Friday Night Live Q&A Freshwater Aquarium Keeping Fish Shrimp And Plants
Tropical fishing 6 years ago 3,662 views
Friday Night Live Q&A Freshwater Aquarium Keeping Fish Shrimp And Plants Patreon: Website/Online Store: ________________________________________________________________ Get to Know Me: Fish Room Tours: Fish Breeding: Species Profiles and Tips: Tips, Tricks, and Much More!:
I added some angelfish (7) to my aquarium that already had Guppies, Platies, Ancistrus and Cherry Barbs. My cherry barbs dying one, by one...! Could it be agression?
They do not have fighting injuries, But they are always hidden, more than previously i think.
I would like to hear your opinion. Thank you.
Did a big water change and i'll be looking close for the next days. Thanks.
I only have the Assisan snails in about 4 of my tanks so I can harvest over population snails to toss into them as needed.
I haven't had or noticed any issue with my shrimp, however, they will eat fish eggs and will destroy a Betta nest and pleco eggs in no time IME