon Mohammed Yea bro...I would have fished through the rain if I was dressed properly (not dress shoes, jeans and work polo)...The water will be brown for a few days...If it gets a chance to clear up...the fishing should be good! Fish On!
Sasha Jeanine
Sasha Jeanine - 7 years ago
You aint fraid a caiman come up by your hand sir?!?!?! :/
Yohan Bhall
Yohan Bhall - 7 years ago
we had snakes , spiders,scorpions,owls n other birds,caiman,turtle,pacu (piranha) n a bunch others lol
KoS M - 7 years ago
I had quite a few as well...Snakes, caimans, turtles, owls, etc...
Shivanand ramsaran
Shivanand ramsaran - 7 years ago
Yohan Bhall
Yohan Bhall - 7 years ago
KoS M wen u grow up in a family that has alotta dangerous n exotic pets you bound to gt bite sooner or later
KoS M - 7 years ago
Could only imagine! Need to be more careful bro!
Yohan Bhall
Yohan Bhall - 7 years ago
KoS M I've been bitten by snakes caiman my pet tarantula an pacu.. Catfish, iguana, squirrel, guinea fowls n tbh d tarantula hurt d most... Venom issa different story
KoS M - 7 years ago
Yohan Bhall The "death roll" would be pressure!
Yohan Bhall
Yohan Bhall - 7 years ago
KoS M d initial bite is nun much.... U see wen dey look to swing n roll.... DaZ pressure dey
KoS M - 7 years ago
Yohan Bhall I had a few as pets back in the day...only ever got bitten from a baby...did hurt a little!
Yohan Bhall
Yohan Bhall - 7 years ago
KoS M I had a pet caiman few years ago... I gt bite twice... It does pain dan
KoS M - 7 years ago
Sasha Jeanine Saysh...It is a caiman infested area...But you aint realise by now that I am a super brave fella!...I could handle a caiman!
Anil Jadoo
Anil Jadoo - 7 years ago
You should get a sheath for your blade, that way you could where it on your belt and not have to rest it down every time and remember to pick it up.
KoS M - 7 years ago
Anil Jadoo Thanks bro! Will look into getting one!
Anil Jadoo
Anil Jadoo - 7 years ago
KoS M, I had one made by Sonah's Upholstering Centre so I guess any upholsterer should be able to help you out.
KoS M - 7 years ago
Anil Jadoo Yea bro...I need to get keep it close at all times as well...soon!
keon gordon
keon gordon - 7 years ago
how did the storm affect u #fishon
KoS M - 7 years ago
keon gordon had no serious effect in my area (san juan) I was pretty lucky...felt it for those in south trini...hopefully they get some relief soon! #fishon
Shea Pino
Shea Pino - 7 years ago
I always have my fishing rod in my vehicle aswell ...... Fishing is like a drug to me lol i see water i must investigate
KoS M - 7 years ago
Shea Pino Same here bro...same here!!! I see water...I have to check it out! Like a drug for real!

20. comment for Fishing after a TROPICAL STORM - Inshore Fishing - Trinidad, Caribbean

KoS M - 7 years ago
avinash sawh Thanks bro! Appreciate the support!
avinash sawh
avinash sawh - 7 years ago
KoS M yh bro keep it up...lookin forward for mre vidz
KoS M - 7 years ago
avinash sawh Lol...yea bro! You done know! #fishon
rtmcify - 7 years ago
wanna start fishing both fresh and salt water...can you tell of of a good fishing rod and tackle to buy please
KoS M - 7 years ago
rtmcify No probs! Hope you get one soon!
rtmcify - 7 years ago
KoS M thanks ALOT man
KoS M - 7 years ago
rtmcify Hey...I would recommend a 7ft medium action rod with a 4000 series reel...These can range from around $400 up depending on the brand and quality...shimano is a great brand...can probably start with a Sienna Reel. Mankees has these for around $250...But there are a lot of options.
Nisha Beepath
Nisha Beepath - 7 years ago
kosm bret cause plenty flood in penal Debe and other paths of trinidad
KoS M - 7 years ago
Zaheer Abasali Will be working tomorrow bro...Hope you catch a few!
Zaheer Abasali
Zaheer Abasali - 7 years ago
KoS M kosm I am going Caroni tmrw and hopefully we can meet up
KoS M - 7 years ago
Nisha Beepath Yea bro...I hit some areas really bad...I hope those people get some relief soon...
Ansar Baksh
Ansar Baksh - 7 years ago
LOLLL i rellll doubt hoss. u is a boss. country in emergency and a man gone fishing. hadda love it yea!
Ansar Baksh
Ansar Baksh - 7 years ago
That sir is a good concept lol
KoS M - 7 years ago
Ansar Baksh Bro...have to make use of any time I like I was telling my wife...if things ever get really bad (God forbid) thing I could catch fish to eat!

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